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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1911, p. 4

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-f iBowanville's Leïadiog Purs ey-<~ ors uf high las meafts à& poulîry litII Phone 64 omtvit SEED CORN. We have just received aco.inet (a- adian grown seed corn of the following aret- ~ z Early Leaming, Whitecap, Wisconsiii No. 7 Compton's Early, North Dakogta and l Redý Cob. Quality is very fine and pricecr- sn able. Also feed Corn, Crimped 0a'-,G~pan Mill Feed; best grades of Bread andiPsry1lu PHONE 129 R 6 BAMý'*PTON. u M::=MFàc:::= dIty pre t thege for cambersof ourvninldcg * o fmor l, nngoms reand mde gltefnesfe paikm an Outrealuae pre re []sic- O ur aiesn ut skin teOars and Whte EnrîiL IRoom Mouîdings to matech any paper. * Plate Rail in Oak and White Enamel. B~ W WT.ALLEN, g Big 20 Bowia,0 He ~~1 j ISAAC SMALa, LINDSAY -A An esteemed resideut of Lindsay in tli person of Mr. Isaac Smnale passed to his eternai reward at th,- age of 79 years and Jii months. %evse as one of the tearly settiers and hiaF ,a large circie of friends botliin Lindsay--and sorrounding districts, who will regret to hear of his demise,. Mr. Smale was boru in Devoni- sbire, England, and came to Canada in 1854, seutiiug in Darlinglon for three Fe arsý, -where lie was married to Miss Mar- tha Slark. Tbey settled in Mariposa, w;ýhere tliey lived for a number of years, then moved to Ops wliere lie farmed foi some time, coming to Lindsay twelve, years ago. Deceased had been il1 for a considerabie limie, lie having taken a par- alytie stroke som-e years ago, from whidli lie neyer fuliy recovered, passiug quietly away at 4 o'clock Sunday morning. De- ceased was a member of Cambridge-st. Methodist churdli and until his iilness was a -strong worker in that churcli. He leaves to mourn him a loving wite and four chldren. William on the homestead in Ops; Newton of Liudsav;- Mrs. W. Reid, Grass Hil], and Mrs. R. Braiden, Smithfield; sîso one brother, Mr. John Smale, Neepawa, Man. The funeral took place from his late residenice, Bond-st., Tuesdayaflernoon to Riverside cemelery. GE 0. M. CARRUr-tErs, DARLINGTON George M. Carruthers, one of thue re- specled residenîs of Darlington township, ied at lis home, middle road, riorîli ut Bo.wmanviile, Salurday,, May 27, in the seventieth year of bis age. He was born in Haidimaud township living most utý his lite in that section, moving litre about lour years ago. Deceased lias heen in failing licalîl for some years but lias been abile to be about most of the tirne until the Past few months, wlien his condition grew cri1- ical and he gradually tailed unlil deatli claimed hlm. M-r. Carruthers was a man of unblemislied dliaracter, uvas widely known and highly respected. He leaves a widow sud a famiiy of tliree sous and three daugliters-Mr. Wm. Carruthers, Thoruhili, Man.; Mrs. Donald MeGu egor, Rosthern, Sask; Messrs James and Chas. and Misses Neil and May at home; also two sisters-Mrs. McDonald, Kincardine, aud Mrs. Mason, Baltîmore. The tuneral Tuesday afternoun was conducted by his pastor, Rev. Hugh Monroe, B. A., pastor of St. Paul's church, and was iargeiy at- lended by neiglibors sud frieuds. Arnong tht relatives present were: Mir. W. H. Carruthers, Thoruhili, Mari.; Mrs. (Rev,) K. 