j- grs tcrs. Flotst ae sews the ""-'t vn""s "'iy n""'-' ur- "y ""-" yct almoat by s miracle, Turcoe ne -- Ibe new ~fliug ïreguhations for by steadying tic irntatd e unis ochokfw-tian ye Tin cmpeeure. IAiOejo es es. oeedainxxeso aey n ýtic fleidartiihory, just publisieci, centers, maie refreslhing rv bis s e tePa2d-ad tc liid esr efere. 1A fe o e ed e Yeu un paînîessî ernev anycerncontisounte uterd ink ahho wt nee hnsings of goe-d health, which i-s due te thîs rgained is spirits, tee; for le adiio utird- sible, tlereby enabuing thec body tIcthecyci are stitced i-s place." remedy.". sauntercýd 4eut oeeni-gît, lad an îm- euior audsoi, o biedig 1 y(rcions for fie agsinst captive bai- recoi'er le s tengtl. As armedy ____,Don t seglect kidney trouble-i-t's tee messe lhatte with a deg larger tlias noeiuelsvsn en etjt eloess, a new set o! instructions gev- for pain cf any dewcnipion Dr.agwu as -well as ton03 nd That nP adembrkéUwmef eniycf eal6g umaaedhaia. lftti e tic se c! tIc ariPley Mils'Ani-Pain Plesare unsur- Noighhor-"Dici yubreak tîls criaefsyeedD.Ms's itbsfoeeghpesybue. lo oeanitaecîiisofesHw epci C-e"teu, nScEm, 1buiuues ,iiestin andsirk Is ne seU M"oe ton!i p 14 UTNý-,1JAMR,71 PaAiNLECSSo -ht cane fsuccesa witliout C he lm-rsbox -Ujrne benefit resWis% a it ri --utTtrwtcheaacsd in purifug te looi. :a Vean, le m- ogret oc CO N XT A TO Ieuun-ou uecfanrnn-tnc- i piLES MvqEDICAL. OToronto, Can. L hat M ibt1" e te125e a box ut your druggisCs. 10uitl iiids o ecms À 1 A s gNU-SUBSTTUT! STATUS 0F JIECIP1IOCITY. AT EA W DO R RM WIKEP OÇWS B A NII< (BCha. ol.)DÎE SEî.înc tlas been staced on geod au- MekeyIicDevr Fashiontirty tliat the averageyield of Established 1873 80 Branches In the extra session of Congress ALIL> 17.000 cows in the famous Belleville, UJr -/XNAXU/ now sitting in Washington, con-SAE ONYB Ont., section, for tbe factory season vened by the catI of thie President, 0 cf 1910, was 3,480 pounds -of mikk. A D POST 0 ON D LLA ~ actlaely tecnie h entajtie re- "R fAlE FASH10N NOTES. 'Thore are sections in Quebec wberc s E O I FON O L Rcpoiy at onidrteentaditiveb it is doubtiful if £lie average is re presentatives fr-om Canada and Foulard waists are again in cvi- muclijo-ûer-2,500 pounds. ýTbe avor- is receivet ini our Savîngs Bank Department, and i the U. S., the chef item in the po- CLýANBRASS11t, ONÊ. dence. age income per c0w in connection suûfficient to open an account anti entitie the Depositor te litical "bill of fare' for considora- 'woyeaýr-ago), the dol-tor niade Tailored waists, those with cuifs, witli-one Quebec creamery was only a ass Book. The highest current rate of Interest js tien, ir, 4ow to satisfy the gusriatory forty-four calls ont me, aid thecn said aIl have long- sleýeves.$1.0 Asôm patrons obtaincd demands of the -iimerican.farmer. lie l1ad douie all lie c ufr nme. 'I %as'> Flowe ors are being lavislily used, as mucli as $34,00 per cow, itmeans, àllowed, anti money may be withdr'awn at any tUlle The main opposition to recipro- euffring witi i itense Kidney Trouble On danuce dresses for girls. necessarily, that somre cows earned without delay. city in this country cc-mes frorn thce, hedocosweeostdin.ared Undeir many cof the transparent scarcely $15.00. Soule primary tilersof heslot, nd heagrcul 1'tht nthig oul bcdon t 11lý e.waists colorec voiles are seen as principles of dairy la.rming sem te SvnsBn eatnn tEeytarai journals of overv degree, al- Onthe recomniendation of aueighbor, ilnngs. need attention, bpre Records of B ~ ia vI eB a c :A. N. McMTIL1,AIV Most without exception througliout I took "Frujt-a-tives" and they cured Voiles are in gr-eat demand'aild oaci cow's production will soon Bo m n il r n hmaamageer. tic country. The attitude of the me. To-day, I take "FruW~a-t1ves" a are seen in plain and printed or show wiich cows siould bo beefed, Bl64tQ I .W J. 