r ___ ___________ ___________________________________ LMNPIE. Lernon Pie.- Gratieonqute îJ of the yeliow sndo e lmnin- 'TEfESIS FIIEEÀR~ E S LEto1 ta n to Wish for the G-ood E Ili ia wndssle o ne p uiebie, ol nt Thng -f This World & oe "îi--ie"uedH at aespsaey ________ ______ ela r, joli ely; ak'e a rwicl rs ll se themi that which they ment in whichi to sit down and en-________I jelly, beat the whites of the eggs tu -asked Ùs sent wasting ïo threir joy thiat which we ha<ve andi to feastI a stiff f roth, add two tabl-spooýns souls" -Ps. cvs. 15. on the beeuty of life itself. Es-e 4 HOME PLÂCC, otowroN, Diue. ità, 19o9. sugar, andi brown. lightly in aven. T'he choice of the objects of de- long our hands are so full that they <Iwsatril ufrrfo huejn o eryayaadm ih This makes one pie. s3ire ,,itermines t-be eheracter of engross our whole attention and-we, arm was swollen and thle pain was fearful. Ail down the right sida, théapai LmnPe c.Whnmkn the lii e. have neitlier time nor thoughts sas dreadful, and I could hardly muove for the agoay. I was treateti by 'two lemon pies cut the lernons in qular- He-re lies the great choice that firce for our hungry hearts. physicians but thair medicina did me no good, and 1 tried numerous other ters, semove the seeds, and uni -eerif e must constantiy miaku, The yeai-s go on; it miay bu thatr remedies but received no benefit. 1 was simply a helpless cripple and suffered through the foodi chopper, uing thte betwýeen the im of the acquisition OUs. possessýions rnuîtipîy greatly. from Rhenmatisrn ail during hast wintur. cutter for nut butter. This save2s '0teabet o eircni la f Vpuidgeae era1utIn saw 1'Fruit -a-tives" advarfised îin "lThe Telcgrain"alid decided to try tis 1time, thu unpleasant task ofwah fhedvlopm ent f te ariches of W before the ic e aks e tidngtrme.AteIlidaenoabIwasucbteradtl-anleadI 1 csînedtereamn it od1pe.We had taken onreebboes, I was sn ba grteraandtaesoaicratched fln / e pusoaliy between the hope of' Me knlow miil well thatiLehave lost so well tîîat I couid use my ermr again and the pain wa practically gone. After ges ~ atsfctonin the ns1 mytera tig.Truglh ak Ihad taken filue boxes, I waas entir.ely -well again-nio pain--no sufring-and <lire an the jay of a lufe that of cyncismr we riray sneer at those now I arn as W 1ý1,L as I ever was. SFLHN . majsters ail desires. who sing of quiet joys, but we would , The cure of my case by "Fruiit-a-tivesl"was iadeed splendid because ail the USFU u IS It takes us a few years to hearn give ail our barns for the hEart to doctors failed to even rciieve meof mysufferings. Fresh lemons, if laid on a paper thet filling the hands r'L;es"not fill sing with joy For the sake af others who may sufer from this terrible disease, Rheuma- on a sheif with a tumbler turaed flic huart. Then erlisbfe Neithes-povurty, nor riches de- tism, I give you permission to pnblish this statement 1 over eacli one, wiIl keep fresh for us the cboice between the go- ù.ofnotes feilure. The ternal feilure is Ms IZP AU. wes thesuesngreaitis wthot ati o Miss the real tbings of lufe, to ',Fruit-a-tlves" Is the only remedy that actually etures Reu atimad Ouwmnto h uf r thieai antihopes within. -t i aelast yourself, ta go tbrough Sciatica becansa "Fruit-a-tives" is the only Yuedicine that actuiall pevltU i er husband's worn-out shirts- and flot ahice etween being rich and thie years with Acid being formed iii any quantity in Cie body. If there is no excess of unec ma-de inner soles for hier shoes f rom eigpoor'o- hie ewe TSIG F11 EU, acjd linthe blood, there cen ha no Rheumnatismn. thein. t[hiags