nue Vou'l ira 50,0001boxes gîven away Lu alilwho apply. John A.,Smith and his Remark- able Rheumatism Rêmedy Cured llimself Frst and now proposes to Cure the World 4Box of this- Great Remedy mailed, Fre e to any suffering Reader who will send Name and Address, Cured many cases of 30 and 40 years standing. On tire heory "that seeing is ire- ioig"John A. Smith of Mii- aauke nt everycue Vo tî'y his reinedy for tire cure c-f rircumatisn at bis expeuse. Fo-r that neason hio p rePojSeS Vo distnibuto 5,000 frecc exes anuong ,ail pensons 'send iurg ki tiroir ad!dressý. Mr. Sw~ith mdà bUffered ail the agouy and tenture ) trom rhleumatism, tri.ed aIl the ne- ndies kunown and Yet'nttenly failed Wo find-eI cef. At tuines ie was so holplqss that ho Lad Vo ake miph.and aften cou)siderable dotoinghogave upý iu despjair. Ho bagau ïstudyiug into the casc c he-uniatisnj and after much expcneimeniting, finally fouud a a comnbin ation cf drugs which coin- pletely ecurcd hum. The -resuit was so henefiejal Vo has entine system that hoe called bis new found romn- r +oi Toniie, ' These ýof his l1da elatives - .d ueighbors Vext cured anid Mn. Sniith concbud- ed te efifen bis nieyte the wenbId. But hofondthie tasir a diffienît oe as uearly eve-ryhody had Vied a huindcred or mokre renedies and tbey roudui't ho)emadle Vo elieve that there was sueh a thing as a cure for rbeurnatisrn. But an oid gen- tIceman fron -Soguin, Texas, wnete hum ,saying if Mm. 'Smith would send in a samplo ho would Vy it,' but as lireLad suffened over hirty 'yeans Diud wasted a fortune with dectens Eiud advertised remedies, bie wouiidun'V uy anythiug more until he knew V j was worth something. Thc sanple was sent, ho puncbased more and Vie resit was astonish- ing. H,, was ýcomipltely cured. rbis gveMr. Smiith a new icea and ýver saince that tunelire bas been ediug et froce sample boxes to su wbo apply. At National, Miii- a-Y ÈHome ,asa, it cuned a vet- -nan "cf neumatism in bips and Iii. uHanfed N. Dair., it ciured a geýntlemjan who writes: "Sico eirug GloiaTonie' I an ssup l a ab,"(). ; uInStaynen, Ont., ii)V eauahîed a lay te discard heJcrthe. luWsterly, R. I. Rn/R. No,. î. it cumied a frnr72 yea~s od. a Fontan CtyWis.. 'tcueMauol gnleiman aftcr suf- fenig 3 yers.In Mdolaiha, Ore- gon, it enda 1lady1' 73 yeams cf age who ad uffredionl thirty years. 1in Sunuer, Icîva, it cured a lady iiftcn -u.1 ig thinti-y four yeara. lu f Elin Grý,ee, s, 'Gloria Tenie' J ~ meda sver cao e Scatia.Even prornnet hy sic-iaus ad o admit X tht "iona Toie"is a positive ucsa noug thoDc-Von Quin- týoe cf'thje Uiv oitf Vene.zuela, k' w~lcm IV was noceneded by h 1 itdSttsConsul, lu hu -n- _4 ýdshcfcth niii-tances tire resuit lias-heen theame. IV curedd manv i rase whi-b. dfie Ilospitais. Dnugsi and b:1 iiy acgthon pcî- a' cfui~'~î-dsîcibty yeens f age. PatP-rf, ç ,îbouc fe f change Staeunanfor ho s anxiuî Vta fi ti m1e. M.Sihsadesin î779Laig dg, WndoOnt.