77-te $i.oo a yea-r in. advaince; $1.50 to United States. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, THIJ1ýRSDAY, JANUARY i9, 1911. VOL. LVII. No, -, 31, A. JAMES c& SON, Proprietors. Pre-Stock,,=Takýing Sale of ail Win'ter Goords. Couch, Jhstn&Crydermran wili from thitîms date seil ail Ladies' and Children'-s Cloth Coats at è33~,peri. centdsout Ail Laidies' Cloth Suits at 25 per cent discount. AIl Ladies' Hlampster linîed Coats wlith good westerni sable collars and lapels wortlh $37.00 for $27.O0, Ladies' Rat-lied, good broad=.-Iotli sheils, best western - saIble trimmtried, worth $55.O0 for $15.OO. Ladiles' Raât=lined, fine brioad=cloth sheils and sable trimmedvworýth -$70.0O to $60,OO Ladies' Rat-ftlied, extra feine shelîs and best saible trimmifing, worth $75-00 for $65.O Ladies'Astrachan coats, worth $37.00 for 30.00 Ladies* long Astrachan coats, worthi 50.00 for 40.00. Ladiles' ong- Bokharani coats, worth 65.00 for 50.00, Ail Men's clothi overcoats and winter sitfs at 25 per c4discont Mnsrat=lined coats, gfood Cloth shelîs, otter trimmed, worith 55.00 for 40,00. One onfly man's rat=linied coat, otter collar and lapels, Worth 65.00 for 55.00. Ali kinds of muffs, ruffs, throws and caperines at or about cost price; also a lot of Dress Goods below cost price. i would etinphasize the f a.t that thîs is a, Geiuine Sale. Nothing nas beel- arxea. utp atid metimarked dcowll, but our stock~ is too large. We need the room for o;ir Spring goods -and we need the nioi-ey to pay for theni1. ,oucrh, Jonson& rydelrman., nanvi île, Ontario, !Ii 8t~88~88e~ liE STNDUARD B-ANK 0F CANADA. 4 Establishid 1873 Savi-ngs Bank Department j oe te- cornfae tItrs ad nSvnaBu aacs S 01dill,-Por L'SI"alnoes SuppledoFre. hT- c .ti. . ylN. cI.LIIII i .Higi Brut Che branl BANKOF MO NTREAL, ESTABLISHEV 1817 Capital -$1 4,400,000 Rest -- $1 2,000,000 Total Assets$131615 Departmeni Head Office, Montreal. Manager, Bowmi-anville Branlcis. MAYORAL ADDIRESS. I AYR ITCHEL OIANS , POLICY 'ýFoR, Io-fi Genlemn o th Coardof heCol- We are eetig'inarsosbl oi tion as Coulncil outililwnout Bowlman- ville, çharged by tbbc ciizenis u ise i ":)lo witb lie Carmand custouf ils inlersps ils weifaendilsbetrn. W- cennol avoid, in tikn over thle dlies !lih ave bee2n tIbus plaed uon nis, and wb icb wi bveaccpCdnaturel is mutch lu orealize thlatounrliela be ut' peuple, such as we kniow ts lcosu ounr twn lu be, 1bas regar-deus as sate and prpparties 1l0 taisýe Charge of lis lreand *imp-!-ortant afais xhiisteIis year wl be, nd now are, undler our care Speaki n ormscît,1IWiSi lu tans lba ilimporUta1' nt b'O t arnest mn, theBoard ut Trde or deml-ing nme a flper ol occulpy Ilise chair ut Ciiet Maistra-'*lÈe, n also the e ecctors for ise large and hcavy Vole wiclplaced min beosiion uto Mayor. I reatlize -,thla-l, ike ver ma, have limils lu my capecity and limils lu my judgmenl; butI cau, and do assure tue electurs and raees as a wbole, t Ilat will leave lnoting iundunte, nuling uncon- sidered, whiis I j'deem ut imlportance t(' Bowmarn:'ville, su as, 0,in sume dei-ce, ire-1 pay that trust andc colnfidl-1ene w1iic bats heen lacdnlu-me by valnemealun position