anti thouglit. It i a grant rutete" keeps tha stomacli clean-thie iver acti-s--the bowels regular Tiny corkstce nteboao L hieas to w hidi shah be su- with less power to enjov idéal -the kidney strong and the skin healtby. Thesa are the organs that rid the body lower corners of picture freines wil prenle, whioh shahl serve tha other. thingsi to rejoice with frienti asnd of ail waste. When "Fmuit-a-tives" so ragulates the systeni that aIl waste is prevenlt dark lunes from formning on Earth is so in in bounty antid neîrghbor, ta gain the iniperishable elitninated, then there eaa u eno waste or "'urea" to be changed into uzic acid. well paper.> Thus, there cen ha no urnc acid in the bhood, to inflamne nerves an,, cause the aiu lesofull of that wbiclîmamy bu possessions of pence cf bcart, pOw- which we know by the naines of Rheumatismn, Sciatica, Lumibago, Nettrafgia. T unotapdigbieii enijoyeýd tbat itwould bu a gsiev- or of wilh, and Oosluns f liue Frnit-a-tives" wilh cure every trace of Rlîeîmatism, Pain In Te Back, Swoileu a basiýin, hold it for a few moments <ms tiag to affect ta despisu the that bias possîiiities far buyond RIands and Feet, and other troubles due to the blood beiag poisonied by uric acid. in coiti water; this will pmeî cnt it wýorhd as thougli it were evil '-,r to thse bni thîngs ai thi prsoset. If you are subject to Rheumatism, cure yourself now with "Fruit-a-tives" Sticking to the cloth. feu to- do Oui- part in the deveinp- You cannot tel whetlier tho Iif's. and be free of pain this winter. Ta men-d a torn umfbrulla stick m11en t a its worth. The sistake w-e suprunie anti doïnnating delsire is Soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At ahI dealers, or sent postpaid on bhack court phasteL- insidu the tear. Mnake is that ai payiag tao great a for the things thait the lîaniss cal, neceipt of price by Fmuit-a-tives Limniteti, Ottawa, Ont. This wiil show luss than a dama, anti piafoDr the things of luie, bmyîng holti or for the pancrs ant prasptýr-- will lest for some time. 1ife's scssions , ty ai pei-soimality, uhot e onu iij blblelq IlVlw" sentis an aId lhen and it is too late Stewud prunes anti figs are gruat- Wý\ITH LIFE ITSELF. living foi- wbat heie nahase or for t-o obtain anything elsu, rensove ail hy improveti by the addition of olive WVe nct in s0 mnny wnys as wotshd wliat lie cao lbc anti oaa give of tilm- met froni bonues, fat ns welî - put, ail aiter cooking. This ail may also Thelft iis wit hletrhnme gite;adoi buuse-tiin fruit salatis. mca wlio wou i el is te, soifThetrilles orhd. ,the iooîs, M1713-4. cisp graunti stale ýbreat crubs, - A iglit flannel petticoat is a great bu icturs he aicinofholpongrlandt hnfiursare those w-ho arc-onu egg, sait, anipeppur; mix ,elI; iprotection ta the ittie folks, eiace The prîzes wa seuls are usuallîv t!t u:\ ntsînkeogan t into boai anti bae onu houtr it kueps the sensitive bawels froni ,vil in mumuvs h mg~y~»]oy o îdiy lustiSig citer 'the aniabh albnswt ibecoming sutidenly chilleti. gisw-u te ~cmear ateslosr osu hegoau, h tk AXORIMTE RECIPES. zrJhat nihvrfor cmaî-Whua preparing potatous for bak- andti ie tei slaves, we the tbiigs lite la terms ofi the shembles or Domîinous. -Have a plain cake gravy. Pour grenu o()vericcf andi -îgctaapr rut h ag airhile ceuse t late tools wis-b the msarket antied ag anti know baket ini thin sheets anti cut inlto serve. 