Social and Personal. -The annual Coniversazione of Ontarioi Ladies'olegWbitby, will be beid Fnr- day, Fei). 1;7. Gilr'sGip Powders Cure. Soid by R. IVIitchell & Co. Druggists. 'Goc&manes" ai Arcbbishop Tem- pie, "eenLhrec th11inga: self-control, selif-denliel 1nd ef-epc"Sces Muagazine. Th:, red, hanluc fieeling,-anti idso rcmnoved- by the, use of Miller's Comipouind 'Iron PIl. SoldI by R. M. Mitchell & Co. If yon hikyourw- ife la spayig 10 much -,or beri grocerieîýs give your next Order lïos.W Hte ils seilsale 1s SaVînig biS csîesîan enisIis mnontb. Are you noitwei Are you piwa- ,y, dercsd uSpirits, mlancboiy, tired,' niervons ani rritable? Try Mililr'a Comr- pou o n P( jilla.Solt()I by R. M. 'Mitch-ell M.aind iVrs. J, A. Cuilveri.weil are nowý living in thei new residence on Dorset- at., h1aving aisercbaedthe ,vacant prop- enfles adjoinlilg; east eu"d west, 1maýkilg ea grand Site overiocong the lake. Iu the spring exsi~ e buding and ground im provemeuts il îIbe ae-1>r lep "You frindMrs.-- s looki'ng ImuIcb mpovdin healtb" "Yes we ýv-,per- ,uaded ber,0 try MiersCorn1pouindIo PlU!s, wiîb he resuic-!t yuoseve"Sold by R-'. M. Mtcll & Co. Druggists. John Hmýiî, Esq. cele2brateti bis ninety- foutb lbirîbd]ay nicrayOn Wednes- day of Ibis wveek and eciedthe con- 1chim is bale and heaty, -ýand brig'ht as1 niew dola, ieis a veriteble soeos of reminïsiseces. We etendcon1gratulat- ions aradwe trusýt aend hope bsec maoty bappyrturna 0of 1ibeda. - Pot o Alii cases (of wcvak or ainue back, back- ache or rbamatismoHwIfnd relief by wearing meeAofCarter's Smart %Wecd and cet.Try ten a n"snsarce, Thatoursubaciber niigb reccive theirfavorite familypape the ma immbrs of tce me -hancal de- partment avoked ldy sdLe ay ahi dy and 11il rcb t a .Tbrda orig loa ;pprin thie Cunywhee lil wal--t Saued but il ment IxaS ,wok1doc l tire. W don~tlike te have wnî hos anti moe orhua, raesdisappointLet Jr uiý nccvngtepp, a-ergua irne. Pliainof litrhe ba, neroae treble, nrvos hadahecolti banda anid feut, paiin the back, andc other forma of wcakn!-iess art relie ccod by Caýrter,'s Iron Pilla, madcqspëcaElfor the blood, nerves Vrites,: "Yorncloure l th pper a few wcclrs ago remirida us anuîbr ycar bas coer and gone. It has-been a busy Ver,-a-d fui cfprgrî slibis ýwestern I sc b yor ppartht youj are going te bave a power tasmsiune. \'T _cstili ike THE STATEMAN ah i lase fUhlof local news. VWe do ,not !IV ont ere buit a company ,of nhibcaiaislaakn lthe DoinIion rIimetfor a charIter teo jer outeruAlbérta with ectrie l- flus, eakstoacb1in'getio , dspep- sia, try CrersLittie Neýrve PIS. Re- lief is sýu:re. The only nerv meicine for tle. reO.a in- Maaz\ i1 areally supeýrb numbeniTh -puigarticle "Caunada, a Nation" and the- varions prc ta rticles on stock breding pirld gee i griculture besides the, e-cletglx of goithinga for thehoi eeeu andtu; loe Af gud whoiu- some eain makes this specý(ial issue wor-tby 0f th erua e* Il members ef tis susblIll pinîl and