"Woman!Woman!D'you r a At tue sound e- He thin ur- ),ýus Xie the slatterlly dm maunvout a o &Wc fon idow ofi he littie cottage, bcared a mighty! lgh. "Thore 'e eesag'lu 1" sho miur-i kudtui-mg a t weary face te-i hîns 'i 'vefixe innt'pence 1 cpd across the roem, cimbed ise >rekig saisanrd eutcred thle finy bdom xDisron ~haries G a ; was itting up lu ed ýis t'hini face Rllsbed, and a bèqgît fIgbu i s yes. "I caýllodyo-bic,"liebrth id. hisrouce quavriuga icotu, "Why didn't y-ucernle utosc" "I cnly 'eard yen once" Mrs. and I1came as qulck as I1coud. I ~i' eyoung s I use1 te o. The old fel ibck on lis pil. "Al right" ho aid ; "caution-1 xdliJnt ot lb'appen iagin» -ora momenit le lystili ho 'u-) t lier again. <Do yuknow wh Mat tire doctor' lays 1" hn ademanded. MrIl opisdi nwwiab t joctor aIdbt she prLetendoda arfairlJy rockýing ite the empliaSIf "Well, " satid Cha r)es (Gm.ay, Cabm- laic i mt My tme was lu. Ive tel die afere verylog' -on, donne deanfe,- For ~j.god4ness,' ake douý't sitart- bàIhiubbring l" !ho cried irtby Ho stretc-hed his yelo, wnnk- led haulds eOut- at r-ight angles. "Ain't iL time Ifinlihi 1" ho webon. "ihytolast brb ra y ! Bite s yo ur h11e artL , oma n, I'm thie onfy ,)ee eft of miyod Vnorlps, th)e Fgti 200bb aswas!'" Rega-ie a f aint chuekIe *oÀ con- Iempt. "They cails 'cm'by some janoy n-ame oadIdutsp -3>0e 'd sg-nle'cm;but I den'b ihink tbeiýy cone up te the old Iladsj 1h-he bys o'llie oId ,brigade." "Doýn't youwory yurslbot y."You jeýst lie stiil, and'ae I"olecp The old dmp faîirly II iarked eut [the word, sitting upI be get My marchng eiders ! ULcnnedover thýe bcd lu bis iagruess. ) lid loly.>~'-Icant ave my tE > et ntl-uti Im rcelved," rC Mr.Hoplcins skTeped back a P aco, and, being cempletely at a E8 ' ess, took te wriuging lierliard di 'lands together. "I-fyoul'd oly î,le dwn1"sh Soterated. eb lwd1 naippedj Gray. "Yn go andi find beny" oncdoired. "Telil im I ,ait 1,imn. Tell i hlmte comiie ut bLe doubl.', Thoen, a-s sic stilileiatdbr ~ent chngfor tble odialie jIcucbedbais fis[, adseo bat ý--r. "Go !" lie cried. Mrs. lloýpk;ins bur-ned and f.d 4 ekig into a tearful wIl as bbc eorcubiud er si heu frîend. "' nb yu ite ou;' yas alwa-,ys fond o[ f !hlm, ye)nko zll'I 'im Jrnsti, au id 1ah aanTAd ,ý ar-uts him new." "ýAud Jle (-aunaehm"si h - 'othir, trnu br bncI ýfor ame lent, "Sonny! Soniy !" shecaed A hrightI-oyed culd cm un ]owabcnrwpsage, :in us- f er te e umos The posiîtioný NUSI NG MTHERS shw he bnefcia f- icctis of ,-a very shiort ie.I q~ 01Ctonly bilsher îU-P' (but enricheùs the othr' ,nilk and properly noum- Chies th.c ild, NecarlAyaill motherswh n u rsc t hci r ch i ld reiis h ould Lake th-is splen-did food-. tonic, not onJy to keep, ilp their own s--.,tren-gth but o toproperly nuihthir j hildren. POU SALn i L lOeiT ecme In the ecuntry, n huahsof ~oIutartestmona1aare on fie lu theinlizn laboratory at Lynu,1 Masfrom womieu who have been çcuired frein amost cevery -formno femnale 111- t1inlamtin n. Irrgulritesperiodliv pains, backache, Jàigestion îawdnl