COINTHE BEAUTY MAKE R Theapracin istOf MIr. of,, ailoonotc shul r voiner- woreads th1isanuceetr- fes'sor Pemier'Ildipaas sormto f natrai(wvy Iwtc the qua cfwhich liasyr bfr benenoutside of Toronto.) PROFESSOR PEMBER -will also exam!iine and diagnose free of ~hrg ai hirand scalp troubles 1n i advice rnýy be relied upon. < Fine toupees a; specialty. A most effective and result-producing line of complexion eutfesFc Powders, 1M/outh Washes, Liquid Soaps, aidth great giver of ease to the- feet Comifortine Pricez as low s quai;lity is high. A visitwill uno bte ewotour wlnle adt1th Y Bowinanvi*lle -< * hrsda3yMaly 18. HIAMPTiON MILLS. IlI you want the decoration of your home distinctive, not commaon, corne here and make your selections. Our Wall Papers are more artisti- more exclusiv e. UOur present stock- is the iargest and înost varied we have M fl ver had. The-soft toues, Cut-out border-, and panel efcs dainty, pretty things for dhambers, conventionail de,igins for halls, dining rooms and dens, gilt eftects for p)arlors, and aýt reasonable prices. Cartain poles in Oak, Brass and White nml Room Mouldîngs to match~ any paper. * Plate R{ail je Oak and White Enamel. g W. T. -ALLEN Big 20 Bowinaniville. FLOUR 0F 'QýUALITY, impuin FLOUR is a high grade paýteýnt uti- I PEIAsurpassed an d makes excellent bread,. FLO UR makes deliejous and ECLIPSEpastry made from selected white fali YU5FLOUR is a choice breaid iour maden FLOUR is a flne blended flour espec- VICtOR I mly for fam ismade frorn Ontairio and Manitoba -whet.ý XXe deliver f0our in town or order from your grocer. Phoile 77. onavle Clarke; MeJssms. N. and Wesley Celes, Wbeathey; Misses Laura Laed V',iola Short, nlicees, aed Mrs. S. Short, Osbiawa. The ediior was pleased te joie je paying the lasi tînibute of respect ai beýr 1buriali, be- cause je May, 1853, wben bis motler, ?ISs- ter and bimsclf landed ai Port Danhiegtin atfter a voyage et nine weeks and ilire days on the water fromn Plymnouth te Bow- manville, il was je the bospitable borne et MnI. and Mrs. Aaron BUek-ier Ilt ji we speet cun firstIiit ie Canada. Her Mcmory is blessed. Port il) th e otDrigo aro onayw fifh o Joc, 91 , 1e 1o , f1O7-0CL C m OBITIUARY. MRS. REV. W. T. BUNTr. The funerai ef the late Ediib Gertrude Hughes, beloved wite et Rev. W. T. Bunt, Baptist mînister et Essex, teck place March 29th from the boeeoe ber father, Mn. Henry Hughes, Kathleen-st., Guelph., Deceased was in her forty-irst year and up te a week preceding ber death seemed te be in ber usuai geed health and spirits. A heavy celd develeped ie pneumonia, and atter an iilness et but five days Mrs. Bunt1 passed peacetully away. Shie was born A'ýUgUst 31st, -1869, in London, Eng- land, and moved te Guelpb with ber par- ents in 1871. At the early age of tee years she consecrated bier lite te God and was publiciy baptized by the late Rcv. Dr. Davidson in 1880. Some trne after this, while rnaking an extended visit ai Woed- stock, sbe becam e acquaînted witb Mr. W. T. Bunt, a divinity siedeni ai Woodstock Colege. Ie 1895, Sepiember Sili, she was married te Mr. Buni and spent, an entire yearwiîb ber busbaed'ai McMaster Uni- versity, Teronto. They labored at Lis- towel , Gladstone, Spriugtord and Essex, wbere Mr. Bnci is at present statiified. Seven ltte cbildren survive, the oldesi boy, Judsen, being scarcely tourteen years, and the youngest uitile girl but seven menibs. Mrs..Buni was a wernan et the rarest devotien. In Christian wprk she was the untailing inspiration et ber bus- band's rinistry. Arnng ber lasi wonds -were: "I bave no fear, 1 an perfectly sat- isfied; I shahllie ai rest." Thus passed away te ber reward a brave and true and beautiful spirit--an affectionate daughter, a noble wife, a Chiris:ian meother, and a seidier who was trufly faîthfui unie deaili. Deeeased was a dauigbter-in-law et Capi. R. H. Bunt, Teronto, torrnerly et Hamp- ton. Mis AMEiiL1A Mc(-T AISBowMNVLL Two aged residents liviing eon the sarne street witbin a short distance et eacb other passed awayLlast week witbin tbree days ofet cdithen -Miss Amelia Mc- Tavish and Mrs. Aaron Buckler/ Miss 41IrVav, s oliefa ôïi il.