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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1911, p. 7

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The K,,ind Vou Have Awy Bought, and wvhlch bias becil in --- for over 30 years, ha-s borne the signatnre of ~and bias been madezinder h s per- sonal supervision since ifs lnfancy. Aiow no one to deceive you lu this. Ail (Jounterfeits, Imitations and 4"Just-as-good" are but; Experiments that trifle 'with and endanger tise heali c f Infants -and Chldren-E xperience against Expeimente C4îatoria Is a harmlcas substitute for Castor O()i, Pare- gorbe, Drops and Soothlng Syrups. It Is Piecisant. 11; contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcof1e substance. Ifs age is its-guara-xtee, It destroys Wormims and allays Feverishuess. It cures Diarrhoea mcid Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. If assimilates the Food, regulates tise Stomacli and Bowels, giving, healthy and nat'rai sleep. The Chldren's Panacea-The 3îother's Friend. Th J Kd YoII Raye Always Boiglit In Use For Over 30 Years. lî-I CETU OmPAr.Y7 URN TRl EW VO.M CITY The Home Notes of Particular Interest tolWomen Folks DAINTY DISHES. Bcnsandwfiiches will he ca-feu by cudîufor bekatwlieu they w 'feaf cid boibed ha-coui. Chop thelieaca-fsd la-y if betweeu aiýes etfin-ca-t'nd buffer. The fat 1s1 cx- uellent ton thetu iiiceld wesfhier. beonernical Lenun Cese.-Puti tun ounees e oof i gbutter into s~saueeansd wlieil neltod add tbre oune a-ch of masled pefate anudtuganr, a-nid flicyobhs oetfwo eggks. Stir even flc ie fili lichemix- tuire is etfli liua th(,ouoey. TIen add fliegraf-c rd ii(lsudjuice ot a- large lemon. Stir wveli, a-ad peur imte a pot ton use as-reqluiset. Herse-radial sa-uceoca-nlieina-de witlieut creatu, thougl iti is a va-af sîuprevernent. Put four ta-bespoon- fuis cf gs'ated herse-radial info a basin sitli eue teastý-peenful of castor pouad cf fleur, add teoiftbnhee oua- ces et castor sugar, ha-if a- feaspoon-, Lu! et ba-king-pesm ra-ad six oua- ces cf teaed raisins. Boa-f oue egg witli a gili et miih, a-dd a la-mgo pinch et powdered cinna-mon, sud stir nt uteiccake, beating fo a- iglif baffer.- Peur jute a gneased Yonkhine pudding-fit', a-ad hahe in a sharp ovon. JIurn ouf ou te a sieve te cool a- liffbe, a-ad lien, wifb a- liot huie, eut jute -squares sud serve. Beet Stew.-This la an ecounmi- ca- chah for a fa-miiy dinnen. Cuf upi fopouada et alun of heef a-s if fon a pie, put if inta aait' with a- litf le vinegan, sud ica-ve ton feu minutes. Meif a-n ounce et dnip- ping lu a- frying-psn, add a- large onsoncliopped fine, a-ad a- table- spcsonful of fleur. Stir filif browtns. Thonadd a pint et waten, ou5eseue iaspooîcus e sait tue 4unu 4Uit til lU cols, 4rut -uetu41 teaspoonfuls eif imace mustard;- stir inte a jar with a teacupful ef bar!- wxe11 and add sufficient vinèg-ar te' cet beans, two carrets sliced, and make it the cusistency cf thiek peur over the gravy f rom the pan. ejeanu. A gil f creamu vaatly im- Cover and stand the jar in the proiecs it. oven for about four hours, wheu Anl Egg for an Iuîalid.-As youirthe neat should be very tender. invalidi is tireci_1etggs, aid ye,(t Serve on a hot dish with sippets et mtîst have-( themn, try ths way of toast round. cooking,ý them. Beat the yolk fi pale and thje white to a froth, add RICE. sat anid peppet', and peur into a cuip, xwich stand in a saucepan of Rice and ,Tematoes.