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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1911, p. 7

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TUL 24STANDARD BANK Established 1873 0F CA\NA,~Di 80 BrmLe TARÂNSMITTING MONEY- For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orclers 'are convýnient and inexpensive. For larger arnounts we issue D- 'ts or Bis of Exchange. Money sent at once to any ~ak~gpoint -in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transi er. Savings Bank Department at'Every Brandi. 8 Bo-,, nvLe Brand AN.MCILAh BlacstoK : . u WHITIE, Branzches- algo at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Osha&w&, whitbyr andc flrO0tlini. Between Two Clashing Statements One Choice Morsel of Truth Edt, ai*dnought'~- as a chlbtc vane. In, adults weU eau it when I becam a man J put aa co linng orpotigo sulkinig. chldshthng -"Saint Pauli. fiwmn wmngt er wayiý "riyIsay unto yen, ecpbytetranoftears"! A 'nd ye bechariged. and becomneas littie! how mny a man ruie bis boýuse by,, childreri, ye shall fot enter irju she sulns! Su1 r u thekigdrnofheaven. Littie chi- growýn up "bawl babies3." It is ai- dýroenr, of suhis the kingdomn oflmost worse than wickedness; it isi hevn"JesUs. Imeanness, andi utterly despicable. I oceha asilybokcompiled Pardonkl1able in a cbîld of 6, i s un- by sý)io raboid bilobba and pardonLable in a big, bewbîskered_ e 'ile The Contradictions of thej buikof4 46. ibe'in which were arranged in Armothe-r trait of cbildisbness is parlletcouins those texts whicb Ithe des',ire to "show zîff." Vanity, seemd toconjtradiet eacb otber, andý love of notice, and the hunger eac se'teeebeing set opposqite its lfor ad!miration is cunning enougli negathe. h ble work wsbased in littie Mabhel in short dessad upn u~irrcr that a cotdrad iction b aby curis, but wber Mabel ie- is eq taentt a lie. Theý trýuth, icores Mis. Q. K. Phlander Joues,, hoeeis quite the contrary. Con- 1age 35, ndis president of tbe traictonsare the favorite miethod! Ladies' Aid, and thec mother of four of wse taChers; they abound jn!chidren., and te wife of the lead- Socats nd in Bacon. iug grocer, it be-comes ber rightily in theý two texts above, the aps- o "Put away chiildish things," and Cie ndctsthat when one grows!especially the desire to pi-cen and Upýý 'i hol cease to be likeë a prance, and occupy the spotlight. Mll; hle the mnaster declares IModesty andi a modicumn of humility thtexcept we retain, and becomne jouglit tý ýcorne vith maturîty. liea hl we are lost. Anti the A child, too,- is naturally egois- connfusion of this is but seeming, tic in his instincts. Every chid fo)r it may be looseti anti made ite soiems to be a bor pedestirnarian. comnmon sense by two words tbat I bave bad chltiren at rny own arýe in our mouths every day-to table, andi I kuow tliat each seem- wit: the words chiltilike and ehilti- cd t-obu ee To be cbildh11ke, -ays Jeus;u te SRSIBR IED î u gra. ÀI nave sen zsemegreat itîiat o leeone wa1s peesietfo tri Oinrnyfieant hvetnititethe foundaticu c, f tIc w7orld ',te havei .rn omehinefficr scre-t; andtihtIclargesf piece cof pie andtihfe <ae neer knewu ei>ie wbo was chicet portion cf chicken. Whcn nef simple, approacl--il.ihe, anti' ne grow up this cgoccntric trait alec WITH A CHILD HTEART. is te> lic put away. A man ouglit Gretsed i asp hanlcti, t learu, witb bears, that "there reatspech i alays lai, luidare efliers." anti