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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1911, p. 5

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NYTAL'S FÂMILY REMEDIES --:One for each principal alimet:- These open formiiulaitRousehokèi Remedies have beeni in uise for thirty years and are the final resut of over fifty years study by skiled pharmaciss and physican. They are also therèut of an earnest eairt to roduce a Hne of honet irneedes forspecuIfieu- poses that are not smeet or quack No_)struims. XVeever you buLy a Nyai "iienedy you are informed of whlat that reeyContains-. WVe cail your attetin partiary nt this tirie to syal's Sarsaparila purifies he Co<odarues the torpîdA 1 er, die out all impuritiesý, cleanes and tones u 1 the systema[ndI- helps nature, thro-w oùf the dullness tht corns fromi the indoor life of winter. It arou.ýss eneýrgy, brightens thoye, icears thb( lrailn, givighItness t t' he oemns 100 full doses in Bottie for $1.00 The Name NYAL'S on a Remedy is a Guarantee of Quality. Rod'k M. Mitchell &-Nx Co., DRUGGtST-S. PaGNE 9 , (Night Calîs 92 b.1 SOFT DRINKS 1 have appoiuited _Messrs. Scott & Mlin miy representatiyes in this Iown who will keep in stock a full hune ct soft drinks and will deliver 10 al! private trade in case lots. Watch thecir window for exhibition about M-,ay ist. I. WALTERS, Manager of Port Hopec Bottliug Works. ECONOMY IN SPRING CLOTIIES -<Why buy a ready-mnade or mnade-to- measure Spniuig suit that costs fromn $22 to $35 wheu we are msakiuig tailor-mnade suits in Latest stylesýý and( of best miatenrials fromn $î10t $20)? You- are iuvited 10 inspect our new Spring Suitings aud Overýcoats withiout the lesst obligation) teuv We have the populan shades of tweeds and fanicy wvor- steds, perfectly woven, perfectlv dyed aud finished. which will lie macle in) in our u.sual first-class style. JOSEPH JEFERY' & SO, The Star Hlouse Bowmiauville HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION I Toestr Canada (via Chicago) in-, cludiug certain points ou- Grand Trunli Pacific Railwýay, MTay 2nd, i6tbi, 3oth: June 12th, 27thý: Juiy, iith, 2hAugust 8tli, 2211d: September Sth, i9ili. Winuiipeg aud retuiru, $33.o0: Edmonton sudJ retuirn, $41. Tickets good for 6o days. Propor- tiohte rates to principal points in Mani- toba, Saiskatchewau and Alberta. Home- ,eelters excursion tickets will also lie on 'snon, certain dates via Sarnia sud the - 'therii Navigation C( -iany' Secure 1 _,ets and illustrated lieduefrom any Gýrand( Trunk Agent or address A. E. Duif, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. ) THE BURNING QUESTION? YUNEED COAL, sud may as well hiave the BEST, that is SCRANTON; ne doubt about it. We have already received sevenal cars of Fresh 'Mined coal, briglit sud dlean; and to those of our customers who are in the habit of laying in Ibeir coal early, sud those who wish 10 formi this excellent habit sud are prepared 10 take their supply NOW, we make Ibis proposition: Weý will fill your lins, or put in sncb quanitities as you think yon will require, with fr'eili deani coal, azy size you wish, and guarauîee you tlie lowesî su.mmer price if paid for duning June or July. The summner rates will likely bie made about the tirs, of June sud will lie based] uponl the quantity of coal Ve- are able 10 ,secure aI the lower