,enUin Littr ivr' le; Muet Boa, signature of se3 Fac-SImito Wjrepper eow C A -"7 E qàI z A P 'n LL. FOcOUSflPATION g FOR SALLOWIN N FORTifE CMPLXIO Offic:-Bleklelock, igSrot ~ownanîî1. oner + Oaua rA0 B.JFazewo~, 0 D.O0 Ofce ad Re21danoe WelIl!;'giOai t Tel n-, h ar-ya oh sic minder th fî iuconditions anThie Contai usinss oilege of Tor- WIonne, i -iepDssîportto suc. cees. hihosanihast prved t. vy îtinvcsttgate for yoonvacl Ourîvfree catalogue explailîts W eue for it. 51.fil. SHAW, Pvi- cipal. jil, a f tl ' e ood school. Thereis noe beterItln.theBritish Arica BuiesCee, Y. m., C. A. nliîn TornÙ, 1the âehool that aiaîy~f heforinatbumlnesamen f Ca, ai~ha'e ttnded. stude~a ter m boMWLiefor ca talogue. T.M. WATSON, Pistenc is no 'Yridrae e otiise wo Cteno nc c Co. Prig adAlx n cpSt. CoksCottiý, Root Compound. -rPat Uteriue Tente,un - ~ niysafo eoliectuai loti;y Itgi-ituhcn WiciOlawmencan z~O treit 4No. 1, $1 ; No0. 2, i 10Sogecestronger 0N. 3, ' fo apeiaicases, ~5 P'er bo. ISI 'ail drlge-ts, or senti eccipi oit pnmne. NOTS ND Oy ,ETS RGINGHE I"Y C[II[S10 0 RMS A darsvscib Ledo it of -pa-1 spector and thýre cnsabeof the ' % a i n r b e t m u t d p l c who', frouz o t ldathlst Fbur oul the way fromi Fort MacPherson; to Daisaon.--Thoîr story goees n a volume with many others-m-ithi that of -the constable wb o t0ok a prisener tîp in thie fer nortb, baud cuffed bina, sape hm te a sied, and carried hisas back te puuish- ment througb weeks of travel iui a fro'zen silence and solitude which unbalanced the rcesen of the de-~ npeu nnv At therozen ug e a empire the inspector -and his cou- stables lost their way and thei liv05 eswbere o nly Indians, who wall e-ut in the wastes as a city man walks in a park, have inheritet knewledge and intuition te keep theni safe. The, relief expedition finds-onlycepe and a pitifui dliary c 4n on te bakcd iedge of I the epire ether "oiee"pat- bakhitebuswin e r'('abc mcooed n ia sdlnraid. A policmn"wt five wceks' fuîlougb froni this work and bacli in Loudon-a naval lieten,,ant- gave a Daily Mail man anie(if wbt tiLke "W-%e *omssoe the~~~u ol u f lo t i ot -1,00 cl tos, ith t~aelsfor SHÂLVuv. Set. 2,rd], D)1e. discoverec;1 Headathe Cure ,su tise moil. Before Futa-ie"cacao before the pub)lic, I suffe-rel tortures from IHead- aches c1aused 1,31Stomacli Disorders. "Oeof yecir traveliors called ou me huI liaSonueetfnay raging head- aches aud laad my head almoat ram f rom external applications. "I bated te cee auy person coming iiute the store (much less a commercial traveller) and I toid bina very curtly tisai 1 had a headache but ho jîsisted on my tryîng 1ruitatves". 'II did!se, wîth wlîat I would cal aaigresultaIt. They completeiy curcd mc ,ýa!id sin2c tlien (ueaurly six years og)it fa oaiy ncaayfor miI tc.)take7 nue ccaaonl1ote resýervc le meIIImy psetgond l 1 th.I ias 65 ycara old k yehterdaýy and hae ben a general sýtore *keeper i the aoeaddress fortwenty- five yeara".WM. PITT As M!r. Pittsav.ý "Friýt-a-tives" is theý * gea eucdacisei cure iu the world. Dealers evevywheýre hae "Fruit-a- r tives" at 5oc. a box, 6 f or $2.5o or trial 0tL,-crr or qp"f ni" or "'J Li fii'. 