ê' 4 1-Tender reet. It is lot- always ea sy to determine l F5 IES oq e the cause of tender and burn'ng feet,ý Dy~~~ ~d Raore Hi h. oreven if the cause is kunovn, to Wereliève thm onevr videnti Make Your Teles R frigerator. ( ar-;~.er.Te obr hudcues are ili- fitting, st-o î, -either tro D)o net lttbeu fo spoil! Here's i be 1 in, fromý the top of the1_- p St,g a wayý to kee it c ool) for $3.17, and They shld fi bee the, r( an the i'ufcet~t gadgu.'h ît's~ Iotin bu a ioe frame with nails, (8 psny finishils) sbud Iati telitepecially nlycas a lt r3n t ysmart girl driven thro-ugil the p)ost into theý rn gra1 96at discomfi'ort; ee feet r n of hebaj-1,a're tender;' som-etiines they ihor handle. SoldlL by Teieeser'eatrsafne The second "step" 1hul bc 12 in.stng and the shoes irritate thora CacerCla below the first and thie third 12 in.eerly the soles especiaily are I Dnui~ 1t a L3 or rs ev r he e hî ~ , si pl a d he p, M i si na - elow the secon d. Thi m --kes the t n e ; even standing causes pain, "P' a ni îsoee .thLats if fe fourth bar 15 iii be!(ow the third. adwlîn eamî mosbe were to Iîvý-innthe intensetben Care, hat relon tby mustetretc wet N w hven you hav the tw ladýdersEx ingthfetntoecas Peceý andi p1uof ail aefo ha hesars the s orstr " and. wdo orsides done, you can f'it your low#er 2 eoft-a gives no dlu3 t thle cause of ntheu xites ýSometimes, the skin is Endure~~~~'4l aih Citi at estoË, n hebt 'nsil the And le! this ever rising~a~wiliu biowing through rgto n a ,be Ths-oAindie fmiey ltoirtm--cotfrail-cil extid thanex Drçl L-a"lLthe reddish and. se aindinrar., ,hpq This i tIsetop shef'. To 'bracýe the whole £ram e a fe' hard p it h is f a pn Shah sik, laheb, 5Cî-e long. ireîess û simple prinniple od th;e teeral hul rs a haad'may be felt'in thae solýe of the refrîeratr. Awet lothsur-under the tLop a1e1f in f ront and bark, iIOERL'WT .fo. Toeae ruultos f Whutthpwh tie yars ave rougt rundîg a ram v4 1 ake the spae and the same u - t h e, lower sheif , Lit fAc Bras d'O, C. B. uae uha cu oefeual to grie;f onl thec ins:ide. cooleough to, keep Lhe also. The door i s tOO simple to need 1wsaterbeufrrfroma in the hands or in t-leers TIs dysofwarth te ay, o~ese xplkswet te butter, haro, and the descrition nySppt and C~i/1ofr 'as Another distressfing condîition isq The blossom od11orous amd briaf, tlsrfo in good côdto. if Tih panai eftére eaiato fth ee Tie ihet~1 a~de~ene al -f yp iawee'ei sr 0gto he tpan was made to order to fitlfa panatreaigxclhnn, htres ferom ate in whch thoe Ooo fitsha felo t~es- i yo hve o'ce hoSe oir feo or the ao and cost $LOO but you can 'chsan hedchsad i otee tc is arm a ltte ian whhe -cabread bakine pan that fits ;nugd weIa ih.Ilss uj eph tkn- offe oa lint wh itep r Gittsa ht'r Iagcc a vn iyohaea eold cellar, save ly. Or this cat >be tin, pa!nte and i -gi, tknü oon nwiht3 r sen st,. diha cls ergrtr then enameled ,±o prevent rutig -- en rm15pur t 4 constanty sppiing wet. The foot is Sha li tus ig an bar isfar, Ther ae ou corn-er p)osts, ench The whole frame should hab inc pounids-that 1 became laredn also liable te suifer, withother parts And hes areLabr wihou hd 3 f. 6 in. hih and miade of lx2 in. to keep it from warping. À wîre