f E If you doubt Vie qua lityoyes dnlintiiyv pes-fumeti 10 cenîtVousie-t oup , o if yen ias-e licu V0n te get along wil-e cue-ianti that beik niofinte e, wh1y deu't you4 ts-y anid spenti an) heu r or two, 1eV" lus sayoce in tirce ,moths lups-eparing yensu ow tha't lu pioncer days wiieu tie asi flie, poos s ls.s abihity Vo mnade t1icis- own laounds-y ýantitoi Seape.. 0f souse, grundotbesrtit ,a good mny tigs tint have ai-1 snesl liecome a le)st us-t te us,ý ani miest oÀl us will admnit tinat a evva Ui cestain euecs is net ony inter-C esting, but in corne cases distinct- lyeconernical. île ma-king of ia rd ci oup1 ls- inundry coup, whic-i mnuet leo,e in large qunite at equis-es a big eatug ntiboiling apparuts mlay nt aVes-et ViAe city hoasesu-ufe, bt faýe cou1p being matie wiiol' iv ùol anti uute scda inseat sos-p fat anti pota as a bas antil whcimay bec stirreti up ant ceci- el inl an ordinary stesm kottie,n- lords pieasaut expes-irnnts - gredeutswii ho xuci hic tint msus le oui describti !ipateu i or rcaking fnely- weeeiliet supen anti wiic methot i" in uco lu usl oif tic bCAest anauteeti pusc un1-1 colos-dennucsile coup, whici isi nsn itolive or. coouut Sinsteuti of greuse. ContVils loto tue iavn anti bell lu enoug wnter' Uniu Vios-eugiiy lqignfet. Wen sces &oMn te about no de- grues F0alirotseit stir lu twe oUnCes o~f tfic ail of bittes- nimeutijns anti otue-quas-les plut ai s-ose woter, anti pou'r intoý a suar pos-cL'aîn or grahampan, alle'r Ilý lias b bld orabu heu mnuts ner lily Vo tic kint for whici yen puy fs-cm -)( Vo 0 ents a bar. Yeu wIcul i havel f romivev te fîte.en tCe cost OF the origina castie cOUp attic igretdiients yens- ýuiug weýald leaintc or $p2, acst Is tuse one Sale anud Effective CghReundy for g=ne-a ulveS & iAWRENO~C . es, s-a! maIt and pepper, dipI in beaten egg A~etbti fI EOLM ami brouin oe-tirdcup Of bt c" iCQ1ter after Moling in 6Ne cracker Lines on the deathY of Wiim. cir bs, arrange onil pla', r, Jame s C!la r, seond lison o0fîiXr, sprikie ith hoppd ceeryandJohn Clark, lEast Wibwho died zco e-r ith the fo lwng sauce:eb1,19. twith 0-0 tablespoonfuls of 0four, given in ailf-teaspoo Once again the Chain in troken, O"Pequarâer teaspoonful pasi of iAnd wn feel the loss on"emore, Ti ie~f~ ~ci~ ni~gv~t~ wrg hsca i ~sit and pepper, then radcually -a doses four timeq alayf Fer thene ;Khomvwe(loved dearlyiagttda f ~ ~ eia c n~e c dpofscalded milk; oer ail We hailsec on earth n oe cn ol 'ieA' n1cane t aeorso ii ot bt~ sinkea lte choppedprly ie nisbt1yiiFroe erlewsafitdtCS5 thSf~~~Iod jean'içi 4tancÈ t _-ia rot rît*q1%-. Sreon delcaesue o;oat 1h acesol ee d i ihscns n ihpi;When irectionshavzc'c f(Hewcd, a fer dws cwil more tat tu~be airs rd PLpijaio..Uhyo ha eneyeile uI S %tîdo1V uNIS FOR MOTIIERS. ~~~~Just befor liedied and ]Lfusniae~ imrtlne.TyY11 Was cilres ead i nlahe des over three moanths, Tghen le ahleusne U ne. n 'S- , "- -talte c we knewtnhe w.snig lQ s- Of pure sioap one awek, if yuadwIlmk h bb Ac istmeonu earti asdon. r, AeiLSzý a î, c erC, e visantiehair to row well Tic j ui of nmost wioleSOrne. 