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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1911, p. 4

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SEED CORN. We have jnst receîved a consigument of Can- adian grown seed corn of tise following "aeties,:- Early Leaming, Whitecap, Wisconsin No. 7 Compton's Early, North Dakota an d Red Cob. Quality is very fine and pricres able. Also feetiCou CrirMd OâtS, Chop aand Mill Feed; getgae f Bread andPatyFor C,'171a E. H1C>orr PHONE 129 R 6 HAMPTON. Another tr blown out. Buy your auto Lires frovïn us aýnd J]you wiIl get thle best at reasonable prices. We are the Bvowrnan:-H >] Goodyear Automobile Tires f U There are other articles that we keep in stock for miotorist.,U g. T-Me latee y--batteies *for automobiles andi gasoline launcles, none better, few ns good.* N. B,--We close Wednesday afternoonis at 12.30.f g during July and August. [ * MASON, & DALE, 2 DoORs EAST 0F POST OFFIîCE, HORSRyBoGl gPHONE 145, BWAVLE FLOUR 0F QUALIT V F LO UR is a high grade patntf un- I MPERIA&Lsurpassed'and makes excellent f bread-. PsELOUR makes delicîous cakes and ECLI pasry made from selected wiefal CYRUle FLOUR is a choice bread flour md Manitoba wheat, nWAFLOUTR is a fine blended for spec- VICiOIA ialy for family use made froim Ontario, and Manitoba wheat. We deliver flour in town or order fromn your grocer. Photte 77 Who is now reaping thegldn ~ harvest cf the painting 9jý r-i Protect your reputation by utsing, The NMartin -S8en our Paint 100,9/0Pare Scientifically corrects Pure Whiite Lea d) Pure ZincOxd5 Pure Linseed Ol, TUrpenrtiMe an Drier, no adulte ration o'rt Lusi tution of any k1-îi. W,ýrite us for cliemicalaayss The Quality Hrwr. EDITORIAL JOTTINGS. Mr. C. A. Munson, Cobourg, is West Northumberlandic's Coniservative candidate for tise Commons. Counties Co uncil adopteti the report of tise Countics Property Commiftee in whicis tley recommriudci that tramps and undesirable pisoners in thse juil be put 10 isard labor, and that stone shouild be pro- curedta to gie h somethiug to do break- ing it. The Wliarfdale Power Press on whicli Theý James Papers are printed hlas been put in goond runnning condition again since the smash-up, by the Bowmuuviile Foundry Co. Tise James Papers were printeti one week at The Guide office, Port H-ope, and tise next week Edîtor W. J. Watson of The Vindicator, Oshawa, placeti his large Two-Revolution Camp- bell Electric Power Press at our service for which we are very grateful. We re- fer fo this matter again t0 explain wisy fhis paper wus a day late in reuching muuy of the post offices. It was a very tetiious and anxious two weeks but business hs running smoothly again at this office. If your ciilti is aftending achool find out if hie is developig in power, ifilie canï an- swer certain miemoizeti questions. Try to flnid ont Ic your child cani do a littie reasoning on bis own uccouint, if lie is be- ginning to hunger and thirst for more knowletige, if lie is trying 10 ferret ont the secrets of nature, of business, of life, if lie lsaucqniring a taste for good readinig, if lis manners are improving, if lie lias great- er reverence for age, for aut.hority, and for experience,- considerations like these are of înfiuitely greauter imiportance tlian tise ubility to tell you off-liand the namie of thse capital of New Souith Wales e date of tise battle of Ticoudleroga,,, or the mefli- od of solving a problem lun cube root, says Belleville Daily Otio Growtli of westerni cities almost astouisis- es an Ontarloan for tise figures seem al- mnost, incredible. For instance building permits lu Calgary for May 1910 totuled $00,oooj; for Mayr 191 tise sum waqs $3.700 ')G0; banik clearing May 1910 were $12.273, 936; for May 1911 tliey wcre l,1l.