NYAL'SSPRNIG'Sý SARSAPARILLA Price, large bottle, 100 full doses $i.oo and wehh 'worth it, 100, I's better to take no medicine at ahi Ihun 10 depend, upon cheap 17o~octonsthat are compounded 10 seil at-a how price aud a big î -;fit ju3I because there is a large demand tor certain remedies at certain seusons of the year. T.here are so-called sarsaparihlas offered to us sel 10 our custo- mers aI 75c a bothe that wouhd pay us a larger profit thun Spring's Sarsaparilla sold at $î.oo. Nyal's-Spring's Sursapurilla purifies the blood, arouses the tor- pid iver, drives out aIl impurilies, cleanses and toutes up the sys- terri, and helps nature îhrow off the dulînees that cornes from the indoor ife of wtiuteýr. It arouses entergy, brîghtens the eye, clears the brain, givecs ightness 10 the movements. Spring's Sarsuparilla ie not the onhy tbing you will, find in Ibis Drug Store. We make a specialty of articles of menit. Rçod'k M. -Mitchell &C. DRUGGISTS. PHOýNE 92 A. (Niglit Cahîs 92 b.) OPTICIANS. BOWMANVILLE. FLOUR 0F QUALITY. F LOU R is a high grade patent un- IMPER-IALsurpas'sed and makes excellent bread. CLIPSEFLOUR makes deliejous -cakes' and ECLIPS'pastry'made from -selected white fal wheat. CY" FLOUR is a choice bread flour made frorn cJIuLhM anitoba wheat. VIT RI LOUJR is a fine beddforepc ially for farnily use made from Ontario and Manitoba wheat. Wec deliver flour in town.or order froni your grocer. Phonte 77. F. G V/X1NSTONE, Bowlnafivhhle. sale at ronjo Mille.A..C4Nc, rpi Set sr 141wl G IjLSXUNIEILTo learo i\eîulhg Apply to D[JRHIeý GLOVE FACTRon, Slow-1 manville. 2tf YOURSHIItES FOR SAIE-Ueady,"to w ýeaul aud young sows in farrow. Prices reas( ýcn. able. T. J. CcLie, Slowmnimle, 12 4 M ONEY TO LOAN-at five, andtivbe and a hail' Apply teR.. R. loSCOmnE, Barrister, Slow- inanville 32-tf F 'ISALE 1i ureB o Biuggy, 1 Phaet- T S op Bugy 1 Cutter, 2ý Set silarness- "eJ.P. Applyt I.,nr'\l C Jwlr I13tf -GGS FOR l-JAFUIIN liý-Eggs f ri' prize w . r- iug Blaelç Minioreas. Go, d1 i yiî-; strain. luApply te ILElifERT' IFcin IlorseY-st., Bowmanxlle. 14-3w BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOLNG E-TFY ÏfSiG WBS Express S.44 a. iu. [:Exprees 4.22 a. !lu Express 10.18j, .cl 7.435I Passenger 33 .m Passeuger 1.48 p. in. Local, 6.49 , :Passenger 759 Mail 9.58 Daily. BOW1VANVILLE, APR, -6, 1911, So cial auJd Personal.- Miss L la Binmore spent the week-end qi mntis olti. Wil niti iglîlfoi' qi-k sale.- ARTHUR . ANiMae T. H. Knigbt wuutS 20,000 dozen eggs gurst Farne , Tyrono. 11213 this month and will puy cash for thes. ilORSE BLANICET LOST- Goiîg houle frons; MissE dnu Oshorne is vîsîtîng Mas. Venstoues Mill, Wedue,îtey Maici 29. Crugo ut Maple Cliff, South Darlinigton. Finiter please leax e t Vaîîstone's Mill. P. PîCUEce, Dci iingtoii 14-1w -Mrs. W. A. Isaac, and daughter, Zion, 1-have gone 10 Valego, Alta., 10, make their FO R SALE -New MýcLallii open buggy, home. cîîvercd phaelon, seceîîd-lîaîîticookiiig range, i au-nmoer. Atlt 1 oso(iScieaip. Apply to Mr. and Mas, Charhie Moase and chihd, R. J. MALLORY, Scuog-st, Bcwianville. 14-3,v Mariposâ, receutly visited Mas. J. F. GGS FOR HYATCUNG-Eggs f coiRo<ieconshOsborne. E White Wyandotes froÈstrong iealthy Re..A.Nn, ecoofS.Jhs Leýwis J0110W, Kin-t EastBoianiie o6preached lu St. George's church ,Oshawa ou Murch 29. fl OUSETO RENT brkhouse, cerner Egi Men's Suite muade 10 order andi satistue- antiConesson tretsBcxciaiile, con aiig8cr( usi, s-cticlilgit, Ijrnace , li0n guarauteefi ut Couch, Johnstou & ant ohe cnvnincs.Appiy te M 14--ule.Crydermun's. lisz 6, Bwiunxilc.Phoje 2. 