1-> cabis ai a cge for mes;ne Frtsjt-a-tives Linited, Ottawa. ice~~eas macin (llth othaiem the tie wireravibel Ali n l irbent facýrCage lins lhniaishod thought eft tir yeai's aheald on the within this tonîitory. Hie snys that merst possible cf naval stations. 11la t-ho first five yenrs cf the tîven- lI thren meeks onîce i a cutter. I tleth century Great Britain, fiel-- Lixod ail drssed as pirates. Our 1 land. Boelgium, Germnany. andI It- parent shi oot dl aboýut us ail m iv e -l a Ckeon1dtes ui m a t- er. You shadowilr a higIoirfor a bets unsting miîb arma, but sho flues a fonoigu in dl -,gai;Ou Jccn't breathe on er but oîhy prcy that sbe'l nlnmpte rifles some- microanul go amay anuýil ave the rost te yen. But aie loesnIt. She gees back te Muscat iii a temnpea' Iaid startsalal o-vor again. Yeu nurse detachel cutters p anul devin the miost mitI ail barren coat Providence eveOl' uilt. Takeý it frona me , iî's net mertb thnoc pounîs a day, irbat with boni-bei and Bagdad boils."l Meanws ile otîer "policnie" are, startiîg utfor the imountains of Asseamte finI eout mby certain tnibes of natives irbicîs kuei euough te kuexv botter saw fit, te kilI an officiel ý,nul asaco is A n gihatoiy i ssert- ceaiail eol iril c uppIjy of! the ivorlis 1:iking utc significance irben cn as x ith te menace the ~ ~ ~ ~~1 orlisiin tesgificance cf food. Soîsto ot i,th figures quot- el trrn.os thor authoitiesir b ave cusloel n ore thanthe seheat crop in its elto tcun l-j creasel anilincreasýiig pplto icf the irientcoumg natos bhave at loal theitect h attaches te linge figures. Mj ci aigie, fero- mpe.slovss that Cf Canadlan t4ortilwest Land ---- NYA verso o tesole head ,of A ad azo ýcThat Pr--roes" a1im'ted nymalei over 18 asod, ar sadSonchD- a onciartcr section nf avail. h abl Doninojiland in Manitoba, S atchwanor AIeta.The applîcant miut odeOre Fstb asp»ar n 0r11 at tihe Dominion LançI, r byfroyeay binade a'any et~Oï iîtnin îmrcd _n uLItîatiuo fi h ;land in each of maýIt sm e v soanseve re', hegti _hC eaius. A hoa'eateadeàr mylr ih en ot, rteP .Efesn tao aiumlan ai oeîa n a frao ,01 r Clast 8i acres eoel' owed an S ys 1U1, P ." asduldu ocuidpy Lireor by hs ate. nohlwt' ai ad I auc1,bad aapo I ersndasuzhter,brtaoratr, onnt vla uddfe.Ir- In Crtain îi"tr'aa oetodrinmmcrdhviNrv n hand geo sandngnia ne-cnta uarter and teck hîUaifataponj u et seMa aogie ls bneta.Pric, eîc ae.I iomnts ilws w Sf0 pv ert Dti ,2Maireido I moth insc i ~x rers ron date ni and m senaci eanenon0 ap- hoaeted nty înlnan Lte timpe re. p--u-arc îlctirel;y." acre. Butles--at reside six aIjnojtias in îR STANTrRELIEFÊ eacýh oi three yara, uF. Itivatefit ace anS erect a h Loýse wrth S000Por<rap= fatlece iro ea -aund ~. W. 0111. icorders of th, temac.