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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1911, p. 3

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W-iII Reciprocity Incre ase Farm Values ? F omn The Ca nadian Century. MY TED r h DAINGERI CLEAMI-NE SS.. 4Idd Oj-inionl of DistingîîIisted Lon- don Physiciat., SonrTewhat noveL' views of thê sub- ject of bacteriology and hygiene. were advanced by Sir Almroth Wrigbt, M.1)., F.RS., ini an ,ad-j dJess recently. .Whreias a belief, lie said, that u ashing, peopl' -çashed off mi- crobPes. We did ta2e ofi a certain amunt of microbes, but ive also de- stroyeud the protective skim, which was ail around our bodies, like the tiles of a. bouse..ý If one had a skin like a tortoise, microbes would nev- cutJ i iv{r, anthe uicsitni etit is te beptbcd. Yet be can finti raa<d er get tlirough IlTohaeatrshrie n arces Vgebe bath was te aeaaoeeshryPi, rprte hî a sa protection. j lseibsefh eascefetv Agreat deal of w ashPnig incres'ue . c, Tbei'e are tut tad are-, îd'y the microbes cf the ikin. hae declar- avrtsdas tegra1t1wr en cd, se he dîd net thînk cleaulîncîss puddbtnt ftbem eau sias 'te bc recomuicaded. as a hy-irauk, in slue witb areees genie metheti.___ ____ With regard te thse belief titat in 1,1C% LVAJIT. cases off consumption, -f resb air1<11 would make things riglî1t, ha asked. Loke 23: 33. w hv it w'as this prinicipl ie euh p- 1Mo0ît gracions Lord, w el'ok te plîcd te tubetcuîlar disease. Hae! TVice heid it te be drcadful superstition.- Tisat fiiled witb iove cor, bearis may The svhole doctrinte cf frcsh air're- b, quire te c reised Wfîle Thy great sacrifice we sec: Jiich people, be asserted, sur- The ->eepest Aarkuess. cf the nigbt roundad themselves 'aith aIl sorts Gises place at lengtb te moruiug ]îght, Whcu Thon dost corme before or sight ~- -*-.~t. As slibufor tis on Calvary, We look'again te Clvari: re-in tIcatît and sinor sools te m Thy bîcod was shd on Cals ary. Weare oly liti iOes, but we know Zm Buk eas Dour pain and cured our sores. Per- h&s -1: wofld cure Y ou, too, if you tried it ? ' Is't thisý soLind advice from but a feW days' treatrnent with this "bbsanti sucklings?" Tare it! balmn gave hem case, Then tise Trhe sekr are tise chiltiren off sores began to heai, and we con- Mn. L. Wý',ebster, of Seymour St,, tînueti the Zam-Buk treatment. Montres], 2and Pise mother adds asortmhe sqtcald we;ht o hsiappaL She says' InMysbîottie bswaqiîeed.i "My littie girl contracted scap M itebysutie ei disease at schooi. Bad gatherings ous scald on the neck. It set up forîned alover her head, anti net a bati sore, andI quite a few things only caused tise child acute pain we tried faiéd 10 he-al il or gîve but matielier Very ill.Tire sores, him case. Once nmole we turneti discharged, and occurring on the te Zam-Buk, anti we wcee fot scalp we feared se wculd l'ose disappointeti. It actati like a ail lier isair. She was in a pitiable charm ini dmaing âWay the pain, p!