h ___________________________________________________________________________________ M inve 'r in goodf 1arm-f you a prvopo)Sitionwot considerationi. LOW RATES FOR EASTER VaGrand Trunk Ra-ilwvay System. Re- turn tickets at single fare (withinimu chiarge Of 25 cns betweenal stations3 in Canadia, also to Niagara Falls anid Buffalo, N.Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Good going April 13, 14, 15, i6, 17. Re- tu.r'1 limýit Wednesday, April i9thi, 1911. ýFuli particulars and tickets from any- Granid Trunk Agents, or address A. E. Dutff, Disýtrict Passenger Agent, Toronto, DARLINGTON Mr. J L. Parsons and faiy, Pickering, have, mIovýed to "ariw farm whichi he recently purchiased fromi Mr. R. W,.-Lang- maid and Mr. A. F. Crag-o and family, B3owmranville, have m noved to the, Samutel Everson farm. We welcome the new residenits ýtu our: community and our homes ...The auction sales of Mr. R. Courtice and Mr. H. T. Power were well attended. Mr. Power is leaving the Puley farm .. Mr. C. Wilmott has bought a" horse in Toronto. --Mr. Wm. Allîson, station master, will retire from active' duty this Y MONTHS 25 CENTS THEBOWANVLLENEWs will be sent to a new suberiber t n M.o. in Canada or Great Britain from date of order to jan. 1, P12 for 25 cents. mativille and other Durham County niew, e tvery week, thian any other paper. Send alorders to OSHAWA Mr Seda may livein Trno Oshawa new,ýs on inside page, also. Presbyterian Guild', had an Irish nighit. Hositl ace t opea 1house Ma1,r. 17. Bowling Association AnnýiaI March 14. Oshawa news was crowded ont last week. M4f. F. M.L Chapman, Pickering, visited hier sister here recently. Oshawa papers ind The Jamiesý Papers fertile fields for home newçs. Sarsaparil la Ivestig-ate the melit' national Deerin Df th Intr- iped rom h@iron Gooa Friday night jtev, C.U. J jnoso Wslaïe: T 1D Hath; mras. '. Le , n U atteUL 1JngU CIcros t tOULyOree- he e ted, c' Ln- ogr, re. iAreI ateme.ngtoArosithsiteenshe sinleand double breastdct ~f the Inter- coal ers hppe r o @r mins. L- wl etr n"om epeo hmPascoe; Clxap, Miss Gertrude P.ascoe;Costnmbled and fel on the car track on Sim- styles w ith al the sty le and tailor- Implements. tains corha harde, an tsherancoon YuAeOe" Amsin2 et.Donald Yellowlees; A. Con. Miss Foie - -- --,------- Hood's- Ç