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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1919, p. 5

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Pickling Season! if you are to lhave appetizing aman delicious pickles i m and relishes you must be sure that the Spices are fresh and of the best quiality and Vinegar of the very best grade..,V We are looking after your interests by, sellhng you h< pure Spices and the best grade of Vinegar. w >Freshi Vegetables and Fruit daily. Vk vi5 It costs no more to have goods delivered. be PHIONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. I.!! Y.: Now Ready For BIO 1BUSINESS We are now located in our fine, new and modern Garage on King-st (Çàd I~LveySand>and are prepared to give first class, service in every de- partment: Bowser Gasoline Pump Compressed Air Pump Oxygen Carbon Rtemover, Al-Makes 0f Cars Repaired. We also have in stoc k theseauto supplies: Pr emier Mo tor, Gasoline National Carbonless Motor Oul Columbia Dry Cel Batteries Tires-Goodyear, Dunlop, _Domiinioni Fuil l lnO f auito repairs. Pickard's %Garage King Street Bowmanville j N-D That Gives You Satisfaction, You can depend on your plumhing and heating to give you the gî'eatest amount of com fort and ser- vice after.we have doue the work. We are experts at the business and our many satisfied customers are a guarantee that we will do YOUR work in the. best possible mannQr and at the lowest cost. Dont Wait--Do It Now Estimates cheerfully given. kinds given prompt attention, Repairs of al Greenaway & Elliott Division Street, Opposite Goodyear ilotel Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville Brantford Roofing We bave recently been appointed Special agents for the above Re- hiable and Fully Tested Roofing, Fireproof and -Weatherproof, aed shahl be pleased té show the goods aed fumnish estimates. Portland Cernent Rogers Canadian Portland Cement is the best Cement je the 'market today, we have a-fresh stock je good, soued bags, ready for delivery at short notice to any part of town or couetry. S5crantôn Coal Scrantoe C )al is the Standard Anthracite, and we are [prepared to take came of orc ers je aIl sizes. Now is the time to put in your supphy, as there is eve'y indication that the price will be higher later on, and those who take their coal ealy will be protected witb regard to price. Building Materlal We have our usual stock in ail lines, and solicit your. iequiry, and guarantee good service. McCtellan-& Company Li mited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15 - Residences 228 and 274 G. C. BONNYCASTLE DR. J. C. DEVITT L. D. S., D. D. S, DENTIST Honor Graduate je Deâtistry Graduate of Royal Dental College, of Toronto University. Toronto. Graduate of the Royal Coîhege of Office: King-St. East, Bowmarivi!lIe Dental Surgeons of Ontanjo Office Hours: 9 -4,11. to 6 p.m. daily office King-st - Bowmanville except sunda'y Office Phone 40. House Phone'255 Pone 90a- House P'hone 9ib1 BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 2 , 19[L9 Local an d Otherwise. Local and O0therwise Alex El i ot's jewelry Store closes Saturday. Miss Editb E. Allie is visiting fniends je Mrs. 1. D. Camuthers bas been visitieg foronto. relatives in Cobourg., Miss Thelma Gilders is visitîng friends Retter values than ever~ at E'liot's nToronto. - Jewehry Sale for the final weck. Mrs. Robt. Lmwin, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Davey visited Mm. and [rs. Fred Lyle. Mrs. Joe Byers before ieavingý for Victoria »Miss Nellie Bottreil is holidaying with B. C. iends je Grafton.