Nyalt's Stom acli And Liver Pis. Biliousness and backache are two common compliats. They will resuit from a torpid liver just as sure as two and txvo make four. If a man's liver is sluggish' and flot pet5-' p ~ forming its proper functions Nyal's Stomach and Liver Pilîs will promptly restore good health, for they arouse the liver to action. These Pilis are cornposed of purely vegetable ingredients and will have a beneficial effeet, upon the stomacli and bowels as well as the kidneys, relieving indigestion, consti- pation, etc. Price 25e per box, A drug store witlh a reputation like ours doesn't reeom- mend anything of doubtful quality to its customers. Ro--d'k M. Mitchell& Co>#'U Druggists Phone 92a (Night Calîs 9 2b) Picture Framing BOW Mr. Mn. brothl This is a good trne to Mis haýve your pictures framed nilhi Mis Wehave received this day at week a very choice lot of .Mi;ý icy sic new rnouldings- suitable Hea for ail kinds of frames. the IU Mis; MissF Bring in your pictures- r and 1we_ wilF quote 3Tou Cook. Mn. prices. busîse Coast. Mns cd lic 4 Bidn'l Mn. W. T.ALLEN, :ra BIG 20BO ST E Smale Mism n alli Mn. Fridaý Osh Try Our Delicious, showe sepi Pastry ànd Cakes. Mr promi Mr. iDomir Saf un Our customers ýtell us that n'as cc Nve made the bèst pies and cakes but is, Maj they have ever tasted. We il- elec ec waystisouglît our cookîns x ston a YS eleëtie good, but sheî customners 5ity 50 Art ill it must be correct. If yon are Me;ý not eating oun pies aid cakes Befies send us a trial ..rder. fragO f0rfai Mn.a1c We use the best isgredients coun and Upnices are Try reasonable, P551 T foi, Ti Mrs. Ather] anid fa Bown J, A. IVILNE9 fer. Muna Baker, Confectioner. Sud blvi D. M.' gives Mn. E-Very rersonlnwh Requïres InSur.11anilce jp flic Ti Abi Fire, Life, Accident, Plate mes fi Mn. ar Glàss and Live Stock Thursd Ncwto the sli Insurnçe.did sut I can plae youir isk in spent.i Companies oýfunobe relia- young bility aid give yon the most mors, liberaI eontracts. Mn.1 son ot Proteet youself from being b0wi,b down aid out in case ot fine or icen i acidlent. playisg i promot en -anly kinid of ilur )cvly. of btht calling olilieads t Glovl H'ARRY CANN, wn TheCit Hal IsurnceMauit ig out ýBowmalitvlle, GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis a SSoifitors. NotasSes Publie-. A. K. c'O0 m'A 4, 0 .C.31A Opticians. Bowmaîville. VMANVILLE, JAIN. 26, 1910. ocial and Personal. r.D. C. Betts spent Susdny at his us inKingst on. r. Fred Grigg spent Sunday witl i i ler in Oshawa. iss Frances E. Colcy spent Suiday Miss Meta Gregory, Oshawa., iss Edra Grigg, Toronfto, spent Sun- at lier icabler's, Mn. Jobs Grigg. iss Henry feIl Susday siglif os tb idewalk, bruising lierseif severely. an tlic Royal Welsli Ladies Choir i: Methodisf Churcl Tliursday Feb. 1<M Ss l. Raf cliffe, Toronto, is visifin, ;Florece Hoar aid oflier friesds bere. s. Herbent Griffin, Winnipeg, Mas. uest of bier brother, Mn. T. HanTey rE. C. W. Meafli leict Tuesday onîa ess trip fbnu flieNWest f0 flic Pacifie s. A. Mass, Raby Hend, bas retun onme affer a visif with bier sister, Miss illi, Coîbone. rArthur Wellington Allen, Edmon- ,AIa., is guesf of bis cousis, Mn. W. les, Esq., Beecl-ave. 7ndon Winfer Fadir Pnize Lisf has ireceived from Secrcfary W. 1. le. Dates are Mardhi