r, a eea dotr ohhwvr f thle boily, f romi eczemnl and other AndCorae, hih a naas as lu~hr.Tlj ~elossheuil b.a made screen may be put aroussd tise aies ui e no good. Fi ahy friend ei rutos sone of wihare friend, ~ ~ O' cf112 ii.lub n th(ý corniers and on, the door if you wish to 1 ma k tohdl me to, try 'Futalrs'dpnuohers, of hihare merely An Honor, h~ o e Star j a5.Wud ut 12n.t'o filtIe cornier it etoiTt aaL oecueiset.l ck tzr 'ss-oeet aoig ______ posa. T ah ~ are Il- in. long., A o,,er of c,-,tfon fiannel, bur lap, or, TIse constipation wnis corrected ; and, l sn ae uhcnb oet ~4 ,, ~ Themiddle shelves rmai ha made of duck is, madýe te fit týhe framne. Put eoon t a reo an e~aha remedy these foot ilis, but' in othar ~OO'SCGUU tO~. OfIpOlfU~strîpSý i or f poultynetirtg' so as thse snsoot oî~ ut if canton flaynel c htmsrbe ela Ia ases nothing seems to giv1 perman- A sa/ec, reriable pýeïjtnu to- let-the--air tisrotigh as-used It-wil re-qutr abu hee-n-rlif Vsn Iefatr sy iW-d tln dacepanies Dyýspepsia. -1 contiue the, tr7eatment is chef const,,Ltutional g,, oti ghN~.1 1 An easy way to frame it il, your yards of ma_-terîal. This cover is but- toia t!1,, sp1ndid fruit nsedicine ~o, m33 No. t, "pay per are aken thi tore 1-the adoption of aesutre, b byl b, aildrmuiss,. or sent s e~pn" e r gigt ndaon the top of tise frame-an o 1amstcg ndne s.bh resý f price. bad anmi now,- Ih arne ciIl atrong and " medilcinal and dietetir-, that, physicians ido eep idtwe lndders, one, on enrh sîde. vi~ goowis?' the41ER side on which,,men ther deorigel .Loa pamphlet. a., Ad res'~~~~~~~~~~~~Te steps of the hadder a,ýe thse crossisnthnduigbgyIokan gro . 1OWTN TN ecm ndfroulagea.Lcl TOOT. N.~bar,% at sîides of refrigerato, hee e4vles or large-heade 'd taýcks and eye- 50.abx- o 25,tl size 2c, applcaionse mny aso ha ofLe srce.1 _____________ 1ýî worlad, 'a tIse material. On tise At aI] denaiers or setosp i î Onripetuamn ha fe e top of tIse door instead of on the Liitd ewiha mot piroeci f parafjlho fràme and ala,ý fastenr àýe ovrdownwthc porie nhristbte t'Ie lateli aide of tIsa door, aîoiga thse feet in c,,o!d wnter. '4u -~.~ .a e ~wide hýem of' the materil ýo Overîap -freezers shouhd sýerve ice-cream often WIsen thie feat are tiredt, soe bene- tIse place- wh-ere ts door cloess T'riý for dessert: Uts cost is no grenier fit may bE, derired frei a hot foot door Ca the haopne vithout un- than thýat 'of pie(, ae a tfua nb but it Ashoujid ha follwe by 4-Pe~soger Lu n Swrgs, rg $12 O fer $~00 httoning tha eer TIse bpttom ofisha orsmnsaprgit ai fcî ae G Lou 8bees, re $2,2 for 150tIse rove hol etn down into tIse Týos sls o pincigsol elfor a minte or,. TIse foot, bath ) O 1{511iz5ÇCkai lewarpan. FoÎ doubl stilips, which nIl dursking wae1tdmhsfoesneie i e bttr results, if it Y.