-One-haîf beilling wates'. Stir slow f111 the cuptul ef rice, one-half can cf to- ggtbickens sligbtly and begins te mnafees. eue onion, one-haîf-green, puff up.u Dust a liffle parsley, and epppr. Boil rice about ten min- sreat on1ce witb slices of bread utes, then add fomatees, enien and an11btter pepper, choppcd fine. Cook fwcu- Frîed -,,ut!atees are liked by ail, ty iminutes, se asebn te taste, add oe yenîholdhave -ne difficulty in tablespoonful cf butter, and serve. mrking shet1 cîisp. Peel tbem, eut' Chipped Rice and l3ecf. One-half in suesAd dry in a cloth. ,2M1eit pcnnd chipped beef eut fIùe, oe ,iet 1 t' at in a frying pan, aud tablespoonful of butter, eue-half wl'eni it is httchat a blue stueke cuptul cf rice, twe cupfuls cf milk, repuit ici some potato suices, turu oue tablespoofiful cf fleur., Soak them, and when uearly cecked take beef if veî'y salty. Fry it in butter eut. Heat the fat again, and î'e tfo- five minutes, add ote, table- tuu'u fhéc lices. Thî,t will make themr spco uful cf fleur ant! stir until crisp and ligbt.1 smoeth, dieu ado milk, stirring Stîawberry Buns. Mix together conutaudly te avoid lumps. Befere bif a poundcf fluer, a quarter' cf ta king off add thec rie-, previeusly a peand rice, and a teaspeentul oif1 buled. Sepseci and serve on toast. bakun iig pewder. Rub four -ounces cfI Salmon and Fiee. Gue eau sal- 1'rdinfe ià-, thon dd thre-o ecseer o, oeand one-hait eaptuls et Master sugar, and w ork if inte a rce, eue and oee halL culptuls cf .4f euhs.if u ggad a litf le 'Le~1 sauce, saitan pepper te miilk Make the deuigh into snali faste, oee ablespoonful cf butter. lumps, and into a hLue on the tep Make layers cf tîce, salmon and cf each place a xvle sfawbrryWhite sauce, having white sauce ou) frrom seme good Put butter ou top adbk Trush. over with m11ilk, sit sme fittecu -or twenfy miînutes. >,ga1' tveî', au.d bai t ('ickon and Bice CroquetteS liasinSqurc.--<~~"etî1o o OnDe anti eehalf cupful et chiche-s, .-es ef clarified dripi te halL a oeehait cuptul et niec, twe stalks' m 12 ME -M a L17M-É IRAINING YOUNG TREES. Training'flic youing orcliard is .unorc ueediul flian pruuing, a-ad should cousiatmostly iunhapigthe frocs or koeping thons in fertu sud popoly bala-uced. Very offen flic ide opposite flic direction frorn whicl flic prcvailiug wiuds coeeli- come heavien flian flic ide fowa-rda the wind, a-sd fhesenoyai et some ot the branches a-ad-boa-ding in et ofliers becomes nocesa-m. Some shoots bocome foe rampa-ut a-nd need clieckiag te preserve flic halance efthfetroc, sud othora ca-n be 'lout a-uc tied -te fill flic open spa-cea. Work efthflu kiud andthli cln nthe summrner. A uh.or clustere"d habit of iwas on the miomentous and it was gtowth, is njt~ uncommneýveýn in qu(ite youing treés, arid needs te, be corcehy Lthe remloval o)f surplus bzanches.- ne. but an air miedicine, that ca-rites ) thie remotest partq ofethîe tînoat, ngs, aud air celIs luttle drops oet bal- ig se curative tbast wlenever it ,nchesl garnilite U idls sud !eradicates leum tien the system. Thncusauds of dScoras andi patients ave bacc disappoin.teti by usiug tora-db iedilcines for ctsa aad elds. Have you net fouaid i a athon ouîielmeut xcv te ea-li the dia-eased ortion ofthîe tbreut i sudlunmga? Why nef use Ca&ibzne vicb is reathed te fthe veï,,ry roofe the dis- 'ase andti hisiseo'ilokly sud par- ectly tlat everr' :s rebuilt wlth iew healtly 1' Caturrhozone ia t¶.e only medicine hiat will cure. Tho-usands have testi- led, 1 Think for a moment. le t net sense? .itle drops of healing-the air car- à irugs, and Elect4icity, among them per- rhat, is why Catarrhozonqe Cures Price, 265 c, W andi$.0,a I grgýis, or by mltpcôtpaid from ý'he Catarrboanue Occ, BuUaalo, N.X., andic KiasoOnt ouWasli., whene is sister ne- Mr. REb)t. McGrath Toronto, is itel blis sister, Miss S'arAl c Grath who fis ii Milr'Vorm Powders cr e ve~ tr hilden.Sold 1by"Jury i LMvr.,Bowanvlle celcry chopped fine, on.e-half pep- IOM NS DVC Ipd,- ne,. ;g a.e, racker T O E crumbs , ehaf cupful white T O E sauce or stock, Sait a-nd, pepper. Mix a-l ingredients, makeè in bails TAKE GI-N PULLS and roll in cgg and cracker crumbs1TvTýxsIDx P.O., ON'-t. and, coek in, het lard- five minutes. 