Our Aims Dtermnine Our .Ncts and Bathi fletermnine OrCarce ~'And let thre beauty of the Lord4 pur Ced ,be upon u S."Psaim1rs WheCther youl are a virtllu nan ýDr -l'lut li deend ,on1thoalues r'ou see axid seek in life Few popecan ithrw m ~evsinto thle pioobrrgo pf calm and there Caefully work put astsatr exýplana1tion of the rneanini of existence. But ~vey wlle nt oÀ a tinin e- ing is basedu pon sorne sort ol a l~ilosophy &f Ife ,is the resuit of .chat ho counts as tho mcaning of lis Ife mal harishes as the' good mort worth seeking A man is what ho seeks. If he ail Cif into one great factory or warebose!No wondekrthswo and cauy aovethinigs qestlion the worh f living. HeJi're is the gient need for religion, noV as 'a systein of thougbt se rmch as a.con- scoujasncSs of ýworthi,awilgws to rcg ilife shvn lint ale values. hegreat meaning ocligon is no 1tat I arin foî ar ouf te ieful1 power of the goda, but 'that I arni in ho;pe of realiziiug altoeiel for NbCih the Conception of thec goda bas stood IN HUMAiN'THOUGIIT. deirsVoth s b dscnd;Flaith is n'oV VobeL(2ie-Ve that, b,- a le- oVs crctnsisare tanped up- gai fiction1Ihave escapedimpn on)l h1im1; itus weite urs htl imIdI nig eu uttekwtaLt th gea iitiit crnsto pass th1at 'i he now la ic h nvreis 1that Jrngh ne other éo nid M cfs at thoe isoe anenter uona worthy wbo spek ofbigher values thaibae fbte iig ibrle ths fthe fiesýh. amennAduntea utyn. l If one iveor riepnuatiion-, i h iinisheintýerprot-iat'ion of ý,wete experience o f il Iis that lue as uat te chanc eee t da ich,ýl cornies we lteigwrsformntouisovrthe gloy'an lu on Lbis ears, ho helveo lvoad eut"f exstnc ,h prîs, hoapettefo aprba hance te, take liýfe in uterma o'f tio determnos every net. lie is bgo slfrealizattion, hier race ikeiy fa becore irea!izaion. 1V is the p1-wr hic A MA,,iN: ý0 FMSKUS, go ws with ail wbo i, - l1l useit, -t he purfomîng antica forapla1ase Iper te bcthe eternai beauties ini driven thiher andcbîther Y the ail the jpassinqg, fadin1gsetceo sh1ifingwi o pp las aca fe encre thing of xind i ocying ths it st o h hnet Ifyo av cre ebeliove tht ui este er o ubgo life is tce Mad, seehig struggie there is in popiot, te apociae of the burnan crond, jotsiin, figbt- th rchesof spathay ndl t ewac ing, ready te tear SAiir hmiýirnb forwardton ard the igortype of in its* bitter stuggic ofood rneanbood, how ilargeiy scb ha COn- ioting. and maeril advanti-.o e cptiof.n ili1 iec every act, Cured, by Lydila E. Pink-1 MAULTONT, N.J.-I feel that LydliaE. Pin1kha'a sVegetabiec ompounid has given mue new life'. Isuffered oc e 'j earswmth SIrou 1 emale troubles, lui- i-ifiammation, nicer- ioni,üi, indigestion, nerounesand couid not sieep. Poctors gave me 'up, as they said my troubles wcre chronle. I was in or ie, x he Iýad abotiLydia E. begat tae it, and arnweil aga-in and reiieved of ail my sfeig -Ms GEORE JooyBOX 40,MrtoNJ Lydi E. ikha's VeëgetaýbieCen herbs),, co)ntainsn.rtis orha- fui dlrugs, an o-da1dstie rcr for the iags ubrOf actuai ue of female diseasca we know vof, and thoausanldsof vlnayt tmnaa n file lth !e !iPiinkam iaborato)ry at1 Lynn, Mass., frer weenwhe have been cuared drrnamost evcry form- of fernale