îgist wher we tried Zarn-Buk, sud soon healed tise vod." ~emBkis "sonsething difrerent" in the v ay ofbahut. It ... The dccpest depth cf Isuman crime And matebles eigbf off grace sub- lime Meet bu that point cf central time: No more shahl sin oui' seuls en- slave, No more vie dread the glnomy grasve; That Tho w-It to the utînost sava, W'e plainly read oni Cals-cr'. O Calvary! O Calvarlyt W c look by faitîitot Calser. Ft'eîu deatÉ and sin ciii-seuils te Wis TIc, 1)1001w as shed L)n Cals ary. W heu siicîîi is the s cice cf song, Wheu die iv sccms the patb >tnd long, Thîv love mekes faitiî anti courage st roig: AntI sien lu glory cll Thine own Shahl meet aroud 'TIi gloriousi thronc, Tlscîgh beaven antI eaî'th Thou wiit make knosx n The love declaictI on Cals arv,. O Cuit aîy! OCals ary! We look by faith te Calvarx l3rom.deatl antI sic cuir sotîls te Win Tlsy bhood ixes sIied ou Calvary. T. WATSON. Uniendale, Ont., 1911. NO NELD TO. A mnetuntercd a confcctioner's sbop andI calletI foi a lemonade. H1e drank it, antI was about te walk cnut, svheîî the lautilord stopped ,him. "Iere, sir," lha criad, "vou hasent paid fer that drink von liead' j 'Wbat's that loti say?" asked the custoîner. 'I said y'7i laîe't paid for tîsat leinunad." "Ditltils ou àr it' t Weil, tho;n. sx[t'stiseg-ooti c i botbcof ius paving for it'" ng-ý statemnents t o the effeet Lthat thei Brunswicuk. Ldpinof recprocity will immedi- It will be nuoted that the increase &tely i'ncrease the value of 'Cana- of farm îvalues ils cousiderably dian farim lands -25 lier cent. or greater in Quebec than in Maieie, mor. nstad cf akngwi od New Hampshire and Vermont,, and guesses let us-get àt the facts. Since the improvement bas been great,ýr the reciprocity negotiations'began In Ontario than in the adjoiniu the Uniter'l States Governmient has state of Michigan. By Lydia E. Pinkhami's had a repoet prepared by experts 'In the face of such facf's how fool- Vegetable Compound sboiig the coumparative value per isli it. h to indulge in .wild dreams Batmr,- d1 snyo le- acre off imýroved farm lands in,1900 of a sudcn increase in Canadia:i Bathe imore ofmd.-"iften yere-l and 1910 in varions border states farm values as a resuît of rvîit he ictre f mgfiteie, yearod and in 'the Canadian provinces ad- citi. ' was restored to joiniug them. Thisrpr tates ¶h ieofBre.e' eatbyLdia E. that between 1900 and 1910 the value A.Pinkham's Vegeta.. cf1 improved farm lands inecased From October 1, 1890, to Augu-,t ble Compound. She f,7 p-r cent. in Maine, 37 per cent. 27, 1894, to Jîîly 24, 1897, the dlt , was pale, with dark ir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Newaphr,~ e et as thirty per cent. ad valorem, cîrcles u nd er lher IlVewHo mstir181 ,pent.lunta qialn oa iteivrtn etweyes, weak and irri- i-i)ont,18 pr en. n ov euialnttoa itleovtben c i.. t iZble ]i'wo different scotri, 120 per cent. bu Neoov Bruns- per busheL. On Juîy 24, 1897, tdcoheretd e wick, 70 per cent. in Prince Edward specific duty off thirty cents, per adcr aled ir Island, 80 per cenit.,in Quebec, 43 bushel was restored and it has bcen iSickness,, but she pet' cnt. in Ontario, 39 per cent. in continuied cier siuce. Of ec grew wo""rsti e dalE.Pthe Muichigan, 77 cent. in Minneso- cluring a period of 21 y cars th reLy ta, 1-,)3 pcv cent. in Manitoba, 201 W old naturally be ci ril1derablo 1 ha'c s Vegetable Compound was rec- i m mended, andi af ter taluug three bot- pet'cet in Saskatcbewan andI 185 variations bu prices, but foi purpois tles she has regaîned hevhealth, thanks peor cf- comparison it wll be fairtut' to your medicine. Lean recoîumend it Thec greut .