1 Ier, e esut, so pale and hgan , li.ticUado5r 4irne t ru sItid 'Tir ruit if n sng wwb M srllad T ndWIAnd us face so ghastly f0i; -cy 1 kIge Lwfielh cMtvi. eailu4 ý~ct on Lo quite yo-ung ,Children. alyteaOh!tMe tougit tiatwo must part "1 ~ Cylead t cn dark u ilrtan o tcird aowa.JV h foundation fOr W a thougit wc could not bfar.lNOIIm Fzs$so v- 'z W-Tmo uT-rPSYOHIç ý-ï cougis needas mui air s posiblehealthy, robust 1boy orAidawleisote aced !bu4ioaeupr noV hgit imr, porridge is good in Coldweather ,1 1 s liesat in bis Chiar o yc r~~~n ~r 0cnsc~ t p lg bt to be avoided in warw. Many!gîHoR was trying tou Yepatienta A hhiloh'schuldrenwho haveirritabl skins . SÂLZ n BY naucou And to iinof what sc Saul.-~Dr .~ IQCM ~t cannot cat0 it at ail. by tic Sdhoo(lciildreni,whose ptiot P. n bhid o o i ind and blcscd Saviour Siilcti'sare sortor Who wca nickrok, ~Bauciôi~c.Loves Ilislanibs toUwatadj .e quck ~,iouldl porided vith pmac!k- U..Mah o O~~ cp aiei.nohsadgaiters Tic lter;l L o lý n,,ré "1'ý ~are most neessary. Ou& I i cawnngofti crnm ASimleaprint for cliîldrenis 1,S o1 roWe oeaoOt u la Wlimfu.sep maMo sna pod(s. Stie two orm s-- -w-COUhope he is eonjoyin r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ be s, uU ic nhî ecuflo od Amcie need's oftcn d~utAUl the bons of saintsaoe ?,!,îes eMateu for twve h ours, d drink to tircad. Pass beiind tic oye a PASlie ever iad the blessing -j______ ti lquda e-tm.peeof white iaper, and ti d14-0f a imthlrs dcuret lope. Trust cuit j"nlnurse baby. If Yeu an-fut is removed,GR A E T0 AL TO IC bayto be inic cout, nor' hsewo' acthome,(land And to usit semcc0"lnesme on tic f0or on a piaoSehe wil oil he 1(cr U apilow.Le- who want a xcry nutrîtious brosi MVen bis vacant chair we sec; nosattob".sd.Frn~5lhuc add one oudOf pease- Sut =ce hope weqaileschat!mnus ins!m '0. ancinue meai ta every fourteen pounds ofla that brigit eternity.- ___ oIARL e0,tIUIý-cilI, troubl laters. what Cour. To renu- a hild's clths fcom- A pretty garnisi for a boiled-_ _ busibl sok hcmin ie olowig fwlis made byi oong cer na- A Safe Pi& fr ufnrr.-i solution:Mixue prt of sulpiate rot; or beetroot, and cuttin it o iaepsthtiontyurendO THE LIVTIIpoOL ANy5Fo:S tter ofamni iitw at o ie fanci chapes witb a vegeE&a l eu- 11tc-jtmcoanuitetneilt __________C___________f aoeyn -ultedr uejteain. par m eael; V egetabl1e PisOR VO GE ing e tc kud f sap ou rdi Esiugbctee mels uin a s-emiid and effctive. They arc ua]ly clds dgetio. I le lasbpi-PRACTICAL 1HORTICVITUjIE purely -egetable no minlerai Pur-MNTB amyb uy cis t. todmmnsi s--gativecntoing into theircomps- grSisndDeerCanl AKTIEA Transparent or glycerin soaps Raeipsibefr-l oet i r-Fruit growcrs and jgatdeners! tio-u and their effeet is sootiugand tf FirRquisites, Sa ys LýR madeby isslvig cmmo bad pe fod a ti reula tlesl WiHl Und amuci to iuterest tbim lbeneficial.Try tem and lbecon wvhite soéap l aloho and allowilng Wakles ulleeus trefe February issue cf Tic Cana- vinced. Tiousauds eau attest their Cp.rtdad