1f Mr. and Mas Albert Crago moved 10 A EOPLNESBos cnsîuctngAercpanes their new home last Tuesday. Soray to reap leaur anti profit. Tools, equipmectit ose sncb goo iies andt ypeýwrilten instructions 50compiflete -odciies :Seid te MýisenIAs ý,i 51HpBBY Co., 353 Qucen-sI., Faiends presentefi Mr. and J. L. Parsons, East, Toeulo, Ont. 1'l-3' Almionde, witb a beautiful rockiug chair wIEMNOR WOMAN WANTFD-For w.ok prior te their departure for Darlington. L ethom tpayng$2.00 or $3.00 per weck witi Mr. H. G. Hammond, Toronto, Provin- opprtuityo tlvac-.Spreqtije eau b cial Secaetaay of the Boy Scout Move- se.Wrknutl difcnt aSrucsneex' peneuc. CsSONLiuitdSpaduîa Ave., To- ment in Canada, wilhl address a meeting in route -115 t he Counicil Room Monday, Apail itîl, aI ----- -- -- ------------------------ 8 p. ns. on Ibis popular movyemeut. A l 0115SE AND1 LOT FOR SALE OR TO REN - interested are requestefi 10 be prescrnt. HA frn%,ie hose of 7 coonis, kitcien ani Sweod slied-;1-1--al gocti cepair, gooti gardciî en Mas. L. T. Marceau of Napierville,?b -o~ffacesilattionKiig-l E Iîmeiilebeller knowu in Bowmaniville as Mise 29,»wmuil, ,or 10 MN. A. Jamies. 11t Eleunor Stuat a former memiber et the Union School teacbing staff, is guest of BRICCK110L'SE TO RENT-A brick bouse on Mas. M. A. James, Lorue Villa.' Mas. Riing-st., BoNianiile, containing ten roîîîîs, Marceau bas spent six months et Wain- delevin ligit, phene ae andi a gol ste-A lle, et preseýnt ),ccuipieti hy Mi-.,,Johni Foster. Wright, AlIa., and is quite entbusiusfý; Cau givepesealî May 1. Apply to Wm. Tou- over the prospects un tiOut province for: DICL5 et M.1A.Jaune , Jamies Bloc1k, Bowma,,nville. farming. . ........------- ....... .. 14-tf.... Oshawa Y M C A bias got sometbing lORSES FOR SýALE.,-Oîî aon carrnage exceedingly good inl the Ininstrel lice thal herse, 10 yars1dt, PerfecLlly quiet; eue the manugement wanî Bowmanville ciii- colt, 4 yer,-11l brokeis; eue hackney zens 10 see. They guarautee a splendid illy iing three, b oke w uepilny, pcrfectly enset and reliaSSi, f- es xcbiiîc.Al show lu Opera House, Wednesday, April t,1,c,4lie Iîat i,,[idty priexa. li auJillepect 19, Hollv Shepard ot Chicago, "the man 1 humi. Hý . E. TsTER, lot 10, con 2, Da lington s ilsrls -s nthe job and IuuaiilP..d whn makes iftes so ____________________________-promises eomething doiug every minute. ý0us Prpert- F0r S le. Pleasore andfu tn golore awaîts ail. Dont ~ous Prpery Fr Sle. mise Ibis positive classy minstrel show. Geo. J_. Roc e offers for sale lis <eirable pro. Holly Shephard always pute ou a gond «.. ouChurch-st. Tis ix eatw- slrey, six0 Show. i-oeMeti, brick hmuse, gooti celar, furncand M.rehr .eutlocso f M.P .ý1ectiic Jiglît, ail in Ai conition. Tlhe lot is M.Aîu .Teiccç o fM.P ocenîre or lyss, oiiAuhich ar 5 ilu 4 apple4 C. Trebilcock of thîs town, who bas ch1 y 1 pear euii-1 peach tree. esti. ther charge of the stock and financial news puanvYrJ.ie 123lýi,,I TR W- ,B pages of tbe Toronto Wonid made a trip s ______________________10the greut Porcupîne mnn camip re- ~ .~4'r Sal. ~ByTende. cestly in the interesî of the ab)ove ppr lu writing 10 a friend in tnwn fros KÈ- 1.",sci-es (suese os less) knlown as the , ilhaiu George Hote], South Percuplineý, Oil.. Se.- t Ferre, heing parts of lots 9, iit 10, con 5, Mnr. 281he says: "Ans up,) here lui aitlie rke. Tic farni ix wcll atopteti for itî lr tacoecncu1proclore ixini growiig or dairy perposes, there b-li abu 0arsofexelitpsture land witîs i boots, etc., 10 sece a real miini J4ïýamlp. -MY gbout 10prins of we clenpieuit. There is al-so views 10 date have been -rýes, snow andi lî.