IRESERMON BüF'THE GLOOK Its Tick, Took, Tick Took, Teaches a Lesson, to Everybody Tick, tbeý i..iik, teck, stream cof jcy that flews -through the This ie the sermon cf the dlock. universe, through the sun an.d sand, and through littiechldren and the Once, there was a very nnhappy blessed dead. nan. -The cause cf bis unhappines fnakes ne matter. It is neyer cf any Tick teck, tick teck, use te ask why one is miserable; -ao-ages arehappier than kings. the point is, how can lie escape his said the dlock. ,gleom and beceme happy lalu is dumb wretchedness he sat dexxn one Yes, yes, continued the clock, dayand stared at the dlock. If yeu bappiness is the peculiar juice cf will 1ook at anyahiing sympatheti- the isnes s cf things, and net cf the .céally enengli and let your seul lis-loughtness. And then, look. at me! ten yen will hear some cf the sec-1 What am I deing l Why, ticking, cf rets cf nature. The way te learn i course. It is my business te tick. nothing is te taik, and read, and Now, I have te 'make four' ticks a ,gabble, and do se cintinually. Be second, or 240 licks a mini#è, or stili and things will speak te yen. 14,440 an heur, or 345,,600 a day, and te think cf a week makes my Tick teck, tick teck, head reel; and a year amounts te Listen te wisdom, said the dlock. millions and trillions where num- bers cease te have any meaning and Furthermere, the dlock said: are just trilîs. ýYou are'a fool. This-is always the If I1ixere a fool man I shouid lie ý-llrst thing a human bcing ought toeveerlastingly counting up how mucli 'grasp. Wisdoin abides in the things [1 had te -de in a week or a year, thiat are; folly and wee abide in the and 1 eheuld simpiy give one tre- tbings that eught te be and the mendous whizz with my wvorks and tings that migbt have been. ilence quit in despair. Being a sensible only men are wicked and nnhappy. dlock, however, 1 remember that Clocks ,trees, rabbits, and fishes while I have several trillion tieks te take the wer]d as il is; mon are do per year, and do just as many always trying te change it and seconds te, do thein in, and do not wîvshing it had been differeat. That have te work per year at ah I is why flowers smiic an 1 women makê one tick at a time, neyer both- weep. er about those I made or am te make, andeverything goe off nice- Tick teck, tickteck, ly. -Wat do yen think cf that?' said the dlock. Tick teck, tîck teck, Fer every tick there's a Noxv, said liappiness abides somewherc hid- the dlock. den in what is. Tfhe trouble with yen humans is'that yen are ever And yen people are'just-as hap- eeekirig for it in what is net. 0f py and content as we dlocks, if you -course, ycu catinot find it; for, in only knew it. the first place, it isn't the re; and, OT'VRBD SHPY in the second place, if il were thereMSI VRYOY SIAPY yen couldn't get it because there's1 Our unapie s j borrewed, ne: sucli place. borrewed from thepast in shape of remerseoOr regret, and for the f u- GOD IS, 0F COURSE. ture in the shape cf apprehensien. Heie j happy. I t's only the kind The present is always toierable., ,of God that is net that je angry and Yen drag np frcm the pit cf the vengefuniand anxiuuste make peo-1 past yonr sins and felliesý and mis- pie sufer. takes, and load themn on the peer Allhi unvese s et orjoy." Theý little now, and wh.en you are net Ayis l ie nerse i e oreaidoing that yen a.