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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1911, p. 2

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l i- SANAfDBANK Eitabliahed 1873 0F CANADA 80 Branchci A DEPOSIT 0F ONE DOLLAR îs received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an accounit and entitie the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest la allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without- delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Brancr. Bawmanvi llEz BrIanch :A.N cIA, ,W. J. WHITE, Ba CR Storic I-ýî. . ACIIàMainaýer. Branches also at e atlNwovle Orono, OshwaWhibyand Bolln W'hat the Siglit is to the Body the Instincts' and Ideals are to the Sou1 "If thine oye he single thy wholo Xody shah hoe ful cf light."-Jesus. Tise expression, "tise single oye," S smetimtes used with a-luidierous- nisundorstanding cf tise word as Iaund in aur King James version of lise Now Testament, misere it is iinployed in its ohsclete sense cf twhole" or "healthy." Well meaning people have( ex- pressed their wish ta have " an oye îêirtgle te God's glony," or ta their futy, in miicistise idea ic tisai af looking at one thing and not at two. Tise phrase in aur Bible, howev,?isýimply refers ta ie d )atgo f baviag a good oye aven inia a bad or diseased oye. Tiseoye may ho takon as tise most practîcal and serviceable of ail aur organs. It pute uis moct in cant mnunication witb tise utside world. IBy it thraugb c onjs me range tise ultimate stars; and, tiraugis anothon, me pereceive te infiaiteci-, imal forme and mations of tise cl world. Whnt the jye is ta tise body tise instincts and ideals are ta tise coul. As aiil tise thiags me leara hy non- son, arecml in thdur sunt ocmpared ta the mnyriad things we learn through tise glance; s0 th is mn, virtue, commandmente, creeds, and çauasels me gather by instruction intise spirit, are ernaîl compnred ta tisai higber, quicker, mare perfect, and MORE INFA~LLIBLE WISDOM me obtain by tise direct seasiag cf one cf aur spiritutal oye of feeling and approcîntion, If yau want n book in a raam up- stains and if yeu toîl me tao go and find it with nty oyes sisut, what numberiess and minute directions yen must give. I must take sa ntany stops ta tise right and as mnny ta tise lbt, and guide mysoîf by tise bands passed along this and tisat abject, and tise like!' Where- as, if y\cýu tell me ta go witis my eyes open andcing yan tise blue bok l ying on yaur drosser hy tise pin tray, I can fiad it a hundrod tintes mare easily and infallihly. It is procisely tise same in making one's moral way througis hile. A fou- souad instincts ,and cdean del are botter than roame cs f rmIes. No systent of etisies, satuirated mitis wiedornt ofantiqnity>, and npprovod by a-il tise piilosopise(rs cof eartis, is cf mýuci practical use ta a morally hind tman. Tise businîess cf living n pure, "PILLS LIKE A FYLE"P So Harsh and Drastie are Mîany Pills as to Seriously Injure Health. Ia a letter written fram bis home In Valencia, Mr. Marsh Seiwyn does ser- vice ta thousanfis by drawing atten- tion ta the injuries, inflicted'd upan, deli- ente people by drastla purgative pille. "'For a long tire 1 suffered tram canstipation. Titis condition c ompell- ed the use ai pills. Like m rany an- ather, 1 macle tihe unwlse choice oi u&ing pis that were like llghtning in their activlty. 1 began ta be filled wIth Intestinal disturbances 1canstant rumblings, gas la the boweîs anad dar- nbaea. 