t I14IE11~ T! I ~DI~WO6liecerTree Specia,'st4- ý eeFrtW ~ U e~d If haîfia thousand diseaseeinfs --othigbtdag9bbVk th ._ __ t,,J -11- . - .-A1,-Fl- T , ireventl Itw~ablatiu lti plce. The) garden ilotv, îthfiowers and fruitd and ,Fgetables ndhers, q-nlal. And the surrounding couiitry matched it! for prettiness. -1 "HIowever' did you get such a fine house?" ake the friend atter thc "It ,as this' way,'" said the ot casting a cautions look rounid to where bis lady was inspecýting and CoYng tu adern ok "The property va~s for sale,.- so 1 hf e issus ofyour ody ou wul d this terrible condition Nature sends ahdloe on h os n h Cle,ýn tohandle. S(,Id by alDruge, u'(Iy need a doctor. Yet more than; physician 'regularly to each patient.' c tiensindw, askied ther iwhtshM ïgst, Grocers andI Gcneral Stores% 00Spý-'eiesof insects prey upon the]I Som)etimes -Dr. Vodekrhas been! - -- garns, I amied herviwtshýro oa tea ~d til ewonder at its nw ospeinsm~~ stree days i thought of it. 'Henry,' she rpid In heHymnolan. tr*engîh,( and vigor. So muceh, inueed,1 operiiing/on onevrybd aecn-7 'it 15 go pretty it leaves nie speechi- tht sturdy as an oak" has become st l ciit oo dataeh- PollIlý: You hiust have had an air- h tree-surgery toons General s*-Reare. ciigtmegtig are l 1~sturdy oalC owes much of ision i only as deep as the thickness, ea d ship.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~e. ana'ertisâng slogan.k Ote c liesbs per slip. log 11fr o Dr. Wodýdp_,cker , ature'~}o h ak fe esle i pa-~4& A venerable Justice sat lni the placeý Kap: W \Crtanlydi.\W-Veskiledwod surgeoin. One~ borer llbtensam o rvcSatd-of honor at a ýreception. As a young th mhstr a tim'th k~ te oidkiIa re inlehrtedi lf~-draws ont the Wormr,lein no mr lady of dazzl<ing cam akdps vitrwslongteop.a dedywikln nghs1or scar on the bark to show where he L he -exclaimed almost involuntarîly: ________________ lla few beetLes. A singje mothel dtd it. At ther tinies his eutings M Lï-I rCi; NZo LEDUC "Whiat a beautifui girl!" beetle will produce 'nearly 5 î,Ot ay be deep gelleries, tunnels or 8 Ottawr St 1111, P Q,. JuTieYo's olimntureand gave Y011ng destroyers in a sunimner of un- cavern-Ts.îe' intrrptdzactivity. Wýeevý1;oils o 1 A great deal of thiB drumiing e-that ¶ri--ie"icraiiaodr him a radiant smîle. "What an excel- weh~risonyfor sounding purpse, lent Judgbl!" she sald. SINC 187 it uil of holes, an easly victim to othier -much like a man taps the waTt ith ttis;bigor to sta;y la bed____ detoe s aw-fliesctyil~s, a hamer to find a studding. We o.Iemn ..Itidalkna0 If Mier Wormi Powders needed the 4ïýýantsaad oths are amnong the hosts Dr. Woodipecker ha-s discovered a dis- medicint, but without gettiug hetter; support o! testinlbbiiaIsihey cou,,jld be got otrepests that damag7e the outer esdprheircsaapdfeo a-nd 1thou1glit Iwouldl never be able by the thous~d rmmteswoko ..~.Pat of the trees. AgRinst al ~ these ratitling hea)ts upon the spot w bh is, ta wahhr aWervgain. 