ut chief ad(viser-. You, gentlemen, I periculariy charge, wýitlh the sct-vien tct, Iha I, cannoeta acop isi_ nythinlg alune, a!id het1 must havýe your tuli-helecd suppotI. We mustlt, aI ail ime, orgel that we were, piaced hbeeby any torm ui seai' alsm aInd Ih.at ibceewas 'a minority Cut electursC wbo, exercisingcai and cosiert jud(gmlel, lhongbî tet thetlrs wol'i and r could, serve tbee buwn w .We nlow rep-t re cry lector, ever-y nwumlan,d adcild iwbio lives in the lown, und who is inleresled in ils succe.ss. It is ilh al'- mosl absolule confidence tha tm ndrtake mnydulics, because I knuw thel, witb nc mien asý areý now sunudn e en forC tise mlosl part lried nd([eXpeicnccd in i in mianaging lise tluw affairs, and l in-l ing tise respect ufthtie peuple, iseiir and 1L .my combined efforts will redhiu mistakesm almosl, if nQt quite, lu a mîni-iumn- U We have iseard mucis, by cloquent slaleýsmecn, ab)outhtie "201h ceýntury belong- ing to aa ."TItiini tise year (1911 belongs tu owmniland tisaI wve siaî sec, betore tise end uithIis year, unr (deur old town starled con anc ra uUrgrsie nless whicis will soun liftlil ïmb t1ise ist ot lise best tuwns Outhls rne (ut O)nlarso. There are more mal-,ters ut fratoi- portance lu comle betore nrs tis ycar 1thanl bas ever telie lualise lot ot w'- OUMcl unthIis tuwn Ilvitliïi my koîfie l is imnpossib)le Lu place tbem lu order outI ment, suaiu retcring bu lbem hereatter,, as 1 do, it must niot be considered tisat Ir am giving auyoune precedence uver an-G ulher. r THE McGILL B3EQUEST By lise greýat gene.ros;iîy ut an old aend respected residet t Bowmenville, lise laIe James R4. McGili, vwbo died in i908, tise tuwn became ent'ited, ater tise dealis ut bis widow, Mrs. Jane L. McGiII, lu pe)rcels utfi-cal estatein lise city ut Wash- ington , velned et about $125,,000.oo aller paying ail charges and incumbrences. Wbile lise enjuymenb ut Ibis gift was nul lu be bcd by tise town until atertise deetis ut Mrs. McGill, and under ail naturel and reasonable presumptions tise luwn shiold nul have come mbt possession ut same util perbaps 20 years, tise gi-et God sa;w ftit lu caîl for and taise Mrs. McGill lu Rlis home lest Dcme.Wecennirot but re- gret tiseealis ut Mrs. MNcGilI and tihat shie dîctd nul live lu enljoy thisuuland atlotted 1 e ,nn af ! ,, P_ 1- tL nOW enijoineud lu enter inito ils estale. I believe ls sue legal dlifficullies bave enisen by reasun uoft a daiimde by tise brothers outftise lete Mr. McGill, wbu haive sel np flisecontention Ibat a Municipal Corporation lbas nu riglist bubaise property in1 fle sha-pe oft i-al esttate by devise, and tlsd tise lawvsof tise District utf Columbia, in wliicb tise city ut Wasbinglon is, do trot anrd wili nul secognlize aaitzlen Cor- porationi as devisce, anidLtisIt, cunscqnent- ly, tise devise is absolubtely void, and biset bise McGill brotisers are, as lise, neerest heuirs, entitled. I arn advised by tise Court- sel whomn oui- predecessurs retained tu lou i aler tiseitei-ests ut tise tuwn tisaI t bis contention is, and will pi-ove, futile, and tiItishe way will open up su tliaI bise wishi and vili ufthtie laIe Mr. McGili shahl