__ I I I Clearingu Sale of Pianlos and Organs Are you thiiiking ý,Of by a piano or-organ? If so, here is an oý-ppoirtuniity to get a good second-hand inistrumecnt atc bargairi prices, Every home should hiave a pian rogn . Encour- age yýou'r children to bce musical. Very Liberal Terms D)omlinio)n Uprîght Piano, as good was new, in use less th1an a iYear, regular price $300, xii seil for.,................... _$200) HaUines Upright.............................. ..........$2 Thalburg Square.................... .................. $75 Brown & Munroe Square.......... ...................... $50 Dominion Square .............. ......................... $100 There is also some extra good value, ini second-baad organs from......................................... ... $7.50 to $40 îi It is necessary- to see these instruments to fully appreciate the genuine bargains being offered. No trouble to showv themn. Caîl, write or phon)re 51. JAMES DEYMAN, AGENT The Old Rteliable Dominion Pianos and Organls K'ing St, Bownanville. ISTOCK WÂNTED. BARGMINS IN DRY GOODS___________&_________ BOWMANTLLEJAN. 26, 1910. The senior division of our Public Scheol is closed this week owing to Miss E. F. Rundie, Prin-jcipal1, being indisposed with a severe cold... . At the Sunday School ses- sion Sunday afternoon a, resolution was carried donating $5G towards the church repair fund ...Quartet1y sacramental services will be held in Tyrone church at 10.30 a.rn. SundayFeb. 5th. . ..The church pew stewards have decided to remove the pew rents for the coming year. Cern- mendable act!1 Should not ail ftrnds bc raised by frec-will offerings? For the best and cheapest r6ofing see' F H Mason & Son. A safe and sure medicine for a childi troubled with worms is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. IENFIELD. Special services will be held here Sun- day, Febrnary Sili, afternoou and evening when Rev. A. R. Sanderson, Oshawa, will preacli. Mr. James Heatlie, Orono, recently vis- ited at Mr. J. I\iddery's ..Mr. Howard Mackcy, Kinsale, visited at Mr. R. Pas- coe'a., . . .Mr. T. Dewell, Fenelon, visited at Mr. J. Virtue's ..Miss Mabel Powell and Mrs. John Campbell have been visit- ing at Oshawa .... Mr. Ross Healey has gone to Toronto to attend Business Col- le.e.... . Mr. Albert Niddery has returned to his position at Hamilton. Trec pruners-some thing new-nothing else like them. F H Mason & Son. Mý,iss Lern Slimon lias r-etnrinedl home atfter visitinýg relajtives at Cadmius . Mc, A. H-. NMoore is tkigacorseIn Hlort icuilture (ýat GueCIlricutrCol- lege and visited With frîiends at Owen Suundic. .. Mr. Ardue Mo.r s gue-t Of MissesR:ila and Vera Sleinin ind Mr. Mlton Slemnon spent theý week-end at Mr. J. E. Elliott's, Cadnus...ý . Mr-s. H-. Coucli anld son, Langhami-, Sask, and M\r. H. Scott, Tyrone, recenttly visited at Mr. Theo Slem-on's. Jardinieres, lamips ande pitchers, 1,ý% dia- couint at Thos. Whîte's. ZiON. Mr. Byron Taylor, Toronto, spent Sun- day at home ...Sons of Temperance are holding a Box Social on Feb. 8. - Mr. Bain is visiting lis brother, Mr Claude Bain ...Mr. Harry Bennett had his col- lar boue broken in a runaway in Oshawa ... Miss Nora Traîl, Toronto, spent Sun- day at Mr. Luther Cornsh's ... . Taunton Football Club held an oyster seipper at Mr. Chas. Stainton's, the Captain, Jnn. 18. Twenty-fourcouples sat dowr-i to a sump- tuous repast. After tea the evening was very enjoyably passed with social chat and games..Mr. Jas. Cameron's *me was invaded Monday evening when Taun- ton Football club was agarn in evîdence. An addrcss was read signed by John Bal- son, Manager, C. N. Stainton, Captain, F. B. Glaspeli, Sec.