1 LISTLES89 PEEVISIIGIRLS Suggstills for Uhidr~'s llttt~Wisea a girl la bier tecas bacames for ~peav is, isitle-ss atidm1,(bi savhn aothi- îng seama sta iaterast hbar and daintias do not tempt ber zappatite, you May ,ha No. 79110-Ch;ld's Ramper No. :8976-Infant's Set Prie, 15 cents Prit eî, 15 cents Smocked or shirred. Cut in 4 sizas, Dress wrapper and sacque. Cut in r3 vnnthrs, 1, 2 and 3 years. Size Il 1 size. Dyress, 1% yds. 40 hits. ide; r eqi ir es>, 1iý'yds,2 7 il -s. -n Ï de, eci1 wraplier, 2 yds. 27 lus. wide; Sacquie yds. 36 rs. w"ide. ~3sydý. 27 ins. vwide. McCllTrnserDesgpu No. t9Ô for MeCall Transfer Design No'. 448 for smocitYig, anud No. 448 for featis2 eâ ieher-st-1tchinig; No. 607 for scallops. stitching. Pr!,ae, 10 cents ecch, Price,' 10 cýents eaei, No. 84-hl' DresI9 No. 8978-Girl's Set of Urderwear Pr5ee, 15 cents Price, 15 cents Strnight skrt and long îleeves, ut- Uuderwavist, straight gathered petti- tached to underwist. In 5 'sizes, 2 coat and two stLyles of drawers. Ia 7 ta '0 years. Size 4, one material, 1-3/ sizes, 2 ta 14 years, Size 8, under- ydsý. '32 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 40 las. wist, dart-fittLed (ïDs.wers, Ilh yds w 'u. 8 ls.'ide. 'fTii:eo pttim ay be obtný!.ed from your, local MeCail denier, o from 4h McafiC, 0Bon(t . nrnn ilp.W solvad. Tisase probiems fal -into fouýr ganeral groups; those raiating ta tise causes of ave-production thosa that cancarnatisa supply, cisanacter, wall- being, and stability of labor, tisa pro- blamuiftise -cantinuance o! -priVate fore,ýsaend af stumipage, suýppy, and certain questions reiating ta aur pub- lic farests. TR<raard'o 'Liniment CrLe DIstemper, IiNSIGHTLV IBILLflBORDS. LEMON JUICE lB FRECKLE REMOVER Girls.! Maka thïs chenp beauty lotion te clear and wehIteni your skln. 'Sqeee tsejulice of, two iemon8 Into n, bottIe con)teinIing three ounaces of whhrd'iite, shike 'gali, and you bav aqurter ph-unt of the haest freejle '-i tn lotion, and complexion beenti- fier. et vary, very samal ost. Your grocer hua tise lamrons and any drug store or tolat countar wili rpîp- ply tisree oncsof orchard 'Isefor, a feaw cents. IMa;Issago this sval fragrant lotion into tha fcenecit arma and hands eaach day ziidaa o f feciiesansd blaniishas disappear ;and eldcvr, soft, and - 'hite s kin' bcomýýres. Yes! It is arie: THE LUMBER INDUSTRY. Froters Causing tate a iof bliy Efkects cfRekeiort Destruction, tion fht hsieetoforekePt tise mm- ber indu-,,stry in a 'sitta 0f usta'bla aqu ilibrioni tili exista, c~' an ex- m-~nen aduaneii n asiglist.Tise dis-1 sipiatîoýcaif aur boesta goas on 'itl noc ituand still fon tisa most 'part witsouay provision for tihe continu- ance of tise fonests,,nîtan lumbkening. Exiaution of local oreat supplias, tise ciosing of industries dependant ou them, tise embannasument far >supplies1 of the pulp milîs and atisar cansuasers using special classes of foreat pro- ducta, tise genaualiy mniu'tîng pîi(Es ta ,cosufiera, ana aotier factors 'iii ara clling sharp attention ta tisa af- fect af boest destruction, and are cuigincrensing public unensiness. !Luisarmen are giviag tisougitîul tudy ta tise needa eof the îndustny; and (biey recognize tisai. maay thinga af abapu and constructive chenue- tan cao h70tdonne'gitiniatisaindustry t- self Ilu tise wýay of coat accouating, adaptat!ion aof manufactura ta tise acedac-f tise trada, scientific mercisan- dizing, econanuies in- manufacture, coueratiinin finance, diffusion of information about production, mar- tat, pc movements, existiag stocks and sipamints, and so on, I judge that progressive stepsaran very ganer- aliy undar 'gay ln u scbmetters, a that lumbermen ara going as Ian as (bycan ta improve tisa internai situa- tion. Tisera are othar tis tisat ana ha acîcomnplîaihed tisrouùgi co-operetion 'gitis existiag public agencies, as la acoisolnc, lndifutriai, anid teebahical re- seaicis, and In demostration of tacis- nidal ,matiodsq. 