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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1911, p. 5

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NO DISGRÂCE TO CONTRACT ECZEMÂ 11n( it maUIVnot be inecessarv to ~in d cisea"Se is onte of the maost di fiuut problems of medical science Whole, libraries have been wirtten on the treatment, but if you are suffering you do not need tho symptomns described. You know nil about that. Most Cases, of 5ki Disease are Curable Soeare nots Where anything eau cure or re- lieve you ean depend upon Nyal's Eczemna Lotion used by day and Nyatl's Eczema Oîntment by night. The Lotion is more sightly in daytime while the Ointment gives more prolonged action at niglit. It stops t he intolerable itching and and permits sleep. BUT THESE REMEDIES DO MORE THAN RELIEVE- THEY WILL CURE, BUT YOU MUST BE PERSIS- TENT. Good niso for Ttter, Barber's Itch, Ringworm, Dry or Scaly Skin Jvy Poisoning, etc. OINTMENT 50e LOTION 50e R. M. MITCHIELL & Coo. Druggists Phone 92a. Opticians Bowmanville. i i E AR>OU READY FOR HAYING in selectîng harvesting mn- chinery it is ouiy natural tliat the farmer should want the best. Compare DEERING MAC~HINES Witli oth)er makes-and -a zglanceo iil coiivin-e you of the superîorý it f the Deering. Chll and see oDÉ-EFRING MOWERS HAY LOADERS SIDE DELIVERY RAKES SELF DUMP RAKES Etc. Fuli line of Deering Repairs al- ways cin hand. FRED T. H OBBS, iree Doors Wecst of Express Office, 1Phone 66. B ownianville.1 RlqUBBER TIRES Haviug instu'led a uow aud up-to- date RUBBER TIRE MACHINE, I arn o-re'.rrr-cl ufirnsh and ut on fcmruhher mmmmmunemon, BowYmauville- on-flie-iuke. <Mn. W. H. Halfacre, Tyrone, p-icked 6 boxes of stnawiennies Toesduy jonc 6.1 Ho aise liad stnawberrics Sunday. This is about twe weeks eurlien flan usul. Perse lest, cent iuiug soîn et money, ou Tues,-day moruiug betweeu Post Office and Silveri-st, Bowmauviile. Finden e- 1 wngl1 ýb eaving ut ST>ATESýM AN office. ,-<'e congriatulate Miss Macie D. Relidor and _Mn. PRopot G. Humblyn ou complct- ing lorfonnili yean course ut--Tononto University, ohtuiuing their B. A. degtees. - IPnotessor Plielps, Organisu t f te Bridge Street Churci, Belleville bus acccpfed flic position et onganist of Mtliodist dhurci Port Hope and wil! commerçe duty Aog- ust 1sf. Wliou a/giri swum, last sommer, from Boston to-Boston Ligît, a teut oee ad befone uccomplished, she used a uew kick. t is desenibed, with illustrations, ounflic Girls' Page lu The Youtli's Compunion ef Jue t. Iu last issue we omitf cd fo say that flic membons et D. O. & P. Cc. Baud, wlo tnrnished music fer May 241h celebratien licre, wono crepe as a mark cf respect te fIe memory cf deceased memiens, Mn. WV. H. Tuckcn and Mn. Isaac Hobbs. The gruat gufbcnring efthfe Clans this yur lukes place in Coborg nexi Wed- nesday Jue14th wlien unden the auspices et Camp Abbottstord flic Caledonian G imes tuke place. Four lange excursions will lie rn te Cobourg f bal day and a greut lime is e'cpccted. The muguificout baud etfflic 48f h Highlanders will frnuisb the music, plus flic thinty udd bag pipons wlic are eompetiug ton pizes. Af niglit " unique concert will f ake place. Besides a vcry attractive programme flic public are iuvited f0 take part in dancing, reels, lancers, etc, te flic music cf flic Pipes and baud. Special excorsion train tncm Ton- oufto te Coboorg ntrnuing aftete lconc- cerf. Rotuonu fane. 6qc. tires ut neasonaîle prices. 