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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1911, p. 3

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u NEWCASTLE. MiýsSarah Moise lias heen spend- ýiig Enster vacation at home. M\iss Mary Furncomb was home fronii Gueiph over the w-eek-end. Williamr Bonathan uni danghter, Miss Florence. Toroento, spent Eas- ter here, MissEthel uni Elvu Ruthorford 4](011-n froro thte city to, speni t1r holidiay w-ài their parents., Wliam eLong und wife w-ere ut 'qale , spei Euý-st-er with their Jaiîiher, Mrs. Mcudows. WIIill. ai Mùurruy Eilbýeck w-ci- 1~home or Eater,,th-e former from * ýroto, uni the, latter f romn Oshu- Mrs. Clarkýe and daughter, Jes- sie, of Toronto, uni Mrs. Rich- 4rd o Bow-manvilia, spent Easter .tMrs. I. Spencer' s. Mrs-,. XVlkar and Miss Whitýe, for-, guer gucts of Mrs. Coulter's, have beendown fromn the city the past fewý- days nsaking a visit. y Mi- Geo.Meirose, Listowel, spent Eate t M2r. Qeo. Grav' retuiru- ing Modyaccompauied 'by -Mr s. MeIroýse am' chili-en ufter an en- oybevisýit with hier parents. MTiss Alma M.James -of St. Tho- mas) >, onc1ert und operetta direct- ress, i-s in Loýs n training a niumber u f ehli'eilu ,For "Qucen of Poppy- lan1,-' n operettu in tw-o csand iwo sc, -s, to hae guvensrt m)th. _Mrs. A. A. Colw-iil w-uccaio te thle citýy hyv the very ctililînes of er sister, Mrs. William Brit-é tain,'a, w-o u u undergone ani 1 peainfor an incurable malady wit--hont hetteriug her condition. ITFTL _RINTS, Where Moths are Trouhiesome.- Scauter powd'ered hitter apple un- ýder the papers in the drew-urs uni at the buck of the chest w-bei-a the dIrussers slide in. Gairbaga pails und dishas' usai for refuse shouli ho rinsed dally after usani scaldei ont with strong :odaL w-ater once a w-eek. Othor- wisetheyare apt to suicil offen- Bcdrorn. Shuldnot hase unyi oohIe'un liungings, and if you bave .a carpot thlen louqve an eight-iuchý us in ilrond so that the dust whic uccmulaes t the sudes of THe rom cau be eusiiy tuken i.. Linolumwithmats. -muke a very Anrimal Was Too Sore and Lame to Work-Quiekly Cured by IlNerviline."l 46TU REGTI. AT PORT HffOPE. The 46th Regiment held its un- nual meeting in Port Hope on Eus- ter Monday, April l7th, and w-as a most successful affair. Those pre- sent were:, Lieut.-Col -P. J.- Pow-e, Lîeut.-Col. J. A*. V. Preston, Ma- jor W. C. King, Cuptuins R. W. Smart, Wm. Farrell, A. Staîker, Long, Leach, McLuughiin, Zealani, ONESIPIIORUS., II. Tim. 1:16. When Pauil was with sorro-; de- scribingý The, men who unfaithf ni had proved, He mientionei in terma -of affection This brother estemed uand be- ioved.' Of him who had been a» true helper 1li seasons of trial and pain He suid, "for- he often, refreshed me, And wa s not ushamed of my chain." A chain hue been sure' -v inventedl For every truc servant of God,' To hinder bis progress whiie treai- ing Where martyrs and heroos have ,trcd. Whon such, likè-the faithfni apostie, Must li e xvheru. their life seems iu vain, They honor the oncs w-ho rcfresh -them And are "not ashamed of the chin." Snch renier a service mest pi-oct- onls To those in the thick cf the st4rife: They heur te the faint unid the The strength-gîving water of lii e. If w-e may not ho în the coruflict Distinguished for sielding the sword, May w-e he found ulways refreshing The soldiers w-ho fight for the Lord. T. WATSON. Uniondale, Ont., 1911. -e THE T PIN. Pi-'sîp and i icd; Lieutenants Whbe, Which Ilas a Crossbar in Place of Tuer, Wulluce, Row-e, Hume, Nay- the Knob Hcad. smyth'. A novelty in pins is the T pin, ECZEN~A WAS SPR.EADIN4. which in place of the ugo long fam- iliar littla kuob ut the top iras at Till D.D.D, Cuti-d It. the biaud oui of the shaft uni sot Thi isa tansaton a attr t right angles with it a short Thisis- trnsltiono» letercrosabar, makiug it a T pin. writteu us in French, ou April 16, Ofeitsdiicttoh-ntu 1910, byý Mr. Dan. Buhineau, Cap