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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1911, p. 6

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&nnuai. Report of Public ho npoo William E. Tilley, M..L, PhiDU To thei Warden and membeýrs cfi hoe COuLnty Counicil cf the Uuited ),cuIties of Nrtubel n n Surhai, at Decemrber Sess-iojn il jobsurg. _entlemen I hierewith present for your con- >idrimy annuLLreport on theUb ponditieu of the Schecîs àu my la- Ipecto'rate foer 1910. Theýre are ïin the Inspctorte70 ýchoolhcuses, 64 rural and 6 uban iRud 97 te 'es 0 rural and 2 urban, 64. principais and 6 assist- a.nts in the rural sehýools und :31 principals and 21 assistants in theý urban shos hs schools aa departaients have ail been visitedi Lhem VÈhree or fourtme.More than the reuied24 visits of an, ~ v orge ien -"-cfat ieat 2 1-2 oeurs hv been imade during the year, tiiough 1V uns found Vo be ,juite imipossible Vo give that icugth Df time la ail csste feao visits wthout either doing without lýinner or keeping ehol afteri le;ur, njther cf wihis dsrbe Jieference Vo tables A, B,,and C, whill, in part cf this repo-rt il àidicate. 1 . A materïial decrease in tac aumber c)f maie teachers in the rural shcsof the Isetrt duriug the pstten cf fifteen yars and of course a corresponding in- erease ln the number cf female teac-hers 1la1these chý'ools. lI191 67 teachers, 38 maie and i9 femaies; ia 1900, 70 teachei s, 32 maie and 28 femle:191. 7 techers.18 aýie and 52ý femnale, buit of these 6 mnaie and 1:3 female beloiy Temporary Certificates, heuce cf the, 51 prýo- fesioullytrained teachers lu the rural schoolis c)f the npeVrt at preseut, ier re 12 mies and 3ý9 fem-aies. Thebe, c-f femnale eioyees as com-pared with maie is ne)t cunfincd to. the teachîag pro- fessýion, but iscmmate ail or nearly ail the industrial and com- mnercial pur-suits. The present lommiercial p3resp;erity, and the. une cf the We-stern farm lands are largely rsesbefor Vie cange-i. Il. That the numfber Il. ciass teachers ,inthe rura schois cf the Inspýctorate lasno mnate.rially cbanged for the past fifteen or twent.y years, remainiDM crease te 29 for the p vsit7yar. No doubt but tie aumber of 1. and Il. c1ass teLachrs wiil greatly ila- creasýe drig h, nrext few ~as trainling sehlocis and in Many r- spct hey have euýjeyd dvut ageswhc the latter hiad not. Yet- mnany of theý latter ,vere very suc- tcssful teaehiers, indecd. 11L. That slaiethuglilow ,in 188.5 ga.uai delchneduntil100 advan"ce ïan-d that sine 105the incr,,ease bas been ïmuc i more rapid. Indicatons are tat1thinxtwo) or thrce years will Witess a. stili futhr at-ciai udvance in salar- ies in both rural and uran public s ci)o-ri1s. Theore oudbe nu'Jack cf traiuned teachers for cur sche"ols if ail prepared i a our iiorm1al nç otertrinngschools rm in l Oaroand noe doubLt nearly 'ail ýwould romain in the ProviÎnceý- if OUr salrie wraequito tho)se .cf tht,' Wýest. -But with teindustrial and tho ,commnercial dmnsand the1 oalf,thice>et fo-r teacher at salaro iesarcl greater than awco are pai , nipnthe- The coo a and1 the reguatios of th-- Education