ail $.oo a year in advance;, $i .50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, EH1U RSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1911. VOL. LVII. No. 5. M. A. JAMES & SON r preos Pre-Stock=Taking Sale of ail Winter Goods, Couch, Johnston & Crydermian wilI from this daté. seiliail Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats at exactly HALF PICE Ail Ladies' Cloth Suits at 25 per cent discount. Al Ladies' Hampster lined 'Coats- with good western sable collars and lapels worth $37.00 for $27.00. Ladies' Rat-lined, good broad=cloth sheils, best western sable trimmed, worth $55.00 for $45.00. Ladies' Rat=lined, fine broad=cloth shelis and sable trimimed worth $70.00 to $55.00, Ladies' Rat-lined,- extra fine sheils and best sable trimmfiing, worth $75-00 for $60.00. Ladies' long-Astrachan c.oats, worth 50.00 for $37.50 Ladies' lonigBokharan coats. , worth 65.00for 48.50. ilMen's cloth overcoats and winter suits at 25 per cent diszount. Men's rat=lined coats, good cloth shelîs, otter trimmed, worth,55.00 for 40.00. Ail kinds of m'uffs, ruffs, throws aund caperines at or aboutcs price; also a lot of Dress Goods- below cost price. 'We would emiphasize the fact that tliis is a Genuuie Sale. Nothing lias -been niarked up and then marked down, but our stock is too large. We need the rooni for our Spring goods, and we need the ioney to pay for thein. Couch, îJohnston .& ryderman. Bowm anivi île, Ontario. r '-Il 0 44 THE STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. Establishd 1873* ~'Savings Bank Department 04 Hlighest current rates of Jnterest paid on Savings Bank Balances. ýýa1eNotes Supplied Free. 0 -ustrsofisBrai-eýnjo; the services of the folio ing 4*â' brnhsof the an in [1w counlties; of Durham and Ontario.* Brooklin, Por-t Petrry, Pîckeing îhtby, Claremont. Yu S:Chequeiés and (lSaleNotes a re negotiahie at il of thiese i* A.N. MeMillan, j MANGER, owmanvîile Brandi, BANK OF MONTREAL ES TA BLISR1E V 1817 Capital -$1 4,400,000 Rest.-- $1 2,000,000 Total Assets $ (83, 169,159 Savings Banh Department Head Office, Montreal, ICOUNTIES' COUNCIL MR. T. A. KELLY, CAVAN, WARDEN. EdoilCorrespondence COBOURG, Jan. 27-lt is ýnccedingly regrettable that potiticasbouldcut sncb a wide swarbb in bbc Coun tics' Councitî affaira lu these united coonlies of Northumber- land and Durhami. No politica-l ielectioni ever bad a more active "machine" in opera- lion than was working bere b or election of the choice of bbc party organization te, the Warden's chair- Exý-Warde.ns, Liceuse Inspectors and obber county officiaIs were bere fronioutaide places. Wbyv? Opinion was unanimous.respecling their mission. Eariy in bbc day Ibis conýdition of thinga was so niucb lu evidence thal only one course was open 10 other cniae for tbc Wardeusbip. Att wboentered latest in bbc coutest decided 1tire finding that some wbom tbey expected 10 support theni ad pledged their suipport t,-o oters. A few independeut men whb rcfused lobe coerced by party managersvod as tbey wisbed and were roundly abnsed afterwards for their action, Ah bhonor 10 enwbo bave the courage 10 vote as tbey like and ou Ibis occasion declined 10 b)e craldby tbc party wbip like so mauy prairie catble on a western ranch. Wben I was elected Reeve oýrfBowmanville on Jan. 2 il was by votes of citizens, not as a politician but as a business ian 1 assiat, firstly, in transacting the business of Bowmanville, and secondly, uin doing tie sainie aI Counlies' Council, without fear, fayor or affection. I bad no commn1ission 10 come 10 Cobourg 10 vote a straigbl parby ticket an)d wiil nol do ru> wbateve, r t]bc resoît may be. Before coniing down here 1 dccided 10 withdraw froinibbc couiteat flor warden and tbld my coîpanions that 1inl- teuded b 