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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1911, p. 7

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~ +8+0 k~+,i ~ J Ly-"MssFoter-Maisie, caïinot Prt eres o iF(er lie.bad geeAh, ye, ,this V~ syaN u ilara t Vo ilke me a litle i1 You ms ei! N~W EMEY ~ must know %vhow devotedly II lv ho-) - Vh buha s sb sook lho took von. And I liave reason to hope-u îen pac:kot; thon paised. SIndigestion, Heiartburni, Dy4j7ep- suit A 1 xs onndhfohdbc sia and Constipation resuit mnore "My father! You have spoken 1, for seoinashodongsitraV ~iii1 =- - i fiÀgit way? iHow brigbf bis pros- Iuloften frein nervous exhaustion to my fatherV" gasped the startled j pects han! seemon! sucb a short while Richard Barnington sat aoein mn1 l i fmy feelings Vo- asif the lese beatiug lu bis'lbearti ~îschefs ffce Onk. dskho nerve repair. ASAYA - NXU- wxards you, and asko-d lis Permis- a a nkn n anuswerîng hro,,b1 kre himr lay a, pile el aperF, wl _hcb AIL" is andniakes possible ths siou Vo win yen if I could." lç,tw t_.taniding ~i importance, cueIIf2ste evs nue I should bv bubwt édn N lie was not flinging bis 1f e! ïaled Vo hobd nîs wanderLing at- vmrfin no nbacod ht'$a wyl wanton wastefuIlness. IV sleep, quickens the appetite and kirV on yo would have bad neolieart for V"9O. as for love's sake. St ddenly lho was rouse4 YT a îow digestion, and these disorders dis- your owu private affairs jnst now!', Slowly, but with bauds that1ne knock appear. $i.5operbottle. Obtain cried the girl, bitVerly. a, u jmdPiV' ý lnger-,remled, ne1rise te "Soiry Vo distueb ý sir," said frein the local agent . Bîragons_ temitao nt !gtin Burc-wo jdacket Vo bis lips and, hruwing bis ~. bek, poogticii, buta oywbch-in bis eagernoss, and in the duzr ng th e ure irnow bond back, steadily emptied the kas brouglit a note whicb lie iusisýts JURY & LOVELL jage tt fbsnre oldhwT bei t is jn s iacr1x contents. into bis montb, Vo Vhe last li ivn it yn onbad"allowed himseif Vo ho betrayed. sud aa goneral toic. sý 1 1. tiny grain. Duarring ito bok urprisehad, but"Forgive me.!" lho said, bumbiy. jmlytos4 rAýj tiro r "Now for Vhe conclu dnd-sieep," ____________dsuprse, ou "I can ouly plead the overmaster- usod eAeb year lui the ~~fl8 oa>az' r lie muttered. maeno comment. igpwro ylv o ofrrýey eas b4 atcp; "Al right," lie said, shortby , ust, nover kuow Vhe truth; ing po eif loveefor you, for P11e hlaf staggered ns ho crossed "bring hlm l." must nover earu thanthVe ma~n sh~e omge een wfor a momt-to athe reom and flnng bimself cdown. H1e ook the note from the loves is n tiief and a forger-the fallon on Alnn's ife! Believe me, A moment baer Vwo mon bnrst hanclbnf-impntientby, and glanced betrayer of bis friend! It woubd lho bas scarcely been absent from room wbcn Vhe sound lhad corne she into tic room, and, cressing swîftiy' 1uickby aLt the envelope. At sigbt crush her-ioviug yen ns yon sny my mmnd niglit or day since-it bnp- eutered abrnptly. Vo the couch, bout over Alan's un- )f Éieliandwriting hie snddeniy she doos! But, oh, Dick, ho good peued. Il."That yen, Maisie l" cried ber consoos form. hagdclo r, and regarded thc Vo lber! Lot this transgression ho "Si 1nce wiat linppeued 1" sho ftber, cheerfully, as lie caugit "Tiank God. we are not too nesIsonigor