2. Slice loai anti serve coîti est sitie of the potato lengtliwisu, -h>-ih aur better seixýes are sîsaperi anotliing of the s.pirt, who would bu smnaîoblong ofatif____.aniwhn akutsidetha ski wli li ant buomethe idols thcati-nhrl utterîs destitute if they iost 111" shape of n domino, 'a tnifle larger; -Iofio nl ievr iey s.tangible sigus ai waalth, for thuy fs-ont the tops anti sides ; when the HIAM DISHES. AlLer boiliig patatous pour ail Wcbui hkehttecutse vohave laid up no treasuies in the frsigj ~ ~ ~ ebak Hm Salp Tocpos a al water, take kuttle of potatoes ta would atlisurai the tais i iht lceinghurtisth l sini -s h ipt nmleida adbieieg.We oiti sOfthe bnck dooro herevur the winti into their hauts, abo rush out in jTeacigharsteunnours- nt1mketh ot, it boileti hem grounti fine, sixnl blow on them, anti shake sev- tIhvo î t scevsrflou or tian ntnlcet.ou.Bt 1-incomte. These ai-e suce .for- chl- amatu whites fs-osa yoiks anti chop 1and tmesant he il u t catch every bird ini the fis-st. hi-.1 thesu is wastng hure tisera is wearm- dsen's parties.fne Maetikcnnsueai-Tesiigiwlscasibyjr lOl tenI the pite ot. pos.ession, the iness _eieywhene' .' No mattes- wbati> Fricassue af Ctiiken--Wlien'tîs-edti t tabiespoonfulsof butter antisn enigterIea' gis pneun o a me et fr ousselves, anti tich hnis 'ino i no mais cen brev ierything -]se tsy tis : Babbit [ four of flour. Cook liuntil smootl, itise Wall may bu almost entirehy re- the social ruh i 'a11oui coiiipaii- rc i a o ie i e'to qîr oke-tinsathe saineman- 1then atti pint ai sweet -milk. Wbcn mnov cdliaying a shoot of bittn Ions,copls to kcup up this.dlmati h hsman joys, wii-l the ensi"-v h ar is tioliclous. Take chioken' thick season witb -clt anti peppes-. usper an the spot anti ironing it nsearci (esen u gb kow-ho ing that comes fromu loi ing andti theabout anc yaar olti, for if too yugBte aigdspstngi ae-oe vt o rn worhies a thos'iva ar th ohstseagth anti cnhmi that cos- roun they, go to piecus. Wash,dijntaiscefrtenatisccs-.__ jeets of auýr eutcavos-; even thougi foliowing wartmy ainis at afly cDst a n-0 put in o eta(rnwt inhnyh~a gs hts the bect- t s fâi-l aii11o1ani-07NY .COPE. ou otibttoma is liest). Ltcm aanti top layer aisaue, us-edioe IEAYNTS ____ nÀosianti sk. Themi att buttas- iti fine crachernallumbITanti sNOahS. hshn.1s ', of a ivaînat, one-foîîrthî tua- piacus ai butter.,Bau util irown, - TuWnh oDy"frFbr- i Spooficavonne peppes-, foiaou '.fa'buThTsesdaieoainstb-a"fo abu-afanhu.T, - ei-amy cnaiste follô wing :-' Rtail- On ticeîvay hoe stolputil in1 for bis ýclove.,--t our hhack peppen commis, jolis for a huncheon ant;!-i iL cheap- way Probleuis ant RaeyRte, ~'~g-i - - - e frisnýd, Neti, aho ivetiin uîtts tst.Let boil tili tb-nsscmetsitsefbfoess-p syFde-i di lanov g tOIKS n ~ wih as mayohul- gns to gL temsto' toonsucli; il-m or picees clingins to) tise bone IMs nteCl, ocflci tikof the aid namaîs holii d tus-ecunt qusekiyr as possible. Belta arntb ane lce a ctia leac tershi of 'hyPn Renlit shoe Buttheywer thehap-caefti notto brn.Haveheap utlutil forthitfinfors. tisisnd finerhip;iish. Aboiiyaý un t a hoe. Bu Ley w-o-e h hp cgae net tofits-n lia' iop- am unaunis îgh.- a ssyposiumn by rmessanti'womn 110 TE SHRED pist amuy yn aer anwhîcb'iss tehesoopul i fous ca-eihl iHemBaketi in 'Mil.