antis- ticalhdy printeti, bauiui lutae nd laein cs attcieiCy getten . The Wmi. Weld Ce). meicn bbcý liberai suppor ofbbcfrmn communlîr for snaintalining the exelneof tirold and pp lf'ai wk anti lï(- ! tei a- nuai Chlisisîas maazne Whenï H-,ohoway's Ce)rn Cure isapie Io a cerni or wert il kilîs thse noots and tIse callosiiy cornets cuit wsnijnry ote bbc ileab. A bulletin ,! cfeCnu Offiýc issueti aI Ottait Due 30 gives lde total area of fildt rp gro-,wn in Canlada lu1 1910 ats 31,711W0 acres and lise value of cropa as $50P1815500 compared itb 30,e6),-556 acres and a valne cf $532,992,oo lu 1909. W l, oats anti barleý,y bati lest yeer1 a 'ta aiea of 1-8.97,QU,! a-cres witbu a vaue of- 521 04100 and Ibis year aitb an arca of ,9e acestise vale isý enly $48, The)- derenel value is $40, , ~ri,; is $4,599),bo mnore thanl ~ d~ereecse fr ai: feii ros aid a kowci rdutn of 18510ebulshls huai ini Masmitob, Saakatcisewau antiAh- bert irým n1 area sowu1 graerh'1,5 300 ares cconts frthwioeb. opop-cha ilet is kesAt- nup ~l'ole udc'walghs or ilm t eC tie 111r, at, dccý te i:osr,0 dragita or sui 1c c'mau 0, ofemmaaae tbadrg gî'aniallalrslpf-t acine gu astees frc fnei 1 roa ai, long jvcri a miel thuts abut) an~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~!ý ycrrso s- aioscu ar fCo ýjýp',wi ar 1emïe te r retut sie 1 ~io agi assu1t o ecs c ccn cioisnOtt ret, br-1Ig 01îî tuaUi aFe a'md' toccig faeweihs. U- - fortin miel c, i ecritPlic shoo reg- àuulo1 1 r cm'asiteauti C ofCchage * br,-isima Gectng for Dr,ý anti Mrs.J.. are, ie rerl- Iliîg cf wbiciî toucheti a r' chrd u us. They say "Il bas jorgoot for'tune Io bave been, Cen- -o.~e witb tise Coilege since iLs- 0'pening lu COL. 1874, an!ti la b personlally a- quinte i itb cvery teacher anti stui ainc2, ta nîau Iuaan mmoie ,ro I0nr mindc whcnleven wC view the., pat." Then fardier on tbey sav: "Tise nutie swsomi truc te bigiet OCsin jdi; ts hec steaduhyv grew,,ing uni t b2as uea n - e o f t n lrguaIan moaýt prosperous in CanadaL." Thomsands of forer tudnîsof this faivorite coliege for girls wviIi also have pleasant m-iemories of Ille days thley spent witis walls and atrolling thru lits lovely grounds and wili remembler by lovinig meýssages andf tokens1 of regard Principal and Mrs. are and othecr teachers whose faithful and zealous efforts put forth for thecir advancement, flot oiy educaîtionaily, sociallyiy an or- ally, but religiousiy, and flmaniy the young pirl bfas gone ont frmite O.L. C. witb bigher ideis of 1;ife and a flitness for ils duties and vwtihdesires to be very heicpf'ulI te their fr-iendcs and othersý. We wish every success to Ontario Ladies' College duing hefutuire years. TUIE CNDINALMANAC. COMPENDIM 0F7 VALUABLE INFO,(RMA- TINABO-uTi CANA,'DA. The sxyforhCanadian Mmanlac fori 1911l is issued by Copp, Clark Co, Limi- itedj, Toronito, anid is the mIrosr vabluable aninuel that cornes te our office, and on acýou nt of the uniulIY value-ble infoera- tion iïcntis botCaadlindispn