direct. Gireat art is least or- But fIat element cf tflic dt n1ate. Great emetions are down- nîglf. Werea petines cfailview whicli, if refaineti. werks most k ii i", is sohisicaedsm thavoc in us is, as I have lintet, kins i sehisicaeti sa theficlack cf powem ý,o visualize ani atomnetlP, perfumeti, anti jeweleti, or pclz lcftue Inabb Chiltshes is anofler maffer. wnts a thing lie wants if new. Ticeîs cf wliat wo -cal eue tîing lie cannefte witi grace sin s moe cildihnes, Udev l-is te w ait. TIc present, flic actu- is more ldishuaestedevethclopai, lerne him in anti dominates Iim. cd mralty, mreteti ethcalWith vears ought 'te corne that ro)wtýh, a persistent dut dlong ing strongest incrernent of spiritual for gingerireati anti gewgaws, an pwr h blt os inhliyt appreciafe the future peer the bht esefe un- antia radiesete acrfic fi fu seeu; fIat is, tesece hew our acte aîl a ,,ýJinss o scriicethefu will affect etîcre, 10 lichefuture. tucalasfor the prescrit. TIc greater a man is, anti the man- Note 'o f ilie -dhultlish -thinigs fî I oele vih hs n whch ,v re to p ut avvay. Fimet 1 temr ewi__ i hs n cf hi s ryigthc meet-chamac vsilemotives ad i', govenet by tistiecof ai1 chlJ fanîts. Ana- th-nFor ilîat is ah defiling greet ,andi l.yetj carefuily (ing is four'd toté ndrecryad cosisf in thus ibegaining cf wliat jnifeahratisuul 'se esîe lv t~ os cfcordisitv,- ndt spite, anti frautd but a _________reachîing ftirth cf sigîtes anti in- fanti 'ne tesire, ignorant anti lietd SUFFERED FM ON tescf flic unseen thunder anti U6htuing cf tIc moral wolti Anti VIOLENT CATHPÂRTICS 'Lut are berces but they wic in -Le form or anothor, in quiet to- ( westîc sacrifice, or in business in- ,,he Waruing cil Mr. Geo. 0. ,cgity, or in pafictism, or in e- Fox Is, Oie That Sihould ,îgioue devc tien, lave "enturedthte .ross anti deepisedtheli prescrit Be Hecded by AIL rsan-ie for fILe joy fIat vine set bc'- %ethem" T'ewnitChilîtrca are sweet, airneet divine, Fe m,. ron :hc "rda,-.5P1îSl '( - ci, in fleir innocent liithe short- ;çnc(wn flia!n eni,ý1 Geoiwe rotwhose Cienide* tlýroîizi.out lite 's are legion' C()Mi-ngs ; but if is hecause they are !n th( o lUoweng letter lie eýxpresse% chltren. TIc wisdom concealeti in graýtitude fer signal services renderedl the two contmaticfing- texte gis en byz, D-r. -ariton'e Pille. fHe goe on to loecnit nfetultn ea v: "Tjutil I used Dr. Hamilton's îbvcnit ntetuhta V'ill aad' cxperienced flicir vionderful theIre is, in grown persons, a v ast tildes ad curative pcwver, 1 esti- tîfifereuce betwcen chitlikeness anti ~atdtcvalue cf every pili by ifschliines wn ulsician 1 met on flic train Ç ~ ciu~rdai-, he cxplaincd flî6c are /'~ ~ ~ ý if-:nkIis cf drîi9S fliat aet upon J te ox< 1112ie ';îcet active beitîg ~n-is-'ias d 'cîc. Eixccp-,t !ni extr(.nie cass s Oi lte Iýfe3 e-,tË patient dereoe upn spedv vuation cf - i. sus pile iold eyr lie dras- u'e I'-lit'.s aîs ~aaînsof theý boy h ' 'ri,, ,îîtî,o; ficr dose Me-t î~-¼ "? ,vear e mpo reo re j uratr 'n-t imilng, wvhy eve3'ce fa~ta5es istegive riP the ld-ashone liarlipurlngpi!!, 506,insead tause Dr, Hlariltcn's. fliy creîî'adrhe biicsueecon- sttIonQr, lrdtcnc.anid ke-ep the Iifus ît s~sti u0 fo)r Dr. Ham- Iîto'e 'lIl: eld fr ce., aldnes or het2rtanl ze C. ngtn DR. FRANK CRANE.' 