olh style pin throngh a number cof Lumiere, N. B.1 fods cf paper or througb fubries "'I hbhoeu sufferiug siith ecze- or other mterials; ani the baud of imu fer about 6 moutha, uni badi th, pin sinka jute the fiuger tip consultai severul 'docters w-ho did 1uni hurts that; uni wheu tho -pin net de me uuy goui. The diseUse 1ha beau finally set inte 'place the was spreudi'ng unic I w-ou go crazy. i materiai pinnai is upt te w-cik up Ali ny friands w-re teling me I arounn its baud.w-eul losa my bauds unles founi Ali these thiugs are uvoidei by the right treatmeut. tho use of the T pin, svbicb witb its SOne day I read in the Messeuger croashur baud gives a surface about your D.D.D. troatment uni upen which greater pressure eau asked fer a sample. It dii me sel haaxai-ted, mukiug the pin casier nch good thut I immediutely or- te use; w-hile wheu it haheen set derci tsxo large bottles. It teok in place the muateriai canuot work eigbt hottles ultogethor te cure me up ever it; uni fiuully this pin eau cf thia terrible diseuse. I shalho more easily pullai eut. noever be withont a bottle of D.D.D. T pins are mude in s arien3siszes in, my home. uni finis hod in varions colora, for Therecrdsof ton years cf comn- ail soi-ta cf dousestie uses; uni plete cures of thousunda cf the muet tbei-e is aise maie a T pin thab is sevore cases show- that D .D. D. culid a wry-nck; this for buuk stands te day as the ahsolutely re- uni office use. hiabla eczemu cure. The wryneck T pin bas ut the Write te day-for free trial hottle toi) the beaudoui of the shaft, a -totheD.DD.Laboruteries, Dept. little curve, the cresabar boiug ut B. S., 49 Coiborne St., Toronto. it te curve it eu ha tust will gise yen instantrelief. ltl uv ni a ctrs JURY & LOVELL. tbrough a huncb 'of pupers te lie - q-_______fiat in tham, horizontal w-th them, IV.4 YS OF ROSSEXAMNLE Sv hilo (lie cross baud dees net stick WAYS0F C0 S-EXAINER. Iup aboya the top paper but lies IlowTwe ainus Iish-Lawersclose uni fiat upon it, acreas the Row uo ameue Iîsh awyrs peuiug w bore the pin w-us thmmast Ilantilet Perjured Witncsses. tbrongh. Tw-o fumons cross-examinersaut It migbt -have seea that tho the Irish bar, suys Francis L. ugea long familsar pin w-as juat' a Wellmau in "Thse Art of Crcss-- pin uni that se it w-ou alw-aysr-e-, Examination," w-ci- Sergt. Sulli- mnain, in the future as itbai beau van, ufterwaris Master of the Rulas in the past, ulw-ays just the samne; sus Irelani, uni Sergt. Armstrong. that uoboiy w-euh ever tbinik of Bai-iy O'Brien in bis "Life of -Lord isncb a tuing as trying te, invent a Russell" describes their methods. now- pin; but haro uew- in tbe T pin "Sullisvan," hae suys, "approuchis a novclty in pins. cd the ssitnass ýuite iu a frienily w-uy, scemai t e haun impartial inquirer seeking information, look- cd stîrprisci ut w-bat the witness suid, appeurai aýveu grateful for the a4thitional lightthrowu ou tise case. " Ah, indeci! Well, us yen have said se much perbapa yen ýcun help us a littie fui-ther. Wehl, i-eally, my lord, tbis is a vcry in- telligent mun!' " ýSo pl.aying the wtness wit h caution and skill, drus'.ing hbu stealthily un, keeping him cern- uletelv in the dark about the raI 'l have bad a long expericuce I-P IPO'Mýin atuck7, helitie sergeant ts-euting borses, and I eau safely say that I know of no liniment for strains, waitaid until tisa man w-as in the cpi-aine, ana swelling that je se use- mleshes uni thon flew ut, im uni fui 4aronvd the stable as Nerviline.' shook bins as a terrier wouli a rat. Thua,ý w-riteS -Mr. Josbua E. Murchisun, "The 'big sergeant' (Armstrong) from s me (reta Hill P. 0. I bad bai moi-e humer uni more poe-r, ' ~~ a fine y oung mai-ean tîsat wrenched lier but bass daxterity uniioerce. ~e~lîn Iright fore le g and Ilis gi-eut weapeu w-as ridicule. Ho Is a from tLie shouideir iuugbei ut 'the w itness uni maie Trsy dowus she, w-as9 everyhcdy aise iaugbh. The wituess Linimnt ewollen I aplièdgot confuisai ui les t bi1 epr Nervili1neP, and ut ni thon Ai-mstronýfg-peuidail iroi han w-orked Ile a like a chaimpionl in tise ring." ut ,thaýt mnare -a in , _- ~tow-r a day after i. -,aed Ner- BCN "We bavapse evln on onui Baconi Hi-it.