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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1911, p. 1

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£ $.oa year in advance; $1.50 to UnÎted States. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARJO0,;[TH1JSDAY, ÏEI3RUJARY 23, 1911, ea VOL. LVII. No. 8.. )EA. JAM01ES & SON, Proprietors, Pre-Stock=Taki.,ng %Sale of i Wntr oods. CCuch, johnston& Cryderiman will from this', date seli ail Ladies' and Children'S Cloth Coats at exacly HAL F=PRIC-E, - Ail Ladies'Clothi Suits at 25 per cent discout Ail Ladies' llanipster lineti Coats with good western sable collar s and lapels worth $37.00 for $27,00. Ladies' Rat-lined, good broad=cloth sheils, best western sable trimnied, Worth $55.O0 for $45,00. Ladies' Rat=lined, ;fin1e broad=cloth shielis and sable trimmieti worth $70.00 to $55-00. Ladies' Rat-linei, -extra fine shelîs andi best sable trinming, Worth $7,5.OOfor $60.00. IMe'long Astrach'an coats, woritâ50.00 for $37.50 Ladies' long Bokharan1 coats, worth 65.00 for 48350.,, Ail Men's cloth overcoats andi winter suits rat 25 per cent discount. Men's rat=lined coats, good cloth shelîs, otter trimmed, worth 55.00 for 40.ü0 Ail kintis of niuffs, ruffs,, throws and'. caperines at or about. cost price also a lot of Dress Goods below Cost price. , Wle won Id etnphasize the fact that this is a Geune Sale. Nothing has beea iunarked up and theni uarked down, but our stock is too large. We need the rooni for our Spring goods and ive ieed the money to pay for theni. C'ouch, Johnnston1' & Cryu-dermani. B3owmianvi lie, Ontario. * THE STAÀNDARD BANK 0 F CANADA. Establishd 1873 ~Saxàigs Bank Departmen t i*d ~ lgetcurrent rates of retpaid on Saving., Banik Balances. ae Sale Notes S2ppliÉEd Fee customers of titis Branici it jterice of the following" branchles of t'le Bank 1nI- th'e counties of Durhlam lanid Onitarjo, g Newtonvi11e, Noecastje, Oronio, lcstcOshawa, nsa,? Brooikini, Port Peri:y, Pickering, Whitby, larmot. l'r* Cheques anld sale Notes are' nego(tiable at alil of these g rlehs A. N. McMillan, gMANAGER, Rowmniille Branch. - - - - - - -I IAI ANK OF Il MONTREAL ESTABLISHE'D 1817 Capital - $1 4,400,000 Rest - - $1 2,000,000 Total Assets $1i83,169,159 Savings Bankh Head Office, L .A Maiiaer, lanch MaagrBwranileBranch. A CANADIAN VIEW DURHAM 0. B. BANQUET 0F CANADIAN AND AMRIAm, N R-ýu Pvreac- MCOK 'SMNAF.27 Twelf'th ui banjquet of Durham Dy Chas. -.. e Dn er1tl. Bys;and Girls, Toronto, will be 'held at While you are albu,Îwtîh the Cania- McConDikey's Reýstauirant next Monday dian side of the proposed ,trad,-ie rltos fi, Feb. 27, at 7 o'clock. Gentie- it may not corne aris t haaite man's ticket $1.wo; Iady's 75c; may be had about how;, the plan is arpe on tis from Mr. Yellowlees on evening of ban- sýide uf the Natýinau1lln. hepr-ji-ut.Sec notice of excursion in another tion, for political resn, bas not et j columo. Program of the evening is be- xývth such ïmnreserved etuiamhrea ore nis and is from ai musiil on,! literary asdesired by the pontr.senise the best ever p)resented aLt this ev-er Her,-pliicsiseveythng patyflrtpopuflar function. There are fourteeni naton ftewars; f tereis nyiring nubers. Mr. J. D. Keachie is leader i-of good left seerns to be th, hboeh n songs and Mýrs. MVelville P. White pianist. Rev. R. j. Fallhs will give an address on of the, flrst Acts thait found -a place mîl in thedi Dran otn Fei"ýderal Staitutes atrt'he pubiVas 'Mernri oflarkhoodMn Durharn Coun born dealtwith thfle tariCf, adti bsbeen ty"uM. ram.ClreM.P. P., wleak the continuing issue eve ýr sti_ý, tholiugh at o raOrB hlc eLv thimes tenoaiyobcrdo clipsed. ItStl" Songs ar'e promised büy Mrs. WVe have aht shades of ble hr-on ttl