THE EMýýPRESS For ladies wear THE CLA£ýSSIC FrChidren TUYE GERMIAN F-ior boys. THE PALACE And the SLATER F or Men. -e is con'veient and we areý. , as ever, to show you theý est u-o-aevalues ln shoes. THE BURNS 00. LIMITED OSHIAWA, ONT MAIIS FOuq CORNERS. eeunty Mtuai wh nu ao Londo5tP êrth &Gore I~roIniurac bmpanmes at O?~Inuracoand no prem- tuasnot. Jreprelsent these thre cmpaies wlich are a- leHARRYCANN, Ie zTisaýty HaLl imsziraniwe M Plan ~ Bcw rr- L -h e, BfAt4K OF 0, Tal - $I EOOAOL L st - -,'-D5W)OOO Total Asszts $8,6,5 HeadCI-Office frm, assistecl at thse evening service. Rev. _W. J. Cadmnan, Owen Sound, a forme highy eseemed pa)ýstor, preached twiýe ii10 Disciples Church Sunday to de- lighited congrega-Ltions. A reception was bhld luthe lecureroom. Monday evening 10 Mn. r andMs Cadman wben Ibeir old fiendi meLt together to nenew old tiend- shipi.s A very enjoyable evening waî Beoeleaving Agassiz, B. C., the Meth- odist Congregation among svhom Mn. and Mýrs. W. C. Frank have been laboning dur- ing the past three yç ans, presented Iheir paston and his wite wilh a nicely worded addness and a purse of $50 wilh their good ise.Mn. Fnank's new change is at East BEurnaby, B. C. Thein many fiends lu Bow>vmanville and Darlington will be pleased te bean of tie practical approval of their wcuc in the west. At the ilt ani versary meeting of the iWUoman's Mission Board et the Congre- gational clhurch in Toronto, Miss Amy E. McKowan, Sîratford, who will go to Tapan as a missionary, in October, gave an eann- est address on "The Cal 1 Service,". She nejoiced that the numben of volun- teers for the foreign field was increasing. Volunteens onfly, not conscriptswene quai- ifid for mission work, and as the needs of th-is world were made known, the armny of volunteens splendidly increased. Rev. S. C. Moore, who is the new pas- tor etýMecdcalf-st. chunch, Oshawa, leaves Trenton ilh the respect of ail citizens, irrespctiGve ef cneed, says The Courier. "MnW Morestsly in Trenton bas been prdutvee good abundant measure 10 this commiïiuity since he came here some four years ago. Filled with the spirit of b-is holy office, Mn. Moone bas been a moît soliciItous pastor to is own people, but witbal he bas -been the warma-heanted fiend te strangens other than bis own, a cheerv acquainlance and a sterling citizen. He will leave a bost of fiends behind hlm wbýose best wisbes will follow huma where- ever hie goes 10 spread the glad news of cheerful, practical religion." The Methodîsl League Monday evening was lii charge of Misses Lena Haddy and Lena H1ome. After devotional excircises and pae by Mn. Haddýy, Mn. Alec FHaddy rezd the Seiptune lessoni. Miss Fbornce VanNeist sang "lThere is a green i h fan awvay" and Miss G. Young and Miss Johns sang a duel, Miss M. H. Stevens and Miss Lena Horne acting as accompanisîs. Mn. C. C. Wasbifgton, B.A., gave an address, takingz as bis subject the new Epworth Leýague pledge anýd commenting uipon eachi clause. H-i;is dlre2ss was muich enjoyed and appneciated byte Leaiguens. In the a'sence of the2 Pres;,iet lhe afterwards conducted a n-ception service vvhen sev- eral new nmembelrs iw.e encie.Subj1iect next week "Mission wonk amlong the Lepers." No doubt he possessed good talents but his love for bis mother and ber good in- fluence on hlm enabled hlm 50 liVe OP 10'L bler high standard of lite an(! the whojie- so,(me homne influence aided g!e,,,inhe formation oft that characlen wbiicb the world today se greatlv admires adbc is set befone the youth of our lime.s for emnatien. But Samuel was a c"iid of prayer and was early consecnated by bt- is parents 10 the service et God. The caneer and example et Sarnuel are a lesson 10 the youtb ofthIis age and of every age. Let us learn then that the education acýquined by cbildnen iii a Christian home and Lunden lise influence of the cbiuncb and Sabbath ichool will be lastiaig and vill bear good fruit. To be more specific, Who cao es- tirnate the unceasing influence of a true molhe's love and prayens?, Thnice hiles- sed the chiid wbose lite is spent nly lu order 10 answer a mothen's prayen_,s. 1 wonden if ail mothens wene more etf the type of Samuei's if the chuircheýs would flnd the suppiy of student ministers so limited as at present? Anoîher phase of home educatïin whicb