ï Y~un Ma-Se issEthlel isi i't coic y tutpa anys thbe firstl tira cones au ave hemý. Noy lfefr qah M iib enr's GIN PILL S SENT FREE W,-e want ail sufferera freini dney and Bladder Trroubles, Lame ]3ack and Rhetrnatism, te test GIN ILLS, and see for themselves that GIN PILI.Swil rcally. cure ail these troubles, If your Kidueys are weak-if it pains yen te urinate-if yonr back aches-if hands and feet are crippled with Rheu- matism-give GIN PILLS a&chance to, prove that they will relieve you and cure yen. It won't cost yen a cent. You don't have to buy thein. Simply write us for a free saniple. "A s 'hort tiine ago, I received a free sample of GIN PILLS which I have taken with such good eff ecta that I home- with) enclose Soc for a box of theru. I believe GIN PILIS are just the thinga for me. IP Rî.c11AnuHAM1ýYN, FRENCH RIVER. GIN PILLS are se called because thoy contain the suedîcinal principle of juniper bornies, the esseutial principle of Gin, but do net co ntain alcohol. soc, a box - 6 for $2.5o - at dealers, and guaranteed te give satisf action or rneney refunded. Sample box free if you write us. National Drug and Chemical Co., Dept. A. Toronto. 5 SENTEiN CE SE RMONS. Giv-iug is the secret of funll living. Many a siik bateven(ýs a mercer- ized brain. Th11e wel ovrfongots- those wbo ý;forget"hnevs Love for the trntb ofteu meau's likiug for my own notions. Most cf ur thýorus geV, at uis inri Our attemlpta te sleep on roses. IV Vakes more than pions is - boete make moral backboue. IA good mauy who are sayiug "cheer iup" ongbt Vo cash up. The e you thinik cf Money the more yeu miss truc niches. IV is noV what yon Say te meu but wbat yen are Vo mou that counts. Life is aih wasted whcn evcny Vo- day is a funeral ovor yesterday. IV is always much casier, Vo re- write a creed than te keep au alley It's ne use lauding re-conding au- gels if yon're afraid of a buýsin1ess The graces of char-acter grow no', through speciai efforts but lu o)r- dinary duties. It is botter for the preacher Vo know v o-dIa,',s childreu than al] the church fathers. Wheu the church acts like-a con- eus the side shows always swailow the main Vent. 11 He who ba-s many strings in his bauds is sure te geV hbsfoot iixeýd njp w itb mmîcf hon Catarmis Cannot ha Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thev cennot reacir the seat cf thù diseaseý. Catarnh is a blcccion constitutional dis- eass, and in erder te cure il you muai tek-e internai remedies. Hai's Calarrlî Cure is taen internelly, andi acta diréct- iy on the blooci and muccus surfaces. Hail's- Catarrh Cure is not a quacir mcdi- cine. It wes prescriboci by ceeof the boat physiciens in this country jnr ar andi is e reguler prescription. [t Is cein- poe ocf the bosi Ioules knowvo, combiniec with the boat blood purifiera, ac ting directly on the muccus surfaces. The p'erfect combination cf the two ingr-: dents is xvhat producos sucli wcnderf-.d rosoîts lu curing Ctarrh. Senci fer testimonials free. F. J. CI-ENEY & CO., Propa., Toledoe, O. Sold by Dnuggists, price 75c. Taire 1-als Family Pilla fer constipa. if wxe were noV so auxicus te seoin what we are noV we night become what we sirold Vé Mîier's Grjepovders Cure. Te irn clothes easily, damp Vthe, cbothos and foid thomnueatly. Thocn rocl i Vgtly and lay aside for sev- oral heours. After Vins the cbothes eau ho, qnicirly irelWd A dose cff13ior sW mPowdens oeccasrou)ali' /ili ieep tire chiidnen healthy. EXPEINSIVE. "Yos,"ý said the portby passen- gem with tire noiay ie, proudly, "tis watch cost rie a irundred and fifty dollars.'