1MacDonýald, Kinicardine; Mr. sud Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Clapperton, Baltimore; Messrs. A. V. Robson and Wm. Broomfield, Vernonville; Mr. WV. H. ('rammond, Toronto; Miss Jennie and Mr. Andrew Rutherford, Messrs. Walter MeGregor and Douglas Rutherford, Col- borne, Messrs. Thos. Henderson and N. Gaffield, Castieton; Miss Downie sud Mr. Thos. Henderson, Oshawa. i THF LATE Mas. BLEARLEY. Another nonogenarian ut long residence lu Bowmanviltc passed tu reat May 25 after a prolonged period of feebleness- tht laIe Mrs. Francis Bieakley, aged go Vears. Luiorder lalow Mr. Frank Bieakley tu attend lis mother's tuerai it took place May 31 and was condocled by Rev. Hugli Munrue, lier pastor, who, lu lis address at tht resideuce, Cîurcl-st., said in part Ihat tle Divine Founder utur religion lias Himself taught os fIat tht -significance ut a iife must le sought for, flot lu works achieved, tht outward lite as il appears unto mien, but lu tht louer lite ut the sou]. Tiieretore, the same soîhor- ity bas furhîdden us lu pasa tle judgment ut condemnation upon the seemingly les deserving, snd warnis os againat eulugy, which is but tht praise ut men. Yet it was His wisl that His disciples shoutd keep lu memory the noble sud tle good -for, said Heto tht woman who lad mani- fested 1er devotion bu Hlm, "Veriiy, I 1say unto you, wleresoever this gospel, shahle b preached in tle worid tItre shahl also this that this womau huatli doue be told for a memorial of ber." Su as we review tht hife whose ciosing las galli- ered this company togetluer to-day, we do s0 merely that we may have betore our minda consistent guoduesa as lier nuemor- ial. What sîrikes une muaI, thinking ut her lite as a whole, is ils conipieteness. lb lengbh ut nineby years wsnul more remsrkable than ils br-eadth ut interest. By tht ordinary vicissitudes ut lite, by tht experieuces ut a mother rejoicing lu tht joy utflier children, by lier wîdowed louec- lineas, by tht sorrows ut lite, ly wtski1ness ot body sud enforced sehsin y a wd ofcl u intimate rienidship, by kimw- ledge outhe sweet asud1) pure i1 1'tera tuire, b'y unusual knowltdge of tt ille b1.ler missionary inlerest iii tht wocmenutijffor- liu ands,1-y lier cluiby itfor tht pýcoraI humeït, lier lift was; given liii poiisîed sudi mîiany-sîdied Irighttess whuîch uIoTs towardl lus fromi every point ut view îlte Clear liglit uta soul u in waipwitî Godf, Su ,ilis that as we tlnki to-day ut 1flua pol- ished (llite, comlple l ilrs 1hav,ýing ,tasted ut ail fliaI litee au bring lu a;ny, ils religlous (1uality, ils faiti sud hope sud l( ove au hnes upus eU'ýVeis wîii- île ligilt wi a u Chis Isetîfil lune snsàgc t th 'tstoutIlite. Ttlast years ut ite reapj ie harvea ut youth1's sui(wing.. Aid,,a a su tn here muIàve been 'for thte b arveatlmany of ut;slaebenpermnitted Itthlrva of alî ite riiid ripe l jpraytr, lu fa îth, iin uît sulbmission lu ! île purpose ut tIe UwLor t uth sc2d-timt,, anti liaveat. Tht týurninfi uý7t île mmd 1.jt-o I3OWMAINVILLIE, J UNE 8ý,111 OBITUARY. REuBEN E. GRANT. Mr. Reuben E. Grant, a veteran of the Amerîcani Civil War, aud at one time publisher of the Port Hope Guide, Port Hope, died jue 1 at 29 Callendarst., Toronto, at the residence of his son, W. J. Grant, wjth v.homa he had livtd a good deal of tht time