t 1 PF, CýN A DI AN ST A TrSM A N nd TB R BOW Id N- lqiLLE NFNs are publiehcfd every Tharsday rnd y Yi de3 i Ornng. reUspeUeteY. Ut 1'119STATESMAS (Alice, laines Block, zoaud 27 King-st. Wegt, 13oinaniille. , C ýanada. M. A. 3Jamen & iol . i lisbe" tand proprietors, et S.iper annum, payable îavnee.ofefrtthreu sinntba. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D.. C.U. ( 1 OLY)D EOÂLXT OWTRENITY 1U 'q -9 erwty. Toronto. Pour yveUr 'Atiendlnx PbylcSa~,n nl urgeox at Mt< OffiC*e and Rel4 tv*Wlungton nt. ât*lbDhonc, No. 109. RAILWAY TIETABLE~S FOR BOWMANVILLE, ïSw~D RNK R-AiLWAiV EXiprFS 8.2 a. ni. Local 6.57 a. m. Express iO,O a. rn. Local 945a-n" PaSECerger p i ~4s~~ I3 i. Local f54 p. m.* Pasb'nigr 7_ 1p. m. Local î_21 p. ni., "Daily exc'ept Siinday. CANAtDA1N PAC1F1IC RAIILWAY Goixe &T CSiGoùHQI-ST Jý, p1eai . 58a, Expres10.20 a.in. 'Local 8.20 a .'i. " .05 .q "}xpres'~4pIri. Local .8p i 'lJailvy exccpt Sun1day. GCOINËGJE AS r GOING WESi- Esrets ;645 P.- . xprss9 .4o a. la] xetSun3day., _Pape aniî Pain"t îiug a1É ilU ih o ubl a e aabe rics by LeweswI0ow CaH ~TobsrodncetorOtro îtlepigý firbemTtweenan Paror aïTOrothe Fulrains.an T1-unk Tiket Agenit or CE, RrPng Ditrict PsegrAgen1t, Toronto. J.H1-1.Hà Ju RY ,0 TYwn Agent, Phiono 78Bom vde Cream antd cî eam We want yor w uda-ppreciate a ph,îono eau o 1wt's. Orq oCea er LO., Notice ToAuÙto Owners The Jamies)n Pros, are busy. doing ail kinds of tire repairing.' lIving in YOUIr old tires and haveý tbeni re-tread, if tbey are woth, lb.' We nil] tel] yon st ýraight if they arenorth dolug. lIving (111 those spare îýtubesý and have theni repairel, We repair-puncdtures anid blowuutCsý at short' notice. Beturo and get ourprcso New Tires hefore yoc buy. W baud le oniy the bcstnies j aiesoen 8Bro S. COrner K n andSiivêr stS, Bowmanville iPcone 193 dTiogg5f or ia q!ii ff»If of e ' ew, FiIn fmflkPie 1~e , au - drig5if. o ieeiIiira odl, $We sfrong1Y le- commiend tthe purchiase of Thrift Stanps anid War savings Certificates. In this way yon flot only are aiding your couintry's finances, but are forùiing the Saviugshabit. Ihe Stamps ay be iiùrchased at auny brandi of- e TH VAMflARfl BANK 06WMANVILL.E ERANCM A.N. MCMILLAN, MAN^oEn Toronto, appeal toAbion Studentswho doLnt Care o WSoýe two, ,r hv c ronths tinvia Y01u r enter aniy day and continueû to Oî~duaio iftoa good pogition. Free BoIýokIet. WrÈitd W. il. Shaw, iPreslident. Sl1oes Repaîred While YOuÊ Wait, 1arn now lit 'a position to give you quick servic e and best ofwokasp as I haàve two sit ts Work Boots for Sale q, hae imited st2ock of good nbsantalWork boots for nien. Also .:5r1 viebeshoos fories and SiÎlverware ffTly ;apauckýagec of Mini Toa-lac. geenormiïxe( 76c per lb and 'nicke iiiý elery ackage, miade b, Canadian Wm. A. Rogen Lim-ii'ed andgarne cerifiateWithà every spooîn a fil pton Is Your Car Insured? fI not, you are taleiug muCh un- insrane gvesabsOIute protection On these five points:ý fisasued agaistbos on account ini- lies tethe puile., oý 2. POPERY DAAGE.Pro- tactsownragaint da i- iing front 3.COtTI ON ad TAIN SPORT- ATION, ainiburesvnwer for dm agfe tbsown ,ýcar cau'sed by collision or drn rnprain 4. FREA'meurs agIn t fire froni any cause. s. THEFr Coverstf0o car or man'y