- Mrs. A. Colville and family arc yisitieg Mrs. W. H. Sharp, Toronto, has<been Miss M. C. Colville, Toronto, during Ex- siting Mms. Chris. Cox. hibition. Miss Greta Bottrell bas been holidaying Misses Florence and Reta Bennett have ith friends je Toronto. been bolidaying witbl Mrs. A. Fursey, Miss Eva McDonald spent Sunday with Oshawa. er parents at Dundonald. Mrs. John Standee of Penticton, B. C., Miss Edna Kerr, Oshawa, is visiting is vistting at ber fatber's, Rev. W. C. itb Mrs. C. W. Mathews. Washington, Mrs. A. B. Cornisb, Toronto!, bas been Start the boys tos.) chool righ4t. iBuy siting at Mr. L. Cornish's. them a new suit. Coucbi, Johnston & Cry- Misses Lena and Agnes Haddv aredemnt. siting relatives ie Toronto. Mrs. J. Gmigg, MIiss E. E. Grigg and Jus a ew f tos vey pett ivryMuriel Dechi are visiting Mrs. W. J. Sdroom dlocks lef t at Elliot's. adOwnSu. Mr.J.-ý-herttToont,-waý-gus"f -Mms Harry Spencer andi son and. Miss, Mdr.-Ro. Seritt,-Tovr n-as--gust-ofLoretta Spencer, Toronto, visitcd their' r.ea T vos. egso'n boeysunday. itsaaunt, Mn.Jos. Rogers. Spcial vals jCe ys' soLsts at Mr T. W. Underwood, -Toronto, was ouc, Jheton& rydrma'sLtd ij town last week. He mighit possibly Mm. and Mrs. Harley Pemcy and daugh- locate on a farm at Omono. r, Toronito,-spent Sunday at bis father's. m.WiyShlsadsnBliTr Mn. Fred D. Cherry, Schenectady .otis yisiting Mr4., C. S. Miason. Mn, visied bs moheroventhe eek-nd.Scholes spent the week-end here. Miss Elsie Edgemtoe is visiting relatives CobourgT Sentinel-Star sayýs: Messms- H. nToronto and attendinig the Exhibition. C. Higgiebotham and W. H. A. sempleý Don't say you haven't beee warned to ieft on Tuesday oe a trip to the Pacific sit Elliot's Jewelry Store-if closes Coast. mfturday. St. Lawrence steamers are cmowded as Miss Do wns and, Miss.Lena Haddy are, neyer befome by Amenicans as few have tending the Faîlland Winter Openiings been able f0 gef passage on Atlantic iToronto. steamers. Mrs. Geo. Claphami,Hamiltoni, is visit- Mr. and Mrs.-George GIlsonand daugh-, rg hem daughter, Mrs. W. J. Mornîson, fer Edea, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mfrs., Vellingtoni-st. M. Holland recently and also friends in Mrs.. Theo. Sweet and son Allen, the country. familton, are visiting hem cousin, Mrs. Major W. C. King, P. M., attended the V. Dý Short. Ontanio-Rifie AssYcianAnnuali atclves Mrs. (Dr) Cahoon and son Corey of at Toronto., He is a member of the Ex- oomfieid, are visiting hem sister, Mrs. ecutive Committee. V. Claude Ives- Cobourg municipal baths -at the park Mn W J. Robson, Belleville, mecently wene opened last week,- the band- of the isited bis father, Mr. Wm R obson, wh.,) 48tbH -ighlanders bavînig the hohnor of be- as been quite ilI. 11,ing the fimat to tise tbem., .l Mms. John Maxwell, Mms. E. Steyen',, Doe't wait tiI]1 Alex. Elhjot bas moved -1 ns. McMiher, Clevelaed, Ohio, are visit- to Oshawa to realize the mnoney you 1 ig at Mn. T. C. Jewell's. might have saved by buying tlatware, cut, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.,McFeetems and son g:lass, af bis movieg sale, romdon, Oakville, anc hohidaying with ,hem Mr n ad.,Ms. C. J. Lunness and Mn. ter, Mrs. A. T. Christie. Colborne Joheston,. Toronto, were week- Misses Nelda and Myrfie Lyle are visit- -ed gaesfs of Mn. and Mms. T. Wesley ig Mrs. W. W-îllis, Toronto, and Muissesi Cawkcr, 'N-orwav, Cottage". elen and Irma Lyhe, Mîrniéo7 Mn. George French bought hast weelc If you need anvthing lei sihverplate or froî Mrs Bert Afidrus, Bowmanvihle, tlhe twame ybu wili save a lot of ttioàey ifj homristead mesidence oif the lafe Chas. ou buy it this wçeek at E.lliot's. Barrett for $9o.