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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1919, p. 3

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PlnTo Save Steps. 1 ehe takes stc o her cunr sister's to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ br-- ayk:,v:r earoblemse ae is th2> countiesS Ho~te ake wok asjr i wcarenabercf tep whchthe- farm wo-' proie~i~lI~ e f'oxt huseeep rin tkesdurng h~daiy, Used te er, il'ad outy.Elctictyan~smail, copc'huethe city wo- borý:-saving machinery go a loing wayne oidostat h eftrjwmf Par mre fef&ta Sticky 51V 1nd mîvig thliobýe ihs: ive3 te) hQr -rn alge; whatever Catchers. Clean t&a~t.SoIJ bïy sovn hOrbn i 0"P [)ruggiats and Grocers evcrl'vT bu dos' omcit epot the stle, fliflsesegte steps which, _______________________ jf-m -woman except in a smialumr the aancetcf th husnakes The Higher lowIc~ f' cases, But there are a gre,,at mnani ncesa w ay inwhih te fa-seingcoutry A large nube c f arm h imes, it is' Caller--It's a--good thiiig to teac11 woan ca 'aehrwrkese ail toc Idterbul in the dnys' your bey the value cf ilony, als youïwmncnmaehrwjkesîrý-dlre ar~~ doing. ~~~~he keep an open pind an is,3 în, we u'erwscep n ag H6iWeI Idd' no Heuê'0 ta de'pt nêW'tôsi hekthnfmleswt agtr ho stayed. hom, n h lpe CohY were the, to b"hlefr ilcnsbt lw oash'is in the fieldts. flssho loeCy nwnmýr demndsa qartc.FPireless cookers-homo -mado or Thos -di ahreý now nue red-I demands a Quartr. stere--make t possibïe te go wïthout. w4th ot-r -ooltngcfheogt- afir uring the heat eof the day. tert piast aýndionly the o.1_s 'are le'tl N tiona Vp lasolene or charcoal 1rôýns., mnangle~s aý- legacy to thetwe teth century a hirà willdo:the unstarcied pe'ces, lm amtromaefn t int-wose!)ïr theeth isa car for' ploasure rniding > ni tho~ uný ord-er. And, O, the tired, aching TO BE 0PEN-EîDJýY HRi. barn, thbe are only a few cf thieife fe ate rti~fo tv things wic the, country ora.can teal t ab tG sik, sinkI to pantry THE PRINCEý 0F A WL ES h-ave und sxosuM insist upnif ,,he Iadpaty'e'wosdail at the -~~ wi~h~s tO) ad~i vestige ojf youth getetposbedtacfrm ah 7. .1n( health. bther. i J'Teýi1p tig huh hc Smal kihns vîith every inch oF AUg. 2 TOO O caligttnmreaiytaauysaoiliized, is always rny slo)gan.! ______________________ conr My present kithen is just ltîxS; albut Satite- einati- en cf miles f the size of mlany a farnm home paonfry. ,RihtG~nai~r Ban] edle wakina Te til~ whchThare isn, pantry, only a si-hal re- I7 ý_1 a mp1,e thýe ciW visite nxs he igeraý7tor room. TabIeý sinkça~ stowev ______areý ail ncar eneoughI togethere se thit W~ IA~t~~al onv a couiple cf steps are nea-essasy Sen~tlcn 6 th ar woldla miov;ing f-om one te the other. Thisý ~ecodin e ry paseof as been lageeough te do the woký CgtaInootizsoesa.f o Seven people. moiIl, te tale care of, and 110 w'rasing WAXI. 1O~'HI~ d n the kt!c'hen.' AU very true, Man~noh as2mlag ~but hb.d it' been neeary te do teý nnnt-n, A'. V Ilaundry work it could have been doneý intu etits oanz,;h4ilU Cole. Brker ad Bsho and Ne-vc&Fa'.Iing ReMd' for ath$er 0d n~s ts r Indaigestbil, Stomach Disorders, IWH IPPE--T TW iCAppenlictis,ýand idneII Ctn appear. Not oinn in ten Gal Thbe Most Zirring 0. ail Grand Stand Spectacles will cuve ithout pain' or oper- SThe aurrender ol unGemeneFleeàt For Salle ni ail 1) uggî,s re- * e1nby's entry :tû Jepausalem. Ând a score o!of tboex o, nayfat,,a5! NTRO T TROIÔ TUE CG:REATEST EXHMiBTIONOP ALLTFiMES --- 1-0O',G & L