during tlie past teu years. Deceased gentleman was lioru in Cobourg in 1838, the son of United Empire Loyal- ists. For a time lie lived on the farm, later pubiishing The Guide. When the Civil War broke out in 1871 Mr. Grant joined the Northern Army and fought through a number of the batties of that war, He was a pensioner of the United, States Governmeut lu recognition of lis services. During the past ten years Mr. Grant occupied lis time between Toronto and Newtonbrook, wliere Mr. Harold N. Grant, a son, lias lis home. Mrs. Thos. H. Follick, St. Catharines, was tlie only other child. Many of our citizens will remember Mr. Grant, wlio visited his daugliter frequently wliule tliey resided litre, Mr. Foliick being science teacher at 'the high scliool. ethe siorehouse of memory to bring fort] ýfrom its treasures tht precious promises cl of tht Word of God, or verses of hynm e expressing tht spiritual aspirations of the ,f saintiy, for every mood and trial of ohd gage something provided in years of spreparation, and the quietuess of age il- * self not a mnere living upon the past buta ýi preparation for ta great change whicl comecs boit once to ail. So tht spirit has -pas,,sed f rom us to God who gave il, having bufýL t upon tht foundation which no rain nor fiood, nor wind can destroy, speaking rin uuaffected confidence lier last message a, t-,amiiy and friends: 1 "On Christ, tht soiid rock, 1 stand; - Ail other ground la sin],ing sand." 1 Among triends from a distane". present 7were two sons, Mr. Tlios. Bleskiey anc -wife, Waterdown, Ont.; Mr. Frank Bleak- ley, Seattle; lier son-in-iaw, Mr. W. Alex- ander, Moutreal, Que,; Mr. Thos. Porter, ter. Toronto; Mr. Kiibournie, Owen Sound. Paît bearers were: Messrs. Peter Mur- docli, John MeCielian, John McMurtry, P. ML, j ames Beith, H. M. S., Jas. Smith, Thoi s. Tod, Mrs. Bleskley was first Presideul of the Woruau's Foreign Missionary Society and wasý Honorary Presideut up to, tht date of lier demise.Tht members ut the Society piacedl a very nice floral wreatli on her casket. Ma1 S. W. F. MAAS, ToRoNrO Mr.W. F. Maas after a proionged iii- ness ut several years passed away at lier homie, 220 Major-st., Toronto. Fridavi eye2n ing, June --ndir, and by her dealli leaves a devoted husbaud and litIle daugliter uf eiht years, wt a very large circle of ridsto miourul lier loss. Deceased was an ideal -wiie; an affectionate mother and a sceiire andi devýoled Christïan. She ýznd heýr lus (n or m ar.y years have at- teddtht Central Preshyterian church, Wh-e-ert Mm Maas isan esteemed eIder an-d wle se ias rende(ired suci service as lier1 delicale heithL pernitted ai-d where preeousmemoie.wili b-e cherishe-d of lier becauve of tht exerapiary lite aund Chiristian character. During aillier Ill- ness and at limes severe suffering, lItere. neyer was a mr mur orcomcý_plaint. Ahl was borne in lovî-ng res,'gnalý1ion to lier Father's will, and she could 1 ý-,: I leave the world without a tear, Sa;ve for tht triends 1 hold 1su dear. Toheal ltir sorrows Lord descend ýi A d 10tht triendless pros e a trîend. The t uneral uvas largeiy attended on Mondsy last, the Durham Boys' Associa- lion being represeîited by Rev. Dr. Tai- ling, Mr. T. Yeilowlees, Dr. Gilmour, Mr. J. D). Keachie, Principal Scott, Mr. E. Fielding and others.' Amung tht