~Televen cbildren, fine et whem came te Canada, but witb the exception et one al bave passed te the Great Beyond. She xxas bore in Campbelltewn, Argyleshire, Scot- land, and Was possessed efthie sturdy de- termieatien ot her race, but kînd-bearted aed genereus te those in nced ef assist-' ance, as many et our older readers can testity. The tarnily came tnorn the Old Land in 1842 wben Misses Arnelia and Janet (ber sister whe predeceased ber serne four vears, age) were stijl quite yeung. She was a milliner, having worked je the Paterson Bros.' wbolesale rillinery in Toronto before cornmencing business fo er insctj this iewn, wbicb she carried on for about thiriy vears. Some yeans ago she fraetured one bip, but with beroic courage she recovered somewbat, and altbough tailing cyesight prevxented ber frorn doing ahl she desired, she kept bouse and did manv tbings a weman et ber age usually would bave been unable te under- take. A couple et days je bed an-d sbe quietly passed te rest in hope et a sure and certain resurrection. She was a mcm- ber et and regular atteedant ai St. Paul's Presbyterian churcli and in ber younger days was an active wvorker je ibe.Sunday S.hool. Mr. Malcolm, McTavisb, who is now left alone and wbo bas been bier corn- panîen and helper ibrough. al lich years, bas the deepest sympatliy et all our people je bis bereavement. The tuneral Sunday atternoon was eondueted by ber pastor, Rev. Hugh Mueroe, B. A., wbo paid, a very bigh tribute te lier lite ai fthc mcm- ing service ie the eburcli. Among thec beautitul florau offerings frorn numerous triends was a wreatb from the Girl's Aux- iiiary et St. Paul's churcli. The pail- bearers were: Messrs. John McMurtry, John MeChelan, James Beith and W. H. Williams. Arnong tbe friends from a distance were Mrs. James Yuiil, Chicago, Ill., (niece;)- Mr. aed Mrs. Wm. Mýilar, (grand niece,) and Mr, Geo. Porter, Tom- ente, Mas. ELIZABETH BuCKLER, BOWMAN- VILLE. The ranks et the neeogenarians je this tewn are rapidly thiînning, and their plac- es je chumei and home are beeoming va- cant. Wbat a sturdy, industnieus, provi- dent lass et People ibose weme who came te Canada awav back in the firsi baît et ast century. Away baek je 1848 tbe laie Aaron Buckler, jeweller, came to Bow- manvilhe with bis young bride of a vear, baving maried Miss Elizabeth Celes ai Helswortby, Devonshire, on Dec. 21, 1847, He carried on the ieading jeweiry busi- ness ie Bowmanville up te Sept. 3, 1890, wben, being ini Montreai on business, be was aspbyxiated je a botel wbere be ivas a guesi and died shortly atter being dis- covered. 'He was 73 years et age. Mrs. Buekler dispesed et the business as soon as she could and bas since lived quietly on Wellington-st. A niece, Miss Annetta Coles, bas lived withbber since she was LADIES! Why flot have a first class photo taken now whiie your new Spring suits and hais are fresh? Ail work the best of its kiind. Next door to THE STATESMAN Office. TiIos. ROBSON, piotographer. SOFT DRINKS I have appointed Messrs. Scott & Allie mny representatives ie ibis town who will keep in stock a fulîne of sof't drinks and wiil del iver te ail private trade in case lots. Watch their window for exhibition about May 1îst. 1. WALTERS, Manager of Port Hope Botiling Works. THE WONDERFIJL SIGIITS 0F NEW YORK CITY Have yeu ever visited New York,' the great mectropolis of the new world? if flot, yon should do so ai the very first epper.. tunity as a).trip of this nature, besides, be- îng highly interesting, is aise an education. The Grand Trun k-Lehigh Valley route is the centic uine from Canadian points. Convenient train service and excellent equipmenit. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk, Agent or address A. E. Duif, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. ECONOM,,Y IN SPRING CLOTIIES Why buy a ready-mad e or made-to- measure Spring suit that costs from $22 te $35 v;hen we are making tailor-made suits in latest styles and of best materials from $15 te $20? YOuI are invited] to inspect our--new Spring Suitings anid Overcoai.s xithout the least olgto to buv_ We have the popular shades of tweeds and fancy wer- steds, perfectly woven, perfectly dyed and, fnished, which will be made up in our usual first-class style. JOSEPH JEFFERY & SON, The Star Hlouse Bowmanville