sable fo ev:er-yoffice anld ibrarylth Dominion. ncludedlinthe 504 age which mauke up the Almanac are ten graved 1mapa of 'the Provi' ncefs 0of Ontamo and Quebec whicb show 0al Ile railways andprnia townrs and are litbiographied iii colora. AI!lthe usuel feaiturea are pres- elut, ;licludin-g bbc complete cuistoma sti, b>ankawibrachsUnd lnamea of mn agers,, lista ofý post offices, nwppr n clryof atil deninaionm' cis. Th'leIre is as ing tbescabuies rfesoa n poicl lite ofCanada ranged in aa ýt ýcou1vcleient form, Thle price ol thle vol- umla aîxty j""cents. For sale et ailbok siIN CF" î HÂyE D0 NE MY; BE ST. Since TJ have dn ybeast, I do Not fear the otcme ubre 1 Iltand Prprc or jugen hen men view The laibor of myhertan hnd If~~ ~ ~ god hnbap bil ifbe, iff cot, cntented. l'iabid, And thogh te prize if -lt for me1P, i\lyjoysha beinhvigred Sinc I avedoncmy eatthe're ila Nocuefor me t1at(ndsib thbogbIe lurel wretbilmiss, Myee3 aalsihghiaddy No 0 l anecs hahI mak Frfing,annovireet But bravelyý jud gmnent ,shah tire Anidsy:A bttrma:,'Ve mt,,2t since:Ihavedonc my bst, lHl goý WM euev r oshah summolle, Contete,U for -right wel Iko Howcve,;,r p-oor my reýor-dbe That, baig uoîng to regret' No aie that I wouid saeek to ide, Tl'le ïMaster's praises 1 shahl get For honeat effort when I tried. one1-tbird to tbe NATION AL HOMEOPATH1- iC HO\SP[ITA'L AS1SOCIAION ol,,f tbe District of Columbia, and îwo-thirds 1w the EFîis- CO)PA"L HOE OR CIDEN(formerly tbe Bell Home,) of the District of Colum- And I dIo bereby nominale andl appoint as execuitors of Iiù my wili n as trus- tees to carry out the truists thereof, my friendiIc'VLLIAM E.BAIE and ARTjiiuR A. BIRNý',ETî, of the City of Washington, District of Colum1bia. hu witneéss whereof 1 have bereto set my bajnd thia . d..ay of April,19. (Signetd) JANE L. NMcG"LL. Signed, publisbed and dcciared by the above-niamled Janle L. Mcil,1, as and for becr lest wvill anid testamient, in. ont presenîce, Mio at lher requcat and in ber presence and in the presenceý ofc each other ha-vceteeto signed our namnes as wittucssea thrtthis 24hda of April,199 Signed: Louis OTTENBERG, NO. 1338 if., St.ý N. W. asb., D. C. STAL FISCHER, ýNo. 15 15 T. St. N. W. V Wesb.D. C TILIE The liv.ig Lord of truth adgraaci' rese1-(nts from aStor1, hdn pae fie calîs you eaeh »o seek fis ae Adcorne just as P)ou are. Hi o s thje natur of yur S ï, e cailS Lyou n-'ow to enter, in And crne uat asyuare ]is"let an-d eru sfeses Andi cornet lst syuae or stle wvllflotitacf ipu Bt cone before ait betoc ate And core jsti. , o a '1'- - - -- - - - - - -- - 1 - -L- - - 1L - MR.J.