- Orono Newa,. -Sufficient helpm having been securecl, the Mr. A. e, Cox, fh&d the misfontune to 'and Tnuok çançellçd the Northwçý; 1brý-lt bis left arto a wçek ago Saturdav t xdursion advertiscd for August ;2tst. wh1ile cracking his cari but. it is eow do- 1 Miss Maybeth Standen, returned ûmis- Oshawav efomeryadwh enb eI loary from China Lnland Mission, was Ohw eomr .cent guest at Revw W. C. Washington's. Win. Asterford, near Bnockville, had Mn. nd rs. . W Thetonand15 cows kîlled by lightning, under a free,,c Mr. ad Mr. G.W. Texto andvalue $2000. -Mr'; Asterford and son lett ughtcm Lillian, Milwaukee, Wis., have the fr ee where thcy first fook shelten a e guests of ber mother, Mrs. Thomas minute before fthc boît felI. cerie. Sunday evenieg week ear Pernytown, Mr. Walter Smith and bride who have John Ware's barn and contents, il hogs, ee sfaying at Mn. Fuller Catom's have 2 calves, a wagon and 'set of, ncw hareess ived- into Mr. Fmanik Werry's framne were burned, the building being struck by i1 use on Manvers Rd. , ighteing. Smahl insurance.E Mms. Fred 'Bamrett and daughters .Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Couch celebrafed argamet and Editb, Fort William, and their Golden Wedding annivcrsary on' iss Pearl Wahmsley, Toronto, have been TedyAgs 6a h oeo hi isitng Ms. W Wilon.daughter, Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Athelma Mm. and Mrs. John Campbell and twO 'Apts., Grosvenom-st, Toronto. hiîdren, Enfield, Mm. and Mrs.-Cephas R. The "Castie" grounds known as tlhce .mpbell and two cildren, Whitcwood, old John Ham Perry block at the eomth ask., necently yisited at W. E. Jewell's. end of Whitby bas been donatcd to the Rev. and Mms. Hiesman and familY Of V. O. N., for -a hospitah site. The Com- eton, Iowa, Mrs John-Pring and two mit tee are hoping, to erect a 10-bcd t ughters, Toronto, motored here f0 visit hospital. ini sister, Mrs. Fuller Cator, Manvers Moonshine whiskcy bas been manufact- oad. ured at Port Whitby, Chief McGrotty Rev. W. R. Archer and family have ne- found $a,7,oo wonth habelhed as "McPher- ircd from a month's, holiday w ith son's Pure Scotch Whiskey" sclling af $Il ends at Wellington, Little Bnitain, a gallon, a Ukraeîan wilI settle with the owmanvihle, Lindsayý and Oakwoëd- anthorities. ,ig1tton Ensign. Mm. and Mns., W. E. Jewell aneounce Councillor and Mrs. A. J. Graves, Osh-c iengagement of their eldesf dauglifer, awa, announce the mamiage of thein sec- , na Maude and Mn. Fmcdcnick J.Wight, ond daughfen, Alice Bertha, and Mn. En- th of Bowmaeville, the marriage to take nest A . Seeley of Sarnla, on Sept. 4th je lce canly je Septemiber. I Simcoe St. Methodist Churcli, Oshawa, byi MrTh 4-Ivr-nwqvle r Rev. John Garbutt. sic rec dai bec Sh bec Mc hoi Ma Mil vis chi Ca: Sa Vil dai the fui fii Bo the bol pla mr. ,jon u ilyflE, fljowmaflffvflfl, Liv. and Mrs. S. G. Bartlett, New Hambumg, Miss Hattie and Mn. Fred Batlett, Ton- onto, weme guests at Mr. Geo. Ives' over the weck-end.