-24i,o03; Customs returus May 1910 wcre $89.,824î,92; for May î9î i they were î8,7.8.Et- munton shows even greater growtli: Cuis- tosretujrna for fir.;t five Monthls îlu 1910 wee$10î3;l 1911 were 259, 008ý or 99 %increase; ban, clearings inicreased i'1 ; puessengers currieti on street raîlway 6oýý increase;ý revenue inicreuse. 56e ; building permîfs increase 53% ; lomesteati increase 37'.~~~~~~~~CI gulinvemsSlv nceseiS Prince Albert, Sask., over 1910 for firt-s five monflis li 728%. Moose Jawý anti Saskautoon are making wonderfui progress lu business anti cirie growîis. Tise C.P.R. will build 553 miles of brancis roatis in tise West this vear. -Tiese records make tise wliole world sit up anti taise notice. Dariingfon Council lias liecu petit loneti f0 open tliseroati for travel on tise 4tis concession west of Toîl Gate Hill so tisaf residents of tise township west of Scuigog Roati muy have access f0 Bôwmuuiville station on Canudian Nortiseru Railway. Owiug to tise wide anti deep ravine lying just wcst ofthtie Scugog Roadtihie coat of openiug anti putting tîsis new road ilu sufe anti passable condition will ino lbùi es tisan $2000. Reeve Milîson gandi Depty- Reeve Courtice usketi Couties Counicïl for a $500 grant towartis this large outlay anti altiso tise request was also strongly supportcd liy tise Recvc of Bowmanville flic couuty counicillora -voteti town tise rcsolut ion f0 give tise grant.- Darlington is tise largeat contributor te tise Counties' freasury anti las not often during tise last 5o years asketi for uny assistancc,tlierefore we thiuk a more liberal spirit miglit have been slown by tise repres entatires of oflier municipalifies. As fraffie is not likcly 10 lie mucis tishat station flua year, fisc new mati will hartily lie constructeti f111 next Spring us un expensive bridge must lie built. We hope Counties Council will'yet muSe a lîberal grautto this towni- slip for assistance lu tise big picce of new road building. CHINA WEDDING M.DMRR.DMS IVNA SITf0F CHIA About forty r:elativ,,es unt-d fiends cern- poseti a jolly cornpauy whoc visitedth ie home of Mr. anti Mrs. Romaîine Dumas, Ontario-at., Fritiuy erening te cele-brate wîf h 11m tise 2otli anuîversury of fiseir murriage. After tise company was com- fort ably establishe inlutise home anti tise liost anti iostess assuredti t their uinex- pectedi anti uninvifeti presenice -was lprely one of good-wilI, Mr. W. L. Keys on lie- isaîf of tise frientis readtisadaitress anti presenfeti a combinet dininer- anti fea set of Limege china: To Jfr- m'i M3rs. Roma ineiuias DEAR FRIENDS,,-A few of youir frientis bave assembledtilua eveniîig ng uour lies- pitable home f0, celebrate witli you tise 201h aunniveraar,.y of youtr m arriage. àI s a great pîcasu re te us fa greet you on tihishlippy occasion andti f congrutulute yen on tise completion of tweuty years of marital blisa. 