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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1911, p. 1

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Itmli i .uo a year ini auvance; tlI1.50 tO U nitea btates. Pre-Stockç=Taking Sale of ail Winter Goods,- -,--Couch, Jo-hnston &Crydermian wdl-flrom -this date seli ail Ladies' and Chil dren's Cloth Coats at exactly KALF PRICE Ail Ladies' Cloth Suits at 25 per cent discount, Ail Ladies' llampster lined Coats with good westerën sable collars and lapeis worth $37.00 for $2 7.00. Ladies' Rat-lined, good broad=cloth sheits, best western sable trimmed, worth, $55.00 for $45.0. Ladies' Rat-dined, fine broad=cloth shelis and sable trimmed worth $70.00 to $55.00. Ladies' Rat-lined, extra' fine sheils and best sable Laiesmlng, worha75- at00 fort4 0..0 o 3. Ladies' long Asthrcan coats, worth 5.00 for $38.50 Ail Men's cloth overcoats and winter suits at cent discount.' per Men's rat=lined coats, good cloth shelis, otter trimnied, worth 55.00 for 40.00. Al -kinds --of-muffs-,--ruffs,--throws- an&-caperines- at or about cost price; also a lot of Dress Goods below cost price. We would emnphasize the fact that this is a Getuitte Sale. Nothing lias been tnarked ap anid theri marked down, but our stock is too large. We need the rooin for our Spring goods and we need the nioney to pay fortheni. C;ouch, Johnston & CryIdermn Bowmanvi île, I w~- ,v~' wr ~ W' W~ W" W" W" Wm~ 'iVi f-1 TU SnSTAM Newtnvile ewc st 4 Hi t Puret res ofi heuS-ale Note branchies o h a nt NAoCilleR,Necste Broklu, Port rw y Pý ND ank terestr 'sSi ich enj( lie coui Orono, 'iekerini '-otes MI Ontariol. 'M . w--v ý-w- W URuBANK iNADA.*4 ýd 1873* Department* paid on Savings Bank Balances, âe ipplied Free. joy the services of the following 4 uties of Durham sud Ontario. Blacksfock, Oshawra, Lindsay, g, Wbitby, Claremaont. Your are negotiable at ail of these Bowmanville Branch. JiUWVLN VILLE, ONTARIO, TH JRSDAY, JANUARY 2.6, îiîi. MONTREAL ES TABLISIJE V 1817 Capital - $1 4,400,000 Rest - - $1 2,000,0001 Total Assets $ 183,169,159 Savings Banli Department He. A fficCel, Montreal. Manager, Bommnanville Brancb. M ~, - COUNTIES'_COUNCIL. INAUGURAL SESSION FOR 1911. MWr. T, A. Kelly, Cavan, Elected Warden. Edftorial Corresponde nec SATISFJED CUSTOMERS. My firsf car of coal bas given snicb ex- cellent satisfaction that rnauy of the cuis- tomens bave, duplicafed thLlein ordlera. Tbrce more cars of cbesfnuf, stove sud egg coal of the best quality and tborough- iy scrcened are now ready f'or delivcry. Leave yonn order at Finklc's Yard, cor- uer Qucen sud Division-ass, or uf my of- fice ovçn Masoni Co's. store. Deliveny miade f0 ail parts of bbc fowin. Remnem- ber if you irant bbc bcesf coal at rlgbf pric- @s onder frorn Bo-umiiau3ville Phone : Office 177; bïoulse 144. M.A.J. WEST DURHAM LIBERALS Annual meeting of West Durhani Lib- enai Association washein lu niucil Rooni Wedncsday Jan. 18., Presideuf Gco. L. Waddell in chair. Election of officens was chief business and nesuifed as foliows: Presideut-J. J. Smiith, Enniakillen. Secretany-Treas.-W. R. Aluin, Hampton, VICE PRESIDENTS. Bowmanvlle-J. J. Mason. Ncwcasfle-J. R. Fisher. Daliîngtou-A. L. Pascoe, Solina. Ciakc-J. S. Robertson, Onono. Cartwrigt -A. B. Crydenmian, Biackstock. Audit ors-J. R. R. Cole, John Bannie. If was de-cided f0 bold a Ridiug Con- vention on or about Safurday Mancb 4. VOL, LVII. No. 4. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors, i a: i y' -.- -,,,- -'V. "W 'V~' W'~ w'~ mc' mc' "w ~ 'cw qIP -q~--~W- ~ 1 'I COBOURG, JAN.24-Tenî years ago to-day I entered this "lSbire Parliament,"_as the legisiature of these-Linited Counities is facetiously designated.