8UBMAIIINES ANDr WIRELESS. The British Atm' -'mý li as oc-l-;ý e{l toecquip certin ias o f s marine naval [boats w'ith i wieIeS i elcgraph apparafusz. lE'xl-erurnei i tHat tIc plan iseatib, Nù if snlty w as founs in rciigms sages frein a distnce fftym in every directionbu- lî. n's cousiticmahle cdifficuIty in sMnin mePssages from icsubînmergedivs 'de. Thiis las !becuoeceii 1>~~~j t1110,hyf plan11cf gvn oacI eat amast nti g [w fo asup oi Iclevel cf ýflic uperdek hn )te uppe clpri. asg meInt s "inthe bull uïoL eves. I HEALTHI ADENOIDS AGAIN. While faîing one'e waiks abroati Af is strange teo sec liow rny chil- dren arc still hcing alhewedt tegnow up wýitbi unfretet adeniits. Il dae snot ee osbethat any paetcan romnain iuninstructweti cn thiýs sulijeet, se thoro)ughiy lias il been exposedto teicgeneral pub- lic. Anti yet alrnosf every litfle whihc is au introduction te seonie poor liff le cuit wl-ose metI wil ne't chut, wliose feetb are greviuig in croolet, and wrho is flic vicfirn of an cverhasting "coiti in tic lent. " To renter thec matter even more inexplicable is tIcfe fatînht thse child is more often flan nef of viel to- do parcutage. Iii sucb a case flic faflier anti mother must Inovi fIat tlicy are tieliheratchy teprix'ing fleit cbilti ef ifs faim chance; tînt tlscy ar-e suhjecting ifte.., innumerable dangers in the present, anti iaying flic fountiations for certain drawi- backs in tIc future, ah cof wviidl coLilie),, prevenfeciliby a ve-y sml epema-tion, wvihiel if is fleurjf On queioig e c the danàgers cf ltdi-ioidt hyare ouiy "vwiiting" to bave if donc. "Ne, Bolily neyver lias bis mouth chut. Ho can't. Wliy, le even sleepe viifh if open!I But le is se tehicate this vintîer, ve ar-e viaitiiig until cpiug." jT hie is nonsense. luflic menu- time Boliby canner breathe tlirougî hie nose, fIe shape cf bis face is being spoile fi-for hbis teïeth are, ceiiing iin wrong, le is nlreîaty U litf le teaf, anti bas epeateti af- tecIks c athe.Is if eny wonder fhiat ile isdelicate 1 If, woiti tale a long timie even te enurneiafe fiche at symptome tInt rnay eerne fror atieneitis, but if mnay certainly lie acceptet as an axîom tînt auy cliltren wlio bave fhem are lelow par physically anti mcntalhy. TI-ey are unable te gef enough exygen for flic neetis cither of body or cf mmnd, anti couse- quenfly lag liehint normal chiltiren in their teveloprnent. They ar-eai- so very suscepfibile te infections, anti et tIc saine tirno quite unfit te baffle witl them. Syrnptoms vihiel miglit appear te flic uninefructeti vemy rernote cf-Len yielti ragieaily te tIche roval of atienoits-such as St. Vitus's dance, stammeriniý, uncontrcllable lits cf teirper anti eye troubles. TIen- tural ticlike cf parents to subject n delicate anti tirii d hultite tuis operation is ne longer reasenalhe, as an aneethetic is almost,,,invari- alily givn.-Youtl's Cempanion. HEALTU HINTS. A simple antidote for poison is ravi cggs anti milli talon immetiate - lTo Ijelieve Rieurnatisrn. - Dis- solve b aîf an ounce cf saltpetre in h-cMf a pint cf seief cil anti vitb if mli thc affecteti parts. WHY 1 Mrs. Hasîehlouse "Youm ioot s equcal; thaf's a, sigu f hey ain't paiti for!" Slinidiet- "If tlîerc('s anythiug in fliat sgu wy io'fmy cavest,- p anatilia, qcl~ IN RIS OWN DEFENCE. TIc pisener af flic har-Now, I asks yer, gents of flic jury, if I'ti gof away with ail tlat swag, hike fhcy say I titi, t'ycr s'pose I'd have hiredtisichere littfle fiffeen dollar lawyer t' tefenti mou A POST UNROBRINGS HELP FORTHE KIONEYS GIN PILLS SENT 4REE Wýe want ahl sufferers froni Kidney anti Blatider Troubles, Lame