îutlux of scttlers in take th e three vears preî ions th the foi ahl female troubles. "-Mýrs. L. A. Mý1anitoba, Saýskatchcwan and A reduction off the duty, the threc CopRItN, 1103 iRutlaîtd Street, Balti- bertaacconts fr th rapi in ears during wbiclî the low duty more, Md. breaei rac>u es forthe rd prcxailed and thie first th ree vears 1ImIudreds of sncb letters from moth- inces- but what is the explaioation afteî' thle duty cof tbbrty cents p3r ers expressitg their gratitude for what ,f the' xtariay ices bushel ivas î'estored. Àccording to Lydia E. Pinkham'"s Vegetabie Cern- e exra-rdinrv nerese n esDe-po und has accomplîsheti for tbemn have farmn values iu the three Maritime reports of the U'nited StatesD been received by theLydia E. Pinkham Prov\inces of Canada? Why did partment of Agriculture the farin Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. N'aScotia farm values ince' ces fb eiaeaed4.0Young Girls, Ilecd This Advice. 81prcent. wile farm ivalues in- cets per bushel duritîg 1892, 1893 Girls w'ho are trouble d with paiuful the2 neighcbcting state of Maine only andi 18941 under a specific dt1 of- or. irregular periods, backache, bead- înceacd 7 er cent. tîrîcete bs .lu19,ache, dragging-down sensations, _faint- Uudtoubtedly the great incürearse o 1890 an-ci 1897, undet' a doty cf about ing spelis or indigestion, shouid take ~ausin the Maritime Provinces tnctseruhotefamp ices mediate action anîd le restcred to is dh u the 'cstablishme~nt of vraged 34.53, xhiic for 1898,'P18>9 ealth by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compoundi. Thousantis have been manufracturing industries in recent and 1900, onder a specific duty off restored to lîealth by its use. year. Te esablshmet c gra tiî' ents0.8penpr bushel eprcs Wtete ilIrs. 1Pinkbamn, Lynn, ironand~tel idost~e' inNov ai ragd 4.8 entsperbosel.Mass., for advicc, free. coia bs re oticuized coinditions rvl Thus, Lns-tead of the Canadian farrn- thrnghotthe thsec prov inces. 'A er gettiug au iucrease'd price' for ___ prftbehonme market bas bee-n tue baî'ley he sent to the United c f luxury, and took absolutely no cetdfor ns verytbiug the farmersi States as a resuit of the t'edticed interest in getting rid cf the mi-1 prodce. These industries haveldutY tbe price came doixu in the crobes that surrounded them., He b)een eoqunii beneficial to the fisher- lUnited States. had been in consultation with twen- P!ent . \As the steel industries are[ It is veasunh1e to draw the ûon- ty-eue doctors arouud a rich man's located1 ýoîiln Nova Scotia the infitiecice ciosion that if as a, result cf reci- bed, and noue of them knew any- on the -price off farm lands bas he-i pî)c t ag uniis off ana- lin buthm iiist mia.rked in that province, but dian barlcy, uheat and oats go intoi Prince Edward IslandI andI Newv the Uniteà States, it is more prob- Comfort-for the Dyspeptic-There Brunswick hase been gî'eatl'y bene- abie that tie Amerîcan prîce will; h ne aliment se harassing and cx- fited. Tie developmnt of St. ceaie down than that the Canadîýin austiug as dyspepsia, sshicb .arises Johin as a siioter port bas also belp- prices- wili go up. fronîdetective action of the stomacb: Bylis ca Appeaance YOD know ilt is F rost Fenfce Young Folk FAVORITE COLORS. Onea of the most striking novelties sbowss a'twenty-four nib f rame with a four gcred canepy cever; a sîmi- 1ev fou 'r gored top is sbowu on a sixtean rnb frame. Thasa new noes are extremely affective and, ivithal, not bu tisa least mmpractical. Saveral einemne are aIse featur-_ in .g1 square tops andI star shapet covers, wlîch make unasually- et- tractive displays. Pagodas are again being sisoxn anti a uew varia- tion off the pagode tep, kueixu as the "bell top," the