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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1919, p. 3

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ïïiais About, Eatiug. Jt s vcwys lhastto-aat juet wben.t you arehugy though isot perisaps! lwas osibe.Tse digestive organsa repont ug~as te e ingaie Faqt la oodI Oýstesatabti is foalvay isible, n aarc Iead nOýt raseort esbut er, ketise Eski- mio. Tiseea >s fat net enly il memt, but In fitceeegslomiîk, t rnb!,ntls Are mni aday are ample for ay ý'htsypersea. Fu io ivehus ýhuiI elpsa eiseweenI niaýis asçlfie-asi.eal should net Ereb vgetablsfreis ssikfresis frIt, and fei eat are hast. $tale- ha tses Ciings Is net a mernt. Peop-lo vWl. have a long and isard daY before the aise huld ihegin withs9. realý goodbrekfas, an.dif iseoy are wivï,sa porrdge Met wsic iss baiskepi' inî CQ tOrage leseés aoind>gý, ad tihnnemntia"s are jUsat as îutritieiss as esh ; i hy have been propanlIy ia- WîCh regard te fat, bacon, has a higis food value; but suci s.biains ced, ak iad hdok which contain ne cil ike sa ronadthisrriags, have lit- YOU C 0l The kilown. Qinciiae lug Po me,ýnt. Cure these1 what ti-eatm( lirs. wnitea: attack ti'ied d trouble four il factaerï ijhase'm Cintn et ru rfeFle bother( Ccome CaI 28OfkCan a3%owtheJira abeece c I n inthebloo ai Ichthyosis,, or Fish-Skin Dsae tet teins freî P~UIsiPsh-sk'n d asor ichthyos--is,is0fh ~v4I-elp4~is-onditoiL -th egli it mrýay 'o-appedr -unatil tiselM i S second year or later in life. The dîis- out jrn ease der ives -'ta namre from the fa_,ct t ife that the gcales an.d corrugations o a ýUË Jotil Cimes change! 11The wayside thes skia resemible -ethc-r fish-sLaales or and olo vaengtrngis, is turned in~to a those of an alligator. We can deduet anY Kgi gasolinestation.from this condition cf thse skia tatOjm îchthyosqis isa disease produc'iaggra e V ïeas h the outer,kin or epiîder- ing 1 r t a n% i . ý La milder casestise poste>io>r before Iw o r k n Y sufc f the -lrni;s nd legsuare thae entire]5 '3e. 1 noe eocil ffced I elyChase' j. -'faed ~ ii'j!csetise ireae isoten mis- eend à OVe r -worked takeên fo ur eczerna. ea womatip wifh It is generally believed by ski x f e ~~ pareins bor r-lc itsta ise disease is incdurý- cI la- t Y e r e; able, and thse Orly thiag pcIssible to shoffld a's k do ito asigt te conditjon as miscis neilibr a posibe. J tis end, laikaline fr arc.balsadtheapliatoof various ointmens aad e-liontsare advised Kn s hInternai trere1!_-ýni_, except in scI far and Mis as t heipstoimprove the ,general îmet.T d ra gg e d eslh, 3esnoaccosssplish mucis. Meth down by the l ad tio o frequenPt aklie(eV.) pais ad al- ath, sasepreparations lîke cl beautifu - menti of har rea itise ddtin C3bot Ivirwin rendwil compltely cured by pa et fsaiyi cd rsn -of cf the tht epesaetonie imade, from ti olftdrvte obned Oshawa bsviLd ban ad ro6ts, and known for 50 th alcircdoreornhp St. i yasas Dr. Rercehs Favorite Prescrîp- gr etly tono'ytecondition. nep t'on When a woma s complaîns of back- In any case te drice of a sk-i iruiti ach, dizrrsess or pain-whcn çvcrythîng specialïst ,should be sought as to thse'Salem lo1sbîkb elja srcysadrgîn igîoL a t e naOf