1 solîcit sJollity, tender sentiment, liveiy dialogue sectaculur sitiuations, îhilling climaxes jyoon patronage. and peetic justice-ail are pretfiiy bleuded Ca4utficEstEdBlcsmt u uiut-liored "Uncie Tor's Cabin," 3 w Iflicý re nowued Stet son compauy wili Sliop and gel part iculans. ive i Bcwmauvilie ou Friday Juîîe 9fb. Tîrougieut this grand old stage stcny us A. W. PICKARD, illoistrafed flic, vaganies et lite adflic - veratiliy et mmun nature. TIc law Bo Xf ILE.Phone 18,1,. 31 tcopnaios ea 0Eoci - ~~ ~ O - tîtl 1s-vd heat c lie euti c Lit tlceva ias neonncoveredilihe audl- Valuable Town Property For vaudeil numben comes te revstore flic Sale. fl o r oneroly d1rneping seul Sesncompany is fictche vedo A lage > reto ricklîcîsesitatedon h lade l fic rodcton ocf Hurniet Beecl- souh-est 1îîric ,f te lt o conerEliîtunS~ Sow',ms erpioce. Teast isÎang Colcosiu iC 1boe reorr 0 ppopei'i nunbers anld well dustiîotd Tic-l anSpiou toCsai godvareies Lu.tcon-blc-i;ýuccndý stipole, fiedmoeUd prie c'e at 'e sui iidli îird d te ia uai1 h h s boue.1.rg stbl, niingshdpcltr IouegIlten ilîroog0iifýlihe eVeiliug 1like Stars lu ai .orub riglf eprtl.Wrtdeeag a groatness. If is in a class by ilsoief. JOHIN J cASON Go an seit on Y"u i -,misthe year's BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express 8.44 a. m'.1.Express 4.22 a. mn. :Expre*ss r 10.18 , Lcal 7.43 Paee 3.31 p. mi. passenger 1.48 p. m. Local 6.49 , :Passenger 7.58 Mail 9.8L 'Daiiy. BOWMANVTLE, JUNE8,19. ML\iss E. Slute, Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. I. Osborne. Miss Ida Pinch lias returned to'Toronto inucli improved in healtli. Mr. Milton J. Eiliott spent Sunday witli Mr. Ezzie Kniglit, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. T. Vanstone celebrated the King's Birtliday in Oshawa. Mrs. H. A. L. Anderson, St. Mary's, is visiting her father, Mr. John Wighit. Dr. and Mrs. H. Irvine, Lindsay, spent Sunday witli lis cousin Dr. J. C. Devitt. Mr. James McBrien, Toronto, was in town on the King's birthday calling on old friends, Misses Myrtie anid Elsie Bragg, Toron- to, spent'Sunday at their fatlier's, Mr. W. J. Bragg. Mr. T. Norris celebrated the King's Bîrthday in Bowmanville with Miss Mary 1Vanstone. Mrs. H. F. Hutcheson and chldren,- Toronto, are visiting lier father Mr. P. C. Trebilcock, Mrs. T. E. 'Knowlton and daughter, Toronto, have been visiting her father Major W. C. King. Mrs. J. J. Trace, Elmvale, and Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, Toronto, spent Suniday at Mrs. J. Beacock's. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Todgliam and son Ronald, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. W. J. Todgham's. Mr. Edward Joues returned last week from Ireland wheýre he has, been visiting relatives for some tiie. -Wait for Bowlers' Excursion on Civic Holiday, Aug. 7tli. to Peterboro and Rice Lake. Particulars later. Mrs. John Gaud and Mrs. M. Wilkins,i Oshiawa, lias been visîting Mrs, R. Windatt and other relatives. Mrs. (Rev.) H. McConnell and son Ken- s nieth visited lier uncle Mr. T. E. Washing- ton andi other relatives in Toronto. Mý r, Geo. Weeks umpired tlie Peterboro-ý Prt Hope basebail match at Port Hope5 Saturday to the satisfaction of boîli teams. Euniskillen football team again deteat- ed Bowmauville Saturday, score 3-o. Euniskillen plays at Tyrone on Saturday, June 10. Mrs. Lewis Burnard and two chldren,a London, are visiting lier sister, Mrs. William Found.d Dr. J. C. Devitt and Dr. G. C. Bonny-c castie attended the Dental Convention in Torouto last week.c Mrs. J. J. Mason went to Toronto Tues-d day on account of tlie serious iluness of lier brother, Mr. Chas. Wrighit.c Mrs. J. J. Moriarty, Beecli Ave., will be at home Friday June 9tli from four to six and afterwards on second Friday of eachf