o~rotain Èvery u sif eriu oman cowes ilte hersei'ef to gieLydia E. Jiinkhaïm's Vegetabe Cmmomp d a trial. Ifyl youwoukllikepecil vicô botyour ccae wRlt" a confidenu- Ubal lectter te, Mn, Elinkhlaml, at iskç Your Druggist for aF'ree' pvrua Almianne for 1911. f affairs was explined to hlm,ýanld Dan SCo)tt, aged eight, ýwelnoff at' once, in aswrtù his oid frîend's SUMMOns. The vcteran's eyes brightened when tbey alighted ontle cubb face. Tatsyoýur style Snny,"hel saidL "Obeyoresaoce '0 s the bal-ttie gem' 1" --)op sracewas very gr-ave asnîm je looke up."An lie wauts me to-te) dismiss q-i gt al My guns on, the hlmI , e i ".h utrd hiEli e sad; "but the cnemy are "YessirLe Ila bctrd ndh -ae ighty toumgh, sir! The bcg-P tomd me that lie was staring on) saiswn' be moved tilIi we shi-l 1,nother camipaign; but ho, couldcn't em Clave his duty liere until he was Absolute joy bae from thne d-ibsmsd by a-by a w'cror 1 sunken eyes. lb had been aun end-, The fioldarshall thrust backhjs ess battle, thîs,ý one feuglit out onci, and took a pace for-ward.Oj the carpot of Sonny's shabby cd isrilt, an.d loft sat mo in uni- 0cmr; but the daily rpr of its form, aind tliey nodded te hlmi, their, rreshad neyer faileýd te inter.- eyesÏbout over tlieir plates. st bh Genera Gray and Bia From the f ar el-d of the, tabliea dier Sonny.see-cd womian, the, tears run- iglit yu are then ! Sheil 'c,ni11 dY) in lier kiud eyes, miade a rîgadior-shoîl 'emi Thick an'ge1uethen Sonniy found himsclf eavy. Then got a. meve ou wi' te ik.ing down the broad staicase ayonets, It's them Wot cunts P " heltte > ý A racking fit oet coughîng, ter- ril, boow, eminc)us,eecodhm jfor a moment. Scuny stood quitel stili, lis round1,bravo eccc fixed Uon bbe agonized face i font of hlm. Wben it was overCGsay la 'y back oni bbcpilow tc weat stanin l bonds on bis forebend. cmpaign YOur1Sel1f, Suuuny. Igot, te1 start on'anotherune. Bul t b woýn't lie thle wrsSonn1y, and 1'ilý be lugoinmpu. A doep, tird sih sUudd Chanlie,'î)Jrnole" ù bnIinean d evtrai'c th u't and hocnt upagniq "Will1dugeneriît" There wa is n douïit i bb yung voicea, oly lu "y ades,"snd b etomAu.4"Ysin !tec, I'rgesti on dt ee seteý "0 ios ue le s! betedSu "Ad aide ai i'tnxxe t qutli uty wibbot (11leave om's "s'but il--" A t", e o'l c that ev ening, s..Hoplinsdzn xfly~ front of her kitchen fire, was arous- cd by tbe thump, t hump of a sticiz overhead. She luirried up, te findi the old manl siting uLp lu bed, star inig at('ler uacrýOss t"bc ooyrem " -Ligî )t Up!,'1ciecriod. "'s coing 1" The womnan baltod in ic dýoor- way, blf icindte turn anid rmn. "My spor i<)r offic(17cr , crid Morriscy's 0Ito Forges it.Anew. Th(,cia etcftis liysical systeus is ely asstrongs t7,s a kesýt ln.W seios lns. Vfelîe .red bv deatis ofteu pieis isetheataudlons.lu me"ùt st- tisi shw ha e on wetyle !p'er cent il 11A bieaub-ce del trni, te-d,;,re mcf hse mo hst iportant re plrntoy tongaL. W aness ore [lseryl dage ous. ýclvgvlé,pop Dui<bis on as d ucssu! rac-e tic, aterMorisvti aLurned rist-' psiiaasotecall10, un dt tru- baroncha.1 i sd puýlmonary affctirons. -le cocu oud that s, i was ;,net nougb te No. e1temcrasytreparsouthllink,"tl serpcrmneu ytestenthen bb in Af ton auf i SZe.sufconlesuceeeded tla rneli e ut aise y heiidigastreli- ctietin tmsud luugviserosýl ýl jý, jýýM 1 ij U up, womau ! Liglýt it bcg and oEv- ery candle you'vc et lu iiihe pince. 