places. .1-- or cail t office sud let nme gi yen Insuranue Agenit Bowmninille1 OIIONS ON WORLD PROBLE Si" PY CHAS. M. ÉICE, B.1A., Lp. DENVER, COLORADO. Wilhelm Shc'uld B3e Tried. sý required to put lun forc"e an ntr Jhe-wtar blockade wheîîav(er it bcre TheArericau and Ca4naian 1de Dýýa 1necessity. If there 1sno Leagùe 'ws osee Wilhelrufoezofin of Nations there is no enforcing poe-wr comp-Ied to face the bais of jutcehîiud the peace treaties. A court is i a in'inal court. powerfu'Swbheu it bas, a court officerl Nom ithisM the spirit of v'engeance and police force to bWck t up. that Wansnlts this desra. Pt h19the AOjC0t cnitinth at the wor t-wllhosaer, One blochade bas been broken- for ail tïime to corne if the gantt of 1 the physical.-12-tbe nmaterial bloc'kadte. ag~gesv -war is )bought homç toi ,0! Gr1nan-y is open oto Te outside agai;n. -w'ho would have 'haSn the ch-ie-f Bat the other 'ý world, after fiîve years, benehchti~y eofits suceess. la lcoking upon Germany with differ- HoWeg~ and Hindenbuirpý, a-ysee' et (eye.lt inot sure of her. It to Ubah~ n aiifor their onceluannot forget fthe crif)cs charged inxpe-ial L-s~r uit the a4Jhi cannot -agalnst Kaiser, eciiiauers anid the be acceptait. The vý,er y effort cf thèse; anny. Tha mrroral,, the spiritual "blck- mlen, ans o01m1-Y thoupand1s of lasser'ade cannot be renroieçe by an -order-. Kaiser-worrship.pers in Germiany, to ý in-Counuci.lt xvii take yeary and o'tain i hirninly for their- forniej years to wash the stigna of subiar- King and Kpiperor is in, itself proof une horroxs from nt'he German mýe-r-1 bhat theue-stIiattaches it'hlis person hant mrn.The Beliàn atruoities a se4 e-enieçew i t'isfDot wMl rise te plague the German pcýip1e weSl that an y ansbou1d 'old -apon'for many a day. Mhe hasi of blond and so-caled divne jBuasiness, is businae.s, wý,e knwut right. TPo concede inmuniy on any aven behind intérinational business, ground that would roake a inonarch' there in a sentimient tbat must not be 1ess responsible for bis pdans and 'forgotten. thùîir exec(ution than the or-di.ary hu- j 'na.n 'ibeing is to deny a fundamentai Tfhat Oriental MNystery. Principlecof demnocrucy. . e e*No obJtdon can 1be offeïrcd tO te Wecavre ittie xvhut fate bfisUS. Senate rsluinrequesting in- Wilb Di rwhat punisihinent i.s de-. formation fronithe Sa earmn creed if he bechMd gniLty. We Jare and the Excecutive regardýing Japaniese neot vindicti-ve, nor do we wisht e1realisu tePaeCnrs' h hlm nade qa martyr B3ut w;ýe 'beiexre aijthenticity or Cther-wisc OF a so- The caume cf ori and peace WiILberMDled ~era4pns tetthe-- served if a xvict, based upon evi-j text of *whbich x~scabïed from FParis dence presented fr a f7ýome1t by rspasbie party, andwh Japar tribunal in a fair trial, gingui was permritted to hold ose.iu f c~bruatyfo dfhccis spqead the Shantung PFrovin(eCFcf hni aîd upon the records of history and the, gi-venp, daor"overstaei d1eliberate judgnrient oftho w orld is lalanqin i te Paciflc. "Open d(1iplom.r, e'sabis'hed beyond cari., c "euie this infor-ýmation; andit There are xuany coiutries which are "open diplomacy, ope'niy arrivcd t" ireined-to fllndecue for Gariiinany cannot refuse it. and ber f, ormer rul-oer. tri of * * * 4 CI secret treaties n'ld