Moutfli, Geo. WU. Taylor, Esq., <Bobcaygeon,b deleýgate to receut Conference ut Port Hope, spent Sunday at Rev. W. C. Washý, i-b îngtoni's. Miss Mande Wîllis and lier cousin, Miss Edna Boles, Toronto, and Mr. Tlios. Haves, Newcastle, recentiy visitcd at Mr. Wm. Maynard's.c Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Willmot and familv,a Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. R. Dumas. Tliey întend spending July utc FOÉkR F LE TCP.E R'S FUR FLE~THCERS Silos, erecte'd. F. H. Muson & Son. Roomn moulding at P. C. Trebilcock's. Chi-Namel is sold only by W. M~. Dustan Nice brick residence for sale. See advt Mrs. L. Cornish lias beeu visiting friendý in Toronto. MissE. Russell, Cobourg, visited friend! here recently. "Loscombe-Coal" is Lehigli Valle: Coul-nuf sed. G rout bargains in millinery. Sec- H,-adi dy& Co's. advt. Miss Annie Westway, Port Hope, spern Sunday at ho-me. 7 Alberta Mothodist Conference voteé for Churcli Union. jas. Philp, sr., Newcastle, receutly visit- ed Cobourg friends., .James Ailison, Hope, hud a cow kilied by an auto rocently. Mr. Robert Findley visited friouds in Coiborne over Suuday. Miss Bessie Sauderson, Coiborne, receut- ly visited friends hero. Martin-Senour i100% Pure Paint soit only by W. H. Dustan. Durhiam cony is represented ut cor- onation by Col. Sam Hughes, M.P. Argyle makes lier first trip f0 Toronto Tuesday, June 13th. Returu fure 50e. Goodyear basebail juniors were defeat. ed ut Newcastle Sut urday. Score 6--7. Four tanks, 7 foot staves, nearly 5 foot diameter, for sale. F. H. Mason & Son. Mr. Robt. Town, baker iu Milue's Bak- ery, recently visited frîends ut Port Perry. Miss Elma Walker, Port Hope, speul Sunday at Mr. W. H. Williams', Liberty- st., Mrs. F. A. Foster nid daugliter Doris spent the week-end wih tiends iu Tor- oufto. Very special values in Black and Col- ored Silks at Coucli, J ohuston & Cryder. man's. Mr. Clarence Pnrdy, of tlie Standard Bankt recently visîtod relatives at Port l'erry. Mrs. F. W. Kirkeudaîl and Mrs. W. J. Bagneil visited relatives in the, city on Friday. Rev. H. W. Folev, B.A., B.D., Bobcay- geon, speut Sunday wifh lis fallier Mn, Wm. Foley. Dress Goods and Suif ings iunflic nowesf shades and weaves ut Coucli, Jolinston & Mr.Lewis Lylo and Miss Aikin recent- ly tis lec fli ormer's sisten, Mrs. Frank Scott, Bnooklin. Mrs., (Dr.) J. H. Elliof t and daugliter GrcToronto, were receut guests of lier oncle Mn. A. Tait. Spning housecleauiug is on. Thut meansý new wail paper. Special prices and paf tens at P. C. Trebilcocks. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson and dugliter, Port Perry, were receut guests of Mn. A. A. Sutton. Bowmanville merchauts have decidod on a haIt holiday Wednesday afiernoon' during July and Aoigost. Mr. Geo. Muynard lias sold Floradona cottage ut Port Bowmanville and iii now offoriug "Suuset.Y Sce advt. Special books from leadiug wali paper factonies troîn whicli you can select ex- clusive higli class papens une ut P. C. Tre- bilcock.'s. Sevecral thousaud & daa hubs, ail the leadi: ig variefies, loc cadiî- or special -que- ftnsfor quanfity. S. J. Jackmau 'Son, pione 80. Rv.W. A. Butiner, Atlierley, and J, W. Butiner, Adolphustown, wcre bore ne- ceutly calliug on their sister, Miss Bunnen, and otlier frîonds. The body of Reginald Couison, New- castle, wlio disappeaned soddeuiy about two weekc ugo, was found lu tlieharbor Tliursday meruing. Wliy hur youn money faster thun is necessury? You will nef if you use1 Lehigli Valley coul. Sold ouly by E. W. Loscombe. Phone 177. Get a can of Chi-Namel and give your ii cloili or linoleum a coat. It