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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1911, p. 8

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_________________ g i. 'Z Mî',womaen's, cihdr-n's-ahl sDrts et shoe wauîs WehI provîdeni ton, andi doua tIra way we aîways do thiugs. Thiat means net enîy large variety for -selecton, but bettar- shoas fer your moiney. The 2 Bar -Pumnp e'lge-t youir bsies, fyour rcallyin eanes bout getting the has soasyor noney ,can huy W:eveayto show youil wbeýn you 17o1r Praady- to look. F.R. FOLEY, PAR LOR SEIOE ST ORE. BO0WVM A NVIL L SPECIAL TO FARMERS Now tbiat the seced s in the ground your xext problem, of course, will be its de- velopmient and growth. Long experience lias proven thiat Peas, Clover, Oats and Corn are directly benefi tted by judicious use of GYPSUM or LAND PLASTER, the constituent elements of which form a di- reet faýod for each of these crops. Barley, Qats and Root crops are also beý,nefitted very greatly by the Use Of SALT, 'whcih in the case of the grain stiffens and brightens the straw and improves veryl mir both theappearance and weight;~ and on theroot crops, in conjunction with LADPLASTER, helps to destroy grubs aud ins.ects and materially improves both hequaility and quantity of the crop. As both LAND PLASTER and SALT showv more marked resuits when the spring baben comparatively dry, sve have an- 1icipated the need by laying in a supply if each of these excellent and reliable fertilizers and shall be pleased to supply uhm t reasonable rates. CIl and get prîces and further infor- Mý,cCLELLAN &Co., Limited, King-st,, E., 20-3wBowmanville. TH-ME POPULR TOURIST Muskoka Lakes; Lake of Bays; Temagami Al1gonquin Park; Maganetawan River Frnh River; Georgian -Bay; Lake Cou chiching; Kawartha Lakes, etc. Mýuskoka Express Icaves Toronto at "0.15 a. M. daiiy except Sunday, making dlirect connect ion at Muskoka Wharf for il Muskoka Lakes points. Rôùýnd Trip loméseekers' Ex- cursiônis tô the West, àt'LOW Rates, via Sarnia or Chicago. Literature and full information from ainy. Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duif, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, 0ntario. Se'-cure tickets and fu information fiom Jury & Loveli Gmme.rtcinog Tuesd-ïv, June 13, 1911, and every Tuesday aind Friday durng he e~sof ±ln.comfortable s.)teamner wil]. lent e Newcastle-.......... ... 6.30 a. m. Bous nvi1e........ 7.00 a. m ....w............ 8.00a.m Arriýves i Tor onto au 11,15 a. in. Returning leax es Bay St. wharf, T(riuto. ar 5 in, RETURN FARE FROM AIL PORTS Iow atesQuick Despateh A-GENTS F.. C, Pethick, Bowmanville. & KON ~NEWCASTLE. JAMIEso'N ) 'l FFIT ~ W - > n ~OSHAWA. ~E. 1. BOVWHI1TB.. Molgdexcursion Moid'ay, Juine .1 2, el: 7.30, Oshiawa Baild oit board. ATTRACTIVE SUMMER SHQOES Tak'e-a peep in next lijme -yon i-pass - wether you tsant shoesorinot- I .d-see in what a masterful way we've àýcared for the ýSummer shoe I have o peneni a cleaning, pressing anni taihen sbop 2 doors castiet W. H. Dan- sem's barber shop. Parties raqoiing work doua wili please give ina a caîl. Price ton pressing, etc., dapennis on connu- tiou et gar-ment; So0c. par sit is howesl pr-ca. I alto do French ceaniug andi dry ciaaning. Ahl wor-k guar-anteeni ight or ne charge wl ha mania. THOMAS PEATE, tailon, 22-if Bowntanvihla. INSTITUTE LAWN SOCIAL. A lawu social uden auspices et the Womeu's Institute wihh hacbaîni on Mn. W. Chas. Werr-y's awn, Solina, Tbufsday avaning Jua 15. Music hy Coodyear Orchestra anni a geeni progrant by home and outtide talent wîll ha prevideni.