* I had peculiar feel- ings then as I was a noiin a sense, in this larger sphere of municipal activities aind many of the member vere strangers to me. But I was flot long in the handsome legisiative chamber be ir felt very much at home with the genial members of that day, aitho' I had to take mý îy bumps as eévery freshman bas when hie assays f0 set up bis views, judgmen t -and eýxperience ,against those of men of practical experience., But _thetwaoyears-i îm ~d190,2--tbat f-spent--in-bnýsiniess--ssociati-on-with the--eprceen-- tatives of the municipali!ties of Northumberland and Durham were f0 me very pleas- aut And instructive., s!ud.I offen look back on that perind with very enjoyable mem- ories, for lsstingfredhp were formed and 1 lesrned f0 esteeni men for their mor- al worth, msnliness and integrity who were politically, religiously and -otherwise op- posed to me. We lear jned to respect esch other's views, sitho wdierdwely trom them, and theref'ore we sgreed to differ sud continued friends aIl the saine. It does knock the corners off a man of ambitions temperament f0 associate in a business wsy with a large number of men of differeut shades of opinion and experience, hence the Counties' Council is a good schooi for gsining experience snd finding ont that one bead does not know i - al. In those years cou--,n ty commissioners were elected fo represent districts insteadt of mupicipalifies, as noýw. I represented then the south haîf of Darlington township and aIl of the town of' 1owmanville. The new method did not please the councillors of the minor munîcipalities and they caused an agitation thaf resulted in tbe old sys- teni being again put it force whereby the reeves and deputy-repves of the minor I mnnicipalities became theý represeutatives f0 the Counties' Parliament. Perhaps the present system 'is an imaprovement on the district represenfstiou, becanse under theS latter county member.s had no counection witb the fown and'fownship counicils and were nnder no respousibility f0 theni. It is considered better to send men to conntys council wbo are in close fouch with the local municipal interests.0 At that time 24 '-'en, fwo from each district, composed the Sbire Parliament; t now there are 38 members-24 reeves and 14 depty-reeves-as follows: t Rna-VES f Byers, James............ ...... Blckstock.................. Cartwright 0 Camipbell, Alex'r. . ý. .......... Harwood................... Haldimand Cann, L. H.......... ......._Canton..................... Hope0 A. A. Colwill......... ......._Newcastle.................. Newcast le I Crews, J. W..... ............. Trenton .................... Murrayh Hickson, joseph ..... ........... Mount Horeb ................ Manversh Howard, Thomas E............ Hastings. ý....... ........... Hastings Humne, Alex'r......... ........ Menie ...................... Seymour S IriJ. A.............. Camobelîford ................ Campielîford s James, MA........Bowmanville ................Bowmsnville Kelîs, .J. C...........Milbrook ................... Millbrook9 Kelly, T. A............Millbrook................... Cavan b L ong, Thomas ..... ........... Port Hope.................. Port Hope f Maber, W. J............ ...Cobonrg......... ........ ... Cobourg tf May, W. R .................... Casteton................... Cramahe 0 Millson, Eber...... ... ......... Solina................... ...Darlington o Morrow, R. O ................. Hilton................ ... Brighton Township 0 Powers, A. A .................. Orono ..... **... ***' ......ClarkeM Rosevear, Herbert ............. Port Hope.-'................ Hamiltonr Sherwin, C. A ................. Roseueath................ ... Alnwick ý Snefsinger, Robert ............. Coborne ........ ........... Colborne i -Wsde, A. A...........Bfglitbï-- ............TBrighoVillage in Waterman, W....... >.......... Bensfort .................... South Monaghan Weatherson, Alex'r. ........ ...Warkworth................. Percy rE es DEPUTY RREEs D Anderson, James................ Morganston ................. Cramabe r Armsfrong, James ........ Jnetville ...... ...... Manvers. P Arnott, J. W.. ............ Trenton.....,....... ........ Murray cc Caldwellj, S. R.... ......s,ýaca-_ .. _...........Hope a§ Cor cW.Î E........ .ortc......... .... ...Drington sa Currie, John ................... Caipbelford................ Seymour ti Eagleson, A. E.............. ... Cold Springs................. Hamulton Cz Greer, George................. Cobourg...... ...... ..... *...Cobourg- e 'Haig, Peter.,................. ..Colborne .................... Haldimand Sa Hennessey,- D. R.._............ Wooler....... .......... Brighton Township in Lowery, John....... ..... ...... Kendalli.... ................ Clarke n Macdonald, Peter..... ....... ..Warkworth...'.............. Percy W Patterson, G. N ................ Port Hope ................... Port Hope Thorne, George S.............. Millbrook . ...... ........... avan, 4 Iu the eight years thnt bave elapsed since 1 bade farewell to my coileagues of fil 1901-2 nof only bas the systeni of representation been changed but an entire change wi of members bas faken place-not a man is in this year's Counfies' Council wbo was re here when I was here in those years, As I think of theni a feeling of loneliness comes sai over me, for I look round the Cliamber-I remember where every one sat-and the aiý famliar faces are absent and other men occnpy their desks. 1 only am here of that Bc noble assenihly. Two of theml have sînce occupied seats in Ontario's Legislative wc -Assemblyand to-a-sea-t in tise Dominion-Honse-of-Commnons.--T-wo have to passed f0 the Great Beyond and two bave left the bounds of these counties, One is A in cont roi of the prisoners in the Counties' Gaol and several others are devoting their ai energies to their own business. The representatives then were: Thos. Baker, T. B. wE Carlaw, R. Cowan, Geo. M. Cryderman, John H. Devitt*, W. T. Donaldson, Sam. E. wc Ferguson*, Robt. Fisher (Warden 1902) M. A. James, T. Leitb, A. M. Macklanif . Gi Masterson, John Miller, J. P.*, Geo. Mitchell, D. C. McDonald, A. A. Mnlioiland, T. Jr] J. Nayior, (deceased,) W. Rickard*, (Warden I901,) Geo. Staples, Geo. Spence*y (de- wc ceased,) T. A. Thonipson, P. C. Trebilcock, T. H. Tweedie, H. H. Walker. Those grz sfarred are ex-wardens-seven were ail members of one counicil. To-day's counicil idt confains fwo ex-wardens. ag The only face, famliar f0 this Chaniber is that of the veteran Counties Clerk- or Major Neil F. MacNachtau-and lie seems as alert, brighf and ready wifb suggestion, eS information and assistance as a decade ago. Truly if niay be said of hlm: "Men may ai, corne snd men may go, but I go on for-ages." foi Another familiar figure that is missing is thal of our old friend, Mr. H. F. Ho]- fani lsud; Counties' Solicitor, whose fragic death occurred about a year ago when rescu- s ing bis graudchildren from a bnrning bouse. a The 1911 Council is coniposed in the main of dependable tumber, several of theni Fa being weli seasoned and of long experience. Eleven of the 38 are new men or men , wbo were not in lass year's council, but f hey have bad more or less municipal experi- i ence and will soon get on f0 the mun of connty council procedure. Several of the ti councillors bave shown theniselves to be fairly good financiers, sud if is very neces- " sary that fhey sbould be "mien of figures," for they have to transacf the business of a las buge corporation valued af about fiffy million dollars sud bave f0 take active share lu the annual expenditure of $150,000.00, more or less, Iu 1900 the arnunsi expeudi- er( f ure was $62,125.80, the revenue being $66,460.45, leaving a balance Of $4,334.65 cash Hc on baud. If will be seen how the figures have soared since theni for the Ias audit,1 ht the report presenfed at June session last year, shows the year 1908 to have had an h ouflay Of $127,784.39 or more than double thaf of 1900. The revenue had soared stilli more for the receipfs for 1908 were $i5,94:, 67, leavîug a cash balance Of $23,1 57.28. hi It will be interesting to discover later wbv the expenditure bas more than doubled ina eight years sud why these minor municipalities have had f0 supply double as much g, money as in the years of the previons decade. cat Mn. T. A. Kelly, of Cavan, was elected Warden ou first ballot, The first vote ci0 wss a fie-Hicksou 19, Kelly i9. No other members were uominated by arrange- Pil nient. By the ruies in case of a fie the Reeve of the municipality having lasf year ~ the greafesf eqnalized assessment gives the casting vote. That honor. felI to Reeve tho Eber Milîson of Darliugt9u, who gave the vote f0 Kelly, sud the Clerk declared bu fbt Warden for 1911. Warden Kelly took the statutory declanation of office aud was fe escorted to the Chair by ReeveJ. C. Kelis, Millbrook, aud Deputy-Reeve George S. sue 3?horue-af-Cavan.