~ONTPUY BÀB'S PRT ýR elig ionù CaClis for the lle art That Is Not "I bave wr-rtenute yen yeung ~ncnbecuseyen arc ýstrong."-I. OulytIc eaklngsare likciy te le atructd ~ya faith tînt eff ers We-bave eplasized tee long the flý'eedent and pasFsive aspects of icrelgios ife,. W'e lave saîd ltît men CI1Irmust feel wenk and heip- fesa, ,.earY andî undone, or f-loy rcjeild net find this new way ef ife. nAresuitwe bave practicnhly de- barr-1edl theseýc who werc couscieus cf rtrength an-tid those te whom life ellcant mo,ýre fhan reat-. Wearinless is coinmen te ail who lahor nnd only a feol imagines tînt he is suflficieuf- for every exigency. l'litneitler the aching limba uer tho puzzled brain justify any true mIan il, yig upino lef<;oe c ur- trIen or thle trnggle. Ho, doos net tecmeafaitî tînt hids hiiagive vp an-d allow a greater power te de mi hnafor lia. ifrliin menus simply falliiug Du fle ara sof f-le infinite if- cannet' Pnean ri sing in strength or growingC hi moral pewers. If it menus only ieendnceif- caunot menu devel- ipa-ut. Yen can neyer be a man ýe lon as yen are satisfied te play a bl b y's part. if faithi means fleeiîîg froa the wolfrom ,if- a cres and cenflicta, it desbut make C'OWAR,ý,DS 0F US ALL. If it euns idir.g frea focs and iro duiesif- rabs cf our own bat.Tee amanysanunts ive like 1card rblits, palptatîng behind ~belogculbusîýes, whiie the world cos suring by. Instend of sncb faitieveraving the world, it is but saping strcngf-h f rom it. Ifw ono preaching rest front fabo, reugefrnt the battie cf life, audrelasefrea punishment for wrong u f-le crchuaigifts cf relig- ion, wc arc work,'ing a procesa cf se theic cwards and weak- linga nls nd iaigticbrave and trg.Wc divide men and array, Lie lest if e cf the world under tie NOTES FROM PARIS SIJOPS'. Long oats f wýatered moIre silk ire ade in 1Parisý tight fitting, en- vcloping thewraer from bhead te Hsay thread and metal laces are prtt eatures of the winter hats ý,eFigned te wear- with dressy Idtes. For evening wear geld or silver bulle turbans are seen with talI aigrettes or groupa of marabout ïeathers, Ecýrusse levant is the name given to that fine grain leather of high ~nih hatisse-,popular fer purses ind baga. Th71ere lsa notinrg prettier or imrer than hît, fox fe)r collars if veigwrap1js, especially for Caaare no lne in eviclence 1r the black velvet !b-ags; ail have logsilk cords by which te swing 1bem from the ara. linge sýaîler r round collars cof uror fancy fabjrias mark the 1911 Do You Have LITTLE .~ ,'~' TBLETS AND THE I$ GONE. "My first expeience witli Dr. Miles' Ant fi -Pa in iH s 2 was a sample, package hianded me. Thv rlec the pain t so promipt ly that I have neyer been witheut thern sin-ce. I t have given them nte m1any frienda whien they had 1head- ache and they neyer failed t. relieve them. I1 have suffered with neuralgia in my h1eýd, and the fir-st oneI-1 took re- t lieved me. They have cured ji mie of neuraigia. 