'WHITIE, farmers cf boti countnies prceuïts' 0 Yo y medicine. I amrn 1 excellent fancy effeets. becauso unprefitable. Bl c so kActi]adg Maimager. paaoîa s health, sud IlPrnit-a-tives " la the Large, are somee of tic newest During 1910, the 'average yield of a ratier contused praoxm' a - eicine that cured me after 1had been Branches aiso at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, pect. at Death's Door for months. iandbags.- They are square, point- 1,100 cows in Quebec cow testing ________________________________and _________________ Many Canadian-farmers who op- I amn glad to be ale to give yen tis ed, or irregular. associations for the f ull poniod cf pose rociprocity (if their journals' testimonial, Itniay benefit sorne other The red, white, and blue of the lactation was 179 pounds cf fat, TTTrTTfr~ ar e te lie crediteci) do se because1 wornan suffrirg as 1 suffered, as I revolutîou will lie worn singly andi double the above creamery aven- ~ ~ REEB 0F TRE ~~~~~ty think it will let into Canadaj belI not us d ri--îe y nobnto. teswtibakgo ecrsna icis TH ý fthe Amenîcan farmir te under- "Pruit-a-tives" - by its marvellous paet1airuprsaemds eOn. o aurFbruany sou ticm, -or compel arecluictioii in action on the kîdneys - cornpletely for black and white suits. a.nd Mardi are 5,725,and '6,570 price of homne farm pro .ucts. Ex- restores these vital organs te their There are sc'me chic wraps made onnds of milk f rom two cows that an~ oy WTII Co sit n in in adact]y thesame-argumnt isused by normal strength anid vigor-and cures in golden-tinted matenial like carn- fresiened in December. Such cows, Man' Joy Will Consst n Fiidii-g a d, he Aeiicn famer, wh thiks ,rytaru ft.iucl roubhairni elitihïr buttonsutonsourmtcessokeesno pleasureur an ogod licses n feetrcecf ar po-a-tives" is'the onïly medicine iu the New' that wastiable crocheted profit, are found in incroasing num- he ses n fre tadecf frm ro-world made of fruiit. fulillngý, od'ý urpseduets betvieen the two eouintries his 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c, buttons are mado, tiey are being bers where cow tosting is practiseci. Fufhig G ds P roeruinationrin low prices, snd a glut- At dealers,or from Fruït-a-tives t<imited, siown on tailored as well as fantcy Plcnty of individual coos in Cn tdmre.Srlbti cannot Ottawa. ass ada are giviug 10,000 and 12,0 Iu the one universal churci te shuns ail things that tend to weak- lIigit in their ~netcs for Corset ýcord1 laces, liko a crochet pouuds cf milk, and fromn 300 to 400, wicdi ail godmen belong, cein- en lis arm, lis bralin, or his heart icL acvantages o.f trade te onc side out competitieý,n aud icld Up venise in leaycord, are popuflar, pouuds of fat in oue season. po1e(-)f these of al faitis ýwbhou-'5, His duty is to lie cleaui. Thisin tbei?,11arteýr, mist lie followýed pce."and1 wil con tinu . go infavor. Why kepopenncows etylir-e up te tic Lest they, kuow, item cof ithe c reed is oldestadnw hu1aul yandresod gialaesiamei(esMins Çlac vle baee L or woiClF W 1 wîetlier Cirisýtinor paganl, Jew oý_r et;o]esnthat leCalisings ueodsdruae t ie oirpryin Taý.) asýs, '"Do Ie[(-armrers owe thesude with gold oir jwlc __ Gentile, Catholie or Protestant, a. p)art of evcrly eanly religion, the tceci-etanatoIulhi __fa-uin -eessalvig1 bcls aefrth lssesye t E thre i acrtin fndmutlcomimands of ýMo,es, for intne s truc ie htheýr it lie a sale for "Upon itlic theer<'tbat tliey do, tiec c,;ffUre. .