01 receîved your sample of GIN PILLS anti after usiug then, I toIt SO miucli btter that, I get a box a-t my SHIED FOR THE FARM -TOOLS. drnggist's, snd new I amn takiug the third box. Every farmor should bave a shed The pain acressa my ba-ck arud kîiduys fer bis teols and tbe tools sheuld bas almost entiro]ygono ant iIam better be cloa-ned and placed in the shed than I have been fer years, I was a groat sufferer frein Rheumatisin but it, as seen as eue is through using lias ail loft me. I-strengiy atvise al thein. Otten this saves turne ansd woen, who sufer from pain In Tbe dclay wben the tedl is wa-utcd la-fer' Back anti Weak Kiducys, te, try GIN on, writes Mr. Thes.- M. Cisel. PILLS. Mas. T. HARRIS. The' paint brusb she.uld be used Theusands et wonoen, right hore in freueuly n te wedwrk ndCanlada,, owe thoir rebust heaih, ilicir, freqenty o. te wodwrkand strength and viger, their briglit oyes sud ether parts that. become weru or rosy cheeks-te GIN PILLS. Andt tey scraped by use. This ceaf s but lit- know tbat GIN PILLS will cure the tle and a-dds years to thec lite et Kidney andi Blatider Troubles with flic teels. In tact, it isbcst te give whrich se mnany womnen suifer. aIl machiuery a new 'ceat et paint De just as Mrs. Harris did-first, everytwo yars.write for a--froe sampie'box of GIN everytwo yass.PILLS sud try tbem .TIeni, if tley do 1 kuow a tarmer who felows thisý you geeti, get the regular Soc boxes at methecl et caring fer bis tarm mta- yeur dealer's. Yonr mioney premiptiy bie bas owned fer ten vears aud if refuntietiif GIN PILLS fail te give cbiuery. He is nec' using a binder relief. National Drug anti Chomnical ia stili coing geod work and the Ce., Dept. Ai. Toronto., 56 repair bill fer feu years bas becu Inth. htr iegees over all IOII. S JIEJNN bis teols aud repaira, repaints andTRUL - HIA geýts the- min shape for nextsum- mer. The ceat of bis shed was $50,PORTUGAL TR E OTR anud bis turne whilc building it. P II KYT H The teollieuse need net bc a coat- j EUROPEAN SITUTATION. ly, building-a geod roof with chea-p sidiug will do. and any ma-n sbould lie able tu put if up at edd tines.. Unpaiid Germa-n Ciaimýs lias Lead Seme armrs use shadle treoýs for oFitnWthIe roefiug their tools. 'Tbe shado ÎS t rcinWt e but little protection, as the more Republic. meisture the more rust, and the A sha-de will holci the moisturo for ACloud, at prescut ne bigger da-ys.than a man's baud, is visible on Thd esaf u nwbidr iltlie soutli-westernhorizon et Eu- The ostof ne ew indr wll'rope, writesW. T. Sfead. pay _for a ýgood builiing large AfarluPtulaeamitd eueugh tei store the, full equ-IPuelit l A a ad wi oray l aerew Repuli- et a tair-sized faim. I n a a.TenwRpb Iu this shied ma-y be placeti the lican government is cofronted by fore sd orkenh were~t-saîîan empty freasuny a-nd a discen- forg an wokbech. her smllltented population. rep ar sefmachinry -ndna' aRevolutionists always believe fbey uewanduseul hin may b madeare ±naugurafing the millenium and duriug the winfor menflis. Put in they almost invariabîy discover plenty et winclows on tlie sicles and 151sftbey have on1ly succeeded in endsa, particularly on flie workshop ci,,g,,g tihe liolders of office.' ide. Heuce thie reaction borri et dis- appointmed't, whicli' ii Lishon is AG001 MEBIINE takinig the form