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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1911, p. 1

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£ Mani* $i .00 a year iii adlvance; $x .5o to Unîted States. BOWMANVILLE, ONT-ARJO, 'HUSAJN E 15, 191 1. VOL. LVII. No. 24.,M A. JAMES &SNPoiers THECORIN ER, HOÈ We Have(, suMMER éGMFORT AND HAND- SOME APPE ARANCE ALL THE POPULAR STYLIES LADIES' Lwor High Cut. ICHILDREN'S Srrau Sppers and Shoes. I ntrance durîmy igaterations) from Sumcoe Street East THE BURNS DOW LIMITED I OSIHAWA, ONT. MAIN FOUR CORNERS. ~IFarmfers' Attention Why commit preninim note, coeunty Mutuai yeurseivcs te, liability in a when you eau inssre in sucli companies as the Ln nPerth & Gore Fis-e nsura c ?ompanies at frým kOete $1-00per.-huudred ofThaurance and neý prcem- îuLm noteý. I1represe'nt these' tIv-upe nepahies whicb are a- mong the best doing farm busi- ness in CanaA and rates as low ms the lowest. HARRY CANN, The City Hall &tLsurance Mail vhmie 90. Bowinautvîlle. I. -i 1 BANK OF ONTRE Capital -$1,0,0 iRest - -$1,0, Total Assets $9183,169,159 Sa-vingr, Banli ,Head Office, jf Montreal. I4 I mugvr, Bowmnanville Branwh. il CHINA, PICTURES, POS8T CARDS. Just receive ch 1ina Cups and Saucers, Bon Bon Dishes, Pen jTray.s, bandsomely decorated in c-olora ,WithPRoyal Coat of Arras, and piortraits of King, George and QuenMaySteel Engratving,ýs (of King George, Colored Engravings of King George and Queen Mary, also Royal Arras, Souvenir Book- lets with engravings of King and Qýýueen also K 'ing's message to bis paople. W. T. ALIJ2N, 1B!,- 20 Bowina uvile.1 First Class, H ôrse S'hoeing llavingsecure a copetent floor rman :as my assitant arn hjetter prepared than evr f0do firsit elass hors111e sh;loeing promlptly id nsatisfactorily. OUrspilt is sboeing, but we do othier bakmtiga e GEORGE WATTS, OPPOSITE SALVATION ARMIY THiE OLD HOAR SMITRY, BOWMANVILL.E. NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS cU RTA -,INS, CARPETS, RUGS AND LINOLUMS COUH, JOH-NSTO.4 & CRYDERMAÎN are showing a splendid Icollection- of Lace Curtains ini Whiteý and Cream, Madras, Scrims, Bungalow Nett, etc. CARPETS -Î.inU-nion, Wooi, TapecStry, Brussels, Velvet and Aneegn range ocf RUGS ali sizes in Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Veýlvet, Axm-iinster,anWlt' R riW 6 CLARKE, B. A., PRSDNBAT 0F QUIlNTE CDNFERENC;E WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The animal meeýt;ing o etD a District Women,.'s nsiut ashld in theb *Council Room, Oron, on c'id un when about 90 miàemnbers asebi» Y in- vitat ion 0f the Oronio Bac.Oigto the serious îllnesýs of the Prident,Miss R. A. Walsh, the cha:ir wias taken b Mrs. A.A.Powe, ,211d \Vice reidnt,10o1ds- charged her d tiestnthetisfctin io ail. After heartýily sîingi'ng twoxerses of "The Maple Leaf" thle ninut1ýes of rlast y'ear's miieetinig wer1e reaund anpvd Miss fayraftScretay, peente a.r. port -1 the ye ar--'s uwork1 -showing23 nm bers, an increase 0 ù-40 oer the ýpevioVus year. Hmtn omnil n rn each hld il ein gs during th ye ar, Solina anldSarilc , eteon . Hampton, 1Bownmanville, Sinaîan)Oon senit delegatt thePoinilCovn tion at Toroýnto. Fourbanhs otrb balances iniudng raches ý'and istic $8îoo;Micelanous$9586 ToalRe- ceipîs $328.95 xcrdtre$1,8.Bl ances $11.06. 