rates prevailing duir- in,- April te May. This proposition sbould commeud itself, to, evenyone usiug coal as it gives absolute protection in the malter of price, sud avoids the rush and worry of placing the -coal Mhen the weather is cold sud other conditions for delivery are not as favor- able. McClellan & Co, Limited, Ail'-'i 3, 1911. Bowmanville. Mr. Fred BaIlle lias two fine hatches oi White Leghiorn chicks., First haîcli was -on April 41h, 74 chicks; second batcli was Apnil r2tb,, 96 chicks, fromi eggs laid the first part of Mardi. URESII SEEDS FOR SPRING SEEDJNG Just aniv d D4for sl ait Peter Mlurdoçks.Ail pur- csssin seeds, except coriu, ,will lbe giveil 10"' DISCOUNT until iStb day o)f April. oiýçer yollr seefd. earl5r from PE~TER MUR»OCK OPTICIANS. BOWXMAN ILL-E- Tlh1J BOWMAN VILLE STATION. GOItG fEAST. GOING WREST Expr'ess 8.4 a. ni. 1:xprJieýýss .2 rai. :Exres 1038 , lcal 743 ý1Pssenger 33 .m asigr 14 .ni. Local 64 ,, :aseger 7.9 , Mail9R , Dai~ Social an-d Personal. Mn, Fred Lyle v isiedlToronto. M\r. Leonard Co.x and family haye rc- moved toWhitby. Mr. Leslie Guy, Darlington, spenit the holidays with friends lu Toronto. The finest maple Syrup 1 ever hiad 1 lgot at T. H. Kniighits lu one gallon Tins, Pure. Miss Nichol, B. A., of the H. S. teacli- ing staff, spent Easter at her homev in Toronto. Mr. Andrew Devitt, Cadmus, and,-! Mr. Wilfrid Bowles, Toronto, recenitlyvvsited! Dr. J. C. Devitt. Mr, A. Mýalone, Troto as purchased the fine brick residence of MIr. George J. Rowe, Churcli-st. The Seymour Powver Co., are likely to take over th Bwmnvll Electric Lighit Plant on MýNay ist. Pleased ta see Mrs. G. C. H-aines able to attend the Easter services in the MNei- odist churcli Sunday mornîng.y Mrs. Wm. Tennant, On1tario-st., wVill not receive ibis m-onîli until the fourth Thursday instead of the third. Mr. and Mrs. John H1ellyar, Wlîg ton st., celebrate their 59th wedd ing an ni;versary on Friday Aýpil 2 tt. Miss M. H. Stevens, B.A, of he ig School teaching staff, spent the JEater holidays at her home in Napanee. Dr. J. C. Devîtt and Mlr. Geo. W. jamiies attended the Midlandf- Football Lau meeting in Peterboro Good Fridaiy. Mrs. (Rev.) H. McConneillaud itbree chidren, Lander, Sask., are visîting lier father, Rev. W. C. Was!iugton, M. -A. Mr. C. L. Munsoni was in Coîborue Wednesday attendiug the wed(ýdiug of1 Miss Edith Philp aid Cat.A. G.- Wil- loughby- Mrs. John Elford and Miss -Normta El- ford have relnrned from spendiug the winter with Rev. and Mns. H. A. Strike, Campbellford. Mr, and Mrs. Normian E. Wright and daughters Myrtie and" Marguerite, Black- stock, at hier mnother's, M.Jon Van- ,Nest, '"ctoria Villa." Mr. Chas. Bounsaîl, of thie Royal Banik, Welland, has been transferred to bhe brandi at Cobalt. 11e spent a few days at home before leaving. A very heavy dowuipour of ra isited this town Good Frîday morning. Th'le afternoon was fine and pleasant!ly warmn but the weather since bas been cold. Editor and MUrs. M. A. James left last vekon the Toronto Teachers' excursion ta New York City and will visit their daugliters in the American mietropolis. Malvica Meddig-rew fromr Montana and Higginis, thie butier, arrive in town on the 28th. Meet ilhem at the Opera House Friday evening at 8 o'clock and enjoy a, hearty laugli. Mrs. E. W. Pattinson attended the Sum- mer millinery