1I weu1ld nef- be -without them." *' MI,ýSS LILLIE B.C COLeN R - eF. D. No. 1, Salenli, Va. PricO 25C at yaur drug st,. Hoe slxould eppyyou. If iho do(,sant £end price to ut, we forward peac. fi DR. lMit 7s MEDICAL cO., Troito,. bannera of irreligion. But te think cf tic reigions hife as eue of weak and cowardiy reat- iug when work is te le doue is ta miarepresent if- wIolly. That is simpiy te accep- fho wisb cf thc lazy hypocrite as aur standard. He Who blieves in a «itvine erder in f-he universe grows ije fa itI f-bat iife's work is Worth doing and if-s lnttles Worth figîtiug. Living mnana not f-ho chance f-e sigh and ainaber, lut te serve wif-h ail tint works foe f-rnai good. Thc reaf- f-lt religion offers is f-bat wiich cernes frea lcarning te work in inrmany witl tIc, laws cf f-ho universe. If- suaf-if-uf-es f-be ecouomy cf working wif-h Gad fer f-be wusf-ed effort cf fighting agninat f-be infinite. THE PEACE 0F RELIGION is nef- f- ltful cala, but f-but cf lnrmouy witl truth and rigît, with eteriiai purpeses cf geod. Religion offers man a chance of werthy work. If- enlia for f-ho lest in us, for if- is an invitation f-o tako [up f-le greuteaf- tasi in f-le world, f-o teil aide by aide witl f-le moaf- ligi in f-le luber cf briuging man f-o giery and perfection. Men xxbe love f-le f ray willl bcd if-s eal, for if- rallies the souls cf men against f-le groateat foes we know, f-le fees of greed and hast, tica focs that lie Xntrench.ed in cur own interestsaund aur own heurts. If- calls for higî courage. If-s saints four nef- lard blews. If yen love a good fight juat try liv- ing whelly fer f-le truti fer awiiile.ý If- is time f-o forsukýe and forget f-he pi-ons crufc-ees and sentîmentali couches, timo for mon of faith te sec tînt their God is waging a grea- fighf-ann edsf-hem. Thec.great leaders bave pressedà lefore, connting nef- f-lir hives dear if men migif- but find hife, migbt le lifted front bonds and given their rigîta. The f-rue saintsfoliow; f-le man cf strengti rejeicos te serve wit thrn. HENRY F. COPE. ev-ening cent, and bands of fur are ut f-he foot of mauy. Fine tîreada, fiue, dota, flue me aIes and a goneral deiîcacy cf structure and design are predoa- inatinig feaf-uros of f-le new voila. New slip'-,crs frem Paris arc of satin, richEy embroidered with gold and silver bullieu-gold upon white satin an'd silver upon lblack, satin. Murabou featiers are muci used, and. as f-ho lateat noveity,- cooka' fentîcrs dyed te, match tic p.rimary colora of f-le gown have nrrived. New scurf s already 'planned f-o replace fur steles are ef soft, f-lin breif-scîwantz, liued with cld cachemire siik; about f-le neck tIc cdge f-urus over nahf-f-le f-o show tic îuning. wudc braida are ased in perpon- dicular bandsannd panels and in circulur rows on akirtsannd in faney sections here and f-bore ou bof-i c onta and skirf-s and fer ceuifs and coliars on coata. Patris s a sensation in f-be ianncingi of f-le treuser skirf-, a, daring idea, but nef- se daring in uppearance, us if- is reported f-oi ratIer closely resembie tic well known divided ri-ding sir-. Mauy buttons, braid ýcovered, covered witl bits cf embroidery, fur, tapestry, Persian fabries, sa- tin, and siik are nsed in connection witl braids, cf whici luekies and. slides are aise 'made. Thse mos - effective, afternoon dresses are tbose cf black moussel- ine ever silk or satin in -oriental desugn, moat of f-hem lhaving a deep hem cf velvef-. There are ne tenh-, os cf white on tlese dresses. TIe guimpes are cf black lace or f-ncked chiff on. 31A4E, 1CE1-N INDIA. shaýiow Eartlenw %are Panîs Are Fviiiod ith Water te Freleze, The foliowing method is adeptcd b y f-tle G a n g e s w hla s (n a tiv e co ol- f-be Hugli, near Kalikata, in, fields ,composed cf a black loa upen