wtqnickened interest. yonr last; and if ever your -consel- akdnrpi. .sigit of, ber, "Sorry Vo have dis- late!"cied Mr. Foste.r. " Ho stili "An nnswer" lie nsked, abrupt- once urges yon te atone for your "Since bis-" Ho pansed, as appointed yon, my dear, but yen brenthes! Marshall, yon can save ly sun, and for the wrong yen bave bis botter nature momeîutariby as- must blame Marshall bore, Vionugli hlm? Yon eau snrely use an anti- "Nsur;anlise ot ayen geV t aildondcare, forkbrIf evinaer yenveinkserten! itseif and restrained Vie I know bis unexpected visit wibb dote V" be ure ad-se hatyo go i al ad creforlir. f veryo thnktreacherous lie. But after a quick more Vlan compensate yen." Laying bis fingers ligbtly on the -rigi t." of me, lot the memory cf yo ur old gbance at Vie boveby, f¶nshod face "Of course. I am pleased Vo sec stili beatiug pubse, Vie dector suif- "Thnks Ton enmaygo" fied ad bs astsarifceproptbefore himlm e ho ardened bimsebf, yen, Dr. Marshabl." fed Vhe rman's breath curiously-a Tic mom.ent Vie messenger lad yen Vo lead a more uprigit life, and s utrd nalw vie erfteqikt oieay trained, pnzzled look exu bis face. witdraanBarriugton eagerîy Vo siunudishouesty as yen weubd and ntstedluad ow voice, cr faithicisted notieayrentybsftrosriedad - loo opn Vi enelop andfoud ti plaue."ineasin eaccaforgery." changeliseriseddaglteie straigbtened himnsebf witi a gos- tint,budsa btter for himscîf "But thongi I have aken upon "Yumn ic i cuainloe tle enY. thiere wnaiý,se eue in an unse ,abodý myscîf yonr guibt, I cannt aîlow cf IV! Yen know-,yeu who bave "Are yon noV well, ciild?" turc cf relief. addrsse to is chîe Vite namoe-tie dean, good anme known Allan se long-yen must Ignoring bus question, sic lield "This is noV poisening," lie said, knnvelope addressedentVof bis ac1ef.cquiukly. "Only thue effects cf n po- Witorvons haste lho bogan Vo my father bore-to lho dishoniored; knw ht lied innont f scbaout Vie fateful missive, ent drug fer induciug sleep; and, ren bs wuboteratfistluaéven iongi, being dead, lho woulcl Ving!" seciepsioaey dazed kjind cof fashion, as if unable no longer suffer. Before yen oanu Believe me, dear Miss Foster,"openthovo ord MrndFoser V oe fou aly barmlesonghc . te gaspits moauiug. Witîout pro- reach me I sinîl he dead. lie said, lu a Vouie cf quiet assur-oen Vte ierenvbopannd begwan V o "Yor eablin se " c ried r fae, Vi ebtter beganu --"The mannier of my deati must allée, "I houer yen for yon-r faithi rnd i, dVieyesadinby whiead- fesrend i eAgery fIwad. "Is Vhns, thon,, the end cf your bho your secret. I have lu my posluinhlm, and onîy regret Vint 1 caîtiug hlokn.thn ilhlmdy it u I elsr tiV! nd Is d' !ifelngfiedhithDc , Vosession n poworfnl Indian dr, ne longer share iV. But, unfortu- redhp ODc,9 e w au lookiug. Vinnk it swold bcinl hold bi long; tbism - thinik it yen could have played which causes painiess death and uately, I have no chice ieft-iii faceIierftrlokduqiky. oudhluooxitlnsteb- SOio ow, ît y r ebaves no trace beiind--only symp- cftVils." Ho drewanu envelope ont -"How did yen geVVhils, Maisie? fore hoe Vook i." s!ond baeaseved m snb a ew-tmnf'ariefiue. u 'rm i okt I receiven hs Who gave it Vo you?" Tic moments dragged hy slowly, ,Fardi!,ly,,asrd mex-ick! aon îunmn otkea ena ae etaothî u eruo iiVe "Mr. Barriugton. 