- H. McGILLS'S WJILL. Thrn lt1ise kiinucscf eueetfise ,execu-, tors- coflise estatueoft bh ale Mra. Jamnes H. w MG h ave receivuti a copy et bier ast WIilI, tise text of s'bicis-ruades as joi- Iu tise'Î -NmeoetGod, Amten: 1. JlANEL. M 1 L L, etfise ,City of! Wisng n Ditrcte Cohumibie, beiug igooti botiiy hieatb but censcýious oethtie uncerteinty of life, anti tieiigt dispose, atter my delsh, etahilise estcýsatu 'sbicb- 1 shahl eave, do beru-by mekue, lpublisb anti duclaru Ibis my hast s'lhh anti testamient; bereby expressiy nevokiug tandnýcehiug After the peyment et ail1 my juat debîs vise my estate as foliows: ITEM I. -I give anti bequcatb te my dearhy behoveti aunt, JEAN K. CRAICIt, cf Porf Hope, Canada, tC)lou Thonsanti ($iooo) Dollars, te be paiti ber as speeduhy after imry death as possible. If my saîi aunt shoniti pre-ticcease me, then I gire anti bequcatis lie saiti sum icf oiee housanti dol1lars ($1000) te bbc corporation cf the District cf Columbia knowu as tise NA- TIONAL CONGRESS 0F MOTHERS, te' be 11seti for tise geucral purposes et saiti cor- poration. ITEM 2. AIl tise ruai anti nesidue of rny 1estete, both ruai a! ntipersona-i, I give anti devise t10 my execulîors biereinafler nameti, andt te usujrcivor of tbcm -,if eue shouli be 1,dat in y deatis, lu trus;t, bowvern, for tefolhoiig preettl te tsay : lat. To d1eliver my ,,weýrïing app1arelý, jeiry alilStisimilar personl 1effecta te tis perSsn womIshah ignte10 receive wnitiug w;isicb I wi1hattach te thia my ý,wili. 2ud. ,To cohhuct antidecieai! lbiselu- cone wicb miay arise Ireai r1tise nemlai- dl!ur o nai'-ipre-pert, wletber neal or pesninti atter payme3t eofil l' ic ( chalrges antdi îusr xesslu tihe ,care anti mlaintenan-,ce of saitieus t at1e, te p ayv the1 newa eidntof UpLtn, PoineofQue- bec, Canaa, quartci oflner trn ber i n ari ifuý. Ant; 1i Ido buri-,icby vexpr-essly aisorize anti cmpo c besaiti trustees te inveat anti r-nvet aIthi iar tonanly pr of ise said estate s s te ,ý prcoticte bs possý;ýible lucome fr y ad otse;anti upen thediedeatis of myaiti motiben 10 piay freorny sait estate ber fuimeýrai e2xpjes. 3~-d Aui en he ic-cisof nmy saiti mother 0 couvet nsy aiti estate mieo nmuy nifor tfiýjIs pur Ose e eil My real st-eani persouial roero f every kmti i, nsnli-i cb lema aste 'tbem mey seenýls at atite onvc te ,same by ahi saitabu or mecesary teutisor articles cf trasfr;ani hereupon rl10 -pay'te tise! PROTESTANT EPISCOPL CHUItCH O, THE i ADE'~r et aslingîon,-1 D. C., Onuý Thonsanti $roo,)Dollarsý, te bu ne-1 ceiVCcd!)Y saiti-cisuc unemiory oet my deeadsois Fr-eticrick. Anti te lopay 10 ýthie aoenameti N A- TIONL CNc-RSS F MOHER tisui; cf OnuTouaid( 0000 olasIis tu bu lui taddcitioni te tise coniditionail legacy7 aboe roidt 10bu at siicorpora- toifmy aunft sha3il pr-dcas e. An11lti 0ineat anti kecýp investeti flie sumn of' Two Thiosntis,1 ($2000,00) Dlas bbc iluceme wbereof ftbey shiah appiy t ise e ;a nti benefit of my nepbew, D LU- CNADAI, unitil lbis det1sorisati- ng tliseage oci' t-ie 2)yere wicbll ime !bis igbit te nyprocetis fo tise saiti funti sîil 11cease, ant i-ici truatees siseil di:idýý'-u ie rincipal sum belweenrn y nieces, KAFHLENani.INA ADAîýi, uqui - ly, r ifeuebu teadshah s ls -ioe te is suvioroftbm Ai(-f tUe residu'e cf ny mbtelup WIE 1EECRDlE ,'ÉD- i auid noir en.i;ys tIle bs fhaf