YT%,IF, LTD. Tis co)imOdîty is Dow rnoving, fr eely and at prices neyer before heard of. If you think this is the time to seli, bring yoair seed aovg W ill clèan it for youfe fcag and' pay you fuit, inarket value for same. If you wish te taea hï«eo t Ifture let' usIhavo sa--mples of your lots. We are, here' every working day in the year andi are always pleasedt t talk business. LIM1TIED Phone 203-UJse it. Oshawa Cut-Rate Hardware 2 4-Passenger Lawn Swings, reg. $12.00 for $8.00 6 Iawn Seata, reg $2.25 for $1.50 9 Hammooke at ceai Sereen doors aacd window screona ai ceai Auito Tires amsi Tubes ai ceai Pari Gren nîy65e per lb Arser-ata et"Lead teclem, ai ceai Bug Deaf b andi Bug Finish ai reducesi prices Sharples Separaier, îtew, reg. $'.00 for $65.00 Fît am nMachine- OH, the best 1 bave bad in u3 years Guards, Sect ions, Kaives cmplète anad Kaife bead -te fit Deering MoOormick, andi Massey-Harris Macebies t - off 2 New Washing Machines Reg. $1 5.00 for $10.00 1-1900 Graviiy taken in exohanigo for power machine, regular $22.00 for $15,00. l i hurn, regular $12.00 for $10,00. Ob,-ildren's Wagors, Kisdeo Cars, etc., at reducedý pricea., Pants ansi Overalis ,below io-day-'s wholesale prlices. Hay Fork Supplies and Roeste oilar ai ceai. 3 Lawn Mowers at cos- teo ear, F7.O.Nisn -'-'t- 'j 'I in a small a kitcee by instýlling laundry tubs stofe the table, anil *biir a cover ftn' the- tuhs 'whh'hio f b~ eotld be utiiized as a table wvhen a~ à1g waw i- obeICIing dete. T is woi'k- - e ot ha irnany city flats and has prov- on satitýfa,,ctory. As te the mnilk', Care- fui planintg ansi a itEýtie altoratien etOf 'the aver'age f'ai cellair wouild make it possible te care for the rnilk there, if we weren't se wedde2d te cusýteen. Many wemn,tho'ýwever, fiAO a larger, kîtcbheh b.eter for thoir p)artÙiý,Uar neesis. With smialchildren w ýhb)aI- wasmust lie where moth--er is, an 1;x8 k1itchen is net just the coziest Place ini the worldf. If your kitchen is lgeand yen wvant tse then the' next thing te do is te pla te are Lt, conveniient. The sink rnst romain, whiere Lt is, uiess yen wish te engage a mewhlich perhaps at bis p-res- onit rates yen dIo net carie teO (I. But7 even that would pay you Lait0e long run, if imeving the sinIr woûld save you'L mrany stops. Yen can movo the tabl)e, liowever, andi the cupheards- if tliey are ret buiît in. Aend by bung, a ew lengtlxs eof steve pipe andti an elbew or two yen, may have the steve w-here you wih. t'down and stirdy yeur ewn 1-lclien. Fig-ure eut bow you can ro-arranige things te mrake Lt pos- sbete take t!ie fewest number eof stops uin getting a meaf andi washîng lishos, andi thoni proceed te bave a general shako-up. Don't ruer- up and ,dobwn cellar more than is' nocessary. If possible-make an icelëts refrigorataor. And-: den't ruin down thýree or four st'eps ansi a hlt'dezen rosis out te, the milk heuse for ail 1 your btter, milk and eggs, as seme wo'men persist in doing. ICeep what yen will need for a day's supply liii thecbouse. Yen can keep, the milIr cool by sitting Lt ix colO water. And t-he oggs yen will use1 in a-day arenï't T The Besi ai hi ii he Wola ilis the habit of heaJth. a ne >V.JLu *q I a % train your bowels, thrýough. the livecr, to act nat.urally, at a fixed timne, e-,very day. Taka e epili reg*ularly (more only if necessary) until you gcucceed. Then you tar stop taking then, vwithout trouble or anoyance0 Thils las been tlýe good-ixeaith. Igui. for 50 years,. absec cOf Iron ilà the bod. - wiil heip dii. con~btuup. t . .t.