To~ifeAssurance WidwsNeyer Do _ ..Many a man bhas failed- to insure because of h is wiie' s noble but misguided scruples. She =didn't want even to think of her husband being taken from ber, The thought of rnoney forcing itself into such a tragedyno __ filled ber with horror.- - Such a woman overlooks the awful plight of a faxnly M lef tdestitute. It's a hubnd's duty to prtc io f Lmily fromwant and suffering aftef bis d=ah.A = wif e who opposes ber husband in perforrning this duity is unf air to him, to herseif and to ber little- ones. A few dollars eacb year invested in an Imperial IncoiTi Policy will secure thepamn of a regulaI, w-onthly income to a man'A fan ly after a he, We have an interesting booklet whîcb tells a4 about it, and will send a free copy to any mani or woman " wbo asks for ILtM Write for your copy today. THE IMPETRIAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada mo =HPD OFFIClE - TORONTO, W. Blake McMurtry, Agent Few Know Anything About the Electrisal part of an auto and do more harm We have made a special study of the electrical equip- ment for cars. If fact, our Mr. Davey spent 4 uionths in various Detroit Automobile Factories doing prac-tical1 work along thie uine. Consult Our E~xperts and you will be aseured of'scientific workmanship. You flnd no guess work or baphazard methods used in oar repair department. Maxwell Automobiles Wej are distributors of the fanious MVaxwell Cars for this district,. Kirkendall & Daývely Phone-Day 1NO; Night 101 or 294. Silver anti King Streets- Bowmanville Go14d-od Butcher Servic in -Country- For those who do not know that 1 have a peddling waggon on the roadI herewith give the weekly eschedule and territory covered Tuesday and Saturday:; Newcastle'. Wedneeday: Tyrone and Bethesda. Thursday': Hampt3on, Enniskillen and Haydon, If we are not alreadycal.ling on you -Phone 225 and have the waggon call at your door, Prompt delivery service in towni Have your children leaye your order for meat on their way to echool. Wilbert J. Dudley lorsey Bl. Phone 225 Bowmnanville With 80 IIIuch raîm lately it is hardly necessary for us to rernind you that it is roofing time. -How- ever, we wish to invite you to corne to our store for Asphai1t Roofing Metal Roofing, Ru-ber-oid Roofing 4-n-1 iShingles No better--material for doing your roofing. PI-Re-Co Ranges We are Sole Agents for West Durham, Mlasont & DaIe's- Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville MAPLE GROVE BETHESUA HAMPTON Miss Stella Jefferv, Mrs. C. H. Sn'ow- den andI Miss Gertie Lymer are organiste of the Smiday School. Sunday Schooi at II ar. S"_'unday (new time>, nO service in the afternoon on account of Base LUne anniversary ... Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Marjory and *Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wood, Vera and Lyle recentlv motored to Sîmcoe and visited friends, the latter going to see bis mother wbo bas been quite iii but was mucb improved.... Miss May Freeman j spent the week-end in town with her Robert -PeÏrkins who bas been under the Dr's. care le recovering. . ... Miss Era Purdy and Mr. Ernest Freemnan, town, visited the latter's brother Friday.... Maple Grove anniversary June i5th and 16tb. Rev. J. J. Rae bas been secured. Lecture Monday night. . .. Mrs. J D. Stevens and daughters Mabel and Jean vïsited bier parents in town on.Sunday ...Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman and daugther Thelma spent'Sunday in town witb bis mother, Mrs. H. S. Freeman, Methodist Annual Choir Concert, May 2-Jqules Brazil, the brilliant entertaîner. Miss R. R. Cole in song recital. ]ENNISKILLEN Methodiet Sunday School anniversarv services will be held Sunday, May 18 and Victoria Day, May 24. Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., Newtonville, will preach at i.30 a. m. and 7 P. ri. <old tinte). Ser- vices in Presbvterian Cburcb. Singing by school and choir. Collection. Good program oëf sports at 3 P. nM, Prizes for races, open to ail Basebaîl game. League football game* at 5 p. m. Solina vs. Enniskillkn, Tee served at 4.30 P. m. Lt.