1helieva tisat n grant many valuahia tiings for tele lumbar uadustry cenatisus ha hrougist about, But neitisar tise lumben iadustny non tisa publice i ignore tis Iett isa:t tise great fu ndameatal problemas, 'giicis certain, that sise neads more gajod biood tisan ber sý,stem is provided wltis. 1Bfore long 'ber alid ciseets, raquent iedai 3~ nd breatisless- naesaand 1heurt palpitationa wlll con- firm tisat aise is venie. Ma mlotisers as tise result Of tisir o-Wll girlisood exparience eau promaptly de- tect tisae early sîga)s af anaeina, and tisa wisa motiser doas not wait for tise troubile ta lVo o furtlier, but at once gives ber daugiter a course witis Dr. Williamiis' Plat Pilla, wbich renew tise bload supply and banisisanmi a fore it bias obtainad a hold upontis Out af tiseir expaerience' thousenidO of motisers knaw tisat anaaamia'is tise sura rond ta 'warse Ilus. Tisey kisow tlisa differece tiat good red bload Inntaebla tise develapmient aI womeanly bealtis, Every isendacha, every ga9',sp for breatis tisut oliows tisa slightest axertion by -tisa anaemic girl, every pain sisa suffars in bar becit and 11mba arçý reproncises IP you have not taken tise best stepà ta giva your wenk girl, na'g blood, ad tise only sure way ta, do sa Is israugi tisa use 0f Dr. Wii- llams' Pink Pis. 1Ne-w, ricis red blaad is iufused inta tisa system by evary dose of tisese pis. From !tiss aw icis oo(d springs gaod iseaitis, an iacraased ap- petite, aiew aaergy, higli spirits and perfect wamanly devalopment. Give your daugiter Dr. Williams' Plisk Plls, andtaketia yurefadneho promptly tisir influence is fatinlubat- ter isealtis. You ca geft tisse plls tîrougis any denler la medicine or by mnail, post- paid, et, 50 cents a box or sijx boxas for $2.50 fram Tise Dr. Williiams' Medicine Ca., Broctvilae,.Ont. WHY THE OPAL SPARKLE.. Brilliant Clars in Stone Caused by Myriads of Cracks. - - - - -. . -Why is tise opal coasidenad un- Hîgh'Our Municipal Au.tharities lucky? It is tise jewelan wha is ta Reguiated Erection of Min. -baine for tise superstition. Aayoe wsa as haadlad an opal Advertising, whea propaniy irected, kaows of tise billiant colors tisat can is no doubt r, meaus of craati.ng- addi- ha seau as tisa stona is turneâ rounid. tiaul usnes fo ts4 dvetier. 110W Tiese piaunatic- affects are produced tise a drartisen spands bis"appropria- by myriads af tiay cracks, wicisra- tian-from tise-standpiat af sacurng fleet tise ligist brau diffarent. angles. nesult-is bis own cancana. But it stands ita reason tisat a stone Tise mediuîn by whîclha reacises tisat is cracited hana, tisera, and every- otisa public, hawever, cancanas tise pub- 'giere, is extremaely likely ta break or lic. and tise peoplearannwakaaîng ta split under tise procass af grindinj, tise fact. polislhing' and' seýttig, and it is t1ise ilI A-ppeau'nnce-caunts. For (lis reas,ýôiiluck ie-wallens hav'e 'gitis t'Ilasa Stones and for aa othar, ail modern daily tisat accounts fan tisa supenstitution at- aeýwsj)pprs, aotwitistadiag tisat tise taciued ta thein. greatar proportion of. tiseir revenue Wisen an e-pal is expased a-ven ta' camnes f rom