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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1919, p. 6

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Iwas not a-ble to do") y ork wnt c 'bac c oe-afof il peri-shbl)ecoprsd nd eacachs.AI in thiis country before the wrwr fren clld yalowd o -go; to wvasýte. Thr-ough at; atten_1tion to Cone of te on o mode11 mthods of pe àyour newspaperorier ratien adivertisements and (r!ng anin,'trig1n ~%a~l~~ saýitg) t i prcetaa of fo011 three botties of pengeatly reduced. LyiEPinkham's Of the fou r methods of preservation ~Veea b 1e Cern- -drying, canning, steoring and sait- ~&% poeurlkn fr me ing-widely recommended'f or use dur- 1.Aftuýer ltfine w ing the past f ew seasons, the first is, aricl my trou-,bles caqsed by thaqt wel-k- w ortyfspia considr#ion.Th xes are tIng f te pas t. Alil wor111nn se of drying, or dehyýdration, is wbo u 1)FifetPras I did shôuld try Lyd ïa E. especiaily applicable toý those crops Pinkh)ans Vegetable Çonou 1" which can not be stored satisfatiy Mrs. JAt. ROiHR1ERG, âo2Knapp St, as weli as those whicli ere difficuit te N. F,. , u t su gPa. I Wome whosuifr fom ay fem cn, particuLarly on a small scale.ý weanessidiftron~i nnaCCmf i hee retw cmthods or systems 1 3of! inflmmaton, lcertion irrgulaitie , dri- suited te the handling of sur- backache, headache, iervousneuss or ls rduefrein the averagef amr* "the bles"shul ccept Mrs. Rob-Th first of these systems includes the berg's suggestion andx give Lydia Eopatkinàf thre majority of cook-stove PinkhaOsvýegeab!le Compound 'dr(,-eing contrivances, the rn&ist satis- tboouh tia. fatctory of which is a set (>f lioth oi Fo r-tfot yaà tba Qee creen-bottom trays arranged horizoni- corrctig suli limets.If yen ibav mysereu CnillatOO 'wite for tally over the *kitchen range. The adrce o LdiaE. inkainMediceine second system comprises the operatier Ca., Lynur, as of f an-equipped commercial driers, or Londn, nta rio September 64th to l3th, 1919 Thisis ~e Grai gricuiturat nLxhlbits 'TwNO 1 Attractions 1John J. Jones the Sfpeeci Events 1 Better IMldway exy Best Dafly 'iln lvor Exposition PIrN il 0OF MUSIL FIREWORKS EVERY NIGIIT PUH 00)SHO0W TRACTOR DEMNST RATIONS Â~to E~t eie~ co, ueds geronSts Isuil Entrmance atQ~ates ,i'ý d Stand 50e and 25c. Prie Lbt~, En r msn andi ah inforrmatiou froni the Secretary. LT OL . M tAI-TSIIORE, President A. MY. IHUNT, Secretary 2 4P ef,-.-S rrw higej-rog, $ 12. 0-0 -for$8,O00 6 T, -n,,,ats, reg $2.9,5 for $1.50 9 H~mnecis t cest Sorei dorsand window scrcens at cost Au îTre u TuLes at cost Pari Gren nly6,5c per lb Bug Deat aJd B1 gFinish a t rcduced prices 1ha1pies Sprtr e,~ $85,00 for- $65.00 Fa cm~J~hne O, thbe t Ihabývehainî 6r Guad~,S~itioïsKiire ç p1ee ad Knife hed to fit Deering 1- rk, and Masseyliarris Machines at * off ý2 NewWsshng Mchnes Reg. $15.00 £'or $10.00 1-190 Orart,,tken iLa exchange for power machine, regular $220 fr$1500.9 1 chuu, cguia 'l2.0ü for $10.00, Chî1drn(ss gns, doU -,etcx,-at reduced pks Pent sn Oveail heow to-day's wholesale prices. fla Frj Sppei ad Eope Ioelear at cost. 3 IL.'n ueis u (tu te C Phoe 1 31. Cpen Day anid NIght. Bowmanville dehdraors whch uy e had la Iiesadapted for tar use.Diîers et tis type usually cousiat o horizon- t-al or a sightly iraciiniîd tunnel or cabinet fittad with a steiji ouor ai hot-air furuace at one end and a large exhaustfan at the othar. Tray* con-î taining prepared produca( are placed in thre cabinet or chanîýber threugh whi-ch is drawn a eurreat et heated. air. Aýs theheate air hecemes meiis4ture-ý laden, it is remored and replaced byl tIre fan, thus raducing thre time ord-1 irarily requirad for drying by abocut one-haît. ý1Net ail kinds et products can beý dIried satisfacterily. Ina tact, little or' ne attampt shouid be made te dry those crops which keap well la ordin- amy sterage, unnes- through drying the crop can ha marketed te, better ad- vi antage. 