floral offerings was an eiegant spray ut roses and liiy of tht vailey from tht Durhamn Executive, deceased being a great favor- ite witli ilis members. IN MEMORIAM. Sepon, heioved, tht struggle now is ended, The figlit is o'er ait last, tht vict'ry woun; Now in tht triumph song thy volet is bltnding, And thon hast heard tht Master say- "Weil dont." Sleep on, heloved, no fears disturli thy simber, No aches or pains molest thy peacefuI rest; Amid tht ransomed tlirong in hiea ven, on- numbered, T1hy happy spirit niow is with tht biest. Sleep u)n, beloved, beýyonct tht Jordan waters, 11 Thy-ý home is îîuw a miansion bright and fair, Witli jaspered wails, garuishied wilh prec- ioos pearis, Its streets ut gold, bting fair beyond compare. Tlytre where tht river flows as clear as crystal, Wbere tht burdened pigrim isys aside his load; - Thougli earth lu tarîli sud dust lu dust rtturneth, Thy lhappy spirit now la witli tht Lord. Tm-os. "YELIOWLEEPS Toronto, Jue 5, 1911. TOIWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS> Jr. IV--Cathierine 'Warnica, ElginVa- eueC,Lus Hardy, Thioma,.ýs Huggett, Harold Jeýffery, john Ciough, Re_1leCor lcNelson Bragg, MargLuerîa amay Brita Hligg-iinbolham, Foster Sodn ClsaoI,,os-Thýomras Norton, Brutce AlrdReid, Everitb adRnl snlowdlen, Lewis Pointes,(oreJsk man anci WileVeale)eqa. rIIGirls-Olive MtoGrrd HamLeyý , LoaSo--c2,Ans ad In- I b L a ytTtoi lias Th'mM rd liams, eter Dilflng.1 Uass Il, irls Fraces CogAie Halwod ane Grig, EaÇbondil CALEDONIAN GAMES WED'Y,' JUNE 14 Large Cash Prizes for ail kinds of Scottish Games Reels and Dances. UNIýQUE SCOTTISII CONCERTL IN THE EVFNING. 43TH HICHLANDERS BANDhIN ATTEN- DANCE. Special Train leaves Toronto at 8-15, Whitby 9.26, Oshawa, 9.38, Darlington 9,52, Bowmanville 10.03 returning same evening after concert. RETURN FARE Toronto to Cobourg,.........-L0 Whitby to ....... $1.05 Oshlawa to ........0o Darlington to ".........8oe Bowmanlyille to"................ 65c "Corne and Bring Yer Bonnie Lassie Wi Ye". For further information apply to A. J. Anderson, Sec'v of Sports, Cobourg. look over them. That les ail ithat, will be re- quiedto convïnce you o the exceptional VALUES. 50) pienes pure siik Taffettis hibbou, 4 1 iln. wide in ail colore. Just xvhat you -want for l'ai r ribbons. 'We got this lot at a sac- fiuprice and want to give you tht beni eftof tht bargairi Half priet Reýg. piie25c, now.for...............le 1 piete onlyr natural raw- siik for summer 1dresses or c,-oat,,reg. S5ceîuow for .39e 5 pietnsFi 'rd ,ajah Silk in muors, Rose, Champgne, rey, Green, and Brown. Reg- 75, fo..................45e 5 pines Tafett Soliele, Cream, iNavy, Grey, Myrie ndReseda. Tht very thing for Ihning. You can't beat this line Reg. .4.....o......................... ~ P A RAý SOeL S. The remaitîder of Ounr stoc ofColued Parasols to clear af ont ric, eg. $1 and $ 1.50, for ...65e 4 piece Rll,er Toweliing ail linen, Dontù mliss is L ýchance. Reg. lot for ý...8 Brown iCrash, Roller Toweliig. Reg. 10,c for----------------------------- Torcheon and Val Laces, Ve basve a nice large assortmnnt of nice Linen Torcheon and Val Laces in dufferent -widths, reg-. 8 to 15cyd- for ............... ...Se yd. Chuld ns ,I-ldesses, nuw is thetitme to uet thsesd e a give you whaf you want i fli ur, : 5 and -50c tatI. Bab' Cashmere Drese -s, Crearu, Pinîk, anîl '-)Ceg 7, for ................ 