11*s, clln mdcie the tree is ýIfensi1es~, ekceptfor thepc-a bill, raining bis hanrer-1lke "Oneý day while lying lu bed, I read But the powdeïs wiII speak for themiýelVe bIowsw-'.b aý gbo.,. fie geat nd irr such a waY that there can De rioî >1 Wo&'Ph~Jd ,busy surgeon, A hunigry bird ofay b -'s ithatomnati, andi gstonishringr ot Futa-ie' h ratfut question o! hle. -They a-ct speedïiy and Th eE#ï»înph s cd«1î other kindI cannlot help the tree, for prl,"isionIi untîl h;s prey is brought ta Imedicine; anci it scemned just what I thoroughly, and thie cihd to %liom th,,y ne-su sstr, e. 131oo the Pests are hidien heneth the bark k lght. Then 'he thrusts in his barbeti neëed, goI d1eciJdtito try ujt: are adminiistered wili sh jw improvemýen ~îddi Vinaor far N/und4s r arufdr thcairat, il asUrfhaaucee ý c1ad er, ïl frs bx tledme ad atoktfodth ose.'dse De Ienia'- and Br 'u 1'ieno hiWZibo e1e maD lI-ok <Iesnr~ ~Jus a ~ ath" "~~iiX fot hedady rub.-the-tablets-reguîIlarly unti-ievery trace prpiaeBaA Mert Fiir J~ni5.Pre~ipe-box metiout whoîc llnisof peoffle la the 1Not a siagle bird or animal can t as- ARheuatism lefBome friS. 4e milf lasxi pk on Sô-idlurofMiodde Ages, so, ett tez n-sst Dr. Wood pckýer 've ry much, for inFrîa orhpyppl Tnprt drui'~ o male inplnn 1~s mies, if viî be ony a few decades he alo-ne carnies the surgeoa's til. J~< For geltle peoipl'e: Tenider. KDIC CG., TONNTO, ONT. (FupIy WIi4u, ence vwe who love the woaandi he? and stronirlyreeomime.nd tFrpehemikatit:LTe trelards- are dn1y bounti to proteet to* every suiffererfrom Rheumatisxuinord. na-je this expert physician., To aid hlmLOEZOLDiC For slngeonsarCue. mnost we need flot place foo,,d lu pro- a lhc X 6 for $2.50, trial size 25ri. For bar-bers : Clipper. HEATH1 tected places, for his doctor's practicel At a%11detalerai or' sent P<tpaid 0n For kis,,ersi: Smnack, brin' s him ail the foodi rewards hec eit f ýe yFut-a- e o o~r:J1ybi nee (s although suet Ci be pt but' 1iâMited. ottawaZ. Ont, For tramps: Buin-boat. APPETITE' for hlm iîn the winter. Nor c - e________________ or pool, p(ope: L)Ylugy. b)uildi temipting houses for his accor,-i For grave cdiggers,,: Dug-out M EATS miodationý, sln'ce s ch)ie!-bili hews Oe hOur Boys in France, out betteg homres than we cr con- ùeth wa-ve, oui' children brave Fofr ASTHMIA.AND C.ATARRtl-,.-Iî 1$ otie You, caliînot bulild hlealtli witho-ut a goo(i struet. But we can shield tisbusy.ý H-av~ e nle at hlitUnrtty's cal; of the chief oeonain f Drý! a~i~and gbo1dgbtîon. - To be stirt of {trusting surge-on froaxi MLs enemies.1 Rad'--to give tlsat the rgi¶tInia>" tive, Thomagt Eclectrie Oïl that it can be used thsevu iioid atgD,,cinea eey a 1Frémost aunong tirese is the ,cat, and e4 d to glive their ai., sah haum~c -icelàas lit ai you sould at god met ev-ry dy. - } especinhly the wooas-cat. Be-' lR iLFtwewlee h~~ard1y, Suff cers f roif sthia anid 1*t1Ve( OiltGi, i La ell Frnce hpr tb, fo's ci-catarsr will i( ti hat th e GlI 1wteftuse A -odat rtesaeeonti.caus-e, ofignorant superstition about V.1l codntdrcinwl Ieý-jjéij t I jjý-jj p_,,pj i J'ilin cas heforst ae aloef to fadblilhte l the >yof life, rehief. Ma-ysûffierers from .theail-- any fl 1ove1rnn t hr.Otndrn hTe undterguas o tecruel nWntshave foand relief ithe 0i1 and toliàiof foods which 1the system does cold5 of witer then tenWdsrte T -H uset tliikhve sent testimnoniais. not require, andi too hitthu of whiat is really frozen op they corne to the farm and Huase-lite wu sne vilagebuitijgsby the scores, but Oa ondi-h wu tie f 273,444 Canadiean soldieýrs Who needd. hey' live the irtes le( duriag L.and of the West, ycir Galant breast, replied to questions as to occupation Le utude ouihe.sprng, summiaer aini fali, wantonlY lHas nourished a race o! mon3 , after demobilizationi, 87,771 expressed Thii areoverslaughteing hcus;ànds if the valu- Whose eager feet wihl scora retreat, a eir o olto farmning D17 stock- al'forest birdls-aqmoag them the And dash to the fray aigala. raîsîng, 15,553 o! these having previ- Goo met nurihes an itcret-e a at-woodpecker. No other bird or animal ously been cngaged in other ptursuits. ural appetite for othler wholesome fo)od.