'Xe wauitlit" "It's a wasbe," thoiig-it MiE. IIepkýins, te-arfully; "but l'il 'ave to e 1S. inover ceuici boy lm anybhing." But as sbe placed bbc Iast canIdie- stick on te t mnelice bic soundcd lubbn qietshee beio-w bbe cbuming hum cf a motorp-ar, and presenbly a ioud kuockshoek bthe cetdage door. "Urry u-nr p1 ne Gray, bis faoo ligbbing Up w'ith .3Y e and gr-atitude. ",Turueut thc MrsHeplnsmevinglu ai tmnc, pened bbe der , ad Stp- ped bnck, mnking way for de fig uewlicb- lad followed ,thec clid As tbbc bed-rodoor epenecd, and ibbc bnilliantglit cuerdoul bc flashiulg uif-'orm frmedlu h pigtand lis thin baudswp up te the salute, bis burniug eyes fixed on the face cf bis old2leadeor. Cahled. The u-,pn,,giglfigureii lu bbcdoorway büoola rpa(c ora-dinto the 1roem. Ho 11 kn w 1bc )r!yply at bbclie,üd vet- cran oxpected. "Relif !"he said. bestiff baud dropcd rm tîic ferehead. Thcetied eld body saul bnck lifeless inito tIcý pillows.-Lon- don Ases A Liberai 0Odcr. Wbien tbbc baïr t'hins eut ou bbc tep) of bbc bond and tbld spot 1is gettiug rendy te appear lu pub- îlie, dlon't get discouraged or irri- table. Juct go te your Druggist sud ask -for Panisian Sage Unair Tenie. IHo will change yen SOc. for a large bctle but if if duesx net cause bain te gnoýw wtiere tbbc ba-in ix tiinning eut, notbing(on tbis AId we -wauc-toteSaytevry bDcj(Y, manl, wo-man aud cbibd, tint yen eaui have your meoney back if Parisian Sage isu' thebilest bair grower, hair saver, bain beautifier and daudrufif cure on bbc emank-et ,Ib steps itching 8calp au<L fabing hai and miakes hais- graw bhiuk1 'ST[ALING PROM IMINES, Whn he Lust for Gold liaLed 'iýto CunIning and.111iou of an n]djoiningprpitradt- !ing thrfo jive 0osadtoso coa l. is counsol urgd tat tbe act wa i espa ýs n ly, and the 1res unws acquotai, says 1earson Th-is uwpidergreuud trespasser! wculd, net bave escaped se lightly lu,, certainI othor parts of the wrd Soo0af1r1te roat rush teU - pIeý Cr.eek, wh4ere gold is fo)und by cutingliad ock threwere cn cMthe carems or purposelydrove cd t juericl i. re0on adjSng, At last tho miners hum! a greati metnut mwhich lb w ýas rcsol ved thiat thIe next ofnesbshuld be,- mjadle an exýample, of. Thei thrcat scemed s1 ýufficiocnt, audfour atm crestolig aperodtebe at an 'Cnid. But amoubhl Iter amie namned Trenitoni who liad 'been away for a day or bwo, came back toe fnd that au opeuiug lad been cuit jute lýis dlaim. Tîrougli tho roc-k waIl of fiis owu tunne] lelie coldditn- ]y liear thoethieves at wvork. 