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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1919, p. 4

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Companies - Service Rates are of the best when you insure with NINA Eý NEADS Insurance Agent. Phone 162 Office Wellington-st Bowmanville School Opens September 2nd We have a full stock of School Supplies: Text Books Seribblers Exercise Books Lead Pencils Peu Holders Erasers Leather 1Book Bags Big 20 Bookstore YourHealth- Demands Good Bread The cýhief item of diet shouild be'bread'- th e ail-round, complete nourishuient But that item must be of the highest quality to give fullest nutriment. 1 arn usiug the highest grade ingredieuts that money eau buy--the, highest grade that exists. Home Made For many years Tod's bread has been famous for uts flavor-a sweet, nut-like flavor, no other baker can imitate. Tod's Rame- Made Bread is god enough to eat withouî butter. Try a boal. Thomas Tod Baker and ConfectioDer Bowmauville la 1ool(inq ai- an emply.9 bin! ~ 4~Nf~. NGCOAL COL Be. prepared for wiuter. Take that cold,i icy grin off hi s face. Filyour coal bin with the sort of coal that wili make you comfortable just to thiuk about. Lay iu your supply u ow aud be prepared for;winter. Canneli Coal We are agents for Purity ýCanueII Coal aud have-a good supply_ ou hand Give u a cal]. John A. Holgate- & Son Queen and Division Ste. Bowmanville 41 ADurham County Boy- CARD 0F THANKS. Mrs. Thomnas E. Hoàar, Port Bow- manville, desires to thank the many friendsanad neighborî for their very great kinduess and îympathy in her~ bereavement through the suddîn' death of her husband. RETURNING SOLDIERS Gnr. Darwin BickelI who enlisted with Cobourg Heavy Battery, arrived homùe Tuesday evening. Pte. Herbert G. Wakelin, son of Mrs. W. Wakelin, who en!isted in the Eastern Ontario Battalion in December i917, has returned from overseas. Pie. Wm. Gay of the 21st Battalion re- turned last week He was wounded several times and after visiting friendi in town bas returnedto the Military Hos- pital in Toront'o for lreatment. P UB75àL C' NOTICE THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN O0F BOWMANVILLE Publie Notice i heceby given that the Concil nf the Town nof Bowneinvillî wilil t a meeting to hi hîld on Mlonday the Sixth day of October, 1919, at the hiour ni ig= o'clock in the mIater. nioon, in-the Council haber', in the said Town of Bowmanville, conider a By-law foc cipsming. îtopping up, îîling and conveying parti of lligh Street, Odeltreaet ,:LubseLaue, Co)ncegsion Street alnd Kingston RýAd, al lu.the Town of- 13owmmnrvlle, and to establisih as highways lu lieu of the portions of O)del Street, Concession Street and'Kingston Roadlo be cloîîd ai afore- îaid, cîctair. othber lands in the Town of Bowman- DAILY TRIPS TO, OSHAWA A motor bus accommodating,20 people, wiII be run between Bowmanville and1 Oshawa morning and evening providing enough passengers cari be s&cured. Trhis is a verv comfortable conveyance being uphiolstered and covered. Men working in.Osh3wa now should communicate witb N. D. Hinikson, 35-2W. Phone 480 J. Oshawa,. BIRTHS.' ADÀms-At Courtice, Angi-S2, to Mr. and Mns. Thos. W. Adams, a son. BENNINS-In Bowmanville, Aug. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hennings, a daughter, 1RICHARS-In Bowmanville Hospital, Âug. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Wý J. Richards, a daughter. 1 MARRIAGES .