1Mrs. A. E. Chapm-lan sang a stowbicb greatly pleased a-ifl, Mrs. (D-r.) Colville acting as accompanist. Grant of $15 was giveýni the ScScretary-- Treasurer and $5 to the reidntforser- vices during bbc year. The Farmiers' Institutfe having coziclud- ed thecir meetinig joinied tlieWme'sin- stitute and greatly enjoyed tesollo "Mary" byý Miss Laut-,ra B. Bag Prov- idecýi(e, with MrJis. 1Rd. Bonacm panist, and a ver-v bumorouis rctanby Miss Edua Moon. The question of placeof meinig net year was left wýith the ExectuiVeof bothi Institutes. Mrs. J. R. Cooper in the abs-encýe of thie President welcomied the visitors on.i behiaif .ot Miss Walsh, whose illness ail] regrebited, and invited ail te enjoy a social boiu. The "Maple Leaf" was hcartily sunig after ivbich a most bountiful spréad was secrved te all present, the nicely decorated !tabl-es being loaded with viands of h ms tempting nature which everyoe hool enjoyed. A bearty vote of bbanks movedl' by; M\r. R. S. Duncan and seconded by -: Ml M.É A. Jams.ndi heartily suppor)nïted! by the comlpany,%was accorded the mmes0 Orono Branïcb flor thir generocus bospi- talily. The tnewly (elect-ed ofc r First Vice- Mirs, C. Hnok Clarke. e Second Vice-M1rs. S. Sbiortrde Solina. Secretary-Treasurer Mýiss E. UE. Hay- craft, Bowmanville. Directors 'Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, Miss Ida Malcolm, Mrs. J. Mulligan, Mrs. A. A. Rolfe, Mrs. W. C. Werry, Miss C. J- Steph- ens. Auditors-Mrs. E. Court1ce, Mrs. P. McGill. Program.Committee-President', Sucre- retary, President and Secretary of each Branch, and Mrs. McGill, Mrs. A. A. Pow- ers, Mrs. Mulligan, Miss Penfound, Mrs. A. A. Rolte, Mrs. C. N. Ruse. Officers of the Branches are- HAMP TON President-Mrs. A. Peters. Vice President-Mrs. C. hN. Ruse. Secrctary-Treasurer-Mrs. C. J. Kersiake. NESTLETON President-Mrs. John Armastrong. Vice President--Mrs. James Gordon. STAREYVILLE President-Mrs. Arthur H-.allowell. Vice President-Mrs. J. Mulligan. Sec.-Treasurer-Mrs. C. C, Reid, Clarke. OONo President-Miss R. A. Walsh. Vice President-Mrs, Geo. Pollard. Secretary-Treasurer--Mrs. J. R. Cooper. SOLINA President-Mrs. S. Shortridge. Vice Presiden t-Mrs. Thos. Baker, Secretary-Treasurer-Mis. Jamies Vice. BowMIAN VILL E President-Mrs. A. L. Nýich1o1ls. Vice President-Mrs. John Morris. Secretary-Treasurer-Mrs. W. W. Allun. MARY QUEEN 0F SCOTS. TowN HALL, ORONo, THURSD tY, JUNE 22. This popular drama will be given as above Vnder the auspices of the Y. P. S, C. E. So-ýietv of the Orono Presby terian cburch.o People from miles aroupdc will go to sec this interesting dram-atic treait. Rehearsals indicate that it will be put on in excellent style. Plan of hail l0ow open1 at Bcacom's store. Tickets forreev Ncwescstle--A. A. Colwvill, L. B. David- Lieut. F. H. Morris Icaàves neýxtt ýweck son. witheb Canadian Rifle Team fior îLe an- sou.miiDai nual worild's rifle competition at Býislcy, CartwigtA. B Cryerma,-Da iiEgland. As ibbc Goodycar Tire & Rub- Malei, JhnWright, Peter Wright. ber Co. arc vcry mucb crowded witb ord- Ho(_norary Directors-Mr. C. J. Thioru- cers bbc companiv is makiug a sacrifice l bonP, Mr. J. H. 