- ardenJelIy-madea very-modest speec-h, but -veny-approprîate- ieu sud timely. Mr. Kelly is a Liberal in polit ics and is a young farmer of good stand- the ing in bis commuuify, a Presbyterian in religion sud a hale good-fellow. He bas b seryed his muuicipality on Counuies' Council for fo>ur, years. p EDITORIAL JOTTINGS Mayc.r Mitchell 'got bis concil w ongauized Monday eveuing sud is to couigratulated ou the composition of t standing commîttees. He condially w comed the new members on the Boa aud expressed the hope that they woti feel quite aif home with their colleagni It is very evideuf thaf His Worship h gof busy since sssuming bis mayoral dutii froni the mass of correspondence lie re; wbich hie bas bad wifh railway authoi fies. There is going f0 be somethiî doing by the G. T. R. pretty soon sbo the swiirch uip-f own or he will know ti neason wby. - The Outlook of New Yori is e a-bié class weekly magazine edited by Dr. L, man Abbott. We have taken this pub] cation in ifs different tornis almost coi tinuously for over- forty years. As fi Christian Union, edited by Rev. Hent Ward Beecher, if was one of the best( ifs class, sud since ifs name was change f0 The Outiook ifs career bas bee niarked by constant progress, sud weeki contains, the product of the mind of i brainy editor-in-chief sud an able an trained coterie of journalistic associate The Outiook is taken by many ministei sud other professionai nmen sud intelliger people in differeut lands. Those desirin one of the best medînnis of human fhougi. shonld considen The Outlook when order ing their reading niaffer for this year. One feafure of ail the articles thaf hav so far appeared lu the Canadian Connie on, "Why Do Boys Leave the Farm ?" i that no boy who bas leff the fanm ha told bis readers exactly why; he leff fhu farn. We shouid like lu reaid thc reas ons of a ndred men now rcsidrg fb Toronto or'other cities who were rsiseî on fans sund left the old homestead foi urban life sud pursuit. We conld name - hundred Toronto citizens who are Dur hani Old Boys. Mr. John A. Cooper, M A., the editor of The Courier, who ik showing 50 niuch iutcrest in this discus ion sud blanies the faulty public achoo -ysteni for thc prevsiîng-conditions, -wil giadly wcicome short articles from "oui boys" tcliing trufbfuliy wby thcy left tlic farm. Corne now, boys, speak up sud tel' the editor why you are in Toronto insteaé of on a fan dcown here in the "Hômeiand of Durhami." At this finie of year when people arc orderng thein supply of ncwspapers sud magazines we offen are asked what papers we can recommend. We always feel safe in recommnieding the Montreal Wifness publications as-being-safe sund- good rcad- ing for the bofue. Possibly no seculan newspaper occupies a higber place iin the estimat ion of respectable. people than the )aiiy sud Weekly Witness, for fhey are noatý carefnlly edited, have ever been pure jaud wbolesomc b4- character, sud coutain sncb carrent uêews and comment a-are in the opinion of the editors neces- sary for their clientele. Their publics- ions also include TÉhe WideWorld, The Canadian Pictorial and the Nontheru Mes- seuger, csch one excellent of ifs kiud. Sample copies of ail these publications may be seen af the office of this journal or may be obtaincd on application f0 The Vitncss Office, Moutreai, Que. It was 'an eucoursging sigu Fnidsy f0 ;e the lively întcresf faken in Fair mat- ýrs