I 10 17. issHelen Johîston-is conisd f0 the ; sufferung from a faîl os the icy side- Swheî she burt lier knee badly. rA. R. Cameron, B. A., Port Hope, .ded flic Canadian Club banquet bere ay aid spent Susday witb friends. shawa junior hookey feamn again ved their supericrity over our local ff e by defeating fleicm lere Friçday tby a score oic 9 10 3. r J. L. Westaway, ose oic Port Hope's inent.business mes, lias subsenibed f0 the îew liospifai. He -is son of John Wesfaway, Hampton. r Jolis McMunfry, P. M., feli on the tinis Orgas & Piaso Co's office steps day and iujuned his side soe that lie cosflsed to the bouse for some days, son duty again. ion J. W. Odeil, as Orono boy, n'a ea Vîce-President aid Major Ra- sud Capt. McCallum, Cobourg, n'en d f0 Ilie Execubive oicflice Onfario ery Association, ýssrs. Blake Cole and Percy Wcrry, esdn, Kyle Squair, Salem, and Irwin g, Providence, leict Monday morninu- nfario Agnicultunal College, Guclph, ke a course in fruit judging. %Wmn. Smytbe, who lias becs ac- ast oic tbe Royal Bank bere for the 8 mosîlis, bas becs brassfenred to office aI Montreal. Mn. R. N. Bnit- Tilsosburg, n'ill fillich vacancy bere, s.(Rcv.) W. A. Bunser and family, rly, Rev, and Mrs. E. Fanswontl fmily, Smiilifleld, Miss M. A. Busier, nville, aid Mrs. Brntnfnnd Mas- ,y, Toronto, wene recent guests of id Mrs. W, T. Harfnîck, Pickerng. %Henry A. Farrow entcrtaiîed bit ay Scbool class Wedsesdny affennoon isg them a sîcigli ride bo Oshiawa. r howiig bhem aroeuîd bbt "Mss er ofc Ontario" lundi wns scnved ni- .Tod's restauratand ecd boy was a pound oic sweefs. .J. C. Hantstone, principal oic the higli sebool af Wcsfos, svbo rccently ced dead wbile aftending f0 bis dut- the scbool, was well ksown ins fhis t, baviîg becs principal of Port Higli Scbool and liaving attesded cndhers' Convent ion in this district.! ut flirt y young ladies and genfle- 'nom Bowmanville werc invif cd by ind Mrs. Albert V. Reid fo spesd day evesing nft tcir home sean uvulle, in Cianke. Aider esjoying eigli-rideand partaking oic n spîi- ,pper tbc eveiing was pieasantly in games oic varions kiîds, andbbc folks, arrived bomne in flic early baving lad an oleasant ouf isg. Hubert C. Higginbotbam, Chiatham, >fMn. T. E. Higginboîliam oic Ibis lias becs in Chiatham Hospital s-uf- from biood poisosisg in bis niglif caused by injuries neceived n'hilc Ig liockey. "'Higg" n'as ose oicflice 'fers whoîntnoduced O. H. A. bock- ýCbatham this year and is captais iIntermediate fenm. iRis fcam ibe district n'ithout a defeaf. rer's buis upsef ose evesisg lnst n'hilc comisg trous flic station. gto tbc nooür sligb)ing flic driver e-n drivun-g isiti ditchl and un turn- were sisters eoic Mns. \W. W. Tamn- Who n'cre comîsIg 10 visitfiber. Mns. Powcrsý, 12 IwnaeToronto, sboulder ndface n'eebadly 1, aild Mî-S. W. 1F.Johnsfost0ý, 266 ,SI., i-s.',Ioto, wilo sustainicdin ijur- bher ctesfaldhack and lias s1iuC Zot groom is a- native of Cavas, fDurhamn Cousi- FANCY DRESS CÂRNIVÂL. 70,1 f y, but iiow lives inHuroni Cousty,.T Our cifizens will be pieascd f0 ksow F thaf Rcv. James Pcdley ofc Toronto is A masquerade fascy dress carsival will comisg f0 ibis bows 10 give ose of bis lic bcld af Bowmasvile Skating Rik Pea popular le:ctures. 