-Cake anni ica crearu serveni in abondance. At (5.30 p.nt. a ganta et football wilha play- eni mannieni tan vs. single-. Ever-ybody coma. Admission: aduts, 20c; childrcn, loc. THE BURNING QUESTION? YOU NEED COAL, animay as wl hava the BESI, that is SCRANTON; -ne doubt about il. Wa bava already raceiveni sever-al cars et Fr-esh Mmced coal, brîght andi dean; anni te thosaet our custoetas who arc in the habit et layiug in ibein ceai aanly, ani those who wish te for-m ibis excellant habit and are prepaneni te taka their supphy NOW, we make ibis proposition: We wilh fil your- bins, on put lu sncb qoantities as ycu think yen wihh nequire, wîth frcsb dlean ceaI, auy size yen wisb, anni goarauntea yen the owest sommer pica if paid for- durîng Joua or Job'. The sommer raies wîhh ikely ha mania about the firsit fJueand wili ha haseni upon the quantity et coal wa arc able te sacune ai tahe war rates prevailing dur-- ing April te Ma-v. This proposition shoulni commenn itisaîf te everyona usiug coal as il gives absoluta protection iu the matten et pica, anni avoinis the rush anni wern' of placing the coal when the wcather is coud andi othen conditions ton delivery are net as favor- able. McCIllan & Co., Limited, May 29), 1911. Bowmauvilha. NEW TRAiN SERVICE TO "'LAKE 0F BANyS, Au important teature that will ho in- augurateni durng the comiug season wil ha a .nerv train service te the "Lakaet Bays" district. A standard Grand Trunk passanger train will leave Toronto with tbrough coaches, parler cars anni dîuing cars aI 10.15 o'clock in bbc mor-ning, daily except Sunday, ton Huntsville' reacbing the latter- point aI about ibrea o'clock in bbc afiarnoon, connectiug with the steam- ers -for points in tae "Lakaet Bays" dis- trict, and affordiug passaugens te oppen- tuniity lu reachîug their destination in lima for dinuar. The Suuday avauiug hoat service front the WaWa Hotel, Britannia, Point Ideal, Portage, Deer-hunst and othen important calling pots onu "Lake et Bays" te Hunts- villa wili ha non on sanie scbeduic as for- season 191, during the_ moutbs et Job' anni August, anni which wilh ha a boon te waek-anders dasiriug to er te the City 111 . d e ota. T'ht fi,= an.110 dMy : ro w, lusouSitatsiSdaMuSit, etPf, CUEMICAL LABOR-ATOR!IIES %n.-1 'n lore. iFfr. TORON TO. GENTLEMEN! 1 BOYS' AND 1 1 COMING ANNIVERSARIES Enil,........ ....Jonc ii Ebenazar ........... ...... .June 11-12 Betbesda ...... .......... .....Jua 18 Baydon. ......... .... ... Tune 25, July 1 Hampton................. " 25, JUIly 1 LADIES!1 Why net have a finsi clats photo takan now wbile your naw Spring suits and bats are tresb? Ail work the hast et its kind. Naxt door te THE STATESMAN Office. THos. ROBSON, photographen. FARMERS' PRODUCE. J amas MacConuachia wishes te inter-m tbe public [bat bis office andi warehouse will ha open only on Tbursdays, Fridays and Satondays durng the montbs et Apnil, May, Jua and Juhy wban ha wilha pleas- ed te neceive produce front farter-s andi others wishing te disposaet sama. 15-tf Bowmanvilla, April te, 1911, NOXIOUS WEED NOTICE. Ai ownens or- eccupians et landi ana ne- quined te cut eut and hum ail Black Kuot foud on cherry and plut. tracs, alto te dastroy aIl waads growiug on noad sida and on the land as mucb as psssible with- eut dastroyiug the gnowing cnep. Infor- mation traated stricthy privata. C. ROGERS, Hampton, May 3o, 1911. Inspecter, BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 8, 1911. DARLINGTON Miss Olive Oke, Oshawa, visitad ber aunt Miss Margrctta Oke._.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cochran, Oshawa, spent Sun- day at Mr. W. H. Wood's..Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burk, Bighland Creek, visitad Mr. Rastus Burk..Mrs. Jno. Cory, To- rente, visited friands. BETHESDA Annîvcrsary services oft Betbhesda Son- day School will ha beld Sunday, Jonc 18. Sermons wilha preached at 2.30 p. m. hy Bey. John Garbutt, Bowmanville, and at, 7.3o p. t. bv Bey. B. S. Spence, pastor. Music by the school at botb services. Collection lu aid et scbeol funds. Roofing, ahi kinds. F. H. Mason & Son. MAPLE, GROVE Maple Croe Sunday School 'Tbank- oifering services will ha held Sonday Jonc ï8th in the church. Addresswillbhagiven at 2.30 P. om. by Mr. C. C. Washington B. A., Victoria University. Special mutsic and raditations. Collections in aid etf scbool tonds. JACOB STEVENS, L. SNOWDEN, Superintendent. Secretary. TYRONE. Anniversary service of Enfield Sabbath School will be held next Sunday evaning at 7 P. m., when Rev. Roger Allun, Brook- lin, will prcach. _ Collection -in aid of school funds. Report of S. S. No. 15, Darlington, for May, namnes in order of menit: IV-*Nor- 'mtan Bray, Howard Oxotîston, Everett Ormiston (absent). III Elmo Ashton, Leonard Spicer. If -Bessie Scott, Oliver Knapp, *Franik Br-ay. Pt. IlNorman Knapp, Willîc Ashton, ate Cochrane, Arthur Spicer. Sr. 1-irenie Ashton, Vi- olet Knapp, Hlarold Ormiistoni, Ivison Moore, 'Laura Collins. Jr. 1I Lloyd Cochrane, Myrtie Hobbs, Leona Alexan- der, Russell Cochranie, Carl Avery, Luella Moore. *Present every day. GRETA M. VANNEST, teacher. HAMVPTON. Ramember the Woman's Institute So- cial at Solina Thunsdav, June 15. Recant visitors: Miss Mary Cryderman, Bowmanville, with friends here; Mr. Frank M. Brown, Traders' Bank, Newcastle, at home Sunday; Mr. Wilbur Moore, Ton- e nte, at home for a tew days. . . .Rev. T. H. P. Anderson came home front Confer- ance Saturday evaning andç returned Mon- day morning... M fýr M. B. Cryderman has had a very pretty lawn fence erected in front of bis house wbich looks very neat .... Mns. R. Avery is still in a very criti- cal condition .... Mr. A. Clarke is improv- ing atter an peaion for appendicitis . ... Mr. J. T. Cole was delegate to Con- ference at Port Hope1. Brantford Roofing- better and cheaper than shingles. F. H. M4ason & Son. When going away front home, or at: any change et habitation hle is, a wise mtan wbo numbers among bis belongings a'bottia of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentary Cordial. Change of food and water in some strange place where thiere, are no doctors may bring on an attack oft dysentary. He then bas a standard remaidy at hand with wbicb te cope with the disorder, and forearmed hie can succcsstully fight the ailment and subdue it. OSH-ýAWA Mrs. H. J. Barris;, Parkdale, is visiting relatives in tomwn Mrs. Benj. Cook. Crnimsby, is guest of Mn. aud-Mrs. T. Harv-ey Cook, King-st., E. Mrs. D. McLean and chiildren, Montreal, are vîsiting lier moither, Mrs. Thos. Wigg. Mr. Cuy Beck a-nd the Misses Beck, Toro nto, are ren ewing acqu taintanc es bare. _Warts are disfigunemants th at disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure. Rigbt Reverend Bishop Reeva, D. D., administerad Confirmation in St. George's cburch June 5th. Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Evarson, Watt- moont, left Tuesday on a trip te the Pa- cific Coast, visiting triends en route. Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Hoig anl Miss Dor- othy and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin V. Lander have been spending a tew days at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. W. Croce and daughter Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grose and cbiidren, Peterboro, were in town for the Troîloppe-Crose wedding Saturday. Mrs. T. H. E-verqson represente i the W. M S. Auxilîary of Simcoe-st. Methodisi church at meeting in Napanee, and Medcalf-st. Auxilîany was represented by Miss A. Jackson. Thene are many forts of narvous debil- ity in men that yield te the use of Carter's Iron Puis. Those who are troubled with nerveus weekness, night sweats, etc., should try tbem. Bey., R. A. Whattam, Woodvillc, preached splendid sermons in Medcalf.