11e we1 ont ý eugatliercd a party,';and,' coming in upuntne orem teales1 from bebind, cpurdttîem. They'l wore- at once triod by a coýurt Cou-j stuted by Judge Lyncli, condomnu- eand liangod. Meicn iiug laws are pecuil- Ïar. tý reest ,countri.es a pIro-spect- uSo'i cae a daim ican dig as desep as lie pleases, or as tbe int-eru-C al lient od the earth permits. But 1 in M1exio am fCet thicknoss of rock . Ïix ail that 1weis legaily cnitied tec) at one timo.t Nca-rly al! tbc Me.xican gold and sîver bonauzas bave beon discover- ed at greýatLer depbbs. A-t Zacatecas, wbh-eo$ -OOOo,ooo worbb o(fÎsilverl f on f bbc twe great Guanajuiabo mnswas loca.ted by tbc Spanisb Marquis de Les Rýayes0. iEs uw dýGaim sbowed sncb surface niébes that bwo other prespecters tried te ns te get undernal t m But tbe Marquis bad ne idea cf beiug douneeut of bis; find. H1e mn.ae despematee fferts,, andý_ evcnt- ualIly goDt thecre int is iudustry wncs rewarded by a fortune of ten illion ollrs.Thc orne found wNas se midhii gold -f t n ucliof lb soud for Aitsegl lu pure sîlvr. Quitýe rccenbly the Iuoicpeýndxscco Mine cf Clraowas bbhe (eu1e cf a senles o)f strange0bl-efts. At tlic four buu(jdr-d oot level a very midi velu cf god caxstruck, cand for weekis bbc average output was over $750 a, day. One of bbc propnietors, e,ëxamrining tblesamn, came teA bbc ceonclusion that, a po-rtion cf bbe nichest oesws beiug steln. 1EH) set n -watch. The imine, was vworked lu ýý Shcecifts, batthr was usý- u tably som-re Short delay bweu ee sftlcaving ,and tIc ext beglui- uing~I wokwbias ,huri11g oeue cf theseý intervals tha Ic fhesentry saw a f. igure st-cal lu froîin bbc fan end cf tIc dn, %'y, cýip off a 1lump1)of r~hore', uclp aay. The, guard, aolwd nd swbth -ef f orce hitrnself bbrough a cranlny and, dis- appear. Inveý-stiga-tion sowe that tisi doyen molibriadl ii uponau o-)d shaft whidh raiu far int o bbc 111 side-, btlad sýtoppod shlort of bbc1 vel ofore, From bbc bot o f thîs- le bld ta passage way lubo tbe cnigand se had 4stolon ore Of a value com1puteýd at ton bes and dollars. Nenyail tlici mod)em igeld m ïines lese heavýily 'by plundc-er. Dbocive emlpl-oyed 'bYGormnt ectl reobdte t"lie estrnlinMinisten ùf Mines thnt cenommous stcaliug went on atagori.Tiey ex lus-_ ated tbe icss at $,0,00o0year- ly. Rowever, a London arin large- [y iitetrested in blese inesdc siares thaý,thbecamonunt cf bbc bo sses c- iargoly exnggemated. Tbey place it aýt $375,00() a yearý ch amne kiud cf bbiug occurs, on the Rand, where a gang cf crimin- -ils bias ben at work for sorne time pas',. The geid. is stoben by tîlevesj n bIc m nines, and handed te con- euderates outside, wem)ien taking lb n their luggage by fast train te Durban. staff cf cixten deteo-1 TUE LIMIl--T. A Toronte man wbvlisi ti n iast summier appoars teo thinlk ttcunry the 'champion tip-ta.ký- 11e Says: "Well, I ha-d tippe4, fevery man, frýom th-e swell gent whC, seemie to o,0 th-e House of Comç, mou don t the hireling wh4,ý gumn-med thle wrong labels on-is Iu gg-a ge, a nd 1 wen jte th le wait Ilng-ruoom ýon the aintcig-stage-a Live-rpe-ol b wash my hauds, ant what do you think starcd mne ie the faewhn I hadfuse placa rd, 'Please tip th, basin."l be han11ged if 'I