<creu dori nd wndow 'rces acostta'per te 8 Or 10 incises 'in width, are' drnig pewohaebe uo ot ia quity of' Epsom SalIýs, in Aoe iesce Tbe e cstse -dt tIsae upper, part of tIse rover. mlobihinýg or, picn;ýirkig ii an uiin-i qsoluùtWon Fori-vatn feet, bathing The~estip frmwskst~t ipore ha ýýeighbovrhood oflen, briag homeý in cold alun so1ltion and plantiful or se; IefLdtecar aI co8t iîo the uipper pn. i hrboestyphoid'-faveýr german dutn cf pow-der into thse -ca Ia euIdpîe Thse icelesa -refriges-atâr bas thse ad- which derelop Inter, stockings is excellent treatmnset. A -bdarpre -S-p ra er rî w. -r 1i85y {l er $65OQfolded int the pan ef w ter et thea winter use. Gathier the leaves. when ôS6ss in the European araies consista F ar M a hin 01 , t se it' I. ha e l d u 3 ear to ac a t se n m e as th e îem p w ick d ry an d clea n ; ch p f n y, p t i a cf t ree p a rts of s ehlicy ie acid , t aný Guadi,~ecens Kerese met cc Kofe eadte il eerog which drnws ztisa kerosene up te thse bottie and fll wîiIs rinegax; cork wehl. parts of starch and eighty-seven paot McC rick ad hcsey~aris bies~ ~Cdfiame. The choth eround the, rafriger- WIsen us>d pour-, othe- quentity de- of powdered soaps.tone. 2 rwW~bngMclns eg 15G fi'$0,0ator drews the weter just hike n Nvirký sires for fiavorin-g, nd add, te it more If notbing gives relief, tIse suf-ferer., I. 100 ra~ty tkenla xehc~e or owo mahine meala aa the cloth is kepf wet aql tIseo way ria and suga teaste. muet go te a dermntohogIist endr- 20fr$50 oat the bottom. Ail 1- ou havaet During hot eaa--ive thse balby main under bis oveigîht uni ads- I ci un, reg~îar $12,0 for $0 10.1d is keep the'an fihle th wta ail the cool1 ienc'sotb a-e rves Ie poa raiet ns ad Qierahs heow t.days wbha ae prcea vithou.day, if possIble1-. Drmhmhgty ASs-îMA is TORTURE. No oaa who' Uls FokSupis idrp to rImer aIt. Tise icla ergrtrshould ba ansd bathe Isim night. and mrigwith hasn't gasped for breathin the powavr ef: 3~ L1w Mc.î,I ett cer lced where tise air is in motion. e water it aboýut tIse tenrýperaturr of asthma knows what sncb suffering is. the ai.Thousand do know Isowever, from exper- Th Crfotb!aird.T k, la-ae io boigofince how i'Iomeasurable ia the rpief pro- 'TIe Crnfrta~l CIild Tokep fy-ppes fom lowng ffbv that marrations.preparation Dr'J D. The u'nomfortable ýchiîd is aIlveys tise table, er wherarer ilt is phlaced, Kalîogg's Asthrna:Ramady,ý For years it Phon 131 Op ihiay nd Nght. Bownanvlle cross. If. mothers wonldspend,' -- littiet he i e a smali board bas been reIiaving and curing the mostl "hn 3.- ih. Bowi -r l0 more lime ldscern tIeaseabout tIse 'same length as tIse pape-. savare cases,.fynaaa efrrd back cf Johna's hbad lamper or Mary's 1Il wihl1 ha founýd much casier te handle. flpot dclay n day le securing tbis remedý ____________________________________________________ sýulkîniesF, farnily lifa weuld ha a murb Whenu your fart grow tired and ache, from Vour druggist, p -- pleasa,îter tIîr.g.' If tIsera is vuer ,aend il 'is net practicabla te' take off _______________________________________________ i n(i for b. ir g good-naturcl il , 'syýous -shoas, lie dowýn 'ansd s-aise your .Gather aggs as cf tan as possible whcn the iirerons-y ruas np te tne f et as IsigIs as yen-r he-ad and higher. and kaep in a cool, dry, well ventilat- nintie an evry othr sonl r h Ie blood wil lo awny fs-cm theni ed place.. Eggs absorb odors and HOGG& L TLELIMTEDize tIsaI upo>n hes- dependa thea good and they wilh ra enisier, Thsis la shýould not ha kepi near,â e'yingveg. _r rm r:Babies are better if vznderdrassed On a marrIs, than orerds-essd inbt etbe-. If Ia