1He said ha pninfully, Vo the Vwo mon watcbing y.onr ecret safe, but I kuow it. I off my letter, for I foci- sure that requeuFt tint after ronding it I lad7 received it tVils fteruoou, with ii nuxieus sibence; but atlàst, with kne)ý- w trehVose bank-notes came when I am deuil Mr. oster will wonld give it your fatier, It is a .request fromn Ailan Vnthowul arses ev n let Aln i toh i h nnrpriin"t aepbi ydigaefrtéAlan's confession!' givé it Vo yon." himseif overaand sigbed te o scrtedîuthemur pbliThedigrce orVie1 lwydrn'ned f rmtthe.He c Tic docter bell n n wTheid Of my dtesk, aud aise of ypasertn o myfatber's goodnanme. coor sowy1mehoc Ho coatînud Vo coud rnpdiymbds anp1 Vsit te my rooms. Yen thongît Farewell, Dick. girl's face, leaving iA white and face gro-sing siowly paie. As hoihenas bis emu o mden .yorslf nsen bu m ladldy "Yenrs in sorrow, straînod. fiuisbed lie Vrned excitedby'Vo bis ogrmvmn -sw en hogb uowi lng ur"ALAdWST JY. Allan's confession !" sic gnpfred A fow moments laVer Vie doctor,1 adhikn1 aset Dici Burriug-toîs rend Vie traglo ed. "Yen -yen bave geV a wriV- "Marshall, cone with me!-a ba oe gipue n fo smehigsc bbwe' thmssgeVoVencd ; tien b ttrVon confession f rom hlm? Sureby There's net a moment te bose. is a restorative anti held iV Vois lips.i yen fishaescape mssgetoi faombis Vite-r-e- issomn- inistake t--Yen -cfa -tIre motur -stitltu-e azi-" -Silwt lsc ese i 'en to--puss ott calege. The Passionhe 37cry esafl frIîhiIltS--da same baud whci placed itho-7se notes white lips, as if wrung f rom bis net menu tînt Allun bas confessed, For nnssmer Vie girl finng hersebf macndrnk; tien, opening VlemE lu miy desi secreted ci'thoso fonnd inu vory heart.Vo ---" Sic broie off snddoniy, as upen hlmdesperntely. fsud eerîg anedsulymut bus. ( myro!Igieynrdî o i- "Ailan!1 Oh, Alan !"if Vhe words ciokol hor. "DontV, -father, don't! Have f"e ernxwb h ood it 1er Vo iugining Vthatich streugti ef our For a bri-ef lie sut as if Mi'sm utridtiris cnfesmistk, cc-,hvesme*ry pnMaisie b' lho saiti, dreamily. ehief's old friendsiip witi mny fa- paralyzed-bereft cf ubi powr of Ms otr HscnesOn is Allan !" sic cried. "Doi't pro se- "Allnh Aln nyby o' ther would restralu hlm f rom pro- motion or couscions thongit.' Theion borewittn ory himsof. I as ecuV o e u. ear orfteu-a!Aln o!Dn secnting me. Yen werc mistakeni in a haif-involnutury, mecîsanicnjly atn eryThair' o o V e~ e kow n-'i" creaneMr. Fostr Ho bas-aliewed me.until Vo-morrow jsert et way, le sprang te bis.foot ura Vo givo iV o bim as, Allun de- "Muisio, I must' ge ut once !" le TeyogmumaenefrtV te produce Vheiemoney an-d coufesa; an-d mule tossards Vie door, as ifsre."excînimeti imporativeby. "HusiroSt isef L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~H uiigVa prscto! Ynrazigtn smtîn wsr- Hocarefnbiy sealed and beld eut ,hild! I amn noV going Vo prose- "Listen, Aban!" said Mr., -oster I aln Vitlï-.eflto! Yuralzn htsmtigwsr-te btter towards lier.ue han Za ng os-ve mmprutively.