(,i and ees Devey IfeatrnItcIneio erile nwsn equal-otieni illion riB. 1 "athnrDi ' d ptublu-tin o!u rrlvçerisemweflt wI pc, bpoad fr ote ie vr erffyyaso ~ tic ma Le, thal.s proof eniugi ofli A smll oy cflaes ùstas mett.Lar'ge botties, 50C., trial size, ithe oh UC Ue~ ut. opyKntnOt ah y ipotl000000bushels c iroa; uehat rfiui-f-roua Russ ail countries conitnibîtiug this irbýeatý bave tilLel1500,0 acres an -on- der to pro-dte it, and the heavy coat of siipacat lbas heen alibI te its cost. It is shemi that wbihe the yield of mileat iu the United States bas increased enormnously, its popula- tien lbas increasol te sncb propor- t ions to that country bas lest ail less vw ,ct for expert. Further, speaking o f the nom Canadian uoýrthmest, the authcnity suggests that if the ivasteful mothoda ýcf the Unitol, States are to ho folboivelý thereý, niet eveontatvinglu nsou pro- mises a long contýinul,, certainty et supply. aceg f theio'l rs24,0, 000,proncîg 3000000000bush- esa .caipacn the pOr Ca- pita consmpt-A,ien-t 45usheis for the -wbeat consumiing pooplos. In round figures, thierefoe, the irboat production iras stiiu for 000,- 0000peopheîin 109,irile the! increaise in 1921. oid o uly 11 ,- tLe ag etagitthsolypov- erty~ i uuirea oeelfi ha mvi4bthe fane xilltaise bis averago Pro- diaction te the acre tbrcugb the a u- tonictic cuttiug dom ot lus tara bouosîlunies. As to the tiuie w-heu wec shah hoc wheat bnîngny, bomever, there;ss nra,,) er j UNKIND IDKS The servants more abel, aid the leon nasmrethe hehs binaself.A coored nmai stoil(ou the stops hliga- large pcae -le Mis Matidllab the cook, ab homesnbWC"askel tho mnai. "Ye, bt se lias rtie,"n- tunnel tCe IoctoV C înI loch dis t'h sh1 "Cntanly'~saîl the locte-r. -do tecýk tisebulifrenimhc foros id bus mre iprotulngi, nml, atter idîg tbe man gao Pnt, caretuly carniel it teutCe kiîtoben, m laeohoLopsielit, paeyr aildailinana etm matwer. The e con th 1ougbt netbing nrer etf the affair until ho, heard Mail- -'Et bal l pusunab," cnie lia indison isbpan, 1,1 scald',lu OBED'S DO EL Ohelthe at, lscevrel isA lookel like a cmo grape-vaîe brauch greming acroýsathe xindew, but irben Obe-ýl firat cast bis great green eyos upen it, ho sawin hiit other psiilteail ho soon prnivod that hie, as riglît and otîser people irrong, for ýin responso te a pull freca bis snn pair, the vine, f1cm hack agajinst the pane mith a ringieg Sound. Thon ledWaierecognîzeni it as, door-bell, and ,cn v,,,slewer witted pepcamle te Sec(%itr ilghtil andt d mit Obcd weevrh used it. This was in early summeniýr, ai, wbeu, late that faîl, papa was prur iug the vines,-it was very st irange lacý certaiîily lîad auwrd(}bed' bell eften enought,-be 1'feuuld Jhin selif, after a ut c4f Lthe sharii-)pi-peu ing-kuife staindinig %wtih Obed ' deor0-bell in biis haud ud tbe-, drcaf thlouight, -"WbVat wi3111Ted wsay ?' bis minl. 11e quicky rau t thegardo-n weetle ine, adbeend he tu e Oo inie outas t( hoIowoul okuen the chnge Soon Oe uai nroting up) ti walk, gave a bo d tothewindo0W si!), racedeu is pwii na sigbt ocfbte wrstpe ihi black paw ,in il air aadazet look on bis fce 11e drew Pbacýk, and seemed te ask At last. as if.ledoerat, W1sos,u willtube 11y f oin my paw a 'nc A stongnerouspul ofthewire, w1Jihn no tsv aceriring a it struckithe pneaid bis Fspeel adýtmittauýce bydegte