diplomatie in-~ At pýresent the Japh)nese cquestion Is trigues,ý offecred a proof that Germnany a es, and we are ory that tb.is is was, at leastin pa 1rt, tbe victini of a su. For yeairsand year bel'ore the PloGt, rather than1 the sole instigator grent 'war. German propaganda -was 1of a crime.The truth orealsiy of engaged ln sowing dseso owc these 'staries sbould bc settledi for- this country anid Je-pa-n, The ";yellow ever. iehy cannot le judged truly iiipari!" nias of Germran peaain thieir detachmeuit. Sme ay have Individuals and publications, that ap- fou1ndation, othe,-,rs my h b riae. e din their true lighit following, Only by a fuli, frïee open tiial, suchý as the outbveak 1,nie the chier bs.iters iný is propsed., ca-i the faets and ies tEls ' country. They h-pt a string cf 'ha separated, an(! facts presenteid in stories goin-g about Japaýnesedggn their interpreting relationship to the on the U.S. anid the Philippiines and nihMle. i eio. The seed found favorable t O t rpd. Race preXudice, aidad î)y It hi our, belief that the Goev- conoml c resure con the Paeificeoast, menit d the Un-xited States shoid c ýo- iride -us wi'llirig 1listeùçers to aliltha operate fully and_ heartiiy In b-ng wika taes. EeyJa.panese sr- wii'hnHbolrn into court, It sut w(as a j3py for hicounsr sent would bre an ,Irionialy il' tSié goreru1- herë for that pûrposeý, 'ment thui perssed in drawhig a The' feeling just 'miow is a nti-JIapan,- shairp linaeîbtvieeu the èesponii'F1ty ase. Japan's relationis ta the grant of Garmnany's ru-lors and tie respolnsi- war are xreil hazy so fer as the biilty cf Grimany's peoýple ahofiuld noni Amnerican public is eoucernad,. deelne to assist ln,proving that, it p e * * w& a jstifiad lu its poeition. Froni tbe If the "treuty" het-ween Jupani and 'hgnigPrasident Wil1son bas lui-,Germany, said to bave been centered sisted that the foïrmer Kaiser and 'hic into, hefore the Yvarcoed is genuine. immýïediate advisars nivera the 'reanIcf- then Japan iS the Maho'el f al fendars. Surely, th4 prasident wilîl t-he nations east anid vwest. The ,pro- rQct now ,evade the duty of convinciag Visions ýas puls ai araalned t Lhe p e opie and eonvicting Î4e Great Britaîn and thie US, JJapan and criîinals. Ceriav o . rtOii Oua Blockade Bre)kan, The.' principal nations tlhat were at war ni ith Germnan.y ltedthe biochada JO agint that country ut the close of thie niek ou the acceptane by the N,,ational Assemhbly at Waimar cf the Paris Pouce Treaty. The bokd niams the >thuinibscraw'thfat hi oughittho peotrubirs of Germauy te te2rns, Wjitottt, not ouiy the gover'ment )y but theGrna people would ha-vo îgniored or rcpuiaedte treaty. Iu rs ne ceuse iis t-har, ,oc a ne Genay as there nias a neniFrncdn 1871. The d ltter natin, agis its -,il]l and the pedpe'-s insýtin-ct, fhad be bcmr eld su chans y moareyTlie Napoleon- ne goVerumIïentof thatday nas re- pug' naut te the peopie,' and they va- sýented it. Thie- wvtý entbna lîgby they had a fo-reboding of nbtwould -, m coato pus Su 'n mpedigtrîug- -gla; tbey haýd nuo heart Sui efgt Lon bfer te wrci -i-lerianyt nias ofC'a.iynt anend Friance as, of inoaeia uorcand it niasi doin- su nit-h a-i.The France of 1914 nias au entivî,ely different Franc 'e tthe one cf lbaîf