ndvetising, hna excluded tise sligst lent- af an open fume somne dli'ply nvetis'stgfren tsei frnt eet awny, it is likeiy ta ha destroyed. -'pnes.It s melnly -campasad aofsillon, aifd Whena epivate iudustry, so de- coùrtaîn,,,,ns a miue;,fromi live ta thir- pendent upon its advertisers, ean t ata, teen par cent 'gater. a s tand an bhhaîf af apperanaces, lisow Naarly ail otisar stanes are practi' mucis nore iportant is it that aur cllyinidestructible. An aid imagazine public streets, tise froat pages of our states: "Tisane are gams ndforniag city should ha protectad. tinras et Quaen Victoria's Court 'gisicis The mare paulic ea itueticn is tise sparkied in tise iead-dressaa af beau- more engerly it is seized upon for tisa tias ii-,tise deys of tise Quen 0 f Siseba; erection of a bilîboard, and this ne- and wbat tales tbay couldd t-il could gardiesa of tise bect that it oustitutes tisey but speait!" a dataniaratlng influence upon sur- Yat wiset record, is tisaeeao an opel noundiag praparty, la mnny casas Is a siinvuving thrîougis htise ages ta came hiding pince for n "dunîp" andaiotea tael'est averituaiiy in a royal, crowýn? creates a fine menace af no meanaPro- And iat great opel bas, been faund ,portion, ta comparae'gitis tisaKoi-i-ooar dia- Ctiesý are spoading enormoug suais îuand, on,, ideed, 'gitis nny large ruby, in tise construction aI gaod ronds an~d emerald, or othar of tise more valun- sidewelks; marchants and resideats, ableatns iargely fan tisesaefa ppearances, improva thair ji'operty rnantiag o a p sema tiet tse yeof tise. travellinERgfVPAIT public may not lha offandad. Yat bill boards and signsaran permitted wth- ont contrai as ta location. KàILL LITTLE ONES It i ishigh is (lnaur munueipal Iautisorities recagnized tiseir duty ta- 'garda public ame-ulties, and regulntad tise erection of signs.and bilîhoards. -Reiensed I Mra. De Smytis-Janes: "Now-I wnnt you ta save me au extra supply of fiowers next 'geai. My daugister Alice is caming ont, yau taow.", Proprietan o! Staîl: '"Yes, mium,,l'il save 'an tisa vary hast, pon (bhing. Whntevar 'esas e put la bar?" Butcher: "I am in îued ofaI nboy! about youîrîsize. I would pay you tan shillings a 'geet." not only nvlve tise p ermanenTceuacd Applicant: "Wili I havea achance ta staility o! tise Intenesta dep)endan.t nise?" on aur forestabut lso gravaly affect Butcer: "Oh, yas;, I waat you ta be tisa national wlara', ara not helng here at four avery marning. A ê I 1hBiniSer<f Make your moirniné ce- reaàl dish La strenýthlener. isl niot olyrost deli - clous in faste, but is a býýuqlder of tissue, At tise finat sigu o! ilîness during tise bot weatis'er giva tisa iittle anas Bnby's Own Tablets or lnan few isours hamamy ha heyoad nid. TiseaTablets 'gi prevant summer camplaiats ï! giveni occasianaily ta tise wall ciildaad will pnamptly relieve tisese troublas i iltisay coma on suddaaly. Bnby's Own Tab- lets ssoluld al'gys ha tept ila aveny home wharb'tisera are Young cifîdren. Tisera la no otiser madicine as gaod -ad tisa mather bas tise guarrnatea aI a govarament anaayst (bat tisey a.reaba- solutely sale. Tisa Tahiets ara soiti by medicina deniers or hy mail ut 25 centLs a box from Tise Dr. Williamns Slediefne Ca., Brtockviile, Ont. On Went the Hat. An aNsing ýstary is (aid',me 1hy LAKE LOUISE AN'.D THE ROOKIES. To th ise edetaail reads led ta Rame, and ît wfs isembition o! younig and aid ta beisold tise "Eternal City" andits wondlers. Naw, isowever, one migist say it us tise ambition of every Canadian to behold tise "Etérnal