xt~tE~ ~fl. £ a "tr in atdvance;$io to United State-s. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, TH1JRSDAY, MAYT ii, i9ii. VOL. LVII. No. tg. M. A. JAMES & SONPoreos ~~Zz ~7I I INOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS CUIRTAINS, CARPETS, RUOS AND LINOLEUMS COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN are- showing a splendid col&tion of Lace Curtains î i White and Cream, Madras, Scrims, Bunigalow Nett, etc, CARPETS in- Union, W'ool,. Tapestry, BIruissel5, Vle and An leat aneof RUGS ail sizes in Wol, apestry, BrusselsVe, Axiiminster, and Wiltonv OIL~LOHSANIDLNO UVX ail widths, no better goods, no better value anywhere. COUICU, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMÂý.N BOWMANVTILLE.- H Farmers' Attention Whiy unmit premium note county Mut ual yourselves -to liability in a wheîs you eau insure ln sucit companies as the London, Pêrth& Gore Pire Insurance Companies at fr,m 50e tu $1.00 par hundreti of Insurançe and nu prent- iumn note. I represent these titrea companies witicit are a- mong te best doing fart busi- nîess lu Canada and ates as Wv as lte lowest. HnrARRi."Y CANN, The City Hall lusiarafice Mail Phosie 50. Bowitativille. MONTREAL' ESIABLISIIEV 1817 Capital - $1 4,400,000 Rest - - $1 2,000,000 Total Assets $1I83,169,159 Hiead Office, J. A. McClelIan, Manager, BwavleBranch.- EMN1PRESS For ladiles wvear THE CLASSIC For Chldren THE GERMAN For boys. THE PALACE And the SLATER For Men. sopopular cheaip 1knock- abouts for < rin. n Our temporary eaýst sidle en- trance is convenient and we ,are ready, zas ever, toýshow y jou the best u3p-to-date values in shoes, THE BURNS Go. OSHAWA, ONT., MAIN FOUR CORNERS, .Footweàr FOR Sprîn4g and You do nul bave to sacrifice, style lu gef a comtor-able sitoa, neithar do -you have lu sacrifice comfomt lu gel a stylisi situe wbeu you boy your foot- wear at thte Parior Situa Store. -Th'Eý 2 Bar Pump Thi,ýs is one of the neýwest shapes that is v er'y3,mucb in vogueIi esn They aein) Tan, Patent and Guin Metl. Spcial at ........ .0 F. R. FOLEY, PARLOR S110E STORE. BOWMANVILLEJ GOODMAN & GALBRAITH- Barri sels xud Slctr. uajPublic, A. K. COODMAN, D. C. CALBRAITH 508 Lumisden Bldig. Yonge &.Adelaide-sts, Toronto. Ontario. TRIP TO THE COAST. One 0f lte vary enjoyable days of our trip 10te Methiodist Genemal Couference at Victoria, B.C., hast Auigust was our visit 10 Mm. anti Mrs. W., C. Fýrauk, (formier- ly of Maple Grove, Ont ar1io) ut I-be Mission .House, Agassiz, B.C.OutptrtVn couver was on a train whiclriet Irce carloatis of Siwash Indians 10 the hàop fieltis arounti Agassiz wbaere tain, -won anti chiltiran go an massa 10o campj)for, some weeks whila lte hop barvesl is ilu prograss. They are exprert pickhers anii tha uuting affords the t qite a pic-ulic every yaar. Thay campati for tihe iiglit 9011te near the Mission lHouîsOa nt i t -w as iutamestingtIo watch item prearinganti serving their meals, wasiin.gutsis etc. The fatales seaern(tuo I tha iiwork ivhile the tales enjoyet ilteluxurNiîy 0f E stuka. Tbey wera con,,-vyati lIbe cdif- faen frt l amls or c1ngotientsol I-be sanie styleos l yug-epl o1o a bay-rack rideo. Twa ing tamalbov their tmoaycam.ping grouti ashr distance lth iesot-sfasM.Chm ou the top of wic is lperptul no which glistanatl il lu ie sniie i sohitamy -ontan nbyhaseau fjor mauy miles lu avery tiirection. Hop-growing, is pacuhiaîhy, a Bmitîsbi Columbia intiustry, the Okanagani, Agassiz anti Cbilliwack Districts beiog ,weýl sutii d 10 