--A iiew w-ay te) cok fui-mi foi- twunty-Cive yeurs and never b:,eoýn. Cnýt thin suices, i-cil ini bau- foud I w-ntig.For man or boat it is -a w,-ondterfni liniment."tacgho luorm lnif- W(,av .received neariy five thons- lsbaiit osu jd. ltters, rcomminending Nerviline i ensihBcn r thin sIices. fas a generai househoid liniment, as auno bao ntlriprmoe tis1es il-rund cure fer aches and pains. Oua mnilion bettl-es usedeacb y.aI fri-n the panv pacn then w-bore 'Try 't yorslf arge ýbotties* of Ner- 1they w-ill keeýp bot.Pu inte the vMine 50o; triail size, 25c. Ail deniers, grouse eue eau) cf colin; sutani .r The atrieoeCompany,.Kinig-iaîa-tett.Cokvraqic ston, Ont, ire until hi-ew-n, Se v 11 thbot 1 býacon, OR BEA 7 sîeIr bang t.ism on a clotheýs lino auj aut uti n ce boterkept fo prpse Some moen keep their religion su cold steruge six iuys eut of cavai-. f _____________________ Cures This Disease A fanions scientiststates that Consti- pation' oril on-actionof the bowels,causes more deaths than ail other diseases combineil. Constipation infinies the Kidneys, ruins digestion, is the found- ation of Rheumatismi, poisons the blood, causes Headaches, Neuralgia, Nervous- ness and inscçmnia. Constipation is a weak or siuggish liver. Bile, the oniy purgative of the body, is secreted by the liver, which ini turu should pour ont into -the intestines sufficient bile to movo the ~bowels. Unless the liver is active, there cannot be enougli bile to move the bowels regnlarly, and Constipation is thue result. "Frnit-a-tives", the famous fruit nme- dicine," wil l always cure Constipation becatise tne acs dîrecr'iy on the ttve- relieves the congestion-increasos the quantity of bile-and strengthens the bowel imuscles, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.5o, or, trial sire, 25C. At ail dealers, or froniFruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. DAIMIN GTON. Sehool report for S. S. No. 3,1 Easter examinations, showing per cent. obtain cd: Class I.-Nolliae Burgoss 82, W. Rundle 70, D. Clarke 69, Norman Burgess 65, M. Downey 48. 1Class IL.-George Dow-ney 65, L. Kilgunnon 43. Class III.-M. Burges72, ,F. Rundie 61, N. Metcalf 61, W. Met- c aîf 61, E. Clarke 56, G. Powser 56. Clas IV.-P. Hoit 82, A. Rundie 70, F. Burk 53, L. Pow-er (absent). S. A. MOISE, Teachar. SPRI'NG S1TROUBLES.ý P imples, Eruptions anti "Spott'y complexionis." At this scuson, sc ores'of peope- girls an.d young woman especally- fini their faces disfignrod by pim- ples, iark, spots, eruptions, etc. The skin neais attention-needs re- novuting after the trying time it ha passed througb during the winter. Just think what it bas gone througb! You have been ont *nrain ani sleet and suow. You have beau ut on«e moment perspiring f romi skating, or some othaereaton Thon yen have stood to "coolof. You have spent heurs of tho dayin- doors ut a temperuture equal to summer heut. Then yen have ,;ov- erei up yonr skin-oxcept your face -uani gone ont jute a temperatii-e a way halow- zero! No wonder that, with al these changes, the skiu of the face uni neck show s signa of ueaiing attention. Zum-Buk and Zarn-Buk Soap are the remedies. Smear Zam-Buk iightlyv over the spots, the ai-up- tions, the sallow- patches, at night, uni w-usli with Zam -Buk Soup (oniy 9-5c. per tahiet) each day. Thon no- tice bow- quickly your appearanca improves. As the rich, refinci, ber- bai essences sink deep into the tis- se, the hard, scurfy-like putches are ren,.eve.d. Botter coler rasuits. The ceils of the skin become trans- parent. The blood heueutb is aqbla te impart its propos coloring te the tisane, uni the dalicate bloomi of heaith replaces the sailowness and palIer of diseuse. 