-st, church on Sabbalh last. His morning sermon on the tcxt, "Amt I my brother's keeparý?," baiug panticularly impressive. About four wacks ago Mr. French, King-st., E.. had the road in- front of bis rasidence sprinkled with et!. Tha plan is quite satisfacteryand ne dust wbatavar is raisad now by passing autoas or vahiclas . The Fower Mission bas cected the fol- hon-ving officers;- Hon.ý_ Pras.--Mrs. Mer- phy; Pres.-Miss N. McCregor; Vice Pres. -Miss Sykes; Sec.-Miss Scott; Ass't. Sec.-Miss MNoore; Treas.-Miss Mether- sill. Miss Birdia Pollard, efthte Toronto General Hospita-l rnursing staff, hs spend- ing lier vacation iw i - ber parents. Miss Pollard is te ha congratulated en obtain- ing the McCailum Sýcbolarsbip ($50) for higbest standing in ber second ycar's ex- aminations.1 Backacha is almoat immediataly reliev- cd by waarîng oe of Carter's Smtart Weed and Belladonna Backacba Plastars. Tny one and ha frac front pain. Price 25 cents, One of the oldest printers and ncws- paperman in Octaneo died Saturday in the parson of R. M. Goodmian, agcd 81 years. Ha had beau confined te bis bcd for soe Bey. J. Cibson, who spoka ber-e in the inlerast et the Bible Society Suuday aven- ing, was listened te with pleasure as hale bold et the importance et keaping fr-st tbiugs firsl,' viz: Sackiug first the kingnien1 et Ced and pnemotiug ius intenasts. Mns. 1. Jamiesen andi Miss Ettie Jamiason ana visiting friands in Port Hope... .Mr. anni Mns. Rewau ware racent guesîs oetlbar sou Mn. R. Hathanhy ...A bana-faceni transactiion ook place thbc othen day wbenaby enaet our test eutcrprising bus- iniess miea was dlean shaven in the opera- tien. . . Mn. James Bodgson slippcd ani brokaeue et bis legs near the ankha Mon- day.. .. Mn. Ricb. Bawkay's residenca is undergoiug extensive repains. Thousands etfniothens eau tcstify te tbe virtue et Mother Graves' Worm Extanuti- naton, hecausa tbey knew fret axpenience how usetul il is. Those wbo wera privilegeni toe h pras- eut aI the mothîr meeting etf the Wo- otan's Missioniany Society Tuesdat' couhni net but ha imrpressani with the tbougbtfuh, prayartul, systcr-utic and husinets-like manuer with wbich the Prasidant, Mns. W *- .-H. icks, -couducted -the--service- tbnoughout. Atter davotional exarcisas the tolhewing wcre chosan to napraîcut the Watch Totvan for the coing yaar-. China, Mrs. J. B. Warny; Japau, Mrs. J. Lord; French, Miss F. Vintue, Indian, Mns. M. J. Werry; Austnian, Mns. B. Haw- key; Christian Stawandship, Miss Spanica; Tamperanca, Mrs. P. Warny. Misses Florence Clamant, Florence Wanny and L. Virtue wana appoiuted prognaur cein- milie ton next thnee months. Ther-ohl was cahhcd te wbicb cach memban responni- cd by statiug soea hnafit the W. M. S. bad beau te han, afttr which Mr-s. C. Hoopan reani an article on Christian Staw- andship, Miss E. M. Wer-ry on Ausinian Work, and Mrs. B. Hawkey gave "A Chair Ride in Chentu," and aach oee e- turneni home witb astrougen desina te do moeate extend Christ's Kingdem. UVT. VERNON. Recaut visiter-s: Mn. E. Tink, Brooklin, Bey. Edward W. Tiuk, Cherry Valley, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Elîfoît, Hampton, ai Mn. John Pascoe's; Mn. aud Ms..Argue Euniskihheu, aI Mn. Jas. Car fat's; Mn. and Mns. F. W. Lac, Enniskillau, Mn. andi