etf angny stnikes, A l t« arbitrary Ics FOR 111E BABY ures of. repressien. lu -reply te a question, the Ger-, 'ma-n Chanceller intima-ted thaf lie Baby's Owni Tablets is flic oný ha-c in ývain eudeavored te citam medicine thjat ca-n bh, given littie satisfaction for certain clima eues witli fhe firmi knowlcdgo that brougit- by, Germa-n subjectas notbiug but goo)d ,ill resuit. The- againaf flic- new goverumnent lu Lia- Tablets are solti under flic guaran- bon and fliat lie was new consider- tee ef a goverument aualysfte con- ing 'wiat mcasures sbeuld be ta-heu tain ne opiate uer a-ny -other crug te secure redrcss. wbichi will lia-mflic youugestchild The rema-rk escaped attention, -tbey ca-nef pbissibly do; harm; but its significance la uumista-k- tliey always do gooed, and once a a-hie. The warnîng ma suffice and mother lias usecl fliin she will neyer the danger ma-y pass, bjut, ou tbe a-gain givo bier little eues castor eil eflier baud, flie Pontuguese Ma-y or flic "soothing"ý stuf s wbich net be a-bic te satisfy flic Germa-n simpy dug abyinto tempera-ry demanda. In that ca-se very serions seimplyndrugte nddobabyMr. trouble ma-y arise before ma-ny da-ys reliefea-ud in flic end dophermilMrin Phillias, Paradis, Frampton, Qu'e.,' Prevr.alIf a-nta-rly tpr eas u writes: "Seud me twe more boxes Prua fwf.t ayfi af of Baby's Own Ta-blets. I have ho a very, sfreng temptatien te usedthe forcontipaionandGerma-ny te rosent te, force teoh- uset thin fr cnstpa-ten -ndtain that satisfaction which ma-y ho bave alwa-ys found flicin very geod. justîy lier due. My baby is centainly progressing GRAYWNSLNS under flie Tablets." The Ta-lets GRAYWNSLNS are sold liv medicino dcalors or by The tempta-tion lies in fli. fa-ct mail at 25 cents a- boxf rein The Dr. tia-t Portugal istahli owuer et' an Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockville,ý immense tract et veny fertile, but Ont. very sparsely populated terrifory Ont. in Af nica- upon which Germa-ny long ANIMALS FREE FROM LICE. since cast a covefeus oye. Germa-ny wa-nfs Augola-, an im- Lice seem te Le more troublesome mense territery "iu soutbwestern duning flic sprng wieu flic farm Afnrica wbicli is more tisa-n' wice the anima-la are kept inside until warm arc- efthflicwliolc Germa-n empire, weatlser cemea flian at a-ny oflier but whicb la-s enly four million in- time during flic yea-r sud as sec liabita-ts, ail blacks. a-s a-n animal is discovered te lie Thaf Germa-ny bas long rlarked lousy, the lice sliould be destreyed Angela fer lber ewn in ca-se flic a-f once. We bave found a- sfroug Portuguese colonial dominions decoctien oetfoba-eco a-a excellent ca-me te lie disfnibuted is a-fa-ct pet- wasl ferrflic purpese et destreyiug-fecfly wcll kuown t& aIl wlio are lice, but durng îecent years we have licou usiug a mixture of crude 1 cil a-nd crud eaxhlic acid mix-ed ,, Aù 50, parts et cfude oil te eue part crude carbelie acîd, and finuth laf o c ii flua cees tlie work in a very ther- ougli and effective ma-uner. On fIe catfle we apply if witlià a- ad spray- 'le !ane et TheusandS, and bas or, but fer fhéýlic hea se prefer te Craksiuwalls mybectpe madlinte a pas;te witb in -1egar and bot ater. The fermier driessow ]y auid rnestheý cernent more'( SMakes Home Baking Easy rconversant witli the secret dipie- matic liistory of flic la-sf twelve yca-rs. About twelve mentha before fli' firaf Hague conference wlieu war scemed imminent between Lord Saiisbury's govorninent a-adflic Germa-n empire by wbicli fli higts eoutra-cting powers a-grood in ca-se Portugal sliuuld at a-ny future fume decide te liquida-te lier colonial pos- sessions, Bifiam would net oppose