-Irce acres of bush. On tic promniseýS are goo(l log buts. Took los frosl 8 a. ns. te 4 P. m. 4ane house andtibhaves witi ,toue stable. Weil 10 gel faonI UsOt I('Iii, b sag .a t house antibhen. Tic tarin is wcîî locateî elo Prupnebystg ,xitita il, miles of C.N.O. n'y station et Stark- :27 miles. Weý1aîher la filue bomitiy piHlo ille. Rural mail]uelisery. ploughing ?055es. was trozen last ngtbeahjst froze us abter bars est. As Mfrs. Scoti las secde itieti- me. Tbree dIoule blankects didn'î Tenrs c ýi11 bhoce-ire5 dfer tahane np t,1 Mine Ibis p.ins. and vaclouis others 10- er et ecssail acepes1 Aitiexi'Trtlr"for you 1if ycu wire a imillion gùr îwo 10 trooS.O ", J lItIo. ý me, kulsomiuing andi graiuiîîg write or caîl on John G. Rowe, Bowmauville. Work doue prompîly. ,12tf. Mr. W.' Caldwell bas installed a new boise ciipping machine and is prepured 10 do work promptly and etistuctoaily. Prîces reasonable. Buggies-McLaughlin & Gay-Eight1 different styles. Call early and muke your choice before delivery t0 customers. F. H. Mason & Son. Wby humn your mouey faster than le necessary'? You will not if youi use L ehigli Valley coul. Sold only by E. W. Loscombe. Phone 177. The annual meeting of the Darlington Football League will be beld ut the Tes- perauce Hotel, Hampton, Satuaday even- ing, Apail 8tb ut 8 o'clock. - M4r. Geo. Brown and tamily bave movefi 10 Toronto. Mr. John Palmer bac arented bis bouse opposite the Town Hall and wil continue the boa rding bouse. Hie Worship Mayor Mulhollanfi andi Mcc. Moîhollaufi, Port Hope, have re- Iurned taons their moutb's sojounn t Washington aind Atlantic City. Mr. and Mas. Chas. H. Andeason and Lsons, Misses Stella and Inez Mason, Iown, and Mise Anderson, London, speut Suuday A\Mr. Geo. Staplcton's, Newtonville. \ 'as. F. A. Haddy and Miss Lena Haddy enjiertaiued the young ladies et the Cen- 1 1, à Millinery Friday eveniug ut "Rus- bLolme." Ail had a very pleasant lime. Mccs. rank Soocbis offeriug ber, lovely C. N. R. constructioiz bas been resumed near Brooklu. Hot X Bons for Good Friday at Tod's. Leave your order. Mr. Bertrand speul a few days at bis home at Marmora. Mr. A. W. Wilson, Lifford, recently visited friends here. .Mr. Thos. P.* Bowden, Oshawa, visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Hall, Hamilton, bias been visitiug triends lu town. Bowmanvijle District Sehool Institute ut Newcastle April 12th. Have you seen Photo Studio windo w since Mr. Robsoti came? Messrs. John and Wihbert Dudley visited Coîborne friends recently. Four obituary notices of Clarke resi- dents uppearou muner pages. Miss Editb Scott, Brooklin, is visitiug friends at Batîle Creek, Mîch. Mr. Allan Butler, Whitby, bas gone mbt tinsmith business at Hamilton. Port Hope is 10 be divisional point of Seymour Light and Power Co. Councilor C. Rebder was in Detroit and other western cities ast week. Orange Day at T. H. Knight's-again on Satnrday--large size for eating. Mr. T. H. Glendenning, and wîte Brock, ceebrated their golden wedding. -Mr- Wm.--Mu-hhgan,- Lindsay, visited friends in Darington and Clarke. Keast sale in Pickering* sheep sold for $60 a pair and milcb cows up_10 $80. Attend Maple Grove entertaiument Tbursday April 13. See Grove news. Mr. Elmer Elliott, Brighton, spent Sun- day with bis father Principal J. Ehlloît. If you want your borses clippedgo to Cahdwéll's Livery and bave a first class job' 1Make an appointment with John Rowe for your papering or painting before the rush. Mrs. Geo. P. Freelund and daughter, Toronto, are vîsiting her fat.eî- Chief Rd. Jarvis. We were' pleased to see Dr. W. E. Tilley down town Monïday ater bis receut accident. You shouhd eat Oranges for a Spring tonîc und buy thes on Saturduy ut T. H. Kuight's. Mrs jus Deymnauwill flot receive Friday owing 10 aterutious being made 10 tbe residence. Miss AIma M. James, St. Thomas, is visiting ber cousin Miss Wrnnîfred Power, Durlington. Lewis Jolhow advertises eggs for butcb- ing trons bis prime Rose - Comb White Wyandottes. 