prevaiL. This mialter is, primarily, a legal 1 e, 'nd ruubt be irrî ted tr, iOSnCI legal gentleen as we e confidence in, but we musî and shalrebaiiiin egencral superintendence ut samie. WATER WORKS A system ut waterworiss is absolnitely necessei-y for oui- lown, if we propose lu assisl tise luwn intise oppurctuni'ties for progressiveness wbicb biave presentedl btisemiselves. I cm iopetultbtisIwbiat-un tise surfaic appiearstlume as e miiost cd- vanitaigeýonsscIisme for tish comlss mient utf Ibis is abouito lu be1prt-cebed buus for- cusiertinen Ichrg ou, c111( a-il ralepayers buIncelubisjuestion widb open indics, bearing î1in mmid Ihat wtter wor-ýissiln; boueneesland mut be elc dded iin oui- inleCresîs. Prsp Ib1is is t1is ost ïimporatnlmtewesa haveClu deal withi. ElLECTRICPWR Tise expi)ting out liseScym11our POWer7 and Eleclric Comspany, Lim-ited, Isy wbicis WC are bu blave ftiseavnacsacn roui cbeiap elec'tric power, ant1d ti mro- duoftbdo-icreenen-gy, bas been ecgiciby tie le cc'li o u-tod luwn.by evote,.Icmintormed, whic!)is i uuprtced;- enited in byla sismsson, ad e ua asuetisaI it lvote, pr"clicelly 1unani- MOUS, is c commandl'ns luaid aend a'SsisL tisI oayi n vryraonbeandl prprway -whic1ispresetiselt b s i-n i~ ncun ý71Vou, ll he b,r-ioturSi MR. . B MT CHiE LL, J.P~ lse propositi outtiseComipany lulak o,iov vn criclgitujpataIafir mnai, as tluwhcther a ý,town eut Ibis size C-1n1SUCce,-Stully operiat ubli nîils- tic-s byMuicpa owesi .1 l1 large chle a tpaid mnaerlube epoed, il - may be and/eisps s, oriail lu aply, endwitî t iscanging Cucl n ciscniging ideas snc aorm utowneshi -and ma1ýnagemen-1t imay, pssbl,nue in unintrets Ticymu omayis tu uprl te shawLýa Systeml, islu lo (- duice ils ligbting m, b ,IoNcwýýton ville and Orntaisecha rge ut Port Hope, andI1 dIot ul ow 1nuw wbat ohrpae.Con- s'ideration utf tise lhy-Ila under wbici tie S-ycymor Cmayis enlcýd 10 operate elecîric lsghlinýg lu PorLi Hope, seems lu discluse lisat if ise isamne ferms were ap- plie-! to Bowmiaiiville, ur electric ligliting buis wý,onld be cnit elmost une haIt. Tis wunifd be a-great boon lu elecîrie ligist u1sers Wiso we iscre represent. BET TER RAILWAY FACILITIES We mullsl be persistent il tfie inlerests Otour mnanlutactutrers directly aaud , tIbrougis tise ofpyes ttise lw;nirclIn luavinlgtIsle tentative arrangemlen'tenrd iiio and starled by'Lblt Counfcil aIt olnce puit in upe)ration1,, h ibch lise d Trisi-, Ra llway Comnpa2ýy wIcunstruect a ,pur hune 1from itlSbstaion tu Isle cent,'re of Ilise tuwn iby Ibis me111an"s islping , -ery une in tIsle tuwn byl, (')IlVei ence, by c(e- 'u acal e utise mlaufacînrvers, and by w.iîn out ail question ut' cartages trm i l lie inerchanits. I am intiormelid tisat it is with- in tise rageoutpossi bilits itiatif lise Grand Trunk belks over tise malter, lise radial r-ailway is willinig lu lake uver tise iight ut wey we are cuntemplating giving tu the Grand Trunis and operele an elcc- tric syslem lu tise station and wisarf; and, ift Iis eaube eecomp),lbeýdonlhues sim- 1ear 10 other towýns, it wvould bave ils cd- vantages by bringing t1reigist cars lu lise respective works, and direct lu tise mer- chants. Il