-Col. L. T. McLaugblin will dispiav 1collection of war curios and give addres in the evening when the returned soldiers will be entertained. At 8 pý m. in a large tent, a cantata, "A Fresh Bouquet". in- chiding müoti-on -exercsesdrills, recitations and choruses wîll be given by the Scbool. AMr. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, wil -render violin selections. Admission: Adulte, tea and concert 60c; tea or concert 35c; children 40c and 2oc. Mr. Walter Hoskin is visit ing bis mother, Mrs». S.- Hoskin .. . Pte. Harry Oke, returned fro m overseas, le viitîng et Mr. Wm. Oke's .... .Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormston-it'sa son ...The members of the Orange Lodge gave a reception for several of their -eturned me-mbea-s on-Wednesday--e-v-ening-- of 'lest week..... Rev. -H. Wiýkinson and, several others gave addresses. . . The boys, after serenading the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Adem Sharp, re- ceived a good treat .... The service Sabbath evening was a very impressive one-worthy of, a larger audience. Pas- tor Wilkinson paid a very high tribute to the influence of mothers, after wbich the Ashton Quartette sang an appropriate Mothers' Day selection. At the close, a reception service was held, several per- sons b3inîng the cburcb. ..Leagu- meeting Wednesday evening was ini charge of it. Vice President, Miss Grace Slemon. Afler openîng hymne, Mr. H. J. Werry led in prayer, Bible lesson was, taken by Estelle Smith Topic was ably taken by Mr. H. J. Werry on Consecra- tion. Readings were given in bonor of Voters' Day by Florence Brunt, Gordon and Frances Werry. Meeting closed witb benediction, EBENEZER Mrs. R. E. Osborne and Mrs. A. F. Rundle recently visited in Toronto.... Epworth League on Thursday evening, Miss V. Werry presiding. After £inging, Pastor Deýve led in prayer, Miss A. Pickell read Scripture Lesson and topic, "Canadian Probleme," was ably teken by Mr.. C. M. Penfound. 'Piano solo was given by Misa Muriel Penfound and quar- tet by Misses V. Werry and M. Penfound and Messrs. F. L. Weiter and C. -M. Penfound. Ro;1 Caîl met wilb a fine response. Attendance good ...Mr. Robert Courtice, although confined- t6 bis bed, is maiking decided iniprovemnent.... Mrs. John Walter, sr, took the Mail route on hursday efternoon and wbile near the lewn beçi ber rig slruck by an automobile, driven hy four hilarlous, vounig eilowe. The axle was bent and the buggy otberwise damaged and Mrs. Walter considerably ebaken up. Its evidently lime for Prohibition!.. Women's Missionary Society met Thurs- day afternoon, Mrs -Herbert Osborne in chair. Atter singing, Delve offered prayer, leseon was read by Mies Aura Osborne and Study Book bv Mrs. Geo. F. Annîs and Misses Irene Worden and Louise Osborne. Solos were contributed by Mrs. A. E. Rundle and Mrs. W. R. Courtice and cello seleclion by Mies A.M. Courtice.... Mr. Tohn Walter, sr., and Frank motored to Toronto on Tbursday ... Mr. F. Ward, Toronto, spent week- end with A. E. Rundle.,. .. Pte. Augustus Oke returned froni overseas on Sundav. You're sure of a big welcomne front us al "Gus" .. .. Sebbath morning Sacrament was administered, Pester Delve preaching on "Nearnese to God". At nigbt, he gave a timelv sermon on "Spring". Anthenis were fine and solos by Miss AIma Cour- tice and Mrs- W. R. Courtice were enjayed. Floral decorations 'for "Mother's Day" were pleesing ...,. Mr. Hy. Balcon recently visited old Toronto friende.. .. Mrs. A. J. Oke and Alice and Messrs. J. A. Penfound and Wm. Tonkin went to Toronto on Friday to meel Gus. Oke. He returned Sunday so0 "all's well that end's well"-. .. Mr, Homer Goyne, Oshawa, visited old friende here. . .. Seed- ing and gardenîng have been delayed greaîly by ran.. . Mr.,Neil Worden spent 3onday in-Toronto. . . The "Berean Three things you shouldn't forget-the end of the war-Lieut. Cobb's retarn -hie lecture, Mav 21 at 8 p. m. uat Betbesda Churcb on "Oyerseas Experiences". Bright music. Admjission 25c.. DARL,1NGTON Base Line Sunday School anniversary will be held on Sundav May 18. Sermons wjll be preached at 2.30 P.m. (old time) by Rev. Geo. Yule, Oshawa, and at 7 p.m. [by Rev. R. A. Deive, Courtice. Music by -t SPhone -92 BowmanvilleI INightsor Sma hn 8 Summer Foot wear For every member of the family For every sport and recreation Fleetfoo t combines economy and comfort. For Chidren Fleet Foot-White Bo . 