Back anti Rieunnatism, te test GIN PILLS, anti sec for the-nsiseves that GIN PILLS will really cure aIl tliese troubles. If youir IMieys are Nveak-if it pains yen to urinate-if your back achies-if biande anti feet are crippled with Rbeu- matisrn-give GIN PILLS a chance te prove flat tîey wilh relieve yen andi ci-re you. If won't ceet you a cent. Von don'f have te bey theni. Simply write us for a free sample. "A short fitne ago, I neciveti a free saniple cf GIN PILLS whidh I1 bave talon witb sudh gooti off ecte that I hiere- with enclose Soc for a box cf, thexu. 1 believe GIN PILLS are just the things for me."' RICHARD IHÂMIX,-ý FRUNCH RIVErR. GITN PU, cS ae s caleti becaus1e tbiey contain flic urtiicina pnncipeoc Juni per ber.ies, fthc essent, laI pinciple cf box -- 6 for $ )- et dea!ers,, ani guaranitecti te give sat isfaction Orinioncy refudeti Sanphe bxfreeif YO37 it ils. Nat ional Dmg andi Chemicai Co., Dept. A., ornt.53 ~ (unPuis ade by ~s>~i. anal Drugand Chem;lcal Co. of Canaeda Llmied, Taatare sà offIy in thîtd b«y_ 11n hunclreds of olircases, "FPruit-a- tives" blas given cexactly the sane satis- factnry re-;s t bcus 'Fruit-a-tives"I is the gretest blood purýif-ying niedicine in the worid. "Pruit-a-tives' the fanions fruit niedicine regulates kidneys, liver, bowels andi skin, and prevents the accu- mulation of unec aciti, which is the prime cause of Rheumnatism. "Fmuit-a-tives" will positively cure every case of Rheuniatism,- when taken according to directions. Soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, Or trial siZe, 25c. At aIl dealers or froni ýrit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. POOII CIIAP. "P>or Riggsiey 1 I met bim a mo- ment ago, anti be seemedt te lieter-- ribly depresset. I hatin't 1hea-d le fore lie mentionet it that lic hati lest 'bis wife. WIen titi it happen. V' "Hie wife I Biggsley basn't lest lis uvife. You misuntenstooti him. I met him juet after be'd liecu taik. ing te you, anti h tolti me lic bat lest bis pipe." "Oh, bis pipe! Anilolt him pase on witbout giving hiim more fla-n a word or two cf symxpathy." ECZEMA IVAS SRAIG Tilt D.D,D. Curot It. This is a trnltof a letter wnitten us in Frch. onL April 16, 1,io y M'r. Dan. Bahbincau, Cap Lurniere, X~. B. "I bati been suffenring with ecze- ma *ion about 6 menthe, ag4 d cousultoti several &tiotrs wbo dit nent do me any goQ!d.1 The disease yras spreatinig anti I woldlt go cazy. All my fni-ende, were telling me I woulti lose niy bands unles founti the rigît tv'eatment. 1One day I read in tIe Messenger about yeur D.D.P. treatrnent anti asked for a sample. IfUtiti me so nuch good tînt'I irnrnediately on- demeti tw-o large bettîe, It teck cigît liettl-es altogether te cure me cf this terrible discase. I shlil neyer lie without a liettle cf D.D.D. in Mny home. The records cf ton yeams cf cern- plete cures cf thousanis cfflihe meef sevýeme cases show that D.D.D. stands te-day as flic absolufely re- hiable eczcma cure. Write te-day fer free trial liottie te fb-e D.D.D. Lalioratoriesz, Dept. -B. S., 49 Colliemne St., Toronto. If will give you instant relief. JURY & LOVELL. A SURPRISE PARTY. An Incident of the Early Days cf the iNorthw est. The Canadian Paciflo Railway, it is announceti, will open up in the cpring fifty new tewns si.uatcd on brandi hunes. The great Northwest ie becoming eue cf flic settîcti ceuntries cf thc world. The neces- sities for "roughing if" are grew- iug lees. Tc day tIc traveller flutis a far diffement country from that doscribeti by J. A. Lees anti W. J. Cluttcrbuck in- "B.