'vote for a man oif di;fferut polilica froni mine, but by uuexpected tomn of tbe conbies' kaleidoscope m11y inlluenice was transferred lu order to belp smash the "machine," and bbc acheme woni'_,d1out with neatuessanad despatcb. The potitical machine was cffectually smasbied 1',othe asbonishieut and chagrin of bbc manipulators. Vicwing the battlefield afler bbclh conflict is endcd, 1 ai of the opinion that bad Reeve Hickson carried on bbhce îathinfiseif on bis owu merits that bie would to-day be warden 0f hese coonties. He is a very genial ian, popular lu bis owu municipal- ity and witb bis colleagnes bere an d waa geueralty expected to bc a wiuuer. The re- suit Tuesday evening sbonld be a,îstanding rebuke 10 tbc ex-wardeu wbo worked the1 "machine" and an intimation th jat thec presQnt coonlies' council is quite capable of uuning ils owu affairs witbout bis advice or hetp. It is a serions refiection on bbc ability and bramas of this counuciil it i l necessary for ex-menibers 10 come 10 ita belp aI election of warden oý: aI any otheime; so tbc men who were s0 active Ibis year wiil piease undcrstaud that in futur beyare respectfuliy requcsted 10 mmnd their own business. To-day a number of couilior",,!s inspecbed the House of Refuge, a duty that is by no meaus aIl pleasure. Ibla nI a cheeýry sigbt by auy meaus to sec three score or more old people far aloug thie declîine6f life, their sun almoat sctting=an average of one every fortuight sank bibe t : grave ls year. As onue looksa mb bbc faces of the inniates the thougbt iusinctiv ely aie: Wyare tcy beme ?" Evemyone bas a dif- ferent history. Som isow Tclear evidecnce of abuse of, the body, others of bon frec indulgence in spiritnous lqorothers are victinis of beedity, improvidence, envir- oumient, miafortune, iil-bealth, uuiinduligence and a few froin poverty. For their conifort, cleaulinessansd sosîcuaýnce mucb la, beiug doue. The Home la vemy favor- ably lncated, its interior coîfomîs and equipmeub are generally ample and suitable, bbc ablendauce on imnates is gond, and really there seema very litîle cause for coi- plaint, but some of theni wanted uis to belp therni o get ont. The tbonght came 10 us that tbey would no doubb bc discoutented very soon in other places. They are lu, their second cbildbood and ail cbildren arc fond of change; bence their appeals have: very little weight. This lhougbt saggested utsd1 to us wbile there: that il wouid be -a nice di- version 10 bbc monotonous lite i*f morning and evening services were beld lun the chapel and ail inimates who are able beb expected bo attend iben. Evcrybody nearty eninys singin g-there sbould becb f of lb. Occasionat pboqograph selections mighb be given and regular religions servic; es beld. The life of ininates unable 10 engage in active work muat naecesaarily, be very iouotouous unless anme variety such, as la suggested la thmown mbt their diylife. Ib is a ve'ry commendabte act nI Mm. John Heum, Port Hope, to send bis, cck to givé bbc inniates a good Christmas dinner, and il would be equally anubflsd bcoaning if sevèral nîbe!- during the year were 10 send flowers, fruit in sea,ýson aand delicacica of anme kînd that the nid folk wouid enjoy. Tbey are Godi's urfor-tuniate nues, but Ibeir lots can bc made pleasant- cm by a litîle thoughtfkindm "* , n tbbc part of people wbo bave more than their needa require of Ibis wýorld's goodaf and l1,uuies, M4. A. J. Our correspondence from Cobourg last' week ended witb election of Mr. T. A. Kelly as Warden. The rest of Tuesday evening session was occupied in routine business, reading and referring correspondence 10 respec- tive committees. Action on Ibese matters will be rcported later. Several former members of Counties' Council were invited wîtbin