-A dei.cioas wbo asser tie question by teliing 11WTDSAE. was foituante, for if they mad quar-! workot togethes- îîiti butter;'_ drew way to prepare hem is as bu 'ows:thi-anxpseneagtia a T,2,1 vas cross. That vus-y mos-a- neletil, iL ivoul-ti as e.been snsucb cliokem ta ouesie, trop in foeur GeL eailice of hem about one antihm.'deImgatat h iing, when lie founat the groumat ail ladrlytuitibos obtan b-om;uthifytgte-fo re-hall inclies thick, place in a uovenuti with snosv, blie d set doîv tii5.Li ny minutes. Att plat anti on e- shaîhoîr pan, apd coier uitî muîlk.Psn, yNnMsik Pol bto thie breakfast-table feeling that 'ae3a it uNt hua iî ~s -- ru IeBake ifa aslow ve n until mlk lias Ys ae ur etint ' it aculti net do huas any goot, any- thue Ted,-as'they tsenpeti toiv battom. Be cas-ef ul *net ta breakî soaketi into the a inaandtil thi Le:!BySotn Wa LRa "Fo yu ep, 1 té- oa ., tbhcen. Let cm oabuible.Ahem is a ligbt brown on top. Gs-avy ','yFA.Cob;" hm- iold i ut s' n un ±ot yet,- answercti Neti ches- Surve, smd yadn ikt h cal Laboratus-y ai Nature," by Ne- havn' cshu, L sît in' ay ully. "I titi earn a dollar ta get~ Stuifet Dates.--For stuffet dates viaewihrmnnt nLep n a 0. Wintei; 'Fighting Destitu- et alm7ethou aie," o ait eco ,but Maiiie needotishoos just 'dean anti cut in halvus abolit citer bhim bas been remaovet anti tion in-Grant Bsitemn," iv Ma-tyn Papahauîsei. 'eli Te, weties."ta-catv dates. 'omnove tihe stanes, te he -ihfos.IJaliînsoa; ' Manhooti Ans'est mi-tsaabouit îsat. A snew-stos-sîs i o tk ogt u tehv raywhl antneas hnt cknwt lu.Mafioo-t's taîl," by Edwas-t A. lika îjsc pe vihot nymicesied, indt ten, as it iras Satus-tay,; Take two dates anti mnats fs-oui two Haisc i 'ýSmitb,"' by W. Seassut How nuobnul îti o t ine.>teiven totath i bi, ,otri' it. But nîuts, prsis s-neats tugutîas. Ibis BEKAT IT.Mausghanm, netait by Lucy Fraence sane ayTe ttint-njy L1s uIl foins n perfect ballif put f ta- dUji_,ý,ýý t sM1Pies-ce;7 anti "The Pheips Callic- -'uakl,.ie thtioghiebuoilti. Ani w-ieýn ie gouti- neatiî. Tien' tust with Friet.Mush.-Wbuîs miakiïig cas--tien i No apaluonana," liy Mary Ibis1wasîacaunta.caeile m, lbu set ow be loesagsasuatet suger. Tiese as-eJdu mual nu si tafs-y, ilfaise teles pooýii Picet Aibut tis-ee ai the -~ati !" -iedTedeegeiy.Sctasdo- graeafis-e anti feu into c broiiaicious. as tises-eis 50nmuch ai tiemli. Uof flous- is addtet to eachci p (i- win ad cn ge,,L a bcamty f i'ter 1dol- .Anti it ost bucanese Fine for alL-ifer dinner dessus-t. meal the slices will bu mach fis-merabovarilsn- finehy illustrat- brekfsth-esttt:las- ci voas lesttudy- u. Adscsie Wos-htiTo-Day, asbçouilo, w i b nis t was ntago-ntrdue i ubîiefan Eggs. -Wien eggs and not bruaki ivbîîe imyng. 12 iem 'i(ii n aa t., Chicago.i s[însn thar. lares-csas-u andi a recipe oeils for Potato Muffins.-Pare thsreo goa.ril - a "What is it, Teed V' esket i notbes, rmore tien onu, ose a tabie'-paon- sizet potat.aus, bot uaLti Leader I .. ___ -altors- sic atliens- tLwo or tire fil of camastas-chin aits piace, anti s-ash ivehi. Att onateaspoon c sseagazine for FebruarLippn ln ih.sait, onu tebiespoan ilar or butter, cLsMgzn o esusyi Prevent and, caled longrtyThsighs.kin 'ît0vs e'syoy a -oonu cup sweetniik, n alra- alt'h at-hsdPmia ~t eI ev H ad ch You se, Net gave up is siedt ta MEA IS. cake dissolve; flous- nassgh ta j--an unussal Lis-hu, but ten, t s l u h es-rMamie, ant inmsuds - asake a stiff tougi, anti set b ise; m, 'issis,-y tu ie-mg betab_,s me grent pleasure to an old stingy Isnever tougit ai Spanisb Deviieti Met. -Prep)aie tien forams-o biscuit sisape. set iri fils issue as-e: "St. Valentino," I-uiivno.taima.dolaraue anc li o e eds Longue, also, onuebas-t to rise agasîs, anti beke in hot oven. iv Minna Thomeas Antrnis; "Fats 'A t-Pil Phs astse b s sc-.-- c ee-nt L jotai y scliss a t csein.ioso gi- Ce- -1i-C m usaIlui; n iesao e, 'by-t M s ess n Dr. Mles' Antî-Pain Pfis. -- - .