*~t* Aiftd _by .js Î-g Dr. C hae' b thfsesblou,1 heaaché as o aneotctedgest ie vtlcs, ft 1 1dl1 ignl t plac. L a t1.~ pdti,0 aîï te~sas Ltmb i3bot- ele, whie, byIts antseptie intnce il Jr 7;'tts isa ferme ,tato 0ftia- i 1 )equonthen tis1e lavÉ' tavne- tlia o boelsthee i necs tipa-zý o chrogin 0 ts dgetiesyse eus aid cmlctddsae fts liver and lkidneysý. iMrs' MLihmr t limnli Ont.- writa :-LastJauarCy I was seiz- t-d Vwith'ila verl'y ba-d bletattuck, wh!j4oh caus3e4nme te aetrul wi1f cnt' or, IOncys andbasd. 1 sufforeýd se muchis thi tisLiat became icompletei' ery o ~For- tunatelyiy eer te Dr. Cliase's these pilalias 0If t me streng and able le do ent'work. -as ,vell ahiath-r-n-dcee.he beOn of grant 1benelït hi our bouse-_ h(lO, apl dinii fet the hous la nver witheut tc hmm. 1Pi-a, e pq~lliah Ibtis leIter for the bneltof othor kauf- fer ers." MsIs. John Dillon, 231 Pollock St., Gaîl, Qat,, wrltea :-"ï had beeýn ti'ônbIed vlth slck headache fur sûm',ý lime, aud also gis on m y StomnIcit. TIts was segoba-d at limes that I feit I would auffa'eat,, hefarot Iceid ge3t relief. I got s3oi ef Dr, Chase's Kidnetty-Liver Plls, andi affer usixng these fonnd I we.s cern- Vltely cured of both lte gas on rciy actcriaach and the haalo~andi aq-t oncq . cla d3s 2,5ldt a bo- , la Z, "il -er (dmanson, Bts& Cfo., owpe t Ma c c se, f25 coa bt!t ut; a IxilS on ge tiste geartuilel g~eig tespol 'fyende: keep tI'em in the hoeuSoC. Plnt ae stops. Thasis ahin Iýg -we can ail do. Get ail the kitcheni heips yen can, evrything that m-aIesý w,.ork eaýsior is a necessity thes,-e days. *But whfl o yen'are buying lbrsvn *devices don't continue te werk ovýer- tine walking sevorale. miles unneces- sarily. 4- Te d adae'tat "everybody get3 whopin cogliSopyeire, andl it is beter o aveitand get it ever wt I~ ~ ~~î ehl ~cid"i vc-i.less true forý tbôs dî;ase thn oth2rs put in thal samocfas. -w nO y mothers re'nl-!. zathaýt dig19 18, 5'13C n ad n Suey ote wh-a knew the-efg uroswonl netdeliherately poe bei' hil& btathe inrfecficn in owd-, te ",get, it ae, In the same class' witb he wu~anwho does, is -that j otho on~whealws lier children,ý who avewhooingcougli, te pIýay -wvth (the ,chldren and se infect them.ý, Th cus c whooping cough is a ger, aled the bacilluspetsi Tir inectonis tran mitted ,romn eu erson te anetlier through' sputm ad* dschýargos frcm the nrose. 'bere tihe ch araùctristic wepi U sLo'pod.Usuely the germ has cils- apeaec femthe nese and otl by the timoth patient whoops. Asý a rnIs, heweveýr, tie patient bas an acut'e "c" for a fe weke efretheL ccougb beinsman it is durini this timqe thiat theo infection istrnmte Thewhepnsualy c, ontinues fôr' at least two w ý eeks but un mailcse loý rmentheý, tentlie ug~~d.h wheo)p ganly4apiafreqjuefiti 1to be iigLiteJ Ziip a!_,'imn f hower, by a nlew "CO(L. in mlan-y casies thý child dev-eoops the bbi F whocjdng, and evoery coeliY s cc1naned by a SI ight w1hoep. This hbabit in time wears Angerens in -ection i, butL is freuen- nrncho-pneumelnia Lb the rnost frt- quont ansi the môst dangereus ccme- pilatin ansiusbis L atina se alnong poorly nenrised chiLsro ind amtong' babies unsisr one year. '1$se> comipicaMls ar'e the source of thL! Vhoscping congh i s eoûllsideesii1 a diseuae of tIr esl aor rýn,- Lh-at is te.,mai, the larynxS, broihlialI tubes!, and !Lungaz-but authorities ble-1 lieve tha tbîthis l n e i whe eSfry,! Apparenjtly aàpoison is prolïduési the