a stratuna of sund. The scil is rentoved f-o a depth cf a couple of feef-. This excavation, wlcn made, is saeothed, audtf-eu alowý-ed f-o remain exposed te f-he torrid raya af tIe sun f-o dry. TIen rice f-,straw in smalli seaves is laidi ethu de 1,ptl c1f a foot and a half,s .eav-ing if-s srac aîf a foot be- low tît 'f<-l e grcun(l. Nnooîsbeda fof-luis kiud arc il forimcd, with na'îw î'i-e hoil tween f-bm, in whicl bore and l there large covered earthen water i i ara are sîink linf-le ground- for; i lhe convonioncýe of huving -çater a neur by teo fil'f-le shallow uulz 1 ntartheu vessels in wbicî if- sfcbt frozen. i The1 dialoJs ar ie ninelches lit le e'~aud1-4 iiieh thick, and t are- se porcýuas t oo ecm naciat throughou vheni water isý placed ji t!1ent. is hi i led wih watcr Treare"be, 5,000 platein l (ehbof thc ed, n I c il wiill average-, sayv, +P-uatr pouud te each dish. Thc icedihapsetalrg moistetrnlsu1rfacette air curren)ts,prdcgrai evo- ation and a lwrn ftetm perature. Tlue water which pe ýcelates throngh the porons itrays exposes se large,,a surface te) the >breeze that it is premptly frozen,. 'T,____J TRY ZAM-BUK FOR PILES. 1Read Hlow This Sufferer Benefited! b Don't yen belicvu that experience is' better than hearsay ? If yen suf- 3fer from piles, juat try Zam-Bnk. )You cau do so at our expense. Se E assured are we of the reanît that .we will send yen a f ree trial box if 7yeu send to our Tronto offices full name and a.ddress and a ene cent stamp to pay return postage. Scoes of people daily acquaint ns with the benefit they have de- rived from the use cf Zam-Buk, Mr. F. Astridge, of 3 St. Paul St., St. Catharines, Ont., says: "For fixe years I have snifered untoid ageny with protruding piles. The pain waase great at times'I weuld almost scream. "I lest weight and had ne appe- tite, I tried 'everytbiug I ever heard -of fer piles, as 1 was willing te take anything te get relief. It waa uselesa, however, and I almost gave up in despair., One day a friend gave me a sant- pie of Zam-Buk, and toîd me cf a friend of lais whe had been cured. I decided te try Zam-Buk, and the relief I got n'as enceuraging. I used three boxeÉ, and at the end cf that time I was completely cured. I wish I could have got Zam-Buk years age; it weuld have saved mie a great deai of misery.'" Zam-Buk will aise bc fonnd a sure -cure for cold sores, chapped banda, frest bite, ulcers, blood-poi- son, varicose seres, scal'p acres, ringworm, infiamcd patches, babies' cruptieus and chapped places, cuts, burna, bruises, and ,akin injuries generally. Ail drnggists and stores sell at 50c. box, -or post free from Zam-Buk Ce., Toronto, upon re- ceipt of price. Yen are warned against hnrrnf ni imitations and sub- stitutes. Sec the registered name, "Zam-Buk," on every package. A PARAPHIRASE. IIsaiah 53. Whe bath belicved the faithful word? And unto whom bath now the Lord R1is mighty armrc rvealed l For as a reet from di.rest ground Hath grown that tender plant re-- 1r,ý-n The . divinely seuled. A man cf griefs and sorrows then, Rejected and despised of men, Ail unadmired xxas H1e: As one f romi whem men hide their face, Beanty and cemeliness and grace Iu Hum thiey could net sec. Stricken soemed Hie beàeath the rod, And amitten by thc Iand of God: Grief was in Hum rcveaied: Afflicted, wenndcd, bruised, and se re, Alene .our chastisement 