1 grew pale and emaciated. Then te dactar told.nme drastie Iri tating pis had caused catarrh t tc- bawels, an almost incurable disease. Explaining ny situation ta a iriel'd, ha advised a trial af Dr. Hamiltan'i Pillo. I speedI1ly- experienced the heal- 1ing andi curative effect they exert an the stornach, liver andbael.Tihe Intestines, iree-i tram irlain rugsý rapidly regainedci natural tane, thre bowels aeidas Uii ature and n ot Dr. Haiitaai's Pilla were a 1wa k I ow It wlll reoaivý lue .to hosý sta knlow that a plil as m1-ild adcurative as Dr. Hnitn~is aalbeta tIre For bowel disOrde(rs, :*s ic hadache, contiatinliver andstac de ragmnthere le no ipil5 nai ably sujre tû cure a3 Dr. Hmlo' Plille. refuse na at-bStitute. SOlfi in 2,1c boxesp, al dealers, or TheCarh. Mzone C , ngeto , rt. L~ YA10 MidNvr 6ripe true, and nright lufe is, tiserefore, after ail, a simple -one, and not com1plexý'. ollowyour 'd"eepesi lon1g- inge, heed yorinrreusos K-eep soundU and siane and follair your nase(. Tisere is mare purity in tise in- stinctive sisinking of a simple maid tisan in ah tise infinite manoeuvres cf propniety. There is mare mar- ship in tise ehild'c meador at tise tisundor and admîratioa belore tise flaiig sunset tliani in aIl tise for- mnulas cf beatisen ceremonies or Chistiani ascnuiptions. Tisere is more true rep)eatan1ce in tise isery of an hoaest man at telling n lie or doing any mea iaction than in, THEI LONGEST LITANIES. It is net oaly bumian ta err, it is jusi as huntan ta beel carry, that we have erred. Tise nobler, finer in- stincts and ideals afI hIe are as in- nate as original sin. Eveny man kaow tisent. It is misen wo ceaso obeying tbem instantly and hegin arguiag mitis tisent, tisat we fail inte tise siongli cf moral confusion. And wbnt Jesus came ta do for us was not ta guide nsfI mn witisant, but frojnt wtbin; not ta gîve us ob- jective, extornal lnws ta guide us, but toa aiaken in us a lambent guiding principle. Hie came "ta open tise eyes of tise biind." H ic dynamic is not implicit ohedience, but "perfect love." Thsis explains all that mystical sonnding langýange cf tise New Toc- tament tisat speake aI "Christ fommed within," "I in you and yen iii me," "if nny man will open tise door I mili conte in and sup witis it," and se, forth. Al cf wmiic menas that Jesus' ait is ta ho an inspiration aItise individual moral forces, an unkindling cf personal perceptive pawers, tise awakening cf tise scul ta its moral f*nctioning. No man, no teaciser, not even Christ hintself, oaa guide a man, se as ta develap lus înanisood' as meli as keep it front hart, ex- epit sucis teacher or Cbrist enter inta a man, hy bis personai influ- once, and strengthen and clean "tise oye cf tise seul." DR. FRANK CRANE. A I'LAME 0F PAIN. '1111eShîoek That Cornes With the Bite of anîEleetrie Ant.1 Wben yen isappen ta sit dawn to roat or takýeinotes near a calony cf electric ants, > see anderng isunt- on is cure ta find. you and caime eau- tiau-sly farmard ta discavor tise nature cf tise intrulder and what aught ta ho dane. If ycni are toc near tise ant tema and k(cp per- Iectly istili hocntny rua acmosýs ycur foot n bon tintes, aver your legs and isnnds and face, up yonr trons- ers, asif takiag yaur mnensure and gettiîîg campreisensive vioms, tison go in pence mîtisaut rarsîng an alamm. If, haîvoever, a tempting spot iýs affered or somrre suspicions moveaient excites bit, a bite fol- lows. And sucis. a bite' I fancy tisat a bear or a malf bite is not ta be coaîpartrd with it. A quiick electric fiante cf pain flashesý alcng tise autraged nerves and yen dis- caver for tbe first tinte hem grent is tise capacity for sensation y-ou are possessed of. A sisriek, a grab far tise animal and a bewilder'ed stare foliam tisis bite cf bites as onîe contjes back ta ce.nIscîa1usnese frm snd£denipse Tiss ýmnderful eetreantis , abo;ut tsreoofis I niinj)ci lon1g. easare bond i ofif :11ld tea 11d na1 u bi n ]og t piees nd ougs]ydeour t1e gg andlaraeparent antfs Ii,!dtise motten andso çd of tise oeils, ail in onie scy acîd hasis. Tlise, Diggr Inians lsoare fo f tie han-nennd eva cf ise 'per-fectna taiineers. Toybie1fwad ejc the hendad ont tise tickly acid body mitis k1een relish. 