i1Surimge2r-Maqssie, Mrs. Melville P. Whir.1te, subjct, runn alte a ro bolt rs. Carolyni B. HousýtOn, Misses Huiighesi and1, Grote, Mrs. Erthel Y. Knowlton, Mr. tree trade to Laimost poiiieinotAtu igtadM.J.D.Kaie d(uties. -But of Late a ,grea"t chane 1b'as, Mýenu inceludes apple pie and Devonshýire taken place evein i b eulcnprt, anfo h Hoeado uhr. hitherto the great capo f the pro- ec u a tective policy, so thiat it bacs been aîmos)ýt "etm tMCne' tornasunder and di*-srute-d, -s V;de, e by the terrible defeats itsslanedin narly every state in the Novcmib-,r elections. 1- PRUNING AND SCRAPING bas býcomie a "-house dvicl aainst i1t- TREES. self," and it requires nopltia prophet to divine the fate thait awaits it, if disrup- tion co1utiiuucs. Jo t[11,It party man-y -be BY D-.J B ANEOBWiINv foun theso-alle "sand-attes,"headd "Nw is one of ithe Vcry beCsttimes of ithe by Toec annlon, speaker elf the Ho-luse, year to prune fruit tree-s andf forsera who are f'or a1 l hI ,g tar:ff fý.,lmiast aid iail reasns It is the tfile whien the spring- thec time. WitliiIn the sreparty anid fever commrrences, a1nd oscuntythe headedby La F'ollette, Cmis ee-týine -whcn milen andboys arc er odo idgýe and others are- the 1* l1>ibýer r"pro-thng.Th tee eing lnake(, their cde- Igressives," wbo are ppoeto spciïal ct ayesl e enjhedy r privileges, wbet_ýher îb the fo-rrn of ai pro- ilcngthcing ,9anthe ligbt is good. At tective tariffor otIisad b poetis, tuime diseased branches can mourcecas- the trusts arn monopolities of ail kinds aýs ii nticcd; the limbIs are brittle a nd dneosto the ec le are not so likely b)e split wbiensa Th, "tad-ater,"itisi , w-,il Op- Fungous dseaes(inciuding bcei> m pose ecipmrccitya in heSena,;te, uand thedorant Thl"sp"-as otet de bpC)i- Republicans havealnarif t at resenit in cd Ïas high, pre2ssure, conýsequent!i "th eme tfuat body.- T'le Iproposai, ,i asLscamried will be nio '"bleedig." It isagodtimteh by a iaTrge mjrt in thie 1House, so thIL to appiy a coait of thiin tar to tfiune dispatches state, nainly tlite aid suirface.e of Derocratic votes, as thae pairty ha ai,- Tatthrma b nidnb atothe1 ways been for tmee trade, or at lcast for a 1l idi ate 4bve, it would b we ýIl toa tariff for revenue, ori]y. give aI, daLte: 1Fromr about the las t k in1 The President bas a su :àg nfuenýe Januiary to the -fimst week of Marc,"L.,ýi with many of the "standpatter-s" alnd hiu is clusive, is the proper time, lu this clima L[ iý exerting it to its utmost tenio fr recip- to prune. Though ail times are buisy 1 rocity. tirnes on the farrn, this is not the busicsýti Th'le countrygrly, is iiifaivor of timie andi it does not interfere, wîth thiea eciprocity with Caniadat, and thie prinicipï-al suigar-r-naking season.a compflaints3 against it cone nl frein cer- Plum trees and checrry trees should bee tain politiciains w,,ho darim t'o sec in it a eXanincd( for Blac'k Knot andfýj aildieasdi surreýnder of theincplsof thie protee- branches cut off aind bre.Thiere are f tive ,policy wh-ich -they 1hav cso 1long and Iman1]Vtrees in 1and1arouind 1Bowmanvilc i ferventl1y ceîsbedî. which are iiterally dsi-ydby his (dis-c Tbo-ugh its enralyinceedbtis case2.Attack sich tIre: ; now with sawlv[ ýount lry ttthýLe pooe~d arrange- aind knIif e, anid doni't leave a vestige of fileY mlents w.ould be extum l rQrcipr-ocal- BlaIck Ko.Go aLfter the disease ,"With iý !y bene-ficîia to 'both contie, hse idce- fire, and swrord,". and "if thec whole tree c bound iparians wul 6 fiethsea- offcndlut it lDownIand cs it loto thet fire vantges bowvergrea. }er ta'sgiVe Whjile prunling f'or Black Kniotexmn up ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I a,,ltcitnnw~eo~4it k b)rapcbies for cainker, bmov.