-,< , Weren'V the police able Vo geV youir meuey bacir " esired Vire meek ilittboe man in Vire seat just acros tire aasle. Ho-Yen are tire ouiy woman I exer ioved. Sire-Do yen expect nue te believe tint h Ho I do. I swear it us tmue. She-Then I ho- liîevo you. Auy man nvho wouldex pect a woinan Vo believe tiret can- net have beon much in- the coin- pany cf wemnen. Hlariere-"I say, oid man, wirat ;s tire safost way Vo maire a dasir foi t1ire North, Pole?2" Barrer- "Why, taire a map and fiud the Nonth Pole; thon maire a dash with a lead penceil." Br-idget-Please, mun, wilye ind me yen watch for er bile thon e'ggs ! Mistress-Why, Bridget, vcou hiave a oc iutire kitchen, have't you ? "Yis, nuin; but tire dlock is slow, mun.', iDeut iVmake Yeu Sad," ex- clained the memiber cf Vire AfÀdu- bjon Soi ty,"o sce wemeu or ing ou thei]r bats tire feathoers cf tire poo"r littbe birýds 1" "IV îsn't fýfetirers thlat maire mie sad," -re- p1i,Lthe rmmied man. "IV's Vire3 CHICKEN. Deviied Chicken. - Meit twc tablespoonfuls of butter, add twc tablespoonfuls of brcadcrunbs, two cupfuhs of fincly chepped coekec e h-cken, and onie-haîf cupful of rich, s'wcet coat.Sir until heat- 'ed. Press twýo lhard boiled eggs through a sieve and add with twc Vablo-spoonifuls of choppedi panslcy. threc drops of ene etac àsli and Peppen to taste. MiXwel tako from fine, add curry odr if liked, put into shelis or indi- viduai souffle dishes, covor witlî buttened breadcrumibs, and hnowni. Cbickeu Souffle.-Chicken witb Mushroon Sauce-Fine for a comn- pany luncheon or for a Suuday rd1<hit ceorupauy supper. Mako a sauce with twe ýcups of scaldcd milk, twe tablospoens cf butter rubbed sm-ooth in two tablespeens of flour, one levol teaspoon cf sait, and eno-founth level Leaspeon of pcp- pen. Adjcl ne-'half cup of sVale breadcnumbs and cook ton minutes. Borie from the rane, atmr in two crup)s of cooked chicken choppcd fine, ue tablespoon mirccd parslcy, the jyolks of three cggs be(aten light, land Iast fold in tho wh!ites 4cf threc- cggs heateni until st iff. and dry. Put in wel butîcrr muiffli iýns, filling about two)-thirds fuIL etthe, tins in a dripping pan, inte hihhas been pou-red a littie boiiug water, aud bake in a slow oven thirtyv-five minutes. Turu out on te the hot plates and serve witb musbreon sauce. To make sauce meit butter, one-founth cup, add, ono fourth cup cf fleur, eue and a haif cups of chicken stock, one-haif -cup, of, eneain, sait a.nd pepper te Vaste. Cook five minutes, 'then add'three- fourths eup cf cooked and ehoppedi mushroorns. When the mushroomsi are hot tho sauce is ready te serve. USEFUL HINTS. Carbonate of soda, wheu used for cakes, s'iould be added to the milk, which sh3ould ho tcpid. Put grated cheese in soup- if -the flavor is poor. Iron chiffon with tissue paper over it, and with only a noderateiy hot ire n. T 'ry dredging a little flour over the cake before icing te provont the icing runuing. 1When cake-makiug do noV open the oven dloor ofton. or shako, the cake in auy vway V iii set. lu dry cake fiavors Vry mixing al- moud and rose togother ýas a flavor for angel food cake. Whefi beatînig oggs for a pud- ding, add the sugar Vo thon, and- nôrt Vo the othor ingredionts. A nice'garnish for braised beof clonsists cf spriugs cof boiled cauli- flower and baked tonatees. A bowi cf siaked. lime in a cup- board or eloset wili quiekiy absorb any moisturo there-nay be. If feather piii'ows bave an unplea- saut odor place befere the fire and givo 'thon a thorough drying. Iced býakes or tarVs,~ when returu- cd Vo the oven aftcr iciug, requine only sufficient heat t harden the sugar. Vegetables cooked in a, steamer are suppesed te bo more neunish- îung