ý,TFFERED GREATLY FR01OLIO creed. This, tic greatest cemmon abounding in miany lustral itesnioney or a niatten -if pitre echanlge wol ariff systin hlas licou blîtL. diviseor of ail creecis, may lie tIns u ewcst, il! that 'e11e1i2 _,~ f commdiie. Tic propiýtiùou cf free, tralceWtiTLREDST. --- atated: ~-modr linei icpwrad . ûk it admnits o! positive d- Canada telebcllwdby frpeetrace Mrs. AieOuéneLtc, L'lImuuacui- 1. The good- man secs cnw afety ef tic antiseptie life. The iosraiutat wheu nies ,f ithî Mexico andi Argen'tina is the 1luntailorcd .suit skirts fullness lias eQi.>e Igsand.,believes in, first e! ail, dcvii s namne as fa 1.as bcd ii 'Y halfarm roducts prcvailling in ticlolgicai eut !tat1- er. icn rdcdtinui l i ttlec oneytio, te., nies:gry tic differenîce hctween iglit and:and mental clearncss sund spi,,rituial mankets of tuis (ountry are cern- Many ither papers of this kiucl sections, set inte rather close fit- litI1e boy suffe:ed greatly froni wrong. When tewr ough is- vîgor is concerned, is dirt. Dirt 15 pareci with pnices that rul in tie!contais iiha utteranees on the tmig skirts as breken pauels sud cle aehl atrol s appears freni one's vocaiuîary lie teue cnemy te lie hateci with ahl Canadian market, te, say. nothing 'subject, aud se the opposition is also tlirougli the ase cf plaitcd pan- L utcîat n a awW may lie sure cf moral decay. Ticenesseul sud .te lie fougit unto o!, tic advautages o! tic larger ibecoming quite formidable in tuhis e oIniaugiform in tlun i ter - eue innabominable te any ceceut ones last breath. market and greater demand o u enrsda hi ntni s h ormer style is an intr- ays a bots Iaodetsed, so msThereterforaadbox. Iifcundttiem se socicty is tic maniwliu thiuks ne-. 6. His duty is teli brave, Th sider, tic acivantages o!fre rc ir t rdf at la iîîp esting skirt model whidl has as ata lis cptimi thing *matters. We eutîcaebasic sin,,o!faIl sins.i-s cowardice. in farm prouet btwenti to ut e dthpedscme uting t ihepa-sk ae wo deep, elcsely plait- odta'Ilwykephme l eue, e,,on, who doubts there i aTlie higlier tic rosi-sioo life i3 whici countries are dccidedly in favor cf 1segsson. ldfoics b cnti, ith itemdgu Q ay" Tcepn Qeýd; bl4t if oee lilieves there is ne wc move tic morei daugorous is auy tic, Canadiau farmer. A higIier 1O course, tic old dyed-in-tî-e- ted folounce sircicii-ie heiwidt ticleshudeu tsen te kid o far ndte mot0fd-eexteom the Ms.Guneskirt ee s liue between igitsud wrong te ido!fa n thems ed wage is raid iu tic U. S. for farrn wool Repuliicans-thte s-aldtn xeto !swicis, w hicli oe o Ms. ne tte lias lies asD.Jobuson said, "Jet us cu ît Y cf ail fears is the fear o! tic hlpthani prevails in- Canada, -and i f ,sad-ateea "agin," are takcu by the shlîow hip yoke. ta ftiuad foirmtos our spoons when lie leaves." truti,.or the fafor tetuh ny stefrthysr tir poeii, btfortunatcl O i kN tol otex'et ueclcf 2. The god a leieenta m or institution that figlits te pro- farmîn condliti onhsoar d otthe or esieRpbiss nepyteud wth thoeplaited lo sansou esiti. .cntptov, Isppiness Witl corne te hlm, per-o-ht st sy o on boti sides of tih line, it euts-asud Democrats won sweeping side cof tIe flat conter pan-el. Boti îu, bidigeioun, mantake