- CHEESMAN(-UNDERWOOD-III Oshawa, Aug. 16, by Rev. John Garbutt, Mr George <heman' and MissMaud Underwood, both of Oshawa. DEATHS WADE-0II Ang. 2lst, Mary Symons, beloved daughter of Mary Wade, Port Granby. G.4m sBY-Suddenly at Oshawa, Aur. îith, A. T. Oamsby, dcuggist. Funirai fcom the residence of hie, A. P. Henry, Oshawa, to Orono on Tbursday. HINDMAN-At Midianfi, Aug. lîth, -Docothy Rachael Duruford. beloved wif e of Jos. W. Hind- man, in ber 45th year. Mother of Mci. Evecett S. Bragg, Oshawa. IN MEMORIAM GIMBLET-In ever loving memnory of ouc dear ,ion andi brother, Pte. Perey William Gimblett, who was kilinfi in actioi n France, August 27, 19 9. Yon nobly fought andi your lifi you gave Amidet the popples you sleep lu eeoldiec's grave, We'll ne'er forget our terrible los Tho' von sleep in honor 'uîath a wooden cross. FATHER, MOTHER, SISTERS F 1UR FOUNO-On Kingston ROad East. In- quice at STATESMAN Office. 343I WATCUl FOUND-On Whacf ttoad, Aug. 15th, ledy's wateh. Inquice at THE STATESMAN office, 14 3 Citienswho ttedca:theunin 1the ecton wher eah on sa as OW FOR SALE-:àrade H'oltein cow, juil Citienswho ttede he nionthesecion her eac aie sa ashe rnswd?-Pply Noble Metcalf. Pitone-124-1il serice in town were specia lyirecalled _thern, iiningcamng Bwmaled,14t. privileged on Sunday mormng when others the niames of W. H. Williams, AITNTÉDýLady croomere -oc Young macn ieçl Rev. Neil McPherson, M. A.. D. D., of Mqý1colm McTavish and sisters, Chas. yy-oule Apply to corner oi Concession and Springfield, Massachusetts, preached Kel' b, Peter and John Murdoch, W ElIg'in Sts., Bowvmanvlli. 135 1-t for the first rime for many years inSt. Hector Beith, Dr. Beith, James and AG O AEF-en ag uecl Paul's Church where hle worshipped 1John McCle1llan, J. B. Faîrbairn John EFOndition. Bargý aing eqink sale when a young lad. Liberty a heYlol1s r J W. MIcLaughlin, % M. A. Niai, Bowmanvilie, Phone 203, 85t subject of his sermon wbich. wasý truIy Francis Bleakley and others.. ANEED-75 tn 100 acre farm Dean tovnofn a, masterpieCe, being -ýspeciablly clear Trie Ibree greateit influences in bis W Bowmanvilie, complets with chattels. Ap- and simple in interprétation, convini- eaily life, he remiarked, whiCh cotrb- W pib Oshawa Real Relate Sales Con., Oshtawa. cing in, argument and satiafying to uted muceh ta b1is su_cessa ini fe were 2 every earnest seeker mter the truth. thle iho of BoWmjjanville and their O~W ESTRAY- About Jnlly 24th, fcomu lot 24, teacers incidîg th lae Prncial con 2, Cartwright, a white cow. with ced on Ris discourse was based on 2 Cortahrs nluigth ae rnipl îtu1ders, ntdîhornefi. Libenat ceçvardl 3-17. "WVhere theSpieît of the Lard Wni. Oliver, _Mr. Jas. ,Miller, B3. A., - foc hec wbineabouts. T'hos, 11,. Bcown, Burketom. is, there hs Liberty". lu answerho the Jals. Giifilanl, B. A. Miss King (now BR . 1424 question wliat is Liberty ? hie asked Mns. J. HI. Reid of! Pors Hope) an~d Mr. -ADyS ] ICYCLE-For sais, Cleveland, in bas aà man a right ta o oas lhe pleases p Chas, Keilli of tbeSouth Ward Sho, Liiclincpîtirpiiiito.s. cb ie. Dunlo tie Rashle a right ta say, I will gamnble, the aid Kirk and Sunday ScIool with 111 Fic ;0.Plon niakemone or pend ny te insucli teachiers as jas. B. Fi'arbairn and ________________ plase m Wbartspekdmd ofiierldt Peter Murdoch. and Thios. Yellowlees 1 OUIT RY ANDj)JUNK-,A. Dlllck payýs bighest wauld ýwe soon ,have ? If we are to as Superinitep.dent. ButIthe greatest r cashi priée for ail kinof niPnnltry and Junlt. of li as he nflenc hi der w StrPhonee 9on ciat b ûis resiltence 771 Ontario ge temotou f I w ust ave o i a teifune i enwdow- net, res ning livq msted mother. Ris remarks touched many riestoreinifoilunce s u Wenamuet - ROPERTY FOR SALE-InHa,,uiton), f rame bu pure ino iealmold. Wen herte rbouses. containing 8 nGooms, 2 acres ofi land, nation laies lier ideals sbe is but rying A Toronto lady wlio attendsafig iuit ni ail kinde, lange stable. Appiy 10 A. to destruction. Just as the rock, elm city churcli nemarked ta the witer EB. Jennîngi, Hamepton. 