treatasent week. fclnor bearîîsg down, w ih nervotus- ýwhich Qho.uld be carried out. gives so ness, she shouid turn to thîs "terperancec I and horbal tonic, known as Dr. Pieorc's Fave- A Drge of Victory. the last rie reciptionit can ha obtaiaed in Lif t not thy trumnpet, Vctory, to tise cort E elmost every drag tore in the land aud sy who hs the sagredfients arc prmnted in plainEng- - rjes i&hbatlowh5 jîr ILh utiewr1se.Pu p ntablets or I tre îv engr'ave liqcîd. Drapier, o Iavais loe B But ovar tsoliows full of oiFwire go, Chapma liqid Dr Perc, f Ivaids Htel BfWhere, ainong dregs of waî, the long- wristv falo, N.Y., wîllend atrilasize fO-0'ents. dead lie .1cheque poiiro ev- rPe eîMedie 9 Wii wsadmn tt tia1guas,-,sseda token Woddihpto lme an&' ~men yrndere ,il hp ta ohr ms b anlSe e i% robbery aie. Wicommasl g!rî was s o - ýeW"! tey w :t estwad 4e a Rev. Ms' mohrtosiscouild never ralIe me. i tîde aý flow, an qs Ti gtocc ge vr doctors saiS iivould ITisera biow tisy trýumpet that theo u bav laV avanopemutio. i enftered t times oendmay now untold gn' My niether tarted ghving me da a nw Cobeul 'Faorie reerioio,' ndIt jnaiycurS m Wo witd for thy comîng, Vctory. fre cf~iai ruN.A trImare1 Used t cd by sg~s. fy ~l~renareeh eaiby ~S tr 1' t is not we that have desers ed thy Lard,i 'ii mdcne5 idr frte cvSv uul reath, \rT enfror n Ieuhihyreospdi > be waited there amng tetwr ci Rom, 15 Tecu~oeh waedsCh The deeüp rmnd burnecudr is he1 Z, OUROt l4 ite's breath, ute .4 soa. redabl e'eaateag A \,.Inter ccied tisaise ht Rr of tregof the,41 ~(' .'~ prepaid on roCei, Qi f pi' trea pamphlet. , Addr~'u; AnA hnast cmato tisens aitlatathvn TicOOKWIEDeI~Eco., Ist! sm crnasvanet e,.. an,, ' *-..-+-,.. -..n ~mrL 'J tU eva,,inv Mui, t'.aLfle? I ofihe His [ai j silucti I lie is Two Splendid, one i pleny oC Pca at fou shsuJ t' i te uo rprtaittat you fsho>ld bave the ed y -fýor ýa itopid ieand bovweb ls ha ý act freelC,,y and niaturaly. cwanîd Otherwise [ 'al congregatien presented Rev. rs. S. E. Griffith wiîh a music cab- l7heir i7ew circuit is Oronio. hodists at Nbrwocd presented Mns. A. M. Irwin wlth an address and cIl sîlver service. Rer. and MnS. -zarry with them the good wishes Norwood pecole to their home in a. [ary's Journal shows considerab'a use in its writeup of the Golden eCelebration cf Kirkton Methodist inciuding Kirkton, Anderson and Churches, which lasted over a The article is weli iliustrated and orne interesting history of Method- iits workers in that locality during ,t5years. R. T. Laing, manager of the Agin- branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia, now convalescent, was presented ved and a cheque for $70.Mis nan, assistant,, was given a gold watch wk'h an inscription and a efor $4ooý The glfts were given as sof appreciation of the services red lu doîling the receut attempt ai y at bank. J. W. and Mrs, Toiten, Totten- celebrated their golden wedding e 15. The marriage took place in rrg, Jone i5tb, 1869, aud was per- I by Rer. N. R. Willou4ghby, assist- Rer. Win. al~r nd W. H. ?11 of bhemiaýe passed away. oenafter f'àfty ý'tse yeai's of workis IcaJedin Tttenlia'm, is Gownv Mrs. Totten was NMiss tte R. Burk. of aobrîg. fohen- selentheath udare very happy R.H Leitchý, Ph. B., is dead, pasedawa sddelyat Edmon- in Sun cday ly6.»lie was weli- aini 3;5ycf QuiAnte ,Cenference, been tans Lrrd fom Port Perry e-n years ago eAUierta conference. 