-Colborne Enterprise. Rev. and Mrs. Neil McPhenson and son Neil of Sprngfield, Mass., have been e- joying a visit with bis sister, Mrs. J. N. Lawrie, and othen relatives and oldfriends, here Ac You'll buy that diamond ring sooner or ater. Do if now aed save 25%. Ae' Eliiot.< 1 Citizens visiting Toronto Faim are inyit-ý cd to cail at, Boothi No. io9, Ledustnial Building No. 3, f0 see exhibit made by The Canada Scale & Slicen Co., of Bow- manville, Thomas Ferguson, Sales Man- ager, Mr. and Ms, Daniel Holliday, Brookî je, aneounce the engagement of their young- est daughter, Marie, and Mn. R. Keith Lawrence, eldest son cf Mr. and Mrs. W» M. Lawrence, Brookiin, the marriage to takc place veny quiethy carly ie Septem- ber. Mn. T. G. Bragg, B. A., and daughter left Friday for Calgary where the% will be met by Mms. Bragg who bas been holi- daying among friends je Pacific coast cities-Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and Tacoma. M ri. T. W esley Cawkcr's 'Bhack Bess" was a big winnen at Cobourg's big Sum- mer Horse Show ast week, carrying off Ist prize in Saddhe Ciass, 2nd je Combina- tion, 3rd in Gentlemen's Runabout and 4tb in Lady's Canniage Horse-a record oven which f0 feel proud. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer J. Behîman, and daugliter Agnes, Colliegwood, and Miss Marion Neffleton, Penetaeig, Mn. and Mrs, WiHI Joncs and daughter Olive, Balsam, Mn. R. O. White and twie daugliters, Helen and Palina, North Bay, Miss P. White, Prince Aibent, wcre recent guests of Mrs. E4 Belîman, "Balsam Grove." The two Bowmanvilhc. bowling rinks thaf fook part ile flicbg Belleville- Tourney made a good record but failed f0 win cithen tropby. Mr. J. A. Websfer's1 rink inchuded Ogden Smith, A. L. Mil-( mine, Luther, Nichols. Mn. J. H. Mc-1 Murfny's ink-Fnank Williams, T. S.i _Hoigate, James Caruthers. The Rigzgs';( trophy was won by R. J. Wray's rink of1 Belleville. Mothers shouhd first visit Coucli, John-1 ston & Cryderman's- Ltd Store beforei bu ving boys' school suifs. Mn. and Mrs. W. G. Rundie, Bowman- ville, annouece the engagement of thein daughter, Elsie Estelle, and S. Everfon White, son of Mn. and Mrs. D. C. White, Zampbellcmoft, the marriage to take place the second week je Septemben. Jusf notice the spankhe of thosediamond rings you can buv at great reductions. Alex. Elliot. Mn. Reuben Gorili and sisten Mrs. Kinghorn, Mr. Wjll Fond and Miss Lottie Gomill, Mr. and Mns. Frank Fhuggitt and daughter Ruby motored fnom Cambray and spent Sunday with thein cousins, Mrs. McReynohds and Mrs. Fred Lyle. Steambarge Isabella H., hound fnom Oswego f0 Bowmanvilhe wifh a cargo of nul coal was caughf je the storm off Port Hope on Sunday afternooe and was forced to takre shelten at Cobourg where she remained until Monday at live o'clock. Mn and Mrs Arthur Drew, King St E, Oshawa, announce t he engagement of their eldest daugliten, Luchla Lorine, to Captain Morley Rice Jacobi, onhy son of Mr. and Mrs. Augusf Jacobi, Oshawa, the mariage to take place ealy in Septem- ber. Mayor aed-Mrs. A. N. McMillan, Dr. and Mms. J. C. Devitt, Dr. cnd Mrs. C. W. Slemon. (Enniskihlen), Mr4~. andM ns. F. C. Vanstone, Misses Bessie and Ella Jolhow, own, Mrs. S. -J. Harris, Mrs Arthur Bale, Miss Evelyn Eversoni and Miss Berta Harris, Oshawa, speef a de- lightfuh two wceks' trip up Saguenay River, Qncbec. Mn. Fnapk Symons made a good record with his beautiful- driving homme "King" et Cobourg Honse Show, winning second Championship, je chass for Road Hforse, and outffi; 2nd for Road Horse over 52 