COMIN6ü TiE BEAUTY MÂKER The' i, àpproavuiog -,iit iof Mr. Franik Pember of tl)e Iebijli Soeand Bevuty Cjult ure Institute o)f Toronito shourd- prove of inter- e.t anid advantageý- to every woman woread this anuceetPro- fesser Pember iwill dlisplay ail as- sortment of natural wavy switches, braids, puifs and transformations the equal of which has neyer before been'seen outside of Toronto. PROFESSOR PEMBER wil also exa mine a nd diagniose free of charge ail hair and scalp troubs andl his advice meýy be relied upont. ... ...v Fine toupees aspecialty. A most ................. effective and re-sit producing lune of comnplexion be4autifiers, Fc iPawders, 31Loth Washes, Liquid Soaps, and thegra giver of ease tu the feet Comfortine. Pîcsas low as quahity i high. A visit ývil1 undoubtedly be worth your wile- at the Baltuoral O N * TursdarY, May 18. IlClearing Sale of WallII *P M H Paiper Continues. Our speecia1 sale ofWallpacrerslias been a great suc- cet per roll with borders at 1, 2 anca 3 cents per yard, M about haif the regular price.- * urtain Poles, whitp reedeil, xith fixtures complete at 25 M and 50e each [ Imitation Oak complete with brass or wooden ends 25 and 35 cents conplete. UV ffi C Do-LuS 11 adCIEs E Window. Shades from 35c.upward. iRooni M l oukh gs imita tion oak-and-white enameiledat1 2 an d3 cents per foot. Bi2O W. T. ALLE~kNnii Spring time to the average liouseowner suggests paint. ---Do- net put off -painting -this year lreep- your property looking bright and clean, and renlember a cent of pain+, adds new life te yonr building, but- be sure and get, tbe right kind. T/w Martin-Senour Paint 1un0%YPure is made only of Pure WI7yhîte 'Lad, Pure Zinc and well aged Linseed Oul together with the necessary Driers and coloring mnatt er. B-0WMAN VïLLEB, MAY ,19. A CLEAN SWEEP Bowmanvillc lias rcceived great honer at Toronto Horse Show during the past week. Senator Rcbt. Beith's fine string et hackneys from Wavcmley Stables covcred themselves with giory in the show ring. Tbey swept aimost everything bce- fore them in their classes, as the, folow- ing list shows: Hackney Staliion, Filigrave Royal John, Ist. Fimcworks and Yapbam Fashion, îst and 2nd, single. Fiotrisi and, Firewtforks,, îst ia team, tandem andl Çhampenship. Fireworks, it in higli steppers. Heatier Belle and H-eater Blue, it in tcam, Champion and Grand Champion for penies, and for Championship Cup. Heather Belle, tst in single. Heather Blue, 2nd in single. TOWN COUNCIL Regular monthly meeting was ield Monday night wti Mayor Mitchell in tie chair andi members ail present. Minutes of last, regular and special meetings were read andi confirmefi. Application ef T. E. Higginbtiam te use Drill Shed groundis for pasture was laid on flic table. Communication-tronu Board, et Trade asldng Council te pay acceunt et J. H. Wise for expert repor t on sale of electrie liglit, plant was received andf yled. Letter ivas rend fromn exeptoms of Mc- Gi estate asking the Counefi .te accept a portrait cf fie late James H. McGili. Re- ferrefi te Public Property Cern. Mayor rend a letter tmom Eiectric Pow- er Co. offering te supply lights te fewn 1for advertising purooses for a terma et tirceeyears free et charge.i This çwill nucan about 6o liglits, 'wbicl will be a saving te the tewn for street lighting et about $720 per yenr. Offer accepted with thaeks. Ie a letter frem Mr. C. H. Carlisle, cf the Goodvear Tire and Rubber Ce-, lie refers te keen demand for workmen in Bowmaeville and te the scarcity ot bous- es. He asks tIc Ceencil te use their in- fluence in everceming this difficulty. The Mayor intimated tliat a company was lie- mng tormefi in tewn te builfi several bous- es. Deputation from Agricultural Society, composed et Rex'. John Garbutt and Jas. Deyman, addressed Counicil, asking for usuai grant et $ioc, which w4s granted. 1Coun. Copland gave detailed report et work on ronds and streets fom Feb. 1 te date, showing an expenditure et $327-85. It was decided te repair and paint tank at towrn hall, aise te ask for tenders for an eiectric motor for pumping bouse. 1Coun. Morris prescatefi cemcterv cern- mittee repert, wiich was adcpted as fol- lows: fence on norti side etf cemetery andi entrance lie repaired; posts and rail he put up for tieing horses nnrth cf south entrance; small shied lie hulit for steing caretaker's tools; fence, gates anid ledge te lie painted; lnwn mower te lie put- chasefi; ahl foot patis fo lie filled in lie- fween posts. A cinder -tvalk is te lie placed around towa hall at corner cf Church: and Tem- perance-sts.