'îth as u ýicof thl-E most beloved inembes of h Mihodistministry. ndlynatue ad stengsocial in- made hm eceigypopular, ;urvived I ' his wife and tiwe sons, Can Depend on Dr. Chase a Dintment te Bring Rei f andCure., ebsftletcy of czeMa is welj' 1.The faci thai -Dr.Clisasei's mi b las bean )abý le te cure ln tho usost Lcavea cass N th cof of tthe exraodiryheal1- îwars of tj tnadoit- s auch as a -re described ila lattera g )")Iylusema cýidea of 'ou 1ay1,1V c fïrm ibis eut, tFrank e Wadgýe, Mhî1and, Ont., i:"Oaa of,' my boys bad an z f ee an ad aIthiou-hI lifferent prepa,,railons, fer ibis !'ils ei l as usedlcInas 3frein octorswe cuat et aatis- y resulis. iually, 1 tried Dr. 11dithgv gred esuts.We godtrecatmenýFt i cftlhîs oint- aud lu a sher i ie tha q wàes cura-d. Ibave aIse uised iaut wlth grat ucceas for D'bes a îaeh ion my face, icau5serl me ,axgreat 3cea1 ot e. After applyInýg Dr.hase's let I founciistnree. ssirht eh o aeaie hat Dr. ai'výi beeftteas.I ea lfn wvithl a stoppage In. my nose ead, but the Catarrb pewder ad !t, anS I3 bave not bean aSc in Chia way nei P. ~ ~ ~ 1 H.Vaa 5 William HmlnOnt., wrltes: "I igbl recmmeu Dr.Clase'u etL, ha-vlug uedit with spian- stewbe e aol eothe s faliai!, Hce girl, agei 3'A- ve-sf-bjrokç u mnali yliwblIstars, orbich i nto scabs Tey c amre eut çret laces on baT face, ani ghL- Y trieS a getmany salves ,od. 1 got a box 0 f Dr. chase ,a et,' and aftSer- a feor applica- I 'could sathlie ~csof IL ïvr saw a n-ew son t apear- weuid apply tht cinlimtioi, aaï,d ethe box was firlibed cshe waaS [y curaS o! thos-e h rrc ore8. you wiould lika te t1ry Dr. s"' Oïouiment at caur epne à, toro,-cent stanip t"py'o) t d ore shall mail yeu asa,-1 l ee. Fuit size box 60 cents, ah eaiera, or Edmnisoln, Btes &, "Go tiscu iby way, sud we go ours, Apart, yet net afar, Only a tlin ral hanga beiween The ahwys ziiere,,we are, And God keep, waich 'toreen. thee and us, This is our prayer. Worms in children work haver. These pests aitack thse tender liing of the in- testines sudI, if left te pursue i heir raevages undisiurbed, w Iui ulimately prfh4e c wall, because ih ese werms are o! thepbock variais' Ihat dý;ing te and feed upon ipiter- ior suarfaces. Mîlher's Worm 'wdr lhl net onîs' exterminate ibese -oiorma et whatev-tr variais', but oui serve te re-7 pa1,i ibe 1ujury thes' bave doue. Tisa Royal CanadîIan Nerthwest Mouated Police are' ýgoiag te f use meo- C'or trueki in the prairie. districts for conveying isupplies -teolaedpartýs, anti, as ambulances. Meiber Graves' Worm Exterminfator oi drive worms fremn the system' with- eut hjury te the child, hecause its action, whiile Sully effective, is mïld, Many Mines May Be estroyed Owing to DesertÎon ef Works Enggedil Puxping Operations-Shortage of Ceai Ci-rpples Briîish Manufactures. Lodo, Jcîly21. As a protest eissential tisahe at'ty of tise mines, agains tie icrese f ishillings joiaed tishse i r. iretofore, sucis ýworkers have iseen -r allowad te con- ha isaprce E caI whciscaa