openings in Toronto Mon- day., Customers may now expect some- thiug right up-to-date in the line of stylish Summer haIs. Don'I miss hearing how the old men's match making between Mladge Cummings and Nan Wiîhrow and Higbee and Dal- rymiple of Harvard ends, on Friday, April 28th, aI 8 o'clock in the Opera I-buse. The last mneeting of the Canadian Club) wil lie held at Balmoral Ilote] on Mon- day, Apnil 24th. Luncheon will bLe served aI 7.3o p. mn. The Club's guest will lie Mr. James Mavor, Professor of Political Economy, wý,ho wýill give an, address onî "Japant and China." Iu election for Benchers of Ontario Law Society we notice amnong thie 30 suc- cessful candidates the narnes of Mr. r. Douglas Armour, K. C., Toronto, a Bow- manville boy, -Mr. A. H. Clarke. Windsor, nephew of Mîr. Wm. Werry, Solina, Col. J. -E. Farewe'll, K. ., hitby, a Durham boy, and 'Mr. W. F. Kerr, Cou nty Crown i Aîtorney, Cob,2Urg. ,Mr. Watson, secretary of ilie Natiolial Sanitarium Association, wVill givealc ture illustrated with about 150 seep tican views in thme school roons- of theU MNethodist church TLesday netxt on "Tu-ib- ercuiosis and the wo(rk of our Canadian, Sanatioria." W omn hsSntna movemlent iu aid of the Consýumptives to our readers and wish tihe lecture mnay lie well atteudled. Collection lu aid of Ms koka Free Holspita1l foi.l-usu-- Easter Visitors Mn. James Scobell, Ottawa, aI home. Mn. Thos. Duslan, Toronto, aI bomne. Mn. H. L. Creeper, Toronto, aI home. Miss Greta Va', Fýeicd, wI home. Miss Ida M. Trewin,, Tononto, at homie. Mn. J. Howard Percy, Toronto, aI home. Mn. Elmen A. ElliotI, Brighiton, aI home. Mn. AIf£ Penuington, Toronto, aI oe Mn. W. Harper, Peterboro, witli frieuds. M.Mankus Roenigk, Toronto, at home. 'Mn. J. A. Bagsbaw, King, with frieuds lere. Mn1 . Geo. Baguell with fieudsinl Ton- Mn. sud Mrs. A. N. M,ýcMillau inl Ton- onto. M \4iss Nellie Mars with relatives lu Ton- onto. M iss D. S. Dumford witb frieuds in Tor- onto. Mn., Norman Jeuunings, Port Hope, I homne. Miss Maud ]Wondeu, Toroto' wi th1 er Iî4n ls. T. J. McMurtry, wiIb fnj-ieuds il- Toronto. Mn. sud Mrs. A. L., Darcli, Toonto, it bis faither'-. MisslMyrtle McReynolds, Toronto, witbl lien parents. Mn. Hobart Kuiglit, Hamilton, withb fniends bene. -1 Miss Waldron, Toronto, guest of M\rs. W. Combe. Miss Helen Shenidan witili lier m-,otlier in Brockville. Mn. sud Mrs. Stanley Dsvey, Torouto, with fius Mrs. HIiram niW. BunI with Ms.Harold Mitchiell, lHamiltoni. Miss(Edia Pningle, Cobourg, with Ms ClrueS. Masoni. 7Mn. sud Mrs. W. M. Ives sud'Mn. Geo. Wslker in Coîlboruie. Mn. W. R. Chiaplini, Toronto, withli.s sisten Mrs. J. R. Pve. Mn. sud Mrs. W. B. Rice, Toonto, aI, Mrs. W. R. Cawker's. Mn. H. A. Harper, teller of the Bank- Of Montreal, lu Toronto. NI-s. Fred Roblin, aud sou Fred, Hamil7 toni,a aINIr.M. Mayer's, 'Mns. Relider, Berlin, with bis brothier, MnI. C. Relider. Miss E-ýthel StutI, Wnoxeter, With ber suts, the Misses Heny, Mr n sudMns. A. Mitchell sud Miss Hel- en xith frieuds iu Barrie. Mns. W. H. Honsey sud Miss Hilda, Oshawa, aI Mn. R. Ahie's. Mi;ssVeale, London, with Mrs. W. H1. Pearu sud other old friends. Mn. H. Pratt, Local Manager, of Use Bell Telephone Co., aI Barrie. Miss N. Reynolds sud Missý Eva Smi, Peterbono, ut Mn. J. H. Smith 's. nI. sud Mrs. M. S. Shiels, Toolo t liern motlie's, Mns. E. S. Meath. Mis1. Lawrie, Brampton, with lier b)rother sud other relatives here. Mns. L. E. Morden, Simncoe, with b!,er motben Mns. R. Cherry., Mrs. Geco. Sauders sud Miss Gladys wiithliber sister Mrs. Ewart, Berlin.