St. Rose di, Lac, Man.,Jn.1 (S'pecial) Thait ifluantDiese, onuý cf the 1esimls co ,;Àsoïdered- itinys, axndit la!onsequentfly cas- - iy cuutiby-Dd-da--4idney P-i-li, i l bc epne c-f Mrs. fcnyJ. iJacquies c-f this place. "My huart troubletiime alil the limre," saîi Mns. Jaocjuies in an ii terview. "Anti I knew' vbat ter- rible resulta migtfll .Theý fueltishat my himba wuild swell i nmy back aubeledme ýo bulieve tisatI JaIse ufe.eirom Rdn Diesse itumnttetry, Dot' itincy Pilla, I boughit foYr boxes, anti efreILad fnýih- cd t1ise third boxtise swelling was genne, my baci ws el, nmy huart ne longer troubietli ne. I arn now in tis e bst Cfhealtis, ant 1 ove it ailtute Dd I'sRiney lla." flan;It Dsus la ocf tise troul- Ies tisat cerne from unisealthy,, Ritincyvs. Tbey filte stitise impunities eut cf tise blooti1, anld tisose ipniisare ouný-dti)teaf- foct tisehuant, yiscbis tise engin e tisat propels tise bloodt brugi tise body. ToueflatDsus e tise Kitin1cys witi otd Rde Pilla ; te prevent flatDi) s k(eup tlise Kinystoe Illp-anti b1eallhy by using Dd' iîe HE, IIAD FOUNID UROUri Husban-"Youneyer k iisa meI( cxcupt s'isu en s'eut nPey." Wie'W eH, i-n't bisaI t "ten ceougis V' A Beau for tise Bilious.-Tisu iv- er is a rery su streogeant-id easily deranguti. MWheu Ibs aoetra tisere mJ-su unde scretcuf i)le anti thse aciIhiuiti fmies mIe tie ste- mIýach anti saurs il. lb la a motdis-î trsin'limen't, antMi ny ariie proue tatuit. Luibtis conudition a man fintis tise1beat rmutyiynluParme- hcue's Vegebabie Pilla, s'i-ic a rc w i. arante"Iti osp. oret tis dserue. Tiser isnobutter medi- c n utictir: it cf pil pie- A GOOD SCIIEME. "Isue Ltise serifflaatvetiin yeur stuck ton sale." "Yus; anti be'agetbig quitea rau cf bsies. M'isi I hati tiefij iug aY collegeïl" Corn tletely Cured 0f Con;tip-ation By These Fruit Juice Tablets. HÂxnzwcr, N.B. A. th. 1910. "Crnic Constipation yrýas the conuiaint I siiffered wîLth for years, andl Mny generati heathas miser-able as a resuit of this diese1 was treated by phliciasvihcîut the slighitest benefit, and'- I trie2d a1ilinds cof puis but nothing did Ie anly good.L I saw the lett er witnby our 'Sen- atotr, Hon. oh Costigaii, in favor of ',Prtit-a)-tive'S" so I tried it. the effect was marvellouis, and nîow I arn eneyWC-Il from hiie CrneConis- tipationi from 1hch saffer-ed for ilneny years. My genera1l'heal th is onceu more ex1cc1ellt, thanks to "ri--îe. A. G. WILLITON.111 "Fruit a-tives"' is the 0n11 me1iin inth.orld thaýt wili, cenand .doesc tives1"iS the oi-y neicn ta cta drclonthje liver-. Futetvs iS cee f fruit juices and tonlics 1and will lwy cureContiptioilionis- nea, Trpid 1Li'ver ed ildsassof dieto.5oc. a bx 6 for$2,tra Sr,2.AtdaesOr sen!t 0on1 recipt of price by FutatrsLmtd ABOUT PRLMNS WILIAMJEWLLDEAD. (Tise News, Batauvia, N. Y., M1r. WilliamJu'ltieiTrs day, jeul. 5, et'atai opt sh 'Iure buhati bcusinice Mylie sufferetian lteir cf panýaly"ýss tua year-s ago, but s's bl1etie Vo buoabeut on Apnl 