- "I1.know Vhe t ruth.t lae(_w wliy iV is impossible for me qnirod cf lm, and tiat instantly, "î nmot eksasifMr Fs hmifthtIampessic. Ho sis iii- Wlth a sVnrtb, cry Ablînuried E erstore thVi a'ney for the casied yet scnrcely kuo-wing what. Y Ver were nst oV s asmifg Mrow OS e- hnoce ate fogie. e oreine- heu.But I1 -an 'confesu,' nnd But us full recollection rturue e-ncn-o friem 'ble - ~~ I have deucYloepausedYFor, affer amT ý-ha s-'eu-v4_ ke -ehes. ing-him gui ybxy"'hïit lie iseThgreat frlie lsenc ,10 RchrdBariigons ac gewgod uros cul le ere y o-Tiere wns- a bock as cf ,, weund dan'ger, andi every moment is prc- "e nwVetuI i np Ricar Brrngons ac gowgod nros cnî h srv h g- d animal ln Muisie Foster's eyes eus." p ecd, stupidlv.t doatily white, andl wlVh n startiel ing ne.w bAreudy hoe was toc laVeI as she stepped ont laVe Vie rond 'I must go witl yen, father. If "Yos. Burringteu sent me Vief cry Vie btter dropped frora bis and i is going woîld simpby rouse andi absentîyteck lier sent lunttse Allna is lu -danger, 1 must go tee." wroug nbte-whether by vway of 1 nervebess baud. needless suspicions. Seeing,l thon, ~ wnrning or by iinistake I dontV "fCo-fees!" lbe gasýcd. "Allan itînt Albums was beycul bis help, it waiting car, "My littie girl! !) o . ou Iv i now; but-I've rond yonr letter te cotss !" nly remainel for bim now te look i-l ua afdazetf iershomse muhb"hlm. Qicily- recoveriug Ihimseilf- lie to -himsebf._ lie-_ msts± e guardel aigiteti at Vhe do fbe oe Be or--than-ny litel "' s-s ùd, Allan -put bis baud Vo-bis-bond: 'and sa ieds V eavy, draggiug simply. V epesgsue si tl piciel up Vhe falen note, cul rend nl iucw nothing. fosesalcng te iehl.Bt Hrfahrsopdadkseherwt epls etr, si tl On witi feverisl anxiety :- Stibi wite und sînken lho sunafs tshebgnti acwid e all B u rferladooel nul ssedorduncertuin whether te bebievetVils "Yen wibb fiald iV ail planuy writ- ilaVe islscair again, andis oye sewsic bean Vo sceulie aisouhfofurrie, inud Vieeswasl a wda-reality, or jnst a droum coee o ton lu Vie unseýiedlebtter whiic I caughit sigit cf Vie otier envelope sb u rese yVe on fefVnc ou bsees s oisWmocc i m. enclose, u nd wlicb yen may rend -Allaa's confession, voingopnth . Vo tei e groat love shnung from bier ,Mie swtngfrvuAI before Wgiui Vo Mr. Foster. 'As Slcwly, anti witb trembliug bauds Psigopntedorc i wn. AVtnlcosts Alun must bho n"Musaie Mr. wat fr, ynni-y te my motive for doiug Vils, yon hoe drew ont Vie short, cbeai mes- savel-for ber suie now, as well as Ian," omslliMr 1 or unuingly. will understnnd Vint it is noV for sage anul rend it cr lytîrougi. for bis own., Unless it wns nbready Ilpoîslhe nwudiaeeo careulb to lae! omewiti me." vour suke, for' yen bave forfeited Yes, iV was al down, word for " h ,ci Musi " 1estrednpl ail-igit, noV enby Vo friendsbip, 1 word! Tic crime-his crime-stootiJ Lîsten, junîsie!" i sain, quuc- alarm ' -l!Sie does noV mouw? but éveil Vo considération anulre- ursmistaiably contessel: Iy. III cannot taie yo>u now. But Sems o apeetf. No_; IV is, for ber suie-for Iuna flash Barringtou reubized aIl -trust me. I wiii hrîng Allun Sc u t n ow.- Maîiie-that I bave doue iVIteVn tmen.H n ny ofr aiV yni a "Mr. Foster baid a soothig bauds tovl ler nu u eu Vinedartiwar Vis o Hbs honlyne mua-Tirusting Vie btter lu bis ou bis aras. Vo hopberVilnt1she)re telmy eve. edwrdethsspic co nd o taîlnfriead's baud ho burried hlm ont, "Yen have maIe a greut rastake,s 1fi;i sl-cId eer fal ur Allan. IV is yen whom Maisie loves, I plVIt ifonaijýl eut nsy mistake; anul on hîmsebt! Hus pati weuld h bo [sayîng, "Rend tint ns we go yen leur, noble îellow; -net Bar- tb ivayyevobd me et