- NIr. B. D. Bitton-, acconîtault at Royal Bank, lu Toronu tiad'Tilsonburg. Mn. sud Mrs. Fred J. Pattinson, Toron- to, witb lier mothen, Mrs. Murdoif. Mis Violet Fisbleigh sud Miss Edra E. Grigg, Toonto, at Mn. Johu Grigg's. Mnj u Mrs. C. H. Fletcher, Toonto, witjýhbis, brother. Mn. H. A. Fletcher. MnI. D. C. Beits, accounlaut of the Bank, of M,,outreal, aI bis home iu Kingston. Miss Lottie G orrill, Camliray, witb Mrs. Fredi Lyle sud Ms-s. Wm. McReyuolds. Mns. Fred Trebilcor-k sud sons, Toron- to, at lber father's, Mn. W. W. Tamblyn, Miss Alice Creepen and Miss Mets Jew- ech, Toronto, wiîb Miss Jessie Biugham. Mn. sud Mrs.- E. V. Landen, Oshiawa, aI lier grndfathen's, Mn\I. R. R. Loscombe. -Mn. sud Ms-s. Oswaid Poilard, Toronto, witb bis fathen, Mn. S. Pollurd, Registran. Miss Helen Beilli, Ottawa, sud Mn. Jas. Beith, Brantford, at their father's, Dr. A. Beith. Mn.sudMrs J.E.White sund daughter Ermia, Eiseli ,at -Mn. Thomaýls Mn. W. P'rowen-, Bsuik of Mýotreal Mlontrealj, witbli is brother, Mrs. W. P. Prowen. Mrs. J. W. Sparling sud Miss ~'Bessie Sparliuig, Toonto Normal School, at home. Mrs. F. R. Heail, sud Miss E. E. Allun, Toronto, with Ms W. W. Allin at -the post Office. M\isse.s Mv-rt1ee sud Elsie Bragg, Toron- te, a".their futhLr' S, Mn. W. J. Bragg, Miss Eva OI. Tnevi, Toonto, sud Dr. sud Mrs. G. M. Trewin, Oshawa, aI Mn. I Miss Pauýlinie Shiupe, Toronto Conserva- tory of Music, Miss Nita Deyna, sud Messns. Rolit. Arnmstrong sud Reginlaid Boyd, TCoonto, îI Mn aes Devyman's. Dr. suid bMrs. F. C. Tnebilcock 2ud daugliler 1Mýarjory, Mn. Arthaur J. Trebîl- cocl Toronto, aud MnI. Geo. Ei. Clarke, Bati of Comnienceu, W. McIKnighit of Cani- adisun ea Electric Co., sud Mn. Paul , ebilcock, Peterboro, aI Mnr. P. C. Tr-eb- Easter Visitors., .LAvss Ida Pincb, Toronto, at home. Miss Lena Keys, Toronto, lat home. Miss May Mullon, Toronto, at homne., Mn. Alex. Bagniell, Toronto, aI homei. Mr. Harley Percy, Toronto, at home. Mn4. E. F. Weekes, Toronto, aI home. Miîss Millie Jackson is visit;ing Tornto. Mr. R egiuald Jou)es, Toronlto, aI homre. Miss Nellie Gould witi relatives at Pet- erboro. Mn. Victor W. Legge wTlti relatives lu Toronto- Mn. Fred Cryderman vwith nelatix es lu, Mm. erbs-tTilleyý, Toronto, ut Dr.ý W. E. Tilley's. Miss Webs;ten, Camibrav,, with hieraunt Mrs. Wm.. Foley. Mlr. sud M]\rs;. Sidney Hugbisou with friends ý,in Oiono. Miss Mýc'Gregor, O'shawva, with Mis's Mary Crydermain. Mn. Leslie Cox, Vý-ictoria lUiversity, Toronto, aI home. Miss Cors Frank with lier sisîer-Mrs. Braunid aI Egliînton. Miss Grace Linto,)i Whitby, with M'\iss Bnita Hi-ggînbothamn. NI-s. J. Gaud suidMs.Wkis Oshawa, aI Mns, R. Windatt's. Miss, Cors Scott guest of Mns. (Dr. Middlectou, Peterlioro. Miss sJulia Sinclair, Toronto, with bier sisten, -Mrs. A. Christie. Mn. D. A. Mooni, Maniager- of the Bow- mian House, iReufre-w. Mrs. D.MCouce with lier dau&1etr, Mrs,. IH. A. Feit, Oshawa. Misses Bowen sud Clans Rolbiîns, Tor- onto ut a M\n.W. Rolibîns'. Mn. Geo.. Freelauld with lis wife and daugliter at 'MnI. R. Jarvis'. MisSauford, Toronto, wiîh AMiss Armour a, Rtskmr. Miss Mae T. ]3ottrell with lier ýsister, MUrs. J. B. Tucken, Osbawa. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe with lis dlangliter, Mrs. A. C. Denîke, Ha velock. Miss Mutton sund Miss Gooslnidli, Col- borne, writh Mrs. Neil Xrttou. iMiss. M. Mi\cFeeten7s, Toonto, wýitIi lier sister7 Mrs. W. W1. HeudI erson. Mr. and M 7s\1. J. Hutchinson *id daugliter, Toronto, witli his fathier. Mn. sud"" Mr's,.'F,,auk R undle wih bis father, Mnr. James Rundle, Ebeniezer. Mnr. IHanny Baskerville sud Miss Eva Curtis, Toronto, aI Mn. John Curtis'. Mrs. M. A. Jewell, Toronto, sud Mrs. F. Downsý, Detroit, with friends here. Miss Edilli McDouald, Oshawa, speut Easter with lier uncle, Mn. W. J. Furze. Messrs. Carl Mayusrd sund Norman Varcoe, Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Varcoe's. Miss Eva M. McGill spent part of E, aster hollidays with friends lu Tlorouto. Mn. sud Mrs. Rueben, Cox su ad sont Charles, Toronto, aI bis father's, Mn. Chas. Cox.1 Miss Florence Jackson, lias returned from spendi'ng the wîiuten îinidsyaud1 MisMrePaintýon, MisEdua Fosten sud Mrii. B. Uuoyu, Toirouto, ai Mn4. Wmn. Piuitou's. Miss B., Jouess, Belleville, sud iMn A. Gilmour, Sudibny, vitl ier mnother, Mrs J. M. Jouess. Mn. George W. McGill of Withrow Ave. scbool, staff Toonto, is homre for Essten holidays. 11 Misses Donothy sud Marlon Tilley, Ton-1 onto, witli thein graudparents, Dr. sud Mrs. W. E. Tilley. Mns. Frank Scott, Brooklu, sud daugli- ter, Miss Bessie Scott, Oshawa, with lier sister, Mrs. Lewis Lyle. Miss Frances E. Conley, of THE STATES- MAN, witb lien moîher at St. Catharines sud witli lien sister aI Touswatda, N. Y. Mn. W. M. Joness, Toronto, visited lis mothen previous to acceptiug a position as Supeinteudeut of Ihe Farm aI Mýuncey Reserve. Mn. and Mns. Johni Wickson, AMiss Z Smith, Mn. Ernest Smnithi, Toronto, sud Mn. J. B. E. Staplesý, St. Mn',aI n.J. J. Mason's. Mn. Hubent C igubtaStandlard Bank, Chathamn, sud Mn. E. C:. 1Higginboth- am, leauler Public Scho, L jeskaird, withi their parents. Msr.W. MKnndByron sud Chas. Hsddy sud Miss _Maliel Whale, Ton-1 outo, sud Miss Ethel Kirby, Osliawa-, aI Mr. F. A. Haddy's. Silos enected. F. H. Mason & Sou. Public Librany will lie closed ou Friday for annusl house-cleauiug.1j Broswn & Co. bas a nice Hune of Ladies' sud Gents' Summer Uudenwean. Make an appointmeul with John Rowe for your paperng or paiuting liefone the rush. Men's Suits made 10onder sud satisfac- tion guaranteed aI Coucli, Johuston & Crydenman's. Special books from leading wall1 paper factonies from which you can select ex- clusive higli class papers are aI P'. C. Tre-j bilcock's. Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman are show- iug au elegaul lot of new Spring Coats sudf Ladies' Suits, sîl made up lu the veny lat- est styles.0 Why burn yonr money faster tban is necessary ? You will nI if you use Lehigli Valley coal. Sold ouly by E. W. Loscombe. Phione 177. Comne sud hear Mns. Ballon's sud Sena- ton Withrlow's opinion of Hîgbee, Sen- ior, the bneezy miner from Moutana, Fnl- day eveuiug, Apnîl 28th in Town Hall aI 8o'c'ocký. Farmiers requiinu wine feuce see Wml. Foley aI the Panlor Shoe Store, Bowmau- ville. He cannies the Anienican, Ellwood,t Banwel-Hoieasd Famiou, Electric WecId Fences for field, te, poultry sud lawu. Ail styles sud Iprices ngi.1 Mn. le. FetcerFulton, N. Y., lias been, visitiug li:s iepbiew, -Mn. H. G.