Every Personl l Fire, Life, Accideti, Plate GILss and Live Stock InsurAnçe. T can place your risk 'in opaisof undoubted relia- bility anld give you the most liberal contrac.,ts. Protect yonrself from being downi and out in case of fire or acrcident. Information gladly given oýn any kind of insurance by Callîng on HAJÎRRJY CANN, The City Hall hIusraiice Mail Sphosse 50. Bownatnvlle. BARGAINS -IN DRY GOODS & GROCERIES AT CHAMPION'S HIAMPTON. For the next three w eeks we are reducing the price Oit Mén's Suits and Trôusers and Boys'. Knickers. Calind see these splendid bargaîns. To make room for spîring goods we are clearing balance of our dishes at very low prices Fresh and sait fish and oy- sters in stock, Try them, You can alw ays depend on our grocevi'es being fresh. TETIMS: Strictlv cash or produce in exchiange. S. A. CHAMPION, North End Store. Hampton. Stok- akéng SALE' 0F' GROGKER Y In rder. to grêAtly reducè my Stock of Crockery and Glass- ware bêforè takïng stock I arn n.aking vreductions of from 10 to 25 per cênt. The fllowing list of Dinner Sets i. ai sample. $ 7 00 Dinner Sets 900 "ý 10 00 t" " 1250 46" 1500 2000 " ... ... .. . 700 «, ..... .. 1000 .......12 00 o6o Ail toilet sets, tea Iamps, fancy china- glassware at similar duc tions. sets, and Re- fhis is no make helieve This is a ge nuine reduct- ion sale. Complete Stock of Groe- cries, Butter and Eggs Wanted. F.A. IIAFDY, a I f I - - APPLE CGROWERPS MTENTION ! I hlave 'a-ain secured the agenlcy for thatl famlous inset dsroe which gave such excellent stis- faction, in this section last yeajý th(, NIAGARA BRAND Lime - Sulpher Spray Niagara Spray bas been tested in ail parts of the province and witbout an exception it bas proven to he the best destroyer, of insect pests on the mîarket. Ask users of iNiagara Brand for their experience For dlean fruit, beaithy trees and prosperîty use iNiagara Lime- Suipher. Order to-day. $8 per bbl., F. 0. B. Burlington. First car ready for, delivery at Bowmanv.iii. Station aboutMar.lst I am aiso agent for The Beau Magic, Gliant and Chal= le.nge [land andi Power Spray= ers and Accessories. Injformiation giadiy furnisbed by R. H. Collacuitt, Lot 8, con. 5 Phgne 146 Ul 3. Bowmanviiie. Farmers Attention! I hav e one second hand Cà.pital Cream Sepairator with 500 lb. capacity. Tu good condition. Reason for selfing, bougbt larger one. Wiil be sold vcry cbeap. Cail and see it. Deering Machiniery is my speciality. I hav.e heen for- tunate ini again securing theý agency for these higb ciass farmi impie- ments., Get my prices before buy-, ing your machiaery. Singer Sewing Machine is recognized by dressmakers and and others as the best sewing ma- chine on the market to-day. Let me quote you prices on a- new. ma- chýine , Terms suit purchasers. I h)a'.e a couple IN7ew Empress Ranges that will b. sold at about cost prices. Fred T. Hobbs, Two Doors east of Caidwell's Livery Phione 166 Bowmauviiie. GOOD BO0OTS CIeAP r% r Bargain Giving EerY dealer i. at it but every dealer is not being pushed to it like Burns is. Yery short- ly 've purpose having tour east waii replaced by show windows This means that our ladies sho.. and siippers w iii hav e to h. re- mox ed-unless soid. GIreat Price Inducemenlts \Vili be ofiered the public to buy -now. Our windows and tables dur- ing the -next thirty days, for snaps w orth hiaving. Headquarters for Good Rubbers, Cheap. THE BURNS 00. MAI WlFOUR CORNERS. il"~.' ~vu~bi~rn att~urnn. BOWMANVILLE, FE4. 2,1910. TAUNTON Taunitoni Division intends holding a box social on Wednesday Feb. 8th at 8 p.m. at the Sons of Temperance Hall. oc program is to be furnished by outside and home talent. 