at the annual meeting. Atteudance' 'as largen than has been for years. The *port of iast year's operations must prove uisfactory f0 ail concerued. If will be ,een on au inside page. Au excellent 3oard of Directors was elected aud plans fere made at their firsf meeting looking -advance-thbis-year lu exhibition matters. u, ew pouitry bouse was badly needcd rid 15 f0 be bult this yesr, Wc feel lîke velcomiug two former tried sud true vorkers back f0 the Board-Messrs. D. J. ýibson, Ciarkc's new Ccncilion, sud Eugb Grecuices of Sbaw's, botb excellent vonkers. Mr. W. E. Jeweil is f0 be cou- rratulated ou being advanced f0 the Pres- Leuf's Chair. Presideuf Jewell bas been good worker sud weil deserves the hou- )r couferred upon hlm. Mr. A. E. Cleni- ms bas enjoyed the -bonor for fwo years Ld bas set tbc pace for presideuts who >illow; but bis imniediate successon will nake good, aill ight. We hope' eveny >armer wiil join the Society tbis year, sud specially ail youug fanmens, sud become irtuers in one of the best agnicultural ailI Faîns in Canada. The Canadian Courier bas for some ime in 7its wcckly issues been publishiug1 ditoniais sud counibutcd articles ou KWhy Do Boys Leave tbc Fanm? lu the at issue a Durham couuty gentlemnis -of vide kuowledge, observation sud, expeni- ice-Mr. Barlow Cumbcnlaud,0f Port ope-bas a well-writteu article nder :adiug of "~The Prodigal Sou." He says; eknows of ouly fbree boys who bave me tbru the bigh scbool course who, ive returned f0 the farannsd aken up griculture as a life cailiug. Wby? Be- ause their education la mainiy direct ed csfore-keepiug, bankiug, typewniting aud lerksbips. Off the fanm info the fowu. 'biic achools crani ebldren for promo- is sud feachers strive to win giory for heselves by passiug as mniy pupils as ey can at the entrauce examînations f0 e hig-h scbools sud collegiates. Thru, WEDDING BELLS FORBES-BOND. The wedding t ook place quietly Weel.- nesday evening, Jan. 18, aftbnheeocoe lu Bond-st. Congregational Cburch, Tom- ont o, of Miss Nina Mae Bond, daughterof' Mn. J. S. Bond, sud Mn. Norman Cambl Forbes. Th- church iras uicely decorasýed for the occasion, painis sud flowcns býak-- iug thc sitar, The wedding wnusic iYias played by Dr. Herny Robb, the organist of the churcb, sud the cereniony was con- ducfed by Rev. Byron Stauffer. Durning the siguing of thez.egisfer Mn. Wm. G il-" lespie sang "Because." She was gimaý,î away by ber fathen sud was aftired i i ber travelling suit, s tailoned costume, of' king's bine clotb, opcning over a blouse of Paisley silk, with small veivef bat of sauteý colon witb some grey lace sud roses, d she carnîed a sheaf of bride roses. Miuts- Gertrude Fombes, the groom's sister, vira5 the attendant bridesmaid, also waiga., bine costume, large black beaver hat wtith bine, sud canrying piuk roses. Mn. E. L. Bond, the bnide's brother, iras best mrati, sud the ushers irere Mn. G. Forbes and Mn. R. Forbes. Mn. sud Mns. Forbes 1teft immediateiy affer the cereînony for their trip across the lise, sud oun efnrniujg l live on Lee-sve., Balniy Beac h, Tononto. The bride bas been the supenintendeuf ofý tbc Primary Dcpantment lu Bond-st.Su- day Scbooi for some tume, sud consejucat- iy is well kuown f0 a lange circle of fnienda. Our cifizens wene greafly sbocked ta hean of the death of Miss Gentrude- Moon, daugbter of Mn. sud Mrs. D. A. M oon : Hofel Bowman, wbo passed away -a the age of 22 yesrs. Deceased bas bee il since befone Christmas. Friday sapca. ist was7 cslicd froni -Toïnofosud Èixat' eveniug she iras nemoved f0 the Cottage,- Hospital at Toronto for an operation lau ber- heant was not sfron g cnougb sudii she died Sat nnday cvening. The n-emain, irere taken f0 Stirling Suinday forin ter- meut the funcral fa!king pflace Mna froni the home of ben couisin, Mrs. , s Parker, Among the mnauy beauItiful flocralI giffa wen a numben fr-om ypthna fricndsiluBowmaniile M. \,iss Mlooo mas a youug lady wbom evecryone grcatly me- spcctcd, sud since coming foBo aull bas provcd berseif an ablee assistan t 'to ber parents lu tbc cane and service of Tile Boirman sud aluccre symipathy ,-is fitfr ,he bercavcd parents ilu the de-ath ofir oiy cbild at home. Mn. aud Ms.D. A. Monwihf0fh1 their nmany fieqdis lu Boimanýville, Tm onto, Bellevilie, Madoc sud Stirniing for their kind expressions)f inpt~rl thein necct bereavenicuf. liffl, ïk, -lie. 4111>41>44b. 04. â1t., 111W W-.