hop-farming andt large qjuanltiest are grown, unexceileti in quahity uon ite globe. British Columbia hop,,, cumus-antiguoot prices lu the British market ant'i straniige as if may seamto1 us Eastemnama m iiosI- of the crop is shippati there, Austraia also baing a compatiug customier f'or thae crop. Il may înterest Ontario farmiers to leamuri Ihat, the yialti ut hops ava-ra.gas ,500 pountIo the acre and the average prîca is 25 cents a ponti, Prom what we saw in passing a-cross the province ou !lita train anti stemboats, we ware not graatly enamoureti of lte systetn of farmiug, but conditionsý ara vasfiy diffament trom agricuiltural condi- tionsin Onlarlo. British Columbia îs pre- emineuithy a fruit growing province, anti the fruit commantis profitable pricas. It cotes lu contact with lte fruli-t romthIis province iu the Northwesf -which is ona stmong reason wity ahil shiptaunts frora Ibis country sitoulti ha matie tmue f0 name anti quality if apple tan desý;iimaof0cumpef e succassfulhy wîtb I-be'Coasf Province. Fruit growing is onhy luin itanc anti bas hardly beau promotatdi uougblu inthe Agassiz Valley-o prove its possibîities. With Mrm Frank we-Re\v. Ïohin Garbt anti the vwrifer-ratter a (driva lu Harrisonl Lake., some fuiva or six iles fatlrîherorth iile tha valey whare we isielieaou steat i utmr. Richiard L. ÀAsh'nto aI Agassiz, antiha matie us a gitt of a bask,!et ut beautitully, lascions apples. [pears -anti plums Ibal we enjoyati mosIt tiii-,way homewards. It is esîlmatedti titfnaarly 100),000 acres ara already tiavotedt lufruit culture, s0 ftaf if ib is only in ils iufancy now, whaf willi lIbch when il becomes ai tulh-gmown induslry? Over lunte Okan- agan Vahley ut which our fuwnsman, Mm. John Chtaplin, hoasts so much of ils fruit- growing possibiities, thay tell us ut $500 f0 $600 gross profit par acre. Evan th£ cherry frees ouftlitera are virfually golti mines, for une well grown treeat Agassiz is credileti witit producing I,000 its. of cherries. Apples anti pears yiehd truta 8 to 15 tons par acre andthie swael, mudest 11111e sIrawberry is a greaf monay- makar, for, one instance svas narraleti whera 4 acres gave a poduct of 28,126 pountis ut fruit whicit solti for, $2,598.ou nef or $650 par acre. Thea mura ofty anti ambitions .raspberry dlaims a mention also, tor oua gowar on il/ acres raisati 12,556 pountis ut barries whicit neflti hlim $1228.60 or over $800 par acre. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank took us fto te Dom- inion-Exparimantai Farm t gaszanti Mr. Thos. Sharpa, lte Manager-, showadi us over thte urchards, gartiens anti buihd- ings. Titis fart bas beau establîsitet for 22 vears anti bas beau tiing gooti work.1 The firsf protiuct of ltae farni titat causat i Os 10 exprees exuberauf admiration was. lu lte garden lunlte shape of a monsI-er Hydrangea Pariculata Grandifiora wbicit1 forrns a page illustration lunltae report ut experi-meutal farts for 1910. The de- partmanlttal inlerasteti us musf was a nut plantation coulaining manyvne. e of nut-growing trees. Mr. Sitarpe gava us iotarasting information about this lu. dustry which was uew 1e, us. Tita Eng- lisit waluufttrives welh anti is hardy anti ltae Black wainuf also grows well. But wa fehl geathy lu tavor wlth lte Japanese wahnut wiih seamt f0 hasuiledti ltae climate, bas luxuriant foiage antid makes a very fine shada trea -lnu ur opinion, an excellent substiluta for our maphe as til hegins 10 bear early, bears regulariy ant i yemy fraaly, tae