'Zam-Bnk is also a sure cure for akin injuries uni disoa'.es. Eczema, ulcers, ringw-orm, yield to its use. For enta', huma, bmuises, chiidren's rushes, etc., it is unaqualîci, und for piles. Mothers wili fini Zam- Bnk Soap hýeat for hahy's bath! Ail druggistsaund stores ut 50c. box for Zain Buk uni 25c. tahiet,(or 3 for 70c.) for the Soap. If yen have any ifilculty in obtaining. orior from Zam-Bnk. Ce., Toronto, and seni prico. WORDS 0F WISDOM. A juigo w-ho is ncs or w ortîs eiti- cis i i-s pro)bably nos or nortii any- thiug ut aIL. The bai writing of signatures is affectation of the worst form. nware oüf thut terrible' expres- Sion, "I keep rnyseif te mysaîf,' A self is net worth mncb if it is kept te itsalf. The busier a ma is. the btter I able is ho te throw- his euergy inito othe os-sv'k. A soi-y little originality goes a long w-ay.'- - -- -- ln u on- Jusypeeutw-e are upt te -forgat our pat'uni thes.e wo helpci te make it for us. Itis casier te give a direct noega- tise answ-er thun a plausible c'a î- sive eue.,i The man w-ho dodges the, pro- blema of life ofteu ha a btter time thun the man w-ho trios te sols-o them. One of thc, greatest misehiofs of the pi-osent day is the spirit- of go- as-yen-pieu'se w-hich pros ails. puss tw-ce roa asiv t- ou ces~~~~~~1u ofprpricak afa :oun cflosvi e raiot n ui With Every Bag VI of Flour There Goes A Guarantee That guarantee means that I believe Cream of the West to be the best bread flour on the market. If your bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, if it fails to rise or doesn't give extra sati'sfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you back your ziony on returXp of the unused portion of the bag. the bard wheat fl our guaranteed for bread If people wiIl fairly and honestly try Cream of the West they wi!1 have success with it. That's why we enarantee I t. We are sure of if. The Campbell Miling Company, Limlited, Toronto SUE WAS SURPRISEO When Or. Morse,$ Indian Roo-I PlEs Ouired her Chromec Liver Complaint Mrs. R. Smnith, of Wiauipeg, Man., tells an intereA3tiag story of relief ftrom almost intolerable sufferings: "I can hardly tell you how girat my snflerînga have been. Chronic liver com- plaint accompanied by biliousness wver a daily source of triai to me. 'Every day I experie1ceýd the sickening eff ect-z of these nilments. I longed for some tredi- cine that shoui permianently dri'. e thi away. 1Iearing-cf I'r. iosesIndian Roaut PilIs, I thought tluey weci-eworthy cf a trial. yvsurprise was indeed gteat. Fio bte very fi-st 1 expericnce eif Continuing wîth thcmi I fouudmyto- les werc siowly but surely leaving m ie, and before long I once More kncw w,,- b at it w-as te be free frorn the harassing cf- fects of the ailPments that lhad ln i ened unidw-ened me. So 'ret i fsithlu iDr. iMorse's Indian is :IL;th!a't shall nover ). onay acuth ihu Ia( your dade s. 1 Establislued 1873 0 F CAN/XDA 80 Branches CLRBIY COMPRESSEO AIR CAISSON DISE ASE CABRIE S OFF MANY WORKriMEN. Qucer 3Medical Experinîents Arc Baing matie te Diseover Resuiedica. Few people bave any idea cf tise never-enuig carias of exparîments cariiciont in oui- huspîtuls in or- ior te, disc-over tise hast metisois of combuting diseuse uni te fitîi ont efie causes of practicully un- known complainte. Oui- doctors, yonng uni ehd, are submitting thamacîlves te diffament treutmeut day after day, se tisat tise suffaringa of hnmauity mnay ha reniai-ai hessaucutesays Peursen's Waekly - -Most people have heuni of the ieadly caisson diseuse that carnes off muny w-orkmau w-be are eugaged in conatructing tunnels unier riv- ara or building tise piars of a bridge. A caisson is a cross hetw-eeu a iviug-bell uni a section cf a 'ube." 