1,13,antispu ma cf his ]ite ain anine (a r ,nn ant Bo(ýwmanville, Ont. fire sesluis ceuse te-,Batavia abeu2"t 18 eur ug antiforsorn turnle assisttîIlbison Mr.t. Jusýe'ell, bîe tise latter ceduîcia drug buicalt o s9Manteut. fIesas n utie s' i futire 2sen is, n M-à1. Jew1hl ToobOnt., antï Mn. S idney A Mm.FrnirT. de l'u, fa l,1N.'1 Y., a brthrBe. John1- A.Ju' anti Mra.1 Iaac Cbb 1( l--ik, ron o, Ont., anti fis. WlimRh1 lTbe -,fune-ral sa sliat 2o'lcir saus inEmociC -eey Facýta TatAre Espeiauly Inteest,-l Bewrnanviý,hlcbs neyer bati a The Efitparliament cf Great those Wbo kne w bim niatel in ù Btain mtin 1ii7-07. absns a îlrge eba Net untîl 1771 wure the ti-bates YcLbi neaH.fe Was iybis741h The (,î Pri~etc the Unit-ý C'd Kigto c reat rtanantidLIA chuEulrt .Tew ad-mittd tPail- wîga re theicerscf Se- men, he at BaonL. otsi- îa &! Se, N.4,Son cfToim- chiti tok is seatun July 26th, prne .. rn etae W.. ýA., Mrs. Il. C.SU(t .SNl The"Pahime-t f Dncs,"1lir 3coti; A..S.,RMis Ger- convened by flenry IVý. at C ove-n-trde aco;S.I.C co; try in 1404, was nu caleb causeas., B. G,. Stavens; bplIs ai lawyers were exeludeti from it' . -eslk;CnEectVc In 1649 th,-, flusecfai Cn mmns * C (on., iUs aayIReynolds: I forrnally abolishbeJth ie lieuse cf ëî iVlW Vina V-ice; o. Se,,t., Lodanti in tise sema yar per Io agmaid;PWP.,.L sat as a mmenfth omn. aceirgnsMssGrrd Pirto tise time ef teSura uce Votby (cern. cf Loyal mebrIc liaet eupad Crus'aders,.- Miss AMnînie akr regularange for tieirsearvices by' Tie cnitencies reurnngem. 'PT O'Onom e?'FLs>, Theprset lose-c CmmnsFrank AJ. chey mkes qoath 1hat h anti1 fluse of Lords werrepresent- .seiorp, i p heon o .J eti in Angle-Saxon tuer lu the- Cheiey & d , dî" i " i, y"IfToe"o, County anS Stýta FolkmooïorCcilohwp lfrsii ndthaI siamitiflrmwilp ani tieh4 tnaemtUr Coumcilof, Iepmou foNEHuaND HEU DOCL]seàï tise isef s, fr an h an ev u£erybuaM oS Cof rhth Tbescret ahintlse t arrh Cure. iFïzNlîe ý secHýr.Eyr S w c or;, " ermmeeandMhndrbed l foýr one ,da ayo lad decreed ts»MY presence, this 6Gtb daLy otfleebr depesition of ERing Ricad il.Tic . i . GLAS lThnO nteAMES Oiz nuOns uE î~OTWITE Oi~ ýUR 'lhormdsrtye'a aim:ide-g~ mn ies a inu't rntt- r t sropg ls 1 ie,001iîce, I c Di'u I e al ,yu t, . Ien, 3 prra eltu bfni i oI &cY.0* vlr usaa c:,c'î i --- io ME sWcmloiEA R m m em st orCaie esrr 'e aporec at uetsn idor nt f e dsreh î4bnteyfr Cndinbnsncs oniy. Adres al ltn s ollwe: DRS. KENNEDY &S KENNEDY. Windso, n ~Vnitn Soi' oui' pri aie address. About 1772 tise beautifL Eliza- buth, Duchesa of flamilîtonu, sent ber -sen, a boy untier twenty, on a tour -futher cf tise hur elc ouu~ recp-e-tovel. HaIT Càtarh t2r atknintçrniai. wbeacopni hm wsuteutdj- Tis "ariane YtcfBats" assernm, ata. i ircty nlie hoo7 nd o piedi witis tise mutns sufaes t 1 Se y sufisiently oc ibled tiuning tise rEgucyIn tise for letsurfonii rn ytm yugdkc0iomb rl," rejgu cf fHenry VI. Ils mumbersi .J.CENY&M0, oedoui-t i lise tiofer,' aie i is net "V- tctîhitien to cari-yswertis c1 Sold by alilDrlggi,îs, 75,. tisuy caille toe tish ue 0cf Cun- iFaaia.Pus orcost-Pessible fcr any nurnan Creauur menws with bats or clubs. ,,te have a mo(re comiplute diarcgarid IlPaliarents bare sat in sUran.e LESSER 0F rwO EVILS ifor IMenuy." lExtreet s ram thse pae.Onu was isulti by EiwrdUI. "S," saidth ise trams "I have I tutr's leuttera te the mtier oftbi under an oak true lunSbcrwocti or',nt tastetifooti for c'P, cbaýre-rcenty ublsistibyois estü. Anotisen, calletie "Blacir otisr hait an heurqcf fatin, anti candor anti a huu e eually dle- Palimet, wascesvnci by, ILuat due."-igstu1 flenry VIII. in Bnidewehi Gaol. 'Then,"ecain th ie piin- orrb c' onetue w. So tIe as ueriis ofrcur~~tIhropist, "yen shah ire ar hsregar-d itetiseGirlýs wrnet very- idg mumbers te Paniament est-s -%icet, ItMOI dil dit yen ýl ny I wid cf ise truth. fie becarne c- cd lis tiays cf tise ealy .vTiiuor steati, to a supuuaqecu~igi edc ieet-as Rins, tat smybofbs paifoi' c urs atr'ors-ma-aiues, rnucb as, te brinig hilm mb tthe ha- consderbl- suna f meyfortis1 ati essrt-a fast t isreeeur-nsit cf liRSing ilu tise ornlig. fie lp'ilege"cf being difrancisisti.14lon.(Gleriuarconpany: AMn, Ef- iecame serions anti penisive, cbaig- l Nos' tiat Russie, Tun u atifrts, Mr. Spontoffen, Mry Lng- cyca,, aofeas ,Sish are, Peria avecacs aisevei o 7ben 11ar, anti oisr eminetmun. tie e m, anti neyerwas happy- graututi censtîtutioailgomvrunent. "WihthurebuLe ny>fu inrote e iit cf a kittcre are onlythree speeches l1" asiredthie starving ione. u"I was larmti haltsiat counnie lutis s'nld ithut ~ "eluus)f 'm"saidt tie pi'l s ias tise Dulke blua-cuf. As for Pariamnt.Tiey are Cnin, Mo-, aîrp At. Antitis ramp hanti-uti tisewGilbenseîf, neiise is Pas- (oce andtihie tiuy pnupality cf, bacrtise ticket anti crawhet ilur- lSie i suInmoieLencu eente Mlenace. î1y ewayinte alsuent tîmber yard hv uits mlutafc nts Wbun tiCise 1Ring opuis P!arliamelýnli Inta due. afetoi i in Staetlwtse res'n ant itise Cp cf;_____invariiable Gay-ity uciberTemiper iMainkeanwe figures largey s ise D1ièTRESSING IEDAIES oue of ise effucta cf ïtsi Sset cereimony. Eac is borne be!ebut Vicient Passi mmReniMc-1 isi MjsybanberacfbgsfHticusare largely ts ntcep tie habit cf ERising lu tise Adîsmird-eeikiducys.Morning, s'isicis lasornuamai In- rank, tise Crcu n ia cushien cf air. Hall, 84Flera Street, st. tienifeation ton tise Piaqu ilgave' cnîimsou auelvet, tise CAP on tise, top)-l T' adfo' c, i Ont.,k a s-ln c)f ashorthitc taffor tisesec-umas " ufrt erBtst i uuat e b)(Ilema(cf royal rankir nay' neti b1;ye-ars s'ils eatiacioss(cfa mrnu ds-. Ibhiche be is a 11111e Catceti tiseti by uyisantis but t-i banda ssi ng nature. Tbey wculceoe bythsisLady, (anotiser instansce., cf tirese orecîgo. on Mu sudtienly anti s'cid hastroconcen a lady in Geneva.) Tis I " Penhiernent Uteraer"sas for tiyat a lime. Tisese wvenu is tise tid Pasajon tise Duke bas tise namie givelitentise litle grcup