hanfds; 2nd Tî3 Qpen Runabout and 3md in District Ruàout contesf. To win a second prize je sucli keen comnpetition is no small honon. Mn. F. H. Mason lias shown) why horse chesf eut trees are shcdding thein touiage so eanly this season. Close by bis fiowcn garden which he watened reguharîy during dry spelîs stands a chesteut tree whose leaves arc *s fnesh and,.green as ever. We conclude from this instance that the very dry weathc inje uIy is the cause of the leaves fallieg 50 earljy. Don't fhink because the pnice is so low that the quality is Pot there. I guarantee cvcry article sohd at my removal sale.i Alex. Eliiot. Bowmanville High Sehool Tuesday, September 2nd Pcrospective students desiring any information should consait the Principal. (Phone 253) STAFF: W. J. MORRISON, B. A. PRINCIPAL Teacher of Science MISS I. K. SMITH, B. Aýe Teacher of Moderns and English m~iss M. B. DONNELLEY B.A, Teacher of, Classics and History T. M. IIENR Y, B. A. Teacher of Mathematics W. B. COUCHî, Chairmnan of Board J. S. MOORCRAFT Secretary 35,1W Local and Otherwise Miss Gladys E. Munday, Detroit, Mich., is holidaying at home. Buy that odd piece of china at Elliot's sale and save money. 'Ms Ma-rtba J-arvis-is-visitinge-her-sister and other friends in Toronto. Mr John Hellyar hias been visitirg relatives at Toroq4o an)d Clinton.. Miss, McGeý, Cardinal, bas resumed duty ineMiss Harnden's Mifinery Parlors., -Misses Lillie and Fanny Phiilp, Canning- on, were recent guests of Miss J., E. Rundle. Mrs. Andrew Taylor, Toronto, was, week-end guest of the Misses Galbraith, Queen-st. Miss E. Philp, Toronto, bas been spçnd- ing a few weeks in Bowmanville guest of Mirs. E. Belimani, Rev. J. F. Chiapmran, B. A., and Mrs. Chapmran, Peterboro, are holidaying at Mtrs. Levi Morris'. The Misses Brimâ.combe are biolidayieà 'iith their sister, Mýrs. Rd. Snowden, Os- hawa, and other friends. Mrs. A, Densem and1 Mrs. J, Goynie, Osbawa, are visiting their sister, Mrs. HIarry Sp 'ncer, Toronto. -New Fall and Winter suits, dresses and lress goods arrîving daily at Couch, robeston & Cryderman's Ltd. 1Mr. Day Warnica is enjoying a couple of weeks with bis uncle, Rev. C. C. Wash- ington, B.A., and part y in Muskoka. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Washington bave returned trom a pleasant visit witb their son, Rev. C. C. Washington, Baltimoàre. Diamond rings of bîgbest quality and absolutely guaraeteed are included in my removal sale. Save $50 on a ring. Alex. Ëlliot. Rev. W. P. Woodger, B. A, wfe and baby Ruth, Marmora, spent the week-end with his father, Rev. F. Woodger, Centre Street. Special meeting of Woman's Auxiliary to the Hospital Board will be held on Friday Aug. 29th at -3.30 p. m. in the Council Room. Ready-to-wear and made-to-measure suits, for men- in great varieties, latest styles and best values at Coucb, Jobnston &c Cryderman's Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonald and daugbter Marion, Oshawa, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Donald McDonald and other relatives bere. W.C.T.U. will meet Tuesday Sept. 2nd in the Primary Class Room of the Meth- )dist cburch AIl memibers pleasie attend for tbe election of officers. You'll feel like kicking yourself whee you find that you can't get such values ie jewelry, silverware. etc., as Eliiot,; the reweler, is offering. Store closes Satur- lay. .Mr. Robt. Holmes, representing Lodge Wellington, No. I9, and Mr. S. Jose, Lodge Newcastle