nuls being borne lu dlus-i fers, ranging trot 5 fo 16. It bas a moti-( eratahy bard shalbut lte kamnel is aasily( rarnoveti, îs vary sweet anti richl y flavorati( andte terea is quife hardy. Tbey. make( very itantisorn shatie treas anti ara profit-1 able as producers ut nuts I-at araex-ýceati- inghy popuhar. The nut orcliard aiso con- tains varions kintis ut butîamnufs, cbest- nuls, hickory, Pacans, filîerîs, eltc. OUR PRESENT PROBLEM DURHAM OLD BOYS-.,THE CHURCHES. The philanthropist who desires to be- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HOLD FINAL Bay of Quinte Conference will meeý,t iii corne a benefactor of Bowmanville hias SOCIAL MEETING TItS SEASON. Port Hop)e Methioist churcb May _;u to now a magnificent oQpportunity to do a That was 'a very happy company of June 6. much-needed service to the town. There Torontonians, members of Durham Old port Hope Metbodist cburch celehrated are wanled badly just now a score Of Boys' Association, who met by invitation if r Paniesr uda.Rr r bouses suitable for artisans' families--6 or at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. John Carman, General Superintendent of the 7-roomed bouses. , be town is bhandi-- Wickectt, 367 Berkeley-st., Toronto, On Metbod)(ist cburcb of Canada, preached. capped] more for wanit of ample bo11using 'Friday evening May 5. Mrs. Wickett e..W.Aknsoca1eScrty accommodation for workmen who are made a charming bostess and was ably as-oR e. JW.Aien, Asoral, efrtar nieeded in tbe factories than by any other sisted in receiving by their daughter, Mrs of eerne ManhdisMohrlRfom existinig need. -If we are te enioy business L.H Wasbington of Winnipeg, Man. Breahsedmins the ethoistchrch Suay, i expansîon we must encourag salApe poiso illueemae raingheevening subject being on the r-elation of ment of more industries. TlO have any large and brilliantly luie drwn thhoeoscapobm.Th rn increase i n manufacturing conicernis we room for the comfori of the guesîs wbiie Ibhegtosocigatl proles Thedcon- must provide bousing for more families. enjoying the very excellent musical andgratnswegeaypesdanbn. This is *inperative. Bowmanville bas en- literary p-rograrn provided. A social haIt efitted by bis able rninistrations tered uponi an era of prosperity and witb boui .r,_preceded tbe business meeting wbicb Mr. Win. Jobnston, Belleville, bias comiu.. its increas-inýg railway facilities il is likely the Executive beld for a few minutes to pleted Iiis thirty-seventb year as sprn 10 become permanent and to go on grow- consider plans for the Association'% an- tendent of Bridge-st. MetbodistSaat ing for years to corne, because New On- nual summer outing wbicb it was tbought Schoul and bias been electeil 10 serve for tario and the Great West will afford a migbt be to Bowmanville but tbe feeling tbe coming year. The, Ontarlo ay market for a generation f0 corne for the Ibis year seems 1 favor Jackson's point "This splendid school withbîils tosn industrial output of Ontario cities and and next year's excursion may corne to scboelars enjoys a reputation thait extends townis. We eed bave little apprebension Bow-manville if agreeable f0 our c iies. far byond the coinies of Ibecty-Mr about tbe future of Ibis tLown if we can The2 malter was left witbthe xctv ootnacie the SIccessoftcun oniy supply the presentt most urgent dý- fr1ecsin.day,-Scbýool1 t")e excelLetsaff of ec mandics--dwelling buses _ andamoderi Mr. Thos. Yeilowlees, the busy ad-aper itb whv1iib Lh bas aays been