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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1911, p. 8

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I DR. J. C. DEVIT11 DENTIST. 1CI OFFICE Tempeanc t owxaanvithe j (just off iCns at.)iesttd Dil OF I.CbeH U S -. i . ni . edte 6 . .l.... $4 5 DIl S ex, , n c un y. .. ..I...2ý Be-Ly MaiOclanEmet .... o echîaot5 W icl b le Bo ..........ofi.e.est o.... . j atd .PariyaGobeDa rin ed.. ion.....$450 Uajiy Mailad mir....... 0 Torut Wnl.. ..............3750 aiyew........ ....2. ýý -,50 Cily Stý,nar inw.............3250 Weely lobe ilm..ý..............I 75 GIROCERIE-S AT CA PO' HAMP TON. we areereduciugi,-the pie Méli's Sufits andTrusr and Boys' Kniickers. Cail! andsefeplni b-urgains, To make roomi for spring g-oods w e are clearing balance, of our dishes at x ery low pricesý Fresh and sait fish and oy- sters ini stoc 'k. Try theux. You can a]lwýaps depend On our groceries being freb TIERMNS: Strictly cash or exehange. {na11 lic 1n Clearing4 Sale of Plinos and Organs Are you hinking of buying a pian r organ'? 1fs, heeis an opportunity to get hagood second-hand instrume-,nt a!t barcgain prices, Every homne should have a, piano ot- organ-,. Encour- age your children to be musia. Very LbYlTerms Dominin LTprght Pano ,, od amnw, in useleshaayar iliesIprgt........ ............ ............... $125 Brown& Munoe Sqare........................$7 Do..onSqar ...... ................ _.............$ 0 heeis also some xta oo\alues ineodhadogn ro ....................__.......-------------$1.50 to $40 It s ecssrytoeethseintrmetsto fuiiyaprecet the genuine bargains ing Pofied.No trouble to show thein, Cail, J A ME S DEYMb1.AN, AG EN T Le C0e2, d ReableDoinonPia-nos ,and Organsý, King St. Bwavfe g, - 1 -BOWMIANVILLE, A .19 90 NewlyI instailed officers of Mapfle Grove D17ivisîin are: W' P, Howard R Foley;- WV A, Rliea Jeffrey; Treas, Samuel C Rundie;ý F S, MIark Munday, jr; R S, Sir- lie Sodn A R S, Howard Woodi; Chiaplin, M ark MTýunday, sr; Conductor, Cecci Jeffrey; Ass't Conductor, Charlie- Wily; 1 S, RusselHbb 0 S, Cyil Rundie;P W PLeslie Snowd-cen.,. pleasni netie ttehm fMs L illie Pentound, Mapqlle GIro-ve, Thumrsdlay afternoon, -wheni a Couple of jolly sleighi- loads and some cutters drove ont and thie memrbers ld a very instructive meet:ing. A\ splenidid pa per on1 "NerCves and thecir diseases-', a giv'en by Mrs. Frauk West- lake; the 2best wayv of l'spedi,,iin.- winter evemgvvas lead by Mrs.. Tatylor,- then a general discussion followed; "The value and use of eggs" was taken by Mrs. T. Baker and members after which a very enjoyable time was spent in mu.sic, etc. About thirty-five sat dcwn to a bountiful supper wben ahl the delicacies of the season were served by Miss' Penfound. A hearty vote Of thanks was moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mrs. Tink to Miss and Messrs. Pcnfound for l eir Uind bespital- ity and aIl joined in singing "Thcy are j ohN good "(lfellows." A "Maginet" cream separator, nal nev, frsle cheap.-F. H.Mao& Son. Mrs. A. F. Ruudle spent thec week-end with triends lu the ct... r.Wborn and Della intend spending the remiainder of the winter with friends in G7rand Rapids ...Miss Ila Shorît is -iatending Bsns College in Toronto..A \number from here witnessed the hockey match in Osh- awa last week and report auiîvely ie Re-opening concert of Sonis of T--emper- ance Hall, Mt. Carswell, -was quiite a suc- cess. -IMr,. J. O caty Torouto), gave a splendid adidress, sbiowýing the greacýt need 0f work f0u be dolne in thec cause of prohi- bition. M.R, M Michel, owmaiinville, pleascd t he udienc ratiy in the num- b iers lic gaveL. Mr. ýL.Mtcll lbas a fine voicýe and Ccurtice people will always welcomýe him at any time. Other selec- tions were given very acceptably by- Miss AIma Courtice and Mr, Frank Walters, M'isses Muriel Penfouund and Aura Os- bJorne and Mrs. H. F. Osborne..New. oficers of Ebenezer Epworth League are: President-K. Courtice; Hon. Pres.-Rev. Jos. Barnes, B. A.; 1st Vice Pres.