- seem-ýs te heed danger so litle a-s Dr. Rad by'rod, o'er the- bloody sod, You realize tbi-s 1enefit espïcially whlen you Wootpecker when he works on -isens- The invader s host rocedes. No one needi endure the agony of co -a' by oumetfoteti trees, ani the str-iay' cat fintis 1h*m Whlle the aheli-toral earth attests the with Hýoloway's -Corn Cure ati hand l u bu yu mâtfoj an easy dinner. Ki-lithla -l scati Worth remove îhemi, as ou oul a oisnou sakef0!deýsperate v-alor's deeds. Aniother shamieless destroyer of theByteracsdepsh los Buy W. S. stamps. -W ilbert J-. Dudiey -B h rece'de, hi1wdw à,woodpecker is the thoughtless hunter, ____________________ lloseyBlok owmnvile Somtimes ho carrnes only an air-rifle, or mothers kneel to pray, Bowman ~but generally he to-tos the shotgun-- For the dis tant ones, who .se dauntless ia either case he shoul-d h de-alt wth sn jGootc4ô sevtrely. Teach that ignoraint hunter Haverhelped to save the day. o -- o t*-e ô iý j ~that one wood surgeon killeti z'ili ___ ean untirtetia£ranthendrea ft arocs WOMEN AMD ASTHMA. Women are Far ners!t lef unroectti ro th grathoudsnuimbered i amoag the sufferers frotun ef- insécts. astma by the couileestotsnd.l eery cIi-mate they wfhh be fourid, he'p -s Net a Bd Idea.in file gril) o!i bisrtes disease I M r. J. Roserlvaldh- pn "Andwhee ae yu goag or ourthey havie avaihedtrihas-hves o! the eti a retail fend andi farmers' pro- "-An whee ar yaugoin foryouroprremedy. Dr. J. ID, Kellogs holdayths yar? Bownaskd iAthma Remedy has brougi new lw duce stare in Toronto. M iý-ik frlendi Grey. > and Iffe ta maniny such. Test:onia]2, se-nt, is his Bowmjanrilln ag9ent anti -s Wel"sald Grey, "I a~m not think- entirehy withoiit solicitation, show thei --ing o! gobing anyWhere." enormous benefit it bas wrought amongi payving h*ghnst prions for al sort "Wa!Not going away?" wmeceerwbre-grain, Lay a;rmrsprodâon. No. Yen see, the peopte who lire s ntith prsà nexdeo teme re otn awy, ad MEN'S MILLINERY UN INDIA. Th - ~~~the%'arce takiagi their baby, the par.-Oretluralaom sd infenfchg. rot, and the gramiophoniùe wlth them, ie go 1 have decidod to stay at home ty Square 7eet of Cloth. h 29 B l and have a rosI." Modern women laven't a Ihingoaupnnowanî man from India, wben il cornes to bfr isoig fyu ots ...- ......P epper cost $175 an ounce ln Eng- weariag expenrsiebas Anteyl la-ad in Henry VII.'s reiga.- bae& te gel busy te crowd'as mnuel on î Pays l-or tselftheir heads asde(Inhe men from Born- Pays ForItsef Faacearesa-i tohaveothr adan-bay, Calcutta sncf Punjaub, for thoseS Ion -.e and labor savcd-irî iincreased producholÀý- worî- doneé Rubber artificial eyes inveated ia red, yellow and White turbans are, as zCi jbetter as wehh as faster-a Toronto Farm Engine pays for jtsehf. No longcasate se-idstilecvolbs put eud to matter what size your farm y.ou îneed a gasolfne ongine-and a GOOD a1 I dito 0 en mr orn n. trbni md po!na gasohîne efl1gîne. Toronto Farm iEtigines are specially ds fohd rd folabe t wr