tLýýic oisture to evaporate. The getl1elc y etl ubigdian Hriutrspubliied llat'graÉ curative qualitelbeoa w se alcololpartiy neutralizes the stri-ronigadcvnu.PeterboroOnt. sprayrng gVeilthusands owe tnsr a i 4 WnJ tcrcodtmeo i A. ER AE geuy f icly. n une f ur Fr gdfe skiu ohigisbt-seial pomec.TIic Value aud stregti e tiely ueof tuis rmos1qlau 1)e r wiD"y ~S EttUVm Fui glycerin te a Pound OF soap is ticher th an tiecbest Fulleer' crti.uneof 1tilim-sliu asb Ber- excellent. medcine. ,earedy day iui usal mnensure and tus must belIf achiidhlia a dehicate skin, 1,ldeaux mnixture and other sprayîug! Captain John rHitebard, lun few SeiiTan poured into tic mitureassn ways use it afterwain.)tras is to(ld by co(rlpe(tent 'IiE RADv.BRWN.Yrktcote dyrwofoma Ioprno 101 , n as tic action of tho alcohol cesses. ]Baby's bareo fee x vr rctwrtr. n fh eaigýriI oks o na ceasting vPsm.îOîûpm.Tl4 li in. refuses to beccme liard throuli a o aleu eiiyusilisette "'sprayiug Ten Acres INPG lE espoatonit uetbe brou-ght t~to on littiewoosusleu sc. lsofApesuet u Nuit. - nlia Den".tiedvssagsrsne te ccommand of du pMaure- .ortWcJ boil ana tes ted in coVd ate r until itefe ol nsl iekept -nulle informion' fer pradcica1 vrfi te.tua n woertrretla AC adARLTruhTt.scr suffeut hardness rc«esuts a"- arm. !fruit growers isgive nalo u iariu cui usfoie~, says TieLa&- omerîy lu command of.ytic Lus-i-. COLONST CAUS ON AiL TRAINS phor csoamy bu made il tic Ou1'tdoor games siould lbe ence-t-ýurcIez onu p11rnig aple trocs, grosr- cet, lias leen .ging theic roud"f oftaiaid Miobegan mis career as!~ iiihBrt~aeFe samewayby ubsituingou f:aged, but it.i'us necessa'y in winte. gdafier" "ii ie-craiu lish politic-al subbiga dcci byoystppi u no hil s1ses A't ..otAgo e o f"St roseary wieh ne ae ca- tint boots And stnekinges .hovLLd bcad,"rp 5nigreceutl-y teticeffeet tint tiherm Di; ,dy Ma~ hik thé voy'age tie Cts icr c~a c plo fo glcern. iaued irelyafcr ortihge d ruttrees, peaci ODr in 'ba bread> iplis kýiud of iib-rded ahmr i of ic xerisewill le undone by growîng penitruc oS dUn'k""", 1 famine food, sviereas lu several civ- i rsn yec ee, ad ? .Tons~DPA,~Tr~p off *su,i remove icous deutraprectl srog-y ivngluc, tiere are exellent aricles on!diet asisè our wbite loaf. Tc- ~ 2 ieadlaigsfl lu ~ ~ ~ , oafmisurseeadn tc open air. It neednet beumoved pottesîeon udltuc. 15sr hlIedfereceoe enti tuLsoredaprxi-tlyov- bur- pends f frs aibut, paced aotai i m.SandMt ,pe- nlutie amateur gardening de- ruriive \alue "f at h .at and.d-dtostd asnosmr frying pf fan witaluofpalucariinaisetee creraîmnt ies isau artic:le o tc -ebin lusomesectîsye tUan fifteeuiuudri-_1î-d tIlouIls aund C U S fAgpnwhag orWhiond e ab le tewyee vinseiai value te peopiie tt grW eeosocrtain advantuges over iles. O RC U S wîue, hall an ouncse;ofeut'en rbitiscoud. He may lavea luot lot- fuits, florsanud vvgctallcs for uheat, audChen tirs wieuat îma beIMEPER SUIPS. nudpepertetase;coer is ti' nt pînt ofwsaps atisioldplesue.Tiere isaiealuur 'ji mttr tien rye. Bye couVins a, 'T with, a. ighlty