tbc bar-Ex- Wardens A. L. Boyce, S. E. Ferguson, J. Kennedy, and Messrs. W. J. Bragg, J. Thoridyke, W. H. Reid, Governor of the Gaol, and J. F. McMillan, Supt. House of Refuge. The Reeves werc appointed a striking commitîe 10 recommend bbc standing commitîces for 1911, J. W. Crcws 10 be chairman. Report of sanie will be found on another page. Speeches followed of a reminiscent character and congrabulatory to Warden Kelly froni Mr. Jos. Tborndy ke, who for- merly rcpresented Cavan ln Counties' Council. Hie was glad to sec a Cavanite lu bbc chair. Mr. John Kennedy told of several battles of tbc ballots before he reacbed bbc Warden's chair. Mr. W. J. Bragg thankcd Council for $200 grant 10 Fruit Growers' Association lasI year and referred to bbc glorious vic- tory won by these counties at bbc Apple, Fruit and Honey Show lu Toronto lu November and 10 bbc adverlising our ap- pie district received as a result-one of tbc biggest advertisements these Counties ýever reccived. Price of orchard landslias. grcatly advanced as a result. and a former Warden when reprsentative of Cavan, madea bappy and humorous speech. He is a great admirer of Warden Kelly, tbey baving been brougbt up to- gether. He bas every confidence tbat hie will make good as warden and bonor the position. Lieut.-Col. Neil F. MacNachtan, Coun- ties' Cierk, on bebaîf of ex-Warden Boyce Iben by request presenbed to Cbuncil a splendid framed portrait of biniself (Mr. Boyce) in a speech in which hie reviewed briefly tbe history of the Council. We reserve the substance of bis very interest- ing address for a special article on some officers who bave served these coieies. He welcomed the new members andi said that whîle bie was their servant hie hoped also t0 betheir friend. He referred to Mr. Bragg's speech and rejoiced that ours are banner counties in production of fanm stock and fruit and said our ladies are the fairesî in the land. Thie Colonel is a good speaker. Messrs. Colwill, Hicksoni,Powers, Humie and Weatherson were appointed to enter-' tain Mr. R. S. Duncan, B. S. A., Govern- mient Agricultural Representative, of Port, Hope, and arrange for bun to address Council a-t this session. Council then adjourned. Wednesday mrorning some commrunîca- tipons and memorials were read anid re- ferred, Tbeý report of standing comtmit- tees was presented by Cou.n. Crews and adopted after wbich couincil was adjiourn- cd tii 7.30 P. nM. to permlit tbc standing' commrittees to organize, clect their chair- ilin and conisider mnatters referred to theni. At bbc cveuing session several1 more letlers were read. Coun, Crews, chairman of By-Law Com- milIce, gave notice of several by-laws to to be introduced later.' Couns. A. A. Powcrs, J. W. Crews, J. Hickson, M. A. lames. J. A. Irwin were appointed a special commitîe 10 draft an addilional clause to the rotes of House of. Refuge wbercby a more complete and coniprehensible report of bbc cost of main- tenance per capita may he obtaincd. No further business being ready, Count-, cil adjourned.1 > Iuisbead of gîving, reports of future ses- sions lu regular order we simply sunmar- ize bbc appointîcuts, etc. Warden Kelly in accordance witb reso- lution named Couns. Crews (chairman,) ColwIll, Maher, Milîson, Howard, Powcrs, (Sccretary,) Weathersou and himacif a comnibtee 10 go. before the Railway Com- mission in relerence 10 Cobourg and Graf- ton Toîl Road Subway, to endeavor to get a changeof plans, bbc present one, il is claimed, being a deadly man-trap. Board of Management House of Refuge~ -Warden Kelly, J. A. Irwin, jas. Byers. Remuncraion-$3 a day and loc a mile. Auditors of Municipal Accounts W. S. Giv en, M-ibook, C. A. Wilson, Casîleton. Auditors Crîminal Justice Accouns- Judge