_____ James NEWCASTLE. 'IE[ANB FO ingJthesPhilp, sr., has been epend- 'gteweek with Cobourg friends. 'E ITEGR This Is Qulckly and Pleas.- Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold 1F tlE GR lanily Accompllshed by Jury & Loveli, Bowmanville. Il Yeu Use. Merkley Clark, recently visited Belleville. DAME BOUCLAIRD FOUND RE- Cel tMiss Aima Thomas, Bethesda, is LIEF IN DODD'S KIDbNlEY brn for Easter. Cl at r h z n o Mason has bensedn hýPILLS. week inu Orillia. Messrs. Baskerville, G. Gray, R. Catarrhozone will relleve colds ai- Martin and H. W. Dudley sere hycrdhr agtrsKdc xnost instantly and in a few bours wil Rs aesy tasizsinCoorg.iTe ue e ý iý,trsKde cure completely. If lt la old-standing i szsi oôu asthmia or bronchitis Its Quicit und Scroýfula cunred by Miller's Com-~ Disease and sihe tried them lier- curative results wiil astonish i you. pound Irin Pis. - Sold by Jury & self, iith the re.suit that hér Catarrhozon, is littie drops of heal- L ei owavle ing modicine carried by air *0 th"l-Miss Kathleen Treiiin is home linekache and heartJ trouble are sore and diseased parts. You breathe j thom through the Catarrhozone Inhal- from the Toronto Normal fer Eas- gone. er and they spread throughout ail the tertide. air passages. Rev.ý A. M. Irwin' attended the Jonquieres, Chicoutimi Co., Que., It Io sense as weli as healing, be- funerai of Rev. Lewis' littie daugh- Apr. 17 (Special).-Encouraged to cause Catarrhozone la a germ 1iller, a ter tQhw.us od-KdeyIiî yteat healer and restorer of weak tissuesa, ra saa s odsKde ilytef because It la so prompt and certain Miiier's Worm Powders for ie st-1 tha4i they compietely cured her lit- In its resuits, better than any other lessness and peevishness. Sold by tie girl of kidn.ey diseuse, iame remedy for diseases of the throat, lungs Jury & LvlBowmranviile. Jos. Bouchard of this village, is and branchial tubes, and it la neither Lvlb alcohol, morphla or cocane-ail dont- Mrs. McNaughton is suffering' satisfied cie has at iast found per- eros.from a severe bronchiai attack at manent relief, from the heart'trou- Tenu cf thousanda have usaed Catarrh- the home of her sister, Mrc. lieu- bie and bachache that have trou- ozone withosjt reporting a singe case; wick, New York. bled her for so long. of fallure to cure diseases of the Better resuits follow from thel "Yes,"l Dame Bouchard says, in throat and lunga and nasal passages.y Remember, CATARRHOZONE , î use of Miller's Compound Iron Pis an interview, "I am happy to tel taken in air, and is little drops of heal- than from any -others. Sold by you Dodd's Kidney Pills have made ing for the throat, nasal passages, or Jur & Loveil, Bowmanviile. me well. They eompletely cured lungae. *awydesce-sgu We regret te iearn of the serious my littie, girl, tweive years old,' of Price 2e. c., and $100 at ail drug- illness of Father Tighe, une of th(-ide disease, se I made up my gîste or by mil, post paid, fromn The oldest Orangemen of Clarke dis- mmid to try them for.my bachache Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.,, and trict. Mr. Tighe's many friends andý_ heart trouble. 1I]have. takeni Kingstuin, Canaýda. here and at Leshard, where hetweoe s anid fesurethat they spent many artme years of hie ie, i will eopctl ure e. will wish him a speedy recevery. Do)dd's Kidney Pis are doing a Mrs-. Brown, who lives wîth lier great work in thîs neighborhood. B U or7 ni M S daughter, Mrs. John Douglas, is They have yet to find a case of very iii and will piobably net rally. kidney dîseace thcy cannot cure.c ~5I5~~ er son, Robert Brown, and son- Whether the disease takes the formi in-law, Mr. E. Brittain, were down cf Backache, Lumbago, liheuma- from the city, and her three daugli- tism, Urinary Trouble or Bright'e sncb as you may o>btain under ters, Mrs. -Walters,, Meaford, Mrs. Disease, it is ail the camne to Dodd's the- verreer..fayt rin&MTs. -Itid-ney Prtlls-They alwaysure it.