- C. 1887." Amen-g cornecf the anecdotes ne- lateti by fhem is the following. It is the olt story cf the tendeýrfoot, but with a new enidin!g. A Bitisber, settc.ti 4ont tleme, appeancti eue Suntay in a "steve- pipe" bat. TIe citizens expreset their appreciatien by pounceing out cf corners anti otler places c-f van- tage, anti bonneting thec unferîtun- ate wearem. The firsf "tepper" was thus reduce toI e pulp. However, the undaunteti popritor ,pp7reti tie ncxt Suntiay witl a Iovciy ne ý,(w eue, which one cf)t1 e"boys marked as hige jpey wcn teycame eut cfduci The joker was i a tal na". He cwungcbisianti ahoft atibrougit it tt Mow tohfe bat wtiwon- derfl emnphasis. The ,populace yellcti with deigt.The jolker.l- led aise, but fcmadifet cause. pipe" liats flad kifiy netci tL1rueke beati ani tht ýi!rv-ice n4. rcrunstat AT LASTI A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM "Iwas a -icîpless crippie froni Rheu- matisni fer neatly a cear. Ail down flic rgfsite, flic pain was dretiful anti 1 e2111 nQ more for flic agony. I was freateti byr fwe physicians withouf help. .1 1 aw "Fruit-a-tires" ativertiseti in "Ttc Telegrani" and decidicto ta ry theni. After I had faken oue box, 1 vins mucli better. When i1 hati taleen fliree boxes, I coulti use My arm anti theipain was aluaost gone. After faking fi ve ro-y I was enfively ael g The cucire of niy case y 7Prnit-a-ttves" wu luked s.Plendid because ail the. doctore Je to teen relieve nme. "Éndut-a-tivEes" cu-ee4é me. 4 1710.Un P.ACIZ, TOPLONIfo.DeC. u15,'ce. a lar~e a'~ç'rh1n ,ritiluun,-all Late Mrs. W. B. Allun, 'New'eastle. acquaintances, amýong the relatives Mms. William B. Aliw en oticet f rom a distance being, John maidn nine as AelacnurhosEFane andi wife of Ida; Joseph AI- maidte nasme as JanM.acund lin andi sister, Miss May, of Suntier- waetheeldst embr i Mr anian';, Ciîamey l{niglit, Wick; John Mre. William Blackburn's family cf 1lunnd ifr.JonAnad five diaughtems anti two sons, an i and wi.fe, r., Thoma Allin antisstr was born on the 24th cf Sept., 1832, Thw sHryat r.Dw$l while lier parents were living ou f romn the Whitby section; Joseph Lot 29, Con. 3, Clarke, the fa j Bridges and R. W. Aluin, M. A., now owneti and occupied by James Toronto,; Mrs. Walkey, Lindsay. Dickson, anti with bier passing there Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Hardy, Mr. remaiued of the f amihy to wbich shean r.SmeAlian M. belonged both her brothers, Caster and Mrs. Ricauel Alun anti Mr. Blackburn ef South Darlington, ilndMricard oser, ow. anti TIcs. Blackburn cf Windsor, vile nirayo'es anti two sisters, Mms. Isaac Knight of -Balsarn, anti Mrs. Thonas Hardy NIEI lfhT~ of Wb11itby, the latter of whrn ws O n.iit tae-ideniy Piii about hi aefT~f -tie t her sister titadps-- ýcd awa,,y a we-ek later, on ilast, Sat- uriymorniug at the hoý1me c-f lier tiaughtenýý, Mrs. Joseph i Knight, at Taunt 'on Not by Ireatiug the Symptoms Somý.e years subsequent te the btbyTng ptatmal birth cf their daugliter, Jane, Wil btyTüiguthSom h lism Blackbiurn anti farnilyý movetëod tuo~Wr out te, the town ulne between od au'sWr Clarke anti Darlington, settling on indigestion shoulti not bc negleet- tIc eastern sitie tnemeof, and bere eti, for by depriving the body of its an acquaiutanceship sprang up lie- proper nourislrnent it grows