sur- sy sem of waterworks and sewage. able Secretary, read the followînig report ronled ,,sn .o Suctssin aIvoranion The greatest problem confronting us of the year's social meetings which wscdisîsts not 50 cmch nasrkiny un ub.L- now is bow 10 supply this demand for entbusiastically approved by the members divdalaycopisasi iablt workmen)'sbouses. Some of tbis îown's present: f0 inîspire others lu vork." monîed men are conisideinig a proposal 10 Tbis meeting closes another season of The Woman's Missienary Auxilïiary ovf form a Building Society to build a nom- dlgtu elwbpadsca nomn the M1ethodist churcb beid ifs quarterly ber If bouses suitable for artisans. A of our Durbam Boys' Executive. During meeting a t the home of Mrs. J. J.Mso present capital of $30,ooo.oO would make Ibis Winter there bave been nine -meet- aalrno.Te e1reiet b eni retedataescsutofab ou îoe cb rdngs beld, including the banquet, as fol- Mrs. (Rev.) Wm.-Coombe, occupied Ie bc retedatthe' ostofabot I00 eclhlos:chair. Mrs. C. Young read the ritr 10 rent at $io a montb. To encourage ,os lesson. The treasurer, Mrs. T. Woo1dley,-ý Élbe workmen 10o own their uwn bomes Oct. 25, at Mr. James Hughes', gave a report of receipts for pa ste thiey may be giveni the privilege of paying Nov. 14, at Dr. F. W. Marlow's, soiga nraeo vr$0cV_ for the housýe tbey occupy on an instal- Dec, 8, at Dr. J. H. Elliott's, showeing a nr e o oer $4ovf r th mient pflan. Suich a syslern would have -at Jan. 13, at Dr. J. T. Gilmour's, bylerian Auxi,ýliary were b)y in vitaion t !ýhe least fwvo adlvantages--it would offer a Feb. 7, at Mrs. T. Caswell's, guesîs of thie Methodst ladlies at tis meet,;,- premiuim for tbriftiness and economy and Feb. 27, Banquet at McConkey's, ing. Mrs. (Rev.) Hugtit, Munroe gave an111 tend to permanency of citizenship. March 2o, at Dr. F. C. Trebllcock's, excellent ppron 1prayer and Mms, A. L_ Sine wiîig te îregingartclewe March 31, at Mr. Chester D. Massey's, Nicliolîs a rcading un the hume life in bave read tbis paragrapb in the Port My5ftMrJonWce's China, bof h bein!g bigbly appreciauted., HoeGuide, which endorses our views ~Tbis is the largesf number of meetings Miss Ethel VanNest sang a solo and Mvrs, exactly: A company that could do ils own yet beld in any one season, and yet tbe W. C. Cole and Mrs. T. G. Baker, a dueL, building, that could have ils own staff of încreased number bas but increased the Refmeshments were served and everltone mianagement and could bring f0 bear upon pleasure, as probaby the gatberings bave tborougbly enjoyed the social bour- at it the latest and best experience of such neyer been more successful, both from a lte close.1 companies in other centres, would, if social as well as from an educafional view The Methodisl League Monday even- seems to me, be not only a possibility in point. Il may be of interest 10 say 'bat it ing wa in charge of Miss M. E. Joness,, Port Hope, but a means of overcoming was at the Secretary's home in August, who presented a splendid missioxiary ,prop- what is certainly at the present tirne an 1902, when a small committee met fo dis- grarn. Miss Frances E. Conley read an- evident' and rnost serious obstacle'to the cuss matters pertaining 10 the Association, inîteresîing letter from our missionary l p)rogress of one of the musl desirable an-d ta eouto a1asd tteSce the North West, Mr. W. C. Frank, Ne mnost favorably locateti indusîrial sites infa'sugetomknteldise- Westminster, B. C. Afler several shot Canada, bers of