11e bore: We by Ris stripes are heaied. Ail we like sheep bave gene astray; And turned' each, ene. te his own 1way : Ha came aur seuls te win: And, as a lumb te alaugliter led, Se did H1e suifer in our stead: On Humi was laid aur sin. Dur iniquities canse-d Ris pain: Fer cur transgi essieu was H1e ite the silo when it begins te dent, as proven very bealthful te, sheep, nd tbey bave doue weil upon it. fî clover bay is fed in conjunction witb thi- silage, chonap and satis- xcerugins muy be made in sheep " Nerhig heps ce mare than .wigfor thIc bei2pleas. ~EAH TcJS1,ETTEu AiîThkO M t. 'RipIeyïs' cAveO L-otsofwomn e sfferiugtorture-s 'with thleir backs, wil eil nee ult do Lso. Mrs. Ripley had sucý2li frighttfui pains in ber back that 8she couild flot do her lhouscwork. She!Lteishow she cured hersef. .rA ÂE AS'r. "! ,Iiannot refra.in fromr writing you about thi bneftsI hvereceýived fromn takng IN PfLLS. I suffeýring dre!nad- fnl ithinxy back ,and lhave stffered withi it for tiventy years. 1 tried every- tinig but got nio relief, until I bought GIN PILLS, I have taken six boxes of GIN PILLS and now 1 have not the sign of an ache or pain iiin y back, I amn110W 48 years of age aud feel as well as 1 ever didîdi n y life. There ia nothing that can hold a p lace with GIN PILLS for curing Pain In The l3ack, to wthich wonlen are subject." MRS. MIITLÀNOR P. RIPLECY. Trry GIN PIELS at our expense. Write for free sainple box. Dealers seil GIN PILLS at.50c a box-G for$250 and money refunded if they fail to cure. National Drug and Chenaical Co,, Dept. A. Toronto. 5 A WIIISTLING LANGUAGE 3IOUINTAINEERS USE A cuit- IOUS GRADED SCALE. The Quaint and Impressive Custom is Very Rapidly Becoming jExtinet. Gomera 'is two centuries behind the times, aLthonýgh it lies not more than fifty miles outside the track of steamers. Iný importance,- as in size, it is, sixth ameng the Canary Islands; but is possesses one feat- ure that is distinctive, the whis t- ling language. By a curions graded scale of abrili whistling the moun- taineers of the regien are able to converse over a distance cf as far as four or five miles. The art is of great antiqnity. The original inhabitants of the island were th-e Guanches, -%ho were con- quered by the Spaniards in the fif- teenth century. These were a pasý- toral peopie, despite, the mfoun- tainou.s nature of their territory. It was their need of a means of a communication across long distan- ces over the great ravines that cut the heights which caused the devel- epment of a s§ystem of crude signal- iing by whistles inteý A COMPLETE LANGUAGE. The like maethod is ýemployed by the natives of the Atlasý Mountains in Africa, and it may be that the prim- itîe mnne ofwhitliilg was bro ngîstfencetieCaesic longsaerthere as considerabloý Smogrtien of hice Ariase tI anC lsa utte sigalling in -ho tlas Moue.Ti n htas eeri and- ben Gme efr it s ron mute ah dstinctofa nagieswitiga Vg al rprto oA Ais far back ,as 1on0, reft. oSprat, .,0,aevl the wstetînt timesonis mcfde-01 tocstr, wrote aetteprent be Roal thSoie iwich e mulydeamention > tofs Englis A hoel et a - Te nrife. This nrnate mnlad __ eena ma das fr iten gday.she n5 adby.Cnan3nl he shocof i aunvea, xvhsti u 0\egebIrepartIofmera thles distncethahtel theeundisrde bnEhUIT -NAUd0sICo.s tes cr, tomes appaent f-bl tat tsc noisemuat beofairyhe tlafnd tclos qnuarter