'Th-lsar tise paon bitons biten, hikeevy ather bitr, big or littile, n tlise word' grntf aily. - Aiti1e PEASANT SLEEVES. Thatte peasant slee-ve continues ta ho thei most popular type witb theFrec drsakr is appar- ent. SoDme sbopsý are introducing a sî'ceve wbîeCh bas more fullness than the pensant and is on the order of the flowing sleeve of a few years aga. This sîceve is mostly sbown in evening gowns and wraps. Ia the more practical garments the sleeve is on the order of the foregoing, but tihe fullness is gath- ered into a deep turnhack cuif. This m-ay hoc a forerunnor of a sleeve thatý will slightly hag be-low tbe el- how, as>, was the fashian somoi years ago. Thse tendoncytLü ayon shorter sleevos is mare marked than evor.1 Ia evening gowns the sleeves, of course, are short, samo hoeing mere- ly a sîneve suggýestion. lan recoptiail and afternoon gowas th!ey just tura the eihbow and a few just come above it. For informal wear the three- quarter sleeve predominates. Evon in the tailored suits of tise dressier type, as well as wraps, the three- quarter sîceve- is noted. Thie plaiin topseee in maaaish is stil-1 a doi canlt chaLr acte ristîc 1Thej evoning slippers of satin are finished witb French huokles of rbinestanes, beautifully sot in sil- ver. The pokine matenials, in which the stripes are hroad or narraw, bave takon a firm bhold an the publie f ancy. An idea wbicb is taking every oae's fanc y hysormi is the summer muff. It rnay he made in anytbing pre-tty aad( light. Octaýgoln mesis veiliag in outr o)f ch-1enille. dots is soon also, also !filet mes.h eý1 (ilingsprinkledvitb chenille dts.ýý Saior ollrsin numerous varia- tions are fash1io(ned of lace witb bor- ders af tus-sabi of a coatrasting mn- ter'al. Much white emhfoidery on hleck chiffon or net is seen in tise new as- sortments and plentyof black on black. Mousseline de soie waists with dull silver or gold emhroidery are heing worn witb afternoon suits an cool days. THRIEE PIECE SUITS. Quite a feature is made af three piece suits scamne-of wbich had thse jackets mde f tlise same mtra as the goanj. lFnequiently, howmever, thoy are 4,f adifrn fabrie. A dress rmo with satin bad a smart lîttle jacket of satin, while a lingerie gairment trimmed with taI- feta had a halera of the taffeta. A marked feature of these three pieco suits shown is the number aI Etons or halera jackets used. Ia fact, ail of the jackets that accom- panied these suits are short and of the dressy type. 'Some are hl)eras witb slight extensions or smart lit- tle empire coats which reach justi 'helow the mwaist 1l-In. Oava few ap are shown atý 'the opnig , ad -these consist mostlfy ofcotsmade of serge aind f ancy mixtures for automohil-ingIP, or piii ad satin for dressy 4_ceea- COSTLY POTATOES. Thonis ',i t wsintr6duced into Egadin the reign of Elizabeth, t1be pa)tate was le, regarded as a luxuraîy. Thero is a record af the pam nt a, arown a poundj. for'j)ý pottees ýýýfolr the table af Queea Elzbeh hough at the same time berý Majes'ty e-btained some of in-l, f riour quahîty for a shilling. And1 evýen to-day wýe oaa pay afay price if we wish. Did net seven pouad4s of the Eldoý_rado patata fetch $350in 1903 l'-Loaidon Chronicle. Q.-Wbat makes everybody siok buit those who swallow it i A. -Flatt ery. BRONCLITIS COIMPLETELY CURE». St. Jean. P.Q.. Jan. 5th, 1910. Father Morriscy Med. Ca. Ltd.,, 1 can gratefnlly tectify in favor of Fathe., Moricy's Rentedy for Branchial trouble. I had suffered for gante tinte fra-= Broachitie, and eould get nothing te gieme anse, until T tnied Fatiser Marris- c ý' rescription (No. 10). Ta my grant .Utrprrae, after I had taken this remedy 1 Dmrmreaced tagrow better, and soon after wafr completelycured. Mde. GEORGE DESMARAïS. E ver-ybody knuoma that nany comin'onCr rotbarka and herba coataîn Nat!ure s c-,i provýisir on btie relief aI cougisa a e4.itreniapnd for Father MArris wth is xwîondeIful edialkihi, tacoca ~ e'cractd~roznteein auc1i va ~~~îiGE ma!e ie otcuvive culle arciAl arearoatf dlntoba 11h pescrition kaow as "stie L ï v 3"c or j ng'Yai v Curedby Lyi ia E. Pink= -Camn , Ont.