- Central uie.,s college of Tor.t onto' is a sure passport to suc. E. Brittain are watching with Mrs. cess. Thousands have proved it. D Why nt investigate for yourseif? 'ouglas by lier bedside. Our free catalogue explains. The Woman's Missionary Society ýaîmn wri"te for it. w, n. SssÂw, Prn of the Methodist churcli held their IIIlà'[ anuimeeting at the Parsonage à1C " _______________________ ïionWedn.esday, April 5tb, about 3M ladies being in attendance. After thie general routine business adRRASL NE A I election of officers, the retiring pre- WESTMINSTER ABBEY. À BU*HeS Cül 3,sient, Mrs. James Richard, was maethe recipient cf a life-mcm- ber' s pin, and a silver fern dish. Ceremony is Prepared as Careful- C oUrSe.i Mr,, Irwin, on bebalf of the Auxili îly as it Would be for Tetia spoke Of the faithfulness, generos- Production. wilpa v if it i aken at a good school. -ity and nirn zeal mailifested b The-e s none, better than the Britis ellauntirfitng byntio Ametricau Biness College, v. M. C. Mrs. Richard durisîg the four yer Rhears aso th Cooato A. uildi!ng, Toronto, the school that ,rhdbe herhnrdadcemyhvelrd eg i aun ftheforenst business mn ~ a enterhnrd dcrmennyf hver AleyEh e n in Candahae atecld.Students enter. esteemed President, and the ioss Westminse bc. ahpre mishold rf iLcte for atalogue. the Auxiliary was sustaining by the interested lias te study his part as T. M. WATSON, remval to Bowmanviile. Mrs. closely as aii actor. Prinâcip 1al. ichard replicd, thanking the Under the direction of the Duke ladi 1es for their gift and kind ex- of Norfolk, as Earl \Marshai, thea ~ prssins f aprecatin ad sid ffice of w.eîks carnies eut the act- ie would alwaye have pleasant me- ual arrangement cf the "setting," moies cf the Newcastle Auxiliary. and tnaining, with but eue excep-P I Dstace s e hndrise t thsewho Mrs. Irwiu was the gracious hostess tien, thp, sovereigu himefii- jwieh 1,o set the best. Many studeuts froin .-rxudadrbare yt( jthte distant provinces and the Ujnited StAtes in serving tea, and a delightful tutdai e.asd b h atted te soialhourwasspent by alpe Archbishop cf Canterbury, assist-a àmd by the Da and Chapter of EALLOTT r rsent. Cor. Youge and Alexander Sts. TORONTO, ONT. This School ha-% a national repnta- tion for Hixh fGrade Work. G raduates readiiy get gond1 positions.. open entire jisa. Enter ow Wrte for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Triple Screw Turbine Steamers. ROYAL EDWARD& SUMMER SAILINGS: Steamer Montreal & Quebec. Royal George Wednesday, May 3 Royal Edwand , May 17 Royal George , May 31 Royal Edward ,, june 14 and fortnightiy theneaften. For full information apply to, 1M. A. JAMES, Agent fo-r Canadian Northern Steamships, Wesolici the bsss of manufacturer,, Enganera ad oters whlo realize the advisabil. ity of haviýng ti r Patent business transacted by Hxperts, riinaryii-adyice free, Charges moderate. OuýrLInentr', Advlser sent upon request. Mro MroNewYvurk Iife Dldg, Monireal ; andWahnt. D.C.. U.S.,A. I10W TOSAVE NION\EY. A Pointer te iloasekeepers, Loch at the financial sude cf Zum- Bu's use. A cnt sustainei in the home, the store, or tic wcrkhlop, a sore wiich is unatteuded, recuits, aay, in festering or blood-poîsen- ing. Yen have te iay off fora-day or twe. Wlat dcccs that mean when pay day ýcomes roundl