Dprtctof late years have beenr framied with, thescondiin aviwand henceý Asa rotecin Cte îsmalsecios, $30 sraisd by a u=iform rae ever thetonsipfor each tea-chîer and $20for icaasista-nt. (On &aIlsal- ariesbewn these amnounts and $600 the governmnent pays 40 per cent an in ddiiongiveýs a grant te each section employing a I. Or a il, ciss teacher : $40 for I. with 5 ver'exnezrince. $:30feor I. with iesýs Vian 5 years;>$25 for Il. wit 5S'expeieuce, $15 for ITE wifth iess than s.5years. Under the-se con- ditionms sctùions With, average as- sessed value or above- find ne )dîf- flculty in meeting thîe increa,!ised de- muands for salaries. (1) A $600 sal- rypaid to a I. class teacher with at least à yoars' e.xperience would be, met as follows: $300 from town- slip,ý $160 fromn goverumeut and $140 freým section. On a section with an assessed value cf $150,000, it hr f the $600ü salary wouidl ho eraised býy a rate rcf a iittle iessl than 1 noii on the $1 on Vhe ro- perty cf theý section. (2-) Ona0a. ary cf $500, etior cond"ition)Is ho- ing the samne as thc above, the amutweuId be: twsi 30 geermet$120, scin 8.(3> Ona s zaaryocf $0 adV a teach- réwth il. ciass cortificate aud with iess than S years'oprine the amount wouid ho, township g300. vnerume $5, ecio 1 TBEAl Urban Totkýal1 85270, 2 2722 9 327 2 . 9 >39 2 4746 23870 2 24(3 ý35 62I9 Ex-ýpeQ1r inc L as Telacher 6 Ge 5 83 6 TABLE B. TeachersCertificates Salari'es Ru7ral .-..... Urban.... Totlial Urban.... Total..... CII 532 531C0 C~ -~ ~ 31 37 6)8 4 2-)4 28 35 61 96 G67 29 25 43 218 117 12 41 5 M 13 On Rol 22,85 67 31 1938 18 25F 101529 352j151 89 3,30 6 34 3392 720 24, 47,5 7 365 20857 18S45 - 176C>2 Q159 3932 TABLE C.-TEACHEIVS AND TIIEIR- SALARIES., 1910. Darlingtou Clarke.......... Manvers Cartwrio-ht. 1905 1303523 $45 1 $, 915'20 4i6ý1 6,480o 8,195à 18 455 6,0 -95 4.410 10 441 3.23 AýVerage 1 c'rural -Tea cie-rs Port TPope,.. .......,100 Averae, urban Teaehers 454 15 473 9 4783 .... 478 IV. That car teachers change schools toc frequentily. 415 teacih- ers cf thse 70 lu the rural schools of Vie inspectorate ar-e te-achiug lu preseýnt sehool for the l, st year- 19~~i cftee f oreiold tempor- arycetfces We cauinot hope for muci imprùeeinut in Vils un- il aF'ter the midsummniter, 1911. TF-L<ýreis eaeate ho-pe that aifter tht at Ie suppiy cf trainecd teceswill be sfciu-for the sehool, espciaiiyin we i-tl- spetoratxies lilke Viiose cf NortÎm borland and Durhi-liam where go salarie's üeau be paid. Inu coLncluiSion, 1Imay say thbat thie wornl our sohools for- the. past ye ar, n)twîv;th s t aaiding tc r ýback's.lias lbcEe on"cie"'wio4-le ver'y Q 53, 23 20 18 10 P5- 324 338 32~3 5- $7, 315 5,500 4,900 2.365 1900. Q 531 5-s.. SQ 23 20 18 9 275 272 263 5,175 3>85C 1,10 TUE POWER 0F COMLPOUIND INTIIEST, Hlere is a simpfle rule ferfludiug the number cf years ln wicýIi a sum cf mouey wlll double itsolf at compound luterest. Divide- 69.3 ibJy Vie rate per cent. and aCdd te this .35. Thus at 3 per cent, wc findc the number cf yeas bydivid- which liwe ad .3 yers nakagthe At 3per cent. smpeinterest i1V takecs 2331-3 yca'S for imenrey te! double isi.Aud ,'seyouwil fnd1 tihat coinýimou interest bas a veryý great adIvntage o ovr si-mple inter- est ladobintpwrVe ratio cf H I E NUT (CAKES. HazenutCak.