COAL, PRICES CH ANGE. When you order your ceai don'i forget to ask for _Lehigb coal, if you wantth besi. L-ehigh coal is harder, lasis longer and centaýins more heat than any other coal on the nmarket. I have received this week several cars of fresh ean coal, shipped direct from the, mines, ie chesteut, stove,, egg and- pea sicas. Starting from May ist the fellowîng prices per ton at Bowmanville station will prevail until further notice is given: cbest- nut $6.5o; stove or egg $6.25; pea $5.50. For delivery in town an additio'ial charge of 50e. per ton will be made. Orders left at my ceai yard ai Finkle's Evaporator, opposite High School, will receive prompt attention. EW.LOSCOIMBE, Bowrnanville. Phone: office 177 bouse 144. THE BURN ING QUESTION? YOU NIt-ED COAL, and may as weli b ave, ihe BE11,ST, that is SCRANTON; ne WTelha- di-ready received several cars of Fresb iniied coal, briglit and dlean; and to toCo our customers who are in the habit ofr lay ing in their ceaI early, and those wbo wisb te form this 'excellent habit and are prepared te take ibeir supply NOW, we mnake this proposition: We will fil your bins, or put in sncb quantities as you think you will require, wilh frecl ean ceai, any size you wisb, and guaranice you the lowçsi summrer price if paid for during june or July. The summer rates wili likely be made about the firsi et june and wîll be based upon the quantity et coal we are able to secure at t he lower rates prevailing dur- ig April te May. This proposition sbould commend itselt te everyone usîng ceai as it gives absolute protection in the matter et price, and aveids thie rush and werry of placing the ceai when tie weather is cold and other conditions for delivery are net as favor- able. 111 McClellan & Co, Limited, April 3, 1W1. Bowmanville. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Higli Scbool entrance examinatienswvill begin Monday afterneen june 26th. De- partmental examinations for teachers' cer- tificates and matriculation commence -on Thursday June 29th. High school will close Friday june-24th. The report et Inspecter Spotton in cen- nectien with his recent visit te Bowman- B5ownianvil le. BAYNES AND TUDIIOPE CARRIAGES, LEADI Agents for Goodyear Automobile, Tires, Suprerne Ranges and Stoves. 2 DOORs EAST OF POST OFFICE HORSEY BLocE, PH4ONE 145, BowmAN VILLE. Mason &- Dale- CALL AND SEE THE LATEST IN COVERED 1ButGGuIS AND ROAD WAGGONS RUBBER TIRES Having insaled a new and up-to- date RUBBER TIRE MACHINE, 1 arn prepaïred t o fuirnish and put on rbe tires at reasonable price 1S. ubseii youir patronage. Cail at thie East-End lckmh Shop and get partbiulars. A. W. PICKARD, BOWMANVILLEPhone 185. 13-f PRO PRIETOR CHAS.IHO RN, M anu factuirer and dealer in al kinds of high;grade and family four, cereals, chop and miii feed at ordinary- prices. Al kinds of customn work promptly attended. Good acc ommoda- tioi, good work and quick despatch. TMhat is ofe Special Interest to the Ladies. The fine'weather is with 'us 10W and it is getting rather warm for your heavy suit. YOD want te get initô your Summer Dress Soon. Cail and spee us about pyour new dressitand we wIllLedejht oshow. you the new season's goods and grive you1aIl the ifrainncsayre- garding the Iatest styles, etc. As we have only a limited space here we cannot (go into full- details, but ean only miention a few Uines whieh may help you in the problem ofA the new dress. We have a niee range of Scotch Ginghams -in stripes and . heek, a ît, A special line of Foulards in ail the latest dcsîgns at 29e to 40(, per cl. Cotton Marquisettes in plain colors and faney stripes from 35e tu 5l0e, A full range of Piques, Linens, Drills and Mluslins in white andiclos You should see our range of raw silks- and rajaehs. both in figureci and plains., About the Separate -Skirts to wearý with y Our Light Waists. We- are pleased to be able to say that we are in apo)sition to Show y9u the finest.lot of ail the new materials and colors for thuonlirig season in Voiles, Marquisettes, Light Serge Panamas and Worsteds, etc. Sole, Agent for the Butterick Patterns' flcflurtry& C o., Limited Somie News f rom The Darlington Harbor Annual Meeting. nc=ý West 4--7Ll714ý Bnd [bouse r I West End Hô'use.