Saows," and as tise Applanl way led ta Raome, so, tise great fron road, tise Canaïdian Pacifie Railway, leads ta the Rocky Mau1ntains. Can1adiRns have a wlde field ta pick and cisoose frQm lun tise matter of placeq ta spead isilidays, but tise Weýst bas anl attraction ail its ownvi. Lake Louise ià ana of tise ianY beauty sp)ots itise Rocky MJoutafins, and a trip West Is nat conslderedcamor- plate witisoat a stap-off tisera. Lake Louise i !isseLaeteshlartise Clouds (tise others beinig Lakte Ag-nes_ r-d Mirror Lak:e) and at ana timiielts existence was only isnown ta tise lad- lanis. Now, however, tisants taetise enterprise 0f tIhe C.P.R., it is vî'sitedl by tisousands 0f tourists yearly, tisa railw.ay passlag througi at tisis point, and a p)alatial isotal,ftise Cisatenu, isnv- iang been erected on tise lakafront, af- fording amiple accommodation. SteppIing off tise train at Laggap) tise tourist boards an alaectric car, wicis ruas up tisa gradliant ta tisalaite, tise tnIp anly occupylng twavnty <min1utes.ý Tisa drive is a mosýt deligistfni ana, tise car. being open a n bath sides, affords an uniaterrupted view of tise wonder- fui scenery witis tise minimum of axer- tion. Tise Bowv, River is crossed by a pretty Ilittia bridige, and 'Iatise early miornlng. sunsisine tise waters sparitia lilçe opal fires, tossing furiousîy in eddies as tise river farces its, way dawn thse -sU Arriviug at Lakte Louise ana feels transported into anotiser atmospisere, if nlot ta anotiser 'gond; feelings of 'gander, awa, and admiration gr 1ip tisa m 'd, compelling a reverential slence., Tise laite itself 'Is small, but a perfect gemi, lying attise basa af tise Vi toria Glacier from whicis it s fed, Its waters beiag pure turquoise la color, tisat deep turquoise so difficuit ta dascribe, Baiind tisa laite Mt. Lefroy towers lita a giant to tiseiseavens, reacsing an .altitude-of over 10,000 feet--one isuge mass of dazzling snow and Ice. rasemibling tise Matterisorn ln Swit- zerland. Mt. Aberdeen and tise Vic- toria Glacier orin a background unsur- pasMed for grandeur. Tise surroundiaig country sugsts an 'Alpine valiey. -Ranges ofsuw clad mouxtais s ýtretcis as far as tisa oye can reacis, 'gisile tise air us filled witistise scent af tisa plnas. Flowers of brilliant color boloomn everywisere, Facilities can ha obtained et tise Chanteau ta escort parties gning ta Tan Peaits by automobleor carniage; ponies can alsa ba iired ta tata tour- ists ta Lakte Agnes and Mirror Laite. On tlisa way ta Moraine Laite a splen- did view of Mt. Temple us obtained. Tisis mountain is5 one 0f tisa highest peaitsila tisa Rociies, riing ta an alti- tudeý of 11,000 feet. Its s1das resemble walls af solid ice, and its crast is cov- ered wlti snsaw. At tisis point a fiue view af tise Bow Valley us obtained from a iseigistof 11,000 ft., tisa river looking ilike a slender silvar tisread dawa la tisa valley. StilI otiser beauty spots are tisa Giants' Stepa and Para- dise Valley, wisera tise opalescent wa- tfers coma tisundering down from tise s ublime iseigists above, forcing tiseir way througis tise mouatains ta tise dis- tant velley. o Moraine Lake is soon raacised, and tise tourist Is aiîowed isaîf an isour ta rast befora tise return journey, au- abliag him ,ta enjay tisa magiicnt scnr. Moraine Laite lias at thia base of 'tise Tan -Peaits, a cisain, of mountains ail ovar 10,000 feat higis, covared witis snaw.' Orientation. Hae'gas, a "cisaracter" wiso ad given tise parisis mucis trouble-ana way and axtther. Tise rector, meeting