tee bng rnaneuthy, sud as ala, nlas lho exp tedîeucy, u d ara eccssarily fellows that tic Cana- victories at tic hast elections, sudl Of tiese models wcie mach admired easyh, bactie and and iflThe bab lawonly fearthe rutimugi do armacydian farmer lhas tic best end o! the now coutrol 'the House of Repre- Tiese designs effer an acceptcd seb- gi, cie u bpy icTl- prctce eugrgî.Joy, peace, man or institution, in the werds cf lots are sold by Meuilcine dealers F- juggled frorn Qed or natur bu Zangwill, that proposes te liv-e sud bran seutatives, sund veously reduced lutien cf sgaalbrab rly mail at 25 cents a box from r( sud ~ ~ ~ e bbistaeTnt t*Moaoynedno isterestiug te Casadi- tIc lanR epb icas 1maenty -ifrom tIe incouveuineutly close f ictr-ilim'MdiieC. isd oed.auateaanisotfat," at this time te se- w at the tic Scate. Itis hoped Jat witli tig skirt still show s by may Paris rcvle On.I pessetl o5a te hà farrning journals of this country are ties-e acivautages, supplemented by boeuses. ritcn drit tcurethin 7. Ris duty is te love. syn nthssbet ruit Din ngi, ! ouse cesAithougli, accomdiug te the forege- syu utssîjc.tic powcrful influence cf tic Admin- neter exteral dies rfins btrmgpeints lu tie creed, lie is te de- "The Farmer," pullisied lu St-. istration lu favor cf the measuro, - SKIRT DRAPERIES.WIA ISE CT CTY oth b ri s pac d esur-d poins bt i eog s l ud lcPaul, is perajs theo nely pap r f 'tic pact will lib a pr-e iwith tîe à ic i t od ci n ew tun 1ic M any pe s Es E uuT s I d o! - seubl, assuely asd t ore fthevelop RAVElf AdNDcthat classs ou tuis side, certainly few unimportant suggcsted changes Inuthinofstion essstpfatertnyonerslow tli ogadem ebetrif- tims LEA, TROGti ouy nflesia jornl c tatin tic original dlraft submitted te and -even introduces drapemy. TIns cars, trains sud locomotives are expions fltèe.tbismule to mote aet le is te,,flud lis motive fer al kind lun the U., S., that is net eut- both goveruïien, î. lu the mess- mauy of the models have a new sud emw cfplsthic '-emtry ths udtc ndfo a y iedesspoken agaîust reciprocity. .time, it is te lie iopcd tlaat neitio efrsîn apet operateci aud wist electricity i-s. ' - -o -yicc e, erntr,." It thinks, iu the long rus, rmcc- tic' Canadian Gevermient uer pee- Scar! draperies are panticuiarhy N u uw la lcnct s kai thîs, ouaside aud rn9t insîdeofo ek1 sm !tethnsta THE COSMlC ACCURACY liimself. precitywilbenefit sud uplild PIe will nçecilesshy place asy ob- neticeable. Onepoint o! spccial iiit ekwili d o;the t ns cethan botli countnies, bit adds, tiat it stadeslu tc wa o!a;coplot nsrtemsttaong icertaiscnnlik runs lu spiritual as wcil as in ma- It is at this peint tiat hoe ises, -ce ntewyo opeer-trs mn temn crlk exteut, leamneci Iuw te costrol it, P tona tbigs. ike u acophae îeviugtic us-cas sec ne gooci reason why the tification o! tuis hurnaind lire- draperies forsits, icapia- 3.ibeia tigo ansduy(l li a n ticronclai sudtsearn-I I Ameniescan ner sîould always tliemly trace compact that lields 5 ou ! ricsar i U e ic m ! and, for want o! a botter namne, ai 3.ie fels a nss' is to!