will bring ot flic color an,ýd make if look like uow. W. H. Dust un. "Laundering Delicate Dresses" and '-Artisîle Wood Staining"_are fwo among lie numerous good thiugs lu the Girls' Depuntment of The Youtli's Companion for June It. Dr. John Waugh, tormenly Public school Inspecter for.Soufli Ontario, lately cou- nocted with Ottawa Normal Scliool lias bcen promoted te chiot Inspecter of Con- inuation Scliools flirouglicut the Province. His fellow membors of Counues' Coun- cil will heur witli deop sympatiy fliat Mr. Alex. Hume, Roove of Seymoor, was îperated ou for uppeudicitis last week but wiii be glad that ho is neporfed progres- iug favonably. Stnidenfs of flic Apollo School cf Music wiii regret te leuru that flicir associate, Miss Helen Yellowiees, flic falented lit fie pianiste, is lcuviug this week for Bowman- ville where lier parents are tukiug op rosi- leuc.- Toronto World. Teowin cutBowniau,,ville cOu R T OF PE ViSIO 1N AN D APPEAL. to'u cfe'utur5ile n ii litldat roqnescd1te f ton as aocoaid OIPERA ïoqu BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, dUNE 9TH Good mnoring ? Do you urse Loscombij Ceai? 1. Now is flic timle te get a cheap hat Sec Haddy & Co5s advt. Mr. W. B. Bic-eil and son Melbourne S spent Sunduy ut Man]clester. New wall paper and window shades or 'shade clofli, ut P. C. Tnebilcock's. Onder ail yonn touerai designs or cul 5flowers from'S. J. Juckman. Phone Se. F 1. H. Mason und Son received auothcî shimef t hgl cassbugis.See them, Gooycu bsebîlteîn weut to Co- bo>urg Sat urday, and wsdct eated. -Score 14-7- Men's Suif" s rmde te order and satisfac- tion guurounf-ecd ut Couci, Jolinston & -Cryderimani*s. ,Try afo o Lehigli coul and you will 1 use no oflier. Onder trom. E. W. Los- comrbe, phiono 177. 1 The 1Daily Globe fromt uow te Sept. 1, I91 t, for $1.o0 ut flie James Publishing - House, Bowmauv;ille,., Mn. Luwroei- WýVilýson, Edmonton, Alfa., lihas been visif'iui, Às aunt, Mrs. Duncan Beifli, and other fiendts liere. Comfortuble house wanf cd of 6) or, 7 rooms lu good part cf town. Address, T. B. G., Drawer B, Bowmanvjlle. Lehigli coul is barder, lusf s longer and contains mortolieut thun other coul, Sold only by E. W. Loscombe, phono 177. Conouiafioi) day, Jîmne 22, lias bocu pro- claimed a hýoliday to be obsenved by ull pensons tfliniî,ont flc Doinion ot Can- ada. Mn. and Mn.G o (I , Oshawa, and Mrs. Stanley od, iunipeg, Man., wene guests ot thein antMs.L. Paterson Sunduy., Coudh, Jlntn&Crydecrmnan unc show- iug an elegant, lot oft uew Spning Coats and Ladies' Suifsý, ail1made upilu lic very lut- est styles. Order youri Gladiolos, Tubenose Som- mer Flowering Hya-ciufhs and Mlontbireta Bus, Puusy plants, etc., now, tnom S. J Jackman & Su's, phono 80. E. W. Loscombe, flic Lehigli Coul agent, is filing onders with fresi mmced coul, ail sizes, and gu arantcos flic lowest Summen pnice if puid duning Jue or July. Bowmauville is uefted ton ifs pneffy green lawus. Wiso l i not have a reputution for uîs pneîty esdns? A coul or two of Manin-Senoor 100 /~ Pure Paint will do if. Soid ibv W. H. Dýustan. Wo wonuld empliasize fhe tact that flic BUTLK of eut Mcu's Reudy-to-Weur Suifs une NE, mulnde for fhls seuson's trude. No better goods and ne botter value any: wbore, 'Cp,'udliJohuston & Cry-dermun. Mn. Alex. Bnewn's many tniends in ,Bewmunville will ho sonny te learnu fat ho had lis leg broken Suturday while pluying football in Tononto wiîli Eaton Seniors aguiust Pionens. "Scoty" wusý playiug forward and 1neceived a lieavy dheck whicli knocked hîm ouf for several 'tiVns. LîiTd1say-.tiends have necoived word of flie deafli et Mrs. (r)Herniman, torrn- eriy