Mns. Chaude E. Bain, Taunton, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Werry, Solina, at Mn. Eban Mill- sen's; Miss Cladys Virtua, Mn. Taîbent Fiudhay, Tyroe, aI Mn. E. Annis'; Mn. [and Mrs. Fred Heddon, Columbus, ai Mn. Absehant Abrabam's; Miss Pearl McCul- loogh, Enflîn, Miss Greta Smitb, Enuis- kîllan, ai Mrs. Wm. CGilbert's; Miss Crace Slamen, Miss Sadia Virtue, Enniskillen, at Mn. J. J. Smitb's; Mn. and Mrs. Richard WoodIeyr and son CiarenceataIMn. Jabez Moere's; Mn. and Mrs. P. Stone, CoIut- bus, Mn. and Mr-s. J. F. Plowright, Ennis- killen, at Mr.J. Stone's; Miss Flossie Wcr- r-y, Solina, with Miss Lilian Fice; Mn. Wîlbur- Moore, Toronto, holidaying aI home; Miss Lana Taylor, Miss Dorothy H-eavans witb friands iu Or-eue...An- uiversany services passed off veny succets- folly. Mn. E. W. Tînk, Char-r-y Valey, preachani lwo excellant sermons te appre- ciative audiences. Euniskillen choir forý- nisbcd excellant music . ey. Roger Alfin will preach banc naxt Suuday irron- ing. For any case et nanvousuats, seeplets- nets, week stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia iny Carter's Little Nerve Pilîs. Relief is sure. The enly uer-va medicina ,fon gihe prica lu mar-ket. ENNISKILLE14 9 No service in Metbodist church ber-a Sunday cveniug bacante et annivarsary services aI Mt. Ver-non. A numbar trot here went thare .... .Noservice bare nexi Suu-day evaning on accouaI et aunivarsar-y service aI Enfilîn...Dr. A. D. Watson, Tenonto, auther- et "The Soveraiguiy et Character," "The Wing et the Wihd Bird," anni varions othen publications, laugbt the Admît ani Junior Bible Classes aI Sunday Scbool Sunday menning te tbe pleasure and benefit et bis beaners. Dr. anni Mis. Watson speni the week-end ai Cadan Lodge with Mrs. C. J. Pascea.. Or village tait prouni, indeeni, Saturday cvenîng over- the tiid victoryet oun foot- ball teat. . . Mn, andi Mrs. Jas. Stainion visiteni friands at Pont Hope, Mr. Stainton baing a delagate te Contference .... Recant visitent: Mn. anni Mr-s. W il! Roegers, Ton- e nte, aI Mr. Harry Rogers; Mai'ssrs.Fnank anni Rolanni Vitu andi Bar-hart Johnsien,i Tenonte, at the Virtua h Ionte; Mn. anni Mrls. Jas. Dempsey, Rani Dean, Alla., ai Mr. Cean. Argue,'s; Mriss MhlRyley, Toronto, ai Mn. F. W. Lca's;, Messns. Merr-Ih Jewall ancI MWill Preston, bewu, ai homie; M. andI Mr-s. Carnet Sanierson, Pur-ple Blih, a'uni 11111e daughten a i MIrs. F. Saider-scn'-n; Ln, B. Alex,dýan,, in city ne- cuy;Mýsss.Enigar- andI Lorna Buisonl, to-wný, I M.Wm. Bler-rings'; Mn. andtIVMns. Ce,,. Arguieçwith- friands at Bnoolin; Miss GCenia Stevens iwîth friands in town ... 1M. Frecd Mntjoy Las beenl buildiga addition te his house. SOLINA, Dr. Amos W. Campbell, 'Chicago, Ill.,' has been visiting his danghters Mrs. Nor- val Washington and Mrs. Cao. Nortbcott ..Remember Woman's Institute social at Mr. W. C. Werry's, Thursday juna 15. CARD 0F THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks' to our neighbors and friends for thair belp and kindness through our serious loss by fire. , Trusting thay will neyer sufer the same experience, Yours raspectfully, Ma. AND Mas. E. J. BURK, Darlington. PRO VI DENCE Sunday Scbool annversary Sunday was very largaly attended. Rev L. S. Wight, B. A., B. D., Stirling, was the preacher and his numerous friends front aIl parts of Tyrone Circuit were present to hear their former pastor who gave splendid discourses. His afternoon subject was, "The Vine and Branches," a most inter- esting address to the children, and in the evening he spoke on the Sunday School in Co-operation with the-home. The choir furnished good music Mrs. Chas. Wight and Mr. S. C. Allun