buttere I papes;bl j.i -aI ishermneS for tic meonti which is Iatier groleu-percentage ocf 1u dugct more spo-d inui argr iut L"EiPmspJbtn on range lire minutes instlu~-goes, bto'tleagziesute arohdrtesthn1iet o Xau, eprcchsiips vhave te be striîitce; otca1h oven six minutes; mxin a suc- dofr ote tu tabui areuarfatr -)i n adahl of mzalea culture,streettree;plnt- ti-eotal potein matteurs amount3ica euteany!botte r wbourie c i tee wît tw o ounces of fleur an u l iet îT FRIEoîE în!growing buibs lu thi buse , tebticameilu othius. ïCiemi'gt brnw rp isfxed. lier eue cncminute. Pou i ti fhî 0si swet eusantirosFOIa!aaTHEs howsvcsy tfns.df rcoIr for tic etvr tpsans B ts meia ______n__ tfMm adon jhn pp it fiour days, t ieu rs anti ff liueeu uiaimii ndeu ie asig suteen, or any ct ~ ecsc f composition between , euenrta gýlî ai ,cream; thoeughly jmix un-1,ton1gootis wit i alusati fnihrince CNET OSARah' vae cl.Oe itnciea- iuespiin peji c 41e- tHi t coures tta w hotena bol] live jin os-arïX wtregioa, lss .vant"'e cf ryve1bs-Atij is t int il k 'X and sxhuietsmt.ifUilS minte. dd is wti sr tble. efreboilîug a lains-isok it forPahti euloî u old lau int frucsilonger Vian swient brad yn nuticccsigmach qiuci spelonfuls Acherry ; coo fsvo n- ouy foueburs in topiti water, B'ccati aise lias distincrt slux- r Vian tus ou whrih! etebadLes- fr00,1y M.C. A Boildn, Teorout te;pour tiesvioieit aig iuigtcwto w s îceWsnisc.tiepoo-is.uw'lsw~s ninwprs tilsi, ep-mile a httie gratti Pas-- imes.TTiccase cf au aged coule w'io ____ ___"a-lrebnsnwd mosan cheese over, seltintic ove .- wsancntdttitaug teylic An""____ tbi-Vy-evd antlaeh ll f el, ull intetio re rsi caoannges u ilia on-yjýt ble,1uhuo4 Liepeeleufintmah wme Vian eau taeàitas afundamental Any ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M lct vr i aubàuilitiFMod age 6, mgneaideie, nlunlc-, Some of lhein si!] But, jemethaeett!oagi intte do se Min menu BaeiCd-aeiwuîsei1cre".umlsond g eterA, streWestiste, iu-casoi su-re. lTuxe a-linticsig edue tithateuBriteper 'uprt liaeind deeper sauce. Bell four orufIve ipouuîds cf EDel i hengatstede stduy a short !wa u'Mpil asO ontiarvns si b ltcburblocfsisWoav stbutenei slaretinlunflepiccOs. Boil e uarnle ito sidtttlyreuet wlvetebuldbete- botsil hopewu au1e0iasnew pro- cfmiiwi e oion and ia lti oretdQikl ytelse ýol i nc ocnut3 i ccwic IEDIFREC.hieg, amd yoa, 1V isutni-ew lly pelesswiu!mi! heo; lu cutcg of eiupetint dccc It. eor! N 1i'rel,'md in u t , bu sapillès. r etepesuait no- ccc cap cf butter witi eougi flerf veen 1îibe icw opp -shes h "semnd ueof am te aIses-îb i. Add luis ho tic nm- kiqr ithm he E'ESB. roBITI, e. untýil 'à is tie consisteucy of esCuff>t fs-neGs- Untanti durid n .t Wbut ln tichesoba e vn. "EucSngpucnwl nmnin ~~lli ~ ý a'ae o a, thon alae cf ý fui, nhil Vie ush is ue. "Oave flue~~~~ bscuicrmbcp-ml b!V pioces of btts- aiýe in Ilis oseB WitIl li1topis nico andilev Sal moîut of.Twopontics-s sa;lmon,ifous- eggs Vwel leaten, m huall cap îflue bs-icrums;and sutppperC, iaud aiitho minceti puslyVoVst.Ci)p fuet1ic