hlm quiet and tisougistfni in tise streat ana moruing said, "I was very glad ta sec Yeu et tisa prayer meeting last aigist, John." Replied John: "Oh, tisat's wisare I was tisea.' %15 1NT ER F ST PAYABLE, HALF YEARLY Allo-wd on mioney left with us for -frenm three to teni years. Write for Bookiet. The Great West Permanent I4om 'Company. frrronto Office 20 Kiog St. Wc-St. The Differerice. Thse p Ocia f a certaini publie school is very thin. Also slie la very sensý,,tive a-bout' this 'quality. At hier RecentlY several of hier boys had a long seriles of quarrels with the boys of tllee ieigiboing ward school. The principal talked and lalked t against the fightlng, buit with nio results. The fightilng contlnued. Finally, one day, sie aninounced that slie would give thse comibatants at hier scisool a, thrashIng if anly 11more frays followed. A long timie and ahl was 'quiet. Theii oua tlay came thse usual fight and, of co-urse, tise Inevitable lining up for the Ilici- "Before I punish you, I warý you Ilto tell me what you 'gere fighitîng about this time," tise principal told tise re-, Ail were suent, but finally thse lit--- tlest fWiter spoke up. "Weil, the boys Up at that buiilding teased us and said that we had the skinn iest principal in town, and we told them you eci' skinny at ail, but slender, and then they began fighting." Needl ess to say no onte got thrashed j 'linhýs is to ceýrtsty tisat to!urtee - n years ago I got the cords of my leý_ft wrist' nearly saverad, and was for about ninai months'tisat 1 had no use of my liand, and tried ather Liniments, aiso doc- tors, and was receiving no henefit, liy a persuasion from a friand I got MIN-' ARD'S LINIMENT and used one bottie which completely curedme, and have been using MINARD'S LINIMENT in my famîly avar since and find It tise samne as wvhen 1 first usad it, and wouid neyerbe wîtisout it. <' ,ISAAC E. MVANN. Metapedia, P.Q. Aug. 3lst, 1908. They Forgat Hlm. Thse proceedings a t the local debat- ing society hFad become somnewhat ricous. Tise crisý,is was reached when one disputant turnied upon his op- panent aad exclaimad: "You are the biggest and most con- ceited ass 1 aver isad the misfortune ta set eyes upon." At tisis point tise chairman, a pomt- pons, gentleman. very much upon lus dignity, got up and sisouý'ed: -Order, ordar! "You s eem ta forget tisat I am in the roome" Milnard'. Linilment Cures 0014. tc. Sinn Fein is Gaelic, rmeaniag in Englisis "Ourselves Aione." A western pnper ýsays this happen- ed ta a woman teacher ia thse gram- mar grade: She asked ber claso:- "1What tense am I speaking la when I ss'y,S'Iama beautiful?'" A smnll boyý1 replied: "Tise past tense, ma'am."l To remnove tea stains, after they have dried, ,from pure linen, rub giycerine an stnined parts a littIe whiile before washing. Freshly made spots cati ha rami>ved at once with hoiling watei'. Hurrah!1 How's. This fCincinnati autharity says carne t: ~with lingers. Hospital records show tisat every tIme you cut a corn yen Invite lacis. jaw or biood poison, wisichIs s .needle's, mnys a Cinclinati autisority, wiso telle you tisat a ýquarter ounce of a d4rug called freezone can be obtained at lit. tie cost from tise drug store butIs sut. Whaayou indyaurpiiows aveor soft carna or callus. Whenyoufindyou pilowshl, You slmply apply a few drops or maths intisera brusis thera thoroughly, freezone on a teadese, àaeig cana andi and hang on tisa liina on a suushiay and soreness us Iastaatly rellaved. I Short- 'gindy day. Repent the proceas if aay iy tisa antire corn cea ha lifted ont, should happea ta -remain. 