as. A h oel-keeperlr«=MZ And ata Csruthe lTenerieemplo os'lUnC ei, edsi aboerathn a iben grcirnhg isades.otiseu lad arolever in L una aieatfive OpxumMrd - nrluc mile e fra tIc otl. Y -eirl e- wasncstmed ythe mout ta uIthat rose hrat. -honbackvcfsf-lehetel nnd tbresmdule indeaacries e - is SdosOFSEP landialwate over ariv led te isit within acoa to fr hafher lmn by strol. IThuett scl pfoi- fn Tred-YC7H anceleuires spocin powres in e mostaf-ed byf-lrtenfatf-at the Gs oersaon f-eamsot ans fhaesefcleeyfrosis extraterdsinr dalepesns of cet hon, SorStmahiarf- If- ,isinam awnd e f-lut thi-e es nLSS0iSK laud seltei kunown, ayif-lis f- days'Thenrcyfrtienerrofte, ndplaceIteSgntreo ilsoin bitega tbytbiteeasn rcdt, nd f-ho lpoatio nn-th brersa scatfouteethonues andt irs, howeve r, uieal sptas far as ha uiosy riclte tt cheimategesin ailens,, of tIcesmtigsmlr rpe temeramurs duemiy elighetonungo cret uin n fou. Thrmiiv eneas cf heaplace 'mrsiea hswitigln wistbong ly f-be,facrtatit ls net'ug s tsesapt ht ronds, onl y rhd&epatîsan thse huddeot Ihwv ue arelsersteep tbsacer s nt andirl asig n ewy smr roit fris if ithem ldher txc impriess i s etinctin an ista nne-cessity fer if-s use. Te tne - ý mountuineers, however, if- is RABBITS. A GREAT CONVENIENCE, Creamed Rabbî.-TIe lest wuy and women cmploy it ns well ast of coaking rabbîts is te cîcan thfo na. mon. coe of the leas Sskîlful re- Cnt tIent np or disjoint tIent. sort te their fingers in f-homentI, Dredge oacI picce in- fleur. 'Place uftcr f-le fasbion of our own beys;. in layera in a, atone jar. Sprinkle but this is a confession cf inabiiity.! oacI layer with sait, pepper, chop- The language is made up luke a ped parsley, and bits of butter. sort cf- Morse code, titl high enlia Cover tIe wîele witb rich miik or and low, short cails, and long, with cream. Cover jar tigbtly and rîsîng and falling inflections, and'place in oven, and lot contents bake f rona two and a haif te threef, hours. Add more miik or creaim if nccssary when taken from the oveu, PutI pieces of rabbit on ai thot dish and pour gravy over the-m anid serve. iGood Way te Cook Rabbit.-Cut itup,lestninsl aefo one heur, roll in leur, then butter yonr roasting pan, lay in rabbit and pour a pirit of oysters c'ver it and about a third of a bottle 'of tomate catsup. Butter and sait and pepper, cover, bake until 5brown. Wifc-"You promised that if I2 would marry yen my evcry wish would be gratified." Rnusband- "XVell, isn't itl?, Wife-"No; I wish I hadn't married son." Freeto Sockand Poultry faiser We wîl1_send, absolutely free, for the askiug, postpaid, onie of our large fhirfy-two-page bookiets on the common diseuses of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed ail kinds of henvy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves and fntf-ening steers, also how f-o keep and feed poultry At a cost o!i only two-thirds of a cent a day per Animai Royal Purpie Stock Specifie makes eaeh Animai worth 25 peÀ, cent, more. You neyer heard of any other Specific, or "Stock Food," doiug iikewise. Royal Purpie will pcrntanently cure the Blots, Colic, Worms, Skin Iliseases and Iîebiiity, sud restore run - dowu- Animais to piomapuessansd vigor. It will inerease the milk-yield three te five pounds per eow a.day inside of front two to three weeks. It makes the miik richer thas over baere. MR. ANDRIIW WEG7RTClI, of