'oewbo baveiard Thursday Jas. 26. Pnizes will lie given as Lu s Mr. Pediey know whiat n treat is is, store foliows,: Besf Lcostumed la!,dy, gent, girl~ RasP for tim MnPdeyis cefanly o'ofboyv, cmiclown Niebut fliose in mi flic befc ue rs we have ever har.pro;per costuime vwihl blillowed os ire 1large If onwar p evrî~ c peasî'e, ntr- 1110;l1o ococSkating 1 0 10.30 p.11. -e, ta~unt mîi p oit I i 'îeD1cipe Aduaiou, C.f0 il ALN.TAYO"oî )ticeS Of Hirtlis, 25 celnts; Msiaes 50 cet;etscents ens ec isrion. Whou luneral cards are pintted aï this1 office, inisertion free. Soiland Personal, Don't forget tlic carnival aÉ the ris¶c HELPERS' SUOETY to-niglit. For the best aid cheapest roofirg s@e 0 H F H Mason & Son. 01TE Thîe more cars of "Loscombe-Coal" DISCIPLES 0iF DOMANVILLE ready for delivery. Phone 177.haescrdteM F. T. Hobbs is offering a Capital Separ- hv eue h ator ai a bargain. Read his advt. Mr. Rolit. Nuns,. Winnipeg, Man., is REV. -AMES _EDLE visifing lier br,ùàer, Mr. Cka.%. Nuisi.le Postmastcr 'Vance of Millbrook fell 0F -ToRQNTO, TO GIVE HIS AI while gettîng ont of a cuiter and broke a P OPULAR LECTUREC The cost of liquidating the defunict "2 iii 1Ch York County Loan Company will be overIlEs $150,000. IN THE Er A jolly sleighload from Oshawa vîsitcd at Mr. W. H. Foley's, Base Lise, îast DISCIPLES CHURCH Wednesdav, O N Rcv. aid Mrs.-W. J. Hanna were guesis hb of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Foley at "Green- -DIl A. E)lf court" wbile in town. FRIUMY9 [ U O U Ladies' Fur and Fur-ised Coats selling off at grcatlv reduced prices at Coucli, Johnston & Crydcrman's. COMMENCING AT 8 O'CLOCK. We have one Frost & Wood Disc Har- A MSIN . row, Deering Drill aiid Incubator to sel D IS IN 15CN S. -1 cheap. F H Masos & Son. CENTS Mr, John H. Perrin, D.D.G.P.. Whitby, M , instailed the officers of Victoria Encamp- ag; ment No. 25 ai Port Hope. Ms izeCosysetSna ~e Miss Ruby P. Gale, Rochester, N.Y., TorstozeCose pn una nef spent Saturday afiernoos with lier auntTont.f1 Miss J. Gale and other relatives. Read Messrs. Cole, Stoshouse, aid Has- la 5 Mrs. J. R. Forth aid family have mcved tings advt. Wi fo Toronto where Mr. Forth is engaged Teamsters have becs busy this week de- C( Lin the ladies whitewcar business. livcrng "Loscombe-Coal." n Evcny member of the Royal Welsh Irce pruners-something ncw-noîhisgHi >Ladies Choir is a traised soloist. Hear else lîke them. F H.Masos & Son. H -thcm in Methodist church Feb. 16. 3 lbs of choice raisins for-25c. at Thos. Lit Miss Violet Fishleigh and Mr. Hunter White's. Regular i0e. a lb straiglit. Early, Toronto, were guests of Miss Olive Ord.en "Lescombe Coal"-thoroughly Gsbornc aid other friesds over Sunday. screened and best quality, Plione 177. Mr. jas. Deyman is doiîg a rushing bus- Masos,& Dale are offening some mighfy 5iness in pianos aid organs these days. No good bargains in their stock-taking sale of wosder wlien he is offering such bargaîns. stoves. 