-M. Courtice; 2ud Vice Pres-Ireue Werden; 3rd Vice Pres-Aura Osborne; 4tb Vice Pres-Charlie Found; Sec'y-Lorne Truli; Corresponding Sec'y-Mrs A Wyborn; Treas-R Sulley; Superinteudent Forward Movemeut-Mildred Penfound. DARLINGTON da, ENFIELD. services wUi b udc cutî e~ (aFebmuiary , affern1oon 1and even-ingl whben Rev. A. R. Sanderson, Oshiawa, will preac1i. Ladies;' Aid wvas entertainied Thursday eveing by M\rs. Gee. Blair, Oshlawa .... Mn.r Bert 1Hoblis, Port Anfltr, recenitly visited fiends andI relatives here .... MIiss Jean McGrego bais retunnied atter a visit te relative-s ini Maple Grove ...Contest for attendance ati programi at Divisioni- cmecsFridaynigb1t Mrs. W,. J. Lag aid ud Ms.W. Glaspl Iwililact asý jugs.. is ges Balson lbas beeni reniewing acquaintances berelae. Wiedrawing ice XMr. John Clark et bis team and !sîcigli iiu the aibt by time- ly aid Ilhe y were saved,( SOLINA. Tree Pruessmtignw nfi ing like tliom, at F. H. MIvason & Son's. Mrs Hl G Pascoe returuced from a pleas- aut visit at ra-,yto... . Mn J H Tremeer, Rosser, MUani., lias been renewing acquaint- ances here.... .Miss Lena Taylor is bell- daving In Western Ontaiio ..A number from licre attcnded the Tyrene cburcb ne- epenin...Messrs A L Pascoe'and Chas Scoft teedOntario District Division at Raglani, -Tuesday.. .Mr Geo Vice Reynolds anid Gertrude Pascoe visitcd ut Tyrone. . . ýMr andI Mrs A Beacock, Blackstock-,vitd friends here ..Sev- eral trom be1re aftended flic Annual Meet- ing o e lcMneLeaft nsurunce Ce at Columbs, Fnday.. M Cecil Vice who lias been toiuning flicneorfhemce unfies retutrned hiome... YMr andMs L A j Short and lso, Cortieand ïMe!ssrs îNon- man aud Ge(_ýo. Jamnes, B-owmianville, werce Sun--daýy visitons af "Roselandvale" .Distict ivison w h eld ut Sol- ina, Friday, Feb-1. îofb ..Mn and Mrs ChaLs Blanch r epjlsanly surprised by a 0ume *etrelatives antI friends Mondaýy evenînig, it beinýg thec tenfli an- niiversury etfficir marriage. During flic 1evenimng an address was read by Mn. Antlhur Westlakec and Mn. Chias,. Sturgess madIe thepesnaint a kitcec cabi- nef a3ntI cid's m-on cot on bebaîf f e li frieuds. Mn Blanchard matIe a suitabie reply ater whicl,, speeches were matIe by Messrs W Ashton, John Clarke, W Blan- chiard antI others. Refresliments wcre served antI a pleasaut social time spent. Recent visitons: Mrs. Herbent Coueh1 and son, Langham, Sask ; Mr. H-arry Brown. Nonfolk; Mr. J. H. MeRolicîts, Toronto; L. A. W. and Mrs. Tole, Mn, and Mrs. John Perey, Mn. Samuci Bing- hum and Miss Jessie Bingham, Bow- mnutvilie; Mn. and Mns. Colin Stapies,1 Mn. Raymnird Davey, wife and f aiily, Orono; MnI. T. Penfound, Mapie Grove; Mn. Fergusen uand Miss Sanîls, Cart- wrighit; Mr. W. C. Werry and wife, Mr and Mrs Vice and daughter Mena, Sol- -ma Mr-Levi Ans o~tej-Ms Stapies, Cobourg; Miss Malcolm, Yel- verten; Mrs. Hebron and Mn, Niddery, Enfield. M . essrs. J. H. Mutton and and WT.ý H. Meoore are steninig ice for s umnmen use. ,ý,Mrs. Joshua Branton is reeovening fro)m ifamain A jotly fereo-V (f beyýs asem led hrsda.y eveini and serenaded Mn. anî Mrs. j OSHAWA I M Tc~ ~~'vrecentlYvitefrnd in Lakefi-eld. ing lier roter in Barrie, D1r. TMaybo!od',* iuieg, was rcen gueýst of MIr. J. F. Taiblynl. Mr. R.J. Davis bias retulrnled to bis homie in Ws Toi ontÉo aitter spending thie pas, mnonth withi Oshlawa fricnds. Rev. H.L T. Lewis, B. A., of the, Simcoe- st. Methodist chuirch, and Rev. A. R. San- enson of MIedcalf-st. chutrcbl, excbhanged p)ulpits Suniday morning.