than glass :rnes. Kc farm servle-streag. simp1e in oeration, efflfhnt aud eonoturbanun _____made_______of___________ on keroseile or gzasoine. Oi1erate ail the macbinery around the farm qar et cf côttbirî etlog"~'Adfltoe, 7,DonetsfJ by lhree feel wide. anot, ýher day witb The average person wonders why- suffering Chas. astiir~s Aget, ~ o a-I~rîmudrien in- Ibese burinîng countrles Wear - an e. Hampton A urg ik pl~es. N a bat wbicb covers Ib te head as cern- __________________________________________________________atin rquled.plcely as the hbood oo an Eskimo. Bolh Dr. Chase'sOintment wilil reieve yen at Once do il for the sarna reason., One se eks mi' vous, diz.. aa -a-crtainly cure you. etc. a Dox; ail poeto ri.Ln n h te dealers, or. Edmanson, Bat s&C. iited, Zrtcinfo etadteohr-- Toonto. Sample box froe if yen muention this front cold. The lest cf one's own body' ' - - -~ F,; er and enclose 2c. stamp ta pay postage. sanador edualeIbn abebua HAM TO' FL UR IL S ____________________ing rays o! India8s suri. - ged dw man wears a turban tbirty feet by weak- 1long, wbt¶e a ýsmall boy wears one -~o fron tea te fifleen feet long. But ~b m e.- e Indian youngslers lave fouad Ibal the MY re. Lu>« iii cap ýo! Ibe Canadien boy tales far legssye A ime t put on Iban'bis turban, and Mnkeny- black crle.and rpale igthey are generally discarding the - a v )headgear o! their faîhers for tbat chesIWaS restored obat womcl Aenca1Iby the Favorite Presciptlnof Dr. THE TRANS-CANAOA AJJ LEL V C ARS ~ETW1~NTl'o To ANvNou~ FIRSTRISNDY IE RT Leave TORONTO~ 7.15 .m Arr-ive %V1I4NtPi Cf 9.05 p1). 1, nd d (Iiy -B3ANFF 1,2,40 P. in. 3 rd (Il y FSiT AS LEIGCARP~1~OL Pull particulars from ahy algtlt. ,w. Br. Ho WA, -à Di-)strilibt pR,,.euer Agent, Týýnntk& C. Bý Ket, Town Agent, Post Ofi7e. 1 7t CAINAYIAN PACIFI CONVENIENTP DXYLIUWrl', TR"ÂI[s (Daily Excepl Suudayv) NO 3W--"THE ,RIDEAU"I Lv". Toi ....31P. i? SLv Whitby ,. 527 P.,m Lv. Oshawa.,.,. .47 p. m. Lv. Bovimanvifie,, 3 05p. M., Lv. Pi*rt fHope... 34'P, n. -Lv. Ccjhbomne,.. 4 21 P. Lv, Trreniion.... . 07 p. mn. Ar. Kign 910 P. am. Ar: Pertb ......... 8.05 p. mu. Ar, Smit's Fals 8.25 p. m., <Ar. 0tai,-.....x op,p.nî. NO;C. 37--"THK YOnK" SLv. OOi1.. ..0otp. Lv. SihsFalis 235 P.j Lv. Pertb .........2.55 P. Lv. Kingston... 1. 5 ý P. Lv. BeliLfville...., 1550 P. Lv. Trcnion. ...... 53 P Lv. Colbomnie. 6.2S p.i Lv. CQbourg ..... ..6) 49 p.i Lv. Pc-i Hope. 7.00 P. Lv. Boýimanviie .7 42 P. Lv. Oshawa...... 804 P. Lv. Witb...... 8.17 P.. A'r. orôno... 9 30p. r r il r r r t t il r r C il. n. n. s n. n. o. a. n. n. n. a, a, o, Ecluipmient, Smnoker, Coacb, Cafe, lËarho anid Observation Parler Car,ý W, B. FiOWïARD, Disiriet Passenger Agent, Toronto. C, B. K~ENT, Ageènt, Post fie o*kvln Be8t g*rades of" Coal' only kept, also Wood of If you have flot ordered youir Wint r su^pp1y yet, ycu Lhad, better do so ýs ii s lableol to ad-vame any day. Standard Banh. Building, Temporance St, Phone 17,7 j' Mr. -Forýd Owner:. We will put a&seto!HsirSok b?ès on yeur car for 1Q0tinys free trial anti if ye'a are not perfnctly eatisfied that you bave the easiest riding car on the mai, ktwe will taketb'-,ýe off a-gi aunt lWill not ceat yen, one cent, Gen-fie ordAParts4,e ion gaatei W~ bae aie en apoitei J-vrplet Service Selo for this isric ad 1ar(3prepared t ýe ~v on every LUKE -, &BOYSi N1~h Pho.& 18-3 Deay Phono w r, -xi