-Firot, or anî-y P hinbas ilong outlived its usefuIiness, if it othecr abnormial condfition. Many d-iseauses lever iiad any in th«,e flrst place. The rnay bechlecked, bcazýuse of the habit of breadtb and nnseilb nature of the agree- hibernating in the limbs. ment bave surprised and gladdened the Witb regard to the apple trees, it i$ L friends of harmonious relations between worth whiile keeping in mmnd the shape of s< the two coantries and bas disconcerted tree desired. Prune bigh enougb to per- h those on both sides of the hune xho expect- mit of cultivation by borses anîd ut the t, cd a one-si ded or horse trader's bargain. same tirne cnt back the long towering y, Certain monopolistic combinations who branches on older trees for convenience in jE flnd their power to combine and rob the spraying and harvesting. Cnt away all ki people by over-charging for the necessar- discased or stunted branches, and have in Yj ies of life, imperiled, will oppose if. The mmnd the effect of light upon leaves and T lumnber interests are already protesting fruit. Light is an essentiai factor for the q, against cheaper building material and organization of plant food and this organ- di the great paper combine bas almost ization is ail donc in the leaves. Ligbt is ir had a conniption fit lest their giant boid useful sîso to develop color in fruit, and a, upon the people shaîl be relaxed. This to a certain extent also, its fiavor. c( combine recentiy was ordered dissôlved Witb respect to thîs matter of light, it e- by the Court as an illegal organi zation in scems neccessary to point ont that many nz restraint of trade, but thcy bave reached of the orchards around towvn, espcbally aE Washington, I sec,-to wage a fighit against thie smnaler onles, hv ton rnany trees per w reciprocîity. These pampered initercsts acre, thiat is, tae trees are, too close to-_ fe die bard. A, partial list of the d(utiabie gether. This moilitates against orchard ec goods wbîch would go on the fmee hst botb ml'a nagemeýnt in many ways. It is a safe se ways across the line is as tollows: cattie, as;ser-tioni to miake that if onie-haîfli the to sheep, hogs, pouitry, whea t, oats, hariey, ajppie trees in and aronnd Bowmianvilie fi buckwheat, potatocs, dried fruit, oins, wtceuct down the crop would be doubied isi milk,, cheese, eggs, cotton seed oil, fLax apdlte qaiyo fruit impmoved. nr sced,' gardien seeds, sroediried or saited With regard to the matter of scraping pc cod flsb, balibut, salmon, etc., cod liver tlic bark, a few points are wortby of con- ouI, sait, timber, tin plate, crucibie steel, sideration. The onlv benefit that couli wîrc and bamb wîire fencing. 1In addition poss;ily resuit frorM., scraping- the bark is to the foegoing free list, eductions fmomi the destruction of thie [iding places and 1 to 26 per cent. wouid be made on. mut- nesting places --f injurions insects. jt is A ton and lamb, bacon, canned meats, lard,, of nondirect benefit wbatever to the tree, flour, coromneai, etc. The list aiso extends and mav prove of seriou ns mmv. The C( to some agricultural and indlustrIal impie- ontsîde bark, though compsl entirely of ai ments, coming from Canada to ibis side dead celîs, is useful as a covering to prev- A and to mosit ail kinds of imipiements, ent too rapid changes of temperature in F( cutiery, dlocks, autoimobiles, btmiosthe lvn tissue nniderineatb., It aiso scrv- pi coal, etc., going frorn ti 10 protect tle tmnnýkagainlstfungu - P Rurnor bas reachcýd tisconiitry thaLt tackzs and against loss of moistume. The pi Great Britain, feamîng thiat thiis is a step to outer bark, them-efore, is uiseful as a non- vil politîcal union, is opposing il. ,truc it is cond(uctor and wi neyer become ton si tbat dloser commercial rteaions be-tween- thick