ltotinue at tiseir tak uring strikas affcttoda fllwig ha refusal of Fory ve thuad(s ý'Salso the Mnr'Fdationtoaccept a want on sti k o il, thý10erbyireds comrois uo tise w,,,age -and otiser1 trict, as a prois gaa is.e increas-1 qIuesi .,tosad f miners in'tisa1ed <prica cfcol Masllddsrite ottinghamshire, ¶Three m i atise Yorkshire dis- eusdtog- dw) into tise pits tiss trict are fodd and twelva o)the raornng Tise m n unother districts! are ]'lkelv elefle ilii itrh are exeea t o likawise, despitea a ay or wPrme Lloyd Gog tiserccmmedatoa h tie fdartîos anounad o-dy l tise lieuse oA d~ 11 lisrhcrstha wok h rotiaad ommnsafi rasult of tise pucmp- unti tie Gvermen scth ie quesj - tile, So r o tie mines, hela Von of;pace ratas growing out of tise sidwUid ha inadTiseGaera- inreseuntieceai priée. mn ssnigmnfrpom thea fleet Sema 200,000.miners likewisa are to id îJînin ppýn ont isa mine.. oct la Yorksisre for an'increase ý 41M lod er sid tielat ýa ages granted by South'Yrki 2rtanty -f Our iou'sh iwi -J ~ mine owners, cujact to approva-l h Žv n nrcd tldvip tise coal qontroller,,The WstYo, - m n ï,b inr's2ke i~ a .h-i, - Oe:nars, isowever, witisdrew v/from' tise Yorksls e in 1,sd ola ot th~s agreomnet -- - tise Unssp asen c ierl ~ x ad HORSE ROUTES. BARON POLWARTH 1m9](50) the putre bred Cyedl ile import- ed by Rý'ober I)Britis, the toperlv cf W. J, Tabbu, fyrenec, wilI m , akce !!he ses o 19119 as ýfelleîwsý L\Monday May 26th 1 wilj leare bis o)wnsabe ot 1-z, co.. , Danihgonandpreeedte Suas Wil- liams', lot 22, cou. 6, fer nigbt. ' Tuesday te 'Mn. Fred Nicholq, Courtice, noon, theuce te Albe-rt Rundle'sih.Wd nesdav procecedte Rebi. Beithh.iWnrter- 1ev Stables, Bewmanviflje, nnoe, thce te IW. S. Bragg's, Kingsten Ro,On.igt. Thuirsday te Ho Iarvey 3arnie's, Providen)ce, neen, fihence te bis ownr stable for ciýùt. Friday -te Normn n oolecs-ran, theuce te Audreor Sharp', con, 8, Dar- lin-ton, uight, Saturday te bis ewu stablýe until Mcnday meruing. Terms $î' GREATER P.ARIS ,EEN,. Statistician Expects City te Have 6,000,000 [nhabit anis by 11970. Dr Douglas, noiw ovrscas, and Roy, bàuk manager ai _EdMwalon. Aneiher son Reglfnald died a few onh ao Ownrs iEhoms l Ctwn-s andI cities aheudbc) ope d ekeepi tbem inpro~er tate (cfrapi.Pr thar, asProf. Siaý3sus ayî, If eue cities ara te ha saýtvedfroaibrýeadlng. groundr !dffiiLseseand criýieit la eesayto Iný4ist that tise bouses be.- prýoperly constru.LCta e egin wiLth;I hat they be kapt in good 2epair;i Chlat wisen 00y ,bey ar1nolonger kaept iha god r xePai-fer every bousýe bas its daây-Cbait tlîey isaîl not smpyba closed, but shaîI leIié emoll8had, and at the expense e! thfalc orner, r.Only ,I Ln Chs ca a townt or cit'y ha a plaee fit1 for thse rcaPlug o! Citizens,. Tili ïIm-Paton iReï,eew ýasks- "Is it rot aboýut Cfime Chat country aditorsý were qLriking fer an algly-ht-'urda'y wih oulepay for overtmami- îImniInceme 9of '$5 par day, the pay- nient cf aI] arrears of ubcipinsIy tle Stt, old tage pensionsIrl ratiring alloorance, Cwo mnii el days ench year witb double at n free transportation, and a compaîensîa- tIon for volunitLry idIeness, anîd a participationii ther people's rfis E verybudy as is doing it. W/bat is ie u~? Auything oua getstias ias ll oin taxes-aad gasýolina." Rer, R. A. Whattam, pepular paster of Mark-st'. Methiodisi Churcb ,>Peterbo.