than these cookcd in the ordin- ary way. 1WMheu washiug red-bondored cov- ers or quits, dissolve a littie borax in, the watcn in ordon Vo preserve the colon. Sait for table use shouid ho mixcd witb a samaîl quantity of corn fleur Vo prevout- its fenming inte iumbs. Greaýsy siik or ribons may be clcaued by nnbbing thon with mag- nesia on Frnuch chalk, and aften- ,çards holding theým befere the fine. This ivili absorb the grease, after- wands the chalk -jan ho bîusbed off. sCured by Lydia E. FPgik Sham's VegetableCompound Canifton, Ont.-I had been a great sufferer for five years. One doctor, toki me it was ulcers of the uterus, and another told me it was a fibroid turner. No one knowswhatI suf- fee.I would alWays be worse atfertain periods, ianld neyer was regular, and the bear in g-d own edandthdoctor tcid nme I would' hav to have a p1~o , and that 1 uiigvht die, >uin teoperation. I wro0te to My sister aboutPt and sh- adise meto take Lydia E. inha'sVe etble Compound. Thirouigh personal e',pïe_ rience I have foundf- it the- best mcedi- cine In the world for femâle troubles, for it has cured mie, and I did niot hiave thave te operationi after ail. The Compound also belped mie while pass- ing thirough Cangle ofLie" rs LTrI LÂR CnfOnOtario. Lydia E. P1nkhaim's Vx;egetable Coin- pound, made from roots and herbe, bas proyed to be the mùost sûccessful remiedy f'or ciiring the mworst forms of female ills, lncluldlnl'g dispiaceinents, inflammnation, flbroid uorireu larities, periodie painis, backache, bear- lng-downfeelingfla-tulency, indiges- tion, and nervousprostration. It costa but a trille te try it, and the resuit has beenworth millionsto, sufferingwomen, AYRSILIRE MEN ORGANýIZE.' Midland Counties Organ.ize a, Club. The -Ayrshi-re breeders of theý counties of lHasthigs, Prince Ed- ward, .L'ortiumberl and and Dur- hamn and Peterlioro, met in Camp- bellford on Tuesdav.-Feb. 7th, and organized a local club' of Ayrshirc breeders, The purpose of this club is, in the main, to foster the inter- ests of Ayrshires in tihe counties named, to breeders more genraly o adoýpt the Ayrshire cattie, tou assist the br eeders bo- cally in marketing tWçeir cattie and their produce to the best advant- age. and generally to promeote the iuterests of the biýeeders and Wo bc- corne better acquainted- one witli another. The oàrganization, as formed, will be knowu -as the "Menie District Ayrshiire Breeders' Association." The ofliLers and di- rectors are: liou. Pres. .-Mr. Wm.,Stewart, Menie.. Pres.-Mr. Alex. Hume, Menie. Vicee-Pres.-Mr. John McCubbin, Warkworth. Sec.-Treas.--Mr. W. E. Truman, Crookston. Directors. -Messrs. Chas. Ma- coun, Campbellford; Barlow Cum- berland, Port Hope; H. K. Denyes, Foxboro; Qeo, Stokes, Tweed; John Locke, Campbellford; W. iRannie, Monie; H. Curtis, Warkworth; J. O'Connor, Campbellford; F. W. Furber, Cobourg. Three are yet to ýbe ebosen. About twenty Ayrshire men as- sombled in the Cheese Board iRoom at St. Lawrence Hotel, where they discussed the monits of Ayrshirc cattle, and on recciviug the feeling of thoso present in regard to a local erganization the Association was 1 formed. Ayrshire breedors preseut were surprised to ](earu. that there wcro so ma ny othor brother breeders of Ayrshires inths United counties, there bceing some scventy or more. Iu deciding upon a rame foir the local organizatinithe members chose te "hitcli thetlir w\a.ggons te stars," in that they took advant- age, of the reputation wbich their two woll known local fellow breed- ors, Messrs. Alex. Hume and Wmr. McIÇE'IL-SOBLE. 