'Ladies are al] expected to bring boxes. Everybody coirne and have a good time. ZiON. Mr. Alan Lavis i. taking the Short Course in Agriculture at Whitby .. ... A number from here atfended the Farmers' Instîtute meeting at Solina Saturday.... Messrs. Fred and Percy Langmaid recent- ly visited near Sfouffvlle .... Mr. Harry Bennett is improving ... . Mr. Garfield Tre- vail bas been sick. . .. 0 you people, don't forget the Annual Box Social of Tauntbu Sons of Temperance Wednesday, Feb. 8. B3ETHE>SDA A valentine social under auspices of Bethesda young people will be beld on Monday evening Feb. 13 in the cburch at 8 p.m. Good literary and musical prog- ram by best local talent after whiclh re- freshments will bc served. Admission 25c; children 15c.1 5-2W For the best spray pump on the market see F H Mason & Son. SOLINA. Solina Brancb Women's Instifute meets at Sons of Temperance Hall Thursday, February 16th, on which day Hampton éInstitute visits ours. All ladies and their gentleman friends are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the program, which Hampton will provide. Solina members are requesfed to bring some provisions- and help make a good f ime for the visitors. Mr. Fred and Miss Irene Bray and Miss Greta VanNest, Enfield, visited at Mr. W. Werry's .... Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomp- son, Tyrone, visited at Mr. S. Hockaday's ..District Division meets here Feb. io .... Sacramental services will be held at Eldad Sunday afternoon at 2 o'cloCk..., Farmers' Institute was a huge success. Good speakers, big attendance, a.nd ive discourses..., Dr. J. B. Dandeno, of Bow- manville Higli School teaching staff, vis- ited at Mr. Jno. Reynolds' while attending the meeting here Saturday ..Mrs. Frank Westlake improves slowly from her fal ,..Miss Lena Taylor has returned home from a lengtby visit in the West. . .. The Misses Bragg, Providence, visited at Mr. T. Baker's.. .. Solina Division will hold a box social Friday evening Feb. 3rd when the following talent are expected to take part: Mr. R. M. Mitchell, Bowmanville; Messrs. Robbins and Finlay, Leskard; Mr. and Miss Virtue, Tyrone; Messrs. G. F. Annis and Frank Walters and Miss Aura Osborne, Courtice; Messrs. B. G. Stevens, R. J. McKessock, Foster Ferguson; Misses Florence Vice, Gertrude Pascoe and Flossie Werry; Misses Lena and Effie -Taylor; Miss Ruby Pascoe. Everybody corne and enjoy a rare treat. Ladies will confer a favor by bringing baskets. No admission. For the best- and cheapest roofing se F H Mason & Son., There i. no medicihe on the market that can compare with Biekle'. Anti-Com.. sumptiv't Syrup in expelling from the sys- temr the irritating germs that colds engen- der in the air passages. t is suicide to negleet your cold. Try the cheap experi.. ment of ridding yourself of if by using Bickle's Syrup, wbich is a simple remedy, easilv taken, and once used, it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. ENNISKILLEN Dr. C. W. Siemon ha. a fine new piano .... At recent meeting of our League for election of officers f0 supply vacancies, Mr. J. A. Werry was elected President and Mrs. Wm. Stainton ist Vice Pr..... Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry andMr. Russell H. Gilbert. have been visiting-in Toronto during the week ...Mr. and Mrs. A. Tamblyn, Orono, visited their daughters, Mrs. H. J. Werry and Mrs. Wm. Stainton .. . .Rev. J. A. Jewell attended christening celebrations at Mr. Wm. Stainfon's and at Mr. Wm. Griffin' .... Dr. L. B. Williams, Toronto, called on a number of friends here on Tbursday .. .. Miss Arîilla Wotfen visited Miss Ina Herring .... Miss Elsie Trewin, Blackstock, visited Miss Tena Stainton ..Miss Hazel Pascoe spent the week- end with lier cousin Miss Shirlie Snowdon, Maple Grove ...Mrs. Rowan and son, CSsarea, Mr. John Sanderson, Cadmus, Mrs, Earl, North Dakota, and Mr. Sey- mour, Chicago, visited at Mrs. F. Sander- son's.. . . Messrs. Fred Robins and Merwin Mountjoy were home over Sunday .. Masters Wilfred and Milton Sanderson recently visifed frîends in Nestleton,.. Mr. and Mrs. Veale, Toronto, visited at Mr. E. Thompsons... ,Mr. RobI. Sharp is HA1VPT ON. Our Women's Institut. bas aecepted an invitation to visit Solîna on Feb. M6. Al members requested 10 attend meeting at Mrs. Chas. Stonhouse's this (Thursdav) aftemnooni, Feb 2 ...Mrs. H. J. Hoidge isquit. ill., . Misýsion Circle was organ- ized recentl .... Mr. B. G. Stev.ens, Sol- ina, preaebed lier. very acceplably Sun- day moring ...Severai persons have been harvesting ibecrecently.....People are wondering where the office of the oew firm i. locad . ... Visitors:- Mm. and Mrs. W. Moore, wife 'and son, Newcastle, aI Mm. R. Kalerson's; Mm. Harold William., Toronto, aI Mm. S. J. William.'; Mm, and Mms. M. B. Crydemman aI Orono; Mm. and Mrs. T. Saller aI Port Perry; Mr. W. I. Clarke and wite and a number of friends at Newcastle; Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Miss Ly- rba Trenoulh,, Miss Rhoda Johns aI Osh- awa; 'Mrs. W. Anderson, Janetville, with bcr sister, Mrs, C. N. Ruse; 'Mr. and Mms. W. Oliver, Indiani Head, Sask., with bhis Ihank s 10 brth speakers, which was sec- onded by Mm. Silas William. and enthusi- astically adopled. Mm. W. Chas, Werry and comipany sang an appropriaI, ojuatt. AYRSHIRE BREEDERS A meeting wlil be hield ini Cheese Board Roomi, St. Lawrence Ilote], Camipbellford, at !0 a. m. Febrrk.1y 7th, for organizaion of an Ayrshire Breediers' Club to advance tb. iterests of Ayrshire breeders. All infterested in pure-bred Ayrshires will b. welcomne. HAYDON. Miss Lena Slemnon is visiting with ber uncle Mýr. W. Trewin, Bowmnanvlle.... Mr. and Mvrs. RobI. Moore recently visited with friends at Whitby.... Several farm- ers attended Farmers' Institut e meetings aI Tyrone.M!ýrs. Silas Trewin visited relatives in Bowmanville... ýDon't miss the Valentine Social at Beîhesda Feb. 13. ENiFIELD. Special services will b. beld here Sun- day, February Sth, afternoon andevening when Rev, A. R. Sanderson, Oshawa, will preach. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith have been vîsifing Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson, Lifford. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Veale, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Orangeville, have been visifîng Mr. D. Ferguson.. Mr. and Mrs, John Clarke, Ballyduff, vis- ited at Mr. Alex. Smith's recenty ... . Mrs. W.Healey is visiting aI Ballantyre .. . .Mr Fredand Miss Irene Bray, Miss Greta Van- NesI visited aI Bowmanviile Sunday.... Miss Dinab Niddery and Mr. W. Lamb, Shirley, were united in th. holy bonds of matrimony at Oshawa Wednesday. They will reside in.Brock. One of the commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for tbem i. Mother Graves' Worm Extermînator. iVAPLE GROVE Miss Hazel Pasco., Enniskillen, spent the week-end wifb Miss Sherlie Snowden; Mr. J. D. Stevens and Mr. James Woods have been *visiting at Simcoe ...Mrs. Lawrence Woods and littie daughter, Simcoe, visited fricnds bere....Mr. Ed. Steen, Toronto, visited at Mr. George Trimble's..Mr. Scott, Moorefield, i. visiting aIMr. S. Snowden's, ir,. . . Taun- ton S. of T. visited ber. Monday evening wben a good program was given, consist- ing of choruses, solo, recitation and dia- logue, atter wbich refresbments wcre