tIse season cfý tLhundas- as-mist- ilHard and soft corna both viald 10ý Ho]- aband of flannel is Sept aroanh sws 1 aelde~ad buekets of 1Ioway's Cern Cure which is entireIy ý safe, bowéls lIsera l ittle danger fs-os wnîe aI Isand. Oflan na fire that tei use and rets-tain and satisfactory la its' few extra, acres of CORN, ld IIJCKWHEAT clIae touhIs ony or would 'destroy hild*%I(ïige and stock action, MILLE'fT or 1-1 (JNGAR1AN GRASSý and g ,armnenti ia loosa rompe- or bloomers couîd ha extinguîished if instant mens i u edra on nhnybfr nte and waiSt. Sheeves fs-cm f aIIsr's and were taken. Chemical ïre etnis- Mke do noflike thse smatI cf pep- the eedJ ýýy cme i hady bfor anohèr i othlirs wos-nout fiannels, or a thraa- es-s, no.t tee heavy teo be handlPed 'by a permint, and a litîle cil cf pepper- Crop. teSeed for You.T hm.is. section rut fs-os t,,Ie- le maSe woman os- chiîd, that as-e simple in ýminI placad about thair hauinta will ehyeteexcellent baýnda as thay, wiiî stratris operation, ,p na-xhn re, as- soon make tisar hock: for ot4ar quar- enough te pas-mit their baîng drawn grant protection, and thould haý found tes-s. up mbt position and no pins are s-a- -nq-aras-y home'__________________ -urdtisodtss Arw r -bs-cer wihl hýast longer if on aci Ifforî ariy reason. Ia dog dnys gire n ligisi breakfast; wssdy te Iece.ssa- h do pt nsit tat itîa cildan aîboiled, il is dippad for n moment la you W fivo nýrot been able to sow ail your Seed wbnt is -set bafore tham if te do se the-soapy suds. Thon shake il as frea Peas, please let us know at once whât yoli mens stes-ting tIe day suIs tass and frota wate- ns possible and bang up ha~~~ic left, h~~~irkering. At ten o'cock a few dninty 0ytabnl.Sipa l asaa sandwiches and a glass cf lasnonýadeudrnahtcthtIes-pis.f Phone 20a will maSe uýp for thea lack cf break- tIsera is a tendenýcy 10 lop-idaduenesýs, fest. lpress thse bsrnmb snt âape while il H AM P TONFLOU;MILL 0 ou Grahamn Flour Whoe1 he:_F1u Ifyou cannot secure these popular grades or HVouxr fr0-r ýyo ur rc rdrdirect fîom lis. Mill fead c1hopping. dona whsîle you wai fouî patronage -olicitçd and saîîsfaëtîeu ,,u ranteod, Cas. Hon, a p Ba"n VWent ---"wnytIsa traditionnileso e of a Scotsmnak A naw and pleaaant tara lias bean for a sixpOnca. given 0 tIse sto- es- ftheaScotie-elx -___ jence, Lord Shaw of Durafermline, SasHELQYCL-Heyea spekin cftIs paçtre f eenowpersistant soea tat refusesi to tieni? stetsha ùrecently met ta a Lois. lTas',try Dr. Thoma,,s' rl-ýecîrir 011l a o'bus a dlsingushedmariioesthedresing. Ifill ýPstop i.ý ougbing, md sa dug tas-. Thy wera distreas. carry away tLa prendas draw out the, ed, because they Isad jnst discoverad pus nd prepare nP ean ay ti)r the new )Isat thay had hoarded tIse 'bus with. skie. It la therre zd heglar amiong outl any mcney. Lord Shaw pnid theiî ci ils and myriads of pe can rartîý'Fv fýarc for thies ameu'ui.tig te t.pece.Ia t it henlcd whera cther ,)Pls fAe A coupla cf days linter ha recetved six nry penny stampa IrontIsa Maichioena, and ta writing,,-to acknowtadga thse un.1 Elactrîr tlog sirans hare bren in- expected peyment, ha staterd it w"ae nted that can ha beard for tous-res unktnd cf ber te riit upon. hlm la