35t bow has more driving power than the when leavîng St. Paul's afler the ser- gR O AE10ars o .ni ,Dn willow so the young mnan in order to vice that she did not nemember ever AR ngOR, SAmE-1boursandtame b9 ar-o have self-control must possess the bearing a more practical sermon th anF particolari apply ou the promises to M. driving power ta scatter evil. Row Dr. McPherson's. The scripture les- CoIllins, PontyponI, BRS- 81114 shaillhe get il ?P h the power of son with explanations was as good as OAR FOR SERvIcE-Registered Yorkshire, reason a sufficient guide ta uncover many a sermon in itself.B gond long smooth lines, wsighs about 250 the soul P A lever, echolar may be a Rev. S. C. Moore was in charge of Box ihe Peccy R. ie . on 2 DacLinln mean man. The Germaus used reason the service and Prof. Chas. T. Paul of 17,B mavliPtos2. 19 in the late war, and sa did the Allies Indlanapoliq, another Bowmanvil le eMPLOYMENT WANTED-By a.middle.lgid -the resulîs were nat the sanie, boy wbo lhas won a namne for hiniself, EG wom'an with sight yîars' expeieinceinir gen. Reasn mst e sppored y cn- ssîted n te srvie, oferng . vry rai nursing andi midwifîny. Apply to Mne. Reasn mst b supored b co- asistd i th serice oferin a eryAmelia Young, ovin Tod's Bakecv., BoWmianvilli.1 science. Conscience is acuriaus thing. fervent and impressive prayer.TOEFRSLSuem coktveih 1h my b maipuate taplusu ur- Thu uvening service in the Method-S water front. 4 lîde, oniy usefi short time. selve. Unless land is exposud to the ist churcli was taken by Pastor- MooreS Reason for îelling installing elictrin stovi. suu's rav9 it will ot produce the, beet who gave a good practical, addruss on Apply Normnan S. B. James. Centre-st, Bowman- grain); the conscience exposed ta the "Life's Purpose" froini the words-ile spiendor aI God is ah its best only,'Wliat art thou doing ,here, Elijah ?" US0E FOR SALE-7 roomed brick bouses, wbeu under the sovereignty aI love. Adesn heyugpale eak ardvater well, new cistîru, acre, gond When reason, conscience, love, faithb,ed, "Are you making good in h" anin, maîpl fruis, gd te cbe-lu 1mwu. hope and imagination are conjunctly worid or wbah is your purpose ai d ~~i es A ppt, oMail. E3h4.Sob3,losr joiuud the best kind of individual is aim"? Rev. Dr. McPherson assist d 1 OAL AND FLOUR FOR SALE-I now havi produced and the best is always the in the service and by request spok eC plentynof coal at the C.N.R. station, Tyconi. freit. If Canada is to become the briefly at the close, making kindly ref- Aiso onubaud a quantity of that famous Five land God intuuded bier ta become lier erence ta three former Methodist Ross Flour. Phone 146-3 or 181-12. Applv 10 R. people musl îeek ha bue the beet type churchus of this town and récalled H. Colacutt, Bowmaisville. sot of 'citizen-must unjoy liberty pro- sainse incidents tbenuwith. <0OUSE FOR SALE-Modern brick bouse, 7 duced by the right kind of freedom mone exclusive ni bathroom and pantry, and be fruitful by the process af Mr. J. R, Sheritt, tenor soloist Hif cementsdl cellar Ibrougitout, electric ligbt, pruning and suffering. The best lias Trinity Chureb, Toronto, favored the gond water. garage and gandin. bot water furn- thespiitof hrit.congrégations by rendering a fine solo ans,ob hisÊeinobhiappreciatefi, P.O. Box 164, 1 11 Bowmanvillî. 35t thuspri aIChis, Teach Me To Pray " at the marniug Beforu iaunching inoa is subject service and a séection froni Elijah, in OR SALE-Houes and 4 acres 0f gond gandin Dr. McPberson referred ta bis boy- the evening. Mr. Thomas Fergusou's land witle bearirig orchard in, owmauviile, hood days hp this chureh. The nîany splendid solos, morning and uvuuing, ectriclighetts, waterwocks, harbroom, furuace; missiug membens were recalled as bue were alsa highly appreciahed by ail as nîw drive haro andi hen bouse. This !S a genuine iooked into the faces af the cangrega- usual. tlie PilaI Sang hein- capiîally bargaîn for quick sale. Apply Jas. Dudley, Box lion in the auditorium. He indicated rnerdin2ee1nng8l, Bowmanville. 