-"I had been a great sufferer forý five years. One doctor told me it vas; ulcers of the uterus, aîud another t[old me it -%vas a fibroid tumor. INo one r knoxys wliat I sf- fered. I1 woul always be worse a4t certain periods, and nenver'was regular, and t he pains were terrible. 1 was very 111 in i ~bed, and the docetor ftold me 1 would have to have an s operation, and that I miht die dr-ng the operation,. I wrote to my sister about it and she'advised me to take Lydia E. IPinkbam's Vegetable Compound. 'Througb personal expe- rience I have f ound it the best medi- cille in the vorld fo female troubles, for it lias ce,d nme, and 1 did nlot have te have the apera-tion after ail. The Compound also bielped me while pass- ing through Change, of if e."-Mrs. LETITIA BLAflI, Canifton, Onutario. LYdia E. IPinkham's Ve getable Com- ourid, madle from roots and herbs, b s pro ved to be the most successfu-l remedy for curing the worst forms of female !ls, Including displacements, inflammation, flbroid tumors, irregu- larities, periodie pains, backacbe, bear- ing-down feeling, flatuleney, indiges. tion, and nervaus prostration. It costs but a trille to try it, and the resuit has beenworth millionsto sufteringwomem6 TUE KINàGOF BRITISHL10O RANSAY MIACD0NALD, MEM. BER 0F PARLIAMENT. Chiaracteristies of Man Who Dom- inates a Party of Increa.sing Pow er. The lahor part-y%,in Great Britain1 represents 1,342,610 individuals, and the Labor Party is Mr. J. R{amsay Macdonald, M.P. That is 'the exact position to-day, says a writer ini the London Express. He iýs the strong man of the party, and it is with difficuity that, he is able ta bide bis contempt of the fuitilities, in which so many of the would-be, leaders of labor se constantly indulge. Sometimes the conktemt b-) reaks ont. We have seen it on miore than one occasion dur- ing the, past tbree dayýs here in Leicester. Wit-h flashing eye and strident voice he denounees the lac-k of common sense, the ignor- ance, and the general incomp-et- ency of the offender. Aggressive and pitiless, he rends the man 'who dares tfo challenge bhis supremacy, and th(, very Iforce rd bis attack carrnes the great b'ulk of the dele- gates itb fihim. MlacDONALD THE MAN. -Mr. MacDoniald does not m'ean to be br.utal. It is simply the im-J ,ainc ,f the man ivitb brain s,1 the man woknwanîd the ra irocan do, witb thie wearying iter- aon ofisurdities wbich so oftenl disinguisb tbel Lab)or man. For Mr.MaDnl hol1ds bis position 4 in the part by sheer force aIf abil-I it.1eis ireil equipped for theL postio. AScot-sman, taîl and s'trýaigb,,t, mitb iron-grey hair wav-1 iing ovýer hi-, temples, deep-set eyes1 entbblack eyehrows, and ýa bieatv black moustache, he pesess- es ail the charactýeristies aof bis race. CNYIN -TH-E EXTJIEME. He ij-s "can ny" ta the extreme. It takes- a clever man to catch hirn Rtor-es color to Gray orv îhe does not initerfere wilt their pinsoui ans; thoese thiiags they may a Yý-i)the(ir earts' conitent. Bult lot themu dare ta interfere wits thewakg of the machine. Lot tbemyl make tue siightost display of ch'allcaging bis supremacy, and the, sledge-hammer cf bis rbetoric is beating then ta pîces without Mercy., PERSON AL MAGNETISM. It is atl bs bLitàies as a vilre- ulraa apuulatar cf -the party mcine alonle, boesor, that Mr. MacDonald owes bis position. Hie is an orator of no men ability. A Scatsmaia vT-hase comrmaad of Eaglisb is uarivaLle(d am-oag hic fellovs. lie osse the facuity cf holin bs udience -entranced, and once be bas tboroughiy gaiaed their atnin is bis tise eniy paint of vieîv îisicb cancerns thern. I hase s een the' wcrkiag cf ,bis personal