-- Coun, Cornsh reported that centract hnd been made with W. Diogman for w tering streets at cost cf $31f5. Mayor reported tînt G. T. R. sding matter, was progressing satisfactorily. Deputation whiel interviewed Electrie Power Ce. ia reference te installing wat- erworks reportefi that source et supply was net settiefi yet, but they hopefi te have more definite information te report ia a few finys. Finance report was adopted as follows: MeClellan & Ce, teaming, ceai, etc $328 34 John Morris, labor............... 4 50, R. Pccley, "........ 28 5o Jno. Lambert, ........ 4 50 M. Bures, - "....... 19 50 J. W. Kigît, gravel............. I1 70 F. Fletcher,--taber,.. - -ý---4 -5 A. W. Pichard, supplies.........t12 Qo Chas. Heal, laber, etc.......... 32 67 Bell Ph"îîle, ':service ......... O 0 Scott & Aluin, supplies........... 1 o5 J. B. Martyn, supplies........... 4 65 Jas. Elliott, gasoline......... ... 70 81 Can. Feundry Ce., shaft......... 20,0 James Publishing House, By-laws 216 50 Geo. W. James, printing & advtg 30 15 Thos. Ted, supplies ...........r56 E. W. Loscembe, ceai.......... 3 65 Clerk's afivance........ .... 28 oo Dele. te Toronto re wterworks. 12 75 ml1 e McGifll matter 7 0c Mrs. Ingram, cleaning hall....... 3 0 $845 33 FELLOW WORKMEN'S GIFT. CASTOTRI1A For Ifnsand Cirn The Kind Yeu Rave AIwaïs Bought BEcars thex TUïE CHURCHES. Rev. A. R. Santierson, Oshawa, preac'h- ed in Port Hope Methodist church Sunday. Colborne Methodist, Epwert h League held a mock trial Monday eèvening, King vs.-Missionary Shirkers. Burgiars entered the Holloway-st. Par- sonage at Belleville April 24, when Rev. and Mrs. B. Greatrix were absent from home, and carried off a number ef valu- ale papers. Rev. A. Manseil Irwin, B.A., B.D., New- castle, preached good sermons in the Methodist churchi Suniday, faking as his1 merning subject "The Eider Brother", and in the evening hie spoke te the young people basing his remarks on "Jacobi and Esau," Both discourses were of a prac- ticalnature and were muoiu enjoyed. New officers cf Oronio Methodist Ep.. worth League are: Hon. Pres.-Rev. W.i Limbert; Pres.-M-ý,r. S. D. Souch; Ass't. Pres.-Mrs. A. 'J. Knox; ist Vice-Miss Edna Moon; 2n1d Vice-Miss Bella Aluin; 3rd Vice-Miss Rena Doncaster; 4th Vice -Mr. Harry Rovve;Secretary-Mr. F. A. Knox; Cor. Sec. -Miss Muriel HilipTreas. -Miss Mabel Edwards. Rev. W. J. Aikens, Associate Secretary et Temperance and Moral Reform, will preach in the M\ethiodist church here next Sunday. Special collections wiil be taken. Love feast at te a.mi. in charge cf Pastor Garbutt. Rev-.\Mr. Aikens is said te be a very clever speaker and preacher and the public are cordiaily' invited te hear him. A reai treat is awaiting ail who attend. "An evening with the Stars" was the subjeet at the Methodist League Menday evening. Mr. T. G. Baker, the newly- elected President, gave, the address which was worthy the liearing cf every adherent of the church, yonng or old. It is a Most interesting subject and one with which al sbouid lie somewhat familiar. Miss Lii- lianaMcrLean presided and the musical program iwas given byjý Miss Ethel Van-ý Nest iii solo, andJ Master Lawrence and, Miss Margaret Krr in piano fluet. Miss Hilda Tabb read the scripture lesson. The Salvation Arm ny is having its an- fnuai -"Self-De-nii Week" trom May 7 te 13. the proceeds cf this undertaking are devotefi te the extension and maintenance cf the work in tuis country and among the heathen races et the world. The local corps is trusting that frienfis wili help in this direction. Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, the notefi evangelist, writing te Commis- sioner Rees atter his joerney round the world, saifi that he believed the work cf the army te be more effective than ever, and that there was ne better financial in- vestment than te g-ive aid te the Army. At the Methodist L.eague Wednesday eveaieg the annuai lection ef officers tcok place resuiting as follows: Hon. Pres. -Rev. John Garbuitt; Pres.