18 The Allas Lise lias issued a pretfy dcsk M\r. W. J. Bragg, ex-Coun tics' Coun- calendar with a differest view along tlic cillor, is attesdîng the Fruit Institute at ýY St. Lawrence for each monfli. It ishaîdy. Cobourg. Bo Before stocktakisg you cas buy ladies', Miss Mary Sainsbury, Port Hope, is £M 1-a i cildrci's clobli coats at exactly lialf visiting lier uncle, Mr. W. H. Williams, ride at Coucli, Jolnstosn & Crydermaî's. Liberiy-st. i0 Mr. T. J. Cole, Maple- Grove, won a Mrs. Ira L. Pattersoî and Miss Margaret large îumber of prizes on bis poulirv at Mitchell, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. W. R, Ottawa Faf Stock Show aid also at Lind- R. Cawker.I 6. say. se « 1 Mes's aid Boys' Ovencoats selling off ýg ýe e don't humn hall the coal we used at 25 per cent. discount at Coucli, John- to sisce wc got in a load of Loscombe- ston & Crydcrmas's. Coal" said ose ofc the factorv mes ihis Diîser s*ts,/lamps, jardineres, glass- ýyweek. ware-evefytliing usniliat department is Mr. Frank Garrett lias sold ouf bis going at cp$ af A. Tait's. Read advt. a grocery business at Wellington and lias for parficâiars. lsec ured a position as traveller for The For the hesi spray pump on the market Durbam Glove Co. see F H Masos & Son. j J. J. Plyn, Cobourg, appcared before Eze Washing Powder, reg. 5c. a pack- 'SPolice Magistrate Boggs chargcd witliae o O. ITo.Wies setting fire f0 ilie bouse in which lie lived Ode,3fr ail our fuTsrahIdesgso. and as ommttet fo tral.flowers fromi S. J. Jackman. Phone 8o. Mr. A. OdelI, Public Sclaool Inspector, WoeradbiAchTi'sce- CbugliS g oe to visit kis sisters at igsl fcia eeeyadgasae Rediande, Calgernia. Mr. *4eil expecisinsaeocha.c~evadgswre teb be awav for a couple of months, - All kiîds of Muifs, Ruffs and Stoles af Reserve Thursday Feb. 16 for thie about cosf price at Coucli, Johnston & Royal Welsb Ladies Choir of Cardiff, Crydermaî's. 2e Wales. It is going f0 be ose of flic best Mr. J. J. Masos was at Haveiock Sun- cocrsfitlas come to Bowmaîvillc. day spcaking lfic heistcrcst of the Lay- The City Council of Kingst on *ill pe- ms isoîr oeet t ilins the Legislature t0 cliange thie date Arc you makiîg a good thisg -ouf of e of flic local municipal clections from bbc your orcliard? If sot, wby flot ? Read .first Monday in January to the first Mon-, Collacutî's advt. oî-last page. n day of February. i Does your piano ncecd tusisg?, If so,F I Ose of bbc greal est treats that lias corne drop a card to Walter R. Hill. Sec as- yT bo Bowmaîville for many ycars is Madamns ouncement in anoiher r oi-umiù. Hughies-Thomas Royal Welsh Ladies' Do you sufer fnom ic adacliès or bil- < S Choir. Bowmanvillc Metboclisf churcli iousscss? Get a box Of Nya>s Stomacli- I Tliursday Feb. 16. Liver Pis af Mitcbcli's Drug Store. d' Mr. J.J. Craig, M.P.P., Fergus, Grand Couch, Tohnstois & Crydermais a r ceI Master Aý.OU.W., and Mr. M. D. Carder, selling off tlic balance of their ladies' and Ina e Grand Recorder, Toronto, wilI pay an chldreî's cloili coats af exactly lialf price.- ýs officiai visit f0 the local lodgc Friday Thos. White's Jaînuary clearing sale ofN eniglif. Fulîl turnout of membcrs is requesf- groccries bringing mauy 52w customers - c, d. Refrealiments will be served, To bis store. Read liii advt aid sec wliy. rua Bowmaiviile Wornais'-, Institute will Now is ýn eyiftlnt chance 10 secure ýs bold ifs regular meeting or. Fniday Jan. dishes at )'sY'whilc A. Tait's big sale ofF - 27, at 3 p. m. at the bouse of Mrs W. W. chnc,ý-r n lswr sjs tr- tre *Allun, Posf Offl.e. Offerisg in aid of flcthe i, cckryadgiswrci us ir *Hoodless Memorial Fuîd. Good pro- Wc congratulate