I wish 10 present is daiiy habit. "A good habit is one of the best of good tinigs." Children gain a valuabie educaýtion froin insistance by, parents in the homee cor- rect habits. It is veny unforunnate if a cbild is allowed te become irnegniar in attendance at churcis, Sabbatlî or public ichool. Too miany parents cmr greatly lu pemmitting for trivial excuses, chJildren ,to' absent themnselves froecurch on school. Irregularity crea tes indifference and aise results in serions loss. Adults shoLd ,take Ibis lesson seriously, tee. When a minis- ter spendis days in preparing a sermron on sermons, il imuit be veny disconnaging, fl, ot 10 say die.ressing, 10 hlm te deliver ilte 'Ibeggarly nows of empty seats." Even choins place coagregatiens unden bia tion 10 attend public servicesneual when services are nendeýred gra-tuitoýusly. When tbey spend hiouri lin pnaciîiag an- theis and ton leadHýin bthe service et1 praîse on SundaIy theydci) o nt appreciate2 sýingiaIg te vacanit pews,, any more than these iii the censgregation like le st:e sev- enal vcnseat ilu thechor ir re.I fear ail tee few peopleralcnie r the at churcir and schoelýs. Punctuality îh anethen vnlu Iat I wishI le considr hiefly. Evenv parFen-t sou1ld strive iligently te be punctual and te teach thin cbildren and servants 10 be siInnens in Ibis habit, old and yun.Somie pensons zare nanalylIaI chuncand ikeepinIg eggmnsgenïenally. l" h a erhnîl ab)it and should b e ,cor-i rectei. VHeadi etf amnilles and businIessi ismnste's, teaces n 'at Ilpen-1 sons, at al!ilies, îh.Ould be on imeand lu- sust on, olisens wbo are mee-ýtin)g o orkn wiîb teni eingpuactual, 100. I bave as a pattern of piety. Two years ago T visited our old home and 1 failed to find one single person now living who attened orhi there sixty- eight orsevenýtyyear's iagO, texcept myiseif and two old ldie, y Own iStr. Although a mre ,-ýboy, I could eyerfor- get that minist-ýer's ý,action, -and -whienever afterwards 1'i heard his naine spoken or saw it in prin't I could not help thinking he was a good d1 i stalnce from heaven. DARLINGIONIN even heard it said that a muinister once in thîs conference was hardly ever on turne for funeral, wedding or church service. But this is another digression-I want parents'to teach their eidren punctuality by precept and exampie. 1 want to saysmehn about teaching cbindren prompt oeine order and neatuess in the homie, Sabbath sehool and Publie or other s.hool. he inculcation of these admirable habi ts will mean much to every child amdihe are an important part of a chld1's homne education. 1 had occasion to catI at a homne recently after the littleieblîdrený had beý,en put to bed for' the night. Thieir playthings, clothes, boots and stockings were littered over the floor. Thie children in that home were quite old enoI(ugh to be- aught to have a place for evrthn hey used and wore1 and toput 1everyth3îig la its place. Another time I had occaýsionw' t visit a young lad's bedrooni lbcfore tvhe roOnu h4d becît "tidied nýp" and, it -waýs in the wildest disordecr-in sunbdsre as no boy of Io or twelve years s>houlMeerbe perMitted to leave is roxu 0"rder is heaven's first ,lawvv" aarw ; entsz hr, and al ot'hers who 1have chanrge of or are respons- iblu foLhe oouc of children should permit any snc ntiin or lack of or- der nd (neatn-essý. Mýan-,; veryimoran lessons shouLd (be tgtU the home iversity, auhastutfhis, 'ooh 'esyfair pla, idusrynnslilhneskindness to iubanm ito the weak, to eyou'nger proper eporim nt, ovefor 7the good, the trean he batf regulariýtv and1 ForInatau Ldrn Tbe Kind Yen KIIau A41?'3 86Bough BEars the Sunday Observance Comlmittee deplored For some weeks our citizers bave been. a growing tendency to make Sunday a lookïng forward 10 a grand musical treat holiday and so much Suniday visiting. and on 'luesday evening the orat.olo The Laymen'sAsoitn asked that i "Christ and His Soidiers" isas given iu the Stationing Commiittee bc composedI the Opera House hy the choir ot St. Johin' of an equal number ot laymen and c-lergy- church assisted by members of the Metb- mren, and that the Ge -neralý Conference be odist and Presbyterian choirs, in ail about a-sked for legisiatioin effeet the change. 