Benson, ex-officio, F. D. Boggs, Cobourg, Alex. Campbell, Harwood. Bridge Commissioners: Campbellford-J. A. Irwin; Hastings-T. E. Howard; Allan's-jobn Carnie; PienCreck-Jos. Hickson; Narrows-R. Morrow; Bensfort-W. Waterman; Dunlop, Douglas Creek, Springville- Gco. S. Thorne; Squire-Alex. Hume; Marsb Creek-J. R. Armstrong; Hcaly Falls-P. Macdonald; Bowmanville W. E. Courlice; Durhami & Onario-E. Milîson; Port Perry & Carwright-J. Bycra; Thompson's-D. R. Hennessey. No commissioner shahl spend over $5o on any bridge or roadway without author- ity of Council. Commissioners of Rcgistry Offices: E. Northuiniberlad-R. Snctsingcr; W. "ý1 -Geo. Greer; E. Durbam---Geo. R. Paîberson; W. " -M. A. James. Gaol & House of Refuge-W. J. Maher. No greaber sui han $5o can be expcnd- cd without auithority of Council except for unavoidabtIe repaira. Higb School Truistees for 3 years.: Bowmantiville ýFred C. Vanstone; Cobourg - E. W. Hargraft; Colb)ornec-Johni W. Phillipa; Campbelford-A. B. Çolville; Newcastie--Weltînigton Foster; Port Hope-J. L. Thoîpson. Grants werenmade as follows: Prisoners' Aid Association'., .$ 10 00 Sick ldlren's Hosp)ibal. 0 00 o Isalac Wilson, reporting... _ie oo Cobourg Cottage fHospita .... 100 00 Increase i n Clcrk's Salary.... 100o Fruit Growers' Association.. 30o 00 'Cobourg Horse Shiow.. -....00 00o.i SOME COUNTIES HISTORY. Lieut.-Col.Neil F.MacNachban, Counties' Cierk, being requested 10 address Council at lasI week's session when presenting tbe ex-warden's portrait, gave sonie interest- ing history of bis predecessors in the clerkship and breasurer's office. The Council of the District of New- castle firsî met on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1842, and consisted of eighteen members, Mr. Walter Boswell being the firat Warden and was appointed under Royal Warrant. Morgan jeilett was appoinbed District Clerk Feb. 9, 184-2, and continued in office until tbe termination of Ibis Council on Jan. 10, 1850. The Municipal Council of bbe United Counlies of Northumberland and Durham was formed on Jan. 28, 1850, when Mr. Morgan Jellett was appointed Countv Clerk wbich. office was beld util bis death in 1863. Mr. E. A. MacNachtan was ap- poinled Counby Clerk on June 24,1863, and beld office until bis death on Ju]y 22, 1891. The offices 0f Clerk and Treasurer were united lu 1873. Mr. Neil F. MacNachtan was appointed Countv Clerk and Treas- urer on July 30,-1891, and bas been con- tinuously lu these offices since. Hon. Zaccbeus Burnaan was appointed Treasurer of the District Council in 1842 and conlinucd until bermination of said Councii in January 1850. He was ap- pointed Counly Treasurer Feb. 9, 1842, and continued until bis dcath in 1852. Hon. Asa A. Burnham was appointed County Treasurer on jar. 28, '1852, and occupied the office up b bhis death,May io, 1873. A peculiarity worthy of note is that bbc offices of Cierk and Treasurer have been held by only two familles: as Clerk by Jellett anîd MacNacbtan, and as Treasureri by Bombaim and MacNachtan. The old Newcastle District comprised the four counties-Victoria, Peterboro, Northumberland and Durham. In 18io the records state that tbc population of tbe District was only 2,316 souls-it is now considerably over 100,000! Assessed value of property lu 1810 was $i75,ooo. These two counties are now assessed for over $26,500,250, In 181o there were no roads, setlIers passing froni one clearing toanother by a patb aiong bbc lake, shore. In 1857 it was claimed Ibal these two counties bad the greateat number of gravel roads of any counties lu bbc then province of Upper Canada. Instead oftbbccanoes or hatteaux of i8io we have transportation by steam- ers, railwiays and soon expetk trolley hunes. Iu 18,57 Counties' Clerk received a salary of $750.oo; Treasurer $î,ýooo per annuni; Auditors $25 each;, engîicers' $7.50 a day when on county duty. The messenger re- ceived $2.50 a day during sessions of Council, In i81o Darlington and Clarke bad to- gether 181 of a population of whom only 28 were assessed. lu 1825 Darlington was 415, and Clarke 304. lu 1830 Darlingtou 786, Clarke57ý lu 1835 Darlington's pop- ulation was 1865, Clarke's 1635, Cavan's 2575, Hope's 2739, Manvers' 154. In 1851 the population bad increased greably: Dar- lington 8o05, Clarke 61go, Hope 5299, Hamilton 5008, Haldimand 4634, Cramahe 2993, Brighton 3725, Murray 3725, Cart- wright 1756, Manvers 2568, Cayan 4438, South Monagban 105I, Aiwick 836, Percy 26o5, Seymour 2781, Cobourg, 3871, Port Hope 2476. Bowmanville's population is not given but 46o persous were assessed. Counties Council members from 1850 10 1857 for Darlington and Clarke are given as follows: Dariington-Henry S. Reid, Michael Cryderman, David Fisher, Anthony Wash- ington, Matthew Jonesa, John Washing- ton, W. H. Rogers, B. F. Perry, E. G. Power, Clarke-Andrew Lockhart, Allan WiI- moît, Andrew Milligan, Richard Brown, Win. Rowe, Robert Jobostone, John L. Tucker, Richard Walsh, John Carscadden. Manvers--Wm. Hunter, Alex. Preston, Isaac Preston, Porter Preston. John Mc- Dermid. Cartwrigbl 1850, James Ca2sar, afler wbom Ca2sarea was named. The other following 7jears Dr. F. Howe. Bowmanville---David Fisher, D. G. Fletcher, James McFeeters. Newcastle Andrew MacNaughton. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. E. Jeffcry and famuly 'desire 10 thank ahl the friends and neighbors who hiave shown theni so many acts QI kind-t ness during the ilîneas and death of bert daughter, Mrs. M. M. Linton, and also int former limes of accident and bereave- muent. Payments to high schools recommended: Brighton.......... ... ...1,.$479 93 INc wcastl e......... ........ 344 20 Port Perry.................. 326 o4 Oshawa ................. .. 108 45 Port Hope Higb School for Agricultur- ai Department was grantedi $250 for haîf year. J. H. Rooney wias awarded contract for supplies to'gaol. Counciliors Snetsinger and Long were appointed to act with Cobourg Council in preparing estimales for a heatîng systeni for county offices. Special County Property Commirittee was appointed as follows: Froni Duirbam -- Hq. Cann and Geo. S. Thornie; Froni Northumberland-H. W. Rosevear and R. Snietsiniger. Il is an instruction to the Board of -Man- agers of the House of Refuge bo presenî at December session report sbiowing, ac- 'tuai cost for maintenance per day of each ýinniate, based on th-e entire ouitlay with fair write-off for depreciation, so that ratepayers-may know in a plain and coni- p--rehýensible report the reai cost for main- tenani-ce of the indige-nt poor of tbese United Counties. Memibers' Pay Sheet shows an expenl:- ture of $îo8o.8o for this session. Royal Welsh CONCERT IN THEI Thursday February l6thi at 8 p. m. Under auspices of Bowrivilie, Epworth League. Admission -,- - 35e. Plan Opens at jury & Lovell's Thursday, February 9th, at io a, ni, WARDEN KELLY IIONORED, MILLBROOK COUNCIL GAVE HivM Ru- ING RECEPTION AND B3ANQU',E. On bis return froni Cobourg oýnSau. day last Mr. T. A. Kelly, the newly ele-4' ed Warden of these United Counties, a met at the railway station by a large at eýrinig of enthusiastic friends and ecre iii triumrph down town.ItbigSura afterrioon it was difficul t to arrangean further suitable reception, but on Mna night in the Foresters' Hall an oyst-er- supper and smoker was held. The a-- quet was p)romoted by the Mulýnicip)al oi cil of Millbrook -,îho anticipated every' '1 comfort and pleasure of the distingui;shedi guest and of those whoni they invîted toý do himhonor. The Citizens band was hiý attendance and