Ted, rocs- surel Obed, and - rconciled hb foi all timie to bis iuOw door-bell- WORDS 0F WJSDOM. Pleastire is almost anything we canl't afford. if ishsxer hosestlc -e woukd son be a hy amne Succes.s demntae that it's a long head thatbasno turning. A man muay' b e( a power lin finan- cial circles, and stîll be on the square. It isn't eog to pay as Nwe go. Weý should save enough te get back. 1When we scedit is bard work; failu, re is duie (eutirely te bad luck, Every!body whoworks makes work fori, ebd else. The oulyrealwy te take care of "No. 1" isý to see7, that "'No. 1" is a good mian. To be happ 'y witb money you must ewn youir mn not ]-et yeur mouey own yu. Mouey goes suclh a long way in these times that it, neyer can get back home again. A 'girl is more enthisie eýver beiii ng arried Lthan shieis evr te man si he ,is mrjurvied to. Friends aue like an mbel venthle som come1(S In, yenI do , top te see whejPtheýr the haule ýi-,pett worpl a in. WVAS S111E INSTIED. An etrat fom apoplarnove]. "11e resta buring iupon ei-, therchek, nd traiightway ber the rz.Taylor Thbis b,, a strorig statement to viake, but kis excactly wbat Mrs. Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, Sa-id lai expressing her opinion of thïs ren'edy. rýaircd l'e îhom the rave À.,and I have -uh of aece in it, I cal.,neyer zay en>Ugh for your grandi medicines. ,If anyonehad offer-d ný me neo for the seodbottIe of NeýrVine that I MR.THOMAS TAYLOR, monOî CCurenCC ofrmodecrlife.C The wear ianrd teair on, the nervous SYSte-n is greater now than at any tume Séice the: world began. FOr, sieplesnespoor appetite and that "run down" feelin-g, nothirg laso CRI'MINALS, ARIE VIERY FOR- GETFUI, PERSONS,. A Toy- Lnea Boicand Hal a Evelope Melped 31e.2 to Gallows. The famous series of frauds 01,1 the Bank of Englauld by the Feui- son brothers a goue,,ratien ago wesý terminated by thbe fact that the fergers of the drafts forgettedat the- last oue presented. This al- most incredible blunder led te the break-uýp of tie. mostt «engerous1 l bnu [of cr'iminels Englanil lias ev- or kniow-n, says Pearsen's Weýekly. Anýi uneasy conscience gave a1way 1Douigal, the Meat Farn murderor. HTIe had prosentel a forgel choque on bis victiîn's bankiug acceunt, and the clerk, not recognizing the signature, askel Deugal te wait a f0w moments. Convincel that it was a trick te deteain hiiît until the polce ere sumpine],dtewretýchu-L ed main boltel ; andLth'at seýt in moc- tieni a train ofsupcostate cn-tually rsle ntedso r of olie of the ýmo cl-boee Any eteciveof oxpj-erine teIl yuibat nmost î mnasaa loirg rua for thosel whoso businesS it is t detýect crime, The*re wasýý a case in the illý- and Cernel a mnan wo spent mauy dav gplanng A WOMAN'S MIJRDEilRl 4 ai igusî is owýn persouaiIty se that nbuI1ody celuld (ever -su1spec EA R LY IN D 3CRELTicN N Itliaof ts rm.ToibnbsECSE AEUDR paswere comnpjlie -l holunî-ed(1th place auid mrdrehbr Ho 's nîre tan stoushelte Te !,e cotrol ail actions nfiihe bdy so tuai noy- th ssem rly Indîscretionc andl Excesiies have helur ef the dsceeryof Ithe delinmS hot.sands ni promising rouar ngmen. Unnaturl body.JBut itVas e n() lfl < Drainssapthiervigoranarmnsîlity. ndtheynevcrderelop f.