6k Also s .,,lunu creans oniy with siik embroi- dtrey, ueg. up lu $1.50 for.......... 98c Boys' Ooton ersys.We have just rcie a frsh hipmnt f thesýein aiI lis, ont wek's pree...............2eec Boysý ' Ws lossan ufsi htnws stle ad the be14t washIing olîsfroi Agents for the 2Oth Century Clothiing, he best in the Land. 10 dz nitre of those W. G4. & R. men's neýgJi- genalurte odd lots. Retg. $1 fo $L-50, a itfor-..................... 79 Men's Ligut Wightý BlackCamee o, Spca,5 pair for ............. 0 Laie' ow Strap Patent Pumpssis3,3 a 1 , ireg. $1.75 for ............ j . Ladites' Dong Oxford, Reg. $1, 50- for$12 Mensý Box Caîf Blucher, reg. $2.75 for$23 Garned. peare.................1l5e pe.- fin L auudry,, Soap ................... 12 Bau-s2e I îoknd Herring in Tin s.......... ......10 Chili Saute e ...Bo ...e..................1j0e- Pue ap ý ugar------------....lot pur ck AnhrJelMould fret,..3 plzg. for2e (ianned Pesa...... ...........10 e i Broad Yý sextra faney.......10eper lb Thi Sore will be coe every ve d n ed a y aftr noon at 12.30 durig JuIy ,and August. Sole Agent for the Butterick Patterns, try&Cx ,iied WAest En"d IlOuse. B5owmanvi lie. BAYNEPS Th",i s st(ore wlle Agents frGoya Automobile Trs Supreme Ranges andStss K.. rCGO9 iAK,>4 l.CCA LESR ATNq E CONOMY IN S pRI NG CiLTIS suitashi atIsoftwles nief lest aterwan estouuireapte ea nspci ur uW, Chpguiig isu veent wîhu CALL AltO SEE THE LATES-rIN COVERED BUGGIES AND ROADWGG- COAL PRICES CHAINGE,. When 1iyou rdr orCuadn11 ore lu awsk for Lehigl euP], f you coke ihu and coutains more rlest than auy other mu onîdu masko. ',ie mines, lu cesnu, tovc, egg u e aises-t 'Lic u ;e s4l priceýs per ton itBwavtnsainwl nu 65;stove or tgg $.2; ua $Sc50. For dlivery in towu n dti'ai-charge ut 0e. per ton-wil!le tie Orders le!- tt aI mtaiyardsu fc atFInil! E aprtorppu elli iFTwo h; ight buggies, neaýriy niew, for satle atMsn&Dale's. Tiey touk Iliese in eýxr]hange for lwu ut theirpop larBynes rullier tired( buggies sud are- nuw offering you wa a ap. Tht i eiallslaon dek gai> wol shtt oor patronageý as - past.I fl goaranteetolusha3rpen y our m ower tue elise satisfaction. I have wiîh a very large experi"ence ,[d yol! anl deedol a goud job' beîng duone. Also? ah(, etige lous grouni, suci as kniiveýs, adisu, et.,Saws slarnndudail geu- eral ) jobling dune vwithi uteansd ronge Tt estEnd Sm-Iiîhy, Kiulg-st,, TS-ui.W, PH. WILLI-A q J Whio is now reap ug the gc de harvest of the painting asn Proteet your reputation hy usi îng The Martin-Senour Painýt _1000%Pure Scientifically correctprorin Pure White Lead, Pure ZncOxîde) Pure Linseed'Ou, urp atnud Drier, no adulte ration Isuti tution of any kind. Write us for cheuical nayss The Quality Hrwr t ULOUR OU QUAL Y. MPERIÂLFLOU R is a high grade 2'tetun- lýNIPERIAsurpassed and makes exetl CLIPSEFLOUR makes deI.*CÏoUs Aks ECLPSpastry made fromn seItecteC-hie ai wheat. eýiirFLOU R is a choice bread for~aefo I Tj'1DIÂ FL'O'IJR is a fineblendc krepc VIIi 1 1illy 1fo r tfam11y u s e 1mac (l e 1 ro tr 1o Wedeliver fleur ini towi- o-.r order from iigior Phoue 77 T SE This wéý,ek we-have a few ue hc ~Jmk it wrh 1hlet ive Ils a e alland' havé a w - 1 7Cý Mason & D'a, le

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