Mr. W. J. Hayerafi, P. gram. Rcncwals foi- -Home Journal Brooklil, Reeve of Wbitby, beinglelccied ., should be lianded in at thus meeting. Wardcs for Ontario Connity on bbc flrsf Far n Mr. J. H. McCleilan, Peterboro, brofli- bâllot, vote standing 15 to 6. ter of Mr. Johi MeClellan, Bowmanville, Ladies' asd gentlemen's fur coats re- L superintenident of flic Trent Canal, lias covercd aid repaired on short notice. becs elected associate member of bbc Cas- O wnc tc foecasbv r'Or -adian Society of Civil Engineers, Mon- Oritrtco vrot aea etreai, in recognition of bis splendid admis- rivcd and arc rcady for ycuur inspection. 0istration of the affï.îrs of the Trent Waf- josephi Jeffery & Sois.W erway. Mn. and Mrs. Frank L. Webbi, Coiborne, sett d ~f Parkhave gone f0 Los Angeles f0 visit Mrs. Mn. Harry Peoples and wîe, PrkMrs. Webb's braTher aid will visit othen River, Dakota, werc week-end guests of plaes in Soufliern Califorsia and returns G hMr. aid Mns. Lewis Jollow, King-st. E. via Si rsicSitLk iyadîe Mn. Peoples is an extensive aid succcss- CoiaoS nîcsoSal. LkeCiyndde -fuI farmer, owning 700 acres. He is a Clrd pig.ilr ,f friesd aid neiglibor of Hon. Roger Allun, Mn. Thomas A. Tbompsoî lias bee -C tormer Govennor of thaf Siate, anid wclî appointed clerk -oic Division Court to suc- F known to many of our readersanid broîli-cced tbe late Samuel Purser. Mn. Tbomp- er of Mrs. S. Shortridge, Solina. sonî 15 obcb congnafuiatcd os being flic 25 Onillia will lie in darkness for two choice of bbc Governmeit. He is a wor- wceks owisg 10 tbc bursbing of bbe flume thy man, is well anid favorably known anid ,r tot a large generator af flic power bouse. was af ose time Cousty Commissioser. jnj The wrkmcsarowly scapd drws- rs. James Rich1-aIro omnil u .Branches: ONSO ,IHAMPTON1 WALTER R. IIILL, ]Expert Tuner and Piano Acin Fiiiisher. Orders promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Leave <irders at, Bowmanville Post Office. i. R-NIHPD tOfMS TýO RENT - pply bo Dicîw ast B. Bownmairville. 4-2w IR5WANTED-To leara glose usaking. A ppiy ,ta DQUIilsiGLOVETACTiOsC, Boss. nIiiiisille. 2tf I U.SE TO fENT-7-ioolueîilieouse ou Duke St', Southî Ward. liaril and soit s'ater. ApplY to Mliss G,îLt, Priblie Library, Boss- tauille. 3 2w IONE Y JO LO AN attfire andtivoyeanS a hait percent ouniortgage seessrity. Pris ate fonds Appy bif.E.LOSCOsusa, iarrîster, Bow- anvillC o R R22-tf nOR SAîLE OR RENT- The Reid Pioperty -Corner Kinîg and Dis isioîî-sts., liosualix ille. Sustable for Store or Residence. Apply on rmisses. 51-tf CLIS FOR SALE.-Three yosiig Short Hotu huis, about a year lii very proussisin. aninsals. S. 'ALLIN &SON;S, Aiîdule, arus, Lot 14, B.F., Bowpîsuville. 2t 051' Smîdav, Jan. 8, betsseen Harry Allii' iid Enterprise, a camiera anîd a pair of field glasses. Findler kinidlvleave ai W'm Waiters, rono or Chas. Adlars, 110w nîjylile. -tf AGON, JBUGGY, ETC., L'OR SALE N',ew Ifari w'agons, uew buggy andsit sousescoî banudgig ie s and rîsttess, eu treup tter Apply to Ms. C. Jou ,lssitou. 