for the trce. Somle people have the ni nations tend to cioser frienldly relations, lides that lhe bark may become too tbick, ai but it is not truc of politicai relations. The ton tigbitor tonrough. Jo factit is known Ci naturai effeet of commercial recipmocity thiat in sonne cases trees have been slît up sh wil be to bnild up the industrial îndcpcnd- and down the tmnnk witb a koife t'O bosco u ence of Canada. The Dominion wiil be flhe bark thinking the tree was "bide FI made more self-supporting tbmnugb the -bonnd" and that the knifc would cure il. hi development of its resources, and tbis wili Might as wveli suit up the skin of a punv q~ tend to stimulate the,-sentimnent Of inde- boy to make hîrn gmow; to eut the bide of ini pendent oationality. a lanky hog to impmove if; or to rmn a TI Politici union will neyer coneUttil koîfe along tbe back ofasiny or. V DURHIAM BOYS AIND GIRLS. To,, be sunig at the banquet ini Torotc,, Monday evening, Feb. 27. Tut: XllPie. Wbcrcsoe'er our footstcps roam Mem'my still goes bac-kto thee, Deram nd Durbam, bappy hom, Where our livesvweme puire and free. Nature in our childlhood thelire Thrilied our- sortis -with j'o-vouis reamis, As we amle withiout came Tmnbthe wood-s andbibe streams WVC carinneyer lhave again Drearns s0 sweet as -ours werce , Do n l dar ni Dubam Evrdear ohdDrbm Fiehd sud lbih sund sunt and -oonI, And the silver stars were ours, Ours die boboliik's sweet tuine, OLusthe blcnîy nf 't]], flowerjs. Ours thle bornllie fond anàdtrc Ours ithe triends WC ne'er fo'rget, Ours Love's -music ever new Rgngini our hcamt beils yt We ca1nner be again Haîf so ricb, as wu wcre tien, Down budel r nd Dnrhsm, Ever dear ni01u( am Hfappy schocol days of our vouth ij Days of gmowth and vi~, wbeuvv1c Honor, Virtue, Faithi and Tmutb We em tanghit by nobl ieren We rceembler witIlidehCight Ahil our sacred, ear-ly joys, And WC bresîhec a pmayecr to-niighlt F or ail Durham girls and boys,' Cao there ever be again Days so glarianis asý then, Down in dear nidDuhm Ever-dear oid Dss1 D~7&UNTY BOYS. MR, M. j. HU-TCHINSO,(N, TORO-ý,NTO., It came as a výer -y great suriprise to nls 10 ceam that Mm.r. J . 1Hutch-inlson, soni of Uommriissinuler W. Hultchinison of ',bis townl had ieft the responsiýible posiîtion liefbas held with the MacLeani Publishing Co., as editor aud mnger of the Dry od 6Rerieîv t a salary of $$2,500 a yeam to accept an intierest in The James Actein Publisbin-g Co., 59 and 61 John-st., Tor- ouIn. This wel-known i3nblbshing firm ssue six trade p)apema baving receutly ad- dce% ' e Dry Gons ecord 0 f wbich Mm. H-utchîi-,ori is niow vpart owner sud bas assnre the position of Advertisiug Man- ager. This is an rgaiziucornposed entirmely of ene1rge(tie younig men, five of flicbcads of departmciints bavînig been formerhy co)nnccted -%ith othier trade pnb- icationis ad imade gond, tOn. IMm1. Hut;: chinson bas risen v emv fast fi om beinýg the N~ewceastle correýsponiden-it H STATES- MAN to the propmiecîory 'p~osition bie bas iatêh-y assnmed. We wýis1ih bîmoevemy suc- cess in bis ne-w bursiness relationsbip. M\1l. Lu,[ElW\EýRRY, -OTEL Puibfishers ofthe big trade ppesarel dcking n the bmiht boys of Drs ouut ao givng hem gond jobs anid loading tlbe m with re§ponsibiibty-,. Word is just isow to0baud tbiat yesterday Mi. R. L. Wcrry, a former West Durham boy,, so of Mr.,William Werry, Solina, wbo has been ou the editoriai staff of the Mon-' treal Dailti 1'itness for nearhy> thirteen 'cars entered' on a new position with Hugli C. MacLean, Limited, the wehl- known trade newspaper publishers whose Montreal brancb office is in the Board of Trsde Building. Mm. Werry's wide ac- quaintance with men and affairs gaîned during a long career in daiiy newsgathem-- ig