served. Everybody bad a good time.... Owing to Quarterly Service Sunday at Ebenezer, Sunday Scbool will b. beld at 3 p. m. instead of 10.30 a. m. Service ber. in the evening aI 7 p. m ...Miss Laura Clayton, Whitby, visiter1 ber cousin, Miss Rbea jeffery, and other friends. A man's wife sbould always be the same especially to ber busband, but if she i. weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iton Pilîs, she cannot b., for tbey make ber "teel like a different person," so they all say, and tbeir busbands say s0 too! OSHAWA Oshawa news also on inside page. Mr. H. Cohen was in Lindsay on busi- ness. Mrs. C. E. Foster bas been visiting ber faîher Mr. Redden, Coiborne. Mrs. W. H. Stevens and Miss Stevens, Lindsay, are visiting fricnds ber.. Owing to a breakdown aI the power bouse the churches wcre deprived of their elcclrie lighting Sunday cvcniog. Unless worms b. expelled from the sys- f cm, no child can be bealtby. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. is the best medicine extant to destroy worms. Shakespeare is about 10 bose one of its 3Ioung mcn from town in the --person of Mr. Frank H. Carswell. He is about io b. removed 10 Oshawa, as manager of the Standard Bank there. W. are sorry f0 lose Mr. Carswell atter being wif b us for four years. 0f course be i. not away yet, but expects 10 go any day. St rat- ford Beacon. Will be found an excellent remedy for I sick headache. Cartcr's Little Liver PiIs. Tbousands of letters from people who have used tbem prove Ibis fact. Try tbem. Monday cvening about 50 members of Hampton League paid a friendly visit 10 Medcalf-st. League whicb was in charge of the social committe., Miss Olive Gros., conyener. P5res. Mr. J. S. Gerry presided during devotionial exereises afler wbich Mr, T. Saller, President of the visiting League, Iook the chair and an excellent program was well rendered coasisting of duels, quartets, cboruses, recitalions, etc. The bible reading was taken by Mrs. C. Wood and Mrs. F. T. Allia gave an lis. spiring paper on "Ambition." Miss N. Horne acted as accompanîst. Affer sing- ing "BlesI . bc.fe i. that binds" a "Who am P" conlest assisted very materially in encouraging sociabilif y. Refreshm.nts wcre served and after votes of tbanks to M rs-_ W.V H. or e eut'erit ained'a n . um - ber of friendls at a quilting and mat bee Thuirsday.... About thirty of our leag- uers viiedt Bowiainville League Mon- eay evening and il speak higbly of the warmahearted rec-eption and unstinled hospitality exteuded to themn. . .. Treas- urer F. N. Farrei treated the members of the Home Circle to an oyster supper fa their lodge room Thursday evening. FARMERS' INSTITUTE JANUARY MEETINGS VERY WELL AT- TENDED. The series of winter meetings held in West-Dumham last week was a gratifying success in information g iven by the speak- ers and in attendance of farmers. Mr. Anson Grob, of Preston, proved himselft tribe one of the most intemesting and instructive of speakers and will be acceptable and comdially weicomed aI fu- ture meetings. Newcastle meetings for some reason in the past bave not been well attended. On' Jan. 26th about 4o heard Mr. Groh on Soil Problems and Plant Lite. Mr. MeRa., of Port Hope, told how the Egg Cimele was opemated and results. President A. W. Annis occupied the chair. Secrefary W. E. Pollard says the attend- anc. was lessened by tb. Fruit Gowers' Convention held sîmultaneously aI Co- bourg. - U1OPONO MEETING Fully 8o persons attended Orono meet- ing. The Maple Leaf was heàrtily sung. Presidenf Annis after a few remarks ealled on Mr. Groh who spoke briefiy 10 allow Miss Editb Pollard te ead an excellent paper on "Sanitary Conditions