<e reaching for-ý skyjglead, and thbittlestgfreai ward te the futuie and imagining ligve a i day and igefrsfun, for thinge desagrecable thal are geing even a piece cf wood je glad it's t hb nack d oriit new. nth apjieýe of wcod, and mil k and bread Aacofpr ite'nw and lioniey and fire are ail quite net malter cf facl, the pasl je -'i'orta , bdies yours. It's Ged's. It belongs 'üîýrtUlcbodes.te the universe. Il lias been dis- T.i-<k eck tic tek, olved mbt the elernilies, as a drop T-iýk- ock tic tokcf water je icet un the sca. It je lie- This world je a pretty goed world, yend your control. Let it ge. Al said he cbcz.yen need take from il je a litIle People have -cither tee mnch wis.dem te. help yen te use yonr -rainser tee littie. If yeu consider new. And the future is net yours. the idiots yen find them usuaily Your cat aloGds.isbas at mcrry. They langh aI nethiug aI or er has its seases. eeas c -ali and play witli their fingers, as a itsesn. G erio f kîttens play wth theur lails. And mon come and go as the heurs upen the ifyouconider the sage yen my face. Exerythiug has its mo- fhn hifm aleconpsbcus iehcment.- Yen have yeurs. It is- ýfndhi. ls 1pp, ecus h hasNOW t cemne close te the heurt cf what je, Fer*every crealure except man,, wliucb s that thing we cali truth; heaven je Ncw. and se lie dees net fret any more, fer he je drinking aI the hidden DB. FRANK CRANE. Littie Jot looked np inquiringly. OlRs lbwwee on -ehi moneesnd A PARTY OF TWO. '"d yen ever got te a Sap-Party, "Did you ever, Uncle Jot "he bis dml boîxicen hie liroxvn lithoe palms. Hoe lad juet come home frem a cap-party himself-and sucli a splendid oe -Did yonPever, Unele Jetolie repcated. UncIe Jotbam evaded thie ques- tion a lithoe. "A cap-parly came te me once," lic said, relectiveiy. Littlo JeJt straightened himsecf in- sîantly and loekçed interesed. "One Marchdi'day hoe carne - the sap-party, I mean. lie came and went ail day off and on. I 1gel quite acquainted witiî hirn by niglit. I suppesed, cf course, lie was a cingle party, but when the cap-w as rnnning, le brouglil lis wif e-it was Mr. Woedpccker and hie w if-e. They set lieside the littlc maple- troc eut there in frçinî of the bouse, and sipped cap as" fast as il wouid mun. IHev tbey did relisli il! I ai- meet theu'ght I cculd hear Ihem smnektheir lips, and I'm su-re they w'hispered tegelber and said, 'What excellent sap!l' 'What a fine flaver!' "You sec, lie bcd driiled a uitIle straiglit rewof lbs down the trunk of the maple-trce on tle sunny side net cenlte bleak nerîhern side, net ho! lic was tee wiso for that! Thon lho bad waited for goed cap weatl7er te corne, and thon the sap- Part- i, ûu kaew. "Hie samplcd the clear, swcot lh- tH 'd firstu, cif froinsevery one ef tle lijtie bobes, I suppose te make cure it was ail riglil, and Ilion set a day-a geod cap day-fer hie wifc toe come and taste, teeo. "J wisl yen ceuid have ceeu the couple onjoy themselves, taking lit- 14e sipe and nodding ut cci,- othor gravely, as mncbet as te sav, 'Geod, isn't it ' Thnhey would wi pa- tnlvtiil the cp o deu ftis Le bobsags'u. E-ery "fine, wrmday tbe lcane i te cap sopp1) u n- lifle Jet said, regretfully. "Fýd like te have been there My own self."' "~But if -you ha.d been there, 'the1 'party' wouldn't 1" ,qai.d Uncle J- tham.