* Fictclier. Il is 4,5 years since Mn. 1Fletcb- er iived iii Bowauiville und lie sees xnany changes sud nmisses mnanyi oltI facesý. He also visiîed bis sîsten Mrs. RoÇLit. Fallîs, Cadmuls. Dou'I Iail to resent'e seats for the fun- ulesît play even presented lu Bowmianville, "Higlice ot Hlarvaird," 10 lie given under the auspices of tie ladies of St. jobur's chiurdli Friday evening, April 28i1h, i the Opera House. Plan open ou Satnnday, senved seuls 5 , ush seuls25c- SNAPS!SNAPS!! Look at this for ieýxt Iwo weeks onlly! 1 will take portrait post card regular $î.o a doz, for 65 cents a dlozen. Picturè' Framing donci in firsl class-Style at, reasonalile prices. Thos. Robson, aI stucïo. NexI door 10 S-rAýEsi %.N offices.. NOTICE Having sold my Blacksmith Business to -Mr. George Watts 1 desire to thank MY man1y -customers for their liberal pat- ronage, and bespeak for Mr. Watts, who is a first class blacksmith, a continuance of vour patronage at the noid stand of t1le Hoar Smiithiy, BowmianvilIe, Ail accounts owing m2e are requested to be settled before M-Uay i151. as- I arn leav- ng town. Afler that dIate thesýeacýounts will be placed iin the hiands of mny solictor for collection with interest added. THO0MAS JOHNSTON', Blacksmjth Bowmanlvîlle. Notices of Rirths, 25 cents; Marriaz2es 5o cents; Oeaths, 50 Cents, each insertion. Wbenf nnlerai cards are pri uted Sat thlis office, in~sertion free. B1RTHSI i~8n ,asl - iet.ld ul Goh loAN IE , L. lre pi 2h eMxaî TxSfaxN t Grce RspiAlTotoAp Grol lSth, o Mr. îid Mm C.C.tnîbi, a aughter l1h Mr. and Mri,. . J. DRwrth, daugter;7. 1ev. W. i-ilb .F ynad atr fCe-tDsle,3r ne5lM C Benneij1n luth lmaea Adiîî, both of Bowmofviast cf ixandMr. E A Ph ii ch n oo nto' "î rjJ E- t LongiwFan" Str dayo Apil 1 1v.F ouo,1Myt, Mjr. A"LXT cwiaxilApril 1t], Ewrdy Belîman, aged 66 eqcar. 4pri lîh, frnîi-lycf owmiîxile, aer beoveI,ýd ue -.thelar Gorgý e Ralti er n CL A Y t i 40 E'1,A ' eRoad-toi' ro.Ailýý ICil .lon Cirrcly, ii l fi,,t res; , a nsR e of e Orlo-In OwncîîvileApri fthii, Mary TooLex'At Oshwa Hosptai, A ri hJs "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monulllihiets, Tabiets, 1Maîkers, etc.,in G ai nSMarbie. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS [i,. orrîs &Son~ Snîî'jdu n i nglit calis, piomptly attenderi te Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branhes ORO, O HAMPTON Axe.brote, nt.15 2w G OO SEONDIANDORGIN for sale. ppyto Ms1 .Msx King-st Bon- nîaîîxMile 16-tf G IRS tINIRD Tolearo glove Inahing. Appy o tjsîîiîGLSOVEFAcTOIY, Bow- G O BUIDIG1,l'OT ORSALE on corner cf to wim. E 111P111l1NC11DM AU)TO IRE MIE11 NWANTED11. G-loS nages, steady work. Ap- pIy to 244 Booýth v. ootOnt. 15 2w MONEY T0~OAN t iad bs-e'and a hall peren onmnrtggesecrîy.Prix ate f cds mAnfly te R R. Los)ýcim , 'Barrister, Bow- nfianviile 32-tf cFea.Apply t1. oxii, eelrUR mnanvilie'. l3 EOGS FOR HATCHINC -Eggs fs-cmn prize win- niîingla, k Minofreasý. Good 1ay ing sts-aî,î. Apply tO IIELIi' C PiERu, Rorsey st., Bfown anville. 7,Pk petting 4t Fn OROUSECLEAý.ýNING -A haîI, vacuumi FClene- e rîtIhy dybrweYFr terins aupiy te F. W CttEoLChnrch-st., Boîs-nianvilee.lStf G OD FAMERESDENE o Kiig-I, ow- inug shed ata md ni g,îod garde.IFor filrtber -pa rt ie-uars apply tO Box 227, tBon m1ail. ville.161 T EACHER W îirED FrMpeGro, e Pli- lccioiafilersîînrhiia .State application pevrd ice oESce tary. Bonaiil,15 3w rpeare e nupoi. ol,equipiment aîîd jty-pewrit ten isrcin 25 oplote. Send ~ jl tecclvî on, "iCo., 5Qe-,I. Et , o iotI, 1-xo7,b-m. 4. 