did" The cwoman who 10speuds more 01 lier husband's Imoney wt t4gro- cer than She does with the millin- !cr isnj't the wevrat. kinci of P, wife., To Bng hLm, ta tVieHlh For i. ee Ringbonke, Soet DnhsAU Lusme Herse dealers hiave maý tousands of dollarsb buying9 Lame, Spavini Herses, curiuig th emm ith Kn SpvaCure, sud tisen seiljng1 ondanima-is at a handei profit, Yneudo thse sane wlth owuV hessIHere ix oee sau s3a-ved bis horse aud isamouey I Ion the attack, Sny"were thel wod uf bis bleed mnlter. Riglit well did the chiid obey thlem) juoi)w. The slho <k ed s er va ntLa de a grnb abticthedild, but lie wasyad eutÈ, and bbic next mlomeQnt, SonnIy was teariug up tlie wide st aijr ca se a*i fast as is youug" legs coulid cr ry hii. At iehead o)f bbe stiS ho beard ibbc murmur of vi&s senigfrom behind a ýshut door. Snatchîng bis ragged icap from Ihi- lieadho entered. The blaze cf liglits aboeo bc long tabl]e, anýd bbc gorgeons uiniforms and satin gowns cf tbe guos brouglit him te a standsbill. The noise of bis enbry, sîight as lb was, attracted the attention of bbcý litblse grey-moustacbed gentle- man, ;,eat.edl at the bead cf tho ta- ble. So4nny foît, a pair cf keeni eyes fixed on bis face, and beokedu" The, clater c-f kuives and forks ceascd, and the bumz cf conversa- tien died -,iay, Every bead a bumned bowards bbe child. -Who are yen?" The footmau, fiusbed, and es- ceediugly angry, made a grali, andi suCccedIed i lugip)piuig tbbCchild by bbce arm. "Oh, sir, plensoe-please," S oun- ny cried, ns bbc man began te bus ble- hlm btowards bbhdoo, "I- -I Ve got a message for you." "Poor litte mite !" awans soft voice mur-murcd. "esol a baby!" At a word from bis mreir, flie servant reieased bis boid, and step-I ped back. "Give me yeur miessage," saàI lible gentleman. Sonny-ý's baud went up te bthee sai- -1t's-it's frein Sergoant Charles jGr~an ate 0' tIc 200t1-Feet, sir !" bis sbrill breble carr-ied clear acrons ,lie reomn. He-b)e's un4sor orders, sir, and wants you te dismi-iss bim !" Seme uen-uuderstanding personi a th bctable begnte laugli, but! icie grcy-laired gentlemian -prang- te bis foopt, umning a breast blaz- ing witb dceýrations te bbc cbuld. 1Iknew ,a Charles Gray," bhcý streýýng voîce rang eut, "aCroa Chiarles Gray." lHe turuecd te bis gnests. "The first mnan into Lucki- now was Corperal Gray,." Sonny's face, wrinkied into a, per- fect m ask cf deliglt. I"I remember, sir-I remnember 1 'lie cried. "lie bas told -me often about bliat." Again the gentleman jturned Cjteý 1 Î 1-1-t -U i iare special. It is filled wvith bargnins, sucbi as Toronto shoppers wait for and suap tip, Th!,, catalogule gives y0,1 the Saine chance ta aemny Just address ap osal"t DeToa.296, sayiug ro Seid ?rue your Mid-Winiter Sale CataIogue.?' Yonu arer frei Our catalogue at regUl'aerToron/oJ rcs We ay Delivery Chresvveyhigse si, e-gcept cerai heavy or billky goods (bc r ial pcfe nour catalogue) is Shzppeý,'d Prt,ýbaid. You don,'t bave te go to Toro:2to ta shop at Simps ,-7î S&;,end lfor thasaaoueN wI' Dit qlýP-D- 65.11