'Devitt, M..P. prmttn Leu.Morris to go te Bislcy, -Auditors-Artbur E. Beilman sud Ccc. this year as be is an important mariu h W. James, Bowmanville. industry but wc allhobe e will agaijnwin Atter adjourrument bbc mîmbers wcre glory for bis towu sud iudirectly foiTe iuvitcd by the ladies cf Orono Brancb cf Goodyear Company wbiich b las so gener- Wcs Durham Women's Justitt 1 ar usly given hlm icave of1 absence. take cf refresbmeuts in the Council Room Lieut. Morris bas bad a brîlliaut rc:ord wibb thcm wbicb bbey gladly acccptcd. as a marksman. He startcd rifle-shoot- Mr. W. E. Pollard makes a capital sec- !ng un 1904, wcut te Bisley fcr firat lime retary and with the ahiliby suri 7ea1 of bbc un 1907, bas becublese ach, succecdiug niew Presideut we expect another very year, Ibis makiug bis fifth yesr. Hc bas successful year's work of bbc Justitube. led bbc Canadian Ta in wiuning the lasi ths-cc yeas.slu 1918 b' e -w ou at Bis- lcy bbc grand aggrcgate, won bbc champ- ionsbip cf Britain's colo)n;es in 1909 and HIGH SCIIOOL NOTES 1910, aise was second sud third for King's prize bbc lasbt tvo years. Lieýut. Morris En trauce examination *begins at I. ip is holder cf nincteen mcdals--gàld, silver m. Monday June 26tb. Subjects Compos- ' ud bronze, eigbteu silver cnps suad eight lbtion sud spclling; Tuesday's subjccts badges, tbree of tbcm Kig's badiý'ges. Hc aritbmectic sud literaturýe; Wednesday's wvas puckcd by tbc Canadian R"ifle Teamn grammer, writing and geography. cf 1909 te represcut bbc Non Commission officers sud men at a dinner given by bbc This school bas been saddcncd by bbc present King of Euglaud, theul Prince of death et our efficient sud popular care- Wales. -There may bc other expert baker, Mr, Lewis Joliow. I-He was very unsrksmien lu bbe Duouinion w li1 cquaily blighily estemcduf by studeuts sud teacbîug succcssfi records, but w2 do net kuow cf staff. Principa-,l Elliott who had been as anvone. The Goya Rubber Co are sociatedt witb lm ii for about five years re- proud te nmber smugiheir empiloyne(s grets bhis death probably most ofIlI. amnwobsbrgtsnbhurtbi Cogrtlaiosare due to 'Mr. Leslie cu suyad towu sud(]our ctzesare C. Ccx, a 19)09) graduate cf this school f'or counbry gaiiàoe i utrcr n i s suce t Toronto Uiversity tiis -iuerely hope lue wili mk h Good- ycar. H(' raukeud Iigbiest lu First Class Ve'ar Rnbbcr Ce as famiiliar te thle world H-onors in Clas-sics lun bbc second year sud as lie bas made Tl'le Domiinion Organ& wou bbc Scoasinluthait dcparbmient. PaoCe-. vwben connecbed wilitb tat i- Miss Annie Coulter, another graduate stitubicu.ý cf bbc schocl, passed bbc second year cx- aminiaticu with Honors in bbc departmecnt MrW.JCareWnipgMn, o cf Domlresýtue Science. is return-g fromi a trip round bbce wcrld Mr. Arthur D. Emrory, formerly cf twitb bis sni-aMr-. Msîrkie, gave us Bowmau-,,ville Hig-h Sehool, sou cf Rev. V. a caili SaturdIay. Mr. Clarke is s brother H. Em rPictoi, passed the tbird year of Clarke, M.P.P., Cobourg, sud exmiabentkinýg firsb place in the bon- Mr.* Thos. J. Clarke, Hamnpton. Wbeu cuo or Eist capturing flbc Fis-st Alexaud,,er thek- touýr they visited Japan, China, Egypt, Mackenzie Varsiby1 scholarsbip lunPolitic al 1Afnica, Germany, Fran1ce, Swibzerlaud, Science togethel wt te ogins prî- e sud bbc British Isles. Wbieu in England awas-ded for fis-stc place lu pass English un lie visited D)evouiriie, bie home of bis Victoria College. parents, sud carnies away very pleasant Ms-. Rupert Ham-,blyn sund Miss Macie m1-emnories of bbc beauty of bbcheCuutr-y Redr wweut fs-cm bbc sehool te the asnd bbc cordial greetiugs of the old friends UniversiztY -'lu 1907 arc uow entitlcd te mret there who kncýw