et Lindsay, w1iic curred ut Seutli Haven, Ill. Dee !edlid been living in Chicago buit wus ývisifîing ai lion summoer home iu Sotfihaynwlieudeafli occur- red. Mauy et 0Cr eiecadcrs will ne- memier Dr. Hrma s a physician lu Onono many yasuo Elecfnicity flic extgood thing for many tarmeýrs oatdwithIin tfie tangeofe wheu ot frmes gnerlly become osons are muuy othen nîca ýns of pewer, now pnacticully knowu te only a few and the;no are mauy implemeufs and fanîn machines nef gcunully nsed but anc capable of prov- ing theniselves profitable investmenls andi îli fuet une quite necesury lii furîn work.i These flcirgs and eiectricity- for fie Ou- tarie farmer are deaif witî in flic currnut issue of F:3nm and Dairy, flic issue beiug fie Thîrd Annuai Special Farm Machini- ery Magazine Number cf this weekly fanm pupen publislied ut Petenione, Ouf., ut $I.oo a vcar. Commonly cause pmlebouls, hives, eczema or sait nhcum, or seme other torm ef eruption;- but sometimes they exist ln the systern, jidinted by feel- ings of weakness, tanguer, loss of ap- petite, or general dobîlity, Without causing any breaking ouf. They are expellodil auid i he whole sys- temn la renovatec], strengthened and foued by Hood's Sarsapa 1rilla Get It today. Sold by al druggists everywhere. 100 Doses One Dollar. MARRLAGES Fisaeî - r Bizc t 'Sit eceelenceocf the brd cp -er, Mindýo, My24, by Rer. J. M. 7îvhYte, EdwardjBourt Fielduo yuîgesi sounc Edua iceia, eîly langierof 'Mr. R. Ji, akr GOaraî Ttoir ouMîiy 17, F ihe Weîleyan, M. Thocp, faterof ite ,bride, essedly Roi. J. A. Aldlin gtiînd Res'. F. Do nti ohmas Alford, ycuugr sru ef Alderman TIL. Goinan, j.P.t, Mvaliel Beiîfley, yugestt danghter cf Rer. T.' M. Thlop, cfNetitîgbam, cunt sister of the Rer. N. D. oIîrp f Bciîlge-s.,,BidefoLrd. Aldermcan Couint ahec cf the grom, visited Bowmau. ville twe years ago, guests ef bi, cousins Messrs. Win aud iValter Icley aud otheî-flieiids. DEATHS Seuint lu Cartwright, May 27, Audien Smithl, Lged si yeaîs. 1;GoDmcsy-At Oshaîwa, Joue 3, Robiert Milieu -Gomn, aged 81 y eas. MC&LLIRAI AtW'hitliy, June Ifli, Mary E., seon eitter cf Ceu. meGiliiray. S -rcAt hie iate ie0icideee'iitd-oqt., 1iud- sayJuîe 4, Isarac Sîiale, in his 801h yoar. Sîcnc Ii Trotto, filme6tfl, hIvrs. C.riiue Siihii e fîiyeac. lutecrea atOshn i Guta'cr At is so sicdenc, fiCalletid.r-st Trot, ay21 itîenCU. Gra, 1! lu u ' Mts uhiui-, ý'Tonui, 1; 0 ae . DîpîtReitorao f Cctnty cf Ontario, in ii i MeKars!:Ini Cartwright, May 29, William Tas., heurveS scof Mri sd Mrs. Saiuîei M Roc, a id y . ,4 moetni, "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOTJNSALL, Designer >and Dealer in Monumnents, Tablets, Markers, etc., lu Granite and Maîbie, Bowm anville, Ontario. L. UNEALDIRECTOR j MoIgt ïc'plete Eqnîpnîent Susrlay and îgh callis promipt y attended, te. BGwmnanville Phones 10-34 Liaulies: ORONO i IMPTIN V. S. 0F O. V, C., XVill treat dLieaseci, cf ail domuestîcite a1nimais by the latest kiiovut inethodei. W i.1 visit Biackstcck Wednesriay cf each week., Doucistry a Specialty. Bel] Teleplîcue Coîinecti,în. ENNISKILLEN. DR. J. C. DEVITT,I DENTIST,I If Rjton ina lge T oroo IOFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmnvîile, OFFICE 11OURS: 9 a. ni. te 6 P. . iy NI ONy JOO \ i fe, aud e and a all peron uieitageseuriy.Private fundi, - Appi te R R. LscoamusBarrister, Bon- lion liau luebeac, fuîuihed, thre recis; ciepfrcDi. lAl'yto OfE Mï uc 169 outescAi ., iîcîto,2 -or A 'd RiU)7E1~ i i ohoeladc N N.A rs 1GCiu rî.N&Cc 0 S'l'li LIIAS 01'Ciîaiin ui frite Ali'-ie ricel'wciChogu ilowiuanville, cii oue i t au o îr U.u.D. hyexpress t