cempi-jýain'ý-ts, iflmmtion, ni- indiestin an nereusprostration Evey uferinig wo"man owes it te becr- sLft i,-e Lydia E.Pinkharn's Vege- abot yur cs rieaconfidenm- LyuMaslier advice la >-ýfre, pen4_1aiways 1,e1pf ul. Ask Your Duggist fer a Froc Pýounî;a iaüacfor 1911. O SHAWA. Thos. Rne spent the helidysI wiîthlitis sis4er, Mrs. A. Weling, Brockville. Mr -1. D.H.Heleyspnt1e Year'-s with his sister, rs. J..F. 0'Keefe, Lindicsay-. iéss ertrude Brookse Peterbors, viitd ercosi, Mrs. Chas. ï,r. jhnMayihas gonc, ie Vo To- r.oný0tO oreside withhs xdaughiter, Mrs. M. C. Devins. Schi,.Toronto), wsguest of Mrs. T. 11. Eesnoverthweknd W as gutestof ýev\. and Mrs.A. R Salero, whlin Vown. Mr. R'oyý S. Faà,woLIli as ac~t ed a positio;n ini Toronîto, and( withi gone there te reide. Mr. W. Buýckiey bas been re- newfng acqnac esafter an ab- sence of thiry years, at his old home in Sapanec. R.evs. Jas. Hodges, B.A., of the Proibyterin hrcand 1IL T. Lewis, B. A.,ofSincoe S 'r eet A Teaýocr Triing cli as be"enrgnized in connection with Simoe tret ethodist Sabba.th Sehl, with thie psor . .T. Mon. RselG cen h e peitodbaitoe sl*ist in the Metrop in MteitbeChrli,1 Miss Barbara'iM, D.SIe, accom- panied y ber sstar, iss Jhesi MelDuffPie, AMontre1a visietheir home irtn Lir-nay dunngP4thie.u BLIND MNIUS ICIAN'S' FE ATS SEVERL EXMPE OF RE- youeth f eenof hoba ets Royal Coil]ege of1Ognsta, isth their terrible handicap, hveprov- edý' moreý thani a iratch for rivais who enjoy the use of their eyes. 1V is net long sinco Professer T. S. IRoberts, the youthful instructor of music at the State Sehool for the Blind ut Portland (Oregon), aston- ished the musical wonld by anLaam- azing feat of memery. A'Itho-Lgh absoluteiy biind, Mr. Roberta, dur- ing the rcndering of tbe cna "THE HOLY CITY, at a musical festival at Portland, plydthe o(rga superbly for an heoi u ad qarerentireiy from MeýMrner, withouît striking a single nor ofi he ost talented rmusil- sasin urp to-day is tbe 1Lnd- gratf of Hes! -Cassel, wbe bas been bidfrom bisq birth. As a child iho deveoped a positive genins for music(, antI whilea pupil at a sebool forï the bilind niear London used te keep visitera entranced by the-heur byý bis 'marveiouns piaying on the piano and orgaii. Jor-e of the fots h per- formd weerineed litile short(ef mirleus. 4 Ta,1or--c der te test bjis oer ae musician-s would pay lng antýIdif- ficuit piecesiby Bahvn Mozart, or others of tbhe groat composera. The young Prince would then take hX. qpaf, ntA be iano. andal~though The -37-11 avDAwas ouglit, and wIVIIhl has büeil fn use for çove-r y0yer, bas b'o-rnýe itesinaur and Inas benimade u-nder Ibis er Aiow ne one Vo dee yu u its VInfe-anend hidenEpaindoaantExeiet Castoria is a barmlesa srubstitutýe fr aso 01,Pae gorie, -Drops and Soothing Syrupa-, ý-It s Leasat." conVains neither Opium, Aiorphîýinnr tt aroi substance. ItVa age la its guarantee. 1 esnys Vom and ailays Feveri&hness. It curtesDirtoand in (Jolie, 1V relieves Teething Troulesi, crsCntpto and Flatulency. 1V assimilatýesVieoorgatsie Stornacit an Boweia, gii eal yadntrlsep Th CtldensPaacaTh Mters Fi6d In Use For Oe r30Yrs TH~ ENftJP OmPNY. 7 MRRAVSTRET. ~EWVQRK07 J r