taking the solo parts of the anthant. Strawberry social latar EBENEZER Annivarsary services et Ebenezar Sab- baie School wilI ha beld as follows:-On Sunday Jonc ni sermons will ha preachcd at 10.30 a. m., 2.30 and 7.30 P. t. bv Bey. J. S. I. Wilson, B. A., B. D., Huntsville, a fermer paster. Spacial music by choir, and school. Collection iu aid et scbool foands. On Monday Jue 12 at 2.30 P. m. a choice' programme et drills music and othen ex- arcises will ha givan by members efthte school, and addncssas by Mr. F. L. Fowke, M. P., Oshawa, and Bey. Mn, Wilson. Tea servad front 4 P. om. Admission:- Adoîts 25c; Cbildreu 15c At 8 p. m. ondar auspices et Epwonth League et Christian Endeavor, a flrst- clats programme of elocotion and song wilh ha given by Miss Wright, Ontario Ladies' Collage, Wbitby, Mr. Eddie Pig- gel, Toronto, and Miss Ethel VaniNest, Bowmanville. Admission:--Adults 25c; Childreu 15c. Ced Save the King.', Bey. jas. Bannes, R. E. Osborne, Pater. S. S. Supanintendent PRESS NOTICES. Miss Benenice E. Wright, graduate Emerson -Collage of O0ratory, -Boston,- Mlass., readan fer a season with Prof. Bannes recently returned front England, neader for Chautauqua Concert Conmpany during Chautauqua season in Elgin, Ill., icachan in Laland and Grey Seminary, Towusbend, Výermout, and at present bead et dapanîmneuts et elocution in Ontario Ladies' Collage, Wbitby. Miss Wright bas travellad îhrougbout the middle wat et the United States and New Engiand as a plattorm. reader. 0. L. C. GazetteWîty For the first fimie the people et Whitby heard Miss BcrcuicE Wright but in bier Ibrea numbens and aucenes, she damonstrated baer gifitfon platformi work. The easy marner, the flexible voica and clean enunciation, the power in pathatie scenes, as in Rosa, and the quiet transition te humer establisbad bier reputation as a neadar et considerabla power. "Miss Wright as a neader seents te al- ways please bier audience. Han work is dlean cnt, well thougbt eut and delivened and bier pictures ot lita ara well threwn upon 'lie screen ef imagination." lu- structor Gilbert New Englaud Conserva- tory et Music. Hean Miss Wrigbt at Ebenazer Menday evenîng Jonc 12. GOLDEN WEDDING. On theafatennoon et Satunday Jonc 3rd a large compauy et friands and relatives joined wtlnbMn. and Mns. A. A. Camsby inuï cebratiug their goldenh wedding ai thein palatial home, "Lintouhourst", Orono. In spite et the pnohibitory nature oetheb invitations soealoely nemambrances were nacaived aanîeng wbicb wrvae, for the bridaet the day, a bafidsome brooch et amethyst set in peanîs, and for the groom, a gold-haaded'cana witli menegrant, thase latter bcbng gifts front thaîr son, Mr. O. A. Camsby. Pr-omptly at tive e'cleck "de- jauner" was sarvad te over sixty guests beneatb ehagau t shade tracs, by Mr. T. Tod's cateren. Much was addcd te [ha pleasure eftIhe occasion by the ideal weatber and the baauty et the floral dec- onations. The usual toasts wera proposed atten wbich congratulatorv speeches were madie by Messrs. J. A. McKecn, S. Rick- ard, W. Rickard, ex-M.P.P,, Jas. Brown, H. Lawson, and othens. Thase wcre abhy and feahingly ncsponded te by bath bride andi groom. Duriug a short pnogram the friands wara aquahly sunprised and de- lîgbtcd ai the nendening et a solo leanneni fift-y-years agohy [thaebrda. __The -excepý- tional swcatnass and purity eft bac in lian voice is saldont retanani at tibrea score yas and tan. Ameug the guasts present fnom a distance were: Mrs. Elvi a Fosten, Mns. Hennietta Turner,,Mn. D, A. Gants- by, Ingensoîl; Mis. Margaret Patitou, Mrs. L. H. Patton and Miss Ina, Mrs. E. D. Camsby andi Miss Ehdrad, Toronto; Mît. Rirtîcrlgaand1 