in the commercial metropolis of Can- ada bas fitted birn, as no other training could, for bis new duties. He bad cover- ed every assignment knowo 10 daily jour- ralism, sud had acted in the capadity of âssîstant city editor for several years. He was also editor of the "Weekly Witness" fr some months. As the prospects offer- il by an npening on the MacLean papers ;emed very inviting Mm. Werry decidcd ýenter the new field. We are quite sure Ïom Mm. Werry's past succcssful joLimal- tic record that he will very soon mess- ire up to the requirements of bis- new )osition. MAPLE LEAF CIRCLE .NNUAL AT HOME A CAPITAL SUCCESS. Ladies of Maple Leaf Circle No. 143, 'ompanions of the Forest, Bowmanvlhe, te womthy of bigh praise for the splendid U1 Home tbey gave Monday eveoing bu ýoesters' Hall. Evemy chair was occu- cd anda varicd program offered some- hing of special interest 10 evcrybody, oeseot. A fone Dominion piano was pro- ded and abundance of music inter- icersed the ceuing's proceedings. Hon- rary Companiion M. A. James'presîded Id presented Ibis intemesting prograrn: 'hairman's addmess-Benefits of Member- up in the Circle; piano soin, Miss Hazel Jilcox; mecitatin, "Captain Gray," Mrs. ýred Barnes; vocal soin, "Games of Child- tod Days," Miss Hazel Mercer; reading, 'The Beiligerent Cow," Miss Hàzel Dili- ng; piano soio, "May Belis," Miss Lottie rhickson; address oo Forestry, Mm. J. N. IcDougali, Secretamy Court Pride of On- mrin No. 6ooo; piano soin, Miss, Hazel filcox; speerch, Mr. Wrn. Found, Chief anger Court Pridé of Ontario; piano hlo, Miss Hazel Mercer; addmess, Mm. A. I.Hardy. Reeve James congratuýated ie Circle on the pleasant eveoing of soug, peech and readings giveo the friends and )ped all wouhd jmin heiartily in the gaines rovidcd and lu a social boum. Frorn Io o I p. ni. wss tbomoiy enjioyed'ýin vaI!ious astimes. Owîng. 10 acoer in Opera ouse aj mnber Of yonnig men didrot rrive at A. 0. F. Hiall tilb 10.30 o'clock, hl-en Mv-. M. A.Jamnes iin the new mole of tcti9n-em soid t10 hiest biddecrs abot o pretty baske,_ts of refresbmenits, rangiug rprice fmom 2L5C 10 $2.55 each, realizing njice sun for the Circle. A card bear- ig flic niarne of the ladly wbo fnmnished e basket wss ;founid iniili and the buyver .ared the conitenits with lber. Delicînus >1t coffee was fuiirshed in abuodance. twas after miduiigbt wheni the jnlly domý- unry SoU.ght their homes in the brigh-t trhight snd sharp fmosty air. FARMERS' ENTERTAIENT FINAL SESION IN ýCO-NECTiOi(N WiTPIý STOC, K'JUDGLNG COURSE PROVESU PLEASA-NT ONE Friday evening farmers, wi ves andthf daughters and a feW tnwnspeople gatbs. ered bu OperaHouse 10 hear a pmrograsaz of a vemy ioteresting character. Mr,. IL1 A. James, Reeve of Bowmanvblle, wliuo presided, gave an address of welcome tu.»(j the fammers and Govemument represeu,-ta-, tives, saying bow giad the citizens are a- ways to co-operate witb farmrers in cery enterprise in which thcy are interesteýd He paid a bigh, comphiment 10 the gak meén wbo condncted 1the shiort cou,;z-se1lV stock jndgîig and empbal-sized the slni work being donce by Mm. R. S. Duwànn District Representati ve of Ibe rciu- ai Departimeot. MIvr. W'. E. Poilard, SecCretary of Ws Durham Farmers' Instituite, responded mi ýP a neat speech. H-é thanked, the Reeve for4l- bis words of welcome and tohd of the gond, work being donc in the interest of ts fammers of Ibis country. Vocal soins werc furnisbed durîng h evenig by Mm. R. M. Mitchell and Ms Ethilel L. VanNest, Mrs. Mitchell anIdMm. (Rev.) J. Gambutt- acting as accompani,. Excellent speeches were miade by t visiting judges-Messrs. C. F. Baile ysud R. B. Smnith-Mm. Geo. A. Purtoani,Pr- vincial Superintendent of Fa-nmers' u Worn's Institites, sud