acentury before. lin Gernxany to-day the question is of a returu to a monuarchy heëfore the sig7natutres to t-be peaco treaty are dry. A pwarflai-nient ilu the em- menit as the boua hastc i'C O secureý va-ývenge andprp e fr anothler nirdnar. Basidec the caste Ifu enesniicb are at wrkto c ave t-beý igspa imanil uithorîity te boni a O beo t wSllatea enur o Thlib reat of a roucrn itothe'l ock ada nil1h l) thc t nS-l , iinti n Ger- m nnl iatocarry ot tlhaebiaf- requrametsof tepence tra-aty, Oua natio cannt do hat. ha US.Scte -ganer± p-roidevof -fo-odstufsne Lucb rani iat, L' ut by itseft Gemay ndthenurc eure tha se lanes. Tile Leangue of\Nationsq aderensive allianice anrjedistfributeý - sanari Chiina, and perbaps India betweeu tLheifor pee of influ- enace.", The 'Open -1-13 old alliance he- tieen BEritain and japai Se repudiated lu tbis Satar and secret documeynt. No officiai diseimrer has ýcomae froni Japan, and no official icadmission bas corne of its gnieaafrorn the o'ther nat4ions. But ilf the redty ls genine, nih)y di the îations vepre.. sted t Paris f.gïivoJaansncb un- Àsuaily gene2r&us ternis? Her part lu the niar, outside the littleasit ance on -ea rnerd10 th'l Priish dominions, nias ,slgit. Resentmnent isLe rvevywbere ag-ainst the aliotmeint of Shantung to Japaii. The provin(e, t is firue, -;ns ias heldby Gerniy, buit twQ n,-irouga do net mralie a igh.The procyince isa am 1t17 the key to Northl China and, in.pos session, the aui'itious Japaaese would constitute a màenaý-ce te that E mpire. ltiniatr he thýat t'ho- trcatLy between Gerniany and .Tapa.i .was mad(e ont of case the p1uibiiC sbould be üflficiaily made anarecfit; Ufit is rai,a -whole lot of exp)Ilnationis are due at Washiu-gton. At any rate, pienty, of fuel bas beeni added receëntly te the antiJapaas&flam lutbÀs couvtry, eithe by designing enamies of tha c U.S. as nielS as, Japan, or by Japanese double dealing. A READY W.CtAYPN AGA1NsTiN. Thaere ia notbtngeul to Dr. Thiafis' Eclectric Oil when WF-11 tbhed la. U penectrates thfe iss anýd pain disppears before it . There je o o ý'wP preparat. ion that -,iii lreacb the spot 4ike han thlis niagiýc'Ou. li-,consquance it rauks fire-t anloiniments uo offead to the public and liacode frat place aniong ThahpKind. naoagood wUiffr oohd sne day. a- niedicine e dfoind th t not ny acts upon (a somae ,but is so icorposed tha cetai igridietsoff pas-wai 'e0, -hog h trahbt inda Fction1 prgativ ard a cleanse-r of ret ffect- ivons' . rcesVeea i Pis aré of ibschacesdacth stf ail plis. !Durifng 1, 1lcarstatthay hava bcenl iiia tilp-v r esabii teni- scîv,,es as o otherpihs done.1 lu the Surrogate Court of the United Coantiles of Northumberland and- Durham. IN TILESRTATE 0F MARGARET ARýGUE. at tOeTownhlp of flarliugtoo, ýMarrIed Foe eh2bv *in pursuant to R 1914 in, Cap. 1,Sc.2,tliat ail pertout bavhg clailn agaînt Oie et4tç of the sald Mar£,area' Argue whio died o r about the 7th day cf j ulie A.D, v99 are reqnired teo tend iiy Pest Plopala or e- itorSý,,on 0oïbefore the let dayof AnxitiA. Il. 1910, the i n.iesaddresoes and descriptions and a fui> Htatem,ýint of particulars of Lheir clalms anS ý the atrire of the tecuritj(If aeOy) hid ,1hy then dny ctliPd, and that a tethalddy the~ Ecuoawili proeeed tod~i~te the asatef of the deeated among the, paï't,;ee en. titled the)ret0qlavlig regaed only te the dlams oM 1whlh tbýey aha1ýli en bave notice. DateS thit Sth day o! JnIy A, D. IPlO, W. B. N, SINCLAI»t. O0hSwa, ont., foloi' ~ , .Reynolds, RJ.MB, aok Enecutora boli1na, ont. 283i "HisMater's Volf1e" Red el eor.. Redudtion of Caa log Prices Masterpieces of ithe orld s Music bthe World's Greatesi Arti*sts now placed withîn the reach of ail1. 