1Mrs. J. A. Joboston, Queen-st., enjoyed a very peasaut visit frons ber cousin, Mrs. E. A. Ward, Cobourg, hast week. Lehigh coul je harder, hasts longer and contains more heut than other coul. Sohd only by Ez. W. Loscombe, phone 177. Patrick O'Gr-ad, Autdley, dropped deud On Pickerinig street Tuesd1ay wvhile talking 10 a friend(.liJe was -5 ye-,rs t ge Mis Eiz MKu, latt of Indiau l Badi, Sask., visited aut Mrs D Galfbrith'!'s, Queen- etrecenithy. She will residie i luWbiby. Mr. tmiii.GisI clainis tQ have th-e be Jersey cow in t!ie couuty. He obtains io lbs, of butter a week fios the one cow. Are you one of the bO,000 users of the old reliabLe Dominion Pianos and Orguns? Cali anti cee jus. Deymun if you ure not?i Oranges are very %wbolesome fruit-eut1 treehy of theni every m orning. Buy ut T. H. Knight's- on Suturduy--O:runge Day. Couch, Johnston & Crydermun are show- ing un elegant lot of new Spring Couasund Ladies' Suite, al rnadeup lu the vtiry lut- est styles. leaside home on King-sI. East for cale. Ahi who join Bowmauville Hortîcul- Prîce mufle very low for quick sale. luI- total Society could net inveet $i 10 bettea quire of M. A. Jases or owner. See afivt. advautage. Beautiful plante andi shauba The annual meeting of the Bowling in Spaing, beet bulbs in Fahl, andi a year's Club will be beld in the Club House on utbscription 10 "'Canadian horticultoniet",' ThursdayApril Il th ut 8 p. ms. Every mens- un excellent flower and fruit nsugazîne. ber requested te, be present. L. A. W. Don't delay, but baud lu your subecription TOLE, Precident. te Chiet Jarvis ut once. Rev. Richard Dîîke, Cluremont, eue of Brandon Sun givés a iengthy report of heex-Presideuts oftIhe Conterence, an enteriaiumeut iu the Firet Methodisî preuached inb Port Perry Methodiet cburch Church in that city in wbhicb compliment- Sabbuth. Rev. R. H. Leitcb preached for ary reference is nmade te a chusef girls ehe W. M. S. ut Clu1remont. us followe: "The boop drill by twelve hitle girls was a pretty opeung piece andi Çolborue villuge ie bavîng ils deluge et showed ranch patient effort and original- sýsaions eurely. Mouduy meruing Wm. ity on the part oet their instructress, Miss ley, butcher, 5o yeurs et age, wae founfiMyeE hw t omuilOt çlead lu bis sbop. He leuves a wife andi This younýg lady neot only raied the bhren chilfiren. Cause et deatb is not chilfiren in their drille butalaso designefi known. the movemenits, mnarchesad exerc:ises, Farmere reqoirinz wime fence seemWm. which wece pleuing te wtch. The came Foley ut bhe Parlor Shoe Store, Bo wmran- twelve girls gave a god number enlitlefi ville. He carnies the Ameaicun, Ellwood, 'Thie OldiFoîke." For this they were Banwell-Hoxie and Fumons LElectric were train efi by Mýise Frna Moore, ubly Weld Fences for fieldi, garden, pouîta1 y ascsled by Miss Kirk and Miesý Shaw." andi lawn. Ahi sty les a-,ud picee rigbt, j - Miss Shauw'eny friec'ds bere w rill be f4 - Neiased tolhur t-bat she expects ta come Liveay showed ns ýan tegg hast week maeus- nriug 115ý4xç9 inches a ýnf weighing ii oz,- which hle cainseis a býeu's egg. As Bn a. Me iýlbuoru BicicOe ri1bbcCtrlal mene ot hai hesstrtnet b bouh u Il ' C hil.r e n.C ry' îo>-wui we wiIl excuse isi for neot kn9wýing FOR FLETCIIER'S