'Time lias ticaît very len- icntly witli yen fer it woulti le vcry tiffs- cuIt te finti another couple who have pas- sedt lru tise perioti et murrieti life that yen have anti wio carry tisir yeurs anti family responsîiilties o0 lglitly. We hope yen andynur two clt(l-irnay lonig lire te enjoy tise happy relatl'iship ef parents anticiiltiren anti that youir muuy frientis may enjoy tise pleasure et your companionship anti ueigisberly kinies for riany moec years andt fat yen mnay al lire te celebrate yonr golden wedtiing. Asa a liglt teken of ouï regard a rnr es- pect we uskýour acceptan.ceoetthis dinnierI anti tea service wisicis, as yen use tbie, we hope yen may remember flua occasion anti tise frientis wlio gatheredt t assisî lui oeleliratingtise 2otli milcaf eue thr-ougli your marrieti lite. Signetion biufe tise frientis, g it"s. A. CHISTIE. ýJ. ndMr. as. . t.hexs prucficully epes igoiwisIes Ot theýir ineiglIsbors anidfrieuis 1anti iiVitet i alte enjey tsemcîveatrinig tise rm oftre tiseevening.PorsieenIeeggt Il aïttenitiO ofettisegucat-t nl il !.30 wlisen a tcmprjting supper provitieti bytise ladlie-si wuis sveiantidhoouhl ejoyet. Tiese gatiscrinig disperseti ut an eaIy heur clos-iF iýg a mef es anc.ýit anti lhuppy social fimie anti wisliing tise bride anigroomi 30y tr mijore et wetiieibliss. 1i k f 711E CHURCHES. Strawblýe rry, social at W. J. Bragg'S, Providence, Tuesday evening. Arrange to go. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe preacheti in Simcoe- aI. Method)iist 'ciurcli, Oshawa, Sunday morning aind Rev. W. C. Washington took bis work on the Tyrone circuit. Strawberry social andti eu under aus- pices of JLadies' Aid will lie helti in tlic Methodistsýcoolroom on Wednesduy June 2&1,fis t6 .Pitîculars lut er. Misson Bud s giving an interestiug program i l te Methodist sclioolroomn this (Tliurdy eveuing. Mrs. (Rev.) H. McConucî 'l, wio was fornierly a mission- ary lunapa, i 11 appear in native cos- tume and give an addrcss. Rev. j. J. Ferguson, pastor Mefliodist cliorcli, Orillia,. wus honored by lis bretli- ren of tise Toronto Confereuce by beîng chosen Presitient for tlie coming year. Rev. M\r Fergusen is a West Durham boy being ai son of the laIe Joshua Fergusen of Blackýstock. Services lu the Methoffisf churcli next Sunduy willhave special reference toeflic Coronution. Pastor Garbutt's subjeefs will lil isemorning I"God Sure the King" ati in tise evening "Kingly men." Tie chir will furnis suitable music. Public cordially inviteti. R'\ev. J. F. Chuapmun, Little Britain, oc- cupied tise puilpit of tise Cambritige-st. Metisodlist chuircis, Ljndsay, Sunday even- ing anti3deli'verecd an excellent sermon fromi "Renier unt o Cues(ar tise things whlch are Cuesur's, antiauto Gof tise tings that are Godï's." Tise speaker stateti thut t iise bové wus tise solution of tise respousîbiiity thit resteti upon tlie. Rev. Wmi. Lmet fe four years of faitfi ser sivice as pastor of Oronio Metis- odist cdurcis, goes fo0Oakwooti us lis next charge. Oakw'ood ranksaumong tise bcst of tise counrtry uppointiments. MUr. Lim- [bert is fuirtser lionoreti by lis clection to tiseciimasp of Carinngton District, ot wvhiclis0Oak!wood [is ia part, tise hôor, no do7jt being tlise more highîy appreci- uteti byv liim as liaving been won on tise first balof . Nws Tise League mneeting Monday evening1 in tise Methiodist churdis wus.of a tercstîng anti profitable claracter. Pres- iden t 1BakeLr co,7nductet ie openingexer- ciscs ufler whicli a Piano duet ws nicely playeti5,by'\Master Lawrence anti Miss Mfargaret Ker. Miss F. E. Conley reati the sefipture lesson. Rev. Jolin Garisutt gave a splendid adldress on "Loyalty" that shoulti le a stimulus to all Leuguers to lie Ioyt i tot ieir leugue, tiseir