is wurtby of investigation. GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO Special effort mus, bc made lu place o L rselvcsin a position tu induce manutec- ni-crs lu locale bei-e. I do nul wish lu close Ibis my cddress wilisuî refcrring luo the acquisition by tise town ufthtie great rubber works being conducîed bv tie G~oodyear Tire anid Rubiser Company ut Canada. Whiie wevýre sorry lu lose our old fr ienid ise DuLrbiam Rubier Comn- pany, wbich wes cumpoised ut excellent r r t t r C f r c C L 0 P', citizens, t bas uefuouc ylt oi- er Cornýpany ' -th ie gi-cýa avenage outhbie Iown. Thsis Comp;ani, apperenitly, des- tincd 'buti be ofut if rot tise greeîei-st, rubiser platrs lu tise Dominion ut Canada, and I cen assure y ou tisaI-we ai-e justy n- titled lu tise friendly cenvy ut oui- ssten lowns, and somieut oui-gi-caler sister cilts, in tise good foritune wisicis camie lu us. Tise subject needs nu enlangement upon fruin mie, allter tiseexpression ufthtie peuple on lise by-lawv submitute u lem lest mIonts. PLEADS FOR HIARMONY Permit me lu impress upon you tise nec- essity ot absolute isarmiouy; let unr une thlougisi be cenItned in tise hInesstn Bowrnmnille-; let us ble charitable lu unle anut:lertIc us respect cacli other and Oui- resp)ective % iewýs; lel' us bear in mmhd that ail ut us ai-e un an eqjuahityand n oui- differenicesý as bu th-ieamncs luai-rive et an end, res unr greatest chance ut guod ne- suIs. -AHl views aud oinions shouild be wcelcomed atnd, if we do tisis, I bave nu doubt we wil1, et lise end ufthlie yeer, hear oui- constitueuts sav "You bave donc well." Pensunelly, I bave every confidence in unr ahiiity lu manage pnoperiy, sately and werl. Wishingyutgatiiitise Compliments uto lise Seasonbelive me lu be, J. B.' icel Mlayor. Loss of Appetite ra liqs uf vitelily, vigo-r or ue, ani1 oflen at forenuniner ct prusîraîing dis- case. Il is serionc udesecaiysul pýeuple isalIn inuit kep npand doiug or gel belinchand. Tise besl medbctueLo leke for iltus thle gi-alcnaittonlremedy Hood's SarsaparHI1 Wiic urif'ies and CeIm-tches tise bluodj, and(- builfis up lie hul ýhe ssen (Gel il Ioa oud hv cail~ t Wh ts snior edlitur was in Winni-- pc'g in September we met M.W ,Clarise, a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o Hamýo o, rteru r. Sam. Claise M,.P.for: We(st Nortisumberland, and Thos. J. Clarise, Hamptoni, and bis son-in-law, Mr, Merisie, ot une ut flise fin- est jewelry establisliments ln tise West, a store ,tisaI we visited w;ili great salisfac- lion and pleassure. Messrs. Clarkse and Marisle are sterling un Jeu. 201h on a pleasure tnîp round tise World. Tbey taise train lu Vancouver and tisen boat for Japen for lu o weeks or mure, then i trom tisere tu China, India, Atrica, tise 11oy Land, tise Mediterranean Sec, Italy, Nap- les, Rome, Switzerland, Anstria, Germany, Holiand, Belginm, France, ecruss tise Eng- liss Cisennel to London. While, in Eng- land he will visit tise hume ut bis parents in Devonshsire. From England tbey salI lu New York, trom tisere bu Monîreel and on lu bis birtispiace et Hampton, Iben lu Toronto and tisence home lu Winnipeg. ExECUTIVE COMMITTEL ,,MEETING. Tise Executive uftheliseDnimOid Boys' Association met et tise beatiful end.c com- mudions home ut Wardeni Gilmiouir, Ceni- trial Prison Park, Toronto, lest Friday cvcuuurug, a arnge nuimber oni ici memnirs being, presýeut. Presidienb jas. L. HJughes iwas i l ise chai cnd a ost cdeligisîfll ,\eening ut music, îung, slory cnliteet was suisl'eie by Mrs. jean Blewilt, Mýrs. Glassco, Mrs. T. E. Knowiîonl (necý Ethiel King) and Mns. (Dr-.) J. R. ElliobI ini tise Mlvusie Room. Alle-r tise musical part ut tlise progrnm ibc benrenideredeh cd journed to-tiseCoueraorwere am11id tise iuvely and cisoice flowers and palmns and plants dainity retresismnenîs wr senved byT Mrs. Gilmnoni-, wiso bas ailwe yS provedlbei-self -a modeleneîcn a nd' biosîess. Tise evenîing's enijuyment -,as 100 qnîciis:ly endced, anid t lu ie ver 'w c- comle and swcel "Ald (LanigSyne" ecci une wendcd iomwards, "suri-y bu part, hsoapy t ofccain" nd etter for tise enijoyably spent. Arranigemenuits are bc-1 ing' turtfisened for tise 2Annue-ýl Baniquet ut tise Durlisam Boys' Association et McCon- isey's ini Februairy. MR. R. G. COLEMAN, A remarisable coinicidence is tlisaI two Bowmanviile Old Boys anc managers ut Industriel Exhibitions in tise Province ut Manitoba-Mr-. H. G. Coleman aI Portage la Prairie and Mi-. W. I. Smale et Bran- don. Tise Daily Graphic ut Jeu. ii iin an iîliusbreted article bas this lu say ut tise fCormier: 1H. G. Colemuan, who bhas becu appoinited Man_,iiageut ofPortage Induistriel Exh1ibition Assýociati 'onl, is uneut tise bus- iusI melu Potae lsee ays, adil spiLe ut li, uýisetatlitiie lbas but rcnl tlken orver the office h labuisy et ýworis lininig up ittrajciiçnsfor v1911 Eau- ' ,11ii Io soe ýl ak eenb lter talst 1with feu - manaýýgers awd dircctors îin On- teuesecely nTo)ronlto, M-.Colemanýti bssoiicited tisirsistnc adthe s surehlm iai h wi i ul 1la,-,cisbr fini; cleý s atra,ýct1i ons1.. ii. R. G.Come bias been Seý,ctay out Boar,.d out Trde tor 18 moîs is a at iveu owmn ville, 0Ont., and lbaýsspent l ise reterpart ut blis1lr ite inlisnepe r buLsine-ss,bad 1,11g lise businless end. Hebeganlbs car- cen on Cbetisem Banne, tien ing )lu s I)zî puI n ise dielsbaee vcry confCi- gie eron îso~gt u onidreio u! veyweie.10 Dse Qe1olar ýsuces ra1eer-pin ufviw CARING FOR CHILDIREN. Mr. W. H-. Wrightm-iye-r, Sectary and Agent of tile Children's Aid Society, B1elle. ville, visited BPowmnanville Friday and or authority of' Police Magis-,,tr ale . MA.Ho!r sey; tcok away fivechidrnfrom orue home wher the mohr bad beeniHl o tylpoîdfver for lwo montésdurig te Faîl and their snrroundhigs andc homne in- fluence have nul been 'the best. Tb"ley were five as pretty children as we hv eývr seen inM one famiyictheeldeslgil 1be- inlg nine and ithe yonIngesË l a prety bb1y a sijghl lu cauIlse Ille stouteis',l eart 10 ae 10 se he dar cbildren taken aayfroml their m-tothie.. ne slrong mian said : " wish I had neyer -seen that sgs. h hsadpleaded 10 qeptbem 1anid said he- uld wt ork1support them , tthe cn ditions were suc tat fibe local Cbilren's Aýid Society,tIsle Agen1t ,aindthe Maýgistrateý ail dee il wisesît and bes[ for-th chid rcni's wlar