32 LDBROOCII LO5T Siisday sight betweei Bosuanille Metîsol ft iimurch n I A. C. Alluî'- roi l!eise, oistario-st Fin. ýkindiy baye at Mr, Alîlis s or Box 16, Boss-, ans ille. -wj 'OR SALE-Oiie hay horse, 8 years ol olle black mare, 10 years old, siipposeScýc to be fis foal botil heavy uorses ' "ne sow due Jan. Appiy'to J. H.ILniuoalt_,,cou 4, Dar- 3coll, Hamspton, P.O. 3 Z. 005 TORJS'P 5,-ek o,îe ornier ucl5j anS Cosîcessqýinstreets, iBîwjniasile cuns tafiîfng 10 roiuns, elecîrfi- lighit, furuace, iother cous enieisces. Appiy to Miapvm, 1 uiic. >x6, Bosvioansfl]e. Fiiole 4- H CUNDS WANTED-For iivestilueut ili Firsi "Mortgages on impruised reai est ste ini the City cf lorouito, interest 6/ payable hli nary. Foi- particisiars ap IY to GOODMAN~ spatiu,20 LumsI'deu BuFfding, Toronto. 47tf OUSE TO LET-Du eiig lhouse eontaiing eighit roonîs, situated nou Conicession street, Bow-iuausiie, at present i te cupatfon Williaisi Clappie, Esquire; possession on or 'ut tise first day of April isext. Apply to W. Hoas.s, Soi niaîsife. tt ChoiàceCOrohard For Sale. P [:hS Wiitr Aples ii loealfty of New- Jei 1'. G. A. NoteS r prise fruit. Sold ie tyor-thfi.Apply to RICHARDs TEtBwu usfîlont. 4 3ý 0(dEANTD FIK ACRES For Sale in Clarke Qooî L'rîsîe Hoee 7down-sta,'roosuis, s 1o'ielfrt lsso e llas, transiebaini stales iiis'mi~ seil taoieu bouses, cent ar iuiber of apple and lother-ia.ll'fruit slise asîcres of landu, 2_jîmiles trous irono aisd ceu ýieîst fo) Clarkie Unsionî Scîsool, part of lot ecîn. 6, Clarke. Appiy to Muts. La,, s ALLs, upton, or H. R. Rosys.,, Oroîso. 2-3w, i ehedt lo,se a fth ull smodernu onsenioîsc- os, hot water hmtt emreisi cillar, .sw;, h. i n cou1ac. SittoateJ oms àafinAsvenue, î1ff ,adviess, Toronto. Lot 30 ft. hy 115 fI. Isireu e, gardeis amid hiciceni ttutse. W'oisl exchasge proýpeiy in viciîîîty cf Bowanamsille. Sale e 100 ent 22, per ,noebh. AppiyBo [ULT 'TP.EES-,\ow is bte 10 toplace your jrdr f1- trait ansdl nnamenfaýI broc. Nie base tho largeitflinutnursery sokgos ana"a. OurAppi, PaPnCer u chal trcs are Islurpass fir w!bînis nonne itou ui nur tocs tiey Lss 1,1gic i, mislhi BIRTHS -111 us fLu O hawa, Ja!i. 6, to M.aid Mis. Iereýy Dewey, a tsgt, NVîIEjLLYN lu BowmnilIn 22, to 7îr. andi ,Urs. Artl*ur J. Wlake,!i, a son., MARRIAGES, M rTuas' s LlîSSETTOn Jain. lcb, at the Wes- ya«s chîîrch, BidefoM, England, by Res. A. .J. Iliigton, James, Matthews of Bownsanville, anada, to Mary (Polly) Bissett of iideford. KETCIHEN ROSE-On Jlasi. 19, at Chîist Church, Lexico City, Janet Evelyn Ketcheîil, daîîghter 0of iAle. Ketchen of Brooklin, Ont., and -Mr. Hug haumbers Rose, Mexico City, son of Richard Rose Esq., of Sussex Gardleus, Hyde Park, London, DEATHS. Lis .ý L Witbi0y, J an. 15, Abrahai mBryta, in lis wOthyear WlîtsAt Port 1Ho-pe, j,,n. 1., Jaiiises Wil- T4XLO Lu Twnshp of opeJais 1, Robert '. TaLo. l is7h Cr îWALEER iAt Port Hp,.am. 2, MiarytAdaus siiet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pdl cftelt ai Wleae 1yaggs Fls DA dAutlor Hopeý , Jaî. il, Saianrtha lotterliof wnte lbate-'n iiye., agd LsKE Lut Dos'mille, jais. l, MWie. lams Albfert, roet t n te lat Sohî . ilt Mr, fed 4 Kers.el fOonae 8y&s MM a- - Lt oore, Ja. 2,MsteryR. daetn dau.ht.r of MRocaester. '1' . andutr frMr.yJ o.faBowîa ini pg, in lers.ti er KERoo-iiTt onetoHsnitals, Jan.17, errud Il oiAbrtglest g tro ,,n ut 11. li Mîaiig. u)fer- Htormer=y o Oronol, age 2years. C "LesN t -Cobourg,.an 0,FthrR auEr. R. O ohseN.Y., SMt Mr De.H Msner andipealer ti er MOn Lmeonto Hoblespita, t. , Ginud otenl om, Bws Osnte