-SX egg-,one upsugar, hiaif a 'cup haUzeêinuIts, aifacup amnd rae ineo eue0-quarter cup flour, hjaif ta spoon bakingpoe, flavor wt haif teaspoon vaila.Bat yolk's anld Fsugar Juntil lîgh)t,.d us fo(ur, baking powder, and vanilla, -and Iast the stiffl*y beaten wllhite-S. Bake in a shallo' w pan indwithl butttered paper ina amoerato ocven. Wîhen done pour out ai-id let Cool, cover wîth a boiled icing, then spread over it s)ïle curýrant jelly, cover again with icing, thon sp)rinkle thickiy with finely Iýut hazeinut. Boileod Icing-Boil Mwitho'ut stir- ring oe cup suigar, haif cup of water, until it spins a thread ; pour on the stiffly beaten 'ots f two eggs, adid one-eîghth teaspoon crecani tart-ar, îiavor with vanilla. Waln ut Cake.-Six ýcupffuis of fluone cupful of butter, two cuip- fuis of sugar, three ecggs, one-haif pound of currants, one-haif pound- Suitna risin, ,ee-oquarter. pound candie_ trLon Peol, one pounid of black valnuù ts, to tea.- spoonfuils o)f baking soda, o)ne-haif oGuncec each cf black pepper, ail- spce innamon, and ginger,ad a littie milk. Creamn the butter and sugar, add the eggs, weli beaten, the flour and spice-s mixed, then the fruit anid the soda. Warin the milk and add it. Mix well. PourI into abuttered and floured cae in Bake fo"r twe hous Wialnut Faks-Oecupful cf WaInuts eut fiue, on1(' cupful of dates cuit fine, two eggs w7ell boa- ten, eone pincli sait, onetepo- fui cf baking pewder, oi n u fuic powdered sugar, three ta'blesqpoon- fUiil nf finîîr. Pain, -.pbI-.Iea., ý in slow ovon in thin. layers. Break inite picces la sherbet cups and serve witi whipped cream. SOHOOL LUNCHEONS. 1 should like te giv;e ether mnothers the bene-fit cf my experience lu the mnattrrcf sclhool luniches. Previeus te adocpt"ng my present system, if I miay eau il.sucih, the tcilîdren ai- ways seemet-loc o lu a 4,starving state wien they came home frein scýhool. Now-,, a -May I have somo- thing te eýat " is satisfied by the eýating cf ail apple, or banana, -oýr afcw grapes, luntil inse for thle oyeuniuigme. Then, tee >ebe rewardecd by a% happy "O, mma 1mny lunch wmas s0 good Vo0-day l" Be- low,, are, a few cf the differencad wiclhes 1 Use: odmeat 'put, tire ughfodchopper; a.ddJ a litte gravy st, o' r eilery Sait. Hr hou ue egg, put thro)ugh chopper, i e n,-.,-. .,+.1 . v1.a lit-lj, w1ll msal Forver Ther~sia pinoup- arievs thiat they dlo net tire cf any - cao thiug. J. c, îý BREAD. Corn Bread.-Ono pînt cof fleur, haif plut cf yeilow corumeal, oee fourtb piat cf grauulated sugar, twe tablespoonfuls cf haking pow- de r, eue teaspoonful cf sait. 