-ro, For past fou:r years, who new gees 10 o- borne, was, i the annual social, presented wiîh a batflset cf bocks, fifty vol- umes, ',The Harvard Classlcs", Mns. Whattam, a hazndýime music cabinet and tray, andI Miss E. 'v. hattam,pastor's sister,1 a gold-nsounted parasol, the recipleuis, beîng taken complei)ictele by surprise. A very flue ades expressing appreciatien fer paît labrs ncl crt a p nsd extenlding zb2stý">lsefOr tbc>futu-re in their neto fiel, as read bMiss Sargent. One aagabreads:, "We feel ore can neyer repî>ay yeu f'or wvhat yen have doue fer MakSretCrcuit. Your example oralorysof euatoandIcf ycu i't mauy tru-ithfully be said thae you "Ilured te bighier toonîdi and led !ihe way." Mns. Whattam was aIse kindly remembered by the Choir, which presented ber with a Many ailinents are caused- 5,y stomaclh we.akness. Faulty digestion leads to, l2uhlQmv,sess, sick headache, 2 hyconiin fth itoI1cl~an jo c iiIge ;1c4 ~~ o-teci~as fyu -~tre~s-tfike--isgrvnrotyasrss4ered-r±frrt-nThrv-Irrmfl ~n 'hc~ rn,~r~c ~ * as s esy scrî~sus, becaus~ tisa workars i soffariag fr ir. ~l i î-e v r sL - ,"lr' lse'e ~ns il-e ~'Jorid. enasced hi pi 1s5sng anA other labrr w te taiirct ,,.,n s t n ,'uctisn. II,,e'~S '~'XJ-. a, L> London, July 20.-Peace was celebratad by the Br itish Em- pire SaudyPot only in London but in evcry part of the vast dominons ver hicih floats the Union Jack. London's great vie- tory parade ,Yas, of course, the most spectacular event, of the day, but through.,-out the country 'every city, town and. hamiet held. a peacecrial Religions srvices, processions and sports made up the- rgam nnai vr place. In some -places, particularly the saiersrtbtisof flowers faurdthe day. EverywThere the returned heroes ofcth-- war weiehonored, wethM1er they apae in khaki or mfi hs erlae from theerisand hardshý,ips of- vr e hemryaig Tho)se wodid11not reýtiurn from thffe badt(leflelds, howverwere no ogte.In e-very twnor cc*tl, ictthere were pr--ayerîs for the falln, nd a a hin1edic ated to,) the mmo of -a dead London bas not wtesds ucli a ceilebration sineet'he late Quieen Vcoi' diamnond ïuie n 1897. Buknga a1ace was d*coratded on0itsex,ýerior for the flrst time-i in its his,ýtory. Iluge flags oflth allies floated f romn the upper wndwsfmd a wide srae fpri n dtretched a1 ;crosa ,the, ae, Te royal paviloeetdcoeto th-e batflVcoi ou ment, added color to the s r triing see King Ge rfom 1his seat on týhe saltjais, hdaclear vie, through a colonnade of ornate white p yions, reachi ï-g for' more th an hatfî-, a mile to the Admýiýaltvy arch. The itroop,)s iarch- ed past the reýviewing stand Vto the nmusic of'oznsof military bands. Althe Do-minionýs, Cnad lctudd,1 hadtrops -in iithe line, A mgiietrcpinwsgvnth)e marching hqsts ýby the million-s ofpeole ho iessete oreos petale Graht>,m Flour - Whole Wheat Flour XXX P]?ast ÊY Foi Royal F Pliur forBr If you cannot secure these popuflar g rades of Flour from y oui' grocer order direct from us. C hopping Mill feed chopping doue wlîilo pouwait. 