a5d 2aro. Ltre. aMotrrisSo MLst We Frget ' ipn Dsuny anSdeiib aier m owman nvî1le Phones a10-3 IThe Popular Grocer. Bowmanville. S.W.Mason &SOn's GratJa arySal of Stock-takîn- bargains 18 now in f ull swing. Our stock in somne de2pa tMenIts is much too large and the goods mnust be sold and sold quick. Stcp livelixand get the choicest bargains. Lacoies' and Misses' coats. AlI new tbis seabon. Sale price less than manuf acturers co st. Sce for yourself. A splendid a- sortirent of high class coats Northway mîake. Ladies' tailor- made skirts rnust be sold tbts montîs. FRegniar pnice $3.50............... $4,50............... $' u 6.75, 6.50, 6 ý..... $ 7.75, 7........... Sale price 82I --. 25- " $00 $450 FURS Fur bargains-Chotee furs at sacrifice prices. They have to go, nosv is your opportunity, dlo tot m iss, this chance, wiiter is olily beguîî, Muifs, Searfs, Throsvs, Storm coilars, your choice. Regulan pnice $22.00-................ $ 15.00................. $~" 12,50................. $ 11.50 ................ $10.50, 10 ............ $8.50, 8........... " '$7501................. Sale pnice $17,50 " ,,10.75 $s 9.00 $ 7.50 Remnaît Sale-Dress Goods Ie Remat adrmnnsofe r description at astonishing bn- pricesl. BraisalP>rlt bouse, bar 'gainîs in eveny departinerst. Sae1 0 ml ohti fuis ad., 'itîl and see andu be convinecd. CS Grocers' Due Bis Tau-en Next door to Sfandard Ban'k, Jo-avf -- s~,5. -, Phoiie 50. R ecord-Breaking of, China and Crockery Continlues. OURI selling-out sale of China, Crockery and Giassware lias been a record-breaker for big sales, genuine bargains and real sts faction to our many customers. Our stock in this departc- ment bas been recluced from $3000 to $1200, and, although-' somewhat depleted the assortmient in the various lines for the inost part are stili complete. IBARG:AINSGLRE The following is Iust a few of the money-sav \ing bargainsini offered:- 4.-dozen common lamps, reg 75e to 40e for ...c0eto 2ceaIch Jardineres have be-Cn reduced considernbly and there are stýili oe good bargains at .......................... $2.8Oto25 ech You had better hurry if you -%ant to get a toilet set at cs rcs We just have a few left ranging from $5.75 to 8.0 We haven't much limoges china left- but the balance of the plaites, cnps, saucers, etc., are going at bigreductions. Tbree tables filled wvth odd lines in china and glass\vare too mtimer'1- ous to mention. Corne in and pick out what you want. iRemember it aIl goes at about cost prices. i 5-4-pecechina tea sets wvith green and pink decorations, reg. $5 for ........ ..;»......................................$.0 1-96-piece dirmer set of limoges china, reg $25 fr - .. 816,00 8-only-dinner sets left, ranging fromn $20 to j;I0.75, no',yýw uler- ing at.............1.................... .........-jfl5 to$85 Glass Tumblers, large size, reg, $1 per doz. for ...8c; mcdiiurn, reg. 90e for ....70e smail, reg. 80e for ...... .... 60(-> Balance of Parlor Stansd Lamps, N ery pretty designs and trimming, reg $6 to $2 for........ ...... ...... ......_$4 75 to 81ý.40( 8 -langing lamrs left, regular $12. to $6, while tbe-y laýst te mur -stock of Groceries is the best, cleanest and freshest and our prices are right. Bring ini your farm produce. We are stili pay ing highest pie in cash or trade.