'Ina a cases an attempt *Shonid be made te sacu re a first-ciass *product tram echkiad'et produce ýhandlad. This mYeans that enly pro- duLce et good quality should be usad. -Cul traits or vegetables give a cul i.produt-that is, one et inferior quai- î1iy Ail produce sheuld be thorough- !y and carefully prepared. a Temperature best suited for dryiag rvarias between 110 deg. lanrd 170 deg. F. In the commercial drying plants, produce is odinarly entered at the aaire is lowest, preferahly 110 deg. te 130 dag. F. Trays entered hare are shiftad gradualiy toward a higher tempaature (toward the steain colis) as drying progresses, and the produce is fiaished off and removed at a tearp- erature et 150 deg. te 170 de g. F. In thre drying etf produce- over the, kitchen range, an attempt should be madle te duplicate this temperature. Thisns ordînarily be accemplished by iowering the trays nearer te the tep et the store as drying progresses. Apples--Apples dry best when peel- ed, cored and siicad on hand-power or belt-driven machines, bacau-se tIre slices are et unit crmiithickness, and such suices idry hast; where a hand- powar or bet-drîren machine is net available, speciai effort must he m-ada te secure unit erm suices, praferahly three-sixteentlrs et an inch la thicir- aess*'-Atter slicing, the prepared, frudts shouid be piacad in a four par cent. sit solution for fitteeni minutes. Then rinse, spread enae-hait inch thick on trays and dry as quickiy as pos- sible at a temperature et 110 deg. teo 16Oag.F. for dryîing shouid he young, tender, and uniforin in sîize. Alter beiag washad and snipped, tbey shouid be cut crosswià ilute oaa-hait inch iengths, or rua through -a rotary suceer, bianched fer thraee minutes in boiiing water, cold-dpPeýand driad la layers ene inch deep at a tempér- ature et 12a deg. te 170 deg. F.' Carrots-Carrots should ha washedl peiled, or scrapad freetfeter skia: cuti lto three-àixteanth inch alices, or, three-îgts inch cubes, blanched -two-minutes-in hoiling-water,--dipped- in cold water, spread frein oaa t<joe and oae-tourth inches deep an trays and dried at a temperature et 120 dag. te 170 deg, F. Frein six toe ighi heurs' tiare is required o dryiag ai -tis tenuperatme Cauiflower-lends et c'auiifleweî must be was'hed, separatedi itC6'parts 1or branches, cnt one-feurth incir thýiclk hy means cf a sharp knif e or rotary suicer, blanched t hree minutes in ball- ing water, cod-dipped and dried in layers frein three-fourths toeirenchi delp at a temperature et 105 deg, tc 150 deg. F. Peas-Peas ghouid be sheiled hibanched freinie te ene aadoe-hall minutes in vigorously -boiing water, cold-dipped and died in layars fromr three-fourtirs te one inch deep at ap- proxiirrately tire saie tempemature as that giren for string heans. Pumpkius and Winta-r Squash- Thase, h-ndlad un the same way as summer squash, gîre a satisfactory Ciantebnae;Sidiyalr7 rg ~î't,, Qrc.~raaad Uc ri tc. eeiimove and tgtncap ecxcludi - aIl air at onice. il, Lars or cnanr utnot 'Thay she,,bul cool fas qickyasp siare. M tj'z 17ýj rmay break. Best use a beard, Avoid drafts on bot jars., A~ ~ ~ LdFII5 F 13. When cool, test to sei hr is ayleakage. jars wîh la (% ~should ho emptied into other crtLain-J ars and reprocassed at onc e' 14. When cold, store fo.od ia a cool _____place. If storerocm is net dark, wrap jars in paper. Pe vnledby1Fur ilies At Parting. The oflenu ~ra UIICIIB Let thus goed-bye et--our-thls good-bye--' 53 ~ie-~ari~ST. IULL QE. Be -stili and splendid like a forest in aMY ýpin , othr madicine tree; is se good as 'F'rit a:-tires' for Or like the handset Silence holding Indigestion and Con1sti pation. up For years, 1. sufeii,, with these Thre bine and bumning corners ef the dreaded diseases, tiu g ail kinds of sea. tr6ataients until I wïas told I was> Let there b 1e one deep look within our incurable. ,eyes, One day a friend ,,-ltold 71me te try Bult'et the 'wonderment eft tiese 'Fruit-a-tires'. To mysurris,1Ipast years; found tins medicinc gare jimmadiate Teq' vast a thing of beauty te be lest relief, and in a short finie I was al Ia quireriag lips and burning floods riglit again". DONAT LALONDE eto tears Back te the chaos efthtie worid, we go 50c. a box, 6 for $2,50,ti size 25c, Shinlng with one sweet secret ne At ail dealers or tramu Fruit-a-tires one knews; Limited', Ottawa. Crutches et dreamis to help us on our pati, Freiisniow te tender petaling efthtie tmays tends te shorjtan the drying rose. Aeil oducssoud Srideo o inS lour places we lift irigli our ireads, teAl prventthai frd ein apili ng h n That;none. may flad iritin lour caim., hoeld n under- rdunar soaige. Dred 1clear eyes 1 helduhdr or-inry sorae. DidTire secret that twe travelers have me- or dechydrated ape carry apprexi- und niataely twenty-fire -par -,cent. moîsture. tAnd s wyterkyt aaîe Uowever, a pmod>Cuct irýhichi has- lesq -Archibald Suiivan,. mioïsture' will kep)te b)etteýr advan-- tage. 