mnguietî'm on mare than o occasion during the past few dy.Mon bav e aponly declared their intention aof'gerng far"filhm, cf frustrating the prapesals for whieh ho demarded thse sanction cf the conferenice, They have gene into the canfereace fuillaf figlît, with thousands of votes in tiseir peekets 1 wbicb tbey fully inteaded ta use against bim. Ho bas appeared, and tbe red cards have been beld up oedieatly at bis hehest. ILe is an orater wbo can nise te brilliant fligbts cf imagination. T"le socialism ta whieb bie bas commît- ted the thousaads cf trade uio-*- ists, whoý in rcaiitly have rosy- patby n itb Socii, 1,makn h1irn 1ai, times the idealist, but ho nover al- lows bis ideals ta affect bis actioins, and wviea practical argument is need ho li is nover iackirîg eitlîer in the logic or in the most forceful way of sayinrg it. SIIADOWS AND SUBSTANCE. Tbe peculiarity of a Labor Party is that, ne man may aspire ta the permanent titular leadership. There is no roont for a Balfour or an Asquitb amang labor 'mon. Leaders are cbanged, and the man who this yoar 'apparently cantrols the party, next yýear bas ta take bis place in tbe, raaks. To ho a leader of labor crie mnst lead without the men wbo are fol- lowing. knawing that tbey are led. Mn. MacDonald knews this botter than most mon, and tisus it is that hoe bas nover heen the chairman either cf the coafereuce or the ex- ecutive. As secretary of tise party hoe is technioally tise servant cf ail, but in reality hoe is the master. Thse substance is bis, aad whilc, that is the case, lhe cares not wE-%ýho miiay have tise shadow. Bewqare of Ointmantz for Catarrh that Contain Mearcury- as rnercury wrll aurely destroy tIre serrgs of!me inrel dCoauipletely derange tire WIrole byst4im whca teriug at tirrougîr tIre mucouqsauiacas. k4ucIr articlesi shoutri neyer bac used exccpt on pre- aer,rptians froin reputabie physictaun, as tIre damnage tbeY wttl do la tan laid ta thre guad yau can possibly derivo ironit tIr. BHall' a Caarrh .Cura.,ma.r- tafactured by P.. J. Chaney & Co., To- ledo, 0., containsn irnercury, and Ist taken interrrally. acting directly upan thre bload aind mucous aurfaces of the buying HlVai' Catarrr Cure Ir ueyou gaithtIe garruitre. It is tak- ,en rnternally nad nmade in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Ca. Teati- moniais free, Sold Iry Druggists. Frice, 75o par bo',tle. Tace lt's a ally Fins for consti- patrolà. PRIZES FOR VILRTUE. The French Academy spends vast sums cf mntoey every year for vir- tue prîzes. Every cemmune in Franco b las one or maie pnizes for virtuie. Frantce, has 22,000 mayans, (,iid c, f teir annual funections is ta awý a, prize te saeine deserv- ingyoung girl. Sares Heal Quickly.-Rave yau a pessetsore that refuses ta bheal i Tbeni, try Dr. Thomas') E.cictric Oil in tbe dressing. It mil1 stop slo)ugbing, carry nway tbe proud lesis, draw ont the pus ald propane a dlean way for the new skia. It is tie reccgn ized bealer among ails and myriads cf people can certify faile'd utterly. WISE GEORGE. raae naî-IleovesDan nChade(earnestly)-"Am 1 thse drufad invigorates the Scalp irtta , ve oe l ad -Promote a luxurant, - iWy, cemtn;inly. 1c tag helt~'~argrovith-Stop's iha men ae.Th!ey alil ask une tMa rrce.ipt of prire ami dsiracare.SeiN0e Ior Firsi ýsmeet )amsi~n ni si aarrrl btt!.-lhio Hy pecsîtesCa. Éad a aMe hike caof aImapad soan- REUEaLL SUBSTITUTES gels. " ScndSetDasl- Fur sac and reeomueîded Il '7 Oh. vell.tise laces f aI Rnpals Zur]1 & Lovehi. .nrrsmr no. NotAn xtrvagnc Because a fairly good open-blade razor can be bought for two dollars, while a GILLETTE costs five, have you concluded that the GILLETTE is an extravagance ? It is flot. The open-blade costs you $2.00 to buy nd t least 25c. a year to keep honed and in con'Ž.ion, Total, $2. 