stead- tween Jane anti William Allun, a ily worse., Neither stimulating son cf their neigbbor's just acrose medicines, which muin the alreatiy the' roati, wbich ripenüei into, weti- wea-k stomacli by making it work lie- hock on June Ist, 185-9. Aftem spenti- yo)nt its strength, shoulti le uei ing the fist season Ra. homle, the ur pecdigestet, fnoots, wihdo rnet young, couple moveti up to the Ani- excite a flow of thic digesi;ve lit nis farrn west cf Oshaý:wa, which aniid1-Y disuse cuuse the stomadli te they helti for five ý7ears, then coyü- grow weake r. -Neowiere is the tonic ing tiown ùe thc Wahls farm <çn the treatmn'Lt withi Dr. Williarns' Pinki west sitie cf Newcastle, -new owned i Pille more clearhy useful. ILis prini- by John Iiickarti." Hire they'-ciple is te enable the stomach te de abode for anothei rive years, euh- its own werk by building up, thc sequenthy rnoving te the north cf blooti and giving tone te the the township, near Kirhy, wheref nerves. Wh.en these are once more tley purclaseti a farm andti on- restoredti t tber normal health in- tinue t t resitie until the, ot u digestion disappears and the cure te the lata John Clemec ni is permanent. Iu proof cf-these purclasedthetI present bomesteati in! staternts we give thc experience the, casteru part cf the village cf cf Mme. Paul Ganen, Star Citv, Newcastle, about 1873- frorn the Sask., whosays: "For more than 'a Chergy Ileserve lielonging te this ycar I suff ereti with all the terrible parish, the late Rev. Caneon Brent pains cf indigestion, anti ry life r-eprcseutihg the churcli in t he deal was one cf the greatest miisery. It witl Mr. Allin. titi net seei to imake any ifeec Here Mr. Affin -fehleepcoi whether I ateo r noiýthe aiswr July ioth, 1889, anti here cf tîcir always there.-, oftcn accompanieti ly large farnily cf nine sens andti trc a severe bloating anti a belching cf tiaugîteme were hemn the two young- wit. I titi net %. yen get relief at est members, Mark ant i Mse Lizzie, nigît, anti sometimes haîtily gota who with John anti Miss Ada still bit cf sleep in my rnisery. I tried live at homne, the others lieiug Richi- many remedies saiti te cure indu- ard, Hamry, Thomas, Frank anti gestion, but they dit me net oe- Norman, aIl well knewu anti pros- particle -of goot ati I fuliy expect- perous farmers in Clarkie townsbilp, et that I would always bie afflicteti William Charles, teacher at Glen- in this way. At this time my liro- cee; Ernest, dentiet un Les Angeles, ther came home on a visit anti le Cal., anti Mme. Walker at Zion in urget mue te try D1 Williamse' Pink Hope; anti cf this large family all Pille anti got six boxes for me. By exýcept Ernest were privilegeti te the time I hati taken four boxes I jcin with this cernmunity in paying began te improve anti coulti eat their last respects te theâim faitb, with coremeel. I was greatly fuI, loving anti God-semving mother, cleeret, anti continued taking the six cf the sous: Richard, John, Pille until all traces cf the trouble Hamry, Thomas, Frank anti Norman had dîsappeamet anti I ceulti once acting as bearers. more eat ahl kintis cf food without Mrs. Allin, altheugh affecteti hy the smallest incouvenieuce. Wel diahetes, bat always enjoyeti very have since ustd D1. Williamns' Pink1 gooti health until last autumn wben Pille in our family for other tron-1 che was sutitenly seizet with cerne- hies. I arn ce firmly convinceti cf1 thiug--cf the character cf