taisetbem awayecause jrv lin is a greal'er vile bn reor min.Tise higieshacsivemnin a cidshistoris i'thlt il bc st:renlgtbened in wîll and prpse iean in hnden i herfitted by iraining and disifo a wblole Ite long ot service and setulne.ss to the se. Buit in tis iparticula;r case Vwe candýïily tiinslise th e ssay ttemlpts at retor- malion in lthom-;)ie werc'lot made.Mr Frienld, husbandi, pleaded for lise cidreu and said lie was wVilling lu or forthi support; tisaI bis average wagc was $9) a week and be Ifr-el frgvebihite for any rtg-on and woldf do is !;est 10 have peace and rigb-t-doing in bis hiomne. Il secms ý 'litist he Frienmis are nominal cd- herenits of the Anglican cburcb. Couid1 not the RKector and ladies" of tbal chur-ch hae aken Ibiis farnily under ibecir care and sentisaIl le(n wbI) o es scot-free was drliven trom )Ilil anid the five ovl ciiildren be lisus s vd0ta heir nmoîber. Allo1(wing that themte r bs ol been, ai that a wife so be, aý litîle interces- sion and care from some kinid ladies shonld accomplish a greal betterment in condi- tions The moîbr is suffering from her. long siege of typhoid, and lu tear bier child- ren from ber, as bas been dune, is an ccl Ibat lu us eIpeaýrs the most cruel wýe bv ever seenul and itlubas baunted us day a-)nd nigbl ever since. WVe cannut bclp but re- gard il as a teriblere«Éecinon th mrotberbiood utfBowmenv.iille and an inbu- me n proceeding. Tise, work f uttrning the career of pour and nieglecled children imbt the ways ut rigbteouszness anid establisbing tbem thlerein is Irnîr Chrisîlike but il mîgbl bave been done in a more humane way in b!is instance. DURH1AM BOYS ANr GIRLS. FARMERS' INSTïTUTE,, SUPPLEMENTAR iSr MEETINGS. Tise splmncymeetings of ,tIs Wej(st Dra amr'Instibtewil b bield as tOllows: NecslTowýn Hall, Jen.. 26tb eat 2pm;ý Oronlo, Conc:i Rom,Jan. 2 t73 ~u T'yrone, Sons,' Hal,1Ju. 7tb eIt 2 p.m Tyrone1(, Sons' Hlall, JanI. 27tb, et 7.30 pan. Solina, Son]s' Hallne. 21is, aI 2 p.m;-i SoAlna, SonIs' Hall, Jan, 281bI, et7 p.m.l Tise ,speakers: Mrc. Anson Gi-oh, Preston, Subjecîs: "Farm ,Foresîry", "Lucernle ara other Clovers', "Soil Problems", "o- and ise Silo", "Fertilily outhlie Sou ate Conservation ut Muisture","yseai Rotation ut Ferin Crops", "Cure alnd Mai--M, agemet t Dairy CattIe andHg" Eveinig: "Tise Stairwaiy lu, SlcceSs"ý " Tis-ce Generelions in Waeerloo Counîy.ý R. S. Dunlcan, B.S.A.-, Port Hope, Gswjý- ernmenl Representative. SubjecîtS: " Drainlage", "Insý-ecîs and Fungdns Di cases," Dr. Danjideno, Bowmanville. Suibjecli ",Cousevlion utSoif Ferbiity." Mi-. Gruis and Mir. Ducnwill beca iugs. Mr. Gi-oh and Dr. Dandeo wîvvll be et Suhina. MnU. i-oh! is said to be unle of tise beet Institute speakers in lise Governument De!ý- egationi. Come enid bear isim. A. W. ANNI,-s, W. E.l POLLARD, 3-2 W President. Secrelaryrý, RINK NOTES. Grand mansqueradle carnival et tisenik Thr1-ursýday, Jeu1-. 