'When thoriouighily dried, theýASa hwr slces of apples or vegetables shiould tr hwr approach a, brittie sag.In general, Thre sett mosaiceofthtie Milky Way, r te qalty t te rodct s et ffet- That arches hearen with lereliness tead y ofthe rdu-gh4ri noaf- 1d by aigirt, 111 it is net aliowed te scorch during theHafetd warsstWioro drying proceas. day Man veetaieswhih aaptthan- Te pare a primmese patir for earth's selves for use in the torm et vegetabi e _________________ meals, such as pumirpkias, tomatees DeC)ne0t sfft and peas, nray bec ridte a brittie.%ZnOther day w1th stage and ground immrecliately hrou1gh lg or ro1truid. a hiand grist-mill. The rmei may hbig ils.N storad, utlneedad for use_, I'in lpper iaL tti en reqireci. cartons with cdesýe-fitting-l covers. Dr.Chas's Ontetwihl releve yen at oncq andasX'3 or Einanoen, a & a bx;ail Aheme-made cook :stove driar t ihat dalel nsonaiu at"- s & Co 0., LînVed. caa be usad on a wood or carngýe Tororto. Sanple box free if yen maentlop tis1 or a kerosene store can ha niade easiiy sper and enclose 2d. stamp te pay postage. and cheaply. Dimensions: Base. 24- x 16 iches; height, thirtysix inches. A base six inches high -is made et galranized sheet iren. This base slightly flares teward the bottom and bas two sasl circular epenings for ventilation in each etf the four aides On tihe base rasts a bex-like frame made of strips et wood one or one and oe-hait inchas wide. The two, sides are braced uiih oe and one-1 quarter inch 'strips ihich serve as leats onwhi.hte trays in the drier reat. Thèse are pae three iniches apart. The frame is co-,veed vith tin or -ýý gaianze shetirn, acedto the K- wooden .strip's et tLhec frnme. Thia *strips of woedma be used instead of tin or sheet ireGn. The deor is - fitte on'sinalil lrIges and fastened 1 wîth a thumb-latch., It opaens wide se that the trays ean be removed easily, a plaece ef perfor-ated galranized sheetTh oti ttediri aee iron. Two inches above the hottoin is placad a ýsoid slieet of gairanized ýiron s- which is thmae inches less in length 3000wh d a.nd' -width than the, bottom., This -ta eiblt shee-t-rests -on--t-rewires-fastentd tu- hof laging, the' aidas -oftÉte <rier. This prerents o n oni sthe direct heat frein coming in con- tact with the product .and serves ais a A Reduced to tradiator teo spread the heat more evenly. The first trayis placed three Btnwt luches above the raffiator. Tie- trays---prat m o re:st on the cleats three inches-apart.ipo sA driar of the giren dimensions Will 1 . Hot Spot holà eight trays. sedea Y ?he trames efthtIe trays are madesedera et crie-i-ch trips on whirh is tackad 2. 'lm p Jec galvanized ar7een wire, which ferais thre bottoars oethte trays. Each tray .3. New type o is 21 x 15 inchas, making it thre ewuh inches leas in leagth than the drier. 4 e po 1The lowest tray when piacel la thre - quality. f drier is ushed Vo the baickç erng--. f,- the tirree-inch spice la front. The tafrtt uaxt tray is piaced eren with the front, tefrtt - laving a three-inch spaca la the back.Aniprt Tre ether tra.ys aiternat rlaieLCsaine -way. This permits the heaata&air te it a greater N -pass ýarouad and orer the trays. s There is a ventilator at the top. Wnsr Cautins l Caning.Thus if you 'I have left. Iphore 203 Hgg Ly'tie Lirnited hoe2û, seit Oshawa ioo Cotro Lien~s 3633arid 1-0-4 and 6-333K'2 I3cst grades of Coal only kept, also Wood af i'cu have nfltodrd orWinter sýupply yet, ycu a etrd s si shbl oavtc any day. EXCELLENT SERVICE c U ET E 1 Am ND 1NTERIMEDIAPE PIT tù.45 105 Lv. TORONTO Ar. *0'3 t 11.00 *1.20 Lv. PORT HOPE Lv. *4.57 f62 F.M. A.M. P.M. LNOON *D~y. taO'r'cept Sunday. Parlor and Olnlng Cars anr Cmfrtbe ")b Y D. Standard Drawlng Rlom ir BuffetCmat mmnt Gare and Comform5bý .a*4 by fNibht Tiketa and ù,formatio,, fr- m .at Canadkaa National. Ry&. Agpnt. R. L FMRBAR. GP.A. 9 93 Toronto

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