roý)yeur secret oear; bis rival safely ont cf ViLe Ir aong 1" And Vhe uext mý.omlent;t enggemnt loier I resolvel Vo way Iiocei sub s dbal! IVey ergn.rigoIniel" kemyown l ose scrV.Now I Surely thon hoesvoulsuceel lun ad amistuici" ecloed Alun, in-t Ti(ý 1d-j ti) n)lne.Se winauug tébatfigr ohdAllan Westbury, alone lunlbis icredlulousiy. Thon, witl a sudnîle is ore Vo me V in my lite 1I I are 1se long desirol. cicerlesu room, pacel restlesslv te cry cf angulsi, hoe excîanimel, "Too- ao-wblno 1cear mysoîf authVe, 'Secret engagement hetween CrAadfo wiigte euno i aeiTolt!I o aera cotof lier lirespîe s. Sic tiern" Heonoaywisîedithere word Cr by Lydia E. Pink nif o witn i rtr til ae Tobt! fynlaern Tit al iEna--a -lie Vo bimulAllanhm bce l P osi h een seized witi Vie lhase loue, I arn peisoriedl Andul anul keep hlm eut et tic ruuuuig. aue'mpni esire te inow definîitely Vint Viey' hy se doadby a drîmg tint Viero is petnously. "Why do yen timlîke remody fer curiVijrte worst forrns cf fumbbeti round tic binl vain. Veie whobe room bebcame fulel witli For m,- o?'?ntair t tyn'îfemale HMlsiclilding dispicmus A second and more b. eterminel ýa imist-liievaor "T was art awmeefforthauninticnmchest ay openc beform "Thscis Vhe poison, ièth.ra fti'wffenel m,',rolielthetirlicîl thertieseenbdic ainsbuokehebean %tz 0 ug-downdfeeling, flutuleucy, indigos- lim, cxposing aneaat arruy emdi- -dout," ho saic, 7bec-ibl, i-as seen cure eliet Iby -"r tht I-disIikeé en" tien, andi nervous rstaio.R cuts cs. as Vheie ist blIclnr V.ou rnay I ae ls s sodi- uta rife o ryit amtitb rsut has "Lot nme siec; itvwas a spae i pck- tuiyen(rselt lucklýy yen imule the FofenaesBecIan'piî. MpinY tan, andti yen tVo Mvoitimc.1I benwe %rtbnuiliestsferamoe. et, osail, slewby. "Poor cil rmistake', yemng maua suiaheSeietreunnW2isacbo, avec acn It." Ticu, ass lp bib 1Ask Your Druggist for a Froc -G,«off!Ho pbittiptoglit wlat ue Bt ioet entLar. At Boi Bvrywerelebores 2 5C. i yotreply, ho weut on paucuon- Pcrima Alouanfor 1911. -bis wonderfnl Irug weulld be put tic ýsudîcdenct uAllun W'esV-t bury, for the first time in his life, had fainted away. "llow ever could you have thought it possible that I could love Richard Barrington?" asked Mais- ie Foster, as she sat with ber lover a fcw days later. "Well, you sc, he always scemcda sucli a good fellow, nnd-- -" "Good fellow, indeed!" brei in Maisie, botly. "I{ow can you say that nfter what lielins doue, aud aftýer deliberatcly tryiug te fasten bis guilt upon you !" "But lie repcnted, dear; at least, we will believe so," pleaded Aln. "W have--so-m'ucb--- ha-ppine-ss--our-- selves we ýcau afford to be gener- ous, darliug. Let us think the best." But the doubt was nover solved. After discovc'ring lis mistake Richard Barrington had takcu re- fuge- in fliglit, and, enlisting undor an. assumed name, was sent out at once to the frontier, wbero he proved himsclf the mose reckless of the littie baud of soldiers dispatch- ed te quel! a native; risiug. Wben the skirmish vas over, megt- de-dad-aes-wàkili--y- upturned to the silent stars was that of the would ho hetrayer cf.his friend, wbose plans had. 50 strange- 1y maiscarriéd.