assistedmaterially to theý eninyment of the occasion by discoursing4 sweet strains at intervals during the even- ing. Mr. W. W. Gillott, clerk of the vil- lage, took the chair at 9 o'clock,sctda bis right being the guest -of the eeig Warden Kelly, and next hini the DepuLtyi- Reeve,.Mr, Geo. S. Thorn. At thee chair- man's left was Reeve J. C. Kells of 'M2iHI- brook and beside bum Ex-Warden Mi7:, C, McNeil of Cavan, while the long table waýs filled by the members of Cavan and ici - * brook Councils and officers, andohr friends of the Warden. A splen' 'did sra of oysters and aIl the tohoedlc- cies that usually accompany snicb ereh ments, and for an hour the noisý e of ii. tensive eating was only exceeded b1 y the, animated conversation that proceedtýdJ throughout the room. Good cigars wr then passed round and the glasses ffl"ili with Nature's best beverage and the cha'h's pushed back froni the table, when th chairman opened the further proceedi ngaý by statîng that those present were on handiJ to do honor t0 Warden Kelly. in afn- tion of this kind it was impossible to have- aIl who would like to show their respet1s to their guest, se, that the occasion was of' necessity iimited, yet they could no, e Warden return home without extenidingýý to bum public congratulations. Hease ail t0 siand and drink to the health ;.of Warden Kelly. The band struck up "o be's a jolly good fellow" a-nd-aH-onde--------- thusiastically. Warden Kelly receivedi the ovation with blushing reserve and at once tendered bis thanks to the chairmia, and those present for the reception and t aIl those who had so loyally assisîed la, his election. He reviewed bis mr.unicipalý record and stated that from i bi o mencement eleven years ago at the Cu. cil board until now when the bighiest gift of these Counties was bils reward, be haiý steadily aimed t0 "do the right" and main tain a dlean record. The honor that hadi been conferred on hini aI Cobourg was one which he boped to maintain in ii ï1!iu best traditions and to return to itssce- sor unsullied. He had had a worîhy o- ponent in Reeve Hickson, agnlmi whom be had known from boyhood'sdys and he felt sure that their frîendily relaý- tions would still remain. Speeches wr made by Deputy-Reeve of Cavan, Reeve Kelîs of Millbrook, ex-Warden McNeil of Cavan, ex-Reeve W. S. Given, editor tue Reporter, barrîster A. A. Smitb,am Dr. Clarke. Iu tact. almoat e-ve.rn prescut embraced bbc opportuuity 0fc- tending felicitabions 10 bbc Warden, andi the Millbrook Council conveyed in warr--. ternis their thanka 10 Reeve Kelîs forbi hospitality 10 theni at Cobourg, 0fwbc tbis reception was, in part, a returri coin- pliment 10 Mr. Kelîs for bis outing. Mý1r, J. J. Fair, clcrk of Cavan, coutrjbuted a good recitation. Altogether, il wasaa quire unosteutatlous banquet to Warden.!- Kelly, in keeping with bis well-known rnodesty, succesaful in ils managemeýnt, warm iu ils sentiment, and whicb ano but long remain in bis mcmory as a fitting tribute 10 bis popularity. Dr. J. M. Fieldi, principal of oerc Collegiate InsitiAue, bas been aIpp)oin-,,,i inspector of public schools in East Hburon.l He is to succeed David Robb, w;%ho reîires, A Physical Wreek Suffered Tortures from Nervousnesea. Miss Maý.Trguerite, Lees, 91 Robert Z-b_ Hamilton, Onit,, writes: "I was ay vvreck,rece in body, and despor.- ent. I 1 ferd ortures frornieroa ness, and was totally unfýittedl forwok A frieind ec mn Ed ood's Sra parilla. 1 omne takinlg il and bVfg the lime the seýond bloItte was c sumned 1 knew that I was mnen-ding. Gradually I grevwell. ihave us 'Hood's sne.Iwould frot be wit!ý h(iu il on any aiccounl, n o mosýt et favoord Get Hood's Sairsapar-illa todJay. ob by il dugsseeyhr.- 1 Mr. S.E. Fe n -i 1 L E t c It AL d'lia ILI rý