Ibis *mdies. XXX Past4r.y FlourI Royal Fl1uî for. Breadl Food Control Lcne -3handi112-4 >and 6-33362 avrs- Possible degran -of seat. Is- s-insing., pan. When youi wash tIsa miediatrly aftas dinnar tell tIse l1111e sures- kaives, f os-S' and speeons put People, and children ara itîla people tIses upright in il n pour hot -wntes- fsos two yens- cfeate twalve, thet ovrs-tIse. Drein e moment, tisen they sny stay up las- e in thaeravning set on tIse bacS etoftIsa stosva te dry. -if thay wiIl taka a iica neap whiia il ýNo îping willl ha neead. is toc was-m to play. Make tIsas cer- A garnishing cf shradded.lettuce,ý fos-aleain tIsa cool, des-k rocs ps-e- waterrress, pessey, nastustin blIcs- pas-ad for- just this use eaasly in tIse, sem, slices cf le or osisnd-beîled morning with heavy cotîca reos-ot- a ggs, give te a dih f colid ment a ables on tIse floocr and cool piîîows, moe-aappelizig eppeh1Is-anIce and and, using fis-saass if necassary, ýinsiat faos.LaIovs coadpasnoist- tIsaI thay go te slaep. TPise avreg ened wîth -n ahe hesnas chihd wihh sîeep until thraa or feus- prove tst!eta and loSs cf Isea nt oclcck and tIsa st intense hent t Baofs--ypddng i11 nba tIsa day wilî thea ha passad. ing-disb witl heha-sies; ss-i 11,11l Aftas-suppýras-ahlw thens b pîa-y i, ge- nd do'ýt {iihtte-;ocr er in tise yard, until dark, and giréemsswt ats aeb eta e a spacial bed-Iime tretaitses- e of gtse-to gs tr salcpfn fruit, ire cas a cold glass cf soea0etflousind n4saea iSt Sind et fruita,-î ,os - ay dc a- ke ate- Ti àas -shcas B e etde l l e n -a'd t o t e a s p o -f n h q 'o e n i l y p e n r dUbk n g p w d î , -it h s a i , ) e p o u r o r e s-) IlwTo)Do Things. tIse barries nnd baSe tes- fos-Iymiua , s-n i ra ood and net a in a modetaoran. le-es cen dehcac. Fnthie aring thair ow ha ed e, in theaune i y Do not ~Tlie degatenfn'gsotaIIs kIfnetes- ay ,wIth Itchi g, B eed.edof tisa second yens-, is.oldaI1 îng, or Protrnd. Dr. Chas4e's IOîentwi îrvatonrus-d Ovarcsodn daget bstg alid as cn~~re u tiev yn I nce -esîi,'i Ae-Mý! elo,2Q, Fs1tap ýQpsy potae, -sîs-uctien is nrsey follow a la zy liver:- Constipation; Dîso- dered Stomail; Head-, ache; Biliouaness, anf< other evil, painful, dangerous thinga, corns t th recuy Taketwo r thee pi aJ betimeonce.Afte SEALDTGH PTRCT %CANADIAN PA,,CýIFIC CONENJNTDAYLIGHT TRAINS ETWEEN TORONTO AND OTTAWA (Daiiy Except Suîsday) NO38"TERIDEAU" NO. 37-"1THE YORK" Lv Iroto.,, 1.30 P. s. Lv. Ottawa......î.oe p. s. LvWitby .. 2 37 P. n. Lv, Snitb's Falîs , 235P. n. Lv, Oshawa, ',-247 P. n. Lv, Perth- , . .., 2.55 P. n. Lv. Bwlnvîîa o305p. nm. Lv. Kington.., .1 ..m. Lv, PortHoe j ,344 P..a, L-v. Belleville- ... 5 50 P. n. Lv, obng 3.., 5 5 p. n. Lv. Trenton ...... 5 53 P. M. Lv. Cobor,-- 4.27 P. n. Lv, Coiberne-, ., 6.25 p,, Lv. Tretcn, ,507 p. in , L.Cobourg,...,,ô 4p. m. I r Bellavile, 5ý3e p. n. Lv, Port'Ho)pe .7.00 p., 'Ir. Kiegatoný- 9 10 p. M. Lv, Bowmanville..7 42 p. n. Ar.at.....8 orp m, Lv., Oshawa,. . ...804 P,n, Ar. Sn Lia 11als > 8.25 P. n. 1Lv. Wbitby.....817 P. n Ar.tOatawa, ,,., ooep. s. 1Ar, Tes-ote......930 P.n FcnlmetSokrCocICaf& Parler aed OsrainPre -. W. B, HWARD, Ditrict Passeeger gn! Trno C, B KJfT, AentPoatfice onavl le 0