paralysie their virtue as a family mnedicine while visitingglber son, Harny, in tlat I lave ne besîtation in recom- the township. She gradually rai- rnentiing thern te ahl weak, ailing lied frorn this anti seernedti t le people.", slewly egaiing strength and lie -Solti hy nl meticine tiealers or came able te meve about, but was by mail at .50 cents a box or six again taken dewn early in Febru- lioxes for $2.5O, fnem The Dr. Wil, ary, since which she lad been con- liame' Medicine Ce.. Bockville, ,The OnlY Thing rhat Will Relieve Neuralgi.a." The piercin, pains of Neuraigia, Nhich often Mqlows a bad colti or La Grippe, are frçquýently aimost un- bearable and few medîcines afford any relief to the suferer. "Iam a rural mail carrier and have heen a use- of the Dr. Miles medkines izr yearz. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain ,Pis can't be beaten. They are the onjth:ng 1 have found that wîlI rtve my neuralgia and 1 have tnied mno$t everything, besides medicine from the 1 tr.Iarn willing to tell anyone -îýhat the Anti-Pain Pis did for Me.", Cr.njmHILDERBRANDT, ~ox205 Wood-vill. Ohio if yctu, like Mr. .Hilderborandt, have tried ýftost evertin)g"ini vain, véh ýy do as 1,e did, fight yoiuric he ad painls With Dr. Miles3' Anti-Pain Pli Let thet oiUls bear the brunit of thebate ;NQ mattcîr11h11VSltubborn the Coni- test, they will corne olt Victor iOuS. stndo ter reco,7- whvbich i, a 'ong lst of cures cexteni bCk îrertiùn. Sr-eS pac aiflIs tobaetoudr- ?4 s* Mti your mny Ont. Trarnp-"Lady, f'rn peielin' fer a drink," Woan-"There's the' pump." Trarp-"I sait a drink, lady-net a bath." Absolutely Pure Tho only haklag powde,. inade from Royal Orape Oream of Tartai' NO ALUMINO LIME PHOSPHATE A FATAL JIARVESTI IGreen, Foodl Provei asFal as the Fn sýoam-ine Itece4. One 5 s accstoed e 1hean time tthreu thousant ar ting diiy huintreti ant i ffty thousantIar depentdent on foneign relief. , ought te ceuvey te even fan distanintl-,>,,, ligence corne conception cf ithe ter- rible fact. It is'horribhle te4,ti,înk cf the slow antitotuin leafli brought on by teefaieye-t few realize tfiat ithh iret bar- veet cernes a danger almsta great as that imùposeiI by thep lack cf fooed. l{icban Loveitt eci this state cf affairs ii)"James Ou nieur of Mongolia." Of ail those-deat by fam1ine, in nomthern China, the suiffenring cf eue clase was, penhape, nmoreý dis- tressing tban- the others. A lairge number dieti just as the pIle(ntiful harveet nipeneti. Through a,11 the bard, dreary meontIs, when day af- ter day, rnenth after monfli, tîey looketi anti lengeti for main, those I now speak cf struggled, kept up hope, fareti bard, lopet eagerly, anti at last saw tb. nain cerne, eaw the crope fiourish an d begin te rip- en, anti congratulated tbemselves, anti others on the prospect cf ali- untiant fod anti better tays. Butthey were te cee it with th-eir cye, uot toe eat thereof. Tie great - mass cf people was toc mucl me-- duceti in bodily etnength iy the long penieti cf semistarvation. Summer anti-the ,early autumn carne, andtihte raine anti attendant ague, stili more reducing the strengtb cf the already ernaciateti frames. You caa imagine tbern, thon, -vitb lean faces anti bungry cyes, tottering about tIe fieltisanti counfin g thc days which muet el- apse before the grain sboulti nipen. The rage cf hunger was ne longer te bb lorne. They anticipateti by a few days the ripening. TI-ey, teck grain still