(iln e lot;hrethmsle-ys i c bncleasked te psy tic bull in creating many lilesaings te lioti countries, train. TIc trainis 15i-sreahity ouîyweaî tafid Wehvdsc- h devehp i pcsuaisty. -ofi ad e auy sud sithemleoai thier m-national pncspeity." tiat are ose lu religion, language, asa!ssedda u ieci ered, tee, tliat it is eue e! tic most dic forpuprsonl. H odmet e ecreatures. In hi-s power to lie1 actu- Tic "Ohio Farmer,"_ (Clevelandi), sud civiliziug ai-ms. robe, important force, f sot tlie hmost som ee ls, stao op;dutusyaedli sunellfi mtivs iemooativesisin tategrcutue i uBeaue !ois amowwith sc ipotan fnc, ! hic w la-od ing al m-asters, elceeoesdcornes as a god ccmpared te tic tic basic industovyscfntus madetfor ignrant o! rnauy otier great forces in more birns bo oeland îessts. says, tiat reciprocity wil l e a THIN HAIR ON TOP. crgre tegt roion. us tms acle for 4.Islsdtft. i srs. HeHolives fer lis wife, bils chli- back-set te tic prescrit agricultur- Tf Parioi" Sage, tIhum rgrowor lessly tîrown-over eue arnm, or i15otratone! g, fravitaon Fortica-o eau hcofo!use te etiers onîy as le dren,hIs friesds,bils country, lis atesprity, sudne urgtesits oredes tiat Jury & Lovel guarante-es, wiil hcid by' a floep rugh wl-ci oee oe1n w utb onett b lias force in hi-rsoif, He tierefore race; se, in widening waves lis t wiea oc etii- egcs ot ca e rte g»ow wlieme tice!-oftic fiugcrs ny passs. It i-s sot po ehowerus lieactonen teb- racio-dyuarnic flews. Tic gooci mas mes pnotesti-ug sgaiust thlereue redipro- liair is thiunlng out, uotig oun expccted te trail eut lieliind tic do-vise ticeliest methocis te control C themefoee listes ne living creature. .city agreemnut i-s its presentutn-Iitlis carti will. skirt, but ratIer i-s a graceful se-tim utskwede annc2 Hedespi-ses ne humas iei-ng. farsdisimâtg!on" Anci we say te exeryliody, you can cossory, addinug charn te tIhesiove- las prognessed wendenfulhy within G In hlm i-s acentnifugal poer eut- Ti ainlGag o hla-vo your money bo4ck if Pai-isian monts e! tic wearer. afwyss EXETD ET AYDYflowing te inundate tIc unuverse. (Wcstfleld, Mass.) tbinks the fanrn- Sage isn't flhc best lai-r grewer, 11 -E r--YPý--,TEDDLi.ýH,î1ÇY DY 8.Fnomitii-s love ariise ail graces, ers e! tIi-s country "areo fseîng tîe hair svz arbatfe n OBEFCDSLS natmaly s eai e riisof theuu lif," andu gees svr iirbat-lrmî OBEFCDSLS sud vrtuos antualy"spec es t nisdandruf! cure on tlie market teo- Pihîs That ilsve Beslefitteci Thou- Anrotler'Case Whiere Life gnew f rom peacl tre-es. Leving ahi !ou te say, that thiè adoption e! the day. Anotier interestingfetuen sands.-Known fanr sud near as a ho caunot soi-h a seul, uer woug al agreement wilh decnas~e tic valuie f tp tci clpsdfi imater-ais for wraps ssurdob e rmd uteteteto u Wa,7s Saved and 1Health jfhIIow liei-g, uer hurt wantosîy, To!rnliomesal e. r lohiradmkshi go he n nesd n ntero h eesdigestion aud ail deangernents o!T, Restored by non asurp, luer push fer precedlence, Tcoc Rua -wYokr iel airundakes liarmn gew thick sud0acee suis, witl eue standg celer o Retrdb 'evln.1non lie unki-d, nonri-n auy way drift assails tie pnopesed treaty. "Tichae natlo ro1 bc, w i-denosudiatieon oftc revere iNtmd, lvrsdh i-tcthe lew, poison ife o! egoi-sm. estime scieme," it- assents, "oscnsfralrobti.Pnsa itis nIainc i te r c "'_"obag_____he_ lint ndbil Lbougit relief te theusancis wîen It is bec'ause ho feels it is selemu . Hi-s ou-eaim, last -o! ail, i-s te emanfcersfro u gvscSg aes tic liairofth.sud bnil- tîre is ne trace o! th-espeîlshv!aed Tnu-c duty te tell to the weî-id bis faith in serve. Strong lu himseif, fearhess mnfctrrsct nie micdlernmant sudprorntes gowtî. s huesud nd combnsties, fo Nerxiliuo that Victor P. lires niakes a lxulcanssa egîteI saine oid opportunity te keep changeable effect, eue si-de i-s ab- cal etoisscslcpoue BABE IOOKS IVES ONCARa.isesteltredesd tic tîer s-dea-te estabisi the truti cf this assen- the follewisg