te Secure Health." She saîd pure air, water and suashine with plenty of open air exercise and pure Ihougbts withia confribute very considerably te gond bealth. Mesdames Chapman conîributed a nice duel and then Mrs. A. A. Gamsby gave an inferesting and timely paper on "Thoughis for the New Yeam." Speaking of the Woman's Institut., she said il stands fom better homes, exerting an influence for better living and much Ibaf fends 10 uplift of womanbood. The paper was givea praise for its practical character. Secretary Pollard was deligbted with the assistance of Orono ladies in makiog the meeting a pronounced sueeess. Mr, Groh's addmess was good and very attenîîyely listened 10, genemal farm suc- cess being bis subjeet. Well donc, Orono! GOOD MEETING AT TYRONE Tyrone farmers Iumned ouf well an d th. aflemnoon session Jan. 27f b was produc- tive of profit te ail in attendance. About 8o enjoyed this meeting. Presideat Annis was proud of bis neighbors for furning out se well and was sure fhey would be well repaid for the lime. Mr. R. S. Duncan, B. S. A., the Govera- menî's Represenfative aI Port Hope, won praise of all presenî by bis practical talk on "TiI. Draining," la wbicb b. outlined the provision made by the Agricultural Department for assisting farmers in drain- ing their lands effectively. Mr. Groh spoke inîcrestingly ber. on daîry caIlle and bog aising. Alfalfa is one of lb. best of crops that cao be grown for feed- ing stock, h. tbinks. An evening session was held ber. and if was capiîally attended bv fammers from tb. country oundabout. It was second only te Solina, there being severàl over a hundmed Ihere. Tyrone Gi.. Club gavea' selection in solendid style after Presidenti Annis' opening addmess. The audience w'as favored witb Iwo grand addresses. Representative Duncan delivered an ad- mirable eulogy on Farming and Farm Life. 0f all callings just now in Ibis Province farming requires mosl caretul thougbt, study and research 10 bring suc- cess. Mesdames Phare and W. Moore, Messrs. A. H. Brent and Harry Collacotî favored the large audience witb a quar- telle Ibat was mueh appreciated. Miss Phenie Collacoît presided at the organ. If was a distinct loss 10 evemyone wbo failed to hear Mm. Groh on "The Stair- way f0 Success." Have an objeel in lite, b. careful about choosing lite work, -and when dceided on pursue it diligently. The womld needs men. Sîrive te measume up f0 the standard. It was pronounced a grand meetin,ý. AT SOI-INA Dr. J. B. Dandeno, Science Master in Bowmanville High Sehool, rendered mag- nificent 'service aI both sessions in Ibis village. Nearly 100 were preseol at Sat- urday afternoon's. meeting and ail evinced intense interest in tb. addmesses. Presi- dent Annis had te admit Ibat supmemacv in atîendance was due 10 Solina section. "Plants and Their Food Value" illustmated by chart was Mr. Grob's Io.pic, and as at evemy meeting, be handled il well. Dr. Dandeno spoke intelligently on "Conser- vation of Soil Moisture" and gave farmers a valuable lesson, on. that wîll tura te, immediate profit, no doubt. Solina evcning meeting eccipsed any of -~~a a..'- 4' + ~.êv 4' 'A' .5.,- .4v. ..~êv. .4v. ".9'. * 4w. 4w a a '.9.' 4v "t. 4< .4'.. 0~ .5,,.. .,ie~. 4' * * * .4.'. W] regt regi CHý CH, Im PI] Bowtnanvîtle, -9'Iv V'Iue "l v If-, vw'.-v"-' Stock-taki ng Sale of Stovesr El are ofl'ering exceptionally good bargains in second-Lbaud stôves, whiIh must be cieared to make roomn for' Spring1 Goods. UVENIR NO. 9-Higb Closel, 6 hole, reservoir, 'coal or wood ular price $50.......... ......... ...............1..... $15.0~ ýUVENIR, NO. 9--High Shelf, 6 bol., eservoir, coal or wood, 4 plam prie $45........... .................. .......5.9 [AMPION, NO. 9--High Shelf, 4 bol., reservoir reg. $35 -..