is parents. Hc de- write B.A. after their names. MrHmlnclares that bbc îbreecIdays speuf lu iovely graduiatcd witb Houera lu Matbiematics Dvosire was (quai- te if net bettes- sud Miss Red tebck bbc odemLang- th 1-plae e isibed ou bis hole uagc courseý. ~trip. :FARMEFRS' INSTIT7UTE. The arnnal meetinig of WestDurhamn Farneris' Ins-titute was e in bbc Town PreidntA. . nnsTyre in the chair.The m neetiing Vas (one" of iïr an po it rsident Aniin bis add'.ress rfre1the good xvor-k'be-iing acco.m- pbe y he Gvruetthru the Fairmi- c ' Intiute, te hegrovýi of interest in practcal frm opration1San paid a high- briblte b th cguo erv)icesbe ilng rendered1 lu hes iI-coun'atties1by Mr. R.S. Duncani, BS., Disrit Rprse iniati-ve, Port EHo pe. This opiionvasenrsc by several oth'er mmespeet M.W. EIL Poilardi, ceayTesrr prescutcd a ýývcr'.,s.atisfacturyi-, « 1îciae- port sbo iaspedd ebrsi f 2301 mnembers tand a cash balane o!, hanid lfo2t 2 Hlegave apctyfil acontof thec reguflar anld lupplementary mueetings 1bcld over t- he iin!g and congratulated theli miemubers on bblc spflendid sp-eakers aad, discu!ssions at theetings. No exýcursion to Gýuelph w ýýill e eltisyer E, Belîn a Lnd 'M. -J. \Vrry as pres- ented al[lddadopted. Eb'leneýzer is tolbe ,bon-orcd by a 1meeting tis. vear if, the SunTCy Schoo'l Hall1can be btaned Ilwasthoghtto be moire c entlLral1 than"l. C,-,rswc ýll Rgulr met- ings ma L iso lbe held aýt Kendl, Newtoni- Ville, Bowmlanville, Enni":skillenl, and Nes- tletoîî. It was dJecided to biold ("]e meet- ing ait Eniïskillen to sec iffrmernkrs lu that secion wvill attend largely as il is, hopedl they,îl. Supplementary me.etings imav hbe ldc at Newcastle, Orono, Troeand Solina-,i but the executive wa-,s -i gI ivenut- ority te make any chaniiges that c-ircum- stances May suggest. Aýi(tluthe close cf the business session some timev adrescsWere Cgiven; R. S. Dun- cani r-eviewed cihis -worrklu iiconneýction with the l)cal isiuessokjudiging courses, orchard sp)raying demonstraions, drain- age, apple packing, etc. Reeve A. A. P>owers who was an active mover lu sec- uring the District Representative told how wiell pleased he was with the excellent work doue by Duncan and his staff. Reeve James of Bowmnaniville spoke cf the en- couragemnent given by Counties' Council te the Fruit G-owers' Association, an ad- ditional $îoo baving been voted at the June seýssion te aid lu the exhibit from these cuniat the Frruit and Flower Show iii Toronto. He also paid-a wortby tribute to the practical work donc the pasb year tIthe Agriculitural Department's Messrs. W. E. Pollarl, Thios. CwaM. J. ery,0.A. GmbChias. Hnok Chas. Coopier, WllamCoam ad thrs Reev Jaes mvedand 'Mr. Charles Cooper scconded1ý a vo-te of thauiks 10theii retiring officers for their faiithful and efficient services, the opinion prevailing that Mr, A. W. Annis and Mr. W. E. Pollard had been one of the best workiuig beam of officers the society bas bad. The vote was unnimously adoptcd. OFFICERS FOR 1911-12. The uewly ciec'ted officers are: Presîdent-M. J. Werry, Tyrone. Vice President-Thos. Cowan, Orono. Sec.