~a ofdetctin atcran u îis(o a propar condition o ni noodl. Thoyremain viva- beaste aid ce finthrutIl idn jl1ige, mentaily, phyaicaily ands .exually. How a'ouienl? 'S ase wý!cofusonthemudeeî Y",Are you narrons anS sreak, despondent and onay y a culylf i iiigCailspecks befnre tie cyca 'iti dark circles under t1iem, 4.v balatal etbi iiigasenk back, k-klneys irritable, palpitation nif te heur,: -on the victim's body. bashf ni, debilitaticg dreams, serliment in urine, pinuples cr A cill's penny toy latru lir- > ~ ~ on tho face, eyes suaken, iellow cheeks, careworn cx-ý ecry ld n Lie bngig 0 î'wle -pression, poor memory, lifelcas, distrustf1ai, lackenergy,,, and Milsomn for the MuVtsirel 1h1 'ad tegth, tired moruings, reatiasa nilgits, change I chiabe mooda, prematlire decay, boue pains, hairlIoseec murden. It was aP.?iacky ý2-ul hac finingcf he hil irosetoybcd'~Thiaisthe condît.onou New Metisod Treatmeaî j bee let bbin ii th bose ithGUAIRAINTEED TO CURE the boy ef M. Smit, the ur- ie have treatedDis;euses ni o cafor almost ale the odyofMr.i yý'tio and du net have teý exparinient. Conauli u denel mai. It was tho popcty f i FREE 0F CHARGE Fewler's littie brother, ul th and wo will tell you sahether you are curable o7r ot child inn centW e guarante e curable cases of necovery of bis lan teru irlýas thecal-- NERVOUS DEIIUTY, VARICOSE VEINS, 13LOOD mînatuug stroke in oone of the- gre ati - ~ AN ENDISgASES. GLEET, BLADDER est tragedies of the iast faf ty yocrs, UPINARY AND IlE COMPLAINTS Clethes playel a prouineut pas- /j, le Booet on Diseases -f Ma.Ir unale ta ea -in the Yarmouth Beach murder ' write fo0r case -of nune yeens ago, but i ir e 5 odru evc sac USINLS O OE' .AMN a bootlace that finally fastenel th0o crime on te Bennett. That tîv1vil ;M'lC, bootlae bal been usel te straîglo . O I the peet reman irbo lied ibr eCr Meia v.ad îGriswold st, Dtot i mauybal euilholiay hppinasAhi lette rs frona Canada m usi ho addresedè ail hos irb atendl tîe tialte our Caiadiai Correspondence Depant- >Il notîer fonget the profeunl em-ài- muU-7, ýA nent in Windsor, Ont. If you deaire to presýsion creatol. by the prodiuct in 0 sl peil onali aatoulr Medical lInsitute in Detroit as we see andtreat Of the string. r, atintsini OurWsr offices wbich are for Corespondence andé i-- I Iabretor focanad 'ýin1businiess only. Addross al Jetteraafolw A MElTIiG IN THE STREET,. Sa o'O5 lfpon a certain occasion a po rt o up'rtade m.inent menchant ail railway mag-ý nate was talking in the sre oa______________________________________ frienil cf bis, eue irbo ,,as eilmenal Iii the service of t tt e cýkqlI-A youn)gprmivtptlatercttil OYA'S i llent cftho fnm n, bisnii, -ch r l itheJal o us rIe o ion noldel pleasanth e Omel-iNsiteclin ahe. "Wbowes tatl"asked the rail-hr h aec u tto i wayq lirector, tnkg hotmigbthev(A ien up et ancfiher.nbs l-( have been mitaken.rHaîf n aîdressel uw clope con "Ohthatis n. Bank thewel- vitelA mureertwetiyence 7Ag AK name unI in ;a diffenent capacity; rc.Apoec iecu ce in ~ ýi footoho whas urdenen naînel Orrock, w'he as anf .