the Execufive and esfablisbing the prayers for our missionaries at home and5î montbly social, the first of them hbeing bodMisoesradagdnisk- held aI the President's borne on Dec. 8th, ary ariticle writfen bv a lady wbo bad vis G,'OOD) FOR FARMERS 1902, and regularly ever since.. Tbey Ited foreigu lands, describing the ed bave beena the meansý of inc(reasing our fhere. Mrs. (Rev.) Garbutt gave asun St atainsjoun goodI-comrad!esipl, regard and respect for able read,îng aentilled "ï give titheés ofAlLL each otheor. Theure are few gahrnsOf 11posses" Misses Lizz"ie Pinti1lon andiý Mr M . amBomavllpro- la smlrcaatrweetefriendshisFoec aNslagslsvr iay prUiator a 'nd eItorvof The AADIAN j more t1ue antI ainc_'re and t1he enjoy-Serachiecpig weradha infnenia weklîs a i tarowas la the1have openemlthe -I hues foIr oir1enfer-fulssomeng. Aerac'vitu- ci,,y yesterday on bis w ay hack f -omn New faiuments and hiave- given us generousi remnarkls by President T. G aeRv York, wbere bie uent wvith the Canadian welcome, ve retur î sincere thanks., We Johni Garbutt closed Vit] lhe bndcin teachers. Mr. James is an uld frienti of appreciate al! thair kinduesses and gener-__________ Mr. T. F. Wright, Principal of the Busi- osify and wiil look forward 10 a renewal ness College, and while here addressed ut these festive occasions and ut friend- SPRING HORSE, SHOW the pupils of the Collage briefly un the ships with foudest anticipations. value of a business education. H1e also The musical part, of the programi was visitati The Journal Office and in repiy lu contributed by Mm. S. R. Wickett by bis SATURDAY, MAv 1 3, 19C11. a question as 10 bis viaws in recîprocily Victor Gramaphone, ona of the finest cab- Spring Horse Show il be),-!nne Mr. James said: mnet musical machines. 'Splendid readings Agricuttural Grounilsý, Bow.menvîl,,,leý, u "For years 1 bave-been in close fouch were given bv two pupils of Owen A. der auspices of Wý7est Durbam gicut witb the agricultural interesîs of Ibis Smily Miss Ethel Cocking whose mother al Society ounSfuda,1ay 13, jutigingv cuuntry and I am of the opinion thaf re- is Minnie Growle, daughfter of Dr. Crowle, to commen"e ,It 1.30 p. nEntiesm ciprocity will do for the farmer whats a former esteemeti principal ut Bowman- be matieup1nonntedaofle protectionhlastione forîthe manufacturers, ville Giammar School, now wife of Rev. show. The industrial concemus have bad proteet- Dr. Cocking of 31 Hawthorne Ave., Tor- Prizes bave been inreastiaou 0 e ivo'favom ever since the National Policy onto, wbose elocutionary t4hents anti abil- cent in some classes and are Iicofiereti for was infrotiuced in 1878. The farter blas ity atre far above the average public read- Heavy Daught, Hackney ,ý,and Sadr taken wbat aver lie coulti gel untiar that er, and Miss Winnifreti Parker, 185 Col- Breti horses. Special pr;'izes arealo f systen of tariff legislaî ion and bias hadt f0 fngham-st., who is also a capital enfer- ferati by Chester Power, Esq, fo foas o pay for the protection lu the manufactur- lainer. They each gave sevemal reatiings 1910 sired by "Maidenh aî" er. It is sumeiy only faim and righf thal in a way that gave great credif f0 their Entries may be matie wîth thncSecrga the Govamument now sbould fry 10 benaffif teacher. Mm. Win. Scott, Principal of lu bis office in thieMuipaBidng the agricult ural -class by opening new Toronto Normal School, gave an admir- Bowmanvihle, or may be ,,sent ymi markets., I cannol lu any way see wherain able address on "Brains" thaf helti bis This Horse Fair affords a good opru- the manutacturers or we as a people are audience with rapt attention. Il possess- ity f0 inspact hors-cs of Ibis dîisti:ct. going f0 lose but I do see au ppuoîtunity ed the dual merit ut being both inferet- W. E. JEWELL, J, . MORCRF' for the fartier to win. ing and instructive. Mrs. J. J. Copeland President, eetr "The annexation bogey is ton ridicu- gave the company a "Coonation Ode" of bous f0 be given credence by intelligent bier own composition wbich is really .a men," Mm. Jiumes concludeti. masterpiece and hiem recital of il was in BIG DAY 0F SPORTS, ___________keeping with the finisbed composition Ibal does the author infinite credil. Tbe Ode Dm. Lyun R. Cole, son of Mr. N. N. Cole, is being set 10 music by Clarence Lucas, ATm BOWMANVILLE M-AY. 2-4 Winnipeg, and nephew of Mrs Tohe anti and the piece wili ha for sale at Hanna's> Mrs. John Percy ut this fuwn, bas opeuied Bookstome, Victoria-st. Short speeches a- dental office aI 614 Somerset Buildinîg, were. made by Messrs. J. D. Keachie, A commiffea meeting consisting of rep- Winnipeg. His many West Durat' (Treasurer), Dm. F. C. Tmabilcock, M. A. raseufatives of the D. O. and P. Baud, lt friends and relatives wish hlm succEss. James, Rev. M. P. Talling, B.A., Phi. D., Bowmanville Base Bail Club, tbe, "Gootiý- S. R. Wicketl, Thos. Yellowleas, Dr. J. T. years", and citizens, wvas heldMota Gilmour, Rev. Dr. Cocking and others. eveuing, aI- wbicb if was decidedti l hold, gave us and the valuable information we Tbe President, Mr. J. L. Hughes, Cliief a big day of sports on May 24. ohtained. Public School Inspector, presided--in fhe Thti progranm is lu be diffament t ron On our wav ouf to the Harrison Sul- ealy part of the evaning but having an- auything beld hare befoma.. Thare w-illh phur Springs wa met a fammer driving to othar engagement, Mm. T. Yellowleýes par- a parada of decorated delivemy waggons.ý Agassiz anti afler we hati passed Mm. formati the dufies for fhe rasI- of the, pro- for wbich a priza is offerati; a goodprz Frank remàarked that bie was a Darlinglon gram. Il was unanimously concedeti that for t-ha hast gentleman's turnout; area man, Hubhard by namne. As wa were e- Ibis was the hast liferary evaning that the race of, taams cunsisting of four mn turning we met hlm again anti Mr. Frank Exaculiva bias anjoyeti. A very cordial Ibrea timas around the track; %, ile >tU introducati us wbeu 10 our surprise1 we vote of thanks pmoposad hy Rev. Dr. Ta]- each man. A priza of $8 for first teana discovared that hae was AlberI- Hubbard iing in a happy speech aud secondeti hy and $4 for second. Tug-of-wam teamaI-o of Enfielti, a former public scbool pupil ut Daputy Chief Inspactor William Stark consist of 6 men and Captain. This w îIl ours away hack in the sixties. Ha had was accordad Mr. and Mrs. John Wic-katt hae oua of the big avents. As taams hv quita a joke on me, too, for whan tolti my for opening Ibair heautitul home for the alreatiy signifiati their.intention of efr naine ha rernarkad that hae ramemberati a meeting anti for their bospitality andti f ing trot Town, andt tams frorn Tyronei, young tan of my naine wbo taugbt scbool ahi .wbo hati contributadt f the aveinig's Enniskillan, Orono anti Newcastlear at Enfialti ant ieh supposeti I 'was bis enjoyment.1 expactedt f enter. The priza is $14. father? 'Ha searna t have forgotten for, Vary tialicious refrasbma-nts wara samvad Othar avants are 100 yard tiasb,am ý al