34t FOR SALE-Ivii store pnopsnty on King-st, Bnwnvilii,nw occupied hy titi Dingman F&Edmondeloni millinecy; mien titi double LAID TO REST OBITUARY brick cottage and tarne cottage on soutb side ni -- Wiliington-st between Division and George-ehs; THOS E.HOABOWANVLLE MRS ~.~. INDMN, IDLND li occupied Rt fmi rentaIs. Appiy to Mn,. Edith THOS E.HoAR BOMAN ILL. Ms. J W.HINMANMIDAND V. Scobeil. Ineunance, and Real elate Agent, A very large number of friends and At St.AnreWs Hospital, Midland, nBowmiauvillp, Ont. 333 relatives gathered at the home of the late1 Friday, August 151h, Dorothy Rachael OR SALE OR EXCHAINGE-Frami dwelling, 1 F9bacumscd3 lrges heuebouse almn el6tristabe Mr. Thos. E. Hoar on Wednesday. afler- iDurnford, beiaved wife of Toseph Wmn. F roomi, Ilosgetheuoe lernwndson s tabe noon,, August 21st, ta pay their lait'Hindman -eied, in bier 451h yean, Deceas- bard and soit water, hall acre land with choice tribute of respect 10 a well-known and 'ed was thé daughter af the late Arthur lot ni fruit tries; central situation; will sonl or mucb esteemed citizen who as reported1 and Mns. Purnford and was born in the exchange for simaller propertY Appiyt10Drawer lait week was instantly killed by light- t3)wnshipof Maîcbedash near Coldwaten, B. Bowmanville. ss1 ning while ighting the light-hnnse lighf at lin te~ vear 1874, was macripel to Tnuenh Bowmanvillh arbor. The services-were Wm. Hiàdman of Waubausbene Marcb conducted by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., 14, 1894. They resided in Waubauîhene B, D., assisted in the singing by Mn. until the'year 1930 when they moved ta Henry J. Knight. After îinging a tew Midland te live, residing there until time verses of tbe familiar hymu "Rock of of bier death. She leaves a husband, one Ages" and scripture reading, the paîtor daughten, Mre. Everett S. Bragg, Oshawa, gave a short but very timely address to and two sons, Leonard and Rose. Her the large concourse of sympathizingr mother, and siters Mns. Clinton Archer, friendi. Paîl-bearers wene Messrs. Mn. Joseph Orton, nesiding near Cold- Lucius N. Vanstone, Archie Tait, W. H. water, Miss Emma Duruford, Bnookiine, Dustan and George Diliing. Floral offer- Mass., broîhers, Blake and Nathan of. ings were numenous and beautiful and. Coldwater, and Charles Durnford, Rock y wçre borne by Mr. Gueruisey McClellan Mountain Rouie, Alberta. Funeral 1001 and Mr. Harold Cann aîsisted by the place on Mondav, August 151h at 3 P. m., employees of the, McClellan Co-Messns. from bier lte residence, Hugel Ave. East, T. Norton, F. Tamliuson, H. Webber, S. Rev. (Capf.) Cobourn conducting the ser- Warriner, W. Folley and 1N. Piper and vice. Interment took place at Lakeview Mn. Fred Hoar took them 10 the cemetery Cemetery., bu bis auto. The floral offeringi were: Pillow fnom west sîde cottagers; Wreaths from eait side coîlagers, McClellau Co F L A I Ltd, Port Dalingtou Harbor Ca., Mr. 1111 KNIRS I 1919 Geo. W. Grant and family, Mrs.,Olive Nicholls, Niagara Falls, Mns. John Mc- Ciellan; Sprays fromn Mr. and Mns. S. BOWMANILLR-Sept. 16-17. Candler, Roy and Russel Candier, Mr. Peterboro -15-17. and Mns. A. L. Nichoils, Andrew and Toronto-,Aug. 25-Sept. 6, James Nicholîs, Mn. aand Mn,. J. AMc Ottawa-Sepî. 6-15. Clellan, Mn. and Mns. T. C. Jewell andi BeIevile-Sepî. 172. Frankie, Mr, and Mns. W. J. Dudley, Mr. Brighton-Sept. 11-12. and Mmi. Ernest Rhedier, ii Tina Scott, Blackstock-Sept. 23-24. Miss Muriel Chartran, Mn. Guernsev Me- Coboug-Sept. 17-i8. Clellan, Mm. and Mn,. C. Rheder, Mn. and Coborue-Sept. 25-26. MI's. J. W. Knigbt and Mns. Thos. Hoan, Kingston-Sept.,2,3-27. sr. Amoug the relatives and fieuds from Lakefiled -Sept. 23-24. outside points were-Mr. Samuel Hoar, Lindsav-Sept.,18 20. brother, and Mn. Roy Candier, nephew, Milbrook' Oct. 2-3. Mn. and Mns. Wm, Roe, Mnl. and Mns. Oshawa-Sept 8-le. Rd. Fauldi, Miss M. A. Cruiicksbank, Onono-Sept. 25-26ý, Toronto, and Mns. Nicholas Inlgram, Port Hope-Sept~. 