-Treasurer-W. E. Pollard, Bow-I manville, DrRECTORS Bowmanville-A. E. Belîman, M. A. James, W. E. Pollard. Darlington-A. W. Annis, John Baker, Chas. Cooper, W. E. Jewell, R. E. Os- borne, Arthur Hoar. Clarke-O. A. Gamsby, Chas. Haucock, rakAllun, John Stewart, D. J. Gîbson, Thos. Moffat. A. A. Powers. R V.' W. G. Clarkc, 3.A., bbc uwl eccd Presud _3 ,was1bor un bbcvi1llage Presque Isle brbrlii cosutyaro the American Civ-il War. Oneof bus carliest recollecti Lonsis icounmectcd witlu Fenian sý-,cau ;,isle bb yeas immediatcly following theclose of thaýt w'ar. His fatcr' faiywer etScochextraction and came eu -t from Cooýte F1111ý, County Monabanbui gradfaîer tiituaIime bcing a re tired-(Iarmy offcer wo had secu 24 ycrs of civ erieaud b aving i,4 and Ac.adian Huguenot paretage. Soi that un cvcry way biýs sentimrent is insep- arably bouud te bbic Britislu crown. Wbeu a boy eigbt cars olId lu a pro- tracted meeting conducted bv Rev. Ed- ward (7racg le made bis way te the aitar. During bbc pastcrate cf Rev. josepb Kil- gour bie was led 10 offer himacif as a pro- batuoner for tbc Metbodist miuistry in 1885. The previolus year be taught bis owu home scbool. Aficr a yeai-s ser- vice at Little Britain hie cîtered College and graduabcd in Arts from Vcoi Col- lege, Cobo)urg, lun190i ih the standing et Silvr dai l î uMea oyiaud Etfic's.," u lopoor n Jnior ycars2 He_ was mridte MTiss Lois Charters, Adolousîow, lu 896.TheI"n fr a time bie was aigent of Albe(rt ColgBlueville, durig bcsc eass wenbbc businsand, finacia depesscuof bccouu-try wr mos aufe.Lu 1898 hercnt-'ercd bbch reýgular pastorate at W'ooýdvlle sud lbas sînce been statioucd at Little Britain,I Stirling aud Port Hlope, being now ap- pointcd bo Bellevîie. Mr. Clarke bas reccived a fair share eft honors and responsibilîbies at bbe bauds t of bis brethrcen as Chairma i t ofistrict,1 on bbc Board -of TExaminlersanard delegate bwicc 10 Cencral Conferece. 1Uc bas aise been closcly identified ulîli Young Peopie's Summer School work as the Sccretary, Presideut, etc. He bas sîso' throwu bimself eau ucstIviv mbtempes ance sud moral reform work. He 'is nowt bouored W iýh bbc bigbest lueusor lu: thej gift of bis Couference, a position bie wili fill witb becoming dignity and more than ordinary ability, both as pres'ding and as an executive offi.cer.t OFF FOR BISLEY. OLLOTH,ýSANID LINCDL-EUIS alwidths, no bet,ýter goods, no better value, anywhere. COfUCUýJ., JOIINSTON& CRYDERMIAN BOWMAN VILLE. COUNTIES COUNCIL. June(,,sessiqon c fibbcCountries Co)uncil mret ,In Colourg on!,Junie 5, Wardeni T. A. K'elly, IKelarC, presidinig. Alli embers ati t(eddce ,ccpt -Al1ex, Hume, Reeve cf Scymour, whowas very, !fl. and bis fcllowmebr passed aý voite cf sympabby with hlmw. 1He is one cf the popular membersbeg greatly respecbed. An unusual number cf communications were read and referred te proper coml- mibtees. Equalizabuon commritýtee ý,wasapite composed cf dpt-evsanid reevc\es cf Ex-Warden i S. E. Fruo drse Council. Coun1-ciladurnd Tuesda-y atternoon esio wsresumcdf varions comm,,ittees hIving met in me(an- tîme. Chief discussion. was on a report cf a special Commîbtee tc, aid Ontario county to buy and construct a ne-w road soutb cf Ham's Hill on Scugog Island for conveu- lence of people from Duhamcounby go- îng tic Port PTr.Rev as. Byers of Cark.Ie sirecn-gly favýored bbc granIt askc't for. Reeve,ý MaheîIr cf Cbug ev James of BeoumanIIvil le an d Re eeCan cf H-op e stron-glJy opposed il. Report was referred back frlurrparbicullars. A det1a1ion from Otari county Counicil waibcd on bbci council ex da'y anýd re- quesbed orhubeladadDuha t bearl-haîfthe oxes f diverting the road round the