declaration: "For th3-ee tbe piat!onrn wneîetstands lie wioau 'e'd-ir Years I1 was in the Royal mail senx-omwer tnd ewh AE îco, N AD te.Onetie hy ilbcfu sud in ail kinds ef weather had te iwas55 le tefrtbr mn uprot l te il nter meet uhe- night trais. flamnpucass, cod, ailecith fn H s te as-ug"I uffered Y a Little Vietim cf Eîîgîisîî S - tc tictst 055 Ite tailoten pls lu tie n aliec ue rnylett ode.Smcities tau ter's companion sud aise cas put T- nan a Ir . lf. ,o! the words'and setchnebetyar aftck myoleftcorne. ou htmenie a -ay ail chieap success, ahi luxuries W ith My BD.., a,,or .,ust oo n. r siot. caga te riprescri-led. F pewack oles coreron i wa se sudesud e 1>act1.A lbaby agcd two sund a.lial! Absolutely Pure Tho Only haklngpodq inad frm Ryal Grapo (From The News.) Mr. Gerald McKeen o! Oshawa, was home' recently. Milleýr', Grip) Cure. Sol.)d by Juy& Loveil, BoPýwmaniville. M iss Nydý* uia Leigli is atnigthe Don.,Ser.vatory eof Music, Toronito. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Andrus, Bnýw- nainville, visited finsh r r- 11ev. H1. T. Le-wis, Oshawa, spent. îz. cou-ple of dayý,s ini the village re- MAr. crar lyers, Ttoro-)itQ street car -odetr pL-nt SuLday week at his homei at Leskard. Mr. Skd. RutLherfe)rd i Ls home fromi Gravenhurst, where heb lias been lie past eight inorti.. Mr. James R1. Fowler, KendaI, lias bought the- late Jamne, Jamio- son residence o-n ChurchSret Mr. Malcolm, Carleton M,-výed Is-* family to Bcw,ýmanvillerenty vlac. hasa job in the R1ubber fao.. ory. Mr. Archie MatIieso,n, of, the O. N. O. Ily. office liere, reprssentig Ewen MacKenzie, -bas gone to To- ronto. Mrs. William MeLeed neglected ockîng the back door while eut calling, and on lier return discov- ered that $ ,9.00 had vanished froma her pocket bock.-- ,That stomacli trouble will cease fl you will take Miller's Compoundý Iron Pilis. One after each meal. Sold by Jury & LoveIél, Bowman- ville. A fairly good audience listened o the lecture in the League Par- lors by 11ev. G. W. Henderson, Peterboro, on ','P1odders, Loafers and Croakers," and were highly pleased with it. Mr. C. J. McKeen lias gone to Penticten, a, tow-n in the Okana- gan Valley, B. C. Curt for some years past has been a popular clerli in the drug store here, and Is oe of our most higlily esteemied ybung mien. Orono brandi of the Womaeu's rIn- titute will meet in the Concil Chlamber, Friday, May' l2tli, at 2.30. Mrs. Thiomas Smithi and Mrs, Geo. Waddell have chiarge of the programme. Election of officers. Every inember sliould lie present. A dlose of Miller's Worm Pcwders occasionally wiil kecp the children healtiy. Sold by Jury & Lovell, Bowmanv1lle. It is reported that the former C. Y. O. iRy. resident Engineer here, Mr C. D. Nor-to-n, -lias lately be- orne a benedict, bis bride being ahandsome youug Englisli lady with wliom lie was, engaged before cern- [g to Canada. Tbey arc said to ho Éesiding near North Bay. FRENCHT WOMAN CARiPENTER. A. woman carpenter lias madlelier appearance in Montlucon, France. 'lie is Mme. Fleurier, 29 years old, 3nd _was formerly a farni servanut, Kew infantry barra;cks are being -rected at Alontlucon, andine. Fleunier, vwearinig a corduroy suit, may bc seen coing the carpenter- ýg work by the ýsiýde of lier bus- and. She lias worked as a car- enter for four years, and erns rom $1.75 to $2 a -day. It is ;ated that at Avrilly slie ascended ,e sixty-foot weatliercock of the ,ateau near which fell the airsbip epublique. Restrescolr t Gry o FadedhairRemovs Da