1O-inch size $1,25 12-inîch sizé$2.0 Concerted N umbers $ 1.25 to 3.5 now priced $3.50' 66 46 3.00" 46 4 ~,0 AS IN 2.00 48ils These populâr prices the, 7fllo»>ýi;îg -exclusive applyV la ail records made- by AI'aýsier'S voice' , AriiStS: Aida De LÙca 1-omer Ruffoe Bon J)etinn Journet Sammarco Braslau Emes Melba SchuanHhk Clmet ali-ùriMaorti nelli Tetrazzini CGÀ,to)t Grio conc hthl - ~nlpG-lua Pd e rew--skî Witesor DeGoorz Hefet Poell Zimblaliât Aay"ls ~~aeka'sVolc"dae anyniharel nulgiadly play any music yen niýsh te hear. erIneu, o ýineCo iitd onea ) J $8.00 Recéordsi 5.00 3.50 The OId' Melodeon. There, lkb somne ancient visitant Of bygo'ne days it stands; I1; yeiow Nkeyci a welcomng 1 tingers vauder o e hekeys, It ,walit,3 somie han's car-ess. jIt leansaans the chamber wali- Like sorne ,oid roen orn, Too weak t-o stand abone withont Assistance in thi-e Stormi. Its lhellows ga'plng wlde Is hung With cobwebs fo the floor; The dust units l eLýIokeys Is srwn hcl 'r Ah, in the atiilness of the night The anéient thlng it grieves, An1d plaitsi in echo to the soft, Lowwhie of the leaves. TiienfroIltle oneiy chanibor float Sweet tones, of Beuiah Land; A sii soh~g froni spirit tÙiroat Coueiby spirit hand. Dût thn he. light ol! morning talls lu glory everywhere, Thje Oust u'on the yellow keys Ïs Strewiug thickly there. F'roni Beulah Land the plmsyer came To spefl away the glooni; And passilig, left behind the sanie Sweet lavender perfume, CANADIAN PACJFIC CONVENIENT DAYLIGIIT TkiMINS 1,1211 VEEN TORONTO ANID OTTAWA (Daily ExceptSua) NO 38-IITHE RIDEAU" No. 3-TEY1K Lv. T4iornto......130 P. ni. Lv. OLou.....01> i Lv Whl;ty.. 2 37 P.ini. ïLv. Siiilth's; Falis 2 35 P.n. Lv. Ohva...2.47 P. ni. L-. Pert1h.........'.2.55 P.,m Lv. Bw*lvie 305s Pi. Lv. YKi'igso... 1.55 p.n. Lv. Port Hope. , 344 P, . Lv. Biltvii]e.,, 55Ô01p. in. Lv,: C1,tý1ig,.....35 p . L v. Tro4btOn. 5 3 Pi,. Lv. Coibor.ne. 4 27 p. n. Lv. Coiborne. 6ü25 p.. Lv. retn...5 07 P. Eni. Lv. Coboufrg......649 P.ini. LV 130lIevilie ... 5-30 P. ni. Lv. Port Hpe, 7.00 P. ni. Ar. Riàïstoi1 9 10 p.0 . vm -t- niWfl.,7 42 P.-ni. Ar. P .........8 Or,.n. v ~4a.... 804 P- M, Ar. S nii l's ai1,3 8.25 p.1ni.M Lf.Wity...... p. M. Ar. Ottawa....... îo.oo0 p. ni. 1 Ar. Toronto,. .....9 30 P. nm. Equiîpnién-t, Srîoleï, Coacli, Cafe, Parior anid Observation P~IrCar, 'W. B. HOdWARD, 1Dftrjct Passgengce _Ageut, T no C.1B. KENT, Agent, Post Office, Bowrnanivliie, A "NEW TRAIN THE T-FR.ANS-CANADA ALL SEPIGCARS ]BETW mEIN T _ORONTO YAND VANCOUVER FIRT TIP UNDYJUNE FIRST Leav TORNTO 7,1 ô p. ni. Arrive WN1E 9.05,p. nM. 2ad day k COALGA R Y 80 p. i. 8rd day 13A 1FF 12.40 P. ni. 8rd day Arrie VACOU ER 1 m0a. th day PLull, partÂculars frýon anly Lge11b. W. U. HOWA1ID, Di-strittPa-seengepovet Toronto. C. B. KnrTowii Agent, Pdst Ôfiuc.