the MissiesiRutleniga, Pont Hope; Mn. and Mrs. Frain, Mr. and Mrs. Bankan, Lindsay; Mnî . aund Mns. H. B. Law- sou, Perrytown. MIDLAND BASEBALL SCýHEDULE FOR 1911, JoiO--1-Peterboro at Cobourg. Dowman ville at PontHoe Jonc !7-Port Beat Peterbono. Cob)oong at Bowmanvhle. July 1-emnil tPr oe Juiy 8-Pont opeatBovail. Cooug iPort ,Hopec Juhy 15 eabr iBwavhc Co'bourg ai Por-tHp Ju1fly 22--Port H1o1pe cat pcter~oo Bowmautrvihle -ai Cojbounýg. Juhly 29) -PeteL-rboro ýait B)wm, nvlle, Co Lr iot Hope. Se&UITS.: The store t hat can please. the Boys' Aand Young lýeni, ini their cloti ng, must certair ly hav e the new-up-to-date ,,oods and nsust know wat the young S veli Dressers want. -We hav e been t ery successful this - ' Spring in pleasiag the boys. For the muj I very small chaps, ages 3 to 7, t e have a ehoice range of Buster Browsn Sumts inXAI Twee XVos1edn1Ltenet Aha1es ance trimined in the latest style. Lots ~ ,s to choose front $2.50,'3, 3.50, 4,4.50, $5. For the larger Boys, ages 7 to 12 a big showing of tweeds and worsteds Light and IDark, Single and Double,/ Breasted, 2, piece suits, mostly wîth Bloomier trousers, some without, $2.50, 3, 3.50 4, 4.56, $5, For the Big Boys who wear short pants, sizes 2 8 to 3 5, Two or Th ree piece, Single or Double Breasted, Long Coats, Two and Three Buttons, Long Lapels, Iland Padded Shoulders, Canvas and Haircloth in front just like the Men'sI Swell Shades and patterns, Brown, Green, * s Olive, Gray, $3,50 to $8. w Young Men's Long Pant Suits. Miade especially for us, to I)UJ owni orders.- They are diiffrent in st vLe to the ordinary Stock Suits, Long Coats Dip Front, Deep Vent in Back I orm Fitting, Full Peg Top Trousers, with Belt Loops, with or witI witbout cuiL on tire bottorn, $8.50 to $15, This Store wiIl close èvery Wed nesday afternôon at 12.30 Dùring JùIy and August. The ÀAnjde-rso#n Clothing -Co% SUCCESSORS TO The Mason Clothing Co. YOUNMENS' sionary and authior, Rev-. Egýerton R. Young., He was born at Nra House, Hudson Bay Territory-, . piifi- the fourth generation of those v;ho0 have 1býen for a portion of their lives mîs.oar cwthe Indians in Canada. Mrlt. Young entered the mînistry in t1892, served his Churchi for three years as assistant editor of The Christian Guardian and hias also spent six years in home mission work amongst the settlers and shanty men of Northcri Oin- tario, and bas also liad the superintend- ency of the Gibson Reserve of Jroquois, Indians. Mr. Young is the author of "Duck Lake," a book of home mission sketches, and aise other stories of back- woods life, which hie knows se well, and "The Camp Doctor," a hook more popu. lar-stili. Like bis fatlher lie is also a lec- turer of note. GRAND--TRUNK SERVICE TG THIE NORTIIWEST The Grand Trunk are ,ini receipt of the following latter in connaction with tour-. ists sleeping car opera ted fr om Toronto to, Winnipeg andEdmon)itoni via Chi;cago 'April î8th:-"Upon returning ,,from my western trip I feel it my duty to- write te yen and say that the accomnodation we received xvas far beyond ojur expectation and evary member of our party was morei than pleased with the courtesy shown by your officiais both in Chicago and Winni- pag."