'Hlillburst,'" the home cf Mr' aud Mrs. Themras Campbell, Penry- tox4u, was the semie cýf a protty wechdiug, Feh. 1, when MTrs, Camp- he]l's sister, iMiss alrgaret j. Noble, was united in the bonds cf matrimouy Vo Mr. Charles McNeil, ex-Warden of -the United Cou)tîieS cf Northumberland and Durham. The bride aud groom, Who we-re unatteuded, eutLcred the drawing rocin te the strains cf Mendels- sohn's wcdding marcb, played by Mrs. Arnold iStaples, Oxhew, Sask. The ceremony was perfennied by R ov. Canon Allen, of Millbroek, in the prosence cf immedate fnieuds cf bride and groom. The bride wore a reseda siik crepe oven silk, and carried a bouquet cf white camna- ieons and roses. She ase, wore a gold pendant, set with peari and goid watch, set -with ýdiamenda, the gifts cf the groom. After th(-,re mouy the gucats pantook cf a dainty, 1wedding breakfast, .at whichf the heaith of thre bride was pnoposed by? Rev, Canon Allen and the toast was ably responded Vo in a fitting speech froin theb groom. The. bride,'s travelling suit,,was' of green cloth with, Paisley silk'blouse veiied in chiffon and bat Vo match,, with Persian lamh furs. A WO1NDERFUL MYEDICINE FOR'LITILE O1NES Baby's Own Tablets are a won- derful medîcine foiittie cnes. They never fail Vo give relief Vo the baby wben his stemacir or howels are eut cf order-; whcn teetbiug is paiufui; wheun orma make their appearance or wheu auy cf the mauy childhood ailmeuts seize bin. WhaV is more tb.ey are ahsolutely saf e and canuot banm the youngesi, cbild., Mothers have the guanantee of a goveru- meut aualyst Vo this effect. Thou- sands ef methers, through grateful- ness for wbat the Tablets have doue for their childnen, strngiy recommeud thon. Mrs. E. J. Wand, Gaît, Ont., says:-"I bave ue Baby's OnTablets fer twe y ean;s and'-wouid noV hoe witbout them in the bouse:' They are weuderful me- dicine for littie cnes." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine doal1 ors er at 25 cents a box from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. A good man enly punishes when hoe dare noV pardon. Te ho stnoug yu, > Vhave goed appetite, goed ig wtien and good assimilation, Y: e r's Compound iron Pulsbs hng ýl these. UN CIE RIRAR TO NEVHEW. Re Warns Hlm Net te Mistake Vasity fer Rugged Self-Beliot. "'Stevey, My bo>y," said Uncbe Hinan Vo bis bopeful youug nopi- w,"theme's a terr-ible differonce between vauity and seîf-belief. "I'veirnowu pienuty cf Mon Who Y, wcne fnirly saturated, soaking with vauity, but who did't have noal courage enongir Vo acaro away a cnt. They theught Vhey were tire hiandsenest Mou alive; but thene wcnc pleuty cf homeiy mon Vint theyd letV aikr igii, uver then. They had ne end of vanity-, but ne nr ea seif-belief. i InConrm~ .4ePe ~I~ f~tlsB&e "s a miatter of fact,, Stoephen, I Seed a rare mnedicine Vhat has vlabethmnr n ,ýuare,,about as hineîy a curatve powers. B3ut kw drug youing cirap as 1 kuow; but it doca- [carry this9 seed, owing to the higheast ntfle o ia htyun of the artâcle. i ag oam rtirugled And as fan as tint goos I T'his country noveare oir yct knew a omely man but this costly seed býcause it entons Ato:wrt Vhoughtho ws Iauldaýome; the fanueus eatarrh remedy, 'polunand phat thenght doos a nan no -ld thq Nerld over. mm nb esa ire lots bis vanity sAt-i isfy bim so that he's contenlto rest on that -without further effort. "Our vanity is a sootbing bain for many wounds; iV heips us much to bear life's buffetings. Wben somo-body troats us rudoly we say 'To cure a9 cold while yo seetko "WeeIi" Break-Up-A-Cold!