flic acquisition cof Angola by Ger- ma-ny anud flat Germa-ny per cen- tra-et weuld nef objeet te tue a- quisition of Portuguese Ea-st At- ries by Brifa-m., TREATY STILL IN FORCE. This tnca-ty lia-s nover been pub- islied, but if la astill lu tence. King Edwa-rd was sfrengly opesed teOflic bangain, but flic LubateKatanga- rsilroad lia-clneftuen licou dream- cd et a-ad'if was thouglit worth sybule te sacrifice AugO' ot secune a- recoguitioz, et the rcversieuany iglit te flie territony whicli cen- tained'Delagea- Bay sud Beira-. The freaty weuld net, etf cours-', cove r a-ny for-cible seizure of An- gola', but if a-asrcliy could triumph iu Liabon, a-il Portugal's posses- sions over ses miglif le tlirown inte the molting pot anud if fliafliappen- cd, sîflieugli Germa-ny miglit nef Lairly cIa-in Angola- as ber ewn, if héldli difficult for Euglauid te ebjeet,, aeeing tha~ ion nriglit te se- cure if wa-s pnevîsionally sud pro- spectively admitted as fa-rlia-cha-a LiS98. This is the cleud et' flic horizoni et) wliich I spoke. If a- disper-se, but a-s long as Liabon îa ini danger cf ananchy if is nef aurprisiug that fliose wloie o.k ahead sliould eed uueasy. NFRVOOS DISEASES IN TUF S P RIN G Caii be Remoyed by Toning Up the Blool, Thlis Streogtheniîng thie Rarves Nerveus' diseases are moi-c com- mon a-nd more ses-ious inthfic prng than a-a-ny oflier fume cfflicheyca-r. This is flic opinion'of flic beat me- dical authonities atter long observa-- tien. Vital changea in flic systein affor long wiuter monflis ma-y cause mucli more, than "apring, weak- t'os," a-ad the familiar, weariness sud achinga. Officia-I records prove that lu Apnil sud Ma-y noûra-igia-, St..Vitus danco,:epilepsy a-nd va-ni- eus forma et nerve disturbanees a-ne a-f thelr worsf, especiafly arnong, these wlio la-vo nef reacbed middle The a-ntiquated custetuofetfaking purgatives in ftle apring la useless,, fer flic systein roally needsd strengtheuiug, while purgative-s ma-ko you weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla ha-vo a- specia a-cfiou on flic blooti aud nerves, for tliey givo atrengtli sud have cured nef enly ma-ny ferma t ofnrvous disonders, but also other spning troubles, sueli a-s hea-daches, wea-kness in flic limba, bs et appetife, frembliug cf flic banda, as well as uusigbtiy pin- ples sud akin troubles. They de flua because fhey actually ma-ko new, rich, red blood, whicli in-s a returu te perfect lcaîlih. Sold by a-lrnedicîne dca-lors or iy, mail a-f 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 frein The Dr. Wil- lia-ms' Medicine Ce., BrockviUe", Ont. 011ONO. (Frein The News.) Miss Kate Cewie, Fenelon Fa-Ils, spent Easter a-f Mn. A. R. Rolfe's. Millc's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Jury & Lovéli, Bowmanville. Mn. Thomas McCemb visited bis brother James. Mr. J. W. Bail spent Easter a-t Toronto sud Guelphi. Miss Aima- Tourje, Toronto, was rMiss Aggie, a-ne living on flic home- stead terni. Mrs. Liniey a-ad son left Frida-y te joîn lion husband at Saskatoon, Sa-sh, Mrs. A. A. liie enterfained a few fiendsa a-fhon home Good Fni- day eveuîng. Miss Loua Moment leff New York ou a- visit te licr friend, Miss Nellie Poila-rd, Richimond, Vingin- la'. Mn. sud Mrs. Ha-rvey Gurtis, Tyrcuýe, ma-do flirin nuai visit f0 lion fatler's, Mn. John Buchley, on the auniversany et their wedding. Rev. T. A. Nint o f St. Johin's Churcli. Bowmauviloe, wiil preacli ta St. Saviour's Churcli Sunday, 3otli. Mosans. C. 'T. Miller, Fnod Staples, Ed. and Harry Pinder, and Dalton Morrow, were lhomue tret Torento for Fasten. 