Zani-Buh in- sures yeu against tiat ioss 1 A lit- tie Zaus Buh applicd to suci an injury prevents al danger cf hioed- peisoniug, tahes eut the sinaurtliig uni heals. Ilcuds of families hnow hcw costly dectoring is. Be wise and act ou the preventive uine. A box cf Zam- Buk in the home is se all-rcund, useful. The bahy's radlies, tic eider chuiren's cuts and bruises, the inevitabie -hui, eut, or seaud -for ail these, as well as for more serions ailments. asuclias piles, ni- cers,eczema, ingNorm,- etc, -7aus-- Buh is witheut-a rivai, Dangers of Shaving.-Yen get a cnt ut tic harber's chop. A littie Zam-Buh smeaned on tic wcund prevents ail danger. If any ail- ment lias been' contruýcted, Zam- Buh cures. Mn. George Ilobiien, 108 Manitoba Street, St. Thonmus, Ontanie, says: "I ýcotructed bar- har'c rush, uni the whole cf my left check broeeoet in oee masscf rcd, wutery pimples u ni ceres. These sprcud to tic other parts of my face, until face uni nech were cevered witi rnnniug sores, Heow fan tic diseuse would have spreud liai it net been for Zam-Buk, I den't hnew. I upplici tuis bulus, uni in a short tume Zam-Buh cf- fected a cemplete ceure." Zam-Buk SeaP is as geci u s the bam, but in a different wuy. Wached in Zam-Buh Souap the shin is dlisinfccted and diseuse germs lying upon it are kilici. Motiers wili find it munequalfer baby' bath. Zam-Buk -Balm un-iiZaus Buh Soap are cli by ail druistsanid stores ut 50eý. for thc balln alad2e tablet fort Viîe 9oup. 7e Tnes and invigorates th2 wholc nera(us sysýtem', makos sseLw ou ciip lfen,fî eadRreira Wosry, Des- will cu-,re. 1,7 bnail drnuggists or nîiu i plain pg.on 0'ipopro. Neec mj;nplet suiedfre,;s&. T-geaWc 1 Medicin0 CQ., (fOrmerIj Wndo>T eroýnto, iOnt., WVestminster. laI a short time rehearsals will lie held in the alibey almost daily -wheu the principal functienunies will go tir.ougli their duties in everyday attire, witi -waihing sticks for swoniis cf state and wands of of- fiee and two ordinany rush liottous- cd chairs fer the "tlirones" Al areund carpenters and, decorutors are liucy enccting stands. Ou the "tirone" unycue whe is not other- wîse occupicd acts as "hing." FULL DRESS REHEARSALS. Then will ceme the final rehear- sals culminating in tîvo, cr thre fuli dr-ess rehearsals cf the whole service, with the King preseut in pensons. Peers aud'peeresses who have ne speciai duty to'perf.orus, w bcli furnislied witl a detailcd crier cf the service and little slips cf direc- tiens. 1The cest cf the corenation te the State is estimatei at $925,000 or l$îillti mre air-r King ii.a wari's ceronation nune years ugo. Prices for scats aioug tic coron- uticu parade rente une ncw un- nouneci. A large contracter fer stands sai: "We will gie tic ne- senvei uni numbe rei seat, under ceven, in the licat position on -tic route, ut a chaIlrge cf from eue te five guineus($6. WILL HAVE A SERMON. In tic'meet important -respects tic, cercuation serviice, the crier cf whicb lias ucw licen efflcîully puli lished, follows that which v. us ai- optei ut tic crowuîug cf King Ei- wuui and Queen Alexandra, ex- ccpt that ut the -ccmiug ceremony lioti tic iitany uni tic sermon, tothe6 great occa1sio)n," will be in- luici. These ivrumifttei pre. viously b1as c'f tic ilie-se cf the late king. FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE. The clulierate. festival cf empire uni Pageant cf London to lie held ut thie Crystal Palace, arc neunly reuiy. Six thesýai worhmen une eenI11iptingilthe P<ilig.itL the overseas Dominionsare nepre- cýentei by fcîiestructure's cf thiein aitlbulins iaie c f staf an stuco.Thegreniuic are 2)50ace ini extenti, uni liaut-iful- IV laid ctwitlahe1ks, lawls, ec Ti( c Earl cf Pyoti lola eeutnilute l ar-ige otnet i the1f fsiami sir Getorge Fmaptar ue lookin1g ufter 'tise(' icc * tions ui ate1atieS Of the4 cli Crystal MPalace. EVERY tOMAN SHOULD REAO Tuis LETTER IlO And Take Mrs. Riploy's Advjoe Lots, of women are suffering tortures with their backs, when they need not ci a Ms i.apey nancu Irîghtlul SalmnSalad.