( Tablets", 25C. Jury & Lovoîl, Authorizedl Agents., to ourselves we kuew what he is and wo know what we are, and humph!1 and so on; and und'er such exasjpor- aion our vanity is very seothiag to, us, and hat's ah nrigbt. "And there are millions and mil- lions of people, Stevey, who nover get anywýhere in the world because they -baver't got iV in 'm but who 1 still are vain ; people who nover get ci chance, and who wouldn't try if they dïd get one, because tley are tee timid, but wbo stîli are filled with vanity, vanity that is te, them a blessing, for it is allhehbave or ever. will have&; and theise may bo, you ûnderstand, good, bard wonk- ing people, good pieople; the only solace thcy have is.their own harn- less vanity. But it is a.great sol- ac; iV mnakes life casier for them and it makes them'hopeful, cheer- ful.1 ' "Sometimes when I think of it 1 tbink our 'vanity is our greatest blessing, and 1 am flot sure uow but what it isse. Good thing to rcnem- ber, Stephen, that ail mcn, all mou, ,are vain. Every man, wbatcven his- lot in if e high or low, is vain and easiiywoinded. Nover wouud any- body, Stephen. "So I have no objection to your being vain, Stophen. You May Vhink you are handseme if you want te -or yeu xnay admire your own clothos or yeur neckties; you may tbink you're the finest fellow ou j earth; but don't mnistake your van- ity for self beliof. Abov a.1il thiugs youi want rcýally to believe in yeur- soif, and this beliof must flot be a miere fancy. It must ho a truc, mug- ged, 100 pcr cent, plus belief, some-, thing vcry different from vanity; it miust, bo a real helief that inspires you to do thiugs and that sustains and fortifies you; that invigorates and co.nstautly strngtbens you in1 whatcven you undertake. "And you must do things. You1 can't bc content to sit down andi admire younscif. Yeu must butt1 into tbiugs and buck 'cm, and if you'ro tbrown on one sie advance ou the other, growing biggcr andi strougen ail the timeý with the cx- i j ercise cf yeun strengtb growu in, vincibie; finally in your blood, tiR- sue and boue behief iu yourseif. "Tbat's what you waut, Stovcy, wbohe hearted, tborough, com-yplote, 100 per cent, plus belief iii your- soif; witb that yon'll geV on in thec wxorid and have a littIc tmVine lft oýver Vo inidulge in harmmess van. BURN CAUSED OPEN SORE. Zani-Buk Werked a Wondei'ful Cure Soinétimes a bad humn, a deep eut, or- some simihirinjuny, sets up a more permanent injury, iu Vthe foi-tu of au epen, discha.rging sere. lu such cases Zam-Buk wil ho fouud cf uuequallode value. Mn, . j Nixoin, mi901 illiam Ave., Winnipeg, a blacksmith at Ithe C. P. R. shops, had his foot badiy burued by soine no4lten mietal falbing uPon it. Ho' says: "The humn was a very bad eue, and after Vire firat few days it left an open sere, wbich ahowed markod sig'nis of biood-poisoning. IV 4iseýharged fneely and caused me- terrible ag- ony. For three weeks I suffered acuteiy aud eould geV nueüeso.