churci, their pastor, anti Jesus Christ. Mrs. H. F. Huf- ýcliesoni, Toronto. whose voice lias so often- pILaed lier audiences ïn, lier home clinri, sang "I cannof sin.g tise olti songs" anti us anencore fise prett y littie song "Tise Brook." At tie cIclof thtie meeting ase favoret iose present wif h a vocal recitul which ýwas misii enjoyeti. Ncxt meeting wililibe un evening witi tise poets. OBITUARY. Ma.FRED)HocîKIN, MAPLE GROVE. Jennie illanbeloveti wife oet Mr, Fred Heeckinilof' Darington, was boru in Manvers onr Sep)t. 21sf., 1883. ani tieti on May 2'7ti.ut ftise early age et 27 years, atter a, very brief ilîniess. Her parents miovetiý from- Marivers te Cartwright wlie wisile ashe was eyen anti soon atter- wartis ta LeakýartI villa,,ge lu Clarke towu- sp.usecm192aise waa marfiet te Mr Fred Hcilvn in Lesisurti-a tew yeurs a ýntIisince ut tise present home, just wet et Bewmanville. Mme. Hockin was a t ,aitistul wife, anti most devoteti mother anti leloveti ly a very large cir- cIe etfnfiicis. She was a willing workm et botiCliurcis anti Sunday Scisool, anti exempliflieti a consistent Christian lite. Sliortly betore lier deat s aie was asketi if as was truating lier Savier anti Tepliecl. "Yes 1 lave uiways trustet Hlm. , lave ne tcur. Al la wll. Her cuti w a s peuce. Thc tuneral Munday, May 29tli was iurgeiy attend- cd, tise service beingcenduct et by Rer. J. Barnes, B3. A., pat or, ut flic home, ant in- ferment in tise ceuîetery ut Oroneo. Tise paillicar< wr Messrs J. D. Stevens, R. R. Stecu,-Tu. Power,- L. Lune R. Wotieu anti:M. 1Muniday, jr. A lireken iseartet isualiauiO, a daugliter 7 yeams olti a boy 3'2 r, ani infantso a weck oit a sermowing fuitiser, two sisters anti a bro- thler surivete ouru theiir greaf losa. They "orwnet us those wvio lave no liepýe" but cani looL for-wardwifis cerf ainty te a joytuil reiei) n lutise lanti wieme PRETTY DEVONSHIRE. Mr. J. B. Blight wltl wliom tise senior editor,wle visiting ha native ceunty lu tise W-'santi 90's et last century, lad many interest ing chats-ferle, is a versatile man ant i nintelligent conversaI ionalist,u close observer anti a local preacher et mucis aubility anid a well-known local wmiter- gives tlis flowcry descrip)tion et a trip from flolswortly te Braisrorthiy lu a re- c en , i ssue oQfT 'Ile eser nts/ý. 1*--, ,Exeter, wbici makes uss long curucstly fer un eurly riasit te dîearolti Englauti: "stSaturtiay on my wuy te Brati- wortliy, 1 tlought more than once hew many peoplj)e from flic lig cities woulti en- jey aLigh of tise wayside flowers et gler- loua Devon. 1 neyer rememi-ber isavinig senr tie ceuutry more beautitul than nexv. There are primrroses by tise tisousanti, wiîli buttercupa anti taisies liy tise million in tise ails s weil us tise waysirlo violets, very vdîsistÉinu clour, tdeep anti paie bine, somrtrie rgatetianti ethers wite. Tîcre Weme huirIetis, et 'large mural marigolda lu rare cilusters, anti ancis a let et stitcli wort, wootisorewilti anemenes, anti et bine blis, thýat lu a week or se wiillibe nicis iu pertiiu. Tise ger-seis lu fulilbloem itiitg limilit ycliow colour, andtihie blueS fiseruv erecf -witila whl 'itc lower. Antis'e'r inocetlokiu llossom lis flice Cuckoe P:int. WsnaIboy iwe tuseti te caîlil fticckooflower,Lbecause if cameri wiîi fiecuckoo. There is aise fisc reti cmani, ati l ooking up Idrive-s ut Tisui- brSuteoý,nie Re(ctor-y, anti Brad,,worthy Vicuage, tLie rhiodod endrons antci barbary weýre oône rmaýsof