-One can sal mon pini er back that she could flot do cofurbad'mo'eoegs lier housewo.rk. Shle tells hwsee dfnfu adbie gs cured herseif, WIç1.IAM5DATICE ESr. eîght'lettuce leaves ; mix these with "I Catnaot refrainI from writing yo a salad drtcssing made cf one-haîf about the benefits I have received froxa teaspoonful sait, one-haî1f teaspeon- taking GIN PILLS. I sntffering dread. fui ground mustard, pinch of pep- fully with my back and have suffered, per, one pound sugar, oue poun ,d with it for twenty years. I tried every- butr-n on or n g thing but got no relief, until 1 bouglit n-hrcuviea. et GIN PILLS. I have taken six boxes cfyokon-ircuvnga.Ra GIN PILLS and niow I have net the butter and blend dry ingredients. sign of au ache or pain in my back. i Then add egg yolk and, vînegar. amn n0w 48 years of age and feel as well Cook in double hbouer until it thieck- as I ever did in niy life. There is ens. Serve calad on lettuce leaves. nothing that can hold a place withi GIN Orag Jly Salad.-The mahing PI.lLS for curing Pain In The Back ta ageJl 'wich women are suijec." of this calad. requires littie extra MPas. MILt7.NOR P. RIPtnV. eflert and lias the added menit cf Try GIN PILLS at aur. expense. heeýping well if made in large quan- Write for free samnple box. Dealers tity. Soak one tablespoonful of ge- seli GIN PILLS at,5oc abox-6 fOr$2.C0 latin in one- third cup cf water, add and money refunded if they fail ta cure. hafpn1foag uc n National Drug and Chemical Co., Dept. one-afpnofrng ucad A., Toronto. let corne to a boil. Prepare one- haîf cupful cf nut meats. Peel two oranges, divîde inte sections MODEL WOMAN'S PRISON, and lialve each section. When the New Seuthi Wales is said te have 'ely i ed omi oralt tlie model wcman's prison of the intô the molds, thon cerne nut meats world. The celîs are all well liglit- and orange; continue until the ed, plastered and colored ligit od r ile.Winrayt green., The batlirooms, are suippied,, serve turn -eut on a bed cýf cnisp, with both liot and cold wate-r, a nd I mall lettuce leaves and pour ever, ecd woman lias a d(aily bath. AIlj a cream mnyonnaibe. thewarree ar edcatd wmcn Fruit Saiad.-One pouind wkiit-e the womde are knw nyb u-gapes cut in haif and seeds ne- bers, their names neyer being dis- inoved; eut fine four apples, onle clcedse hatne risn tintmaybunci cf celery, one cup pnape cldig saothmafteo rintlhave serv-two 1bananas, and mix ail toge"ther ed, their termes. Whule in prisan wit oloig"rssn:Ru0e tliey are divi_,ýdd ute, thnee grades. gether dry two tablespoonfuls of In the second grade tliey may hav sugar and ene teaspoonful of mus- -ed1s-w-e-tse-i-a-dt-h dl-s"--i-n--t- V,-tli e tliey may have pictures aise. one-haif cup vinegar, piece of but- ter size cf a walnut, and'a pincli of Salt. Cooh in double houler un- Quinine and Whishey, Lard and tii thich. Te serve, eut lettuce in- Turpntin, Onon Puitie, R t'O shreds witli scissors and place Turpntie, nio Poý]tie jHoton platets in fcrm of nesLs and put Footbathis and xeakening swveat outs. a lielping cf salad in center and Home remedies for Cýous and La. spninhle cliopped walnut ments over Grippe, They usually breuglit ne- top. This mahes enoughi fer twelve