pageda form in this instance baiug more deaply -cuvved or "balletI." The acropica parasol, alliptical bu shape, the ribi- from side te, sida bcing longer than thosa frens front te back, i5 to be classed amcng the more ex- trema uos'eltias. Black ant i te embissatbons, bunter gî'ecîs, andI the cembinatios off cerise, Helen pink, kiug's bluoc, American bcantx, antI old geltI witb blatck arc the fav'orite ýcohen îin parasols, lu sema numbers the celer is used in tisa fomm cof a ber- decr wbieis is henîistitched t-o tha black coi cm. lu other instances the upper portion off tisa ceser is cf the viviti coier, sviilc tise lcxver portiecl is off black. Borde'- affects with îvarp print ibbonîu bci)mbiicat ian iitis black, or a solid color, are alse mecL iîf wbtb qoita a -degrea cf favor. Black anti wiite combioctions are alwav., a favorite autI practi 'cal choica, but this scason tbav ara stronger thani evai' ewîug te the prominan ut sog ce fer black antI ix bIta effccts in every departmnut off tress. Stripeti antId cîscckcd sîlks combincd eîther sxith sol-id black or whbite, or with -col- ored îvaîp prints, are couslderad excellqnt marchandise. a naw modal shows is trimmeti in a nve al -. A lattice work off tIark green siik ssii cci ver the ligist colîreti. silk topi. Pink satin rosai andI foliage are inet inters als through the lattice iioî' produa- iug a sery stvîking effect. M'any attractive littia details bu finish and tsiimmin.g atd interesit o preseut nos elties. utmong these aire the Japanasa tip aîsd ring off pearl, tisa littla choux cf-ciffoen, silk, or net on the haudie anti at tise fer- vie cuti oQfftish tike Little biunches off atnjo)' artbfi- ciai roses reah tached fd tisath hanidle, at tise (ase)fth femh anI cf the ti'ck ronoaorsv The big Point about Prost Pence i, th. t it iwoven fromn wire specially made and gai-' vanaed bv u s in Our own plant bore and ex- rlnsiveiy for ont own fonce tade. Wýe rmaie (bis wire np to fuil size, tructoebbh gauge re- presented. To Maire puices attractive arnalier aire than adve, tised àa useS in som e fences. A Sifference OfOnue-h a size smaller imeanis a saving in matotial to the makrnfibaout ic. a rod nu a tcu wiro ensici. mInupon getting lance fiagt U net robteti of 8 per cent. of 1W weigha through the use $=aller wires. 'S'ere arc now 49 distinct styles of gros$ Woven Pence tb SUit any condition or for &Dly purpose. Other FrOst Specialîjes Gelvanjztd Gates, fanicy and plain: Coit- edWVire, each buodlegnaranteed;i Bath Wire- Soit Wire; Hay Wirr; SMays and Galuanizea locka for field buiit lance; Hooks f .r woodl pickei feoce : Trou Posta for far.a feco, 'robe Posta with tep ornameo t and rails for laa Pence : Pancy Pence material: hMaple Leaf dcsigais; Pane Wove n Pence Wirestrtùght- ened as unt to lengili for re-inforcng' en"post13.h our Fonce. Gaie and WIre feaco ai L hSUPPiied to yonr hast satis- fcinnd hvSanme retiahie Frost dealer near you. If he ta net Lnown, write on. grstWre ne A.Lt l2 aanlnM and For sale by Brown & AlUn, Hampton The Canadian Century wilI pay ail the expenses of twenty Canadian Boys on a five weeks trîp to England. The party will sail on the Empress of reland on June 2nd and, retumfing, leave on June 3Oth. Do you want to go? - If so, fil out the, coupon and mail at once,.I ps To Crnto CONTEST MANAGER, CANAÎWIAN CENTURY MONTREAL Please tend Iue fuhl information how IcaU go t0 the Coronation wi:h ail cxpenses paid by you. Stre- ........ .......... ......... Pot Office .. ......... Province ................ prs moderr thiis crac ter.Th -rs .d.e1scarr .ng-thi- 1tyl1 of sash the bautisomeit novelties. it wa o1smleenwine 'rsÀc Animal and bird bhaudles aanavbIesegwiha iti bi f again being feattîred cii higb class black braid erniamentation. 'From patasols. Musbroom \tops are still crie sida cf the fieont w as suspeunded in high, faver, beiug slighti5 emal asnl as n f nav ik 1er than prevosly. Smcfllhooks ricbly embroidereti andI ornamented and woeden booisbaudles are aIso in niinglbug 'shades off reti and showu.' Mission liandles are the browu_. This ivas the first herald favorites bunîmedium' grade gcods. off the Paquin cash idea, wlicb noix entars se strongly bute the spring SASHES IN BRIGHT COLORS. collection. Paquin, cf Paris, i5 usiug sash- es -te a great extent, maîsy beiug arrcugcd bu the form cf single peu- dant cutIs, richly cmbt'oidered or beadled in contrast-eug celer. These arc orientalinbuappearance antd add a brilliant toîîch off celer te 'a-at might be othcî-wisc a somber costuma. These sashes are isot formed or ribhous, but arc off silk, witb hand uruamentatiou. Oua of their1 great charms is the maîvel- eus coiering, otid. antI untîsuai shades being co'ubined. ' T-o Mme. Paquin alone is due the introductfion of this nos city tand the present sboiving, - while cuiphasized uow becausa off tIse nîîîbcr off meti- els cai'rying these sashes, w as ente- dated et heast six months agc e t whicb tuse- Paqunlaunchctithe is a wonderful food-rncdi- cule for ail ages of man- kind. litwill make the delicatc,sickly baby strong and well-wilI gi ve the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks andrich, red blood. It wJ1ll put flesh on the bones of. the tired, over- work-ed, thin man, and wilI keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneurnonia in the winter,- FOR SALE ST ÂLL DSîVtGISTO -' .dIle., am. .£aipaps'e ad tieisad. fer eur 5, utîsl Svia, Sait aCiid's SkateS-Souk. 'lacs bak cuSae, ~Ouet aeR Pas sýco'T'r& SOWNE 126 Waiigtoý stast, Wett Teroitt., Ot Tores and invigorates the wthor. nervous systein, makes new Blood in oid '(oins. cures Nero- ous Debiltg.lvfentat and Bra la Worry, Des- ponde- -y, 'crual Weakness, lcmssions. Sper'- matorrhoea, and JL"ffects o! .dbuse or Excesses. Price$ pcr box, sixfor$5. One willplcase,ic will cure. Sold by' ail druggi5ts or malcd in plain pkg. on recelpt of price. New pamphlet 'mailedfree. The Wood Mcdicine Ce- (formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont '-RADEMARK~S Arn on dfig a ,ltoteb and descrinoe m QýleciY acertancOur oinion. free whether an ine.ntion ia tprobal1ypatentabir. Commoicia. tiu 'itlY eOufdelitial. , _r,01 Patent a , t free. Oidson ancny, for aeeurùi:, patents. Paàtrani, taken throu-gii3, .unu & Co. !eceiye VPf'ecianOtice, withort charge, ln the A handsom IU--lfrtated weekly. Lari'est ci?- coiatko I ayscientin cJournal. iTrmg for .a s 3 ýa eaPüstage prepaid. Sdo by N &CU~1rn~~>*New York j- C. il. NT .et 1-Bo ima it. "19HE farm buildings are often at the mercy of flames. A min ut&'s time gained, at the outbreak of a fire, means saving the propet ty. -A cail -on -the--Bell Telephione--saves -the--preejous minutes. The far-sig'hted fariner appreciates ifs protection as, w-el as ils econoinie value. The best lime tb join the army of- progressive. farmers is -noul. Consuit our local manager. -,~ THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA W11F1EE rVO IMEN IRIFLE. the hecd off the hoeuse. Custonîis varv in differeîit îanks I)ctiou :mud. ILoî'aIty o' a pi'pîusiî offbiffe, burt the general toue off a Moilher. fiamily life is the sanma. Even among tIse peasaîîtîy oua scldoin heurs Fatnily ife -iii Spain cetres qnari'cliiîg et home. Pcrhaps be- s, bel bo ut thenîctiter off tic fatu- I cciie ho temperate, Diegoi is il! , declares Mar'y F. Nixoicu Boulet casier toe iitlîsfis tiin bis Englîsh in "The Spaniarî t tH, ui.-The ci Vuscricati couisin, antI the plain îir oîI f la nîcch i lavv to the ' cli littie w bite waslicd cottages off the dico ; andI it -is "quaclx so te tise uooî-est cenntry homes seenu to father. Îîîeathe a spirit off content. As motiiets, Spaobîli W(tmais are dcx etioîî itscif. Frotti the higbcst _____ to tise lestest, Stseniaî-ds aredcetI- _____ cd te eltildt-en. ]) 0!itou t ehar ui'w wIWiseLr';d offfsping is cqLiaiîcd;, ba- Spcnisb uuniie. tind i Piskes-, Lr'Fltor ii omets, onix by hl icI citv toer~jlilrlhe OinPsiie - lît[sband, Thon' hontIle-liffe istile Footltbetlis ixetikiîig sx cut outs. otsi~f liosg ii ti" ixeîid e tîaîn etîeriedies foc Celds idtILa_ eusl tisci eairc, wtiiiig-siesantere t0s,111 it' spanici-tI cilieuse. (S-rîppeo, "hicx u.suuully broglit me- Th Si> t srik ing tiliig ;be suits, but, ii cure xxas tîiîîsst as tînt- - Sîianýi"s hom fe uiiiii-thifol-ilîleats asethe cilierît. liess. Tiiei'seuivaits iisg ahiuitý tieir wcrk. th- csilîrc iotri-. WEKS BREAK UP A COLD-isa tise ix eifleti talk -gei i, j tiîc meast. îuicr'îîpi'e>-ceriptioil foi' tîtese coin- ci (rv eun,-, icalesant cs eIn, g leit..Itixîistiint lic x hcli teie senrrs t o ati froin tise u l taîkatise <louia et Jury & Loveil, Sole Agents. Thse Stays arc all straight and accîîr- thse horizontal which saga develops ateiY spaced. Horizontal Wires are into broken laterals. absclutely even iÊ leugtb anid tension. Special provision is made In rGsrot pence Thse strain anu usual wear and tear ia for «'? ad a~ h3i. hecsoe egually distributed over all thse wires tht t will flot grow Slack or baggy. St anaeat offaiingon igh wiea s * alw&Ys holdsitt5. t tdy appearance tnrougli. înstad o faliti ontigh wies a in out ail scasons and tander ail conditions. thse case nof fence w liere laterala are not eveniy measu7red and off saine length. WeMleO r wnWr EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewàiî, Aberta Special Train., bave Tor'onto 2.00 p.n. an APRIL 4, 18 - MAY-2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 Second clasn ticket. front Ontario sations taprinacipal Northweit points ai LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg ad etarn $33.00; Edmonton and men $41.00, aSdha- ilier PaoiinProportion. Tîýcts gond ta rtrrir wiria 60 days frein cains date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on a&H excursion,. Cmfa,îlîi Let,,falli' eoippe-d wit, beddji;à, can t mou, de draue ratest, -uui Eariy app1icatfom mnust ha made ASK FOR FOEEigS AMPHLET coaraý,ng 1&-" sand ful)icrma:io". Diii. 'sai. Asi .,Trne ONLY DIRECT UNE NO CHANGIE 0F CARS t 1 L. The Tie or Binding as shown in the picture is diferent froin auy other. Double tilie'-huches off material is used and a -evecml wraps arc madie arour.dth ie stay' and i horizontal iit, resul ting i a Most securýe bieidiiîîg. This typa of ICuot dces away 'wi-th a short kink in

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