'Your patronage 'îolîciýed 'and satisfsctiùon ý,-caTënteed. Phoe,29 e rzoosreit ryC itinin (cune) A statistician wlso has ruade a stsîdy of the growth'of the population of Paris astimates that the city, withIs its present limits, wîll have 6,000,000 inhabitanits ln another haif century, and that the population of the Depart- ment' of the Saine, which haô thinks wiil then be anpart of the-capital, wlI bave Iacreasad te, 14,300,000, say3 a Paris despatch. Ha baqss is figures on the actuai devloaset f tha cit y sînce 1800 and on h progessie dnsity of the popu- latonwhiisweat from eighty-flva té th- acr l 161 té 146 te the acre Min ti-re territorc ftDpr tme t!tis Saine and some comnises dtisa De. partment of inete 0Olse LIKE A GRIP AT THl-E THRoarT. For a djisease ibat is net classed as fatal-there is plobably noue which causes more terrible suffeing-thna4ma---Sl.ep--is -impose-- ible, the sufferer becomes exisausted and flnally ihu gh the aitack passes, is leftinl unccasing dread ofdiii return. Dr. J. Dý Kellozg's Asthma Remedy is a wonderdul curative'agent, Lt immediately relieves the restrioted air passages as thousauds can iestify. It is sold bi' dealers evcrv- where. .-Thse Great Wall ofE China is 1,250 in mies long. Iaicding the parapet, it it twenty feet higis, and tise thickness £ aisfrom Cx enty-five feat 'at ise yase e 0filteen feet at tha top Warts are -unsighily blemishes and coras are paiuful grewihs, Holloway's Cern Curewiii remove ibem. Tise cycle of cclti va.tion during tise crop yaar consista of ýafter isarvesIt cultivation', fal plouglsing and srn seed-had preparation.ý Each ofihas threistinct phases must ha pran. ticad sseaiai if tise moast suit- ableseed-bed conditionis ara te ha con- sistently maintained, fs'nulne beors 'S/goatrrp Moey wt 'lewiod is free. Puts ito work on yocr ferm-. it wHIeut yourc etore tCen iahafn aeyou laIsor and m-aoioo and cary ore ,ha t on ofwatee 'ued.eer day r on average .faIrm. A foronto WI7,d ýIliý wiîll put cho wind te wo k 1 on youif rexîNot lu u old -fashioneýd way Troato odmlisarensden-ig rong, effic-' ient, requirîog tittlc!eit'u oaignoiigte ra, wrkngquîetly aIl timCoe. Toronto Pumýqcand Tornt atJ ,t sco--mpleta el a se6rvice. Gio e i iewtro atier pressure at teaps i' erywIseýre o A)farm. dieor calectîinoo Water Ssti.Wei edheere eaytioe beou u amw and addres;, :5 -I-výrv-Drcttv-àlrer-stizar and creaniset-.-'-l i 1 v -u.apuekin LoIra _ijunsany. 1 lu tiie FigIlà-1 Theprcca utiliýty of the Overland, Modal 90 basI' attracted the aLttention of entire conmunities and created a eten of approvai! that i constantly increasing. lu awakeiii pblicappreciation to the doo clvlu ft'he automobile) in geneurjal the Overlanid bhaa hs an important pat.ü Overi 600,000 of thes-e dependable cars are today seviîn, their owners efficienttly anud economuically. (0-f nl~ tJhese 600,000 Cars mrethan oeffhaeMdl9 a car of such attractUive appearance and teligpcàr- formance that ownviers everywhere praisýe Its economyý ' and practical valuce. Public appreciiation thJus wo and epesdis yoar sfeguide labuinga ar CIl at my garage ad e tis year's Ove)r]a inmdels anLak for;-a demý ykstat ýinci. Fou

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