MiI.Lb1, was ,ciimposedI cf Messrs. W. J. Haycraft, Reeve ef Wbitby and Warden of Ontario Ceunity; Rý. R, Mcwbray, Reevecf P IiLýcring and ex- Warden cf Onitarie; B. Madili, Reeve cif Uxbridge;Gce. Gerrow, cx--Wardienaud, Reeve cf Port Perry, aIllcf Wboi-1m2mde Strcnïg pesfor joint Lacbon,clingta peoleof ur acunIty uscd bbc road almot exlusvely Reve Jmesagainl teck strong objectionite elpiýng Ontario ccuuty te build roa1ds lying whiolly ini that coun11ty, Several othecrs discussed bbco pro- posal, buf t icws efeabted by 24 te 10 on a division. Ontario dlgte was en- b erbained at the Dunham House and after- wards taken round town lu autos. Special Committee on a sysbem cf steam-beating for county offices reported un favor of joint action by Cobourg and! the ceunties at a cost cf between $4,145 aud $5,315, as per tenders sýubmitted. Vic-' toria BuBrildings in whici h bbcCouinties' offices are sibuated arc owncd by Cobourg and( nte to "$I.,00 ayear by theise coun- tics, but bbc counties lbea t bbcroomns at their 0nwn expcwns IL aslatur d-cidedc te istaîl the oplanti,courg su- ad Itle ceun- tic obear fbaif cf ibbc cosi cf ptigI in and cf supplies and attendlance. BridgeComisoesmd eot n reports were ild Tucsday cvenin1g Cou Ln. Irwini reported from Board cf Management of tbc House cf Refuge. Numiber admittcd since last report, 34; total number uow, 84; 'bc suin cf $9,5oo was bbc estimated expenditure for next ycar; the sewcr was not satisfac- tor; eeryhig about bbc býouse was well- kept and satisfactory. Ou request leave of absenrce a grat- cd to Col. N. F.VMacNach1zan, Clerk and Trïeasurer, wii) comiunand cf bbc CaIn- di"an Arbiilerv'.Tcam selecbed from ail" over the Dominion, wbieb is hcing sent by the Canadian Artilîcry Association, te take part in, an Artiilcry competibioni against bbc pickcd Arbillcry men of, Great B-ritain on1 Salisburv Plain lu Englý,and, wbicb will leave about July 19 next'. This. wc consider a great hionor, not only tei tbc faitbful clerk, but also an biono r te, these ceuntiesý. CongrabuILatory speeches were miadie by- several memri_-s and Col. MacNachtan ili reply said tha-t words faiicd hlm to ex- press bis felnshe fei unwortby cf se many kind lw 6rds, but it wofuld bc an in-- centive te lm nte do better. H-e feit f-that tbc praise s und tributes cf the members cf this Cou cil re to hlm as pleasýingas 1the honor donc bhim, by bis fclcw s ir from tbc Atlantic te the Pacific. This, comnpetibive conîest would bring Cana-da. promineuitiy before tbc Mother Couintry, and also bbc wholc world. H-e felt ta [bis honor would bc, perbaps, tbc last publiecue be would bave2. 1Hefhad becri 44 vears inthbbcservice c f- the country, commenciug at bbc hottem ianid working ,p. Iftbc otyeib mn ho weit ,wltb bim did thi uy, be would be suic- :essful. T1cee men w,,ould be ch1osen as the best iu the Dominioni. HI tauec tbe Council for granting bble ave cf ab- sence. Couns. Powers and Arnot movd-Chat su additiona $10be givento10 bc Fruit,, Elower and Honey Exhibit ici ssist these Counties in making a better exhibit at theý Exhibition lu Toronto, lu August- Coun. Po-wers said these counties bad more ppetrees than any other ceuuby in Ont- -trio. Norfolk gave $5001 sud Our grant cf $àooý -ws net eneugb. Afbcr lengthiy dis- cussin tbe motion wvas carried. SfiN E 1NIE DDING

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