Mr. R. S. Duncunr,,, B.S .Aih the asddresses were neet ing, practical andJ educative, SUBSCRIPT[ON RENEWALS., tticîr su tbe pul thanks. overlo be pleý bc sent C rge number of the subscmîbers or TATESlMAN bave sent in reiiewalsaof ýuscmiptîins for 1911 sud t- isa ibishems desire 10 retmo ticir bat s.There are yet somne wbo hv ýoked Ibhis uI*le malter sud iweshu assed1 10 bear froni thein. Rnwl t ine bruary i;, rY BfILMORAL UOTEL SOLD. Bahmlnorail Hotel was bonightIb1is weck by Mm. D. A. MT Jo on, Mlanaiger of flotel -Bowm-ian, fmom iMm.r. T. BlIatchford, Ta-. monto, Who borigbtilathe aulctiofl sZle soewecks ago. Yestemdaýy the Board fof reosof Hotel Bowmian boubtte Mes 1îTs î . -jasonmanid F. F. Mý1orris taking auivnt h frnlitu[re and other conitents, h is expecte1 ci change bands iat once. WEST DURHAM LEAý'DS MANVI\\ILILE, A GRAND SUCL-EVSS. Thuirsday and Friday, Feb). ît ud 1I'7tb, were important days W0 thefaer of the West Riding of Dma ony T-he five-stock jndging course beLud l ie AÎgricuitumral 1Hall,Bo anilnes auspýIices of tbhe trnDcateîo AgricuilrePortF o pe, thie WeStaur barn Farmers' Instýiutes iand bbces Dnrhami Agriciluirai Society uas agr and success. AnL averaýge ojf hree hnndred- peophle werc iin attendauce iat veacb hso. Great entbiuýistimprevabhed bogst thie enýtire course and 'îL wel-c greatly- phcaseAd ud enefitted bly thseintuio and informaition meceiýved1. The course was for educationiai upl es and Yot of a compietitive niatuire, 1,a openling each c)iass tbse inistmuctor l chrg gael short tajlk on the breedl, tp tihe finle poinits of thie ianial under cn uiderationi. When that hadben donc is farmners wecatod1 cornle into the r;ingl aud -o place the animais anid to give -tisi reasons fom snicb phacings. At tien-, pletion of Ibis the instrutor gave - is reasonis for sncb aiwards.- Time wasai- Lowed atithle conclusinof cacihass for hicsinof any sp-ecial oints bimoisgit onit by thse aimials suid for akn of quIes. tion,-s mehating 1u hive stock. Tefrnr elntered inlto tbc discussion with gr eat ci- :huisialsm, aind the splenldid sniccess of tEe- classes wsin part duec 10 the viv'iditr. est di.sp)iayed by thein ' the discuLsSicn. Dsimy and Beef Caille were upj for dis-- ciussion on thse flmst dlay. Mml. C. F.Baly of Éihe Ontamin Departmeoit of Agriïciii.. turc, was il, charge of 'Île former, and M, b". B. Sm-ith, of Columirbus, gaveinom- tion rega-,rding the latter. Thjese gentle nien pcrformced in tieir Lbest style sudJ gtavýe entire satisfaction te, the large row natedc. The anmIlor the 13aily classes wer-e brouighî in by Me(ssrs. F. H, Fôness, VFrsuk -GuIy isudiJohn lDairl. %tsr.Samiuel Ablin &Sonis,bbchetea )reeders, sud John Darch snippiied ti muire-bred She,-rtiorins for t-he beef cass Ligbt and Hcanvy Horses pimovide IMe attractioin ulte dbosinig day. Mm1. BaiIey îad charge of the former and Mmý\L. 'Smlrith of thec latter., and as uisual cdid tesle great credit and grcatly pheasç,ed th attendance. The Ligbt 1-Iorses were pro- ,idedj by tisIWvereyStableis, on a h ictor Ro -P-beýrt Bcith, and Messs - T. Mitcchi anid Norm-an Riekard.Mer. Rowland Cale, T.A.Clemieicc, RobGa and F. B. Lovekîn provided the Hea(vy f orses. Special commendabion on thieirboa- mindedness in aiiowîng their animis bz Lc be snbjccted t0 comparison and te rt- isrn is duc to ,the gentlemen who fur- pished the hive stock, The comrnitte ia,-- bharge of the prepamation for tise coui lft nonCstne unturned in, their unt:iringý eforts 10 make the event a success,su for Ibis special credit is due MVessrs. A. W Annis, W. E. Jeweh, W. J. Bragg, .E Pollard, James Deyman, Hugb GreenIces,, 'hos. Baker and R. S. Duncan, Distrit-î Representative, Port Hope.

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