GOODMAN & GALBRAITH 'Bprlisteis 'zud Solicitors. Notarie-s pub)lic. A. K. GOODMAN, 9, C. CALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Blg. onge & ýAdelaide-sts. Toronto, Ontalo. SPRINC TERM FR011 APIIE îd ', THE Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. GET THE BOY A-BUS TERBRWWAON ~e ~nabirni ~hIt~mrnLl A. O. F. AT HOME sy itpatize death of bis THE LATE GEORGE McGILL -....- . 1 - --- , - .... «-9..1- 0F 1THE JOLLIEST EVENINGS IN THEI WORïPS 0ForAPPRECIATIO-,N iFR011 ANOTH- BOWAIVILE MA. 3,191. HisToRY 0F THE COURT - LxERFor mER, PST oR. COURTICE Mu. _J. J. _Mason, ex -Mayor of Boüwnî,an- ville, %vho lhas just returned from a visit in the Souitherti States, will take botb ser- vices at Ebeniezer and one at Maple G rove neLxt Suniday and' will speak in the interest of Temperance and Moral Reform. Rev. J. Barnes, B. A., wbo bas been quite ili, is sil unable lu resume bis pastoral duties. Do tnt despair of curing your sick beadache wheti you cati so easily obtaini Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and permanent cure. Ibeiri r SEEP-D- GRAIN AND -GRAss SEEDs-Now is the tine t1-s-curc wv-ha' -yourexipeet to need ini these lines, and we-have a good Citizens were treated to two excellent entertainments on St. Patrick's Day even- ing, Friday, March 17,-and both were very well patronized and unusuaily successful- the Canadian Club Banquet and the For- esters' Annual At Home. Foresters' Hall was the scene of a very merry gat;eftntg of the members of Court No. 6000 A.O.F. witb their ladies; Maple Leaf Circle No. 143, Companions of the Forest, and their friends; and many admirers of tbe Order in general. The commodious bail, wbicb was tastily decorated witb flags and bunt- ing, was well filied. Ex-Mayor T. H. -iKaton'-jvîîa ~wsUU, jdeflr, ' ihl.- jas, Montiov-'s Jr ... Mr. Johni Rantons sale last week was weli attended despite the returti of Winter weatber in force Mr. R. A. Burriss, of Porýt Arthur, sends uIS this adlditional testimiony to-the charac- ter of the late manager of the Ontario Batik in this town: 1 see the notice of the dleath of MNr. Geo. McGill in the STATES- MAIN Of recent date wbicb you se kindly sent me. Wbile I was pastor of the Chris- tian curcb for six years in Bowmanville he was my truest friend and support. He was a splenidid EIder in the cburch. I officiated at his wife's funeral, also the funeral of his daughter Alice. I had the pleasure of îeading his son 'te become a Christian and I baptized him. 1 shal Ntrway. M-1v ymp t -1 1 r lusi mnother and siser,--Mrsý. Arîbur Dar1ling-l ton, inlerbrvmet MR- 141ARRnV AWA-r'n afc '1The annual meeting of the Darlington i Fnnthnll TpLeeuewill bc hhldat the Ten, ons were usually -sharp. - -March hlas su tar beenww armiand pleasant;. S1eiglmng is ex celJent now, March 3. AUCTION SALES. THORýSDAY,NMARi. 23-M\r. RobI Courtice, lot 24,14-V., Darliniglon, near Darling- ton station, wiIl seilial of bis fairm stock, implemnents, etc. Sale tr o'clock. L. A. W. ToL-E, auctioneer. FRIDAY, MCtrc 24-Tlie exeçutors of the estate of the late L. A. W. -Tbompson, lot 19, con. i, Clarke, will seli ail of the valuable farm stock, implements, bouse- hold furnilure, etc. Sale at i o'clock. See bis. GEO. JACKSON,, auctioneer. FOOTBALL MEETING Ail1 Spring Blood Diseapes iower prices than sorLthaýt--buy in EFMaller qmqantitiosx: wr an eOnseffuerttlv sel cheaper,-Whieh we do. a -- - ih4aIZ ~ ..iU tilfJ$.lfk .SACt - l.