Waîniitt, Ont., says : -This la te certify that 1 have tried your Royal Purpie Stock Specific for two wes on oue cow. On the lflth I weighed ber milk as 17 pounds. I noticed a change after 5 or 6 days. as there was an extra weigbî of milk. On the 29th, I earefuiiy weighed the nJilk, aud cie gave 22 pounda. I acm giving ain order for 5 boxes, as 1 çonSbiderý it tha hast I have ever used." "Stock Food" viii rieS do this. Ilecause "Stock Food"' la nothing more or less than a mixture cf the vary things whieh yeu, yourseif, grow on your own fart. 15 la flot more food yeur Animais need. They must have soinethiug te help thair bodies get al the nourishment from the food they are gettiug. So that they will- fatten, sudstay fat, ail the year 'round. Thay need sontethIiug te preveut disease, te cure disease, and to keep them su the best of health, ail the tinte. Not a Stock Food Royal Purpie je net a "Stock Food,'" nue a "medicine." It je a Conditioner. It does net couSsin Grain, uer fart producta. Nor dîtes it Icentain "Dopa," of any other inlurieus ingrediant. Royal l'urple does net mereiy temporariiy bloat or inspire the Animai. It fattens sud strengthens it, permanently. No otier Spteiic kaewu adds flash s0 qaickiy asRoyal Purple. It mnakes 6-weeks-old Calves as large as ordi- uary-fed C alves are at 10 wyacks. Roay al Purpie mnakes uaturally- thin Animais fat îwîîî îay just as well in winter ns in summer. No farnier slould be without it. and heavy. And it builds up the heaiths sud restoras the fermer Plumpnessansd vigor of ruu-dewn stock, 'iu littie or no tinte. The very best tinte te use this Con- ditionerilaNOW. It digests the hard food properiy sud prevents the animals get- tiung indigestion or iosiug fleali. 50L per cçnt. Cheaper One 5e-cent Package of Royal purpie wiillisat oue Animal 70, daya. This figuras a littîs over two-tbîrds of a cent per day. Most "Stock Foods" in 50-cent Pack- ages last but 50 days, aud are given three timea a day. Buot Reyal Puirî,Se ilagiven only once a day, sud Lasta, 50 par cent, longer. (A $1.50 Pail, centaining four tintes the anteunt o1 the 50-cent Package, last!e 280 dayas.) Se, yen ses, itî3 la enueeessary te give Royal Purpîs Specific once each day. Joat thhiuk -f making ech Animal werth 25 prce nt. ovar jts cost ! WUhat will that mean te you, Mr. Stock Owner 1, Royal Purpie creattes su appetite for food, sud heipa nature te digest and tamn it jute flash sud muscle-. As a Iiog fattenecr, RylPrplaI lias no equal. Neyer Off Feedi flan MeEwan, the horseman, says : -T have used Royal Purpie Stock Specific parsisteutiy ln feadiag 'The Eed,' 2.02j, largest winner of any parar on Grand Circuit in 1908 sud 1909, and 'Henry Wniters,'20, brother oi 'Allas VWinters.' wiuer of $36,00e lu trotting btakes in 1038,. "Thes' horsas 'have never bia'u off their feed since 1 ctarted usiuýg Royal I'urpla SpecifIe. I vill aiways have it iu my stables. boue Couglks Powder worka likemai" Fvor Poultry Royal Pueple Poultry Specieic t our otlh"r Specifie. 15 la fer Poltry- net for stock. SIt makas fthe Iens lay Eggs lu Wînter as weil as lu the Sommer. MuS. WM. BURNHIAM, Sanford, Ont., Say$ : "Dear Sirs,-This is te certify that 1 have used two boxes ef your Peultry Sacflofr my heus. Thay laid Be waîl whIls feediug it te thent, I won- dered if you, wouid mind aending me Word bow or where I couid get sente this scînter. I bought it front your agent lest wînter. 