$11-95 i' [AMPION, NO. 9-High Shelf and eservoir reg. $35...$10,00 PERIAL OXFORD, NO. 9,-6 bol.., eservoir reg. $41.5o.$15.00 Also some heaters equally as cheap. e are Sole Agents in West Durham f or the Supreme * Ieating Range, Tobin Guns, Baynes and Tud- m hope Cutters and Carniages, Whipple Horse 1 Collars, One Minute Washer -2 doors East of Post Office, llorsey Block- .ONE 145 BOWMAN VILLE s ~ .4k 4k ~ .4k .4~ ~4.' .,~Ak ..iêk ~*fr. ~Ak ~*k .ék ~ .~A. -* ..~ j- After &ace îeiaî b. viimg ~as Cac. .... Mss-Esi oore spent tmeweek-end à na'iaea nfcay -bmo fTmewir., town. J ihMs iy Gilbert, Mt. Vernon .. West Durhami Fammers' Institule. IFor the best spray pump on the market Dont't miss the Valentine Social at Bethes- The National Antbem heartiîy sung see F H Mason & Son,.jIda Feb. 13. 1closed Ibis splendid meeting. Stock -m Taking. Sale of Odds and Ends of_ Broken Lines. Afler our Tremendous Sale. W. find that our heavy lines of Overcoats, Underwear, Winter Caps týre broken in sizesý. W. have sometbing in every size. Before the transfer of the business takes place on Febmuary 1sf we are anxious to clear out Ibese lines. To do this we are Cutting.- the Price stili Lower. Boys' College Ulsters, Sizes 27 to 33. Brown, Green, Gray and Bronze R1egular Prie. $5 Sale Price.................................. ........$35 0 Youths' College Overcoats Sizes 34 - 35. 14 Overcoats. AHl th, latest colors and shape.. Regular Prie $9.00........ Sale Price...................... $6.00 "10.00 .................... 7.50 12.50".................. 9.00 15.00 ...................... 10.145 Men's College Overcoats Sizes 36 to 44. 37 Oxercoats. 'Sometbing in every size. Regular Prie. $8.00 ........ Sale Price.........»............59 44 10.00 ......... .......................... 7.5F)0 "12.50................. ..... 8.9.5 15.00 "...............10.45 18.00........ .............. 1........... 13.50 Mens', Twieed Overcoats, Veivet Collars. 35 to 40. 29 Oecas Regular Prie $7.00 ........ Sale Price................. ..... $4,7 5 ÎG ic 10.00......7.45 12.50 ......... ...... 8.9-5 Mea's, Black, Melton andBrown Overcoats, Veivet Collar. 25 Overcoats. Regular Fric, 80....Sale Prie...,....... ,5.95 10.00 .............. ...... 7. 5 -i12.50. . .................. "15,00 .... . ............. 105 SWEATjERS.$t Men's, Open Neck Sweaters, Blue wîth Red collar, Grey with Red collar, Regular $l.25 ................... .......... Sale 79c, Boys' Englisli, Club Sweaters, ail wool, single neck, Green and White, Red and Royal, Brown and Maroon, Reg. $1.50 Sale 7,5e pri- - la* EBOWMFMNVI LLE. Clea1 n Sz eo Pianos a-nd Organs Are you thinking of buying a piano or oan IfSQ, here is an opportunity to get a good second-hand instrument at bargain prices. Every homeu should have a piano ot- organ. Encour- age your children to be musical. Very Liberal Terms Dominion Upriglit Piano, as good as new, in use less tban a year, regular price $300, wiii selfor ....................... $200 Hlaines Upright.................................$2 Thalburg Square .............................................. $75 Brown & Munroe Square .................................... $50 Dominion Square ........................................ _... $100 There is also some extra good v alues in second-baud organs from ............................. ............... $7.50 to $40 It is necessary to see these instruments to fully appreciate th0 genuine bargains being offered. iNo trouble to show them. Call, u rite or phone 54. JAME DEMAN, AGENT The Old Reliable Dominion Pianos and Organs King St.