(Ia nyosenStn the eîîphoy cf(Jthe railway cf whiich ir eg e'bulhsecim x a 0na e îhucagu u ho was a d>irector. Exami naticra cf ci ii1teltemoious interoî-t soel the bo)ks .cOnfir'me-d the moîst snîs-I cr g.Amlwt aI fa À d-~yiictrtdeslLretcr phcions. fer -tbe psetaîs>plilantbro- cemn file. the Police tînîl'los cain£y iniSlo-nleus' pist bad been nebbiug bis -omiipioy-! dem i, atter envetfthefietfss e105avnecelrad.5 ers tfr u te getn udrtc scietyo Hai!f cletectix e work in the ani f ~ &1aas it nci bei for that casul recg- -~ ustion in pulcthe company ,ivold Thcy ,Scotise :ie eso. bave asttouji or tas tNerix ff(ectieuîs are:uually , wvas tes n17,nlHn' f luI. I ~~~tributaýble to lefecti'e dgetonasgvotnatshspalf tu cecil r j îr llvoing iniEsx r 1n1 T'bat mas an, trivial chance,' cf the atoînacb Josrinat-es tisednervo coursFe, but àt ias icore than tîsisfcentres. A CouirsOe oiPanrIele t1iWila c-Gebn c mbich "-aused Mrs. Dyer. the iRead- Vegetuble Pills iilstihi ail 1disturb-qune"or utbc Louefit o orCl îug bah1 fariner, te wrap oie cf ances cf this character, nl'by r', V,,- log'e, Oxford-Lonloun houce thte bodies cf lin- victaîns in a pi-î'e stornig the stonmach te nermiýa e____ ____ et breivu paper bearsng itien reli-exe the nes-xes trous irrita- fiER OWN NAME AND ADDRESS tieli. The,,, is In e ceative liko I cunsel (tc the ju1ry) "The pnin.. It bu-oke nwa3 from its gbasthy con- -tseauI nflccrscici ir ipa)l] fault cf the pnsoci bs ec tou-ts aid iloa-tcd te the top of ti6egla-tese1iedgstxc;rcts i ulrunt crets ti.c iriver. en rinaiubsdu ec-ptigfihi hee nlsen But ail great ciiiina1 cases have l tv ok seuh etfe edesc h aetdsrpin ilihn a I4sE rsld Mr was prbahlya bos iup- or; the Groa,ýt St. Bradmr A arces am p from tl'leSeb cùf FrancealmI havoo intes t Gray or refulel by tBernard 4cf Mon- e Faded hair-Remoel% Dan thion inptlie ehevenatb etry c druif and invigorates the Scalp coin teMCodg, tba -promotel; alX Xurlriant, besevlyti-AuinCos of àManîtignyý , ibose nlc h as just 'healthy hair grawth-Stops its ie ate teny-iv ears cf cm- - falling out. Is flot a dye-. mand, perbaps cever sincle JJM, cor- $1.00 and SOC ot Dreg Stes or det jany;ue115 o' aytrv Ncek .J., U.S.A. ,li.d g 'fiid d (1rl l a c- .0 il 1- s s ni n e n e c For iaeby . A Ilue1 Boma 4ll; C .H.Cy i &So Oshvaa .F FseW. C rto, Ne wcalstle; Chas. B itionx 1lre .R CoeOee With Every ag of Flour Zat guarantee means that I befieve Cream of thec West to be the beibread flaur nn- the mnarket i y.. -bzcatd,- -e-- -y-- you ever baked before, if it fails to rise or den give extra satisfaction in every way, your grocer wili pay you back your money on return of the unused por,ýtion cof tise bag, the bard tohea,-t flourgu ra ec for hread If people will fairiy ?and honcstiy try Cream of the West they wiII ha1,ve success with it. Thats wy we gUaranice it We are sure of it. T he Cattpibell ill o pn Limited, oron-to ARICIIZAI.D CA>IUI"BELL. rsdn10 o - 13 , 1 1