1 had 32 hens, sud sente days I got two dozen eggs a day lu Fý-ebruary au-d Mardi, vhîlle feediag thent the Specifle." Royal Purpie Poltry Specifle praveuts 17owIs 1ioaîng flash at meulting tinte, sud Permianeutly cures every poultry disease. It makas thair plumage brigit sud keeps tient always iu prima condition. It makes your Peultry worth mor~e tien tiey couid ever be without it. Yat one 50-cent Package vil meat 25 lens -,0 days.' Or a ?,1.50 r'ail wili do 125 Ilens 280 days. This is four tintas more material' at oaly thre timea the ceet. Make This Test Every ounce of Royal Porple Stock sud Pouitry Specidie is goarauteed. To prove that 1Roya! Ptir;)cla bsne equal, va vaut yen te make tiis test SFesd Royal Purpie te any eaof yeur 'AnImais for four ve4ks. And ut' the came tinte feed any other preparation te- any othar Animai in the came conditicn. If royal P-urpia does ot pro-ve te yoiî, by actual results, tiat it je tthe bast you ever uced, we'il retors voue Moey. And We'li ask no questiens-mnake rie excuses. Yoa vilI ho the judg - net tic. This is anu hest test, is't it ? We ask yo te suake it because vs know that Royal r'arpie la the bes Conditiener on the mtarket. If yen are flot satisfied, aftee tt'sting it. eu dn'tblà -yt-ugdo-yîî Centralia, Ont., F ab. 7, 'Me The W. A. Jenkins mfg. ce., Lfodo, Ont.* (ieutleman,-We have been ising Roýyal Purpîs Poultry sud Stock Sail o i lait three weeka, and ml-uas say thait e, suIts are remarkabie. Am fceding ,thte Stock Specifle te two miiklig coasud they have increased 30 per centý. intei mlhk. Tho 1I'Oultry resuits are evennorî marked than isý, 15e have about 60 bons, layiug age. Wbeu wecemaci fssding, we were getLting £,ver sud six .eggs3 a day, sud lu the hast, Ove days th Ve, santsl flock of hans laid 15e eggs, anotau average cf 31 each day, sud these ,flv(I days have beau the coideat this wiu. bou eau sec resuita plaiuly in twe "o os thrae daya after the uise )f -"Royal Pr pie," aud the peultry haýve the alo bostie sud appearauce 1u0W Cas lu the ýsont.l mer tinte. w itit cows sud poultfry, soi uiing oxaetly the' came 1eed sud creaý befere starting te feed -"Royal Pri. W hit farinera and soke a ac quainted ivith Royal Pup ýMt ilhv a greaýtar dlemand tisauaýi threic sud soceoods ou thee ntarke tcebnd bous truiy, ANRWHiaS W. A. .Ienkina Mfg. Ce., LnoOntL.: Centarnn,-astPsuWe had le eueI siahec ayoug mae blong',ing te Mis3 cloustonl, cf Ronqtreai. fecould neft feed ber any ra o ami nto!euin Spefe "ltie01sit, wee ondrful. Loldfadte aia rnor ay ,'Hîa soiùt feuwith îut anuin ersd se inulytook on l iistintatwnty-fiî. 1pounds of iOesh, w.worin brt, t1 sau'e intethro'îgh ts hunt. I eau 1111M 1 Ïrî, Tramner 1cr tie lon. &Am iiii lek7. We aise manufacture- RylPurpie LiceEie.....dc Roy al!Iurple Gail cure ..........25. Poyalirple SwatLiniment... 5Oc'. RoyalPurpie Cou1gli Cure ..... .5 ()r'Clugh uraý wili cure auy ordinary cough lu four dayc, and %wili break up zsud cure d itnipr utan te twelve days. If your dealer c-aunot cupply yeu witli our Royal Purie flrae-s c xs 'iii sugpiy, you Lîpon rsceipt of $.ea jpil, pro.- ýpaid, for either pouitry or stock, or i yeu vaut any Liniment. Gai! Cure oir Cough Poe'wder, vswe wl aand it by mail, i~oyI PupieStock an-i POultry eifu .iFe Boitacrbe bandioi AW