ioom i lieauty. lu add]ition tueicfowr, we liave - aluiety et feathuireti songsfers. Tise cuckzoo c-v- ervreeu lieigitei elistern toL especiallYI turing tic efirst ' I r se. Tiscu tiemeé is ficchriigsar ,tie twitfcring sw otise Cry eft tise swift, ftisong e ti cieiitiantKi tîmrusis, us weII as ts peet-peet Oet fIe yeilow-isaîisiuer, tlic wrn- ing cry et tie !iapwjing, 'ani t11eise --,man-ýy swc-voici birds fia i l ie uz braSes andtitie maraslis, ;thaf ahloulti le aaspiration te an1,y mni, antidpciiyte thosewisorarciy e1joy sud a nepr CURTAITNS Il pair Fine Lauce <utaa nie designs,,, 21 yards long, reg. 50eý pair for ........ 44C 8 pair 3 yard long, ro-, 75cpirfor ...65e 2pair only 3 yds. reg, 7,5e pair for ....... 60e 6 pair 3 yds. eg. 12 pair for.......... 95e 6 pair 3j yds. reg. $L25 pair for........ 98C 4 pair 3-1 yda. reg.$35 pair for ....$2.75 6 pair 3; yds. reg. $3.75 pair for . 29 6 ai s4 d. reg. $4,50 pair for....... $3.75 3paIr only, 3 ý1 yds. reg $ 5 pair for ...$4,25 Thsourtains are ail good deýsigna aand yen should not miss the chance of gettiag whtyen require i b tim t these prices. Tapestry, Brussels and Axminster 3 x 3 yd& One only Itice Fawn grounti witis prettv lRed anti Green design, reg. $7.00 for-............................$ 5 3 x 3-1 yds, 6 carpets ia nice patteras andi good colora, reg. $9 te $18, for $7.50 fo $15,00 3i4 9'only, reg. $9 to $20 for $7.50 te $17 1x 4 yds. I oly, reg. $9,50 for ...$7.50 1 osily, reg. $15.00 for ... $12.00 Dn't forget to do West End Hôuse. TO THIEAAT Why flot gîvre me a trial developin your films and ~ihn your pictures? My prices are riglit and my work is best. THOS ROBsoN, Photo Studio Bowmanville FARMER S5PRDUCE. Jame Maconnchiewmhe 10inform the publie that hia office zat warehouse ,wilI be open only on Thsrsdays, Fridays and Saturdays dtsring the moniths of April, May, June and july when he will lie pleas-, ed to receive produce fronm farmers and others wishing to dispose of samne. 15-tf Bowmanville, April 10, 1911. SPECIAL TO FARMERS Now ttteed abligrndor next probiemi, oîore wl i ts de- lias proven tha Pas Ca rOatisand Corn are ieL yle tdb uiiu use of GYPsu o, ,r LN LAm the constWcitet elements of wli h Iorm a di-ï vet foQod for-ecr ftiseSecrcDS, Barley, Qtaan Ro eop, r also which lu th cas o te ran tffenIs nd insuch lboth ts ppaaceadwegt and on iser f roulacïonwth As both AD LaRaatiSL show m marIked rslawe iesrn lias bteencmprfiey r b w ave a ticipatceithe neihy lyn na anply of escil Of teeecletadreliableI them ut reasoîaleraes Cu11 andi get rices ýdfutse nfr 20-3w ionaaie ionly, Axminster, nice Fawu GrountI, reg. $32-50 for.,..... ................$ý2,5.0 0 Wool and Union Squares. These we have iiýi ail tise, po pular csi zes, :ï 3 e xz 3 - 1 x'4, 3 x 4, etoreg. pices $6ýý Linoleumns, Oilcloths Afil range of tise designs and coloringl ai!l the widths for stairs halls, andi any 'iz of a room and at any prices mucis below 1the ordiurv. 2 pieces lleavy Linoleumn, 4 yds..wie vr specissi, reg, $2.25 per yard, for. 7 1 piece Cocoa Matting in Green, Fs Colorn Just what you want for your vrnas 1- yds. wide, special price peryd $ 1.15à Aaok to aee wisat we have in crapet end s.' We for mats, etc. Boots and Shoes. MreW'.s Fine Dong Bluchers, reg., $2-50 for $2,19 W Fe'i bne Dong Blucher8 reg, $1,75 for 2 pkg..SedeI aisins foÉu............22c Freaý,h ,r(and Coffee for.....25Ce)per lb). Cooking Fig-s .................... 