- Mr. L. C. Smnit'h gave selections whichi were higbly àappreciatte!d rom b. is new book of poemis, "A Blossomu of the Se,"ý' at thie Simicoe-st. League Mna evening. ReV, C. E. Hall, of the Chiristian chiunch, comipleted bis seýrieýs of sermnonr' on flie Prodigal Son Sabbatb vein ly givinýg a strong discouýrse on the "Slave Die, taking for bis tcx-t -"Wbofisocve2rcomt teth sin is the serv-ant of sî"1 on :34, Word was reýeived here nof the dahof Hallis S, Drew, which took, place in Min- neap9lis, Minn., on jan. îotli at the home of bis son. Deceased was eue of the pioneers of this ceunty, having livcd in ibis vicinity for the past 70 years. He had been spending flie winter withi a son in Winnipeg, and feeling unwell, started back borne, but wben reaching the borne of anoîlier son in Minneapolis, was unable te continue. He was 85 ycars old. Tbe Bail given by Curling and Bowling Clubs in the new building et the McLaugb- ing was a mest enjoyable affair. The building was lieautituliy decorated and1 the sweet strains of Fralick's Orchesýtra- et Toronto deliglited al. A part et tbec proceeds was te bave been deuafed te the Hospital and Y.M.C.A., but we understand thaf the expenses exceeded the proceeds. Epwortli League of Mcdcalf-st. cburcb lield tbeir regular montlily missienary meeting Monday evening aud it was large- ly atteuded. Aftei devotionai exercises the Vice President, Miss A. Bond, presid- ed, and Mns. (Rev.) McGregor gave a Most, interesting and instructive address on "Ameug tbe Arabs," Mrs. McGregor appe:ared in native costume and aýlso cx:- hlibited some EgQyptian curies. A piano solo by Miss Ida- Arnott and vocal solo liv Miss lmna Kee2ler were aIsoe ejoyed. A ý vote et thanks te tlie speakzer was meved1 by Mr. Ed. Goodman and seconded by Mrý. Eýlmer Beckell, and tlic meet ing closed witli the Mizpab benediction, A receut issue et Winnipeg Free Press gave the follewing notice of a well-known Osbawa boy: A very pretty wedding took place lu Grace churcli December 31, wlien Mr.RoyCraig,Osliawa, was united in mar- niage te Miss Florence Coop et Winnipeg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Crummy, wbile Mn. Vinen, F.R.C.M., presided at the organ. Tbe bride looked cbarming in a white voile dress trimmed with Irisli point lace and carried a bou- quet et cream roses, She was given away by ber father and attended by ber sister, Miss M. A. Coop. The groom was sup- ported by Mn. W. Geddus Farrell, of Mon- treal. Atter the ceremonyv a dainty wed- ding supper was served at the home et the bride, the table being beauitifully decorat- cd with American Beauty roses. Mr. and Mrs. Craig will reside at 357 Cumbierland- ave., WnnipLeg.- Oshawa news aiseounmuner page. Wise mothers Wbo know the virtues et Meother Graves',Worm Exterminator aI- ways bave if at baud, because it proves its value. CLEAN uT BjARGAINýS INi GROCERIES We are esirousof rdcn orsokof groceries, etc., 1by several hiundredU( dollar, efreste-tkig n to do th)is we are offering someexrbagns READ EVERY ITEM CocRasnreg. l mml , no 3lbsfor... . .,...25C ThsteBrand Cornr. 10U tinnow 3tin, for-..... ........2-k FrechPea h xta fine, s mal ad swýeetreg, 1Su tini. 2 fo)r...2?5c 1 >od Salon 2for.......................5 Crose& lacwelsbest miixed icke e.40c ýfor.....5 Alin Tbl ait, erfinle, in 1.11t 'ins,3for. 25 Soeanid Shoe Pls reg. 10c tin, ;j foýr ...........5 Eýze WashinýgPowder or Silver Dust Soap P'owder regÏ. Se, for !oc Polishine, a liquid polish for all kinds of metals and ,glas regular 25e package, 2 for ..................25e Jardieres nd Pteher fro $1 t 10e le. rng.atdi.eount.f.15 Toilet Sets worth $8 for 6.50, $6 for $4.50,$425fr3.5$30 for $2.75. Every one is a good barigain. 3 cans cabbagc or beets for ................................25c 2clins kippered halibut and herrings............. .......25 Veoal and ham loaf, regular 15c a lb, 2 for........ ...2e ;1tins-C4ni+'s ripnturke-nIfmn or....... 1 can of potted toguad 1 of pig's- feet for,...... ........25 Campbell's chiieken, tomý,.atoe1s or ox-tail solups,2fo.....25e lleinz pork and be(ans,, reg, 20e a eari for....... .... ........15e Celery relish, reg. 15e, 2 for............. . ...... ......25e toýwat's pickleýs reg 1291c, for.......... ....... ......10eOc Asparagus, reguilar 30e, for ....... ......................25 Pure Gob ld Flvoring I ing, pe akg................ 1Oc- A fine line of extraets, C3 f-S.......... ........ ........25 Dinner sets, r-egular $14.50 for.....................1.5 Soup plates and, breafast plates,........ .......... 75e 7 doen Ail kinds of lamps ut gre(atrectos Phone 57,Bo avil

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