the difference btweUna-gose egI1 anÀila heui's egg. C A S T-R- Every page is a, local page. 1 Room moulding at P. C. Trebilcock's. Roofing-all kinds F. H. Mason & Son. 1 Good morning? Do you use Loscombe Coal? Buy crockery at Archie Tait's whlle the big sale is on. j-"Loqcombe-Coal", -is- Leh lh- Valley Coal-nuf sed. Take your eggs to T. H-. Knight and get cash for them. Leave your ordei for Hot X Buns for Good Friday at Tod's., Get your horses clipped at Caldwells Livery. Prices reasonahie. t Black Minorca eggs for sale frons good laying strain. See advt. T. H. Iknight wants your eggs--you want bis cash. Let us deal. R. Tweedie, Whitevale, sold two Ayr- shire cows for over $8o each, A shipmentof Easter Lily Plants just received at Tod's. See themr. Mrs. Findley and Miss Dodds, two Port Hope School teachers, are ïll. New wall paper and window shades or shade cloth, at P. C. Trebîlcock's, Eggs Wanted-20,ooo doz. Highest price in cash paid by T. H. Knight. Order aIl your funeral designs, or eut flowers from, S. J. Jacknian. Phone 80. Very special values in Black and Col- ored Silks at Couch, Johnston -& Cryder- man 's. Large juicy Oranges,, luscious, for eat- ing. . Orange Day at T. H. Knight's next Saturday. Girls wa'hted at once, good wages and' steady work. Apply Godyear Tire & Rubber Co., Spring housecleaning is on. That means new wall paper. Specialpricesand. patterns at P. C. Trebilcocks. I ,f you are thinking of going to Sask- atchewan write H. R. Sanders, Saskatoon, who is aý Durhams Old Boy. If you need anything iu glassware, crockery or china now is the time* to buy, atA il, Tait's ciearinig sale.( Dreas Goand Siinig,, s l hnee shades ani weav;es at Couich, j olnstoil & Try a ton)! of Lehiighý coal antd you w.iýL e o otr. Order froni E. W.L(3- comýbe, phone 177. Davenport beds, lotingers, .kitclien cab.- inets, cream separators, at rc'as0n.abIc pics. F. H. Mason & Son. Special books frons leadling wall paper factories from wbîch youi cani select ex- clusive high class papers are at P. C. Tre- Spring 1911. Fresh seeds just iu and for sale. Ahl purchases iu seeds except corn 10 per cent discount until 15th day of ApriI at Peter Mnrdoc-h's. During the past two weeks Couch, John- ston & CrydermadÇhave opeued out scores of cases of new Spring Gonds and are now showing a great variety in ail departments. Are you going to England this sommer? Boats begin running frons Montreal first week of May. Better consult M. A. james early about tickets., Boats are fast filling up. VTe would emphasize the fact that the BULK .f our Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits are NEW, made for this season's trade. No better goods and no better value any- where. Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman. People who consuht their moods or their preference or their ease neyer make a great success in lite. It is the man who gets a firm grip on himself and forces hiimselt to do the thing that wilh ultimate- ly bc best for bim, who succeeds. Pupils and teachers of rural schools will be ghad that Ontario Legislature' adopted son ameudment 10 Public-Scbool Act mak- ing a unitorm school term for rural, town and city schools, giving the former the last two weeks iu August as additional holidays. AIl schoohs will open on Sep- teruber lI. Governor Reid, "Ferry View," Cobourg, graduated five of bis students and this week eight more passed through the samne pleasing ceremony. Exceptthere is an influx, there will only be eight at the Counties' jail. For over a month previous to last week, the number was from 2o0t 23. of the late Thomas bligarti, ageti 