1 noat andi all, wthaut pain.' In 118 ounty pupledrak cofee This drug is sticky but dnies ut once ta 1918 cou1nitreuperant.cofeeandtiusclalmed ta Julst abnivel np any tiiat ostthe sitea pa cetmore carna 'itiaut Infialng or aven 1mbt than la 1914. They usad sugar that tatiag tise surnoulnding tissue or skIa. cost fifty-aina par cent. more; brlad If your wibe 'ears isigis iseels sise made frora four that cost niaety-two will ha gladt ta now o! tiss. pcv cent. more; ýlard that cost 138 par cent, more than in 1914 someone 'gno was ni sournville an ~ ' * Ctisa occasion 0f tisa recant visit of tise 4 If fl io m n King anti Quaan. It iseppanati wheniiUUU I r.U it UIII Mvr. George Cadbury 'ga.is sbo'îiag tbam ,round lus modal village. M Cndhbury la nat Young, and tise dy'a ce 'nat a vary 'genrm ana. "Puit your bat TO BELL THE INT-ERNATI'ONAL on, Mn. Cadbu)iry," suid tishea con-! KEROSENIE OAS BURNER sidarata, as uisuel."I 'gu ot, ma-1 Thia hbumer turas Karosana11 (Coal Ou1) damt-',' said tisaimaiiufaturaer. respect-j inta gas. Fits iiutoa ay cook-stov.ýe or buliy, but fiilmly. Tisea tise Queen hanter and lacoc-adto ha bfar tLise tunnd t tie Kng 'iti '~illyouMost practical Gnaqvity Fefi OU Burner please com AnIrM. Cadbury -ta uo itouai o'ii adat h an bisbat?'" Tise King et once ret- a-olutaly odolasa.,. Appilcan 1muLtel joculariy: "It la a Royal cmad. nTisait' con1unity. Ade Salas-! Stuli hawould notput on i is-t.Wihuau (rue feminina resour"e tise Queu u" AIîfi teatll tactieti Mns. Cadhury. "Youn hrs ýban d 'gilnat ohey a Rýoyal comati(oput on bis bat,"ase saiti. *'W\i!l you tell im ta ?" "Put yaur biat an, Gog! seiti Ms. Cadhuny; Mantioutisa but 'gent! Alexandar Persot, of tise Frencis Acad2my af Scuece, astimatas (bat tise taraperaturea Sf tisa -jtentA ofise sua is 17,000 dagrees centni de OC 30,632 degreesFaehit 1111-116 JARVIýS ST.-TONT Ai grades. Write for prlc2. ý'ORONTO 2ALT WORKS e,. J, OLIFF .-TORONTO ISSUE No. 30-'19» FThe Lesser EvIt. A <larman diplomat wýas spending tise summar et St. Marlitz, la tise Swýss Engadine. Oaa morning, ha stapped besida tise laite ta taiktot some neutral ladies, and a lîttie girlî%wha was la tisa party whisperad sometising ta ber motisar. Tise German, amilligag ed tWietiig bis kaiser-lita moustache, said jestinig- ly't thie littia girl: "It's rude tawliisper." Sha loaked humi straigst la tisa eye and enswered eally: "But it would hiave been ruder stili tosay It ont loud." MONEV OR'DERS. ADoinion Express Money Order for fiva dollars casts tisrea cents. Fiche rman's Luçk. Tisey isad speat tisa da y l In il during a coldi, driving ramn, and were reurin ith empty bask ets and tired tem.pers. As tisey enteraed tise village a large dog tan at thi, hart- ing £uiul.Oua aoftisa fis8ei,-mn kicked it away carelassly. ,"Are't you afraid ha will go for you If you do tisat?" asked bis friand, His companion laaitad sndly and sor- rowfllyintobisface. "I aaiyý wisis ie,.ýwauld." was tise oter' ply. "I'd chance lmiost aniy- tising ta ha -able ta go home and saý I'd bad a bite!" Miaard's Ltniment Cures ]D1v1hheria. "ost momnents are 'bearaLble if only ona does not iiùiport iinto them the' 'gaigisi of thea"future or tiserge lia tas "-GereEliot. GlfRENU.INE0 SPIRIN ONLY TA13LETS MARKED) WITH dIBAYER CROS" ARE ASPIRIN. If YO ou- Df't See the "Bayer Crass", an.the Tablets, Refuse Them-~.They Are- Not Aspirin At Al. Youu' drugglst gladly 'gfll gi've yOU the genuine "Bayer Tabiets nf -spirin" because genuine