50 voices. The choruses were good thru- The report aneeed New officers of out the prograinand the frequent mani- thi s Association are. President-H.Pringle, festations of appreciation by the audience Belîlevîlle; Vice Pnesients-T. H. Even- were gracefullyv acknowledged bv conduc- son, Oshawa; W. H. Hopper, Cobourg; !or Thos. S. Haýrdy who has had-the train-- Secretary-Treasurer-Thos. Wickett, Port sng of the choi r. The scloists ail did their foop win parts well and nJ eceiv2d due approval. The olwn were solemnnly ordained Those taking the solos werez Mrs. C., A.- int th mnissy:R.StekerIM S. Hn-Cawker and Miss Ethel VanNest, sopranos, ton, R: . M iaJ. B. Snider, R . M. Miss Helen Martin, contralto; Mr. C. Patterson, and C. J. Gall. Wattleworth, tenor;, Mr. H. J. Kiiight, Rev. Dr. Carman and President Rev. W. baritone; Mr. D. C. Betts and Major W. C. G. lare resded ad Rv.Dr. . P. King, bass. The lady*soloists aind miss Ro.e CTaronpneie, and aRev. S.. Armour, accompanist, neceixed (lbeautfAul semTonToeachisedwaapo priate bouquets of pink roses from thei audience, Christ crucified. The various obligations diesAurt>an(.I;ilyug assumed under this head were thn x-byl\,ns. Cawker, M\issMain Mr. Betts plained. tenx and Mr.W. Densem. We haive not tune- A sacramentul service ivas conducted or spaceto0particularize or to give oneý by Rev. W%. H. Emsiey, the former Presi- greater credit than nobe but we say al dent, and the congregation then marched did well. Mn. J. G. M,ýunroe, baritone- toa pnair service codtd by Rev soloist of St. Paul's Presbyjeîîain cbunch, Prof an e on e. Montreal, during the intermuission sang Psrf. Bla. wr eet s o-"The Eartb is the Lord's." 2r. Mune DistictCharme wee eectd a fo- possesses a splendid voice of great power lows: Belleville, President W. G. Clarke; and depth and everyone was deligh!ted Napanee, G. WV. Mcoîl; Picton, W. H. with bis rendition of this beautifuil solo. Emsley: Brighton, L. Phelps; -Cobourg, 1. hs aigpr wr:spaoMs Garbutt; Bowmanville, H. B. Kenney; CA akr r.Aci at n ~ Whitby, M. E. Sexsmith; Cannington, W. H Ander, Miss. L. i ai, Ms Ar- Limbert; Lindsay, Dr. S. J. Shorey, Pet .Alesn is .L liMs r erboro, G. W. Henderson; Campbelltord, villaCo, is Ethel Morris, Miss Mabel ,W. Jolînsto-i. Madoc, H. V. Mlounteer. ' Barrie , Mi ss Ethilel VanNest, Miss Stella I Mason,Mliss Helen Morris, Miss Bessie Foilowing changes were made in final Crossey, Miss Cafrne Roenigk, Miss Jessie draft of stations. Napanee District-Mor- Binghaum, Miss Diana Fowler, Miss Mabel yen, R. Garrett; Bay, G. Nickle. Pîcton Scott, lMiss Florence Edsall, Miss Hetty D-istrict-BloomnfielId, H. S. Spenre; Mil- Lawton, Miss Flonence Vann, Miss Aurai ford and Point Traveýrse, E. Farnsworth. Caldwell, Miss Ida Hoskin, Miss Lottie Brighton District -Trenton, W. A. Bun- Cawker, Miss Mary Galhraithi,Mis ar ner; Castieton,, W. H. Spargo; Hilton, J. garet Trebilcock; altos-Mis. W. H. Mar- A. Jewefl; Smithfield, W. S. P. Boyce. tin, Mns. W. H. Densen, Missinez iMason, Cobourg District-Roseneath, R. L. Ed- Miss Helen Martin, Miss !-i]lie MeILean,, wards. Bowmanville District-Oshawa Miss Edith Hlin isGrrd akr Simcoe-st., B. Greatnix; Newcastle, Gxeo. Miss Alice Martin, Mýiss Leal) HuLtchîinson,, R. Clare; Orono, R. A. Whattam; Hamp- Miss Margaret Climrie, Miss Madeline ton, C. W. Barrett. Cannington District Dustan; Tenor-M-\r. W. Hl. Densem, Mn., Onakwood, W. Limbent; Woodville, ~WetHa, n .WtteotMn. R. Arhe;Atheiey C. J. Gall; Bobc.ay W .Bag, .Go C oM.C. E Gapbeliffond DistrctH Ts, T H. P. ngt . J.LoesMnL.BTa- AndIenson; ýCondova, H. C. Garbuitt. Ma- son, Mn. J. A. arper,Mn G. A. Beiîh, dloc D;ýtiînit--Madec, Hi. V. Mlounteeur; Mr. W. Hl. Glanfield, Mn. N. Lowe (ns, Mn.- Thomasburg, S. Crookshanki; Ivanhoe, E Higginbotham, Mn. D. C. Belis, Major- W. H. Bueckier; St. Ola, M. S. Hinlon; Wý. C. King; Miss Armour, accompanîst;: Bancroft, T. Wallace. Mn. T. S. Hardly, conductor. coresonercetoLind_ Rofrehetwere served at the close Bobcygen cmrepenenc the concert 10 thiose taking part by th,_ Say WV'ander says: "IRev. H. W. Foiley bas ladies of St. Jobhn'sý church. completed is uil terni of ýfour years as pastor of thie Methodist cliurchi. His work here has been m1uch apý-pr(eciated and 1 b. ilct.r enilYr y lie will leave withte goodwill and res-' FOR FLETCIIER'S pect of not enyhi wn loc but the';rl whole cSmunit-".