72 yeaIrs. Innis-Acoidlently killed at OShawia, Apîili, Alice, daughter of Rev. H. T. Lewis, ageti 4 years B~î IO luOshxi , pr.ill1, inlfilnt dalghter, of Air. J. C. atnt the lateMIS. Britton, ageti 26 days. JA3111ÏSON -11 luOno, IMarch 2,5, AMargaret White reriot of the late James Jaiieson, aged 58 Mlon iiOrono, rMardi 28, Ilanuah Curtis, iv iet of the late Rodierick McLeoti, iii her C7th yea r. Daî r u'oronto, at liii mthers houle, 6 , Sy "nAe, Thomas John, son of Mrs. Aune) SUNissoirAt Urýiea, 17. Y., Mai-eh 30, in her73th year, Brîigen (ex anaugh, reliet of the late James SinIIott, Port Hlope.. MCQUIDE lu caîtu right, lot 92 "ne. 2, March 28, Letitia Mcee, idow oýf lie late RobeTt -MQaein lie, 81st year. lin-aieSudtieIlY et, Ellington Apartments, 301 Gerr-T.,oronto', April f, Rex-. W. J. Hlun. ter M N. A., D. D., Ph. D., ageti 77 years. Iztrcxd'Ani AtLemiîgîoî,Ont.,Mardi 29, William flepinstail, bei,,îed wife of SArah Causp bell, forirerly of Brookliia North Darlingtonp boy ,. I BRTTINAt 455 Oakenwald Ave., Chlicago, April -t Mary Emjua, eIder daughter of Sir. ,niMs Benjamin lirittain, lu her 251h year. Interreti at Bown janvilIle, Tuesday, Su tFle 11Darlington, April 4thi, Anmi Smiale, da,,ughter of the late Richard Smal-te, ageti 80 Tuerai froin the residence of Mus. Tiomias -oiF ridiay April 7îl ar 2"p m. E "Lest We For get" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer anti Dealer iu Monuments, Tablets, Markcrs, etc., in Granite anti Manile. Bowmaiwille, -ontai'io. [FNERAL DIRETOR Most Corelete Equipreent i Sýuntiayandinigit calîs Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPT'ON1 p - -- - GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis suqd Solicitors. Notarjes Public. A. K. COODMAN, D. C. CALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto. Ontario. D .J, C. DEVITT, Gralaeof Royal Dentl dCllege, Toronto. IOFFICE:- epeac St. Bowmnanville, I finu toff ing St.) j OFFCE HOES: a. m. t e.6 P. in. daily Record-Breaking -NOTE-Anyone wbo would liketo pro- cure the series of articles concerning reci- procity wbich have appeared lu Ibis paper sbould send bis naime and address 10 the chief edîtor of The Ganadian Gentury M aznMonîreul, Que., and a pamph- let contaînîing Ihese articlsad te vahuable information will be maîhed free rof change. THlE BURNINO QUESTION? YOU N1ED COAL,' and may as well have the BESI, that îs SCRANTON; no doubt about il. We have already received several cars of Fresh Mined coul, higbt and dlean; aud to those of our customers wbo are lu the habit of huying in Ibeir coul eàrly, and those wbo wisb 10 fors Ibtis excellent habit and are prepared 10 tuke their supply NOW, we make Ibis proposition: We will fill your bins, or put iu sucb- quantities as you tbînk you will require, witb fresb dlean coul, uuy size Fou wisb, and guarantee you the lowest sommer price if puid for during Jue or July. The sommer rates will likely be made about the firet of June and wihh be bused upon the quuntity of coul we are able 10 secure ut the hower rates prevailing dur- ing Api-il 10 May. ,1 This proposition shouhd commend itself 10 everyone using coul us il gives absolute protection in the malter of price, und avoida the rush and worry of placing, the coul when the weuther is cohd and other conditions for delivery are n us favor- able, McClellan & Co, Limited, Aprih 3, 1911. Bowmuuvîlhe. Notices of Birflis, 25 cents; Marrîages 50 cents; et* s 50 cents, cac iinsertion. Wheufn.f..seracrdsare prinited ait titis office. insertion free. BIRTHS Mr -yA t Port Hlope, April 1, to Mr. anti Mcx. iî Merry, nson. HAes--IWiitby, Macc 17, to Mr. anti Mrs. Chs aria son. T- Derlinglon, Merci 4 to Mr. anti Mra.E aiasî. ~'~ivro InNewcscl, Mrci17, 10 '01. ani MVjAPRJAGES Bîcoc~.