ç 4 ...Z ~ '~f4fLf4L2.tllf.4.... ~UtN ~ .W ~ l ,.L ',t-4I.4.l4-3 . IF 'IS THE' ýJP.LATEST LITTLE W»GGON ON 111E MkEtKET TO-DxY. CAýLL ý,T OTVP-STORE -AND SEE TIE3M. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS IN WEST DURHAM FOR 111E BAYNES AND TUODHOPE CARnAýGES, ToBIN GUNS WHIPPLE HoRSE COL-LARS, ONE MINUTE WASHER, BRANDRAM-HEN- DERSON, ýPAINTS AND SUPREME HEATING RANGE. Aisike, Alflia, Stiettieli Standard Oats, Goose Wbeat and White Russian. Mc- CLELLAN & CO., LimITED. 8 6 Mr. Geo. Glover bas returned from Columbus, Ohio. OSHIAWA Ms.E. Moore and -Miss Erline recently visited frier.ds in Toronto. Mrs. Gee. White, Trenton, was recent gucst of Mrs. Robt. Williamîs. Miss Ali M. James spent the week- lgnfe dtk5y. tt.V IC liLi~WIU1d been home assisting bis father in prepara- lions for the sale, returned lu the Cityý Salurday .... Don't fail lu bear Rev. L. S.- Wîght!s famous "'Travel Talk" in Tyrone church Tuesday March 28...Mr.;Thos. Hill, Toronto, visited friends and attended Mr. John Ranton's sale ...Mr. Sidney Trewin visited friends in Cartwr(gbt ... Mr. C. J. Pascoe was bomne over Sunday ...Those wboattended Hampton con- cert-report agood lime..-Glad lu see the mumpers ouI again but another. out- break bas taken place ...Sorry to hear thal Mr. Russell Wotten of the Arcade, Oshawa, is in Peterboro Isolation Hos- Ten years ago Harry Cockerham was frequently seen in tbis town and was known bv maniv residenîs of South Dar- lington. Whitlby Gazette tells us Harry is deal, thiatcon Thursday March 3 death removed f rom this life Mr. Harry Cocker- ham, lot i, B.F., Whitby Township, after an illness of, some weeks' duration. Mr. Cockerhiam was a strong, stf, rugged lookiig ti, but an attack of la grippe with complications, was too much for even bis rugged strength. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss. He was in hlis 54th year. Deceased was a member of- Sussex Lodge. No. 5, S.O.E.B.S.. and the funeral ~boy, hias lefI Killarney, Mani., for Boisse- vain, Matn., where he bas accepted a good -and responsible position with Rat Portage uamber Co. Mr. anti Mrs. Wright made im, yifriends. The evening before leav- ing, rney Mr, Wrighl's class of young9 men met;,.idas a parting token of exist-ý ing friends-hip presented him with a gold locket nicely engraved. Speaking of the climate the letter sent us states that "Iwe have neyer experienced a severer winter and sucliabundance of show.- Now balmy days have come the prairie is getting bare. As yet 1 have failed to catch the fascina- tion that lures su many westward, still thnýking Ontario is the best-yet. -Lh9I W N are undel(r ess expens ia anly other store iin Town, in thie. same line of business, w hicli means abi reduction in the cost of h.andiing lýite goods, We give Clothing and, Furnishîing-s our whiole attention an-1i KNOW w bat is ri,"h't. We are especially strong ini Boys' and Ghiildren'sSuit,, a splendid assortmient, a lot of niflyý styles, and splendid values, youthis' Long paint Suits just tChe-s ti ~u~crosr -prî,ces tne i'aa wnts topav. Miss Lucilla C ook, 0.. L. C., Wýhitby, Il i 1 Mm- Hlood's Sarsaparilla For -T-Ir- 1 lyl-ftaVlN ôZ IJALIt, 7-