'Nien la tîLuci a e1 driven underneoats a ri ver tise-w-a- toi- percolates into, the w-orkiuigs, uni in oriar te pi-avent this tise bad of tise tunînel consisaof -a Thsis is vary simiur- te tise rail- w-ny "tubes," but tise fi-eutcf, it is dividai fri-cmtisei-est by a tisick uron, air uni w-uter tight'w-eil. Air ia pumpai into tisis fi-ont cisamber se tisat tise extra pressura k-eeps tise w-atar eut, uni in tisis cempres- sed air tise men w-ork. IN DANGER OF DEATH. if the mou came frýonitisis ebum- ber directly into tisa ordinar y air tise differenceý in tise preassure of tise atmospisera w-euh cause bnbblcs of sitregen gas te fui-m in theirveina, uni tisese w-onuldhacari-iite tise heurt uni cause instant deats. Ia erier te preveut this, a-sec- ond cisambar is eenstrnctei hetw-een tise cuisson uni tise open oui of tise tunnel. Wben a shsift is te ho chaugai tise new -gang cf w-orkmeui enter tisa outaide chumber, oir air lock as it is culîci, uni tise door\is closei. Tison air is pismpei into tisis gradually, se tisat tise men may become usai ttes difference. At Ieugtis the samne pressura is reacisci us thut svitisin tise caisson, nIsen tise icer hetween tise tsvo us upenci uni tisa frasis men go into tise caisson,-s'.hile tisose te 'be i-e- lievai ýceme ont into tise air hock. As soon as tise door is sisut tise pressure of air in the hock is raine- ai gruiually. Iu tise caisson itef, tise precsaura may b-e as mucis as thirty peunda te tise square is, just double tisa oriinary utmespber- te pressure. At fi-st tise pressure su tise air look is tieseamne, uni us thoen raducei by a few pounus. After a eompurativaiy long nuaittise pressure, is ouce more reincai, uni a gain tisera is a wait, ntil ut lonLytistise nosrmal utmosnisernis reacisci, tisa deer te tise open air us pusisai aside, unitise men coe ont.- FITTED UP WITH TELEPHONE. Iu tspite of tisese precutions it huas iappenci that mon have died, uni in erier te stuiy cuisson dis- euse uni fini eut tise hast methois of raducing pressure in erder te prey eut fatal rosulta, a perfect caisson hua been construceai in tise Lotion bHospital. Membars of tise medical staff isumure tbemselves un this uni muke notes of thisai fealungs, w bila different matisoda of keeping tise air pure are aise triai. A telepisone bus isecu fitted np so tisat tise man inside eaui coin- mîsunicate nit is sfelusys, uni un electrie lanîp givos light Tise cais- son is enter-ci hy mens of'a mari- isole w-hicb eari ha maie air-tigist, uni tise ps-assure is inue-asai isy a gas-angine w-orkitg un air pump. Ahi eadyl valuable resulta bas-e boon ubtairuei, uni it is hoýpai tt tunel workers w-ill soon have bass i-cocon to fer ent.oring cai~ssss. Altogetiser, it s-ýems tisat lu tise future compressai air will ho of- courlssiieîahle service te tIse pisys- ician. We ail kuowtise use of tise broneisitis kettie, uni uow a Gar- projectsng jnst aboya thse surface of TO SEAT FOUR PATITENTS. When ail is reaiy compi-essai air is pnmped tbrough aulne of tbesa p pipes, whidi are se arain ga thut thîs fui-ces aulne of the liquid cnt of ýthe tiny n-ozzles-in the foir-su-ofi super. Býy the pecnhiar arrange- cf the pipesas nd nozzies the liqnid us se ompe yvprsithat it becomes part of the air, uni the ipatient eau breathe it into.the i-e- inotest cernear, of the lungs. At a big London hespital ordia- ai-y compressai air aloi sl now- be- i ig usoci fer tisa treatuienut cf cer- tain issng diseuses, chiefly bren- - Iti ni astisma. \i i--tigbt rooia of i-en plates sr[fmf-ýc b, [lare tuo centain four cý !hi-lnia fabl basbeau cou- 'mur patienta1 enter )Yi ij los-iun r u mfa PICiii b tise- squLarýe mis botto on ITCIIING SCALP. Got Rid of, In a Few bure. Thero is notbing madei that wil se quickly iid the scalp of distrýees- ing itchineas as PAREISIAN SAGE the hair dresser aud beautifier. Jury' & Loveil1 guar-anteoýs Paris- ian Sage te eus-e laduuduff, stop itcbiug scalp and faliug bais- or mouey hack, uni salis it for cnly 50 cents a large b ottie. It puts vstal- ity juto the buis- and gives'it a ra- dîant lmater. It is the favorite isair dressing of reflindwomen because it is quiukly refreshes the scalp uni net bhi sti-cky or gi-easy is delightfu te use, A man w-as grcauiug hocaîrsa of biis ucbing, teetb. "Wisy do'tys gu o te he dentistl"aki u bis frienIus, "Oh,. 