(Sgd.) T. A. Naaley. T EWIE MACINNES, 44A-7, the im- ported Clydesdale Stallion, property of Thomas Hvland & Sons, Cadmus, wil make the season of i191i as follows:. Tues- day, will leave his own stable, lot 21, con, 3, Cartwright, and proceed to Tempar- ance House, Blackstock, night. Wednes. day to bis own stable. Thursday after- no-oirproceed--to Temperance Bue Burketon, nigbt. Friday to Richard Ash- Ston's, Haydon; thence to Rd. Hawkey's, Tyrone, night. Saturday to Wallace Mil- ler's, noon; thenca to bis own stable utifl Tuesday. Terms $io. THOS. HYL tNI & SONS, Proprie tors. 3 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Tronto, imite, ouft0 w rite for its b, udineii catalogýue No Nsaca i DS. Ssm1ier '[crin frona Julv iird W.Il. SRÀXW, Peie Yonge & Oeriaîd OM.,'toronito, a dqualify fre ýLito1i li- It viiilotS'l',nedothis Oct our rhooslF, Tonge I aS route ei, ei panailot10 cci.1, singto, id KIDNEYV, LI-VER, STOMA.CH, an~d de BOWEL disondlers qiekly aur-ad 4by tinter f rniiSto eaplumi, gapand ace InsaIïl weAIL adapedfor- lare, to: llve i î,iewoS bott ndtaisýdalvmail. Frfiirtliirpatcuar. At al dealers, 25 cents par box, or '£le ipply ou theý pren1;ses or adeiiA. F.E'ttC O Fig F111 Co., st. Tauaont, aeaBox11> ()wantl nt. 1f s DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. Congratulations te Mn. Otis O. Wondan, Danlingbon, on bis succats as a teachen. Iu the wor-k et bis last yea at Facuity etf Educabion, University et Torontoeha bs sbewn hittaîf riibout a ival aven ameug the graduatas. Ou Tuasday, May 30, lha set eut te f11l a high pogition iu Wellesley sehool, Toronto, as teachen ot an Entrance chas, Ha alto neceiveni trot nieadis- tant schools offert as gooni on botter than bbceue ha accapteni. Succats te it in lus teacbing. Wc heaatily congrabulabe Dr. Edigar W. Aluin, Edmonton, Alta., son et Mn. S. Allin, "Allaudahe Fart," on baing ap- pointani Examiner iu Songer-y for the Col- lageet Physicians and Songeons for AI- hanta. As [bis office xvas >net sougbt for in any wa-aniisonue oet tIe highest hou- ons bis taîlow dectons coulni possibîy con- ter ou him, we teed il is the r-eward et bard study andi practice, an bonor justly manitani by Dr. AliUn. Pnsb, phnck and parseveance ramove limitations fret possibilities wben Dur-- bat boys are concerneni. A self-manie otan is thre sterling article andi tire ar-e tany et thans amoug our cont-v boys. When in New Yor-k City recently in con- variation witb a well-known citizen a high trihute was paini te Canadian boys, sayiug that business men gava Ibat pr- ferauce over Amai ican-breni boysbaane t it a nacognizani tact that tbey are more dapeudable anni industrieus annihast ani- d-ctad te bad habits. The same pr-aise is due Canadian girls, ton lu naar4y ahI large hospitals girls trot Canada are bhc super- iniendants and chiaf nurses. Thay usuahhy maka gooni in whataver place teunni. Wa hava beau ver-y glani te hear efthie splen- niai succes ota -Bampt+onley- titis wcek. Mn. Lorna E. Bastings, yeungast son et Mn. anni Mrs, Edward Bastings et that village, who bias jost graduateni lu Medi- dune fret Jefferson Collage, Phihadaîphia. Since ieaving ber-e te take op tha sludy et pharuracy witb bis haIt-brother, Mn. Fred B. Mason, Friandsbip, N. Y., tonte 16 yaars ago lha bas graduateni trot Pilla- daîphia Pharmacy Collage. Dr. Bastings bias mania bis own way witbout any finac- cial assistance andnibas mania a collage record that does hlm great credit. Bis many fermer acquaintances andi friands in Bowmanville and eîsawhara wherc Ibis journal it rean ill ii hainter- asteniin learning that Bey. E. Ryensou Ye.-ung, Jr., B. A., Chatsworth, Ont., at the hast session et Owen Sounni District Meet- ing was chosen chair-tan. Mn. Young is a graduabaet Bowiiac ville Higbi School, niuring bis faiher's 1pastenata ber-a duning Ille &)'s. Bis ganiahrBey. William Yonîî-g, fhhced a pastoral ber-rn luibis town awaxr hack lu the 40'S, se fliat tva hava mîoec ian a passýing initerast i, the thind generatien o e haYouuýg preachens. Mn. Yngis thie son eft bbc wel-known mi-

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