3-24- Port Plenny. ______________Whv are so many youing men on the streets Sunday eveningsinistead of attend Rev. S. F. Dixon is supplving Treuton iug one of the chunches bulit, mainîtained Methodist pflpit for four SundaVi_. and preicher and 'choir prepared 10 in- stnuct, interest and entertaî,n tbemi Phone 208 When you Require the Services of an Expert' Electrician, G. PARKIN Silver & Churoli Sts. Bowmanville FUNERÂL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Mont complete Equipmeut Bunday and night caaU, uromptly attended tW. Buwn 1ville Phones 10-34 Branches: OBONO F1.4NIP?O1 "Lest We Forget" E., R. BOUNSALL,' D)esigner and »ealer la Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., la Granite and Marble. Bowmanville. Ontario. ATAPTHE Canadian National Exhibition Toronto' Do not fail to visit the East Wing Horticultural Building and see the splendid exhibit of is asteýr s ic5,,Records Uro ceries! It is qulite al seriouts Problem n Iow-a-days to purchase wiseTy your needs tQ keep- yolir table properly surppjied. By puirchasinig siûaller. quantit-. jes yort will be sure of goods always fresh. We are getting in Fresh Supplies Daily so that you need flot fear getting any stale goods, A. small order will ýbe given,, the same, attention as the larger. Try us for your grocery wauts and prove for yourself how well we eau serve you. i-lar.ry ,Alun Phone 186' Sowmanville Meats and Provi*sionls -We are well stocked with ail kinds of Cooked and Smoked Meats: English Brawn Jellied Hock Roast Beef .Bologna Cooked and Smoked Rama i-Bacon Cooken Ram Roast Park Loaf Pressed Ram Maccaroni Loaf New England Ram Try Our Home-Made Sausagýe A wholesome food and easily cooked, 25o per lb. Choice Freali Beef, Veal, Spring Lamb. Earl Moring D elivery Order pour meat in the afternoonà and I will' deliver it to your home next morning before 8 o'clock. Ge A. Edmondstone (One door east of Levi Morris& Sou's) Phonie 21 Bowmauville WhiIe They Last We have a very large assortment of plow points which are being oflered at special values:, Sylvester No 7 ........... Champion No 7 ........... Veity'No 7 .............. Verity No 21. ..... Defender No 2..... Pencival No 7..... Orono No 13 ............ Fleury No 7............... Fleury No 21............... Wilkinson No 7 .......... Wilkinson No 21 ............ *6oc each Nahural Verity Gang, short............................. $1.00 pair Impenial Junior......................... ........ ....... ..1.09L pair Imperial Gang .......................................... $1,20 pair J, We also have soles for above. Mason & Dale's Hardware Hardware1 eowm anville1 Rev. Neil McPherson, M. A, B. D. DR. MePHIERSON VISITS UTS HOME TOWN PREACHED IN SI. PAUL'SPRESBYTERIAN CHURGI-I SUNDAY MORN-,ING. ni sýtriets to hi celosed aud ni the sad lande ôbeh iîstabliihid Lai hghwaye in lieu th ereof osiug on Mfi inthe Office ni the CoIesk oi the saifi Town ni Bow11mnville aind thece opentoinspection by the Public. Ail pîequgs intcîîted or whosî landesutay or -might h v4uiill-afetdhytipaeeiing-of- îuch propooed By-law are rîquinîfi to attend at the said meeting whîn thîy will be heard in pic. son or by Counsil or Solicitor witb riferince thîneto uponpîtitioning ta hi en beard. Datîd thiis lîth day of Au-ýgrît, 191. JOHN LYLE, 354 TownClerk. J> 1 1 viii., Pl nd -E-; -LI

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