ý At. last I obtained a fojn the docton, whieh seem-ed te stop the discharging and made ne quite hopeful. but fiuaily the wound Ile- came as had as ever- -"I was thon a.dvised Vo use Zain- Buk, and froin the finat application the bain gave me relief. The in- flammation was thoroughly check- ed, and tire poisonous matten clear- ed away in a very short ine after begiuniug with Zam-Buk. Healing thon began, and in boss- Vian two weeks the wouud was horoughiy healed." One cf the main besýsons cef this case lies nîght hm-VyZa r nk 'ia fray iujury, sone, ak îîds- easo or wouud. IV is equaiblgo for piles, bhood-poisouiug, retn ing wounds, chaps, eeld acre, ci dnen's *cuptious, saloares, va-,îý cose ulcers, chilbiaiu, etfc. Ait dnuggists and store,,s sou t 5ie box or post froe freiZin Buk i o., Tornuto, upon receipt cf pîc.Yeu are warned againat 'barinýful substi- tutes and inferion rpanaýitionss, which yiebd a biggon mangin cf pro- fit and are soeotimes puslied as be- ing "Juat as good." Nothiug is just as, geod. The men who ivaut te wind al the wonid's dlocks seidoin waut te and luinal la-nds under the sun-iu ail conditlons of i F-b7y Rgnera- tien aftor generation-the safest and nest reliabie faily re-medy the world has ever known is Beecham's Pills. The good-,theseijn- equahied health regulatorshave donýe,in the quick reli,ý.efof su7ffe-- iing and the prevention cf zserlous siokuesses, is beyoud caiculation., -can de) the saine sori cf gocd cad for your famiily. Beecham's Pis ao thei b"ein>cert. w'c-kLaýi accordance wvith Nature's laws. Try a few dose-s just asosen as pyia trouble shows itseif and see how immediately effective they are -see how quickiy the whole bodihy systemn wiil be beuefited. Then yeu will know- fo-- your ewn good, ýwhy Beechamn'& Pulls are rO!lLSALE B1W ÂLL DRUGGISTS send OCC., zameo01 pape r and 1tbis ad. for ou zbantifat savi4ne Banik anld Ii SCOTT & BQWNE 16WvRia*n St., Weat. Toromt., On.t. so noturnie and muhepnet h The meetinýg was adesdby 3Mr. C. C. -Nixen, Editor ol fiche Farm & Dairy. Petenhero, wbo ompý,hasized the sterling quaities cif theý Ayrshire cow. Peinting oui, the nain thiugs wbenêin she excelied, he urged Ayr- sbire breedons generaily Vo demnd CIpay by test" in their cheese fac- tories and assured thon that if milk werc paid for at the chîeese factor- ies according te itýs value and if the cost of production was aken into ccnsideiration the Ayrshire would rapidly become more lu favor and take the primo position that is hors by ight. The speaker urged the breeders preseut te have more faith in their breed, te taik it up and Vo' tell the world aV large cf the splen- did records and thc iow ýceat cf pro- duction of the Ayrsbires. The thauka cf the local Ayrshire mou are due Mossrs. R. S. Dun- eau, B.S.A., cf Port Hope; A. D. Mcîutesh -of Stirling, A. P. Mc- Vanne] of Picton, dnd H. C. _Duff cfA Petorbere, the Distric(t Rp- menlt cf Arclure inth local countios, aud V o Mn. Alex. Humle and Mr. Wm. Stewart, Vo whom the initiative of the being of this aseo- ciation is due. Menie Aynshino Broodons' AssCoci aioni, wili bold their uext meetiig ou, Fiday, Feb. 24th, aV Camnpbeli- Lord, at which ine some loading Ay1vrshbire mon and other speakers -ill iho in attendance. tioSn food and the most duainty and delicious, The only Bkn o rmd NO fusshgofrting oe the lsut-aig. Royal isthe alidto many a cook's success, Royaul Cook RoeoA-800 Receipts-Free, sendiNaine andi Aitieas. ROYAL BAKINC POWbER CO., INEW YORK.lea