-London Tit-l3its. INO-VE-L EYVEGLASSES., German Inventions for the INear Siglited and for the Police. A German irîventor bas devised what he calîs tolescope eyeglasses. They are iutended for the use -of short sighted porsons by the very simple mens of onlarging the im- age ou the retina. They are spec- ialiy desigued for that class of peo-1 pie who cannot wear the ordiuary simply corrected glasses. The monocle combination con- sists of.two parts uuited in a single metal frame, a frout objective leus or collector and a second nearer the eye to disperse the- rays at the proper angle to make the correc- tion for the degree of myopy in question. Wheu properly prescrib- ed and made, says the Scieutific American, the two lbuses havesuch -relatinnVo each other-that-thapre-is no distortion, astigmatism or col-] ored border Vo the image obtaiued. Another German bas inveuted wvhàt ho calîs police eyegiasses. On the side uext the face they have tiny concave mirrors which may ho, extended sidewise or ho folded back so as not to show. They give the wearer if ho bas normal sigbt un image of what is going ou almost direýctly behind hlm. Tbey arc pro- posed for the German secret pol- ce. Whetber adopted or not is not Vu o bcascertained from bond- qua rt er s 1Pis for Nersýous Troubles.-The stosnach is the centre of the uerv- ous system, and wben the stomacli suspends healthy ac,(tion the resuit is manifest iu distuïrbauces of the tvtrvoS. 4f-allo-wed fVo persist,-nezv- nus debility, a dtangerous ailment, may ensue. Tbe first consideration is Vo restore the stomacb Vo proper action, and there, is no readier re- medy for this than Parmelee's Vo- getable Pills. Thousands cari at- test the virtue of these puis la cur- iniz nervous disorders., ATTRACTIVýý,E,-EClPl, Molasses ,Cake.-M-'s- Ck mn Rbîyîne.-Oue' cup et lid bou suits the cake; aiso ue p c suguar taie--dan brous n l lest 50stl irougi, ou" np tbl olsetoc. Ai ueba 1on upoonlful cf sait-e tvve1 wou' bî honafaIult. Tii-o! esoe fuIs ofeunmuweeg, eb tract uetami,1ur0a1-oapen 1fnbetVis Or.-cup et iniitn cupu cf',fleur; sweet 'mii' i w e 'Vis 'bettor seur. Antidathon t male te Vligit, oeelevel Voaspeen- tub lu night. -Nu t ----Ciowde.-Taie -coe-liait pounu cf mixel nut mnswh ,icb have been broie n inte raipoo -Put tiem iun asuucepaîîinul allcsv tIern Vo simmer frun hour u ad Vîmrty minutes. Peeb anul bice ov cml potutees, a Vuruip, nai geetir)o sizel cuban. Have. a plut cor-l ced or stewed ternatoos. Lintjich hotteni et a ketiuwiti n ayer ol4; petatees, aIl a layer oet Vie uruîýap nul onien wiVi a spriukbing et th'yme, sweot marjorarn,cipo parsley anul sait, thon a bayer et!o tornntoes, aîilustl-y tie nut mns Lot sîmmýer thirty' minutes, thoný; aIl eue plat tofmmbkanul a lîttîn, thielnening. Carumelel Carýrots,.-The humble carrot, se littbe thought et by ns, becomes ou Vie Hungurlun table a beliciens sweet Vo serve witii ment, £-ut -oee or twe barge-currots intc> tuan piecos ab-out au inch long, put Vhem iu a sauce, pan,uprinibe tIenx weli witb sugaranul aIddoeetable- spoonful et butter, Pour on enongli water Vo. just cover Viem andlebt Vhem simmer nntib aIl but about one table spocatul bas hoiled awny, by wbich turne Vhey wiîlbe soft Tien sif t a IiVVI-e fleur over Vbeni .!anul stin nutil it is nîllabsorbelJ. Thus carameled they do noV Vaý,ste luke Vie ordinary currot ut ai, nul they rnuy le usel witl meut' or us a lunicheon disE. Nut Ronst.