-Mr. T. G. Baker; ist, Vice Miss G. Young; 2nd Vinýe -Miss M. Crydermain; 3rd'Vice-Mrs. W. B. Tapson; 4th Vice-Mr. M. Ellîett, and Department cf Citizenship-Mr. R. Dick- insee; th Vice-Miss L. Haddy; Rec. Sec- retary-Miss F. E. Conley; Cor. Secretary -Miss A. Caldwell; Treaserer-Miss A. Pollard; Pianist-Miss L. Horne; Cenv. Flower Committee-Miss G. Trewin. After these officers lad been unanimousiy electefi the chairman, Rev, John Garbutt, asked the retiring President, Mr. E. A. Loveli, te cerne te, the platform, and in a neat speech on lichait et the Leaguers presented him with a beautiful golfi-mounit- cd umbrelia, suitably engravefi. Mr. Gar- butt refemmefi te the excellent work done by Mr. Loveil during the past three years andiin view et hisý approaching departure the Leageers haid decidefi in this way te show-their apprciaýtien etof his, services. Mr. Loveil, in replying, expressed bis tbanks for the kind words andi gift andi said be hoped te visit the League eccas- ionally in future. Mr. Loveil leaves this week for Oshawa wliere flhe best wishes cf ail wiil foliow him. Refreshments wcre servefi andi a social heur enjoyefi. The Daily Globe from now te Sept. Y,, 1911r, for $i.oe at the James Publishing House, Bowmanville. AT HYMEN'S ALTAR. SCOTT-SKINNER A very but pretlý wedding was solem- nized on Wednesday, April 26, at "Spring- lii Fam,"Tyronte, wliee their eldest daughter, Editli M., was united in miar- niage with M!\r. George Scott cf Oshawa, Rex'. H. S.* Spence, officiating. At 4.30 p. m. the bride, wbo was attired in dove silk trîmmefi with bebe Irish lace and car- rying white carnaitiÎons, entered the draw- ing reom leaning on the atm etflier fath- er te the strains cf Mendelssoba's Wved- ding March playefi by Miss Phena Cefla- cett, cousin et tic bride. The ceremony teck place ini the presence cf about forty guests, chiefly relatives efthfe bride and groom. Tie drawir'g room was tastg- tuliy decorated in yellow and wiite. The bridai party stoed in front cf a bank et touiage. At the close et the ceremony the company adjournefi toe' dieîng room, whicli was daintily decorated with red and wite sreamrs,1bi.sA A e MURDOFF-ALLEN. 1 Tic home et Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomne Allen was tic scene et a prctty wiecding on Thursday April 27th, at 5 p.m. when ticir third daugliter, Florence Isabel, was unitefi in mnarriage witi Mr. Ciarles Mort- on Murdoif, Rejv. Hugi Munrec, B.A., officîatîng. Tic bride, wio was givea away by hem fathier, look-ec prctty in a gown oet eream dulLîcheýsse ,satin with peami trimings, lier bridai veil bcing cauglit with iis--tealy. Shie camricd cream beauity roses, hiem onlY emnamient lieing a suniburst et pearîs, tie gitt ofthti groom. Miss Nellie Buekie', Osîawa, wbho nttcndcd as liridesmaifi, was gowned in biscuit shiade et silk, witi trirmings et blue satin and carried pink sweet peas wiilc hittie Miss Dorotîiy Allen was flewem gir. and carried aa slio)wer et hilies-ot-the- valley. Mrs. IM. Allen playcd tIc wed- ding mnarch. -Mm. rJohn Buckley, Oshawa, actefi as bcst mian. Atter ic cereeay a dainty wecdding dinner was servefi. Tic gromi's tav-ors te ticeliridcsmnaid anid or- ganist %wemc broCheýs st witi aýmetIyvýss and pearls, te the floer girl a leeket and chan, nd e tc est mac geM,,,cIfl in ks- The happy couple left tIc samlu e ein'g ai.Ld confetti andi gond wishes on n lioney- mioon ti) et the bride travelling in a. crcam ccleth suit with- bla-ck pictuýe bat. Mm.r and MJrs. Muriidoff wii reside in Bow- nanvi1le, 1~ erg4 t- o ci> -o I -er> ci~ Doný't Youi Beli*eve It. -Many men pretend that they are flot interested in- the good clothes question. They will tell you that any kiad of a dlecent fitting suit will do. To tell the truth most men are nearly as much interested in their clothes nowadays as women 'arc. Sone of themn are just as hard to please as women and just as particu- lar. We know this to be a fact and'that is why we handie 2Oth Century Branîd Ga rmen-«ts. McM U RTRY & G,0 Litdo PHONE 83. BOWNANVILLE. Sole Agents for Butterick Patterns i Bowianville. I -- ------------------------------ -'-4 I BAYNES, AND TUDHIOPE CARRIAGES LEAD. 2 Deous EAST OF POST OFFICE HORSEY. BLoCu, PHIONE 145, BOWMANVILLE. Mason, & Dale andL Maritoba wheat. WVe deliv1ýer flour in town or order from your grocer. Photie 77. onavle CALI, AND SEE THE LATEST IN COVERED BUGGIES AND RoAD WAGGONS RUBBER TIRES Hanving- installed a new n d iup-to- date RUBBER TIRE MACHINE, 1 arn prepared te furnish and put on rubber tires at reasonable price2s. 1 solicit youir patronage. Cali at the East-End Blacksýmith Shcop and get particulars. A. W. PICKARD, BOW~IAVfLE.Phione 185, 13-tf i M'M5