a lîttle grecan, a-i put it ini fIe pot. But here was another tiifiulty. The fuel useti is grain staîks, and f amine at once depnives the are c f foeti nd fuel. Greenan thce M ight coek, but green giann staîke would net humn. Was if awnte that tl-ey feîl upen fIe haîf cce(k- cd green grain, anti after mnh cf the slow torture cf uapae hunger, ate te fullness iD isease thus set in, anti proved as fatal as tIe famine itself ---e--- A GOOD _ALL-IIOUND BREEP. An enthusiastie aidmirer cf fhe Rhodie Islandtieds etates: "Tliey are large, lIke the Bamreti Puy- mnitth Roeks, xvitb long ycllow, shanke anti finm yellow sin; tîcir flýesh is as seiet anti juîcy as fhe Langebens; flicy are ae g-oct lay- ers as flic Legliorns anti Minorcas; fhey make gocti mofliers anti are These Pille Cure Iiheumatisr.- easy te mmcce." Te flie rany wbo smffer frmr rbu- Celery is a sedative. If i 's got mafisîn a trial of Panînelee's Vege- fer rbcumatism anti also for neu- table Plihs is reeoirmeutict. They raîgia., To preserve this valuable bave pronouncet action upon the vegetable in wintcr, tig if rip on a hliver anti kitineys anti ly -regulating dry day, anti lefore it is injureti by flic action of these organe acf as an ic free, t eut off flic leaves andtihli alternative in preveuting flic ad- jxplae o tc andti ay in a dryý, amy Mixture cf une- acit anti bicodttterm a few tinys unftil if is ti- causes fuis painful tiserder. Tloy ally driet. TIen rerneveifta muet lie taken accorting te direc- cool cellar, uliere if will lic qite fions anti uset steadily andti ley secure frmthfli frosf. anti pack l P wîll speedily give exidence of their in santipti ' aes cf saut and heneficial eff eets. jcclcry alternately. THE LISTENEIF. "That wenîoan vile !ives inext1 toor, Jame(,s,"- saiti Eiza, fIe vyonýn g myamnýiiet wornan, fo hem hushuot'I. "is fic laziet, rai.lct e ýgessiýpin. g person I have e iuii bit taIlnî' innoon, ai nig t 1 an crfcty certain flînt sic e-au "Wl, ry ear, te meocf fo) me o eegrnw-i. ïicli. Resore coorto Gray or Fa(ded hi-eoe a -druif and invigorates Cthe Sca;lpg --Promotes, a luxurat hea-lhy hair growth-St4o-pS ts faiihlng out. Is plot a dye- REïtUSE ALL SUBSTITUTIIS For sMle ad recesamedt > Juvy &, Loveli. 'I YOUJNGBUT WISE. In a school in a Western Ontaio town is a little girl who lias not taken quickly te the mysteries of addition. "One 'n one?" asked the teacher, while putting the class through theeasiest of the addition tables. The ittle girl referreti to m'as the only person in the clas ,who coulcjn't give the answer. "Two 'n onel" asked tbe teacher. The little, girl smuled confiticnthv. put up lier baud and wben noticeti by the teacher, said, "Shoe pohish."-From Toronto Canadian Courier. QBITIjARY. 1 fineti to ber lied and under the at-AA fý tention of a professional nurse. B ut 1H she continuet i rght and cheerful andi able to conveise with ber famu- îlv anti others to the pleasure of aIl, until last Sunday evening whule sitting up for a moment and bleing helped by lier tiaugliter, Ada, to a little nourisîment, she suddenlyR A'èla passeti to be forever with the Lord, W The funeral tooK place on Wed- nesday, May 3rd, to Bow manville Cemetery, where interment *was macle in tbe famuly plot, deceasePd*s pastor, Rev. J. A. Jirwin, B.A., B. D., Newcastle, assisted by Rev. Charles Adams, Clarke, conduet- ing the services iii the presence of

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