-Youth's Companion. iNcw is Christ rison fremi the dead ;" And in 1-is rise., life w'e ehare: With Ilim the sbiîîîng path we tre'xd -Ard everywbere His narne de- celave: Inu our ascended Lor IfIGII PRESSURE DAYS. And live the life thai T. Men anri womnen alike have te Joua Station, Ont., werk incessantly with brain and han.d te hold their own ueowadays. Noever were the demande cf bnci- nin ness, the wants cf the famiiy, the' SUFFFRE O SrNCr requirements cf seciety, more nnm- cerens. The firet effeet cf the praiso- wortliy effo(rLtot keep up with ail Iliese thinge is cermconly ceeu in a, xeakeued or debilitatmed conditioni cf the nervous s>-stem, which me- B-UT DODD'S EII suite in dyspepsia, defective nutri-1 MDE iMRS. LXPý tien of bell body uend brain, and inJ extreme cases in cempîcte nor1nsNEW woilI prostration. Il is clearly seeoIba whaî is needed je wliaî iill sustain! the system, give viger and bone toi Nipissin g Lady giiesi the nerves, and keep the digestive'- that should prove and assimilative functions healthy and active. From personal know- value te the Sufferi icdge, ive au reconmmond lio-d's Canada. Sarsaparilla for this purpose. lb acts on all thie vital organs, builds Up the whoie system, and lits men and w omen fer these higli-pressure days. A WEALTIIY CA~BINET. Six Meinbers of the Newv French Govrrîmesst are .1illlionaires. France's riew Cabinet bas ail in- teresting personal sie. There are six millionaires in it-millionaires n francs . They are M. Monis, M. Berteaux, M. Caillbux, and three of the miner Ministers. A curious peculiarity cf the new M inistry is that seven of the Ministers and three Under-Secretaries of State have never been in power before. Anether pecnliarity is that there1 are eight representatives of the south of France, five cf the~ centre, one of the wxest, and two cf the east, in the Cabinet, and that the nertli cf France is net represented at ail. -Ail Paris is langhing at the nar- rew escape cf M. Masse, the new Minister cf Commerce. Jnst before he received the offer cf his port- folio f rom the new Prinme Minister, M. Lasse w rote an article for The Lanterne, in which he was extreme-. ly plain spoken about M. Monis and his attempt teo form a Cabinet. In the evening Mmc.- Masse arrived in great haste at the office cf The Lanterne te ask for lier hnsband's ) article, wbich, for prix ate reasens, ho dlid net wisb te be printed. Since Writing it M. Masse had been1 effered a po-rtfoJio in the Cabinet bc, lad, attackýed soeleoquently and he bas accepted lit. Restores color to Gray or Faded hair-Removes Dan_- druff and invigorates the Scalp -Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth-Stops its, falling out. Is not a dye. $1.030 and 5Uc t Drug Store, or direct npûn ,amplebotde-PhIIoHay SeciatietCo. New.rk, N. J., U.S.A. RE!ýUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES rd we riso it nover diýes. WATSON. 1911. CHILOHOOO kIIY PILLS MAIRIE A AN. an experience eto imnmense ing ivomen et .-Laprairieville, Nipissing 'District, Ont., Apr. 10 (Spt.ual).-After suf- foring freru varions'forms cf kidney il since cie was a chld, Mre. O. Laprairie is a well woman and once more il has licou preved that ne case cf Kidney Trouble je tee se- vero or cf tee long standing for Dedd'e Kidney Pills te cure. Interview cd regardiig lier cure, Mre. Laprairie said: "Since I w-as tîvelve yearc cf age 1 have cnffered from Kidney Dis- case. I was aixixys tired. My lack xouid ache and I alxvays had a sharp pain in tbe top part cf my head. My heart aise treubled me. "H1earing cf Dedd's Kiduey Pille, I gave them a trial, and new I feel luke a new woman." Thousande cf Canadian mon and women are feeling juet as Mrs. Laprairie dees-as if life lied starl- cd alover for tbem-just because they have cured their kidneys witb Dodd's Nidney Pille. Fer the kid- neys art-tie mainspring cf life. If, they are clegged ýor ont cf order the uliole body is wrong. Dedd's IÇid- ney Pille aiways put thb kidneys in geod workiug order. PBOBABLY WOULD. "That sentence is net incorrect," said the professor, '"lut, il sounds odd te the Engliis speaking car." Miiier's Worm Pewders for sal- loxv skin; old or yenng. Sold by Jury & Loveli, Bowmnanvillc. SNIPS 0F WISDOM. Men wbo bave nover f ailed don't believe in lnck. 