-Treas. A remembrance was preseated whidh Mr. Cameron kindly acknowledged, and the rema inder of the evening was pleasantly spent. We have one Frost & Wood Disc Har- row, Decring Drill and Incubator to seli dhcap. F H Mason & Son. APPLE GROWERS ATTENTION ! I have again securedýu the agency for that famous ins,ýeet destroyer which gav e such excellent satis- faction, in this section last year, the NIAGARA BRAND Lime - Suipher Spray Niagara Spray has been tested in ail parts of the province and without an exception it has proven to be the hest destroyer of inseet pests on the market. Ask users of Niagara Brand for their expeinc For dlean fruit, healthy trees and prosperity use iNiagara Limne-, Suipher. Order to-day. $8 per bhl., F. O. B. Burlington. First car ready for delivery at Bowmanx ille Station aboutMar. lst I amn also agent for The B ean Magic, Gjant and Cha[. Iznge lland and Power Spray- ers and Accessories. ' Information, gladly furnished hy R.H. Collacutt, Lot 8, con. 5. Phone 146 R 3. Bowmanville. Sizes 36 to 44, Regular Price $8.00 ge 6c 10.00 ec e4 12.50 37 Ox ercoats. Something in every size. ......Sale Price............ ...... 5.95 ~... . .. . . .8. 5 groceries heing frcsh. TERMS: Strictly cash or produce in exehiange. S. A. CHAMPION, North End Store. Hampton. Strock. T aking SALE 0F CROG 0 KER Y In ôrder to grèâtIy reducè My Stock of Crockéry and Glass- "Beef Cattlc" ..........C. F. Bailey. 8 p. m. "Delegates". . G. A. Putnam and delegates Friday, Feb. 17 10oto 12 a. m. "ILîglt Herses"......... C. M. MacRac - l.30 te4.30 P.,m. "Heavy Herses".......... G. F. Bailcy FARMERS' INSTITUTE. SUPPLEMENTARY MEETINGS. The supplementary meetings of thc West Durham Farmers' Institute will be leld as follows: Newcastle, Town Hall, Jan. 26th at 2 p.m; Orono, Council Room, Jan. 26 at 7.30 p.m; Tyrone, Sons' Hall, Jan. 27th, at 2 p.m; Tyrene, Sons' Hall, Jan. 27th, at 7.30 p.m. Solina, Sens' Hall, Jan. .28th, at 2 P.m; Solina, Sens' Hall, Jan. 28th, at 7 p.m. The speakers- Mr. Ansoif Groli, Preston. Subjcts "FrraForestry", "Lucerne andi other Clovers", "Soil Problems", "Corn and the Silo", "Fertility of thc Soil and Conservation of Moisture", "Systematic Rotation of Farm Crops", "Care and Man- agement of Dairy Cattle and Hegs." Evening: "The Stairway te Success"; "Tliree Generations in Waterloo County." R. S. Duncan, B.S.A., Port Hope. Gev- jas Heatlie, Orono, visited here......Mr Cecil Pascoe, Mr Norman and Miss May Reynolds and Misses Hockaday entertain- ed young people recently. If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Car- ter's Little Nerve Pilîs, Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and ncrvousness makes you dyspeptic; cither one renders you miser- able, and these littie pilis cure both, HAlVPTON4. Large congregation attended Sunday evenitlg song service. Collections were liberal and every person was well pleased with the service. Members of choir are grateful te the congregation ..Mr. Wes- ley Redman, Bowmanville, was wjth friends here Sunday ...Mr. Frank M. Brown, Traders' Bank, Newcastle, was at home Sunday.. . Mr. Gco. Cook lias been in poor health for some time but is im- preving slowly .. . .Miss Carnie Kellar lias' returned atter a pleasant visit with friends at Stirling ...Miss Elma Clarke las re- turned frorn a pleasant visit xith friends at Port Hope ...Several of the citizens sat down rather suddenly during the last week ...Mr. Wm. Oliver, near Indian Head, Sask., bas been vîsiting lis aged mother, Mrs. Geo. Oliver. He looks well and like many of our West Durham boys lias been vers' prosperous ini the West... Miss Frances Conley, of the STATESMAN staff, Bowmanville, was gucst of Miss Meta Gregory over Sunday. Rev. A. R. Sandersen, paster of Med- calf-st. Methodist dhurci, lias accepted a caîl te Methodist churcli, Belleville, West. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox, of Hammond, Md., who lias been visiting Mns. Wmn. Steplens, Port Hope, is visiting old friends here. 11 Officers.of Simcee-st. Metbedist Teach- er Training class are: President-Clarles Lauders; Sec.-Èreas.-F. Truli; Leader- Rev. H. T. Lewis. A merry sîcigli load ef members of Sons of England, Essex Lodge, Oshawa, visited Port Perry brethren Jan. 17 whose instal- lation of officers took place. A weman wle is weak, nervous and sîcepleas, and whe lias cold lands and feet cannot feel and act like a-well persen. Cartcr's Iron Pilîs equalize the circulation remove nerveusness, and give strengtl and rest., Mr. Jes. Heard, Fenelon Falls, a former Oshawa citizen, died on Jan. 15 lu his 65th year from a paralytic stroke. He was a native ef Barnstaple, England, and came te Canada 43 years ago. A widow, five girls and tîrce boys survive. A Glec Club lias been organized at the Y- M C. A. ivith the follewing efficers:- L>ange,, -nsects aa ,.,un-.gGus L Frthe-ub.st spr ay pumfp ont'ci- emarket M.Rbt -euesn ecretary-.:ir:' Isec Î, i Yason e c-Son. h, E 'ri ,Mcara. -0X.Ja, 1 1- z (.ii. en 17 Fî ,7-uuiitîO W, y, I'Conservafion of iSo~iii' "I C. W.DtîhkI .Machine is recognized hy dressmakers and and others as the best sewing ma- chine on the market to-day. Let me quote you prices on a new ma- chine .Terms s'uit purchasers. I have a couple 1Newv Empress Ranges that will he sold ut ahout cost prices. Fred T. Hobbs, Two Doors east of Caldwell's Livery Phone 166 Bowmanville. GoOO z .w-i U1~.A v - - os ugsuweaers, allwoo, ng ne=c,, an White, Red and Royal, Brown a'nd Maroon, Reg. $1.50 Sale 75e Th e Mason Clothfing L0o9, BOWVMFýNVILLE. I LANCUT1 -BARÇ"ýàAINS1! IN GROCERIES We are desirous of reducing our stock of grocýeies, etc., by several hundred dollars hefore stock-taking and te do this wýe are offeriag seme extra bargains. READ E-VELRYïITEdM Chioice Raisins, reg. 10ec lb. nowv 3 Ihs. for ................ .... 25 c Tli-tfl e lBrand Cern. reqL,,1Oc tin. no,\ 3 tin for......25 Crosee-1,Ilackwells hnst rnixed pickles ree. 40e for ........'35e àlv,--,iaTable- Sait, very fine, in-i 1P'.ins reg. Oc, -3 Y . --.4- C F , c J After Stock -m Taking Sale of Odds, and Ends of BrokenLines. After our Tremendous Sale, We find that our heavyîles oý.af y Overcoats, Underwear, Winter Caps 4re broken in sizes. We have somnething in every size. Before the transfer of the husiness takes place on Fehruary lst w e are auxieus te clear out these lines. To do this we are Cutting the Price still Lewer, Boys' College Ulsters Sizes 27 te 33. Brown, Green, Gray and Bronze Regular Price $5 Sale Price ....................................... $3.50 Youths' College Overcoats Sizes 34 - 35. 14 Overcoatls. Ail the latest colors andui shapes Regular Price $9.00 ........ Sale Price ................... $6.00 Il cc10.00 ..... " .......... 7,150 cc 12.50 .. . .... .9...... . . 00 - ýý " 15.00 ......10.......... L .45 Men's College Overcoats '1 I