-Eanc 011OnM-1 ci, aIleaci;0 DEATHSI 11EST At Poilt Hope, -Ipril 4, Ainos BexI," ageti 76 years. FOSTRc In Oroino, April 5, Wrigitsoi cr i'seagoti 61 yearsý. Pr xcoc1 At PortI Hope, A--pril 1t, John W eaock, age(i 87 ycar-s. GIv INO UP SALE (DF HAS AND C Neediîîg the roous for. other goods, 'Ie have clear our entire stock of hats aud caps at sacrif fi for quick sale. Any ilat in the store reg. $2.50, $2.25 anid $2, sl 61 6LO .5 and 1.00 66 66 6650 Meîî's Caps -eg. 75o foi- 50c. Re,-, 50e for 35c and 35e foir 19c, This inelndes -al of our New S aud Caps. V c - showii,« tItis week the fluest assortr clase Dress Goodsanad Dress Silks, îve bave ever st thes -Elegant and up-to-date trimimings to match. Ilt fi decided t ce prices pce $1,50 " 1.25 44 1.00 66 75 50 4 38 s. eg. 25c îpring Hats-f ment of highI iown -See Ladies' New Spring Suits, Coats and Skirts- Northway Make; NewY Waists in Silk, Muslin, Nett and \Vash Materials: New, White WQar-Skirts, Night Robes, Corset Covers and Drawers; New Dress Muslins, Cotton Voils, Marquisettes, Zephyrs, Poplins, Vestings, Prints and Gingharns; New Flouncings, Corset Cover Embroideries, Ernbroi- dery Edgings Insertions and Allover Embroideries and Laces. And a full assortment of ail Staple Dry Goods. iWGrocers' Due Bis Taken SW.Mason&Sn Neéxt d oor to Stanîdard Bank, Bowina-uville, I If lii, ~~ j Il ni OSHAWA Y. M. 'C. A. MINSTRELS ARE COMING TO OPERA, HOUSE,' BOWMANVILLE, ON Wednesday, Apr.'. 19 The Finest Minstrel Production seen in these Parts. of China aind Crockery1ý oIu1; se1Iing-out salel of China, Crockery and Glassware has been -a record-breaker for big sales, genuinebargains and real satis- faction to our many customers. Our stock in this depart- ment has been reduced from $3000- to $1200, and aithougli somewhat depleted the assortment i the various Unes for the most part are:ýsti1l complete. Tew fo)llwiing is just a few of the money-saving bargains being will bcecearing at ......... ...1............... $9.50 to $4. 75 4-dozen common larnps, reg 75e to 40e for -..... 50c to 25e each Jardineres have be.' reduced consid era bly and there are stili some good bargains at, ......................... $2.80to 25e each. You had better hurry if you u ant to get a toilet set at cost pric es, -We just have a few left rangîng from $5.75 to $2.00. WVe have't much limoges china left but the balance of the plates-, cnps, saucers, etc., are going at big reductions. Three tables filled with ofdhues in china and glasswvare too mimer- ous to mention. Corne in and pick out wbhat you wanit. Ilemember it ail goes at about cost.prices. 15-44-piece china tea sets with green and pink decorations, reg. $5 for................................................... $3.00 1-96-piece dinner set of limoges china, reg $25 for ... $l6.0O 8-only dinner sets left, ranging from $20 to $10.75, now clear- ing at ....................... -..................$15 ýto $8.50 Glass Tumblers, large size, reg. $1 per doz. for...O8c; medâi, reg. '90c for......70e small, reg. 80c for.......... 60u. Balance of Parlor Stand Lamps, very pretty designs and trimmings, reg $6 to $2 for .................. ...... ...... $4J5 to $ 1.40 S-llanging larps left, regular $12. to $6, while they last they; Our stock of Oroceries is 'Me best, tcleauest and freshest and our prices are ri,ght. Brin npyur farm prodmcc. We arc stili paying bighe st prices 'iu cash or trade. The PojpsuIar G cr ~mnie ýý 1 jk, er-, and -l'orol 0. 1 For Fr -r 1