suits, but. the cns's.wne ulmrud-.asun-persons. -1-',-1, f.. " ,UýUILbua n pleasant as the ailmeut. WEEKS BREAK UP A COLD is a mnodemn prescription- for these com- plaints. It is convenieut. Jury & Loveli, Soie Agents. EUROPES ARTIFICIAL WOOD. The manufacture cof artificial1 wceds frous sawdust formudns and fiuishiug and building maater- iuls lias beconie rather extensive in Gernany and France. For this purpose blocd and solutions cf el.,, starchi, fleur and aluiminie sulphate are the cemmon aggiutin- auts. .Th-e se artificiai woods tahe on a high pelicli and look attract- ie. Another artifiýcial wood, kncwn as- xyl.cliti, is und.erstood te be. compcsed cf cawdust and chIer- ide of magnesinum. It is said tc possess the qualities cf hoth woc.d and sate, and, as suu-h , isenui-n1, V The~li Cdouh3v do, ou te'ilonac,Cheeffu1- 4t.4- em NEW ssfued - I CrC P AF Â p -4 Bears the signature opn - Use TMS CECTS.us eespasy, 5211 vess env. COOKIES. Drop3 Cookies.-,Tiree large cup- fuis cf grauulated cugar, eue heup- ing cupful cf good hemnemade lard, one and one-haîf cupfuls cf cour milh, tliree eggs, one levcl tea- spouful cf cinnumon, one-huif tea- speen each- of allspice and cleve , oeehaîf grated nutmreg, twe ee teaspocufuls cf bahing powder, one sifter of fleur, one package of cccii ed raisins. Creami the sugar aud lard, adii the weil beaten eggs, tien the cour miih, but add the sodla te milh first. Sif t the spices and bah- ing pcwder with the foôur, then with the raisins add to the above, stir with a spoon if net quite stîff cîîeugh aiid more fleur., Drop with a teaspoon and bake in a quich oven. PUDDING. for Wanctig cre ok Steamcd Pudding with Fruit. - ainscctting, candediworhOne and one-hlaf cupftils cf milh, stais, loos ui sis.three-foutis cupfuls cf sugar, four tubiespoonfuls cf butter, eue smuli 110W TO LIVE LONG. teaspoonful cf suit, tli"ee cggs, tinec cupfuls cf fleur and three tea- Witi healtiy hiducys, oee mc a spoonfuls cf liahiug powder. Mix good chance te lice long, but wcuh powder tlîoroughly witi' the fleur, kidueys affliet old age iiti gra au sugar. milh, yoih cf eggs hbeu discomifortc. Tic, hach hecomes, ten iightly, butter meited, aud last- lient and lamie, rheurniatismý is iy foud in white cf eggs. Into mods1 cirenie, ey-- put a lay er cf butter, thien a. layo1 sîghtfailsaudof fruit until two-tids full, iav tee freque-nt I_ inveunti-~ ng doïgh on top. If canuci fruit' pasaesseetcnecd whippeî cream for urine cauise,ï sauce. embarrassmeut loss cf sîcep uti USEFUL HINTS. niglit. If an oven is toc hot, the temper- Booth's Kid-i- l neyPis bring-n-ew strength-te -old, backs and quick relief te weakened kidneys. Tliey hanieli hackacepand rheumnatic pain, regulate the blad- der and urine. Boeth's Kidney Pis are for sick kidncys in olii or yeuiig and are guarunteed by the prejirietene. The R. T. Boeth Ce., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Seid evenywhere 50c. box. Free trial sent on rcquest. Sold and guananteed in Bowman- ville by Jury.& Level]. A lion-tamer bechoned te a big lion, and it came and Iuck ia piece cf sugan from hic hianid. uWliyI ceuld do that !" saud a specator, withsceorn. "Whaý-t, ye l"cried a f niend. etany quite as weil as th)e lion 1" Restor~ ~ o Gray or- Fddhair-Remàoves Dan- druif and invilgorates the Scalp -Prmotes a luxuriant, jhealthy hair ,,rowth-Stops its falling out. Je net a dye. $1.0 e!5e tDa t o rordirect sPOQ reeeInI fprie, sul<lete, ame. Seat!J&' lo smpsebu.P.lo Hay Spzcialtiea Ca., Nwr.N. J., U.S.A. RLIFUSlE ALL SiUBSTfITUTES os'eadrconddby ature muy blioered! by epeuiug the liii cf the rulite a trifle. To