-iweR %--X Mr vl.;qýýýýUý,ý-IF-1-wlý"Irl-1wýýýre_ýýýýý, ý 1 Z--- :LI 1 VoL. LVIL No. 4. -H. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors. THE CANADIAN CLUB. elI PROF. MCCRIMMON GIVEs AVET xý lie CELLENT ADDR)ÈIr.SS, le lu these days irben' civilization bas - e-conie 50 compiex it is bard tf0 55' Ire rd one influence endsansd another begins but Id bcyond a doubt the Canadian Club Mo!ýve- ýS ment ila baving s marked effeet upon or as national lite lu generstiug affection for s, sud intenest in "this Canada of ns' dThe Boirmanville Brancb is' gnowng lu. 1favon witb eacb succeeding nmeeting, and 1g bbc general opinion of the sssmbl atth Lit banquetingnooniof the Balmnoral loe "0 Friday eveningis "bbc beat ye_"A an.- quet fit fer s king iras provided sud after rh -all-bad pantaken-of thu ampleepat Pres-. yident T. H. H-. jury callvJed b omaytù iorden sud Secnetsny Dr. G. C.Bny-. i-castie esd bbc names of several ib e ie sired f0 become niembers. TihePrsdn -y then iutroduced tbc speaker of the ven- )f ing, Prof. L. A. McCrimmon, ProfIeaso--ýr of id Political Econoniy of McMaster iver s. sity, Toronto, irbo said lie feit bonored lu. yr addressîug sncb s epreseutairive comnpany' ,s of mn under the auspices of bbc Canaýd ian, d Club which stands' for bbtshe dn s.abrosd of tbc principles of pafnio)tiant and -s good citizcnsbip. His subject wiras "Titre ýt Canadisu Prospect" sud for ove,.r ain boum h le held bis audience speiibonnd iih isý tt fonceful arguments, bis sparklin iug -, asud bis outbursirs of onafory. He suoke cif bbc risc sud fali of nations, sud rnecou- e mcnded thaf ire take stock f0 sec that ve ranc gcuerating bbc pnînciplea that ml e spermanent, sud that ire devciop ise s t nains of national life froni bbc besýt cf- bbc greaf nations of tbc prescut day. Our cl'imate, so brigbt sud bracîng, is suds aIs 1fo produce strng vigorous manblood, î=- 1supenior f0 that of milder'southemu& dîmnes., .There are pleuty of resources fofend Lclothe, sud protcf the millions ibiaf l !i corne f0 us. Reference iras miade fo is unbouuded niches lu field sud fonest, in 3bbc fisheries sud marines, with auffiýcienti evidence for a basia of nnlimlted coýnfi- dence. Toucbing bbc -enigration qe- fltou Pirofeason McCrimninsaidi our an- xiety sbouid nof be so mucb the na pldibyý of our growtb but tbc character sud stïa- 1biliifyof if. Wbat Canada needa la m-iýi lu inthe trucat sense of bbceirord-n,ien mis bave fsitb lu bbc greaf future of ourion fny, irbo beileve in bbc gospel of work sund bbc dignify of labor. Statesmen-ntot politicians-but statesmen wbo bave vso broad euoughfo sec across a continentý sud wbo mil spend thein beat fbougbt sudn euengy, nof for tbc part y, but for is state.--lu dcean sud forceful ferma lie spoke of the enemies ire musf gu,,a-d againsf-intemperancc, gambiing, anad wildcst achemes thaf wreck finsucial. con- cernsansd dcsfnoy bbc confidence of lui- veaf ors. We musat kecp oun conf1ry'sý credif good sud capital wil corne f0 Us froin the old lands f0 heip build uip ur nation. Professor McCrimmou çoucluded flou iwbich Ihbe swept Ithrough eem province 0f bbc Dominion, froini bbWse- girt ialand ilibbcAtlantic f0 tie stui- kissed province by' the- Pacifie c, sud a. domn amid applanse so pnoiougced and demouatrative thaf if waa somemnue befone the chainnian could regain order., IA bearty vote of thanka iras nioved by- Mr. D. B.- Simipson, K.C., seconded by Dr, G. C. Bounycastle, sud carried with ra-3ptý- urous applause. Meetingcloaed wîti t National Autheni. M.A.J.1 ýd "e- -

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