'liard work ie the beel antidote for liard luek. lt's as useless te xxorry as it is te tell people not te vrry. Flattery je the tribute lIat vanily exacts from friendship. A liberal-minded woman is'nt ai- ways giviug lie-r liusband a picce. cf it. Fortunately for meet 'cf us, we are net compelled le f oliow our own advice. The man who lives right, lives the longet-if 'net in years, min sat- On)e day ef tnôble tin[jking and goncronls acte jewert a life cf sel- fishuess and deceit. EASTER. iCor. 15: 2,0. "Now je Christ ri.-en from, the dead," With gladness we this fact pro- claim: Our Lord ' is riseit as fie said," i4d we adore His glorieus naine. y*Through Him who is our risen King We say, "0 dearli, where is thy stingV" <'Now is Christ risen from- the Dy taking Lydia E. Pinikham's TSdead ;" VegeableCSmoundThicemfort brings te those who 1 weep: The folloxing letter from M. ls liglit upen their path is'shed; Orville Rock will'prove how unwise j Their loveci cnes Hie will safely it fs for women to submit bo the ke dangers of a surgical operation -when e. it may. be avoided by taking lydia They say, since Hie is strong te E. Piakham's Vegetable Compound. ae Shewasfourweeksinthehospitai. "Where is thy victory, 0 gravel" and came homie sufferingworse than before, <'Now is Christ risen fremn the Here is lier own statemient. dead" Paw Pa*, Mih.-"'Two years ago Adset othhietthne I suffered very severely with a dis- nset othhiettrn: s'placement. I could Gene ie the niglit cf gloomn and rot be on myfeet for dread a long lime. MY' For these who trust in Rim alene. physician treated To ns al hope an.d joy it gives S me for seven months Te know that Christ our Savieur without much rle .and at last sent mei lvs :to Ann Abofr :au operatie. 1-. was, "Xow is Christ risen f rom the there four weeks and dead:" o eame home suffering lie bas fer human sin atoned: worse than before. My mother advised Ey those for whom lis bloed was m tety Lydia shed E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, As Lord and Savieur lic is and Idid. Todayl amwellandstrong owned. and do all my ewn housework. 1 owe For ail who trust in Hum lie pleads my health te Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable compound and advise my 2. -d them te i ctery lie leads. friends who are afficted with any female complaint te try it.- Mrs. "Now is Christ ris-cn from the ORVILLE BOCK, B. B. No. 5, PaW PaW, dead .:" Michigan.- The alien- poxiers before Hum If yen are ill do not drag along until aî ait operatien ile neeessary, but at once fa: take Lydia E. iPinkham's Vegetable While countless hoste are 'Captive Compound. .<led, iFor thirty years il has been the stan-Ie is enthroned as Lord cf ail. dard remedy for women's ius; and. has Truheth ad heae glad positively restored the health of thon- T mrugsicarin; n sandsofwomen. Whydon'tyoutryit? lisasKncfkns For sale by Brownri & Aluin, Hiampton CANADA'S BUFFALO -PiIIZE. Largest IHerd ln the World- Thriv- iag il, Immense Enclosure. The largest herd cf buff alo in the worid is now owned by Canada. Tbey forru a picturesque group as tliey roam over the new national reservo set aparî for tlicm noar Wainwright, a city that lias sprnng np 125 miles ýeast cf Edmontoa on the Grand Trnnk Pacifie Bailway, Canadians recognized the need cf action if the bison ivere -te be