~ff~7 I INEWCA STLE.1 ING AND SPOPL- ifas -No IlauknLering After Repîita-1 tion of Be(inýg a Sporting Man. iA\tlioiigliKing George initends to bestow his foiri ecuagmn icn h social aspect of thie Turf, it is anepnsct at the, Court that he does not mean to elevate ther sport of horse-racing te a supremie place Iin lis persorial in- terests. King George is a firm be- liever in physical recreations for the nation at large. Hie desires to make it clear that,ý so far as lie is concerned, personal effort in re- creation deserves a higlier place in the estimation of the people than mere attendance at spectacular sports. Hie is very prend-and [does flot hesitate to say-se to lis in- timates-of th.et itie of "sports- man," but le lias no hankering af- ter the reputation of being a "sporting mani." Whle, there- fore, 'e will go down to Epsom for the summer meeting, and driv e froîn Windsorto Ascot in tradition- ai state, King George intends to' giv e every special encouragement to, other forms el sport as oppor- 1 r v n 1, E RAGING HAAH STOPPEDAT ONCE SHÂr~YO~r.,Se-pt.23rd, 1910. 'lYou certainly have the Gi-eatest discovered Headache Cure in the world. Before "Fruit-a-tives" came before the pbic, I suffered tortures f ran Head- aches caused by Stoinach Disorders. "One of your travellers called on nie when I had one of -y raging head- aches and had my head anmost raw f rom external applications. "I hated to see auy 'persan comiË.g into the store (much less a commercial traveller) and I told hi very curtiy that I had a headache but he insisted an my tryiug "Fruit-'a-tives". .-af 4cr>estrouc1ei ana can un' - - tl ar býas ose a 2-11-cutf j ne don fiteke'1and he wa ivon ïJJT1&iitabJUt T 1he Bes ý ive TLieatohc il ii]ýr eu o in, aILo&xe. 1). J. Gaba t i in fami Ii , have,,Io ch PTh,4fle.. etune foma ntr' sjoruAlta., writes: -1T isd Baby' s Own th(lmns xe nugnei becomnes a rcgoenbrown.We -roi a~ wi ý .ý) sl frm aby Who was con- th <IIi <rinfrr tw ioiv n u E hereby affir.m and declare that Cream of the West Flour is a supcrior bread iloi, s' (. and place In kettie wîtlisuffiCient water, sýeason te îtaste and Cook until tedr. Tien remove tlie meaýt, dredge wi-th flurad Fry a delicate brown in pani witili mal quanitity of butter or lard;- tIenr add ,some of tliec brotli ,enugIi te makeo graýv, anid let simmIjer a fe-wmn IuIteS. This m-akes an o)Il vd owl a moust equal to a fried sprin cîk- en:- Ginger Bread.-Half cup sugar, ene cup New,, Orleans sugar, one- hlaîf cup butter, one teaspeen each of ceinnameni, and ginger ' one-hall teaspeon of cioves, tiw- teaspqeons soda in one cun of boiling water, tw o and one-haîfcups of fleur; add two well beaten eggs the last tliing before baking. Lard inay be used instead of butter if one teaspoon et sait is added. Raisin Ice Crean.-Two cups best seeded raisins, flneiv greund; two cups sugar; four eggs; ene pint cream; fiv- ie net-s fresh mnilk; one teaspoonful of pineapple flavorîTlg. Beat eggs well anti add sugar and beat again; add cream andi beat again.' Thin raisins with milk andi the .ýS e 1E