gorms-, wich auses t he nerv(usý sy to te ho mr riabe uitd thre disease in net fatal during thel wvilter and early srn'as dslrilg the 5umrmets Thisla here-j Frhrnrthe tniest cemm1[0 osUrYce o)f eths in smmoertimie-hesm Ilishes fthe Thiehers Likie. e' fatal cases.cing Disi the routh cath' eu early po- Tu ohrs is aesel ttts ae'd are- yen werryinig about ho ete protct ber chiliren 1fèom - how ,v ýou will ceuk the e- lOonos, seoi 1opqing ýccôugb by ike ep-')i .g lh e thal th- threshers wlrelish, 'hem 9 away tre thrchilsiren witbthe WeIithon whynet cah1 e iibe disease. Next, if one et' the chilre and miake -seme peote salasi? Tho should beceme infecte'sisIe shoulsi sheshors whe cerne herý surely relish- isolate hLm from other ch4ildren, and ol these txvo dîshos, or soom-el te'. soo that ail, bot-b sicIr and ,vetl, gelj "Scalioped polatees!" yen .zas0- an inoculation etof uig coueh "witb butter sixty cents a pouns i nsi vaccine. The sîck, chilsi sheulsid get saiad dressing takes ýteemucli time te sevoral inoculations, ansi the woll make." Wreng agaîn, Yen neos i ittle onos sheuki ho' watchod for 'twe or butter and con maIre a large bowl et' three weeks for evidenceset' the in- salasi dressing La three minutes. In- fectien. Fre-sb air is miiost essential steasi of butter alono, -use snal cubes un the treatenent et' a case, but the cf sait perk and sait, pepper ansi but- child shonld net hbgé oedtp play. j er, cover with milk and, bake in the with other children. usuai way. If yen have some cold milIr * ravy' left, aidOt in the place et' part A eriu- hr antigs et' theo milk. This savos the gravy and »eAsnî as Melifuer Gýre s Womter. ilakes the peat eota. ronierandi it càn be givena ot the mst Fer he aia I ue clO esipeta- delicate chilti without fear of injury te, tees, enins ansidnurbsr ickles sait- ilieL constitution. ed ansi peïporesi, an(d cboj-pped le-, gether. For thèe ii,,sng i Iuse onsiLocal Indifference. lables;poonful et' preparesi mus ;ardi te Expîàer-Courd 1yen direct me te two tablespeons et'j sweet crotm, ene the Northi Polo? teaspoon sugar and vinegar te taste. Arctic Nativo-Yos. It's about five Lino th e dishes witb crisp lettuce minutes, walir frem hore. I've nover ileavos, garnish with, a couple et' slicesi seen it mysoîf, but I'vebeengirovn te bard-boiied eggs, saltesi and peppereds, undorstand that sorne persens con- and thon watcb. the mon wade in. sider It a great curie. I found that the mon proferresi celsi__________________ tea, and as we hac ne be I1 steepesi__ the tea ia a granite disb. with as littie ajp t wýalor as possible, letting Lit cool, and IU at the last minute pumped in the colO- TEEj10, ~ est wator to e l Iasi. From throe te six glasses te the man tellsathe un tbought about tbat. Irt Another thing, perbaps not se ecoe eomicai as the before mentiened, but C m oti o a fe on the rapidly disappearing erdor, was Cam tot E. DLL, ate larown breasi, Our recipe is as t'ellows:j Iakifg a.yu1aa . fnka8fl One cup et' sour croam, twe cupa et' Vegetable Coïnpound ýto buttermilk, eue scant cup et' sugar, RsoeH rH at four lablospoons oet',cooking molasses Rsoe-H rH at stirresi together weli. Sift in graham Eiesrg Wab-Afe Iws fler, e wrLcr as beon asidesi- two .,,,ridsi1 was net weî1 for a long time, leaspeons, level et' soda ansi onelieap- ans agoosideai cf ing fulet' bakîng pewcir, also one 111ýij the lime was flot toaspeon et' sait. Stir ratherlbick ans il able lego about.11 haIre in lwe boaves. Il