ni sualhyacopnit by speils cf iati-1 sinc, e 'u crosad tise Sua. -Tisey cf gre-at nobles s'iso, tiliWilIlimdxi stisat olteaeme un- grneralhy affect is ýappeitie, anti Pits iis tration, eturnut( ill-1 ableu teattend te any buse tnti-es. Ieaumaire a prcttgocti guescf1 là- hiait ti ismebrofltie loue y back s'as tie-bigistisof bis Love1by\-tise Victui- etCof es Menu tian sixty weak a-- "ntican- kat I u efusesb ca. seet ss'ere lu tise bandsadcfLori d cdme mucis sut- ÀASiglat Touc Il 't 1Love p',it sa Down ishir-î, t-ise Ponsonissandthie trn tirgh PIrreialyfo Lgmsatiall Bereatortirs alenu. Tbey ndrortise nigist. Ik ni fJariag.If il ar-imssa te manage Parliarnent .in thir oeu n isti docerti i tiegrie iigiser bu turls up bis nese wey, on ibieir cwntera, ntifcrer s butIp ut icansseesanti agouts.c Au lrgeiy l ise-ir os'v nueî. i ecaai11.In otMois c egreuat e0v, atsrg andet me anti.ry Rat-iVeal or Pon!Ïts of m'O oconfdition s'as sort. Tue confienceei by fiersu gradually beccmling scu. ITishis isntie uhmeat lenglsbis pas gensi ee» i-ps stetIS to-dy i ainuticof Bootb's KRitnuy Pilla, sien bas cvrT comu iiimrm, o auy seeds îwe score ci years(Onu ex g ý,ave me a complete anti s ie busa t tisec stwtsMa- ao. W ae aealatsig cure. I bave net bati a tiarnci'cl Merhenvilu, t1icugi saie! sciece of seedhieudeebe or tiixzy speil since ant impt bu ctiruy from Gr(ueus, grwn.Ifeci lire anus' pue. ilagouits, anti V ieai li atie ne Boiotb's Ridueny Pilla are aciti by ipesin i is Roa Býeet)3on al druggists, 50C. box, under a I Mttnapeit. fted pIentiful'-i guarenteho refond porr money IV UPon biseuispite et al bher ý1ways do iftlisey feu hto reue adis s isrs exat-lmty ' av ing ita eninin the kitinys or jImInd teake a Tlsermwtï ANNUAL Fi-e oni rtqusb. BootSCc.,.. î.,OFtt.En sgres: (1) Greens.,i (2> "ý! -M. #~V--OOe , .?%hli--andi gtaraneeti y Juy &andi Bagouts, (l) oui T'àI nadi Levil tmugita ~oxis ()plsain Bca nte1 r Beef.And f evertheMrc mounts so hîgh- auSthiaîIsa mn~1-. humhi~~ i~4er,~'± J lU r~i~p FACT AND FANCY, out il. A~~~~~sl Chneexxmalincxrpht- rhed No man ao- s a rwgh to rff to support bs is wife beaue sheis n cdýe Voal h\pb i o. uAt ntosnis hllavedu,anti arjoisg hotiaî1y li hse 0 eas itat tIs i s' re' faýs rnou rerned huakben oatie nSaprtneviii'spaviCur a jsFath ilonsacmllarshoaers mednMabnd,P..OdAta 40 Yae usiIetalsSan ~ thin lb c '11b te liniment fre Kiks i"\u1savin al-Sai No hehing henyot wil ero eu l heh bti now-$x---6 kbw $ au s ek-aTegesntbe lIane" re t foi muYl1ts oný sulie, 8ellig, o al k.i' - ii. c0..iagoshln%1aI~vi. -r-u- - 1 ' ie - 1 ý- -ýý --l- - ýl lýUcýL Illilliulu -l -l Established 1873 0F CAINA\DA\ 8 rac A DEPOSIT 0F OEDLA ireceived in ourSaigBakDarmnadi suffiient1to open an ilaccounit andenie the Deposýitro a pass Book. The highest current rate of Inteýrest i3 aloeanid money rnay be wira)wn at anly tiiný withouLt delay. SatvinýG EBnk Deîpartmnt at Every rach ain 'M, n'hm a aev, B lacktoclJ Branch~7es loa ecslNwov!e aoo