'Mix- thorerugh-ly and put lu a e2auwit tigbt cever. To make orra freLm mixtur6 take twe sýcant cnp- fuiis cf the mixture, g, bult- ter size cf %walault, mel0.ted, eecp fui of mi-ik. Bakle *iu a s-uare tin- Lweut miuts. Beau Soup. ~- - -hree-qatr pouud Lima ean, hr-ee qat water; brlng te o la onto add kitceea bouquetuecart and )ile-hialf can tomatees. pBell slwyfor four heurs, adu ae tories 1îthn wrl. VifI cfï a photographie telescope weighi- mrg threo and a haîf tons, M-r. Fraukiliu-Adams bas takýn pae be(,aring thoe images cf about 23,000- 000 stars. Rlis work c f ceuntiug, indexing and deemiigthi x- act posýitions is now approaclhin)g TUE ORPANAGE APHABET. "We are orpians and fatherde. --Lamentations 5: 3. A As for pure nd whiesome Air; - is f o-r lret a ouwhîi hte feedl; C isý for kiald aaid tendýCer CareU; D le for Dweliigs orphans aeed. E is for Eduatie-'nn wisse; F is for Witiby whlch we Ide; (c is for Qed Who heas? Our cries Hl is for Heati Ris mcreies lve Iis for wbich o ruban write; Wtt]U OF1MCIt1-s. fLon t rilleÀ al-mDn4 Lu 5O. g 3Vb 5UUt t11o1I &lUt1 in your velus, and then yen, wiUl havo the rîhtlokâ and charm cf perfec halb if yen are palc., weak iad u4nt up te h akyù tôahsdogn of dligeStion 'and elimlsatlen are the Cause. - Beecham's Pilla correct faults. They -,i!lbelP yon te good diges- tion and actiîvc kipeys and ireguLAr bwl-ofreeodeofrein troubles ---to prr hf-anbat-r tagborod. luanl truth and sros nIIe, yQn wifl'find that e: rgood khsalth bDsujd odBobochLam'a l'ibi Wili Shoiw t he Ri h Way Soipard onevcla nd u J Aere.l a bake Vwenty minutes. This 15 a doudous disi aud wili be svfficieat r z *i t iu~~ a £anuuy o~ thrcc or f.,ur. ~ cocl7 ; tii~~ iUf~d dit)J>ks~i Si WiihI ~ e rrom ohe nerve centres, sustrousi eyes, -,,clear cmleinand sym- metiel igue auonybp sr cd by maintaiing fi nerve -vi9-1 ready relief lu tbem for every-1 thirgIp utse them for." ---. L. F. MILLER, 120 W, 6th St., Davenport, a Greathtbugh the acieuve- M aksrntee UciI e rnent of te Ryl Osr-gnt elbte n togr al fraction cf tho work i that i is stred ad fe rt l t a - ~ Sm - - - M ~ su tais uns-versaî eurerpmse is - com- te wcmeu. esue wuusu pumpin èed bu hitlewater tVo keep it f rom bu ýiruing at the hegin-- ang. , iiia shiortimile itbias steamin- od ereciytendler, -ud the re- maining proces l qiiýy cmlt eid as se littie moisture bias bo aed d'd -,ts~&si r vc l~i j ullp)V Ifeeds thle nervés, indùLces sleep, quicIkens thje a ntie ids digesý- tion, and resore th sparkling raineof fuil nerve vitality. .50 per bottie. Local agent. . UR &LOVELL A la 1,n Ui ar e edforl heaa~ecolic and other pains, and always gi-ve relief at onice.>' THOS. Zr,FOWLE R R. D. Na. 3, Dunn.. N. C. PrIce 25s eat your dvuZgjtt. He 3hou i d e uP. if ho dgea net, aedprlc,- le fçrward ~:sd DR. MILES ICL.CO.,.Toronto. pleted astronomers -wLaow i 'eh position au'jd mo-vements cf100,000,- 000 stars, A siilr orkç, but aecessariiy cof more imïited compass, is beinig carried oni by j. Fratnlu Adams, F,.JI.A.S., a m obe f Llo's,1 ml)() Pt MervreIl 1, Godýalmiiiug, bas eue cf tJe largest private observa-j cf boukcmchs m ficAteck morecfJ these yonderhud puis.Tbeyare narý- turec's greatest specific focr al dis- cases cf thekidneys and bladder. Ail clrug-gis;ts,, ,or pspi from The R. T. Bootli Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Seid and guaran-- teed by Jury&Lcel rggts Toronto- MM =,Uili Alk Lu -1ý --L LL-q 2u Irr-T rli 2U.-L-1 I-r,7

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