preserved, -and befere the' Ameni- cane reaiized il, says the Worid To- day, thcy bad pnrcliased practical- ly the'entire lierd cf 600 or 700 from Michael Pablo cf Montano, who had carofnliy gathereil them together and protocted'them on hie great ranch near Bavaili. In the Wainxright Natienal Park were placed more than five hnndred buffalo-, which wore traasported acrees the international boundary line by train from tlie Pabiçi ranch. The ronnding np and l-oading cf the cars cf Ibis large number cf untam- cd animais and their young was ne luglit task, and afler a long period cf bard work mer-e than a bundred and fifty cf tlie most unruly had te be lefI behind, having ctampeded every lime an attempt was made te drive them toward a corral. An especiaily ivell organizced ef- fort wililiec made le slip Iliese a litIle lat"'r. In addition seventy- fixe buffalo now cenflned in a park aI Banff wil liec sent le the Wain- wrighl reserve. The naturel in- crease cf the bord has bronglit np the number te nearly a thousaud. In the present favorable enviren- ment it is expecteld Ibat tlicy will mnltiply rapidly. Altbongh kept within tl-e bound- arios cf the reserve, the bison eau bardiy lie said te lie in confinement. Their stamping ground covere an area cf 107,000 acres-OS square miles. Il is txventy-five miles in au air lino tho lengest way acrees. A wire fonce eight f oct higli aind sev- coi-Iliree miles long enclcscd il. When the fonce ivas oôm-plet-ed ut was'found that twolve xild deer and cne wapiti lied been fcnced in. -Eigliteon emaîl lakes and a number cf streams are witbin the park. Prairie ehiekens,- dueke and other game find a resîing place bere un- disturbed by the hunIer., The park is truly a buffalo para- dise. The grounds boar every evu- dence Ibat in cîber days they have been a faxoeite baunIcf tbe lords of tb-e plains. Everyxvbere arc ont- linos cf eld buffalo trails and ival- lows. These wallovs eare being reopon- cdby the nexv denîzens and once again the trails are boing marked by tle boofs cf lbe, bison. The gras- ses are the kînd Ibat bbc buffalo specially like. As bbc ordinary span cf a buffalo'es life is a huudred years il mnay be, that corne of thec bord are revisiting scenes cf their i-outli. Michael Pable, from xvbom tho Canadian overninent purcbascd Ithe bord is a. pure blooded Indian. and eue cf thc woaltbiest cf the rcd mon. lie receix cd $200,000, fremi the Dominion for 600 bead cf buf- f aie., Aroused by the loss cf these buf- fnbo, the United States has estab- lished a national bison range in the Flatbead Indian Resorvation, in .Montana, comprising tivelve thons- and ceigît bundred acres ucar the and good spirite corne iatuirally wlîen the stomacl isj up te its work, the liver aud bowels active and the blood pure. 'Botter con - ditions always follow the use of PULLS CH M E sold everywhCoe. la box«s 230. rins rt xi i T"HE farm buildings are often at the mercy of flames. A minute's lime gained at the outbreak of a fire, means saving the property. A cali on the Bell Telephone saves the precious minutes. The far-sighted farmer appreciates ils protection as well as its economie value. The best lime to join the army of progressive farmiers is now., Consuit our local manager. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA An- Economical Paint 'tnglish" Liquid Paint, made by Brandranl- Ilenderson Limi'ted, is al ýaint-there is no aduit- erants in it to give it extra weight, to thicken it> or to "cheapen" it in any way. It is 70% 'pure white lead, 30%, pure zinc wvhite, pure linseed oil, turpentine ai-d dryer-roo7, pure paint. You get dollar for dollar paint value. Corne in for a color card. 2 wîth leave -s, 'grass and bwigs, and sucli cîler suitable malerial as the fewl may ho. able te procure. Large families cf jungle fowl inhahit bheuj strange neste. Teacher-"You dou'b know whaf Ihis xvord ici" Ptpil-"No.' Teacher- "Wbat is your ceaI made cf?1" Pupil "Fablier's old panîs." Ous Dtbîitt, 3Mental andi Breta Won-y, De. pond uiirc, &.rual Weakms, Emissions, Sper. mter atnd Jrffeete of Abuse or Eixcesou. Price $1per box, six forÇ& .On, wlplease si; wVill cure. Soid by ail druggiits or mnailecih plain Pkg.on -receipt of pr1ce.?New' pampuae -mSiledfrg'ee. Theo . MedicineC. fosrmerly Winudsor) Terontof Onil towns cf Revallu and Dixon, and il wiil ho stocked by the American Bison Society. Some animais for a ncloue miay bhobtaiaed from a berd cf about ýeiglity, ewn'ed by the Conrad ectate ucar Kalispoîl. SOME BEMARKABLE NESTS. Iu Aucîralia are te ho fonnd bbc largest, heaviest and most pcculia<r neets in the world. Thiese, are the nesîs cf the jungle fowl, se called, and are built in the fcrm cof a great meunde, the average mneasuremeut su heiglil being fifbeen ifoot and the circnmiforence oee lindr and fif- ly feet. Thc itss ar(,e rected in secbuded. sheltercd spots; adas su tbe case cf tte smanîl nesîsf birs, liy are skilfnllly snltenwovenl PAIN 18 GONE. "~I use Dr. Miles' Antli-Pain Pilîs for Neuralgia,,LaGrippe aul1Ipains. 1 don't inteud bo be without 0-,em, for 1 find ready relief in them for every- thing 1 use Ihem for."' MRS. L. F. MILLER, i20 W. 6îli St., Davenport, la. -Ail Paîir "lInrny family Di,, Miles' Anti-Pain PuIs areused for headaclie, colic and other pains, and always give relief at once." TIIOS. R. FOWLBR R. D. No. "ilDunu. N. C. price 5catyou r drugt. "'l ihOtld SuPplY YOU. If hle does fflo, seni poice to Uve. we forward p'ýepaI'l por enclosing front lamns or wher.. eve eoethngextra neat us wanted, enr 2 in. Iron Poste with I4 in. Top Rail should lie used, as shown in' the illustration above. For ardinary pur- poses, neatly trimmed or fancy turned cedar poste, with a top scantiing, can lie need. This top rail je necessary in a'l cases for supporting the heavy material. The big point about Prost Pence *s that it je weven from \Vire specially ruade and galvanized hy ne in our ewn plant here and exci uelvely foreour own fence trade. We inake this wîre np te full size, true te the gauge repreeented. To make prices attractive, emaller wire Frost Woven Lawn Fence! Decidedly Neat ~ ~ Easy to Erect Reasonable ini Price I fi ~11 li I~ AIl Wires are No. 9 galva. JIIII~I nized stock. Upriglits are Iî~U nly 21,j ln. apart. The deep 1 ~ I_ __'~'~ crixnp n aIl the wires adds îto their etiffness and keepe 7 j etays tirmly in place. than advertised s us.xlin soune fences. Othe; Fst SpeciaIties Tb Adiff erence of one-haîf a size smallez G ç,aDieQ Gatoo, fancy enSplain; doueS Wire ob ' means a saving in material te the _buenguarantoed; Barb Wino; Soft Wire; Ray Wl- -, mnaier of about Se. a rod ona a ten wire lot0.05 ivatfnc;Ird Posafo i, boUt fnceHTube fence. lociet ulpon getting ýence that is poste wOS 0 top ûmreent and rails for L- ... Foer ntrobbed of 8 % of its weight through Wi trooial;tonoS afdes Cnt a; ngi o e ssrc@ - 1 teuse of smaller wires. concret* poste. There are now 49, distinct styles of te your best otisiactIoe and by some reliabie FrOet dù8okt Prost Woven Fence to suit any con-. noar yen. If bo lanest ku own, writo us.' dition or for any purpose. FROST WIRE FENCE CO., LtJ. " 3, Hamilton, Canada