No. 46, attended the ;upreme Lodge of the Sons of England en Hamilton. Regular meeting ofthIfe lowmanvile ATomee's Lestitete will be held on Friday AUg 28 at 3 p. m. at the home of Mrs. E. Belîman, Centre-st. Ahl ladies cordially envited to attend. The tbree "Silent Policemen" placed by order of tbe Council on must ie obeyed by motorists and drivers of other vehicles. "Keep to tbe Right" is the instruction they bear- no more cutting across corners-ail must go around the Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club few their sixth aed last young bird race en Saturday August 23rd from Thames- ville, Ont., a distance, of 217 miles., Lt was also tbe final race for the Alex. Elhiot silver -cup. Following is tbe me- sult-Frank Bottreil, first, winning cup ie 4hrs. 55 min; L. Creeper, second, ie 4 hrs. 5 mies. and 4o sec; S. Hardy, third, 4 bris. 7mies; L. Richards, fourth, 5 hr-Y 10 mies. Premier Hearst evidently believes the same as the Colliegwood Bultetin that, If it were je the interest of tbe nation bhat total prohibition should exist while the war was on je order tbat the natioe's fficiency migbt not be imipaired by con- sumption of liquor it follows that je these tmes of peace wben every ounce of energy irequired je dealing with conditions ans- iglout of tbe war that prohibition is more tan ever necessary." We are hf receipt of clippings'fromn the St. John's, (Nfd) Telegram sent us by, Al1 red Sbrubb je which an accotant isl given of a day of sports put on in t.he bove city by.-the passengers on the S.- S. Grampian. It will be remembered tbis sip collided with an iceburg on its ont- ward trip last month and had to put back to Newfounidland. Le the events Shrubb ran two races-a four mile match against two otber competitors, who each covered. stage of a couple of miles, Shrubb won Bas4~yien20min, 46 3-5 sec. He also won i five miles handicap fnomf scratch ie 251 min., 32 2-5 se,î i d tl a Il fi 01 v: si 4 5ý 54 se fi st fi is fi s gi a] tc rE tv a e.i a m l'The Shop That Leads à Turl ls! Furs!1 Purs! Do You Want Your Furs Altered ? If so why flot try us. We have had the experience and know how, We can suit you with Cooke Br os. Allen Ltd., Art Made Clothes. Corne in and see Samples and Styles. G. . HlIRSTGN Bowmanville's Up-to-date HaberdasherY In- u hp Holidays Are Over' The old shoes havev had a hard time during vacatipn an d new oues are neiededý that wifl titancllherd ,Yearý- and ail kinids of weathjer. Sturly and Strong- We have studieci the prob,- lem of children's shoes f rom every angle, comfort, q uality and pilce> and offer the best service and satisfaction. Here Are A Few Splendid-LUnes Boys~ -Box Caîf Blucher, size 1 ta 5 .............45 Box Caîf Bluebier, size Il to 13-.........$,75 Chrome and Box Kid, size i to S....... $3,7 ï5 'Chrome and Box Kid, size il to 13 . $3.... No Profiteering Here Dongola Kid Lace, Low ileels, size 21 to 5 $4 50 Dougala kid Lace, Low Heel, size il to 2 $3.50 Box Caîf, sturdy and strong, size 2j to 6 ... $3.75 Box, Caîf, sturdy and strong, size 11 to 2...$0.25 Phone 12. c FRED. R. FOLEY, "On the Sunnyside" KEFPractipedist always at your service. lins' Bowmanville. J '1 M New Uoods, We are showing this week Ladies' New Fail and W inter Coats - Skirts and Dresses- Also Congoleumu Rugs Linoleums and' Floor Oilcloths S. W. Mason &So Across from Standard Bank Telephone 106 Bowmanvîlle

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