13 Fleet Foot- Blue Boot..... $1.15 Barefoot Sandale (tan and white) For- Girls and By White Yachting boot, $1.50-$1.75 Blue Athlete boot, $1.35 to $1.50 For Women White Yachting boot......$1.80 Sport Pamp................. $2,25 Form Men Whi te Yachting boot......$2.00 Black Athiete boot.......... $1.75 White boot with heel........ $2.25 Bowling boots............... $2.10 Our white canvas lines are very complete with a wide .range' of styles and prices. Sec our di8play of Women's Ox- fords and Pumps. Knlox ' Shoe Store Phone 120 - Bowmanville The topic aChurch in Comnaunity Life",- was nicely presented to the Hampton' Leaguers Friday evening byr Mrs. W. Jeffrey. Suitable readings~ were given by Misses Louise Johns -and' Mary Soucb. Misses Larelle Brown and Hilda Cryder- man sang a duet. A reading "Stories in Chengtu", was read by Everett Kerslake. Meeting was in charge of Miss Lýttiré Horn, Missionary Vice President. Visitors: Miss E. Snowden,, Maple Grove, wîth ber friend, Miss L. Fîenouth;. Mr. C. Horn lu Toronto; Mrs. J. E. L. Cole at Mitchell with her father whn jg -r $975 This je a Five-Passenger medium sized CarL fully equipped with Electric Lights and starter, Sed omneter, Demountable Rime, One Man Top. Ii fact, everything that goee with the highest priced Cars. Prie ............................. $97 5.00 Used Cars For Sale At present we have two used cars in good con- dition which will be eold at bargain price. For further information write or' phoneo 205-r-3-1. Nei That is now is makes vouri h w Sceres AwakenI New Interest' h) Life Q sjust one big reason fol- New Wall iPaper anti the tinte to clothe your house Wall Paper the greatest difference in the aippearance of D limitless variety of, patterns anud arrangemaent. We carry a fulll une of ail kinds of Wall Paper and we cau seil at a price that will make it attractive to buy from us. SEE OUJR SAMPLES OF WHICH WE CARRY ALL IN STOCK. Ask to see our samples. It wiIl give us the greatest pleasure anti if you dont see what you like dont buy. w.TAle "Big 20" Booketore Bowmanville miss -Elyn Dickinson, tHowmanville. Collection. NE WCASTLE. Epworth League of Newcastle Metho- dist Church has elected these offcers:- President-Miss Giadys Jackson; ist. Vice-Ewart Clemence; 2nd. Vice-Nliss Gladys Bragg; 3rd. Vice-Miss Etta Allin; 4th. Vice-Eric Pearce; 5th. Vice -Miss Li lian Colwill; Rec. Sec.- Lawrence Cryderman; Cor. Sec.-Miss Minnie Selby; Treasurer-Ernest Gil- bank; Organist-Miss Elna Rickard; Asst. Organist-Miss Helen Coulson; Auditors-H. Pearcj and 0. Parker. Contributions to Forward Movement for Missions were best ever Iast year. Why? Why should you not' struggle to see clearly at th e unnec-es sar-y expe nse of nervous energy? For the answer consuit Mr. R. M. Mitchell, the Optornetrist in his White and SanitarL-Optical Roorn eyes and good glasses meet" Satisfaction guaranteed. R. ~ M.Mthel 0C.1 Druggisti and Optometriets I seriously i1; Miss F. Clatworthy with friende in Wbîlby; Mrs. M. Cryderman and family, Edmonton, Alta., at Mr. C. N. Ruse's; Sunday being "Mothers' Day" the S inday School used the officiai prograrn issued for tbat day and a very interesting session was the recuit. Best musical treet of the season at Bowmanviile Tuesday night. Dont miss lt. SOLINA Mr. J. H. Tril bas moved to Bowman- ville., They will be much missed here as they have been reeldents for many years. He has bougbt the McTavish cottag 0o Churcb-st. ..,. Mr. Geo. J. Nortbcot ibas sold bis farm to Mr. Russell Perkin.... Miss Nore Werry bas returned from St. Catherines Business Coilege where se bas been aesisling on the teacbing staff .... Mr. Cecil Bush bas. returned from Brooklin and bas engaged as foreman wltb Mr. John Baker... .Mrs. Thos. Baker is improving from asevere allack of erysipelas. . .. Mr. Sam Brooks is sufer- ing froni rheumatisma. .,. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Miss Ruth vieited et 1 Hampton. 11 Anniversary services of Eidad Sabbatb Scbool will be beld as follows: On Sun- day May 25th et 2.30 and 7.3o p.m. (old time) sermons will be preeched by Rev. C. W. Barrett, Fenelon Falls, a former pasior. -Mustc by ebotunder-direction of Mr. James Jebson. Collection. On Monday May 26tb tea eerved fromn 4.30 p. mn. At 8 p. m. a grand concert wîll be given by Mise Storey, elocutioniet, and the, Elgar quertet, Toronto'e best. Ail services in enclosed shed. Admission: adulte, tee and concert 75c, tee or con- cert 45c; children, tee or concert 25c. -' Take yonw best girl to the Metbodist, choir cgncert next Tuesday evening. RIGRiCLASBS BRERDIX---- HORSE FOR SERVICE. Tbe bandsome bigh-stepping Standard- bred stallion and show horse BILLY, BINGEN (2182). Foaled 1916. Winner of firet prizes ait Toronto C. N. E. and aut-Guelph Winter, Show also Breeder's Steke for beel horse bred in Canada. Inepected and enrolled under Ontarlo' Stallion Act. Enroliment (No. 5276) Fort A. I, found to be sound, of good conformation and an animai typical of the breed (Preniium No. 56>. BILLY BINGEN is a beautiful individ- uel, richbaby color, stands 15.3 bande and weigbs about 1200 lbs, strong_ and of massive prop rtions, heevy muscied, with plenty of bone and general substance,' short beck end strong loi, and stifie, with good feet and legs, yet emoolb-, made aIl over. He bas tbe finest disposition a borse- cen bave. Repid bigb.k tee and bock- action and plenty. of il. A fast naturel gaited trotter of extreme speed. He shouid sire trotters as weli as clever road borses, that bave size and style thet there is a goed nmarket for today and wili be. - What le it yeu want tbat be does not have? lie is descended from familles tbat' train on, race on and breed on. He le sired by thal well-known gdod -stallion, Bingen Pilot (40027). He le belf-brother te the World's champion 'trotter Uhlan (1 58). Biliy Bingen's dam le Irene G. McGregor (2.W3/2)., She le ealso dam of Peter G. (2 0414) and others witb extreme speed. This is an opportunity to get corne of the right kind of road horses. BILLY BINGEN will niake the season, 1919, et bis own stable, Lot 31, Concession 5, Clarke-one baîf mile west of Orono. Ternis: $12 (Two dollars et lime of service and balance Feb. it., 1920, >if mares prove to be in foaI.) 19-4. THOS. COWAN, Orono. Qùality Hardware Bowmanvllle $1550 This is a large, roomy, clegantly designed, hand- some car fully cquipped and will compare -favor- ably with others at a much higher price. Price .............................$...1550.00 Local Agents F. J. Clemens &c Son Wm. J. Challis, Salesman j - Nýewl Chevrolets aunt, miss i-nrissie k!reem-D iaLuci v Q1 lis , j Livillu 1 si! - (jet Your Paint, Paint Brnsh Muresco and Chi-Namel and Join The Iiousecleaniîngý Club Spring cleaning time ie here, and with it cornes the ever in- creaeing demand for spic and span cleaning up. We have ail the Our line of Martin-Senour Paints will do the work, it je 100% pure and a large assortment of colore tç o 4l§çt frqm. Cali and get a color card. In Kalsomines we carry Muresco the best wall and ceiling finish on the market. No brueh marks or lapping-looks like in- grain paper on the wall. Our Chi-namel wilI make your old pine floore look like EFardwood and your old furniture like new, Give yout' picture frames and lampe a coat of our Gold Paint and sec the resuit. Our Martin-Senour White Enamel1jei being extensiTely ueed for beroom furniture. Dont forget. wo, carry a fine line of Automobile Paint that will make your car look nifty. Chi-namel and Liquid Veneer furniture polishes. In the next two monthe we want to soli $2,600 worth of the above material fUr making your Homes look "epic and span". Ail goode guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or. we will refund your money as free]y as we took it. Ail phone orders receiva our special attention. W. H.DUSTmANý Phoné 74 3 1 M -L -L -1 - 1 1. a r> ail Ulý111()Sb M - -ý -- Ili - MAPLE GROVE HAMPTON BETHESDA