J. NO[rilN ti, rUiD - I~ Why not decidle righit now to) buy a DMN ION PIANO. If termj is are iany coi- aton wilgveyu ianyrasnbetrs youL can pay by the month or .,fouLr times a yeaLr or three limes a year. And if that does not suit you let me hear from you and1 we wili talk it over. The pianos are right in every pairtic- ular and 1. will make the price right. JAME~S wD"ýYMA.N, LEON W. WASHIBURN Production of With ail the added features that have 1made this Company famous. The Fanny Topsy The Eccentric Marks The Buck and Win Dancers The Cot ton Picking Scenes The Beautiful Transformation Scene, "Eva in the Golden Realms." UVATG H Forte Street ParIde on Prînciple ;Streets at bon, PRICES Aduits 315c, 50c. { ChiIdren 25c. SEATS ON SALE AT MITCIIELL'S Notices of Births, 25 cents; Marrîages. 50 cents; ths, 50 cents, each insertion. When fun011eral cards are prin.ted at titis office. inisertion f ree. BlRTHS' Mm KY u) -nRinsale, Muay 28, to Mir. and Mcc. G. L. Mace, a daughter. A LEXAN iCR At 868 CeIlege si,, Torouto, Jue 6, te Mr. anid Irs. W. Herbert Alexander, En- uiý'kieIt î î, ad.ugiter, BOWMANVILLE. PINEAtPPLES FOR PRESERVING Now is the time to buy ineppesfor preserving. The pine apple seaso is early and usually short. W/e are offering Pilles at poi table prices $1,25, $1.501 $1. 15, $2 oo per doz. The most conomical sizes are $1.b0, $1.75 per dlozen. Get our price fýor granulated sugar by the ioo lb. bag F.- A. HADDY, GROCER, BOWMANVILLE. E Iil~r See our ILace Curtains and save nioney A grand assortment, Great values from 35c a pr. and Up. F loor Oilcloths and Linoleumis, Riglit Prices, All widths~frominyycl. to_4 yds. wide. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Skirts and Coats, North- wy Make, BEST EVER. New Wash Dresses in Muslin, Duck and Linen. New Blouses in Silk, Net, Muslîii, Lustre,Saen Gingham and Print. N'ew WVhite Wear, ail kinds, splendid asr- nient. Gloves--We seli the ceiebrated Kayser Silk Glove No better made.' Every pair guaranteed Sce and $î.oo Hosiery Special Fine black Cotton ilose, fasýt black, guaranteed. Seanmess feet 2 pr. for 25z ÊATS A NDVCAP S Our sale of Hatsa as will continue unitil all are sold. Stull agoda ssortment Fiat or capj, your choice rego, 5 for 1&c; Soc for 35eï75cforSc;, 1,25for 75c; îo for $i; $2, $22,-2.0 for $î1o SOLE AET o the Leather ILabelOeris fl î Gr-ï 'Du UsTke sC Nextd oor to Standard 1~ank, Bowmanville ____-i AGENT, Notice to, Creditors. Pîî,unîîntei the, Pevised Sttes of Ontauio, theý Cioditors cf JAMES îIENRY WILLIAM- SOIN, late of the owlîip of Carbwcight in thei County cf Dui]haî ,;o'îie,deceased, who died ou r ablolt the r-onth daýy of Jîîly, 1905, are on or beioe the indd, fluly, next, 1911, tii coud DY Post pre ardtlEIGH B. RùKNIG HT cf the iowu f n s Oli citer foc the Artîinistratrix cfi the said james Ileury Williaineon, deceasod their c hristiail and suruamnes, a1ddesses auJ descriptions, the full pacticulars of their elaims, ani the nature ot their serurities, if cîîy, held by thein. The said administratrix 'shall after the 2fuf day f JuiY uext, lie at liberty te distribute the as;efs cf the said deceased or any part thero. of amcug the parties eutitled theroto, having regard only te the daimüs cf iwich they have then notice, and Sindi oct bli able foc the ascets or auypaîýttheretc'co Iisti-ibtited teoaiiypersin o)f ishose dlaim ccci);aiwinitratrix has not notice at the distributin iireÉ DateS 'c Lindlsay ti, 'lw ctj-th!rd .day of -aA.D. 1911. -frtoLEIGII R. KNIGIIT, Soli' itoor the isru iLouise Jane Wiflliiý.mSon, Lindsay, T.(). 224U25

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