1Mn. Elmo Sta-ples of flic Bank et Meut rosi, St. Mary's, sud Miss Inez Ma-sou cf Bowiuanville, visit- cd at bis fatlier's. The lato Redeniek McLcod farn, ca-st etfflic village, wa-s liuglit by flic C N.R. Ce. ton $9.,500, on wlileh a-me large gravel desposits. Ca'ea-fi Ta-ko Milier's Cern- pound Iret' Pilla for a- few days sud observe flic resulta. Sold by Jury & Lovoîýl, Bowmnui±lle.11 Mosans. Harold IRic 'kaby et Nor- ma-i Sebool, Petemboro, Poney etf flic Standard Banuk, Cia-mront, a-nd MibssRenfle, Toronto, ivere borne reccently.- STîitf ullness affen mca-la prompt- ly relieved by faking oee-et MiIle's CompouudIron 'Pillsafaten ca-ch meal. Sold by Jury & Loveli, Bow- ma-Rille.- 1 Miss Wise,'toaclien Continua-tien Cia-sa, a-nd Miss Sexamifiofethfle Publie Scheol, a-ne speuding holi- da-ys wifh theirparents, flic former, at Ha-milton, a-adflic latter a-f Char- lecof o. Dm. M. H. a-ad Mra. Limberf andl sou, Parmy Sound; Miss L. Limbemf, teacien Lindsay Public Sehool, sund Misa Zetta oethile Rosa Memorial Hospital, Lindsa-y weno home over E aster., Rev. A. N. McEvoy pmeaohed lis la-st sermon as Cura-te ef Sf. Sav-y1 oum's Churcli Sunday. H~e wili visif bis parents a-t Vanucouver, B. C., befone enferng on bis dufies a-s Cura-te a-f Sf. Geoirge's, Toronto. Mn. 'John Ma-sou celebrafed has S3rd hirthday Aprîl isth. Tlimee of bis daugliters, bus son-in-la-w, Mn. T. W. Ja-cksoi, Miss Hotig;in et To- onte), sud memibers et flicef amily at homwie, ivere present Thýe fir'st of a- now series et Moedal ConI,ts bvhyeicW.C.T.U. wa-s hld in thi, Town Hall Wcduesday ev- en-iuig. Mma. S. Hallida-y presidod. Tlic meeting wss openedwith'a se- leýtiOn 'by Starkviile Orchiestra-, fol- lô6wed hy prayer by Rev. J. A. Me- 'keen. The five contesta-uts frotu Orone, Anficl, Newtonville sund Keuclal achools, wenea-s follows- Master Roy1 Linley-"A bey on Prohibition ;" Master Fred. Pear- sou "The Goose Ta-le ;" Miss Hazel Adams-"Ruuning Wild ;" Miss 'Vera- Thomas-"An od lma-n'a story ;" Miss Evelyn Zealaud -- "Rescued." The judges were: Mn. W. W. Jardine. tca-cler cf New- ca-sfIo Higli Sebool; Mn. E. C. Hig- giabefliam, principal if Leshard achool, sudMiss Wise, tea-clienet Orono Higli sebool. The deciaien wss giVon in ta-ver et Miss Esvelyn Zealsud, daugliter of Mn. M. Zea- laud, Newfenville. Dr. W.ý G. Mc- Cuilocli with a- brief congratulatony address preseuted the mnedal te flic wiuueir, and a- beaufifuliy houi volume toec-e' h e lcothen bnîlit, youug contestants. Two cliorouses_ were suag liy young girls, a- solo by Mn. Roy Riclca-d, a quartett by Mosans. L. Buchley a-ad C. Pewers, sud Mesdames R. H. Brown and C. A. Cliaptuan; a- whistling solo by Lewis W 'oti;d a deil drill by six- topa girls inndo- flic direction of Mrs. A. A. boite. Sfarkvillc -or- chestra-_,,ceutnibufeti lively selec- f ,ions. The closing number was a- pantomime by' ciglit yeung ladies frein Kimby, ending wif h a bea-ufi Li ta-eaux. The poianto accotu- s ons Of upwards eighty Years of age. mr.Smith w;il! send tralbox, aIse hi1ilustrateti beol on rheumkatism, ab,- seueyfipeeof charge to any reader of -Vhepcajnadian Saesa.for lh is anx- iu.that everybody I,ouii-ldprolit by his godfortune. Mr. mts address in fïýU. 0O1y, A, SM1IT}I. I864 Laing Bldg., WiU4,1eeor, Ont. u -dyspepsia,. They reIllc e stoi-iach bLy supplyi13g the activr principles iecded( fDor tIc digestionr of ail kiu-d-s of fcooti Try one aqfter esdli meal. 6.a LbojX. If your druggist ha-s net stocked thInc yet, senti us 50c. anta wwilm il e ox. 33 L 'o udDÉru5a d Câ emient C mp iny of Caneaýl Lim itc-d, . Mo te ! The only baking powee made frm RPoyal ýfGrapo '* ~~amcf 7Tartar NO AL ùMSNOLtE POPA A Baking llint.-If the blaves are baked teo brown, rub tbem, when celd, with, a coaî'se grater to re- move ail the brown crust.