1 hyo , gtqh nro"w-as fthe rpi]Y. Nv mui th 1at, " Irepliai the ïfriand, t ticutit w-iidinitsh civ l i-it. MONEY O RDERS FOR SMiALL SUMS Safety, convenience and1 Iow coft unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 .. . 3c. $10 to $30 10 .lc. $5 to $10 ... 6c. $30Oto $50.5..Ic Drafts issued for larger amounts., Savings Bank Department at Every Brandi. 87 Bowmanville Branch: A .maimIaNr Blacktocka W. J. WHITE, Branches also QLt Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono. Oshawa, Whitby and Brooffljn. Ta1ke What PUt ? Why, a, Dr., Miles' Anti-Pain Put, of course. Good for ail kinds of pain. Used to relieveNeuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rheu- kuatism, Sciatîca, Kidney Pains, Lumibago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stoinachache, Period- ical Pains 'of women, an,4 for pain in any part'of the body. "I have used Dr. Miles' medicines for over 17, years and find them excellent. I keep Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills in the bouse ail the timo and would not think cf- taking a journiey withoýut tjjen, no matter how short a diutapce I ?Ah going. I cannlot praisethem enoCIIUgZh." 6HihSt., 'Pecnacook, N. 1'. Atai du~~ss.25 drs25c. aiBowmanviffle, ,Ji ý,à S-, LIJ FELESS DàEBULITATE-D MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIfDLI:AGEDtMf the vietimis of early induiscretuons and late x cesses, who are faihires in i fe-youdare the DtI cneswe eau restore to, manhood aud revive updespair becue yon have treated t h other dctr. see etrie beits and tried [ )varos drug store nostrums. Our New Metuod Treatment haq snatehed hundreds froni the brink of despair, has r- stored happ ness te hundreds of homes and has ur'e-succesufu n. n cf th r e- ho vwere " do wn and out.1 W e p e e o epe mie _r edies'for each individua ,dcas eiacr g t. the syposand comi cat ons We3 have no patnt efic ec h es oe fthe.secrets f ou- wonderful succes as ou- treatmnent can- not fail, for we prescrihe remtedies adapted te e.,h 1ndividual case Oniy curable cases ao- c-epted. We have clone business throuchout P, Canada for over 20 Yeurs. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY RAERAre you a victîm? Have you lost RAEhope? Are you intending to mar-y? Bau your blood heen diseaseci?1Hve o u weakness? Our New MethodTraintI cure yoo. What it has doue for others it wiii do for you. Consultation Free. No matter. who. bas treated you, wvrite for an honest à~ opinion Free cf Charge. Book. Free-- '"Boyhood. Manhoo,,d.Fatherhood.11 (Illustrt- cd) on Diseases of Men. N'O NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No flarns on boxes or canve1. qo2e Eveyt ing Confidential. Question List and Cost cf Treatmont FREE FOR HOME 'rATMENT, Cor.MichganAve. andd Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. N CE Ail letters fromn Canada mnust ho addi-essecl meut in -Windsor, Ont. If you desîre to sec us personaliy cail at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat no patients iu our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and iq aboratory for Canadlianl business, only. Addrcas ail letters as foiiows: for their respiratory organs are aboy7e the normal. Tt isý kept at conclucted te special rooms called j this pressure for about an hour, inhaiatoriums. With the exception and is then permitted to escape of the face they are then covered sloWly. with a wvaterproof cloak. In the Altogether the treatinent lats centre of the room is an apparatus txxo lhours, and a tcurse consists of which resembles a procelain bowl'about twýenty-five, 'the treatment in which is the medicul preparation. usually being taken three times a Several littie pipes may he seen week, 1 THE STANDA RD BANK

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