4 lb. for 25e Fne iiv l xeti Biscuits .............lOc plb(.1) Kippereti fleming ............. 2 tins for 2-5e your shopping early this -week and be ready for the holiday "lCoronation Day" June 22nd. Bowmanville. NOXIQUS WEED NOTICE- Ail ownems or occupiers et landi are me- quiredt teuct ont anti inuail Black Knof tounti on cherry anti plum trees, alse te destroy ail wetis grewing an ram site anti outise landi usmucis as p&ssible with- [eut tiestreying fisc growing crop. Infor- mation freafeti strictiy privute. C. ROGERS, Hampton, May .3o, 1911. Inspecter. 22-5w5 ECONOMY- IN SPRING CLOTIIES Why liuy a ready-made or moate-to- measure Spring suif, fIat costa frOM $22 te $35 wlien we are muking tal-mt,ýý-îatie suifa lu latest styles anti of buea -1ls from $15 to $20? Yeni are luvitedti o inspeet aur newý Spriug Suitinga anti Overcoafs iisoiutý tise Icat obligation to liuv. WUe hvetîhe popuar buts et tweeds anti faocy or stet7s, pefectly weveni, perfc-tiy dciat fiui"sied. wiicl wiilb i atie ug in-u.7 n suai firsf-class style. Tise Star House Bwinbl COAL PRICES CHîANGElý'. j te as for Ligiceai, if ynwant tie coul ou fsc ariset. 1 barve receivedt issweek sreaicars' et treiean ceai, sipped t)Ci trec r the mnieCs, lucisesfnluf, store, egganti'pe ýStarfî7ng from M\1aY Tsf tisho loi~ prices per fe t0B1mvli taioïwl peil1until u1rfLer noticeisgv: se- nuit $6,so); store 0or egg $6.,; peu$5.o. For d1e1iiery ilu to-wn an aiiinlduo etl soc. per ton wilC licae, Orer eft Lut imy colIyardaniofc Sdol ilrece2ive prompt atnin E. W. LOSGOMRR 1ýu -, Plue.nei oQffice 177. buse 14,L ed ,on OtacroSre ctiigsxros ville. lfs NTrunlz Railway Compan of Canaa.,a deposited inithe Office of !the lRo ista f DeecLe for the West Riding '&fIthe Ccunlty cf DobaProvince of Ontaj, a eifecpyf th lsprofIle ud book, of referene threii roerdt~authorizing the said Cetayt cw,isti;, t, inaintain aud ope rate brchnet rlsawith spore Cherefrout(nldigasu to theý preises of the Goodycar T'ire :ltludIub othmanlino of its rain ay as arayc stute ou1th of Station Street, iipthe s aidl Town of B owoanville, tode-extendUIinliia northerly direction, crossýingStio tet foncesiR, and etodo Jo, pnaiS 1 -î.o11 Hunt Stree t f -ithes I (Con ession lýIito adC -apoint uorthilcf )ieNon 'tr'et,1an4 crossirng Pine, Aun,Park,wdl sSreect s Lt apitadjacent 1o iaud inneditlIy sointis ot Qes treot, utisin d TýNlowno Bwnnvl a'iil, askaowu on the plan iand tprie adedcribi' id in the said book cftef,ence Datodat Montres I ti t a fJuA W' H- BIGGAR, Notice-ta Credito,. SONý,Llate cff the Ton shipcfCrrih at Counmty cfDuhaiFareriýces1, wh , die- cntabu he S-vnt dtjf Ju,19' ,ar cr bfor th mdda5cf uly nA, iildoKd 'ton f Lidea, oliitr fI ,jtise diitat tircrsn i surnanles, addresses ivi yu day cft JIly nea, b tlhryC iî readclyti te ds f dih by isaý thnntco-Msa o ehbe o i' sos LEIGII R.KNIGIIT, __ ENO BARGAINS FOIR ONE WEEK, We are off ering big i*nducemeniý7.ts ini our House Fuarnishing, Department," Curtains, Carpets, Rug,,s, Linoleums, Oilclothi, Ta,-.ble Covers, etc., and we have a splendid selec=, tion to choose from. The following is a Iist of a few lines, but we have no room to go -into full detail. Cail and see for yourself. The goods look, anti are mucli'bet- ter than we are able to deseribe them ini print. IEARLY CLOSINfi This Store will be closed every Wdedyatr noon at 12.30 during July and August. tictry & Co., "Umited -ammumum 1 -T lu 1 i a 11 -1 -1-1 r- OUSE

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