Aspirin now usnad by Canadians; and owned by nCanla- dian Conp&ny, Tisera Ès not a cet's wortis 0f Ger- ing purcisased from tlise U.. Go-veri- ment. During tisewr a miain were sid s A spir-in i[n pil1 boxes anuid' varions other containers. But aiow You cau get genuine Aspirin, plainly stamped with tise safety "Bayer Cross" -Aspirin proved safe by millions for Headache, Toothache, Earache, Riseu- matism, Lumbago, Coids, Neuritis, and Pain gesieraliy. Haady tin boxes of 12 tablets, also larger "Bayer" packrages. *Aspiria is the trade mark, regîstered la Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacatic-acidester of Salicylicacid. Use Cuticuia to Keep Your ilair Froma Fallin.g Ho anY times have barbera g ;îvea this ativce (oenmen,,who arc osn their hair -becauLse i'af Ildruff 1;nd scalp irritation. At nigistnuis Cuti- cura Ointment into tise scalp. Next marniag sbempoo wihb Cuticura Soap and bait'gaten. A clean, isealtisy scalp me.an§ goad hein. Cuticura Saap 25c., Oiatmeat 25 and Sic Taicuin 25c. p lus Canada duties. Solâ everywisere. For saiiiple ach f nec ddress: "Cuticure. Dept. N. Boston, U. S. A." Girocer ~ TV t>:e ?vontreal Womens Haý-1SPital. Tw er'course. Monthly isaïary dur. ing perlod af training. Alplly Lady Superïntendent. 1002 St. Caýe'jni Streeb West. Montreal. TEAUEERS WAIZf TeceVained. ~desConser-, vaoyof Mfl, ethb'Jdgke.Alta, '%-VTANTEID-FEMALE T v,-AC 4E I V(Protestant) for the J -i "e 1Laygck ChIldren's Home; must be of good Chris flani character and, wlllng tab take an interest in the chIldren, niot oANy during- achol oulsbut at other tiime8as well; th3ere are about 25 childrcn n iiitle co; boys and girls, ages ran.gjng frpin sevený ta fourtten yeare; aliythIrty dollars per inoith, wtbboard pnd resIdeýne; dutie t min , Sptr, t.AvO CcsutSecljrltes, Litedi ïrantford. I' B ALM, N ESPI'EU, WIOEKLY. Ii'l BRIJCI@ IN aun"iv. Splendid opportunty. Write Box T, WVls<'n I'ublishinx Ca.. Li1nsted. 7t Adinlide St. «%.. Toronto). W ELL KQUIPPED NW5A'f lobprItIlg elant ila Es ter gi for 1.,200 on qulck male. %--c 42. wilsor Publiphlinw Co., Ltd1.. TOront1. POULTZY WAN4TED I V MÂT HAVE YOU FOR SALIe 1IN YYLive Paultry. P'ancy lins. 1Pigeons. Eggs, tetc.? ~ I.Wfbar & Son. 10-18 si.tJanBatiteMai .Mont. real, Que. H-ouse Plans.l, dinomain ll- Ing how to save froniTwo,,)to 'Founu- drýeci Dollars an your p ew hm.Ad-. dress 1alllday ooa'.2 Jaso W.. Hamilton, Ot CJinte.rnýai and ete cv.ered ýw1th. out Pain by our homne tî*ratae 'Nt rite on bef1ore too a te. Dr. PBelimn Mdi Rya4y in FIlats. It is said that tlw Dukje of Con)- naught la canver'ting.te iratl coo hîs London residece,. CaeneHouse, into a fiat for tLhe use i fComimander and Lady Pti i Hmsay during, thaîr visit ta LOiondon'1Tisa"fiat" sys-. tem 0of living is not ew in the Royal Family. Prlcs Louise, Duchass of Argyli, --nces eatfrice, and tise Duchess of Abn are ail flat-dwellers ia Kensington palace. Mdinard's Liniment Cures Garrotina oaw» To ramove tea ndcoffee stains stretei tise stained i pece over a howl and pour b !oiling xW;ater thro'u,-gh t-h. ISA G0VEPRNi 'lUMiNT UAATE! W. CLARK H OUJSEWIVES are finding new and deliciousý uses for Corn )Starch every day-in f act, for ) every rmeal. '-J sauces, and smple puddings -but c'risp, delicate pastries; flaky ris bread and biscuits;- rich tender cake-s and pie filliigs-, a'nd dsseilis su,çh as you neyevr ïhoughtl it possible ta make in yo)ur own kitchen. Insist on PBENSO'-l te corn Starch canl guavSantee such PFurity and Delicacy.Reps ontrie paekage.24 1 C=ýf= iL