let vines climb up on woeden walls wili serieusîy damuage thein, as it promotes decay. Rardly 'any better -dustiug eloti eau be feuuii thun the ciii fusiîioned re-d bandauna haudher!Schief.' Wlien peing apples, pour houl- ceas wil te u me euily carriei eut. Epieps, p a ýss Wheu mkig weet croquettes, S aid a littie suigur ote crcumbis-in S~~ tVtS st a ce which th, croquettes are to lie rolîci. "I suffered for mauy yeans Sewing machine needies may he frorn whlat cerne people caîl used muci longer if when the points epîlepcy. Dr.iljes' Restolru begin te get miil rhey une rubheii tive Nervine cuned me, andi you ou a piece cf. eàery hourd. cari imagine how thanlnful I arn." -Aften almeunds are blanche.d and M. I. COFFMAN, buttered they may easily be browu- Cohiiwuter, Midi. cd by sihinig theus cicr a fine in "My daugliter was cured,, a comun-poImner. with Dr. Miles' Rectorative Cil from the cuuued sardines ma y Nervine, aften haviug been be_ used iu fnyiug potuto cakes. afflicted with fits for five yeanc."-.' J-t cakes or hnead wiul eut easily PETER McAULEY, il 1tbliiîhuifé is maie hot. Springfield, Mvass. Afenxîshiug a lumnp chirnucy,- "For a ya n littie boy adpoIicli with -dry sait te muhke tice year rny m glass liilliant unit preveuet itrei spasms every tirnelie got a littlecîahug coud. Since takig Dre Mils' Afew pieces cf gum cumliorhep Nerv;ine lie lipes neyer 'had eue. in tic boxes 'in which culver i8 pachk- oft'h lese spasrns." cd in wappings will prevent itsj M RS. MYRTLE- DAG UE, tuIruing durh. Roc-hecter, lad. Suiftti ro, n into tie ovenim d- \13-daugliter coîhp'1 tllo aey ftr enchigm1lie walk frorn St. Vituis' Ilanilý-Ce. buned i it wll he coje Seven bottles of Dr. MjlC3' t-", nuhile drmsntiebe Nervine dýhtîrely cnred ler" Neyer imon s iba bot imon MRS. NýANNIE LAND or .con the rigLit side t is beýtter, ind. aetnet te pres drceW n heT "Unti my on Etel, iîhbut te) vrwt asihl "Uti rl,' snwas 3o years dampencd lti e old hli ad fits riglit alng We An efïfectivecar1f for, hlltu ga0v e, him) seveni botties of Dr. ma emd f rlinen crash witli al Miles'Restorative Nervinie. lHe fgr miiee nec u u lias not had a fit since hie began cýf Éthe Scame eig as ti ppe o On thec fifti bot'tle."tiwal .MRS. R. DUNTLEY, Figrmks ispurfm Wau:tomna, Wis,. vrsidfriuew we i Pric $1.0 atyourdruggist. H-e 41*cjul jvruh'io tccp- u ! o eUPPIY YOU. If heý do-, flot, seed Pric ý ;miwî we s sdn uFD UWC forward pepuv. pnafi DR. MILES MEDO,,LC..C.Teatt -li w Principal. CLUBBiN-ýG LIST The STAFESMAN or NE, ,ws will be fui,. nished for 1911 in connection wif h the unden-named publications at prices stated: Daiiy Globe, muoruing edition ...54 50 Daiy Globe, 5 o'ciock edition ...3 5(3 Daiy Mail sud Empire ........... 4 5() jToronto Worid................. 3 5,f Daily News,..................... 2 50 Daily Star, i cuntry. ...... Daily -Star, us te-wu.......35 Weekly Mail'and Empire .........5 Weehiy Globe..................1 75 Weekiy Witne s. ..........175 Weehiy Sun,... ............. ..i 185 Farmer's Advecate.............. 2 5e Fanui and Dairy................. 1 75 Famiy Hcraid..... ............ ý2 ce Ilone Journal...............I1 75 Chrnistian Heraid.............. .. 2 5a Christian Guanclian ............. .2 50 Canadian Farm... ...........i 85 I xvas only actinig the part-cf peacemaher," cexplined a fprisoner. "But yen ueiche.l the mari sense- lcss !",the magistrate pneînterdcuit. "I dii," nas the answer,. " There Pos ne thray t Leetpa. puluy cfi ucineas he pintwes grow yeilo1,w iin a shaeiy roit2. ISSUE NO. ---l1 7 lý q -t -t 1 i -f 1 1 SALADS. In 'r"s CENrAUR COMPANY, N::w VCR. C911V.