La bottor te, Our greatosl ýdesire haIre a sample the firat lime, for un- 1 wste bave a chid bass thre baller is tiricIr eneugh thre r . in our home ane one breai wil fu ani IlLa aîbe teeex-day eny hus-band brea wil fal'an itis rthe tooex-Came b ack fromà pensive te wasle. For geins yen wsli town with a bole ind Ibhis recipe hard te improve upon. o y. Iaseo put a mijrrer, seap, comb, 10w- ' a e'ïLyiaEgctinke els andi dishes te o s in aI lihe weî, 0Gemp oundl(1anVd uncler a big abade lîee, setting ho, "'"ot? metctŽ it table on lIre verandlah, ansi fancies i IL_' m-y troubles.1 gel along.easier Ibis year Ilian evorl 7irnrovdlaheaitlh so y Couisi do(10 Mý before. I fins ital iiipliiy combine ,d ilousework; we niow have a lit11e one, aj with plain stb.'lantial t'eodl, tuila the of wbhich I owe te Lyiia JE.ikali mèsi botter titan ail the 'ancy dishes 1 Vegetabie Cçnxpeuitcl."-MZs. 0. S usesi te make hefore tre od H. C. t Jxs R o. 8l- Eliensbug, Wasb. L. put bis foot oin ry neck. There mre *omneveerywvhere wb long for eblidren in Ibeirbemes yet are denied this happ'iness on accornt cf General Eý . H.i, Allenby, formerli sm ueî.videdrwbc ams Comndiý.l(er cet te Brilish forcesL'C iS5woi5ediy iedt LdaE Paetnans ti-I present Special HghPnkamsVeelbe olp2'i Comissonr fr gyp ani 1oudn, Snch wOMPTn ahouisi net gi%,v up ho Eg p 'ndlfîntil lbey have girn this ojeK ansi Lul-eea Sir HreîPluen nedliciie a tiai, ansi for Specia!dir or, oýniinalir et' Is'lec d 1rlîbwrite Lyclia E. pinkbam. 1Medicine Ce.,1 Arm,have been-rasei tetr anlLnMass.The resut eof 4() y2er% el of s arh exe ienel at urevi. Flying sak adenWusfrim a burining builditug ofton cuse rocifs nar by to catrsh fix, especialy à a dry, htseason.Under liîkec ýond(itions, roofs coved %with are in 1ne danger from fing ebr bcas'aythat Lall on afodAtphxalt rofing Olie eut harmieýsly. BuilO a bonfire ena roof oif Býr.atforid A phaî ofingq and the fewintsp'a and the boarýds nndeteatS hoheroefng w ýill le.protecteOiiia asrriigmanner., If a fire stars in the interior of a buiding Branîfod Asphaît Roefiing acts as a reýtardant and keeps thee from sproading. Fire chi<s and inurance cmaisenderse its use in the, mort cecngcst. cd Mils. .;raatford Asphuaît Reoffln>Cdoes nt bsrb arbut sheds sthe beavice v ain ;itli cs.Acid pofandiakaipro.Reliable, dlp-be'Tmnkoi n 0l. 0'l- rran-tfordl Rubber RéOfing is the samo qaht as Brantford Asphait, but lias a smooth), rnbbc-iy surface instcad of the sand. IÎ la pàrLicularly suitable for veïirdtah deeks and floor coverine. Tbree weights-40 lb., 50 lb.,, and üO ib. SIgîylower quality thaitrnfrdRbir ofn.Used for sam~~rosesfias a ieatlery siirfae. - xeseaig od roDofing g at e-av.. ytfl.. ',', lt/ a O t. , . .<'.e *6J* standctrd Mohawk Roofbng lTestLes for years and has given enitirc satisfaction. Sariied rx cn le sI.One weiglxt--4 Ibsà per rsquare. CIIr.ta Shething Pàpereý A Atowdl raeft, orca~iwith r-ad ap1tFo m - bun i' IieÈ, luïtbec catùpij' etc:. Sk»;of- aem of tàeee r0I,*gs a WN essvUbefsnsc~erfe «eaýPd Of fice. aed Factorye Bantf4e C'elk For sale13f mcclellan & Co,, L1 Iit exi I A Qood Renron.Oorce Proverbs. B iýl Ings (Sternly'): "What's the reai, The clothes do fomareteran,' snn tha;t yugilian stav, se ac rrê,ad~he e oAeDioohr whrn4lic cfls~'"No,"answee hnfriend who waEs MISS Billings (demurely): "f aun, stucdying a tcallor's bill. "They don't papa" mare hm They break hlm. n--m 1 1 amCý

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