25 for the first year. The GILLETTE, with12 double-edg7ed bladJei, costs e.00, and a second box ofl blades(sul your beard be very tough) -adds $1. 00, Total, $6.0Ofor first year. Difference $3.75. Looks bad for the GILLETTE, eh ? But wait!1 The three-mninute GILLETTE will saveyu5 to 10 minutes every time you shave. Put it at 5. That's over three working days a year. Isn'>t P your time worth over $1.25 a day? When you're nearly late for the train or ?,j important engagement, the five minutes whichi the GILLETTE saves you is apt to be worth several times the whole cost. Then there's the comfort of the dlean, cool, easy GILLETTE shave-worth in itself several times the difference in price. For real economy-time and face as well as cash considered-buy a GILLETTE and cnjoy ît. Pl Standard Sets $5.00. V ccket Editions $5.00 to $6.00. -At Our Druggist's, oeelr'aOHardviare DIra Offices andi Factexy 63 St. AIexander St. Montres]. offices in New Yorlr Chicago. Leoa. Ecg., anad Shanghiai. Chin." IFaetores i Motes aSston,Î" annd Paris. Uh tjdad$0St A SPONGE MARKET. Bids for "Strings" are Ilanded to the Auütioneer. Sponges; grow ta pe rfection at tise battant cof tise binew, aters cf tise Gulf cf Mexico and( are found in groater abundance mithinaa radius of twenty-five miles of Tai- pon Springs tisan elsemisere in tise waters cf tise United States, and are of n superiar qnality. They are excelled aonly by tisase cangisi in tise Mediterranoan Son. Sponges are taken by divers misa go doua in waters twe-nty ta fifty foot in deptis. Tisese ivers ften meet witis cxciting adi entames andi are coastantiy exposed ta danger front sharks and atiser denizens cf tise deep. Tiseir pay is based aon tise value of tise spanges- taken, and ruas front $50 ta $200 a ueek. WVisn sponges are firsi taken tisey are, filied witis animal hIfe Tbey are mnshod as dlean as pas- sible, aie assorted, and placed an "estringe ' four foot ton incises ini ieagtb. Tisey are tben eady for sale. Tisore are four grades, in.tise bilan ing order: Woal, yellow, mire and grass.' Tise sponge market is a lot about an acre in exteat in tise centre cf which is a lange building cm sised. Tise sponges are placed in piles -cf 100 ta 150 "strings" ail round Itbtis building. Tlise sale is cnntdin a peenliar n-ý ay. Tise bul ors exam- ine tise sponges and wben tise auc- tioneer opens tise narketanad cails for bids they write tisoir allers an slips cf papers and baad tisentmn.' Tise nuctieneer examines tise iigis est bîd, mhiic may ho refused by tise on but tise same spongeýs are not cffered for sale twmîce "tise TO Mauto~, $S2katchwa, Airt Special Train. 2.00 pin. a.n APRIL 4, 18 MUY 2, 10. 800 ,JUE 12, 27 JULY 11, 26 AIJO. 8, 22 sEPT. 5, 19 Second cla, k. e.frein OnLrý ta c ta Ionate rincipal - P thweEt peint, at LOW ROI,ýND-TRIP RATF- Winmesansrd retute $3 3.M; Emee n Sod g tunwidin60 dayf fçre i gindate. TOURIST $-LEEPiNG CARS en ail excursions. CenfortaMeht,,.fiI qlre WiLh beaiding, cau s ncuarcI t madisterati hce locsl asent. Early appflcation muust be made ASK FOR MPMEZEEttERtI PAMPHL-Z- ceetairas rates annd fllI sonsis Apply t i.nrft C P.R. Agent o R. L.ihnspi.D Diei. Pau. Ast., Tc-loi. ENLY DRC I4 4 êA6 FCR C.'.LiETAg-entE, same dcay. Tbey imay ho puitu once mare,ad if notsod tn tLhe aon reaîized vrae a- out $1,00 eek, "I hope they d (on'7t gîvo my hittl, boy n agt ikae iri seb1" " Yes, mn; tbe-y uali me 'uG raýs.'" "How dcadul! And wby do they cîlyou thiatt" 'ause in aur culass, you now l'ni dvays at the foot." is a favorite in distant countries as well as being the cmît popular POlAIh in Canada and thec United States. Asrlaaoetaken, over haIîf a mliffon boxes per yeaLr. Superior mnent is ilhe reason. It contains ne Turpentie. Tryit with a match. It is good for your shoes. È5 THE F. F. DALLEY CO,, Limited, HAMlNILTON, Ont., BUFFALOi N. Y. and LONDON, E-ng. x Il J 1

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