26ý. Fuli particuleslale Aniothler Keg Colun.testt bise iluiýsSalui- dlay niigilt 9 o) 'clocký. Be sure lu sec e ton. T1icket iodesfie,,spectatons 5e,. Final Jnir ockey maintcheat fbise ihIc Frideyv et 8 ocIock Usbiawe vs Bwau ville. Skating allier tise game. Aii- CidrnsCar-nival aI Taylor's Risk Seturdey atternoonIi bis vweeis trom 230"Z to 5 o'clock. Prizes wili be given lu hese cosîumed girl, clown ii cîdcomic.Adi- sion i-oc lu ail. Country hoc e ems ai-e llsn good dccl tIsesýe dy bbing ele lU deteal une ýanother. Wis1y dnn'ltbe e busy and iî ssu-e aallneanidsettie is tise ri-sSeturday inigh)t et 8 'clcsb cum ie rragmn. Hen tcidcd lu ent!ersco busl ucis ~ ~ fis luBwcvle r o ais unG, et Bomavllesttionredyfor dlvr~ Tis copcn ivsics Irepresenitgut antees lisý e al lu be"-s,_ance orderand 'ýiI meC(-'pr)Iove 'luVOn tisatstc î sa case Deli 'Jvcvy mad0luahi prIs, ut lise lw.Piceýs ar i-ergit. Pisne 1Ofie 77; btunse 4q. ~KingSl TALK TO FARMERS. A fe-w words t0 farmers ýýjust hiere. on -observation ot menl and tinigs leadsý us lis liemrktat farmers as a class are vmore orber menc. Laborunos dry goods et., gfrocer-s, hrwr elrdugss as uaurrpublishiersand other bsns men have their asoitinswich ee reguILarly i ei.terest ofthleir particular buies but in Our thirty oddyeas a publishier i onile we have neyer, sl ai as uwevcain recolLct, seen ! eal wll attende(jd ecuieyfarmenrs' lmeet in1g. Tkthe arcltrlsuciety'smet ings thal should interest and :appeal lis every, farml -er: w ithnh gdsa nce an se cldo r enMosec than 15 toe25ta ri- erspee, oliten less, The nnul mcl Ling i Fiday Of this weeki Hw 1 af c,1s1 tavelin ricltja Iclleg-h Farmers' " Hw areits meig attendd? Tuthe leafing anjsuces fui, farmers. of Ihe sectiOn'aepese l d laking 1part, but, u~otnllteoe who need the-ntuto n nprto stay at home and thus th-eefort ot th Departmient of Ag>riculiture in sending cx local arcltrlconditions, Iby giving in- form-ation unil ltest farnimmchod, bst paylig croproainadohrsbet ot paramoun m potace10tr mcr1s. ButI the veryV men wbio shouild bec present ýl learn thec-e thinigs are tooinifee t oi lazy or too ignorant tounesadle nature Of thebenfitiofeed by 1i mýee- ship :Ilte Isiue r. W .Plad the zealous Secretary of We'st uh' Fr rs' instittte2 ,wiýl beUet thelletigs ann1loliuncd in ibis riding lfOr, t ek Janl. 206'to 28-and -will be- glad tomake, couiple hutndred new members ai 25Cca. For thei sake of Ille noble ca1llg yoIu folw[armners, attend youir own etig and bicip to nmakle lhcm a suessý. Why should only lwoflarmiers in VWest Dnrhiam ipossess Shlort Horn herds? VWh-y should only sonielhaif dozen tarmiers makeý-ý7 aspecialty of raisinig Ci]ydesdal!ebos- thie mosýt profitable borse for fames i r'aise?, Wby are less than a dozen mfers devoting attention to shIeep raising On a large scale * Why are su few farms is a ibis, bannellr countty sufficienlly dIean, we;l- kepi anid att -ractive to be conisidered il--- : farmn competitlun?1 Wby ar-e five orsi men in West Dnram iiiadding farm il(: tarmn and seltling their boys on them wh>ie the thouisand otiser mmn are ebouit in ih sameu financial position theY wr 0 i or 0 yar ag ad their son)sscted over tie face ofth Ce earth? Farmiers, thilik on tisese tblings. span oi iiie. j3y her death the Uouneil ýs id Tl -i 111 LIIL> ýývlxliuLLIVIIývvu vvill v5ý -Illv'Lvu LU 1 ýv'u P3ý' Lkli ilriigglmki ý dence tkat he wili make the coluing b air 1