- ît->_aiî_pin-,thn1sayarkidneys. The enîy possible way to cuire a .os - a11Yinîg btt T'he bcst feature of this s-e- TASATE, flous-ta tiickan mi as yen wotid R1sc smais ito eure the kidlneys. GIN -yaur svors,-yîngbypo. r raskbh -esty-is Lie met that "iosMs ohiidsiy goaigavy. \Vhen doc takè yaurdiPILLS wW ldo this as nothing else wili. jMrs. Bsý-na"I usuý1t otabu 5 il ousnotderng ti stmac is ectil"aiaY uana wo l"d eai antiPrstis- nto bis gravy. Now Take GIN PILLS NOWManiha fefnt icionbaase v as mas-- - J teo cmg testmchiste ilmnu'akd n ctaie two aggs, beat up in a in Q. frocm Rhistumtism this winter. 5oc. a nt"M-.Si- At o' Or huia tssagreeabie aier-i j -Tus-a onttheLie dis-e athegia bo'Kýx-G tes- 2.5-alid inle vps-omptly rn uc 0 "M-.B-w effets 'xe-be"rpitLaois.ayn-es.. Iis he 1av rfunded If ouare net satifed. viyauuf Mý, Pie2,Atnyo andM 0hrsrvoreg.ti reipe centm er r*ý ui us- dea ds efo -N;au-ietaries my Lýbssna Prie if aiyne (U t.H hol 1saw ihem s-atiinug a b1okWëil aSade ià smualler qua-utiticp by sus- ACdlje Smle box ent tui e aou bwcyheis iste goýt- au,-Pply ycu I h QdE,ý flot, sand prie-na p lxsn te is e urwrd rasid gres iituug u ble ic waer- ing ana-hall Lhe recie. Q -iest.Nai.Drug andtiog home, Marepuinet fiction DR.MIES E~VALQO Truno.I ~a uliw asa."Chcke Laf.Wh~ ii.w m àp p, .,Teretes. 5yUmsosetamu anti naionsaiie." kiiaD troghth 'irueof IhrouNe Meth odr vryeaee. WTnyo tensw -hem you no yae delnwiheso sileandphian asthey evna Vd.cup Mth r nofe buildi. j!ng l U e17.t vlued atsooir .We the decide. youjr case is curable, ait your wcrry la r'i', fo yn know theywill fDot dcleyu e guarantae taCure ail curable cases. o - snatter hloi many' doctors have failed l I heellft ynu; no Inatter how mll n,,,ey - ~you hava spent in vain;n matter hbcds couraged you may be on't give up Ln des_ pair until yourg asa frce Pinion trùm lte master specialigts. If you are at pressent witbin the clutchles of an y secret habit wich Is sapping your lite hy degrees; If yo-ar suffering fromin he resuits of past intlleï;Cre- >tIons; if ynur bicookl bas been taintedl frore -ny private dlsease and You dare flot marre; ifyuae.rriedl and live In d read of sym p- toms hreakinff out and eýçPosirng ynur paist ifyepare suifering as the result ofa i- rPenîleDr.K. & IK. Pre 0yose Refujge. Lay your cas3e before them nfieially an)d tbey wiUl tell you honeàtly if you are curable, fl EMtsDY, MicDicAL Diagci'oa OU CAN PAT WHEN CURED or DitsK& I We Treat andI Cure CONSULTATION FREE VÂRICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILlTY, Rooks Free on Disseses cf Men. If unable BLOOD andI URINARY COMPLAINTS te cal, write for a Question Blank fer KIDNEY andI BLADDER Diseasen HOME TREATMENT andI ai Diseases Pec;uliar tu Men. Cor. Michigan A .Ad Griswýold St., Deroit, MM rd, EF AUT letters froîn Canada Must bc addrýssed to our Canadian Correspondence Delart- _____________ nent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to se u ersonally oeil at our Medscal IniStitute inDetroit as we see and tact ne ptiets l ou Winsoroffies hich are for Correspondenice and Do not u7se Soap, aphta Boax, So ÂAmonia or, GOLD DUST hs ail desirabieclasg qualities in perfectly liarmless and Zasting forma. The GOLD DUST Twins need no outside help. No matter wliat you wish to clean-dishes,! clothes, pots and pans, Iloors and woodwork, re-t frigerator, bath room or what not, GOLD DUSTI atlone will do, aIl the work-and do it better than. anythig else. 1ýMore than that, GOLD DUST_,will doal i h 1bard part of the wor1-k witliout your heîp, saving your strengetb. and temper. GOLD DUST is -a good, honest, vege-ta - b1 leo soap ii. p oSOL dIered form-seientif- -iea11>y combined with purify ing ingredi- enzlts of magie power. 0rth0W Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMýp4N Makerg of FEIIY- SOAP, the o1calke.