3 FI O 11MT RENT SBril: 0 i, co R ýnU-gl aSCo n ce sIooiret,m Bi n-icn tauu 5 ri,, li-t iri g, n,-aueeor bathl ron nd a'loem censenienýulfueApiyý 42.l 3Itf t i',ý.Kllu F RMDE UFE O SL O1o ET iic U, 1 lrd al'Ysof t wneroe are 'Àn 1on hc m fruit trees p i frits heums. 11.00 for 13; iargi quatity quted l'n GOODMAN & GALBRAITH A. K. COUDMAtI, 0. C. CALBRAITHW -I i I - Record-Breaking s A -L of China and Crockery Continues* OUR cln-itse of Chila, Crockery andGaswaelas been a record1-breakýer for ig sale ýiIs, gnebmargais and jreal is fatoloou-,r irnany cus-tomer.Our stock in th!is depart- ment has beeni reduLced fromr $3000 to $1200, and tiougli- somnewhat depleted theasormetini the varlous uesfor. thel Most part are stiII Col)ete. Th olwn sjust a few of thec money-savîin- bagis en will beclar ...a............... ....... ..$9.50-t $) 7 4-oencmmnlamps, rg7,)c-to W40c for.5... to 50c.each Jardners hve e~nredued onsderblvandthere are stili soime good ......................$,2.80 to 5eah You lad b1etteýr hryif you \want to get au toilet set at cs rcs We jutilhlavea fiw let raaýginig from $5.75 to $2.00. Wehve' m7"ioes chýý (Iinlft ut nthefilaofteI lte s cnp, sucesetc., are orn at bigreuto. Threetable 14lld with o(d h1us inin lauand glasswatre too umr oýus to menion. Corne id pic-k out wa yuwant, Rememer i alIgoesat a ot stpric. $5 for............................ ............ 30 l-96-pece dinner-set of limogeýs china, reg $2-5 for.$16,00 8-only-dinner ses4et, rnginig from $20 to $10.75), now cer ing at..................................... . to$85 GlIass Tumb)lersý,,large size, reg. $1 per doýz. for...80c; mediiumI1 reg. 9c0 oru0-salreg. 80- for .........0e Balance o)f P o Stand Lumps, very pretty dei ; n m mige reg $6j to Y.$2 for......................... $7 to $1,40 s-Hanging lamaps left, regular $1ï2, to $6, wile they last they Our stock of Groceries is the best, cleanest ani freshest and Our prices are righte Bring in pour f a rp o luce. We are still paying bighest prices in cash or trade. The3Papuflar Grocer. Bowmauvîlle. i -______ INeediug t'le n frother i-goods t5 we bave deeided to cerOur enirestck of ','ilts au aps ut sacrifice prices foi'r ik ae Any Hlat lu the Stor-e reg. $2,50, $2,25 aîîd $2, sa-leie $1,50 44 u au1.75 ' 1.25à di 1.50 " 1.00 di 66 id 1.25 and 1.00 75 7 u 50 au50 a 38 Metî s Caps reg. 750 or 50e. Reg. 50c for 35e, Reg., 25o aud 35e for Mec. This includ'es ail of our New Spning Rats and Cape. We are sliowing titis weeýk the finest assortmeut of high class Dne--ss Goods and iDrvss Silks, we havPe eter showu - Sec Ibm Elegaut ad up-to-date trimmîngs to match. Ladie,-s' New- Spring Suits, Co)ats and Skirts- Northway 'Make: Ne-w Mitsi Siîk, Muslin, Nett andXahMaeas: ew hie ea-kr, Night Rbs ostCvr and Drawers; New, Dress M usUns, CotolVus iMrqi-iseýttes, Zephyrs, PolisVsîngPrinîs andGngam;Nuw FI(ouncinsCorsetCovrEbodres -bo deyEg;ns nsrtos and Allover Embroideries And a fulasrmn of all Staple Dry Goods. j - rocers' Due Bils Takeni S.W. Mason&Si Next (Icior to Stanard B nkBwaiville. UIVIN G UP SALE' HIATS AND CAPS ~1I

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