-Put two Vautl et uVale brouI crumbils lu a rnîxing bowb anul meisten wiVh hotwtr Lot stand ntil îll Vie wate,,r 1 isb- sorbel. AIddeue cuptul etcusf or grounu wabnnt or peenu unnd filhertnut ientsanuloeetable- spoonful cf wmonts usuel have been Ibreken lae mnl ioes Fîvo suith un tzrapontu of finely stt cI sageo urtm Iel hos anul wît i cLI - tierbnalf a oeseuu f sait or one teuspeoutul cf lemon juice. Mi,.' tbomonghiy anul stir 'iu eue webl bouton egg. Pre-s ltaVensur pan Vo moldif,.ientura nou ia huaicg pan nuxl bIaie IVt. S erve, het or oeld. iRaspbcrry ce--lo cups e)C water, juice cf cý1eaohit lemnon, two onps cf sugar, one cup et sVrained rusphlerry syrup. Boil sagur a usater ten miutes, cool, aIl io-- nien juice nul rusphcrrysyrnpýv;ý treeze. Garuish for CîiA.On upe maulel potatee,Vowibhae eggu. hait a cap t raiercuul unI tbreetuesotus tmi. Season ,withppe, at ad se.Maieie blsaot VIe sîze etan eduayegnu u tiemnla a ripg a n, wti fuÉ Vubbeupooafnbs cýf bte.Lott îcua brouwnl b ay 01(-11arona 1(1, A HeuseliolMdcu. i tînt are acquaiiïteî dwith tihe ster- ling preperties uof 'r. l±uone'e u- lectrie Ou lu inte treatinent et muniyý Cbnrenicc-"4Won4tah wbhat sw?-,iiiients weoubd net bho wAtiout t ryîng -Abgv, clJ c7ap!b" Reggy - l i bouse.. Ttis truiy a bue "'hy, las fatheýr n- lnw nulis b blldmedjicine al n s IV la ctfeçtive3 noterin-aware loth livng mwhiti aduigwith man.y 4orlinary cerni- unm, yen kaow Y bnece laints 1 lu dliaper Vlan a dec- IHow's tat, l ma'b egy on.Se, keep iV t Abaud, as LOI 'Why, lgy la no ho u e hs oai orit may crlne motunexpot )wul, wtrl 01("y wutlueter. I ULCERPS, B -L, SWOýLLE ND GLNDILT ARE COPELY CURED BY T'à-HE ' NEW METHQD TREATMENT Wednr o call the attentior oP al thoJ affiàted wý,,th any Blond or Skin Diit tO our New eh- retseta a n!r "I cure forthecopan. er so - cuse fojr any person havi"g a Oni nedf from eruptiQits and blotches. No imater whether hered*itary or* acquired, our specifinýj s t~euedies and treatment neutralise aio- sons in the blood and expel therm firom %he3 system. Our vast expoirtece in the tîcat- iment of thousands of the ost serious 1,( complicated cases er.abies us to preta t cure witliout experlmnenting. Wedo busine-ss -~~ on the plan-Pa. Onl' for tihe Benefit Y. Derive. If you have any blood dietasep, c, n- sult Us 7Free of Charge and ]et w;s prov e to youho quicly our remedies wiil remove cf t-13 Nevr Metiiod Treatînent the skm S1 e- cornes clear, ulcers, d !iioche Mheal up, enlargefi glands are, red-uced, flr ont hair grows ia again. the eyes beconsoi bright, ambition and ener1 return, and tise -victim realizes a inew Ilfe as opened 1,q)tW YUCAN ARRANGE TO PAY AlTE 'ZOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION IFREZ Bond for BooIdet on Diceates of Men *'THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FPEr JE unable to call. write for a Question Liet for Homo ratnn N C o ~ M i h i, a n A e , n d G r s w o id S i ., D t o t i h NOàE Ail letters from Canada nm st be &1 ment ini Windsor, Ont. ifyodeiet se, us personally cal! at our Medical Institute lu Detroit as we s2o and tr-eat nc0 epat auts in Our Wi:ndsior offices which are for Crepuec u 1ab1rZory for ndiubusiness onliy, Addre-s z.11 ter s olos DRS. KENNEDY & KENDWndoOt Write fr rprivateLaddseslu

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