sa uen !snbin tic butter nii;,ï "mootiî, Ibout Ébrcnd eruibs MtIsVi f ai corsniarcli.Drain tic liques- fs"cm saim, atd nue tallospoonfuhi meitetibutter, fous-r aponusof! touaocusujusLt a ulule cayvennleo peps- IttiÀe salitoue cegg -wull bo îo.Sstus m-ixtuire itotIce iiug milk and stir cutntyun- 0ees-e)ysteL rs,-Wailsli anti eaîue ,plut cfoystossdry lie- Vween vdean torcs. Seîlson wili siort, ati eotnc icso i o etlu tic 1- l'ust fsr inysc' O anortsl h huartîciulu ts- a tin whici h tcbrai es-nos-C ffnsivecnu-y gt i i-giim anCth prsece 12the sifoerer be0d. 1Le.at,"oanti geVa penn cores au osfone e oey i es-ou 0f puiet cf, oup po1de " A n o del;t at ensionet. ïs- u nnrop ai l, )bat ,ba ne sreus t e ucorecttu bee pseon sAiet beas t upisa hotbed for tSe AuyhIiig on Mondny !--Yes. a doeepctccl"onuPtlion orcpÇf1 thrdiseab?.c;e cf the ,throat and îunge. lih i flaVaotbl io Ea b-ats ean eiec ht h iiyueves- qplyfor psici1-ý mics-beb have foundnnd geiscrngireiif? ce- plane and are carryiag on their cvii yroason four yeuuns-no pp inroads jute thse eallisof fMe body.inP frreif So, wevuesecoul- Caturriseozone acet once nd Cie-Ch-btuad cr wrnoss these minute organi"sebut MtoIteiwîiwitw ld Tc- dccc niýe-theala the lnfamcd sr suasene ouson Oa[ lu faces l win chthey fAund a nestiug Tic coronc's ofice r catet tint place ana comuseanty rernove3 bouthetir soem eccupieti11, tic coupleý aueandc efecteofcftesraction 15fvwe iory highly estimated the ldauc eoeapn-ue valuecf&plVentiVn and Uscd Catarrl- Tcsowas neoicuanti nefoti ià oz-one et tlïo bogï,Iitlg cf a cl rVepae just1before it 1becomesWeilI seatea, ho;____ depdly raviagea cf Cnupinwould1 be atayed a od tho errbeMaoies of Sl --, sn- 4 Sl»P l tegra Suffeereof Asthrnaor Bronhiis com- restoers-and tA bce dprivetioflt pcuey aplombecd isvtlit.Witee-ca i l bCbeu.Catas-rh, Brenehitte A gni n ®rT'eh-La %u et. eCatars-hozone.Lesdeadrnee-1s eliwo--,V- helg eaiu.g and eootihinig it rte gos-m.a us !ParceeVegehable dess-olag Nols-ag ove-ofrmd ea PilA .By regniating tliaacton ai thA- publie eau cOnM"ar wilà la tais, I atmac,hwlcre tic ',trouble ou. prmpuse fficeeLc ,anti pesman- 1 m 1enre odin ency cf aCcon, auid VOn ca.a irns--it the w sot o ýse nra oniIn fsan n eaijes-ir __cnetii-ug fi, -halhfalylpwill ollow. anC mail sizes. hemat] fs-ci TUn- Kingeon, nt. i~ hýky bringsest>, - 'Ien,uc-'se-k anti hal litiYmil uiil hp scm ueib sl tt iaef-u h ae '.Tinh!'s sety rougi, jM fas-ucauie ism,0o,1"n. eeSa' ba 'i ye cuui't compas-c naoua s nsi i;uLnuuiac Wot anti auu se F ITcrILA i)W'LI - No, a fnuiseinpasa wy' eS'ys min 'GA a --pnainPnis tjuust ousntcma îo ru sego a p-- ii A o tiu ii.,-îTe Vhs-eu' ci(A y teien ilcunsiul ciaîreeiom fs-uiri t:) of To r.Thuris ~ ~ ie'nAts hurine l ui ses! lslu-neau temýs-eus 's appya -drte i e-e Elt artie 1 1 ieI-obet oy luplu vtat-aiVligun uire "a ps euu i ofs, uthe i~~~~~~~~cii yu heFViyaceiwh "itren ALosit t se in i' lîtV ev "vi1-1 D1 t i ntsl euili' ovup itan - "Yes nt ueVltm i voi- te r." C O C ~~ ta Ihe thriftyhoeif. ~RLK~AT ~ ?PL CHD ï P I