~ Paris Lace Curtains-If yeuz want to make your curtains t delicatep "Paris"' shade of lace, wasb and rînse carefully, Mind Chen plunge into water tinged wvith strained cof.- Toledo, 0. SolS by ail Druggists, 75c. Ta-ko Hall's Fauiily Pilla for consti- pation. Cure Your 50,000 Boxes Civen Away -To All Who, Apply John A. Sinith and R is Remarkable Bheusuatismn Remedy Cured -Rim- self First and Now 'Propose& fo Cure the Wori. A Box of This' Great -Rernedy Mal ed Free To Any Suiffering Reader Who Will Send Namie and Address. Cured Many Cases of 30 and 40 Years Standing. 0~O the theory 'that seeilg ie believ. 1n, John A. Smith of Milwaukee, wante everyone te try bis remedy fer the cure of rbeumatismn at hisexpense. For that reasen lhe proposes. to distribute 50,000 free boxes ameng ail persens sending hini their address., Mr. Smith bas suffered al Dufoemty ofth Ha 5ds lu Qe»ersi. Chronle » the ageny andi torture from rieunmatîsm, tried ail the remediesý knewn aýnti. yet ut- terly failedt i Sd relief. At times bie was sehelles that hie had to, taise morphine and after considerable doctoring bie gave up in despair. UcHe-e gan studying inte the causes of rheumnat- ism and after much experimenting, final- ly found a combination of drugs which cempletely cured lim. The resuit was so beneficial te bis entire systen that lie called bis new feund remedy "Gloria Tonic.- -Thne,of bis friande, -relatives- and neighbers suffering frem rheumatism were next-cuî'ed and M5r. Smith cocncluded te ýoff er his remedy te the werld. But hie found the task a difficuit ene as nearly everybody had tried a hundred or, more remedies and they ceuldn't bie made te believe that there was such a thing as a cure fer rheumatism. But an elti gentleman fremn Seguin, Texas, U.S.A., wrote him saying if Mr. Smith weuld send lin a samplç bie weuld try it, but ase be had suffered7 ever thirty years andi wasted a' fortune with dectors and ad- vertised remedies, le weuldn't buy any- tbing more, until hie knew it was werth semnetbing. The sample was sent, hie pur- ehased more and the, resuit was astenisb- ing. Hie was, completely cured. This gave Mr. Smith a new idea and ever since tlac tins bee has been sending out free samples te all who apply. At the U.C. College, Toronto, it cured. Mrs. J. Whitley, wbo had suffered exeru- ciatingiS'. Fred K. Macdonald m'rites freim Sunniy Bras. N.S.. that "Gloria Tenie" bas cured bim of a case of rheunatism of many* years' standing. Frein Ambrese N. Melanson, Mstégban River, Digby Connty, NS., cornes a letter that hee bas been cured of a severe case. Even the first sample býox cured Mrs. B. Brett, at 12 Powell St.. Gu7elph.- Ont. Two boxes left Mrs. Gee. Wriigbt, ef Coati- cooh, Que., w cli and happy. Mrs. T. Doune. West Plain, Ont., writes tbat she could scarcely dres relt be- ('anse of rbeumatism, buLùt1tat"loi Tenie" bas complet, 'y crS br r Georg-, Le.?s, ot D1ndas, Ont., says that he tried many differenit t,( .des. bt' fen'rd ne relief untiil lie re "Gloria' Toii," wbil Clren'eA., ci writes fi-oni Tocletoin, N.B., fIat lie ml ih oweq his Ille te ibis grat rne A eas cp 13 v-ýars' snffe,'ing is reportetiP> by James McFarlan, of L'Amable, Onit., but but "Gloria Tonie- cured it qicýkly. Even preminent physicians have te ad- mit that "Gloria Tenie" is a, positive success, among then Doctor Quintere ef the UJniversity of Venemuela. te whom it was recomnended hy theLijUnitedi Ststes Consul. In bundreds ef ether instances- the result b as been the saine. It cureti a 1 a l -L -1 disc-ase exists. -t -1-- ý-v

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